Daring Pt. 01


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Stone entered the building and Janice was behind her desk.

"Morning, chief," Janice said.

"Morning, Janice. Is Harry in?"

"He's with his a couple of his job site foremen right now," Janice said. But before she could elaborate the booming sound of Harry's voice carried into the reception room. Something about getting their heads out of their asses and start holding their workers accountable for shabby, half-assed work. The kind of work Carson Builders "does not tolerate!"

"He'll be just a few minutes," Janice said. "Harry likes to get right to the point."

"Always has."

Stone was lost in his thoughts, thinking of what he had to tell Harry when Janice said to him, "You don't like me much, do you?"

"Excuse me."

"It's alright," Janice said. "I just like to be up front about that. Since I've been back I don't want to play games."

"Why would you think I don't like you?" Stone asked.

"You're the chief, I'm sure you've heard things."

"Like what?"

That stopped Janice. She liked Stone, he had never given her any reason to believe he felt one way or another about her, but the fact he hadn't paid attention did say something. She might look forty, but she looked like a good forty.

"This is a small town, chief."

"Don't I know it."

"Then you know how news travels in this small town."

"That I do. What have you heard about me?"

"What was that?"

"What have you heard about me? I'm sure you've heard things about me. Why I'm here, that sort of thing."

"Why did you come back?"

"Why did you?"

"I had no where else to go."

"Me either."

"Then I guess you and I have something in common, chief."

"I guess we do."

Stone looked at Janice, really looked at her. There had been rumors about her. Bad rumors. But Stone had to admit he had never seen Janice trying to do anything other than downplay those rumors. Although she could, she never dressed like those rumors. Even now she was dressed conservatively. She had on one of the company shirts, a long-sleeved white button down with the Carson's Builders logo on the left breast pocket. It was obvious Janice had a more than ample set of breasts under the shirt, but it was buttoned all the way up except for the top button. Of course at work that could have as much to do with Harry as anything. Having to proceed Rose Cotman in the position wouldn't have been easy for anyone, let alone someone with the reputation that Janice had to carry on her shoulders. But she had done it. She had been the receptionist at Harry's for almost two years now. Everyone was surprised Harry had even given her the chance. But he did and she had come through. Everyone knowing that Harry's demands were great. Maybe he was sleeping with her.

The four foremen came out of Harry's office and all of them looked like they had been given their walking papers.

"Howdy, chief," they all said as they made their way past Stone, all of them glancing Janice's way and giving her the once over.

"Harry," Janice said over the intercom, not Mr. Carson. "Chief Goddard is here to see you."

"Send him in, Janice."

"You can go in now, chief," Janice said.

Stone got up and said, "Call me Stone."

"You can go in now, Stone," she said.

And Stone liked the sound of her voice saying his name.

Stone entered Harry's office. A man's office said a lot about him. Harry's office was done in dark wood paneling, the walls adorned with pictures. A section devoted to his family, his business growth and, of course, a section devoted to the basketball team.

Harry sat behind a large desk, a computer atop it, more pictures, a phone and a small humidor for his cigars.

"Morning, Stone," Harry said.

"Morning, Harry," Stone replied.

"I take it you're not here for a remodeling project," Harry said and smiled.

"No, I'm not. I'm afraid it's a bit more serious than that, Harry."

"Why don't you sit down, Stone," Harry said, motioning to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

Stone sat down and said, "I have some bad news for you, Harry."

"What kind of bad news, Stone?" Harry always getting to the point, never one for playing games.

"It's about Denise."

There was a flicker of uncertainty in Harry's eyes. He was trying to read what Stone was getting at before he got there. Like he always had to stay one up on Stone. Like everyone that had been on that basketball team seemed to do with Stone Goddard now that he was the chief of Daring.

"She do something wrong?"

"No, Harry. She was found this morning."

"What do you mean 'found this morning?'" There was irritation in Harry's voice. "Just get to the fucking point, Stone."

Harry had that way about him. Could piss you off under any circumstance, get you to get defensive, say something stupid, but Stone remained calm. "We found her this morning. Dead, Harry. I'm sorry."

Harry stared at Stone and then said, "Is this some sort of fucking joke? Cause if it is..."

"I'm sorry, Harry."

Harry looked deflated. Whatever fight he had was gone and for a man like Harry that was no easy accomplishment.

