Dan’s Tale Ch. 02


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He smiled sincerely as he replied "I look forward to the next time. Don't forget to practice that 1, 2, 3 whenever you have a spare moment!"

When Penelope had left the room Dan enquired whether he could help with the dishes before they left. Mrs S. ignored his question.

"Dan, I enjoyed the foxtrot so much I wondered if we might just have one more dance before I drive you home?" It was phrased as a question but Dan knew it was really an instruction!

"Of course Mrs S. Anything in particular you would like to try?"

Mrs S seized his hand, "Come along partner. I'd love to tango."

"Are you sure?" enquired Dan nervously as he was dragged into the front room. The lighting had been dimmed and the curtains closed.

"Yes Dan. I haven't danced a tango for a long time so I might be rather rusty." Her body seemed to be quivering in anticipation. Dan noticed her excitement and wondered how he should handle the situation.

From the outset it was clear that Mrs S wanted maximum body contact. She went out of her way to stumble so that Dan's arms 'accidentally' touched her breasts or her legs were firmly around his hip and her face close to his.

As the final bar faded their hold was close, their bodies pressed intimately and Mrs S was breathing heavily. Dan made to move away but Mrs S pulled him firmly, pressing her warm, unfettered breasts against Dan's chest.

She tried to kiss him but Dan pulled his face away looking startled. "Kiss me Dan or I'll tell my husband you touched me."

Dan stepped back but collided with the settee. He stumbled back and Mrs S jumped astride his legs with surprising athleticism. "Come on Dan, before Penelope comes down!"

"It's too late for that mother. How dare you threaten Dan like that? He came here in good faith to help me and you are abusing that trust. I'm ashamed of you. If you say anything to Daddy I'll tell him what I saw and heard."

Dan was amazed; could his self-assured saviour be the same shy girl? Penelope continued tersely "Come on mother let's take Dan home. I'm coming too so you can't try any more silliness on the way!"

Minutes later the three were in the Ford Anglia with Dan directing Mrs S. After a silent drive Dan asked Mrs S to stop at a convenient point a short distance from his home. He got out and said goodnight. Penelope touched his hand and expressed the sincere hope that they could still have lessons.

As the car pulled away Dan's mind was in turmoil. His mother spotted his indisposition straight away. She held him close and soon had him telling what happened.

"What can I do now Mum? I can't let Mrs S seduce me; Penelope is such a nice girl and seems really keen to learn."

"Maybe she could come to our classes?" suggested Gloria, hoping that this might be his potential girlfriend.

"Good idea. But let's stop thinking about that now Mum. How has your day been?"

Gloria smiled "Do you know, I can't remember when your father ever said that to me!" She hugged her son. "Actually it's been OK. My shift at the factory was the usual drudge but I had a cup of tea with Angela when I got home and that was nice, just the two of us. We haven't done that in ages."

Gloria pulled Dan to his feet. "Come on, I'm going to give you a special massage to iron out those workday blues." She walked ahead still holding hands with Dan, pulling into the front room. In front of the fireplace there was a blanket covered with a bath towel. Bottles were arrayed alongside, their coloured contents promising delightful fragrances.

"OK, clothes off my boy and lay face down. Chop, chop."

Dan obeyed. As he lay there he heard rustling, when he peered round he saw that his mother was also undressed. She waved his eyes away. "No peeping, eyes closed and try to relax." She knelt alongside him and poured one of the fragrant potions into her palm. She rubbed it into her hands then began a slow circular massage across his broad back.

Gloria could feel her son relaxing as she changed the motion to encompass his whole back. Keeping one hand in contact she poured more oil over the back of her hand then spread that with both hands across his buttocks. She loved the feel of his muscular backside under her fingers. Her hands started down the back of his thighs when Dan felt his mother straddle him. She was facing his feet; her bare buttocks were massaging his as she slid her hands down Dan's legs. Dan was now less relaxed, indeed one part of him was very tense.

Still straddling her son Gloria said "Roll over darling, let's do the other side." Dan turned beneath the arch of soft thighs. His erection lodged immediately along Gloria's pussy. She tried to ignore it but each time she ran her hands down Dan's legs the soft underside of his erection slithered along the lips of her now juicy quim. She was massaging with a new essence!

