Dance of Seduction Ch. 02


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Just then, the paramedic told mike that he was done, but explained to him that he couldn't turn over until after treatment was received at the hospital. Jennifer knelt down to where he was and pulled herself in closer to him, ignoring the paramedic's warning to stay in her seat. With her heart in her throat, she put her hands around his face and sweetly kissed his lips before whispering, "I've never felt anything like this before. Nor has anyone expressed such passion about me in this way, but I can't let you be hurt because of me."

Mike exhaled and whispered, "It's my decision to stay, you're not twisting my arm and what better is it to have someone you know care about your welfare protecting you? You know I do care about you don't you?"

Jennifer cleared her throat, "Yes, but..."

Mike interrupted her, saying with a ferocious sincerity, "Leonard Baughman will never get the chance to hurt you again, you have my word. I don't make promises I can't keep. Leonard will also have his own share of pain to deal with before all of this is over." He didn't want to tell her that he'd planned on given Leonard a dose of his own medicine.

Jennifer stared at him, her heart aching with the fierce protectiveness he was voicing, but he didn't know Leonard and she knew the next time she would have to stop him from being hurt. She knew Leonard would never give up . She knew that there would be a next time She understood that he would keep coming until she was dead.

She looked at this man in front of her and allowed herself a brief few moments daydreaming of being loved by this man. What would it be like to wake up next to him; to have him make love to her? What would it be like to have him always there protecting her. The ferocious passion he seemed to pour into everything he did made her feel things she had never felt before and dreaming of a future that hurt when she surmised the idea that it would never happen. As she found her hand going to his once more, she grasped it tightly, feeling hope seep back into her heart with the contact. While she knew Leonard would never give up trying to kill her, she could feel the assurety in his grasp that he would never give up protecting her.

The ambulance pulled into the hospital parking lot and Mike was wheeled, while Jennifer walked into the hospital escorted by the EMTs. A quick stop as they waited for the night duty receptionist to buzz them into the treatment area. Once they arrived in his room, the doctor came in, took a look at Mike's cuts, told him they needed to be sanitized and that his back needed to be x-rayed to make sure there was no glass imbedded beneath any muscle or tissue. For the next hour they cleaned, sutured and cleaned the outside of Mike's back, having him wince from the pain of each swab of peroxide they used to disinfect his cuts. When they finished the cleaning of his back and he was waiting for them to escort him to the x ray room, Capt. Greene came in, asking how he was feeling. Mike updated him on his condition and explained what he was waiting to happen. After their initial greeting, he had another officer escort Jennifer out to the waiting room while he had Mike go through the details of what occurred at the bar. He also wanted to know if Mike new about the fact that his car was found as the source of explosion. Mike explained that he did. Because of this, Captain Greene had to consider the idea that someone may have been targeting him.

He asked for a list of all of Mike's cases both past and present, whom he felt may want him dead. Mike gave him a quick rundown of his cases. He explained to the Captain that he didn't think that any of his present cases, other than Jennifer's husband, would want him dead. Most of his cases were cleared and the assailants were all behind bars. He mentioned Jennifer's theory about how Leonard wanted to kill her making her the target. He said that he agreed with her, that Leonard was the only one currently who would want to do that. Captain Greene didn't doubt it, he'd read Leonard's file and even spoken to the man himself. Leonard Baughman was a force to be reckoned with. However, just because of this, it didn't mean he was a psychopath.

"Capt, I may not be a psychiatrist, but I know Psycho when I see it and believe me, Leonard Baughman doesn't have all his ducks in a row."

"Until we get something to substantiate that claim, we can only assume, Mike."

"Assumption my ass, the man's crazy. What kind of man will deliberately hurt his wife in front of an officer, or even show up when he knows there is a restraining order against him. Furthermore, why did he have that evil ass grin on his face?"

