Dancing Again

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Conclusion of a cuckold's story.
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So off we went to the mall again. My gorgeous wife wearing her short fly away summer skirt, and a top that swept across her breasts presenting a cleavage every man wanted to drown in. It wasn't as windy as the previous week, so she didn't flash quite as much, and I avoided the park, as I didn't want her to run into that boy again.

She chose a dress for the dance quite quickly, although it was, of course, very expensive. It was figure hugging and very sexy, a deep red colour, plain, and leaving nothing to the imagination. She found a different boy to help her try on shoes, and we left him with a big smile on his face, and a bulge in his trousers.

"So my love, shall we go and choose some underwear?"

"It's ok darling, we can save some money as I won't be wearing any."

"But that dress is so thin, everyone will see everything."

"That's the idea, I need to send out a clear message tonight. Look babe, it's going to be difficult for me to pull, as you'll be there, and my sister isn't with us this time, which is why I need a slutty dress, ok?"

"I suppose so."

With the park off limits, I had to buy my wife lunch, so she chose Cafe Rouge, which cost a lot more than we saved on the underwear.

My gorgeous wife spent hours getting ready for the dinner dance, but when she presented herself in the hall she looked fabulous. My cock strained in it's cage at the sight of her, then my stomach did a flip as I knew that she was intending to turn me into a cuckold that night.

"I've made a decision about your possible release tomorrow."


"I've decided to make it into a little game for you. For you to get an orgasm tomorrow the following conditions have to be met. First, that I get properly fucked by a gorgeous hunk."

"Right, well, no messing about then."

"Shut up, I haven't finished yet."


"Second, that he must make me cum, and third, that I must cum at least once on his cock. Do you understand? If he fucks me, but then has to use his fingers or tongue to get me off, that won't count, and you'll have to wait for next weekend."

"Please no, you can't mean that, I'm going mad with frustration!"

"Well, you'd better make sure all the conditions are met, hadn't you?"

"Yes my love, I'll try."

We arrived at the hotel and went to the bar for drinks. All the men gazed longingly at my wife, and all the women tut tutted. Dinner was boring as the women wouldn't talk to my wife, and the men daren't, and when we'd drunk the coffee I asked my wife if she'd like to dance. As we stood up, we heard a voice from behind my wife.

"Valerie, how lovely to see you again"

"Paul, fancy meeting you here. I was going to dance with my husband, but now that you're here, I'll dance with you instead. Aren't you pleased Paul is here little hubby?"

"Yes my love, very happy."

"Well you go and by us some champagne to celebrate. No need to rush back."

I walked to the bar with a storm of mixed emotions rushing around my head. It was obvious that my wife would encourage Paul to fuck her that night, and I didn't really want her to be unfaithful to me. On the other hand, the chances of me getting an orgasm that weekend had suddenly shot up. On a third hand, I was quite excited about her cuckolding me, but, wouldn't this Paul turn out to be a regular lover? I didn't want to lose her. Anyway, it was clear that the days of me having a say in my wife's fidelity were long gone.

Paul and my wife danced most of the evening, but took occasional breaks to sit at the table kissing and groping each other, drinking lots of champagne, and totally ignoring me.

Eventually my wife addressed me.

"My love, Paul and I are going to bed now. I think you need to cum and watch, just to verify that you've earned your orgasm for tomorrow. Paul has very kindly agreed to let you watch until I cum on his cock, but you mustn't say anything or interfere in any way, or he'll kick you in the balls. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"So what do you say to Paul?"

"Thank you Paul for letting me watch you fuck my wife."

"And that you hope he enjoys me."

"I hope you enjoy fucking my beautiful wife."

"Ok, let's go."

They walked towards the lifts ahead of me, arms around each other, Paul's right hand groping my wife's panty free bum cheek. As we waited for the lift my wife looked into my eyes.

"I've waited a long time for this moment. Thank you for cooperating. This is something I need, and I hope you can come to accept it as part of us."

I couldn't think of a single thing to say. Irrespective of my desperation to cum, my wife had decided that fidelity was not for her, just as she had decided that masturbating was no longer to be for me.

The lift arrived and my wife walked in first, followed by Paul, who didn't even wait for my wife to turn around, he just reached down and pulled her dress up to her waist, and, leaning against her put his arms round her waist and started to work on her pussy. I was left standing like an idiot, with no idea which button to press.

"Excuse me Paul, which floor?"

Why was I being so obsequious?


I pushed the button and after a few seconds we started to climb. My wife's hands were against the wall of the lift, preventing her falling as Paul edged her legs further apart to get easier access. The lift seemed to take forever to climb to the fifth floor, and by the time it finally ground to a halt, my wife was getting very worked up. Clearly Paul knew how to arouse a woman's clit. At that moment I hated him more than I've ever hated anyone, other than my ex wife, of course.

