Dark Chocolate: A Mature Story Ch. 03


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It was my fault. She tried to tell me to be subtle, like we were in Newark. But I had to touch her. If I had played it cool like before, this would not have happened. I needed to hear her voice, so I called. NO answer.

That night, I heard my parents talking and I left. I called a friend of mine and he drove me to her house. I stood beating on her door, but she never answered. I came back Tuesday night and beat on her door, but still no answer. I screamed. "Talia, you're a coward. If we stand together, they can't' stop us. Open this door." I screamed.

Her neighbor came out and asked me to just stop. We walked to his house and he explained what was going on. "She cannot open her door for you son. The police was there when she got home from work and gave her a restraining order. If she is within fifty yards of you or your family, she can be arrested."

I was shocked, as was my friends. "Will you tell her I am so sorry about this? I won't come over again. Just tell her, I'm sorry." The older gentleman smiled and patted my shoulder. "Son, you'll meet a girl your age one day." I thanked him and my friend drove me home. I understood that she was in a horrible position, and it was my fault. I would find a way to fix this, and make this up to her.

I called several times on Tuesday and she didn't answer. Wednesday morning came and I was leaving early. Dad and Mom were taking me, but honestly, I didn't want to go anywhere with them. We drove in stark silence. Dad decided to spark a conversation. "Richard, I know you're upset right now, but it's our job as your parents to look out for you. I know it hurts right now, but once you meet girls your age, you'll be glad that you did not tie yourself to an older woman."

"Yes sir." I answered. He wanted to be respected, then I'd give him lip service.

"Son, you skipped breakfast. I made sandwiches. If get hungry, let me know." Mom added in.

"Yes ma'am." I answered. There was nothing she could say that I wanted to hear.

My parents continued chatting and then we arrived at the school. They helped me carry then things to my room. Mom started unpacking my bag, when Dad told her they could go. I didn't even walk them out. I wanted to hear her voice, but she was not answering my calls. So Wednesday night, I lay awake. I met my roommate. He was an art major and of course all of his friends stopped by. They tried to engage me, but I wasn't interested. Her voicemail was full, and I could not leave a message. Soon the artsy guys left and I lay down. It was late and I called once more. Still no answer.

The next day, I had a break between orientations and I called her office a little after twelve. Her assistant asked about school, and then informed me that she'd been terminated that morning. I was shocked. I asked, why? She hesitated, and I knew. "Ms. Jackson, nothing happened." She sighed and said, "Son, I know. They've wanted to get rid of her since she got promoted. This was just their excuse."

I knew my mother had something to do with this. I heard her and Dad arguing about pressing charges the night she left.

I chatted with Mrs. Jackson a bit more and then bid her a good day. If I wanted Talia to be alright, I needed to stay away from her. So for the next five months, I studied. I never went home. Thanksgiving came and Dad called to see what time they needed to come for me. I told him I was going home with my roommate. Christmas was three weeks later, and the college was offering an extra semester. I told my parents I was taking advantage of the winter session. I called her family and they were so glad to hear from me. Talia did not join them, so I asked her mother to tell her I called and I still loved her.

The next semester began, and I still missed Talia. I took a full load to finish school, so I could find Talia and we could start our lives. I refused to go home still. One weekend my Dad came to visit me. He was concerned. "Son, I know you were upset when you left, but it's been months. Your mother is worried, and it hurts that you won't come home."

"Dad, I'm sorry she's upset, but I can't forget what you did. You were wrong and you know it." I had to go to my job. "Dad I have to go to work. You're welcome to stay here if you choose to. But I have to go." I left and when I returned later that night he'd gone but he left me a letter of apology. I wasn't the person they owed an apology. I thought about her and missed her terribly. So I called again. This time, she answered.

"Hello." Her sweet voice flowed into my phone.

"Hey Talia, please, don't hang up." I pleaded.

"Richard, how are you? How are things at school?" she asked.

"I'm fine, are you alright? I'm sorry about everything that has happened. I didn't think my parents would have-" she stopped me.

"Richard, it's alright. I expected that to happen. They have to protect you. As your parents they need to make sure you aren't in danger." She replied.

