Dark Weres Ch. 10


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At the hospital, Alphonso was taken in and sent for testing. The test revealed that his heart muscle had weakened. If the situation persisted, he'd have to have surgery. The doctors told Damian and Jebutu who arrived hours earlier that medication and diet could help fix the problem, but he needed to be monitored by a physician monthly.

Alphonso was placed in a private room and monitored. Both sons walked in. They saw the true image of their dad; Here he was a frail old man, one in enormous amounts of pain. Each young man sat on the side of home.

Alphonso did not speak at first. When he did he sighed. Ryelle, can you come. He sent. Thirty minutes later, Ryelle, Tasha, Kas and Lavinia walked in. Alphonso sighed. His sons were lucky to have such beautiful mates. Each female checked on their mate. Alphonso spoke. "Ladies, I need to talk with my sons. Can you give us a few minutes?" The girls nodded and walked out.

"I'm sorry you have to see me weakened like this. You three are to epitome of everything I hoped to accomplish. You and your sister honor me by calling me father. You all have mates that would die for you, treasure them. I am tired boys." A tear rolled down his cheek. "I miss my mate. But Thomas reminded me of something. I have two babies. I owe it to them to make sure they are cared for. I'm asking you three to look out for them. When I leave this world, make sure Dreya and Naru know that they have family." Alphonso took a deep breath.

Ryelle looked at his Dad and said, "I miss Momma too, but that does not mean you have to give up. You can meet someone new, just give it time."

Alphonso smiled. "She was it for me. She's waiting for me. She told me in my dream, but I can't go to her yet. So until then, I must take care of the pack." Alphonso sighed. He had one more thing to bring up. Now was as good a sign as any. "I want to talk to Ja'Mal. I want to see if he would be willing to slow our packs to mix. Our pack has grown stagnant. It's mostly my fault. My fear guided my decisions. Times have changed. We must embrace our future." The three men were silent. What father was suggesting woud be wonderful for the pack.

"Father, I will call Ja'Mal tonight. I need to tell Abettia how you are doing. I know she is worried. If he agrees, we will start making preparations." Ryelle promised,

A;phonso smiled, "Now bring my daughters back in." Jebutu called Lavinia and the other women in. All three women returned. Alphonso laughed at how protective his sons were. Ryelle was calling his sister and nephew. Tasha stood with him, and Alphonso grumbled. He laughed and reminded Ryelle that he was not alpha yet. As soon as he returned home, he was taking back over. Ryelle told him to hurry. He'd much rather spend time making pups with his mate right now anyway.

"Wait?"Tasha scoffed, as she laughed.

"Yea, Jebutu and Lavinia have the first baby. I have to catch up. I mean we have to start with twin boys and then we can have a girl. She will be guarded though. No boys allowed." He teased.

Kas laughed and joined in when Damian spoke up. "Love they are not leaving us out. I want triplets."

Kas gasped, and was about to reply when Alphonso laughed out. Everyone stopped, and knew that for now he'd be alright.

Soon he grew tired and his sons and daughters returned to the compound. Jebutu stayed with him and asked that Lavinia stay with his brothers and their mates. He did not want her home alone. She rolled her eyes and kissed her overzealous mate.

Alphonso slept and Jebutu took time to think.

The next morning, the doctor told Alphonso he could go home in three days. Alphonso ordered Jebutu to take the day and spend it with Lavinia, no work. He smiled and gladly obeyed his alphas command.


Several months passed, and Alphonso came back home. Pack members were ever vigilant when it came to the care of their alpha. Lavinia's pregnancy had advanced and Jebutu was driving her insane. She had two more months and you'd think her daughter would be born any day now. Betty came in to visit after Alphonso got out of the hospital and brought her children. Ja'Mal sent his love and Kerri and their three accompanied Betty and Logan. Marcus came along because he too wanted to make sure everything was alright. Patricia and Keamon went with him.

He was tickled pink at his father's reaction to Lavinia's pregnancy. Patricia told him he was just as bad, if not worse. She wondered if he would be the sane with this ne.

Marcus froze; he was going to be a father again. He quickly went into protective mode. Lavinia laughed and said she could see it was a family trait.