Dan groaned as his aching cock was tormented. He hoped she would move so that he could achieve entry. Gloria didn't allow that and kept up her movement along the length of Dan's dick. She was just as aroused but determined to achieve what came next. The masturbation by pussy was too much for Dan. He groaned and shot his sperm along his mother's cunt lips and splashed up his belly. Gloria came as well but immediately lifted up and pushed Dan's sperm-covered cock inside her vagina. Still facing his feet she sat, taking him deep then leaned forward caressing his thighs making his cock slide outwards. She repeated this motion for several minutes. Never before had she fucked like this, she'd been thinking about it all afternoon and had talked about it with Angela.

The movement was now having more effect on her than Dan. She had an explosive orgasm and couldn't control her body. Dan pulled her back so that she lay on top of him, both facing upwards. He held her tight as she vibrated through the climax. Once she calmed sufficiently Dan rolled them both over, keeping his dick deep inside her. They stayed like that for a while. Dan used his arms to take his weight off his lover.

Slowly he drew his thighs up around his mother's hips and lifted his cock slowly. He held it just before it popped out then equally slowly pushed it back in. He could feel that it was touching different places. In particular he realised that the underside of the sensitive head was getting more friction than usual and that he was starting to escalate towards another explosion. Another couple of slow out and in movements left Gloria raging through another orgasm. Dan pressed hard as he felt his eruption begin. He sprayed the inside of his mother and felt the overflow squelching warmly back along the sides of his cock. He looked down and saw his penis disappearing between his mother's cheeks with frothy white cum bubbling up from their steaming conjunction.

He rolled down onto his side pulling his mother with him. She drew up her knees and his legs followed. They lay in a loving cuddle until Gloria suggested they move to the bed.


Next morning Dan was apprehensive at the office. Mister S said nothing apart from the usual formalities of business. While Dan was reading his book at lunchtime Mister S came into the store room. He dropped into the vacant chair and waved away the dust. "I'll get Jean to find some new stuff," he said. "In fact we need something much better than this hole. I'll ask Head Office for an allowance to get the room done up properly."

Dan smiled at this news but was apprehensive about Mister S's real reason to be here.

"Dan, you made quite an impression on Penelope. She raved about you last night and again this morning. Another lesson soon is what my princess is wishing for. What do you say lad?"

"Of course Mister S. I'd be delighted."

Before he could say another word Mister S rose and said "Good, that's settled. Come and see me at close of play. We need to have a talk seriously about something else." He left, dusting himself noisily.

Dan worried all afternoon. Did Mrs S say something? Could he tell the truth about her provocative behaviour? Would Mister S believe him?

There was nothing unusual about either Dan or Mister S being the last to leave so nobody, Jean in particular, saw anything of concern when they were the final two. As the last person left Dan locked the main office door and went to the manager's office.

"Sit down Dan, don't look so worried. I need to tell you something but first can I ask what you thought of my wife?"

Dan was nonplussed; he didn't know what to say. Mister S could see his discomfort.

"Don't worry lad, Mrs S told me she took a shine to you. She confessed that she even tried flirting with you but you were the perfect gentleman and refused all advances!"

Dan let out a sigh. "Yes sir, Mrs S is a very attractive woman. I enjoyed her company, that is, er . ."

"It's OK Dan. I guess it might have been a bit embarrassing, you've looked rather wary all day!"

"Thank you sir. In different circumstances I might have been tempted to react differently, you know?"

"Of course dear chap. Now I need to tell you something rather personal." Mister S paused. "I notice that you seem to read a lot of war stories at lunch time, why is that?"

"Yes sir, I'm amazed and humbled by what ordinary people managed to do for their country. There were so many brave individuals, so many sacrifices; I can't imagine that I could have done what they did."

Mister S nodded. "Let's hope you never have to find out Dan. But I'm sure you would rise to whatever occasion presented itself." Mister S paused, then asked. "Are you an only child?"

"Yes sir. I was born just before the war then we got bombed out and were evacuated up north. Dad went off to do his bit and I guess things were not good when he came home after the war so they never had another baby."

Mister S nodded sympathetically. "Same as us," he replied. "Penny was born a couple of years after you but then the war interfered with any further family." He coughed to clear his throat. "In fact it interfered in a very particular way for us." He paused again and looked hard at Dan.

