Dark Chocolate: A Mature Story Ch. 03


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The girls laughed, and one said, "At lunch, you're spilling."

I laughed and we got to work. The morning went by quickly, before lone, Amy walked in and said I had a visitor. Standing behind her was Richard. I guess my smile gave me away, because all the women screamed. He blushed and I told them to hush. I quickly introduced him and we were headed to lunch. Well my new work friends would not allow that, they insisted on taking us. We ended up going in a group. It was nice, A few of the guys came, and Richard and I kept our interactions friendly.

Soon lunch ended and I went back to work. I knew they were not done. As soon as I went on break, my two friends pounced in the break room. "Talia, I knew you were hiding something, but Dayum girl. That man is fine as hell. Does he have brothers?" they asked.

"No, sorry. He's an only child." I replied.

"Well girl no wonder you kept him secret. I mean, he is gorgeous. Is he good in bed girl?" The bolder friend asked.

"Hey, I'm not answering that. Besides, we haven't..." I stopped.

They laughed. "We know. You wouldn't, that's why we respect you. You're a good woman. Talia, all joking aside, he seems like a good guy. You two look good together." The women agreed.

We went back to work and soon the day ended. I went straight home, but as I was driving, Richard called. I didn't answer, but as soon as I drove in my yard, I called him back.

"Hey, how was work? Did they have a lot of questions?" he asked.

"Yes, but it was alright. They are genuinely happy for me, and I think a couple might come after you." I replied smiling.

"Um, Mom wants you to join us for dinner. She told me to call and ask you. If you don't want to, I can tell her no." he stated.

Instantly I flashed back to that last dinner. I went silent. "Talia, baby, are you there?" he asked, clearly concerned. "I'll tell her no. don't worry about it." He said

"No, Richard, it's OK. I had a chance to talk with her and I'm sure it will be fine. What time do I need to be there?" I asked.

"Seven I think, Let me check." He put me on hold and after a few minutes he came back and said, "Mom said seven. Look Talia, if you feel uncomfortable at all, we can leave, alright."

I smiled, as I realized I needed to do this for him. He needed to reconcile his relationship with his parents, and the event from last year weighed heavily on him. "Richard, it will be fine. I'll see you all at seven."

T-Baby, I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I replied, not even aware I'd said the words.

We hung up and I went inside to freshen up before driving to his parent's home. At ten minutes before six, I drove into their driveway. Richard came straight out, and just like the year before, he placed a possessive hand on my waist and escorted me into his parent's home.


Mom wanted me to invite Talia over for dinner. I was only home for a week, but after the last time she stayed for dinner, I am a little apprehensive. Talia got off work at five, so I called. She didn't answer, but after a few minutes passed, she called back.

I asked about the rest of her day, and she joked about the ladies at her job. When I relayed mom's message, she went silent. That was it. If she didn't want to I was meeting her at her house. But she answered and said she'd come over. Dinner was at seven, and I was anxious. She drove in the yard and I rushed outside to meet her. She had changed into a navy and white sundress, and looked absolutely perfect.

I placed my hand on her was it, and escorted her into my parent's home. My message to mom and dad was clear. This was my woman, the girl I planned to marry. Respect her.

"Hello, Talia, welcome." Mom met her as we walked in.

"Thank you, Brenda. It was nice of you to invite me." Talia answered.

I was stunned. They seemed like old friends and when did they get on first name basis. I looked at dad, and he humped his shoulders.

Mom went to set up the meal and Talia volunteered to help. Mom laughed and the two women put the food out. I was sitting in the front with Dad who offered me some advice. "Son, agree with everything they say. If you disagree, it will spell trouble."

I laughed and before long dinner was served. Mom and Talia talked so much. Mom even promised to share her recipe for smothered chicken. Soon we were done eating, and the women wanted ice cream. They looked at Dad and me, and we ended up driving to the convenience store. I'm sure it was just a ruse so they could talk without us, but when we got back it was as if they were now on the same page. I moved to Talia's side and placed my arms around her waist. I expected her to gently extract herself, but she embraced me, and whispered, "Calm down."

I laughed when I realized I was the one that was nervous. "Son, you can let her go now. No one will steal her," dad joked.

