Daring Pt. 01


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"You sound bitter," Will said.

"Like a jilted lover," Stone said.

"I ain't saying nothing more, man. I need me a lawyer."

Julia Davidson, eighteen, and Trent Dryden, also eighteen, sat at their usual table at lunch. They watched the chief, like everyone else did in the cafeteria, lead Connor Williams into the office. Julia glanced at an empty chair, a chair where Denise normally sat. She hadn't seen Denise all morning.

Earlier that day she stood at her locker wondering how many more times she was going to open this locker before she graduated and would never open it again. A childish thought, she knew, considering she was headed to the branch campus of Penn State on an engineering scholarship, but there was more to it than that. Trent Dryden, her boyfriend, and Denise Carson, her best friend, were going in different directions and that meant her little, safe world of high school comfort was soon going to end. Of course they had the summer to enjoy graduation parties, parties at the beach and more than enough bonfire parties to last a lifetime. But by the end of August she would be in her dorm room trying to make friends with a new roommate and, she knew, pining away for Denise and Trent.

It was one of the negatives about small town life. Comfort. She had gone to school with both Trent and Denise since kindergarten. She had been best friends, off and on, with Denise that entire time. Ever since they were kids and Denise had knocked herself unconscious at the playground and Julia had screamed her lungs out because she thought Denise was dead. She looked so peaceful laying there on the wood chips that covered the playground and that had really scared Julia. Denise had looked like her grandmother when they had gone to the funeral home after she had died. Julia, five years old at the time, thought her Nana was asleep and she had tried to wake her.

"Wake up, Nana," Julia had said to her grandmother, sneaking away from her parents, climbing on the small step for praying and trying to shake her Nana awake.

She had looked so peaceful, like she was asleep and Julia had reached into the casket and pushed on her Nana's face. And five-year-old Julia had thought her Nana needed a blanket, and said so, because she was cold. And everything would have probably been fine if her mother hadn't broke down sobbing uncontrollably, seeing her little Julia with all the innocent concern of a five-year-old on her face, wanting a blanket cause her Nana was so cold. And no matter how much comforting she got afterwards, and she had got a lot, the lingering feeling that she did something wrong to make her mother cry never left Julia.

So when Denise had knocked herself unconscious, five years later at the playground, and looked just as peaceful as her Nana, Julia freaked out.

It made Julia smile as she opened her locker. All those memories just because she opened her locker and was feeling somewhat melancholy.

"Hey," Trent said from behind.

Julia turned to him. "Hey yourself," she said.

He kissed her full on the mouth. He had to lean over, Trent standing six-feet-two to her five-foot-four. Trent was lean, but muscular, his dad insisting he do some weight training before heading off to Indiana University of Pennsylvania on a basketball scholarship.

Trent had a wave of sandy blond hair. No, maybe a tidal wave of sandy blond hair. Wild yet tame, like he combed it, yet he didn't comb it. Julia thought it made him look like a surfer dude, something Trent didn't particularly like, but Julia did. In Julia's fantasy Trent was a transfer from Malibu, like she was living this reality show in little old Daring.

"Where's your partner in crime?" Trent asked.

"I don't know. Haven't heard from her yet. Why?"

"She wasn't in homeroom?" Trent asked.

"I don't know." Julia shrugged.

"I thought she stayed over last night."

Julia looked at Trent, telling him without speaking, that didn't happen.

"She stayed somewhere, I guess," Julia said.

"Connor's?" Trent asked. That wouldn't go over well with Harry, Trent thought.

"I doubt that."

"Why's that?"

"She's breaking up with him."

"I can't imagine he's going to take that with a grain of salt."

Julia closed her locker. "Probably not," she said. "But he's going to have to live with it. I think she's seeing someone else."


"I don't know," Julia said. "Are you walking me to class?"

Trent nodded and grabbed Julia's hand. She thought, again, about college, about how this fall she wouldn't be walking to class with Trent. How would their relationship survive it? Would it? She was sure they would profess undying love for each other, promise to be faithful and mark days off on their respective calendars until they would get to see each other again. But Julia was no fool. There would be tests. Not classroom tests but tests nonetheless.