"Dan, apart from my wife nobody else knows this. I know I can trust you not to tell anyone else can't I?"

Dan nodded.

"I joined the RAF and became a navigator in a bomber. It was a dodgy thing to do; so many planes didn't come back. Some lads were shot down and captured others . ." His eyes glazed. After a short pause to clean his spectacles he continued, "We seemed to be lucky but eventually it was our turn." His face was sombre as he paused again. "On our way home in '44 we were hit badly, an engine on fire, controls jammed, rear air gunner dead and the pilot had an arm blown off. Those who could bailed out, me included. The buggers kept firing at the parachutes. I caught a couple, one ripped my balls off." He was breathing heavily and his brow was sweating as he recalled the horror of the event. "The French resistance took care of us, patched us up as best they could in the circumstances. Not long after that our invading troops re-captured the area. I was hauled off to a field hospital then repatriated." He paused again, sadness engulfing his face. "I was the only member of our bomber crew to survive." His glasses were off again as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

He straightened his back, took a deep breath and half-smiled at Dan. "The result was that I came home in one piece. Well actually not quite, a couple of important bits were missing." He shrugged forlornly. "Having more family was no longer a possibility for us, even achieving some sort of bedroom satisfaction was not exactly easy."

Mister S leaned back in his chair. "Dan, you've seen my daughter, she's sixteen. It won't be long before she's off to university or whatever she decides." The big man paused, peering closely at Dan. "My wife wants another baby. After meeting you last night she was very excited. She thinks you could help us. You know what I mean?"

"Er, not quite Mister S, that is unless you mean to have sex with your wife?"

"Good man, I knew you'd catch on. That's exactly it. She even thinks you look a bit like I did when I was young, same size and colouring, that sort of thing. Other than actually making Beryl pregnant you will have no further responsibility. We would register the birth with me as the father." He was smiling, probably pleased to have got that speech off his chest.

"Mrs S, that is Beryl, thinks she could be fertile this week, something to do with counting days between her monthly periods. If you feel up to it we could arrange something . . ." He tailed off watching for Dan's reaction.

"How do you see this happening Mister S?" Asked Dan. "Getting enough time alone with Mrs S might be tricky."

"How about if you had the next three days off, on full pay and spent each day with Beryl?"

"OK, if that works for you and the office Sir."

Mister S rose, beamed at Dan and offered his hand. Shaking Dan's hand vigorously he slapped him on the back with the other hand and said "Leave it with me Dan, I can fix it. Beryl will phone you tonight at home with the arrangements. OK?"

Dan pulled on his jacket and left the office, his head still spinning with what he had just heard.

At home after swearing his mother to absolute secrecy, even to not telling her sister, he related the details of the after-work chat.

His mother was alarmed. "But that will be my grandchild!"

"Yes Ma, but there will be others when I get married won't there?"

"I suppose so Dan. I've got to think about this." Gloria continued with the meal preparations, her brow furrowed as she pondered the implications.

Dan laid the table, watching his mother's lovely bottom. His own thoughts were along the lines of 'Beryl is younger than my Mum, I wonder what she looks like naked?'

The phone rang. Dan went into the hall and picked up the heavy receiver. The distant voice said "It's Beryl here, you know . . Mrs S."

"Hello Beryl, how are you?" He didn't know what else one said in these circumstances.

"I'm so excited that you agreed to our arrangement! Can I pick you up at nine o'clock where I dropped you yesterday?"

"Yes, that sounds fine to me." Dan paused, "Beryl, are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"Yes Dan, absolutely. This really is exactly what we both desperately want. We will have three days to try to make our wish come true. Please help us Dan, we really need you." Beryl implored.

Gloria, standing close by her son, had listened in to the last part of the conversation. She nodded and smiled at Dan.

"I'm looking forward to it Beryl. I'll do everything I can to fulfil your dreams."

"Thank you Dan, see you in the morning." It sounded as though Beryl was shedding tears of joy as they finished the call. Gloria wrapped her arms around her son, she was crying too.

"No sex for you tonight my boy, you need to save up your swimmers for Beryl."


The next morning, dressed casually instead of his weekday office suit Dan turned the corner to find the Ford Anglia waiting. He opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat. He smiled at Beryl, "Good morning Beryl, how are you today?"