They visited for a little over a week and Betty had a chance to check in on her friends Tasha and Kas. She was so happy that they found their mates in her two brothers.

One morning, Alphonso received a call from Alpha Bertrand. Lyric was seeing a therapist within his pack and the therapist wanted to bring her back for a short visit. She needed to talk with her daughters. Alphonso was about to refuse when he thought better of it. Lyric was still a member of Jackson, and she deserved a chance. He called Jebutu and told him that Lyric was coming home. Jebutu wanted to argue, but instead accepted his father's decree. He called his mate and told her. Lavinia was fine. She felt it was time to talk with her mother once and for all.

A week passed by and one day a car arrived. Alphonso walked out to greet his pack members. He hugged Renny and Lyric and welcomed them home. Then he met Dr. Rayan MacLean. The doctor was not what he expected. He was not surprised when every available female and a few males were enthralled by his guest.

He had to admit, Dr. MacLean was a handsome male. He stood a little over seven feet tall, his long dark locks flowed over his shoulders, his clear alabaster skin shined with a healthy glow. It was obvious that this was one doctor that took his health seriously.

"Dr., MacLean, welcome." Alphonso greeted him, He shook hands with this alpha he had heard so much about. Alpha Bertrand talked about Alphonso as if he were his long lost son. Rayan wanted to meet him.

"Thank you Alpha Jackson, though my alpha speaks so highly of you I feel as if I know you already. Alphonso laughed and escorted his guest inside. He sent a command that someone bring them drinks. He was surprised to see the number of young women that made excuses to stop by his office.

As they talked, Rayan decided to face the first elephant in the room. "alpha Alphonso, I must tell you something. You may not have noticed, but I'm white." Everyone froze. The alphas animosity towards the other race was legendary, with only a few being accepted. Alphonso face the brass young man, and he laughed. Soon, Thomas and the other relaxed and Rayan knew he handled the situation the right way.

"Well. son, I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice." He deadpanned. As they talked, Alphonso searched deep inside of himself. He was changing. Alphonso talked a bit longer, and then sent for his children.. He sent to Ryelle and LaTonya and they all headed to his office to see Lyric. LaTonya entered first and Lyric smiled. Her daughter was as beautiful as ever. Even Rayan was stunned at the beauty of this lovely young woman. Then Jebutu entered followed by a pregnant, cranky Lavinia. Lyric smiled even more, but Lavinia eyed her warily.

Lyric stood and moved towards her daughters. Jebutu stood in front of Lavinia, daring the other woman to approach. Lavinia touched his arm. Love, let me greet her. she sent.

Jebutu stepped aside. Lyric hugged both of her daughters. "Lavinia, you are glowing. I'm so happy for you. I know it doesn't mean much, but I really am." Then she faced LaTonya, "I hope we can repair the damage I caused. I really want us to be a family again. Not like before but better."

Renny was silent. He knew Lyric meant every word she said. He prayed her daughters could give her another chance.

Lavinia took a deep breath. "Momma, you hurt me and I still don't understand. But I have to believe you love me or you would not be trying so hard right now. Let's talk and we'll see."

Lyric smiled with tears in her eyes, Renny smiled though his teas as well. He knew these two girls had big hearts. Dr. MacLean spoke and explained the reason they came. For Lyric to recover, she needed to confront and explain her actions. He was sure that this time would lead to what it would take for this family to heal.

Lavinia nodded, and thought for a brief second, Damn, he's cute.

Kitty, you can look all you want, but always come home to me. Jebutu sent knowing the females found the doctor attractive.

Lavinia chuckled, Love, I'd have to be blind not to see how attractive that man is, but he is no where hear as perfect as you, my love. She replied with a shaft of love.

Jebutu preened, "Dr. MacLean, let me show you to your room. LaTonya and Lavinia, I'll be back."

Rayan followed the handsome dark male. He knew that this was a ploy to get him away from his mate. He was aware that many women found him attractive, but he never touched a female that was claimed. It was obvious that both of the females her met earlier had been claimed. But he admitted that even he could admire their beautiful package.