"That doesn't make him Psycho, detective. Since we are on the subject of what's right and wrong, how about you getting too close to his wife? Every time an incident has occurred you've been there? If he wanted to set you up for blame you'd be the perfect suspect. Not just that but it would look like you and Jennifer are having an affair, and as someone who's married myself, I would never want my wife with another man, even if I was abusive or not."

This caused Mike's face to turn beet red. He'd never really thought beyond his attraction for Jennifer. "What else do you have to say about the incident?" He inquired, purposefully drifting the conversation into another area.

Sighing, Capt. Greene told him that the bomb squad had determined that the bomb had been activated using a timer. That timer had been activated when he started the car. The fact that they had stopped for a drink was what had saved their lives. The device had been set to detonate within ten minutes of being inside the vehicle, however, they had stopped before the bomb could go off. The vehicle was currently being canvased. They'd taken prints from the vehicle, taken a sample of debre from the vehicle itself, to gather the type of information they needed to determine what type of bomb was used, whether it had been homemade or professionally bought.

Jennifer came back into the room escorted by an officer. She came over to Mike and lovingly touched his face. Mike could see by the look in her eyes she wanted something and that desire was made known with a lick her lips. Mike stood and pulled her into his arms. She tilted her head back to look at him, his lips descended on her mouth in a possessive, loving kiss that left her trembling as her arms wrapped around his neck. Mike pulled back from the kiss. Jennifer was still frozen in place with her eyes closed, head tilted back and her tongue licking her lips savoring his taste.

As her eyes slowly opened, there was a dreamy look camping in her eyes. Mike could see things in her eyes that gave him hope. He saw passion and desire for him at the forefront, but lurking behind that were hopes and dreams of love; the possibility of a future lurking there. He could tell she desperately wanted everything he was offering, but she was afraid. Not afraid of him or her feelings for him. She was afraid that she would cause him pain and suffering, so he whispered to her.

"Everything I see in your eyes, I want too. When we first met there was a spark and I think that means something. I want to find out where it goes and you have to be with me on this journey, so believe in me. If you're okay with riding a motorcycle, I'll pick you up for breakfast in the morning."

Jennifer looked at him with her eyes glistening, trust and the hope of love and a life free of pain was written in their depths. The lump in her throat wouldn't allow her to speak, so she nodded her head in agreement and quickly turned and fled the room so he wouldn't see her crying tears of happiness. As the officer drove her back to the shelter she felt happier and more alive than she ever had and she desperately wanted to believe that she could feel Mike's love and passion just a little while longer.

The next morning at 7:30 on the dot, Jennifer heard the rumble of the Harley-Davidson come down the street and once again she felt hope and love blossom in her heart. When she saw Mike getting off of his motorcycle, she had to catch her breath. All decked out in his leathers he looked like the Black Knight mounted on his fiery steed waiting to abscond with her to his castle. At that moment Ms. Peterson came up and put her arms around Jennifer and said.

"Don't be afraid of love, let yourself feel again. I can see the way you two feel about each other but he's not going to make the first move, because he doesn't think you're ready nor does he want to hurt you. So if you want him, you're going to have to let him know and don't be afraid Jennifer. Remember you can't win the lottery if you don't play the game."

Jennifer looked at her and gave her a quick hug before she ran off and wrapped her arms around her black knight and then drove away for breakfast. Since the assignment they'd been on was over, they took the day off and motored up to Carmel and spent the day hanging around the beach.

For Mike, seeing Jennifer smiling, giggling and generally relaxed made him feel warm inside. Every time Jennifer smiled, laughed or held on to him, he felt his whole body go warm inside. Mike really liked where this was headed, she felt so perfect in his arms and her lips and smile just made him glow inside.

Since Jennifer didn't have any swimsuits or sun clothes, Mike bought her some; of course ignoring her many objections. She opted to buy some shorts and a crop top and a conservative two piece swim suit. Mike would loved to have seen her in a tiny bikini, but she was ashamed about her scars and didn't want anyone to see them, especially Mike. They spent the whole day enjoying being around one another; playing, swimming and after lunch they even took a nap in the shade of one of the gnarled cypress trees around the beach.