"So you think she's seeing someone else?" Trent asked.

"She hasn't said anything to me, but I've noticed a change."

"I thought she told you everything," Trent added.

"So did I."

"So why the secret then?"

"That's a good question," Julia replied.

"So what kind of change do you mean?" Trent asked.

"She's getting serious about college."

Trent laughed. "Denise? Serious, how?"

"Not the serious you're referring to." Julia knew he meant that college would bring with it a whole new armada of men to conquer. "I mean she was even talking about taking some of her dad's advice."

"No way," Trent said. "No fucking way."

For as long as Julia and Denise had been friends they had always had the opposite taste in boys. Denise had always been attracted to the bad boys, the trouble makers, in short, anyone who her father despised. But Julia had always liked the strait-laced, jock types, exactly like Trent. Except, especially of late, she was getting turned on whenever Trent deviated, even slightly, from that good-boy, perfect-to-a-T image. Like now when he said, "No fucking way." Normally he never said the word, but when he did Julia found herself liking it in an odd way.

"I'm serious, Trent," Julia said. "It's been a complete one-eighty for her. You know where she's going to college, don't you?"

"I thought she was going to Mercer."


"She changed her mind?"


"Where is she going?"

"You'll never guess."




"Ha! Ha! Come on, guess."

"I don't know," Trent sighed. "Where the fuck is she going?"

And there was that word again, and with authority this time.

They had started dating last year, towards the end of their junior year. And over that time they had experimented with sex. At first it was just kissing, but it was good kissing. Trent had surprised Julia. Their first kiss, after their first date to see a movie, was in Julia's driveway. A Wednesday night.

"Thanks for the movie," Julia had said as they sat there, the first uncomfortable moment of the evening.

"You're welcome," Trent said. "Do you want to go out again?"

"Sure," Julia answered, glad the moment passed.

"I know it's not like going out on another official date or anything, and I'll completely understand if you don't want to but my dad has this weird thing about Cinco De Mayo," Trent said and looked at Julia.

"The fifth of May," Julia said. "Mexican Independence Day."

"Yeah," Trent said. "Yeah, that's right. Cool. Well, and I don't even know the reason why, he has this weird thing about celebrating Cinco De Mayo and we always have this big cookout. And, well, there's great food and a lot people will be there, and we can definitely find plenty of time to wander off, and..." Trent trailed off, rambling on because he was nervous.

"Si," Julia replied.

"What?" Trent asked, confused, hurt. "You'll see? I mean, that's cool."

Julia laughed out loud. She couldn't help herself. He looked so lost and confused and downright hurt, all because he had misunderstood what she had said.

"No, I said 'si', like in Spanish," Julia said. "Get it?"

And it took a couple of seconds for it to sink in. But then Trent got it and laughed at himself. That clinched it for Julia with Trent. Somebody as good looking as Trent, that could laugh at himself under such circumstances, was the kind of guy she wanted to date.

"Gracias," Trent said, still smiling.

And Julia leaned over and kissed him. He didn't look surprised. He leaned back into her and put his hand on the side of her face and kissed her back. Really kissed her back. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, not clumsy, but nice and easy, like he was savoring the taste of her. And Julia responded right back, leaning into him and giving it right back. It was the most passionate kiss Julia had ever experienced.

"She's going to Robert Morris." Julia just laid it out there. It was Trent's first choice for college, but his dad wanted him to go to IUP because of the scholarship and the opportunity to play ball in college. "I'm sure Harry had some influence over the decision," Julia added.

"I'm sure he did," Trent said. But he looked depressed.

"I'm sure the only reason she's getting in on such short notice is because of Harry's connections."

"It's cool," Trent said. "I mean it's not like I really wanted to go there or anything."

Julia pulled him to her and gave him a kiss. "I love you," she said.

Julia was surprised she hadn't seen Denise yet. She thought she would already have all the seedy details of the break-up. And it would be a good thing, Julia thought, for Denise to be rid of Connor Williams. She never liked Connor Williams, no matter how good looking he was. Denise had never came right out and said so, but Julia was highly suspicious the only reason she had kept it going with Connor for as long as she had was because it had irked Harry. But lately Denise hadn't been so quick to bad mouth her father. And her decision to go to Robert Morris was proof of that.