Talia laughed and we ate ice cream. Mom made Dad and I clean the dishes, while the two of them enjoyed their ice cream we made sure the kitchen was spotless. Time flew by, and she had to work the next day. So a little after ten, she left for home. I walked her to her car, and kissed her gently. "Call when you are safely inside your house." I whispered. She smiled, and said "Get in that house, boy." I loved this playful side of her. I had a few more days before my summer session started, and I wanted to make sure I spent an entire day with her.

I watched as she drove off. Dad joined me on the stoop to tease me. "Son, you're gone."

"Yep, well Dad, so are you." I replied. He laughed and said, "Yep. You know it."

I dressed for bed and waited on her call. Ten minutes later my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered.

"Well handsome, I'm home. Thank your Mom for the delicious dinner again." Talia stated.

"I will. Um, are you dressed for bed?" I asked.

"No, but I will be soon. Now you put on your pajamas and go to sleep." She teased.

T-Baby, I sleep naked." I whispered. She caught her breath. I chuckled. "Good night, baby Dream about me." Then she got me back.

"No problem, I'll sleep like a log." She sighed, "After I scratch my itch. Night baby," and she hang up. I was in bed, rock hard, and frustrated beyond belief. Then I heard a noise that always made me cringe. I tried to plug my ears, but it didn't drown out the squeaking bed from my parent's room. Fuck, even my dad got lucky tonight.

Eventually the noise stopped. Man dad lasted a long time. I thought about my woman and fell asleep dreaming of the day we would be together.

The next day, Mom had some chores she wanted done, and being the dutiful son. I completed all of them and informed Mom that I was taking Talia out for dinner. She told me to have a good time and be a gentleman. I stopped, because I needed to ask her something. "Mom, what happened? You and Talia seemed more like old friends."

She smiled and asked me to sit. "What happened? My selfish actions made my baby walk out of my life. I have always admired her. She is at the top of her field, beautiful. But I demanded that she give you up, and out of respect for me as your mother she did. I was so angry, this older woman seduced my son, that I did some hateful things including trying to ruin her career. To be honest, a career I wish I had. But you refused to talk to me and when you left; you never came home. Your dad went to see you and when he came home, we had words. He was right. I took it too far. So I wrote and the letters would come back. You would take my calls but it was merely out of respect. One day I was at a store and she was shopping with her friends. I knew I needed to try and fix this. So I asked her to meet me for lunch and she did. We talked, and I realized something. That woman loves you. How can I let my selfishness and insecurities deny you the love of a good woman. Besides, my daughter-in-law is around my age, so we already have a lot in common right. We both love you to distraction." She laughed. I smiled and hugged my mom.

"Mom, I love her. She is so special, so wonderful." I answered.

"I know son. I know." She giggled. "But we want you to finish school first."

"Yes Mother, I will." Then I stood, and stated. "Do you have anything else you want me to fix, build, or lift today?" I asked.

"No, are you meeting her at home? You can take my car," she offered.

"Thanks Mom." So I hit the shower to get ready for time with my lady.


Richard came home for a week, and it was nice. We had a chance to reconnect. He went back to school Sunday, but made me promise to drive down and spend a weekend with him. I agreed, and I plan to go next week.

His mother has suggested we have a standing lunch date every Monday, and so each Monday she comes to my company and we always eat lunch together. I was glad we had a chance to talk. She now understands that I too want the best for him.

Anyway, I miss him, but he has taken so many extra classes that he will actually graduate early. We call each other often. He was also in constant contact with my cousins. Apparently, they had plans to go to his school for their homecoming game. He asked me to come as well, but I declined. Before long, Thanksgiving came, but this year was better than last. Richard came home. He insisted that we go to Newark and see my family, so on Tuesday, we drove to Newark. My sister and her husband, stayed home so it was just the two of us and my parents.

He did not come home for Christmas, because he was taking extra credits. Because of his drive, he was actually graduating early. His mother called and asked that I drive to Moore with them. Of course, I agreed initially, but plans changed.

The thing is Richard was important to all of us. MY parents, My twin and her husband, and as many cousins that could fit were driving to Moore this weekend. I called Brenda, and she was awed by the out pouring of love her son was receiving. She asked when they would be here, and I knew they were driving down Friday. I would make room for them in my home. It would be crowded, but I was too excited. Brenda immediately offered space in her home. My younger cousins could stay with them

Friday morning, I took a day to wait for my family. Early that morning, someone was ringing my doorbell, and Mae Sue and Ju were there. "I'm sorry, I have to meet your family. You can kick me out after they get here." Mae Sue told me. I laughed and hugged her, "Ju, make coffee." She ordered.