"Come on, quickly, I need to fuck your wife now!"

"Oh, ok, sorry."

In seconds we were inside the room. Paul started removing his shoes and socks.

"Take off your wife's dress...now lead her to the bed...kneel beside her, I want you to see the moment when you become a cuckold."

"Oh God, I don't know if I can go through with this Val"

"You have no choice, now, do as Paul tells you."

"Ok, sorry."

Paul got on to the bed between my wife's naked spread legs. His cock was already growing, getting hard, ready to fuck my wife.

"Hold it wimp."

I reached out and took hold of his now fully hard cock. It was certainly big. Bigger than mine.

"Guide it to her sopping wet cunt. There it is, just inside the entrance. Ask me again."

"Please Paul, will you fuck my wife."

"Yes, I will."

He pushed forward into her eager vagina. My wife let out a sigh of pleasure, before turning her head to look into my eyes.

"You are now a cuckold, locked in chastity. Our sex life just become entirely about my pleasure and satisfaction, and not at all about yours. From now on you may occasionally get relief, but you'll never again have sex. Now sit back and watch Paul fuck me"

Half an hour later, driving home I just felt numb. I had watched my wife have sex with another man. In fact I had colluded in her betrayal by placing his cock into my wife's sopping pussy. I sat quietly in a chair and watched as he fucked her, in and out, in and out, with a soundtrack of shrieks and grunts from my ecstatic wife. Very quickly the fit and horny stud had my wife approaching her first orgasm. She came hard and loud on his rock hard cock, something which never happens when I fuck her.

The orgasm meant that I would get to cum the next day, which got me so excited at the time, but then she dismissed me, and, driving home alone, I felt very low. Cuckolded, cheated on, betrayed.

I knew that this wasn't a one off fling, but rather, a permanent change in our lifestyle. From that moment on, I would be the cuckolded husband, hanging around for the scraps of sex which my sexy, dominant wife granted me, while the main action would be between her and a string of lovers.

She said that it was what I'd wanted, that it was my fantasy, but was it? Wasn't it really her fantasy which I had been sucked into. Anyway, it was done, a fact which couldn't be undone. My wife had become a slut, a hot wife, an adulteress, and I had become her cuckold.

I hardly slept that night. My head was spinning, I had weird dreams in which my wife was telling her boyfriend to cut my cock off, and I was begging her not to. I also kept waking with frustrating attempted erections, and once awake, I kept thinking about my wife in bed with another man, which kept my penis straining against the cage most of the night. The image of her new lover fucking her was playing repeatedly, and I have to admit it was turning me on.

Sometime in the small hours of the morning I had a revelation. My wife had slept with Paul before. She went to the dance knowing that she would be spending the night with him. I don't know why the penny suddenly dropped, but once it did it all made sense. The whole evening was a charade for my benefit.

A phone call at 11am confirmed my suspicions.

"Hi sweetheart did you sleep well?"

"Not really."

"Oh dear, did you keep getting attempted erections from thinking about watching me being fucked by a gorgeous horny stud?"

"I guess."

"Oh well, at least you'll get to cum when I get home."

"And when will that be?"

"Don't be cheeky or I'll change my mind."


"Well, Paul is taking me out to lunch, and he's promised me as much champagne as I want, so after that I'm sure I'll end up back in his bed, so it'll be some time in the evening."

"Oh, right, what shall I do all day."

"Well, I was thinking about that. It will be a great opportunity for you to catch up on all your chores. The washing basket is full, the house hasn't been cleaned for weeks. When I get home I'll do a thorough inspection, then we can see if you deserve an orgasm."

"Please my love, I'm desperate!"

"Well you'd better work really hard then. Now, you need to tell me to have a nice lunch, and that you hope I really enjoy getting fucked again. You do want me to have a great time don't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"You need to sound more convincing! Paul wants to fuck my arse, and with enough champagne inside me, I suspect I'll let him! Are you a bit jealous?"

"Of course I'm jealous!"

"Well, don't worry, Paul has a gay friend who is between relationships, and I'm sure he would love to fuck your arse, so you'll have no reason to be jealous of me getting fucked all afternoon. Bye darling, have fun, I know I will."

And then the line went dead.

With my adulteress wife away with her lover, I spent all day doing chores and trying not to think about my wife having sex with stud Paul, while I was locked in a chastity cage doing housewife chores. I couldn't stop thinking about what they would be doing as each section of the day dragged by. I imagined them laughing and joking over champagne at lunch, giggling about how they had humiliated me, how frustrated she was going to keep me, how they would fuck in front of me to humiliate me further.

I later imagined them back in bed in the afternoon, with Paul giving my unfaithful wife orgasm after orgasm, with the huge cock I had not only seen, but handled as I placed it inside my wife's cunt. They were probably laughing at how stupid I'd been, believing that the previous night had been their first time.