I stopped talking. "Talia, I want you to know that I still love you." I whispered.

"Richard, I love... I mean, miss having you around." She sighed.

"You miss you too." I added softy. "Come see me. We can spend time together."

Talia laughed and my heart soared. It was the sweetest sound I'd heard in a long time. "Richard, I can't. I have to work and Saturday, I'm going to visit Dalia. I'm glad you called. Be safe. Good night, Baby." She then disconnected and I was floating on the clouds.


His father hit him. He hit him. I had to end it. I now understood what Daddy meant. I had to go. He called and I didn't answer. Tuesday night, he beat on my door, called me a coward and he was right. I heard Mr. Jack speak to him, and he and his friend walked to his house. Soon after they left, and he called again that night, and I did not answer.

Wednesday came, and I knew his parents were driving him to Moore. I could not even say goodbye. If I even drove down their street, and the police was called, I'd be arrested. For a few days, I focused on work. I didn't call anyone. I was too hurt.

Thursday morning when I was terminated over this situation, I was done. I now had nothing. I went home and cried for hours. I knew I could not stay hidden, so I got up, and started searching for another job. Mr. Preson promised me a great reference and I hoped he meant that. I applied at a few publishers on line, and was setting my thoughts to wait. Apparently, Mr. Preson was true to his word, because I got a call from Dial Books, the next morning. I had an interview with them that afternoon, so I dressed and drove to Dial Books headquarters.

They were courteous and extremely polite. Mr. Lee, the president of the company, spoke with me after the interview team left. Apparently, Dial Books was a subsidiary of Preson Publishing. The position I applied for was mine if I wanted it. The interview was just a formality.

I thanked him, and graciously accepted the position. I took a pay cut, and lost the title as president, but I was now reading books and helping to determine their marketing strategy.

Several months past and eventually Richard stopped calling. Momma called on Christmas to check on me, and she mentioned that Richard had called and asked about me. He asked her to tell me he still loved me. "Talia, call him. You two need to talk and at least reach closure. I just hate that..." she stopped.

"Momma, it's alright. His parents are right, and they needed to protect him. I was asked to stay away and I will. If he calls again, tell him I want only the best for him. Three days later, my boss, Ju Lee invited me to attend the company's New Year's party with him. Reluctantly, I went. I was surprised that I actually had fun. At the stroke of midnight, I let him kiss me lightly on the cheek, and shortly after we left.

"Whoever he is, Talia, he is lucky to have your heart. Talia, all is not lost and you two can still be together. I have someone I want you to meet. " Ju drove to his home. I was not very comfortable, and had no intention of being with him in anyway. He laughed, "Talia, my wife would kill me if she thought I wanted another woman. Come, I want you to meet her."

We entered his home, and I met his wife, a lovely woman who was in a wheelchair. He introduced us and we talked. Ju explained that his wife refused to marry him. She felt because she was disabled, people would not accept him. He pursued her and in the need his love for her overrode his fear. It was a beautiful story, and I was about to tell them so when Ju stopped me.

"Talia, this young man loves you. You love him. Has he called? How often? Despite what his parents decreed, he has still found a way to reach you, has he not?" he asked.

I looked at him shocked. "Yes, but his mother has a point. I'm too old for-" Mae Sue scoffed. "Girl you are thirty-three, not one hundred years old. The next time he calls answer. OK" she said. They were right. I needed to talk to him. Soon we all realized it was almost four am, and Mae Sue offered to let me stay until morning. The next day Ju gave me a lift home.

A few more months passed, and Mae Sue and I became good friends. At this point I had called home and reconnected with my family. I asked them not to ask about Richard. It was over. My sister was due and I wanted to pick up gifts for my new nieces. One Saturday, I convinced Mae Sue to shop with me and few of the ladies from work. As we were shopping, someone called my name. I looked up and it was Richard's mother.

"Ms. Greene, how are you? I was hoping we could have lunch and talk one day soon." She stated. I just looked at her. This woman spoke just as casually, as if she did not rip my heart out, flung it to the ground, and then stomp on it. I started to speak when Mae Sue spoke instead, "Ma'am, I mean no disrespect, but you got what you wanted from her. Please leave her alone." We then turned to leave. Mrs. Harris followed, and continued talking. "Ms. Greene, please, I really want to talk. Just lunch, and then I won't pester you again." She pleaded.