Jennifer had never felt so safe and relaxed. Being able to touch and hold Mike was bliss; she never wanted this day to end. When they napped, Jennifer only pretended to sleep, she was really inhaling into her memory his scent, the way the warmth combined with his body enveloped her; the sound of his heartbeat. She just wanted to remember everything about this perfect man that had her wrapped his arms. Her heart had never felt anything like this. As she snuggled on top of him, she felt his massive package of man meat pressing against her belly and it went past her navel. She felt herself getting wet, wondering what it would feel like to have him buried deep inside her. As she squirmed, feeling his hardness against her belly, she felt an elevated level of passion and desire.

She had never been in love, so she didn't know how it was supposed to feel, but she knew that in his arms she felt warmth, safety and bliss, something she had never felt before. She felt complete when she was with him and something was missing when he wasn't there. When they kissed, her whole body vibrated with this new found feeling. When she felt his massive cock pressing against her belly, she felt herself getting wet wondering if he would just fuck her like everyone else, or if it would be exquisitely wonderful like the romance novels. Her body was telling that it would be better than wonderful. She had never had anyone really take his time and make love to her, so she had no frame of reference, but already with just his kisses, Mike had shown her what love could be like. He had made her feel things she had never felt before. Just once before she died she wanted to feel love, desire and out-of-control passion. She wanted to know what a real orgasm felt like.

They stayed together to watch the sunset and with his arms around her, Jennifer was floating on a sea of unfamiliar feelings. She felt like she was in heaven. With Mike's strength, warmth, scent and love surrounding her, for a little while forgot about everything but him and the exquisite feelings that were his gift to her. They had dinner and then suddenly the day was over. Mike was parked in front of the shelter. He helped her off the bike and as he pulled her into his arms, her eyes were pleading with him not to let it end.

He gently caressed her face and lovingly kissed her goodnight, but Jennifer wanted more; and as he started to end the kiss, she leapt into his arms, trying to kiss him with all she had. When Mike felt her leap into his arms, he grabbed her and their mouths slammed together in a heart rending kiss that went on and on until both were panting with hearts beating like a runner at the end of the race and their knees were shaking with desire. As the kiss ended Ms. Peterson opened the gate and Jennifer knew she had to go, but her heart leapt as Mike said. "See you for breakfast tomorrow."

She was going to see him again tomorrow. Her thoughts were giddy as she skipped over to Ms. Peterson, gave her a hug and continued into the house. Mike stood there with a silly grin on his face as Ms. Peterson smiled at him before closing the door. Jennifer was mobbed inside the shelter. All the women wanted to know any and all details involving the two. Jennifer glanced around and saw in everyone's eyes that these women were starving for romance in their lives just as she had been. All Jennifer remarked, was that it had been a beautiful, wonderful day. However, the women didn't let up, they kept pressing for more details, so she added that Mike was a magnificent kisser. All the other women hugged, kissed her and told her they were so jealous and happy for her that she'd found someone to treat her like a woman.

When she got to her room, she sat on her bed and started thinking about her life. Leonard had been friends with her parents and while he was rich, they were dirt poor and when they lost the farm that had been in their family three generations to foreclosure at 16, all of her dreams of being a dancer were crushed. Leonard had come to her parents with a proposition that he would fund Jennifer's education and career if she would be his consort during public functions. Her parents thought long and hard, talked with Jennifer about the idea and their only concern was that Jennifer's reputation would be impeached, so they consented that only if Leonard married Jennifer would they allow her to be his escort.

Leonard had always been nice to the family, neither of her parents knew of his dark side and her mother thought that Jennifer would grow to love Leonard with time. So a virgin at 16, she married Leonard Baughman for the convenience of both families, with Leonard buying their farm, allowing her parents to farm the land. Leonard kept his word and Jennifer went to the best dance schools, but she and Leonard never really got along. After two years of marriage the abuse began.