I loved this couple. Soon Ju headed to the office, and Brenda called. She wanted to know what time they would arrive, because she was preparing lunch. She and Cedric would bring the food to my house to set up. I hadn't even thought about lunch, so I was so grateful. Mae Sue and I made salad and potato salad to go with the sandwiches Brenda was making. Cedric picked up tea and sodas. At eleven, Brenda and Cedric came to my home. I welcomed them graciously, and Brenda headed straight to the kitchen. We had become really good friends, and over the last ten months, she spent a lot of time in my home. Cedric rarely visited. Because he said he didn't want to get addicted to my big television and have his wife kick his behind.

My parents arrived a little after twelve. I rushed out to meet them and Brenda followed me. I introduced the parents, and she and My mother connected instantly. Dad and Cedric immediately had things to talk about. I hugged my sister and husband, and then my nieces. They were absolutely gorgeous. Of course I didn't get to hold them long, Mon=m and Brenda took them. Another car drove up and it was full of cousins.

Kenya, Brian, and Brandon rode together. I was so happy to see them. Everyone came inside and Mom and Brenda fed everybody quickly. Cedric somehow managed to show Dad the giant television and of course they found some sort of sort to watch. The younger ones wanted to explore and Steve joined the dads. Dalia and I talked. We talked several times over the phone, but it had been a while since we talked in person.

After everyone had eaten, the younger ones cleaned up and put out the trash. The graduation was Saturday morning, and we decided to drive down. Instead of taking four cars, we'd take two vans. Steve, Dalia, and the cousins and I would take Dad's van. Mon and Dad would ride with Brenda and Cedric.

Mae Sue loved my family and everyone had a great time. The time flew by because the next thing I knew Ju was there to collect his wife. Ju fit right in. I was amazed at how well everyone got along.

As I was standing aside watching the majority of both families interact, someone said, "A penny for your thoughts?"

"Dad, you startled me. How is everything?" I asked as he gave me another tight hug.

"Baby girl, I am fine. I'm just glad to get my baby back.' He said.

"Daddy I never went anywhere. I was always here." I reminded him.

"True, but this last couple of years has been hard for you. I'm just glad it seemed to work itself out." He said.

"Hey I need a hug too. Dalia, teased as she too moved in and Daddy hugged her tow laughing. "I love the two of you so much. Now where are my grandbabies?" he asked.

Dalia laughed, with Momma and Mrs. Harris. Mae Sue had come in and complained, "Yea, they are hogging them. Dalia, go and take your babies back so I can hold them." She teased. "Never mind, Talia, I expect a new baby this time next year."

Dad agreed, "Yes, she's right. I mean Dalia had held u her end, You and Rick owe us more grand babes."

I laughed, "Dad can he graduate first before we even start on that part?"

"OK, I'll give you time." He joked. Cedric walked in, and joined in on the banter. U and Mae Sue went home. I explained to everyone where everyone would be staying. My parents didn't want to crowd me and planned stay at a hotel, as did Steve and Talia. So Brenda switched. Mom and dad would stay with them; Steve and Dalia with their girls would stay with me. Kenya would stay with me and Brian and Brandon would bunk in Richard's room.

Once that was settled, Dad, Dalia, Kenya, and I talked. Poor Steve was stuck. Someone felt bad for him, because thirty minutes after everyone left, Cedric came back and picked him up. Dalia laughed as he kissed her and the twins and rushed out of the door.

We took some time to catch up. I asked Kenya about Terrance, and she blushed. Apparently things were going well there, but soon they turned the tables on me and wanted to know everything. I smiled, and felt OK. Richard and I were moving slow, but when we do become lovers it will be the right time for us.

Kenya scoffed, and could not believe I waited almost two years. Dalia and I looked at each other and laughed. "Baby girl, sometimes, it's the buildup. Dalia explained.

Kenya relied, "Well you better have 911 on speed dial, because with as much building up as the two of you have done. Someone might get hurt." she teased and we shared a good laugh.