"You're serious," Harry said.

"I'm afraid so, Harry."


"In the woods across from Eagle Rock Plaza."

"But she was in school this morning," Harry said, "I talked to Jane."

"She was never in school this morning, Harry. I checked."

Harry looked into the distance, remembering his conversation with Jane, asking him if he took Denise to school this morning and then he had forgot about it. Until now.

"The body is on the way to the coroner as we speak. I've already identified her, Harry."

Harry looked at Stone and said, "I want to see her."

"I can take you down there," Stone offered.

"Okay," Harry said. He buzzed the intercom for Janice. "Janice?"

"Yes sir," Janice answered.

"I need you to cancel all my appointments for the next few days."

"Yes sir."

"Ready?" Harry said to Stone as he rose from his desk.

"Sure." Stone got up from the chair. "You okay with this, Harry? I told you I already identified her."

"I want to see my little girl, Stone. I have to know."

They walked out of Harry's office, Harry not even acknowledging Janice as he walked past her. Janice's concern evident as Stone nodded to her, telling her in the nod that what was happening was bad, real bad, but couldn't talk about it at this moment.

They got into Stone's cruiser and pulled out of the parking lot.

The coroner's office was in the basement of the courthouse on sixth street in downtown Erie. Stone pulled the cruiser into the parking lot, they got out, entered the courthouse and walked down to the basement.

"You're sure about this?" Stone asked.


They met Lyle Lynch and he took them into the holding room, a lone table with a body on it, a long white sheet covering the body.

Lyle Lynch had done what he could with the body, but after what had happened to the girl, the brutal way in which she died, made her shocking appearance nearly impossible to disguise. It would leave a lasting impression on the father, but he understood the need.

Harry, Lyle Lynch and Stone stood next to the table. An assistant stood on the other side and pulled back the white sheet just below her collar bones. Harry couldn't help himself and gasped. It was Denise. Harry wasn't prepared for the lifelessness, the bruises. He had been to the funeral home more times than he could count, but this was different. And not because it was Denise. Or, maybe, because it was Denise. But it wasn't Denise. It was just her body, Denise was gone. The thought hit Harry hard. Hard enough to bring tears to his eyes.

"Cover her," he said. "It's her, my daughter, Denise Carson."

On the way back Stone said, "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? If you're not up to it I understand."

"No, go ahead," Harry said, looking out the passenger window of the cruiser.

"Do you know if she was out with someone last night?"

And it was there the conversation ended. Harry didn't know where she was. Had to admit he didn't even know if she was at home or upstairs doing homework.

"You'll have to ask Jane."

Stone waited in the driveway. He could hear Jane screaming, knowing that was when Harry had finally told her what happened. Harry had told Stone to wait in the driveway. If Jane was up to talking he'd let him know, if not then he'd just wave Stone off.

About ten minutes later Harry came out of the front door and waved Stone into the house. Jane was in the living room, the decor Early American, all the signs of money. Jane was sitting on a love seat next to the fireplace, a facial tissue in her hand, her eyes already red and swollen. She got up when she saw Stone. He came to her and hugged her. "I'm sorry," he said.

They all sat down, Harry and Stone on the couch opposite the love seat. Jane wiped the tears from eyes, telling Stone she was ready.

"I know this is going to be hard, Jane," Stone said. "So I'll make this as quick as I can."

"Okay," Jane said.

"Do you know where Denise went last night? Who she was with?"

Jane looked to Harry, Stone seeing in her eyes what she was about to say was going to anger Harry.

"She was going to break up with Connor Williams."

Harry's head jerked up. "What?"

"So she was going to see him?" Stone asked.

"Yes," Jane said and then turned to Harry. "To break up with him."

"I thought she wasn't seeing him any more," Harry said, bitterly.

"She wasn't, not really," Jane said.

"I thought we agreed she wasn't going to see him at all." Harry was seething.

"We did, Harry, but you can't keep watch over her twenty-four hours a day. She probably would have quit seeing him long ago if..."

"If, what?" Harry asked.

"If you would have just let it go. She always did the opposite of what we wanted."

"So it's my fault she was still seeing him?" Harry said. "Is that what you're saying?"

"I know this is hard," Stone interrupted. "But this isn't going to help right now."

"Of course," Jane said. "I'm sorry."