It was nearly 7pm when my scheming wife arrived home, and she came through the front door with Paul right behind her.

"Hi Sweetie," she called, bright and cheerful from being fucked repeatedly, "Paul is staying for a drink, and he's going to help with your discipline session...isn't that nice of him?"

"I, what?"

"He'll be able to hit much harder than I can, so it'll be a more fulfilling experience for you, and if you are a really good boy, and show proper respect and gratitude, you may get a little squirt later. So, what do you say to Paul?"

"Thank you Paul."

"So, don't just stand there, get us some Champagne...and take those clothes off...you must never wear clothes in the house!"

"Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress."

I quickly got out of my clothes, then opened a bottle of Champagne (we always keep one chilling in the fridge), poured two glasses and handed one each to the happy lovers. I wasn't stupid enough to think I could have any.

"Thanks Cucky," Paul crowed, "I can't wait to turn your arse black and blue, what tools do we have Sarah?"

"Well, I thought we could start with Cucky's own brown leather belt. It's really heavy, and under full power from your sexy strong right arm I'm sure he'll be squealing for mercy in five minutes. After that I've got a nasty cane I bought."

"Sounds good, but shouldn't we do his balls as well?"

"That's true. I think maybe you could hold them, which will be humiliating for him, then slap them with your hand."

"Good idea, how long for each weapon?"

"I don't know, say 10 mins?"

"Ok, let's get started."

My heart nearly stopped, how could I stand 30 mins of torture from this powerful man? Before I could even say anything he grabbed me by my hair and forced me over the end of the dining room table. Sarah put cable ties around my wrists, then used rope to tie me to the far legs. Next she used similar ties around my ankles, securing my legs to together and then to a bar she put between the nearby table legs.

The moment she stepped away I heard a whistle, then a crack, and it was a split second later that my world exploded. I've never felt pain like it. I was so shocked by the intensity that I didn't even scream. There was a momentary pause and then I heard the whistle again, this time the backs of my knees were hit, which was even more painful. After that Paul settled in to a rhythm, one two whack, one two whack. I lost all sense of what was happening, the pain was unbearable, and climbing as he started re-hitting parts of me, and I was completely helpless, I screamed, I cried, I begged. The ten minutes felt like a day, but eventually it was over.

"That's brilliant Paul, he's red all over his arse and right down to his knees"

"He'll be black and blue tomorrow."

"That'll look nice then...he won't want to sit down at all...which is good as I've lots for him to do."

"Shall I start with the cane?"

"Yes please, I think you should do it a bit slower and be artistic.

"I'll see what I can do."

The cane didn't so much whistle as scream, and the moment it hit me, so did I! It was a stinging pain right across my arse, and it went on stinging like crazy, as the next blow struck, and the next. My arse and the backs of my legs were stinging like crazy, as blow after blow added to the agony. Soon I could feel wetness dribbling down my arse and the backs of my legs.

Paul paused momentarily, although the pain didn't.

"Is that the sort of look you were hoping for?"

"It's brilliant Paul. You can fuck me again when you're finished, if you like, I know how insatiable you are."

The strokes resumed, increasing the fire, adding more and more stripes. Mercifully I passed out, but my wife threw icy water over me, and I came round. Not long after that Paul stopped.

"I think we'd better take a rain check on the ball slapping Sarah, he'll just pass out again"

"Ohh! That's really annoying, I was looking forward to watching that.

"Now hop up on the table, so I can fuck you right in front of Cucky here."

And that's just what he did.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
When they released him?

He immediately phoned the police and had them arrested. Assault, battery, sexual assault, spousal abuse, mental cruelty, torture and illegal restraint just to name a few of the charges. His cuts and bruises were documented and lover boy and the cunt were off to prison for years and years. Hubby kept all the assets in their divorce since the bitch was in prison being used as Big Bertha's bitch. This was just god awful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

yes throw the bitch out she is worthless

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

where do you find all the ideas that all husbands are wimps some of us would throw the bitch out and let everybody have the bitch

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
How about this

Hubby lets wifey and her asshole go to bed to fuck and makes himself busy in the kitchen. First he finds a large pan and a gallon of cooking oil. Then he heats the oil until its smoking.

While the couple are having their post fuck snooze, hubby takes the pan of oil into the bedroom and after pulling back the sheets throws the whole pan of smoking hot oil over them, being careful to make sure he does'nt get splashed.

Hubby then sits back and cuts off the cock cage while enjoying the sight of the dynamic duo writhing in agony from their full thickness burns.

Works for me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Enjoy prison

While they let the moron free and retire to the bedroom, agreed he calls the police and they arrest the dynamic duo. In handcuffs there they go. Don't come home bitch. Terrible story.

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