"I have a game today, after school," Trent said.

"I know," Julia said.

"Are you going to go?"

"Don't I always?"

When she first started dating Trent, Julia had talked with her mother about how excited she felt about everything they did. And her mother had warned her, in a nice way, in a constructive way, that, eventually, if they dated long enough, the novelty of excitement would begin to wear off. And man she was right about that. Even the sex was starting to get to that point.

The first time they had sex it was in Trent's house, towards the end of summer, in the basement while they were watching a movie. Up until that point all they had done was some heavy duty kissing; kissing that had left Julia feeling like she wanted more. More of what, she wasn't sure.

Trent's parents had gone to bed and Julia was laying in between Trent's legs, leaning back against his chest. He had his arms over hers and they were holding hands. They were watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre when leather face jumps out from corner and Julia jumped, pulling Trent's hands up across her chest and over her breasts, his right hand cupping her left breast. Suddenly leather face didn't seem so damn scary. They both realized what was going on, Trent waiting for Julia to remove his hand and Julia waiting for Trent to do something. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Trent squeezed her breast, Julia sighed and leaned back into Trent, telling him it was okay, go right ahead and feel her up.

It was a few days later Trent suggested they go parking at the gravel pit. Saying, casually, while they were on their way home from the beach where they had spent the day, did she want to go parking later at the gravel pit. It was August twenty-first, Julia remembered the date, exactly two weeks before they started their senior year. He hung it out there, like - what did he call it? - a slow, hanging curve ball. It was her decision to either swing at it or let it go. Sure, she had told him, she'd swing at it, try to hit a double, maybe a triple, forget a home run though.

Trent dropped her off at home, said he would pick her up around nine when it started to get dark, give her time to get ready, grab a quick shower, give her time to think about it if she wanted to reconsider.

Julia wasn't going to reconsider, but she was as nervous as she had ever been. She had taken a shower and realized she had stayed out in the sun too long, she had a sunburn on her back. Hurt too much to wear a bra. What would she wear to hide that fact? She decided on a pair of white shorts, her favorite because it made her ass look, well, damn near perfect. At least she felt that way. It was too warm out to wear a tank top and a shirt over top, but she had to hide the fact, especially from her parents, she was going braless. She finally decided on a short-sleeved, button down yellow shirt that had pockets over both of her breasts. Thank god, because her nipples seemed to be at constant attention since Trent had suggested they go parking.

Trent picked her up a little after nine. Her parents told her to have a good time, don't be out too late. "I won't" she told them.

Trent's car was a 1968 Chevy Camaro, a blue one with a 350 cubic inch engine, four on the floor, that could kick some ass when Trent decided to show off. His father had helped him buy it, Trent working part time, mowing the lawn and taking care of the outside of his dad's insurance building. The car was a classic and they stored it in one of the bays of their three car garage for the winter.

It was a beautiful car, Julia thought, and she wasn't a car person. She had to admit she liked driving around in the car, the power of the engine always there like the rumblings of an earthquake ready to shake the earth. Trent would step on the gas and the car would respond, he'd shift into second gear and it would feel like they were going a hundred miles an hour.

They pulled into the gravel pit, almost nine-thirty and it was dark, but the moon was out, nearly full, the days of summer starting to slowly fade away like the setting sun. There was a small ridge about thirty yards ahead and then the dirt road dropped down into a large, open area. Trent took his time, making sure he didn't scrape the bottom of the classic car.

They found an area off to the left and Trent parked the car facing the entrance, just in case the cops decided to make a quick check of the area. Hopefully they'd have time to throw their clothes on.

Trent turned the engine off. Pitch black.

"It's dark," Julia said.

Trent turned the ignition to auxiliary and the dim light from the radio illuminated the interior of the car.

They climbed into the back seat and the sweet sound of Mariah Carey on the radio set the mood.

"I brought something," Trent said.

"What?" Julia asked.

He reached beneath the seat and brought out a small cooler. "Some beer," he said. "Help us relax a little."

"Okay," Julia said. "I'll drink one."