I looked at her, and wanted to hate this woman, but couldn't. She was protecting her child. "Fine, Mrs. Harris. Let's have lunch tomorrow. Do you know where Lillo's Italiano is located? She nodded. "OK. I'll meet you there at eleven." I turned to walk away, my heart was racing. I wondered what else she had to say to me.

"Talia, that was very brave of you to meet her. Be honest and tell her how you feel." Mae Sue suggested. "She asked you, so you don't have to take any crap from her." She added. I laughed. "Thank you Mae Sue, thank you."

She laughed, and said, "Now your nieces are going to be two well-dressed babies." She added. We made our purchase and waited for our friends to finish at the food court. Soon everyone was done and the four of us decided to have lunch.

That evening, I was home packing the clothes I'd bought for the twins when my phone rang once more. I answered. It was Richard.

I answered, and we talked. He sounded so good, and I realized I missed the sound of his voice. He told me he loved me, and I almost told him the same. He tried to apologize for his parents but I told him they were protecting their child. Soon, we ended the call and I finished packing the outfits for the twins. For just a brief moment, I wished that... Well, wishing never hurt anyone, right. Soon I went to bed and sleep and for the first time in months, I had happy dreams.


The semester was about to end and my mother called to see when I would need to be picked up. I told her I would stay through the summer and take some additional classes to get head.

"Richard, listen. We need you to come home. I know you were upset when you left, and I realized that I did not handle the situation well. I'm sorry. Will you please come home?" she asked.

I almost gave. I hated to disappoint my mother, but I remembered Talia crying as she kicked her out of our house. Then she threatened to sue and she lost her job. Why? Just because she cared for me.

I had not spoken to her for months. A few nights ago, she answered. She sounded okay, but she would not truly talk to me. "Momma, I love you, but you have no idea of the way you hurt me. "

"Yes I do. If I could change what happened son, I would. But avoiding us is not the way to deal with it. You need to come home so we can talk this through. Despite everything, we love you Richard and we thought we were protecting you. I know you want to take classes, but can you take at least a week to come home." She stated finally.

She was right. I had to deal with this, deal with the anger. So reluctantly, I agreed to visit for one week. When I finished my finals, I took the bus home. Mom met me and hugged me as soon as I arrived. She held my arm and led me into the house. Dad was glad to see me as well, and we sat down. It was awkward, but she was right, we needed to talk.

"I talked with her, Ms. Greene." Momma stated. "We had lunch together last month. She is a very nice lady and she cares about you. I apologized to her and I know now I was wrong. Son, I'm sorry."

"Momma, I... um. Thank you." I replied. "I know that you were trying to protect me, but you didn't need to protect me from her. Nothing happened. See what you and Dad don't understand is that I went after her. She told me it would be a problem, yet I insisted. She resisted me, but when that guy threatened her, I caught her in a weak moment. She gave in once, and admitted that she loved me.

She even told me that I had to finish school first and that we could pursue a relationship after some time had passed. She asked me to wait, but I did not listen. I just never expected you to turn on her like you did.

Momma you got her fired just because she saw me as a man. She would not even take my calls. I spoke to her for the first time last month, and she wouldn't even let me tell her I love her. I'm not mad anymore, but I need her. So now I will finish my degree so I can come back and stand before her as a man. I will win her back, and if you don't approve, I'm sorry."

Dad sat listening. When I finished talking to Mom he spoke. "Richard, I want you to know that I am so proud of you. You stood up for her even though your mother and I were grossly unfair. I speak for both of us when I say this. Talia Greene will be a welcomed addition to our family."

I hugged my Dad, and then we ate dinner and I went to bed. The next morning, I went to Preson Publishing to visit. Mr. Preson was so excited to see me. I stopped by and saw Mrs. Jackson. She asked had I seen Talia, and I told her not yet. She then told me where she worked. I decided to wait until she came home. That day I left the offices and went back home. Mom made lunch and we ate and talked a bit. Soon five thirty arrived, and I wanted to see her.