She reached a hand and caressed his face. "Actually I'm so nervous I got here early and I don't think I'm in a fit state to drive yet. Can you drive?"

"Yes, I passed my test last year but I haven't had much practice since."

He leaned over and pecked Beryl's cheek. "No need to be nervous, we'll only be doing what comes naturally."

She laughed and opened her door, "Come on, drive me to our trysting place then."

Dan enjoyed the drive, it was a neat little car and he glanced often at his passenger. She was anxious, her cheeks were a high colour and her breathing shallow. Dan made light-hearted observations as he drove and cracked a few jokes. He could sense her tension improving. As they reached the Common he stopped the car.

"Why are you stopping Dan? We can't do it here!"

He turned off the ignition and pulled out the keys. He walked round and opened the passenger door and offered his hand to help her out. She looked confused.

"We have all day, let's have a stroll and some fresh air, shall we?" Dan took her hand a started walking slowly under the trees. Beryl still looked puzzled. When they were out of sight of the road Dan turned to her, gently took her in his arms and kissed her. Her initial surprise was rapidly overtaken with the heat of passion. Beryl kissed back, holding Dan urgently against her excited body.

After a few minutes Dan broke the kiss and started walking again, still holding her hand. Beryl moved closer to him and hugged his arm. "Thank you Dan, that was just what I needed." A few minutes into the stroll they came to the children's playground. Dan steered them to a seat, put his arm around her and whispered. "Let's watch the children and wonder what yours will be like?"

Beryl whimpered and snuggled closer. "Oh Dan you're so clever and thoughtful, thank you."

"What about those two?" Suggested Dan pointing at a pair of toddlers trying to run, falling on the grass, giggling and getting up to run again. There was no answer. Dan looked into her face and saw her tears, he kissed them away.

"Just think babies. Your baby. Your own lovely baby. Imagine one of those is yours. Would that make you happy?"

Beryl nodded, sniffling away her tears. "I'm so thrilled that we are going to do this Dan, so very happy."

They sat for several minutes watching young children and their parents. After a while Dan pulled her into a soft kiss. He slipped a hand inside her coat and held her breast. He whispered in her ear, "Just imagine your baby feeding on this lovely breast."

Beryl almost swooned. She recovered, pressed his hand against her chest and kissed him fiercely. "Take me home Dan, now please. Make me pregnant."

As the front door closed Dan lifted her coat from her shoulders and whispered "Bedroom?"

Upstairs Beryl had left the curtains closed as people often did to retain the heat in the house. Dan gently pulled Beryl into a cuddle. "Are you sure about this? We can stop now if you don't want . ." Dan got no further as Beryl mashed her lips to his.

Breathing heavily as she broke the kiss she murmured, "Now Dan, take me to bed. No more questions. Just help me to make our baby."

As he started to undo the buttons on her blouse Dan whispered, "Your wish is my command sweet lady."

Beryl quivered in anticipation as Dan caressed her naked breasts. She willed him to touch her aching nipples but instead he tenderly followed the delightful contours of her flesh over, under and all around until eventually the fingers of both hands found the firm tips. Beryl's head rolled back in sheer pleasure. She pressed her pubic bone harder against Dan's as she shuddered with the pent up release of anticipation.

Beryl hardly noticed Dan's quiet removal of her clothes until he drew her silk panties slowly down from her waist. He was on his knees as he eased them over her soft buttocks. Before her vagina was exposed Dan paused and looked up into Beryl's eyes. He saw a momentary panic. Leaning forward he softly kissed her white belly from left to right, just above the line of the elastic. Almost imperceptibly he slid the panties down revealing her soft bush of dark pubic hair. He nuzzled into it as he gently pulled the panties all the way to her feet. His chin was pressing into her pubic bone as he lifted one of Beryl's feet to free the panties. As she stepped out of the other Dan eased her legs slightly apart so that he could bury his face deeper into his lover's nest.

"Dan, I . ." Beryl nervously started. Dan slowly rose, softly caressing her body as he moved.

He kissed her lips gently then whispered "Undress me Beryl. Do it slowly, relish every moment."

Beryl was nervous. She removed his shirt and was starting to loosen his belt when Dan whispered, "Kiss my nipples."