Trent opened two bottles of Miller High Life and they sat and drank. Neither of them ever drank very often; occasionally at a party, one beer over the course of the night, just to make it look good.

The first beer went down smooth and easy. Too easy. They opened a second, Trent drank about half, Julia finished hers. They were both feeling good.

Trent and Julia started out kissing. That was easy, they fell into it, both of them used to each others moves. Sitting in the back seat, holding each other and the kissing becoming intense, knowing or anticipating what was going to happen made the kissing far more sexual, a bigger turn-on than normal. The feel of each others tongues like sexual organs.

Julia felt a tingling of excitement in her lower stomach, a feeling that made her nipples erect. They rubbed against the fabric of her shirt and made her shudder.

"Are you okay?" Trent asked in between kisses.

"Fine," Julia said. She leaned into Trent and kissed him harder, wanting him to feel her breasts. Knowing it was going to feel like nothing she had ever experienced before. And wouldn't he be surprised when he realized she wasn't wearing a bra.

Trent's cock had become so hard within the confines of his pants it hurt because it happened so quickly it got started at an odd angle, got caught under a fold in his shorts and before he could make any kind of movement or adjustment it got hard, like someone had filled it with an industrial air hose. But it was a good pain. A pain caused by the fact his cock was trying, pulsating to break free. Like, surprise, surprise, it had a mind of its own.

Trent thought, if he could just move his right leg, the one that was impossible to move, his cock would release and the pain, the good pain, would cease. But then he thought, if his cock moved, moved at all, he'd cum. It was that hard and he was that horny.

Julia leaned into Trent trying to give him the idea that it was alright to touch her. Please touch her. And Trent's hand reached over and brushed over her breast. He paused, almost said something about being braless, but thought better of it and put his hand over her breast and squeezed it. Julia moaned like she meant it. It had felt good in his basement, but this was even better. She had been waiting for it, anticipating it and now that his hand was over her breast she couldn't describe how good it felt. She wanted him to unbutton her shirt and put his hand inside, feel flesh on flesh.

Instinctively Julia reached down and felt Trent's hard cock, for the first time, through his shorts. She really didn't know what to expect. It felt harder than she had expected. She started to move her hand up and down the shaft.

Trent came. He jerked in spasms and felt like he had squirted a quart of cum in his underpants. Jesus, Joseph and Mary this was not how he expected it to happen. Cumming in his pants, how embarrassing. The night was ruined.

"Did you...?" Julia asked.

"Yeah," Trent said, embarrassed.

Julia laughed. Not cruelly, but in good fun. It was funny. Trent had been so horny all it took was being touched, literally, to set him off.

"I got you that excited?" Julia asked.

"You're kidding me, right? You have to ask?"

"I mean, you really, did, you know?"

"Cum, you mean?"


"All over my pants."

And Julia laughed again.

"It's embarrassing," Trent said.

"I think it's sweet. I turn you on that much."

"You turn me on so much..." Trent started, but then stopped, unsure of how to word it.

"I turn you on so much, what?"

"That just thinking about you, right now I mean, it's..."

"It's, what?"

"It's, you know..."

"Getting hard again?"




"Let's see."

"What?" Trent asked.

"Let me see it."


"I want to see it."

"Okay," Trent said, and then undid the button on his shorts and pulled down his zipper. "You're sure?"

"Pull it out. I want to see it."

Trent pulled his damp underwear over his cock and showed it to Julia. Their eyes had adjusted to the dim light from the radio and the glow of the moon, his cock visible. Julia just stared for a few moments. The first real cock she had ever seen. About six inches long, a pronounced head and a shaft about inch and a half wide. Sort of cute, she thought.

"Can I touch it?" she asked.

"You have to ask?"

Julia reached over and touched Trent's cock. She ran her fingertips up the front of the shaft to the head. She took the head in her fingers and felt its velvety smoothness.

"It feels like silk," she said. "It's so smooth."

Trent was going crazy. Julia was touching him like it was some kind of science project. The feel of her fingers on his cock had him horny all over again. On the verge of cumming again.

He grabbed her hand with his. "That feels really good," he said.


"Yeah, really."

"You could, you know, cum again?"

"Yeah, I could."

"Just by my touching you?"