While she was held captive, Leonard never failed to mention her parents and their welfare, holding it over her head. When her mother died, all the love and the fight went out of her. She tried to be as subservient as possible, to make sure Leonard did not punish her further. However, it didn't make any difference. Sometimes he would beat her just because he felt like it. Then Mike came into her life and everything changed.

Before there was only darkness, despair and pain; now there was light, hope, love and passion. With Mike everything was the opposite of her life with Leonard. He was her every dream come true. A frown replaced the smile that had been there, because she knew that despite her new found happiness, the fact remained that she was a married woman. Although the abuse was bad enough, she was married to Leonard and until that ended, she felt like she needed to be true to her marriage vows. Sighing as she continued to contemplate, she realized that she only had these guilty feelings when Mike wasn't around. When she was with him the euphoria of his passion and love for her pushed aside all other thoughts and she couldn't think of anything else, there was only Mike.


Once Mike got home, he checked his phone and found he had missed two calls from Capt. Greene so immediately called back. After an introductory chewing out for not answering his phone Capt. Greene went into some details of the bombing investigation. They had ID'd the bomber back to a bomb maker for hire in South Africa. An interesting development that could tie Leonard Baughman to the bomber, was that he had an import business that went in route from India to Africa before coming to America. There was no solid link to say that Leonard was the guy with one hundred percent certainty, but they were looking. He also informed him that Leonard Baughman had been released on his own recognizance, but the restraining order was still in place.

Mike perked up when the captain mentioned that the Lawyers were going to give Jennifer two hours to get her clothing and other items that she might need from the home around 2 PM the next day. Capt. Greene also wanted Mike to escort her to and from the house. If he needed a car one would be made available. After that was done Mike would take the rest of the week off, in which during this time he would be required to visit with the departmental psychologist next week. Mike told Capt. Greene that the car would be much appreciated and that he had planned on renting a new car tomorrow until his insurance came through and he would be able to get his own vehicle. He told him that when he got one he would call him and let him know where the unmarked car could be picked up.

Both Mike and Jennifer had sweet, loving erotic dreams of each other. The following morning when they awoke, both had shy, joyful smiles on their face. When Mike pulled up to the front of the shelter, Jennifer was waiting and came running to him; the joy of seeing him beaming on her face like a lit Christmas tree.

As she gleefully jumped on the bike, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly, leaning into his back. Mike knew how she felt because he couldn't wait to see her, but seeing her face all lit up with joy from being with him made his heart swell with pride, causing it to beat just a little bit faster. He knew he had to be careful because they were moving awfully fast, but everything felt so perfect with her he didn't really want to slow it down. Mike could feel himself falling for her. He could tell she was falling for him as well.

As he rode off towards their breakfast place, Mike felt her arms wrapped tightly around him, the happiness she had washing over him. He knew they shouldn't be moving as fast because they still had Leonard to deal with, but when she was in his arms, the rest of the world just went away and it was just Jennifer.

When Mike pulled up to the restaurant, Jennifer bounded off the back of the bike and the minute he swung one leg over the bike, Jennifer stepped between his legs, pressed herself up against him and kissed him with a passion he didn't know she had. Mike wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, giving just as much as he took and as the kiss finished, Jennifer lay her head on his chest, licking her lips, once again savoring the taste. In an intimate whisper, she stated, "Oh my Gawd Mike, I dreamed of you; of holding you and kissing you all night long. I feel guilty for feeling the way I do about you because I am married to another man. I don't know what's happening to me, but I only seem happy with you. I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. I know you're just being nice to me, but I've never felt like this, so can you do it just a little bit longer."

Mike put his finger under her chin and tilted her face so he could look into her eyes and then he whispered fiercely. "I am not being nice to you, because I want this; I want you in my arms and tasting you on my lips. You're a loving, caring, incredibly beautiful woman and I have had dreams about you as well, except my dreams were a lot more risqué than yours. You've lit a fire in me and one that burns hotter every time we kiss. If you weren't married and we didn't have Leonard to deal with I would have you in my bed turning those dreams into reality."