"Are you positive she was with Connor Williams?"

"She told me she was going to see him, break up with him." Then she turned to Harry. "She was making this final. She had made up her mind about college."

"Robert Morris?" Harry could barley get the two words out of his mouth.

"She had made a decision to go there. We were going to tell you this weekend."

"Did she come home at all, that you know of?" Stone asked.

"I didn't hear her, no. Her bed was made this morning. She never makes her bed." Jane barely under control now.

"One last question, Jane. Did she mention she was going anywhere else?"


"If you think of anything else don't hesitate to call." Stone got up from the couch. "If you need anything," Stone said to Jane and Harry. "Just let me know."

"Thanks, Stone," Jane said. She got up and hugged Stone.

Harry got up and shook Stone's hand. "Thanks, Stone," Harry said.

"If I find anything I'll let you know," Stone said to Harry. "I'm going to go talk to Connor Williams."

"Stone," Jane said.

"Yeah, Jane."

"Find out who did this."

"I will," Stone promised.

Stone got in his cruiser and called Will. "Meet me at the high school."

Connor Williams best friend was Igor Novikova, eighteen, a Russian immigrant who had been in the states about ten years. Igor was short and stocky. He wore his blond hair in a crew cut. Igor looked like a member of the Russian mafia and always, or it seemed anyway, looked like he was in a bad mood.

"Do you ever fucking smile?" Connor asked, after they had first started hanging out together at the beginning of the prior summer.

"Sometimes," Igor replied.

"When? I've never seen you smile yet."

"So what's the big fucking deal? You Americans don't know what it's like to have to struggle. Everything is handed to you on a silver spoon."

"It's silver platter, asshole," Connor said. "Get it fucking straight if you're going to preach to me."

"My point is you don't know what it's like to struggle. My father kisses the ground he walks on now. You have any idea what that's like? When you don't have anything to smile about."

Connor turned and looked at Igor, dressed in Hollister clothes, looking about as American as apple fucking pie and said, "You got plenty to smile about now so don't give me your fucking pussy stories about life in repressed Russia. Your old man seems to be doing alright for himself." Connor made reference to Igor's clothes. "Don't hate me cause I'm American." Connor smiled at the joke, but Igor remained stoic. "There, that's my point," Connor said. "I just made a joke and you didn't even so much as crack a fucking smile."

"What joke?"

"Don't hate me cause I'm American. It's a play on the 'Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful' thing." Igor still didn't get it. "There's an airplane about to crash."

"What?" Igor said.

"I'm telling a joke," Connor told him. "There's an airplane about to crash. A lady gets up and yells, 'If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman.' She takes off all her clothes and asks, 'Is there someone here on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?' A man stands up, takes off his shirt and says, 'Here, iron this!'"

Igor smiled and said, "That's pretty fucking funny. 'Here, iron this!' That's funny shit."

It was lunch, Igor and Connor were standing off to the one side of the cafeteria scanning the other students. Connor was looking for Denise. All he found were Trent and Julia sitting alone at their favorite table. Fucking seniors were idiots, Connor thought.

"Where's your bitch?" Igor asked. "I haven't seen her today."

"How the fuck do I know?"

"Trouble in paradise?" Igor asked. "She no longer your bitch any more?"

"This ain't fucking Russia, comrade. We don't speak about our women that way. But in her case we can make an exception."

"Maybe I could go out with her now," Igor said.

"Get fucking real. That ain't going to happen."

"Why not?" Igor protested. "I'm not a bad looking guy."

"Trust me, it ain't going to happen."

"What makes you so sure?"

"I just know."

"Place money on it," Igor said and stuck his hand to bet.

"How the fuck much?" Connor said. "You name the amount and I'll bet."

"Five bucks," Igor said.

"How about a hundred bucks since you're so sure she'll go out with you?"

Igor hesitated and pulled his hand back. "How you so sure she won't go out with me?"

"Cause you're a fucking Russian. She hates Russians."

"She hates Russians?"

Igor looked at Connor, but he was looking away, towards the front offices. Igor followed his gaze and saw Stone and Will enter the building.

"What are the fucking pigs doing here?" Igor asked.

"Why do you always call them pigs? I mean, seriously, they're just Daring cops, man."

"All cops were corrupt in Russia. You learn to hate them at an early age."