Dad gave me the keys to his car, and I drove to Talia's house. I pulled into the yard, and her neighbor, Mr. Jack came out to greet me. I talked with him for a while and then I rang her door bell. "Who is it?" She called out.

"It's me, Richard." I answered. Her door opened, and I was lost. She smiled and stepped aside and said "Richard, come in." I walked into her home, and like her, it was swanky and lovely.

She had changed a bit. She cut her hair, and it was nice. "Richard, please have a seat. Would you like a drink? I have tea, soda, or water."

"No, I just wanted to visit with you." She came back in with a drink for me anyway. I chuckled, "How are you?" I asked wishing I could just pull her into my arms and hold her.

"I'm fine Richard. I'm fine." She answered. "So you'll be a sophomore next fall, right?" She asked. I could tell she was trying to stay on safe topics, but I had not seen her in months and I wasn't doing safe anymore.

I chuckled, "Actually, I'll be a junior. I took my basics last year, and I've taken extra classes during the winter break. Also I'm going back in a few days to take courses this summer. I plan to graduate by next May. Will you keep your promise?"

I gazed into her eyes and smiled. "You remember you said when I finished school we could be together. I haven't forgotten." Talia stood and moved away from me.

"Look, I shouldn't have said that. You need to get out and meet other people. You know people your age." She whispered.

"Are you seeing someone Talia? Have you found another man?" I asked.

"No, I haven't, it's just that..." she replied, and I moved behind her and pulled her into my arms. She leaned into me and closed her eyes. "Richard" she whispered.

"Talia, I won't pressure you. As much as I want to lift you and strip you naked as I take you on your sofa, I will wait." I whispered. She turned and looked at me. "I love you. And I know you're scared. So I can wait, but when I finish school, I become your man, OK."

She nodded and I sealed that promise with a kiss. She gave in and held me so tight, so close. After we kissed, she seemed more relaxed, and we spent the rest of the evening talking. Soon it was after eleven, and she need to rest. So she sent me home. I drove home, parked and locked Dad's car. I walked in and Dad was waiting on me. I gave him his keys and thanked him.

"Well, did you two talk?" he asked. ''

"Yes, we did, and you know what, I'll wait until she's ready." I answered.

He smiled and said. "I knew I raised you right." I agreed and then went to bed.


"I was about to watch a movie when my doorbell rang. I had talked to Richard a few days ago and things were looking up. I actually was looking forward to spending an evening alone.

"Who is it?" I asked and it was Richard. I had not seen him in a year. I opened the door and was floored. I stepped aside and invited him in. He had changed a little. He seemed bigger, and more assure.

He came in and I offered him a drink. We talked. I decided to keep it simple, but Richard wanted to get to the point. I love this aggressive side of him, but this time if we do this; it will be the right way.

He reminded me that I said we could be together when he finished school, and we kissed. I was in heaven. I felt so safe in is arms. He was actually finishing school early it seemed, and I was so proud of him. We sat down and talk.

He told me about his roommate and his classes. I was fascinated. He asked about what happened after I left. I talked about my job at Dial Books, and even though I was paid less, I loved it. His stomach growled and we made quick sandwiches together, He took every opportunity to touch r kiss me, and I took advantage of being free with him as well.

We ate and talked. I laughed so much at his silliness. I haven't laughed so much in so long. Soon, I realized it was late and I had to work, so he decided to go home. I walked him to the door, but before I opened it, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I returned the kiss and wanted to ask him to stay.

He smiled and said, "Not yet. It's not time."

I smiled awed at how mature he really was. At twenty years old, he was more mature than guys my age. As he walked out, he told me to lock the door. I stood in my window and watched him drive away.

I arrived at work completely relaxed, and everyone noticed. Dial Books was different from Preson, because there I was trying to prove myself, but here, I just did my job. The people here accepted me. I was standoffish at first and then one day the women cornered me in the lounge and explained a few home truths. I connected with them and became fast friends. I never mentioned why I left Preson and hey never asked. I'm sure they knew, but no one seemed to care.

I walked in all smiles, and they pounced. "Oh no, I know that smile. You either got some, for you finally saw him? Which is it?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I lied. "I'm just happy for once. I have no idea what you are referring too."