It was late and Steve called to see if Dalia would mind if he stayed at the Harris home. She told him, fine, but she got a night away when they got home. We went to bed. The next morning I awoke early and made coffee. Kenya and Dalia showered and dressed. I told them to make breakfast for themselves as I took a shower and dressed.

Around seven, The parents and cousins returned. Steve greeted his wife and kissed his girls. We were off. After a few hours we were on the campus of Moore college. Richard didn't know my family was coming, so we decided to surprise him. I went with my parents to the auditorium and we took our seats, his parents went to let them know they had made it. They would not mention me or my family, and decided to deflect if he asked.


My big day had arrived. After today, she was out of reasons to keep waiting. I knew my parents were coming and I believed Talia would be with them as well.

I missed her, and actually gave up all of my free time so I could finish and be with her. I couldn't wait to see her. I was talking with some fellow graduates when Mom and Dad came. They both hugged me and shook hands with everyone around me and congratulated the whole group.

"We are so proud of you, Richard. You finished a year early with honors. Your father and I will treat you with a trip." Mom took a breath. "I know you go to work in two weeks so we're giving you a free week in Vegas." She added excitedly.

"Yes son, we are so proud." That puffed out his chest. "My boy, a college graduate."

I was searching the crowd, but I didn't see her. I looked at Mom, and she was talking but something and had to ask, "Did you talk to Talia? Is she coming?"

"Pish posh son, don't worry about a thing. This is your big day, a great day for this family." Mom chattered on.

I tried to ask about Talia once more, but soon we had to line up. Mom hugged me as did Dad, and they left to find their seats. The program started and I marched in. I searched the crowd for her. How could she not be here? This day was about more than me walking across a stage. It was my first step into becoming her man. Maybe she didn't really want a man that was so much younger. She is amazing and can easily meet a guy that's on her level. My row stood to be called. The speaker was touting accolades, but at this point, I no longer cared. Talia wasn't here. He called my name, and people cheered.

Soon the ceremony ended and my roommate, Zach, was congratulating me. Mom and Dad rushed to hug me. Soon, Mr. and Mrs. Greene were there. My heart beat a bit faster. If her parents came she had to be here. Where was she? Someone smacked the back of my head, and I turned. Dalia hugged me hard as Steve patted me on my back. He was holding one of his daughters. Mom had the other one. Soon, Brian, Brandon, and even Kenya appeared, but no Talia.

I was about to give up, when someone cleared their throat. I turned and there she was. The one woman, the main reason I did this, Talia.


His parents joined us and whispered he would be so surprised and the ceremony began. We stood and I looked at the graduates filled with pride. The speaker spoke and I searched the sea of black and gold, searching for his face. Eventually the graduates were called. The announcer paused, at a certain group. "These five young men and women have done an extraordinary thing. Each of these graduates has finished their course requirements, and is early graduates within their fields. He then called the names, with Richard Harris being called third. Every one cheered. The ceremony ended and the graduates marched out. Everyone rushed to find Richard. He was talking with his roommate, who did not graduate early, but was there in support of his friend.

His parents hugged him, and then my parents ambushed him. I stood aside as he searched for me. Soon the cousins congratulated him, as did Steve and Dalia. Finally, I made myself known. He hugged me so tight, so long. And as he hugged me he whispered, "Now it's your turn to keep your promise."

I smiled and returned his embrace. My heart was racing, because my main condition was that he finishes school and today he did. He had already interned with a company near the college and Preson Publishing was expecting him to report to work for the first time in two weeks.

He did it. He held up his end of the bargain. Richard was even more goal driven than I thought and he was about to take the publishing world by storm. Mr. Preson thought he'd snatched a prodigy, but he had actually landed a pure genius.

Richard still had to gather his things from his dorm and all of the men pitched in. Within an hour, the Move-It van that we had rented was loaded. Cedric offered to drive in, and Steve would drive his van. Richard told him, he would drive and asked me to ride with him. So on the trip home, everyone else rode in the vans together and I rode back with my love, Richard.

"T-Baby, I missed you so much. I can't wait until we have a chance to be alone." He whispered, and I squeezed his hand. My imagination was going wild. I already knew what I planned to do to his gorgeous body. I had waited over two years for him, and despite what Dalia and I said last night, I needed to feel a real man. I needed this man.