"What, you were a criminal at age seven?"

"No. But one time we got stopped and my father was forced to pay a fine on the spot. For nothing. The cops were always on the take. Always. Old habits are hard to stop."

"Old habits are hard to break.

"Break. Whatever."

"And what old habit might that be?"

"Hating cops."

Stone and Will entered the office and a few minutes later came out with Principal Robert Hopkins and pointed towards Connor and Igor.

"Does it look like they just pointed our way?" Igor asked.

"Somewhere over here, yeah," Connor replied.

"You in trouble?"

"No. You?"

"Not that I'm aware of. But then fucking cops don't need a reason."

"They do here."

Stone, Will and Principal Hopkins made their way through the cafeteria . Something was up.

At the same time Igor noticed Connor lock eyes, for the briefest of moments, with Miss Dudley. But then she turned away like Connor Williams didn't exist.

"They look like they're heading our way," Igor said. "You sure you ain't in trouble?"


"I don't see anyone else around. You sure?"

"If you ask me one more time then they are going to have a reason to come over here." Connor turned and gave Igor a look.

But the cafeteria, as if their heads were all attached to a string, turned in unison as Stone, Will and Principal Hopkins made their way through the students. Principal Hopkins veered to his right and stopped to talk to Mark Carson. Mark got up and followed Principal Hopkins back into the offices. Stone and Will walked directly to Connor and Igor.

"Connor," Stone said.


"Igor, would mind giving us a few moments, please?" Stone said.

"Sure," Igor said and stepped away.

"We need to speak to you," Stone said to Connor.

"About what?"

"I'd rather not do it out here in the open. Would you mind coming with us?"

Connor glanced around the cafeteria, all eyes riveted on him. He looked at Deputy Dawson and Principal Hopkins, the looks on their faces dead serious. It was in his mind to be defiant, question what was going on, but thought better of it. Maybe something had happened to his parents.

"Sure. I got math next block anyway," Connor said, and then glanced back at Igor." "Catch ya later, bro."

"Yeah, see ya," Igor said, not quite sure what to do at this point.

They led Connor back to Principal Hopkins office and closed the door.

The office was large. There was a window looking out to the front of the school. The metal blinds were closed shutting off the outside world. There was a bookcase to the left, a desk with a chair, two chairs in front of the desk and two chairs against the far wall.

Stone directed Connor to sit down at one of the chairs in front of the desk. Stone and Will stood.

"What's going on?" Connor asked. "Are my parents okay?"

"They're fine as far as I know," Stone said. "That's not why you're here."

"Is somebody going to tell me why I'm here?"

"Did you see Denise Carson yesterday?" Stone asked.

"I saw in her school, why?"

"Did you see her after school?"

"Why, what happened?"

"Just answer the question," Will said.

Connor turned and looked at Will. "Briefly," he said.

"What time?"

"I don't know, around four-thirty I guess."

"And that's the last time you saw her?" Stone asked.

"Yeah," Connor said turning back to Stone.

"Where did you go after that?"


"And you stayed at your house the rest of the night?"

"I went out later for awhile."


"Just out. No where in particular."

"Were you with anyone who can verify your whereabouts?"

"No, I was alone."

"What time did you get home?"

"Eleven-thirty, midnight."

"Can anyone verify that?"

"No. Everyone was in bed when I got home," Connor said. "What's going on anyway? Why am I getting the third degree here?"

"Denise Carson was found dead this morning," Stone said.

Connor didn't say anything. He stared at Stone before he finally said, "What?"

"Denise Carson was found dead this morning."

Connor looked around the office at Will, Principal Hopkins and said, "Someone killed her?"

"We didn't say that," Stone said. He glanced at Will.

"Then why are you questioning me?"

"We're trying to find out what happened and you were with her yesterday after school."

"So. I only saw her briefly."

"Weren't you two dating?"

"That was no secret."

"And you only saw her briefly?" Stone asked.

"Yeah, she had other things to do she said."

"Wasn't she breaking up with you?"

Connor looked at Stone unable to hide the shock on his face. Then he he tried to play it off and said, "No."

"That's not what we heard. We heard she had made a decision to go to college and had decided to break it off with you. You being a bad influence and all."

"Me. Wait a minute, she pursued me, man, not the other way around. That chick was the bad influence. She knew what the fuck she was doing all along."