"Thank you, Jebutu. You are one lucky wolf. Lavinia is beautiful." He added

Jebutu growled. "Doc, you are my father's guest. She is mine, so as you have your sessions."

Rayan was serious. He was facing a possessive male, potential father and a male whose mate suffered at the hands of his client. "Jebutu, I am not a threat. I want to help Lyric and Lavinia find some common ground, that's all. To be honest, if I had such a lovely mate, I'd never let her out of my sight. Too bad her sister is taken as well." He sighed.

Jebutu nodded and faced the doctor. "Look, Dr. MacLean."

Rayan interrupted, "Rayan, none of that doctor stuff.

Jebutu laughed. "Ok, Rayan, can you try to look homely or something? It's bad enough I have two handsome brothers. I mean damn. Those women have not stopped coming by to see you yet."

Rayan laughed. "At least here I get attention; at home, I'm the ugly one." Jebutu laughed and left him to unpack. When he returned to his father's office, Lavinia was talking with Renny as LaTonya talked to Lyric. They were staying at their house and Alphonso had some young men help with their things.


LaTonya was confused. On one hand her Mom was back, but knowing what she had done bothered her. She needed to think. She went to her apartment to be alone as Jebutu and Lavinia talked. A few minutes after she arrived home, Lavinia knocked. The two women sat down and talked.

Lugz learned that her mother had arrived and wanted to go to LaTonya immediately. Jebutu stopped him and asked that he give the sisters some time alone. Lugz agreed and went to see Grans. He'd give her a couple of hours and then he was checking in her. LaTonya meant everything to him. He actually wanted to ask if they could mate, but not being a wolf he feared she might want another guy. It hurt to think of her choosing someone else, but if she did, he'd have to let her go.

Nancy smiled when Lee-John stopped by. She could tell he was worried. She let him sit then asked him what was wrong. He pretended it was nothing and then she asked about LaTonya.

She smiled. Her grandson had no idea that this girl was his life mate. He really feared the young doctor that the nurses were all talking about. Nancy smiled and took Lee-John's hands. "Do you remember your fourth grade teacher, Ms. Vanguard. She recommended that you be tested for gifted. All of the other teachers thought she was crazy. They tested you and you missed it by one point. It shut them up, and you soared that year. Do you remember what she always said to you? She always told you that you were just as good as everyone else, and even better than some. She believed in you, and saw what I see every day. I remember how upset you were when she told you all she was not returning the next year. You walked down to the school with Tasha on her last work day and you told her something. Do you remember what you said to her?" Grans asked.

Lee-John nodded, "Gran, other than you, Tasha, and Kas, she was the first person that looked at me and didn't see a waste. I told her to never change. That every person she met would be better because of her." Lugz concluded.

Nancy nodded. "Yes, and that applies to you too. This girl, Latonya, she is very lucky, my son. Blessed even."

Lugz nodded as he recalled that time from his school years. The school district did not hire Ms. Vanguard back. They claimed it was funding, but the kids knew it was because she did something the others did not. She believed in them. She was packing her room on her last day at work. He walked to the school with a poem he wrote just for her. He read it and she cried and thanked him. She took the poem and said she'd have it framed.

Lugz smiled. Nancy waited, "That girl loves you. Don't be afraid. Talk to her."

Nancy hugged her grandson and sighed, He had a family now. All of them did. This place was just what they needed.

"Grans, are you coming to the house for dinner? Her mother is here and I want you to meet her." Lugz explained.

Nancy grinned. "Yes, and I need to get a peek at that young doctor that came too."

Lugz grumbled and Nancy laughed. "All men are the same. Go see your love, son. I'll see you at dinner." Lugz kissed his grandmother and walked to LaTonya's.

He knocked and she opened the door. The smile on her face erased every doubt he ever had. "I missed you today. Come here." She whispered. He did.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Chapters 11 and 12 are being tweaked.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please, please get a new editor and read your work before submitting. The number of errors on the first page alone is astounding.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 9 years ago

I really enjoyed watching Alphonso change through the chapters as he met with his grandson's progressive pack and his sons found their mates, all the while becoming increasingly aware of his own mortality. When he does eventually die his heart will be lighter, knowing that he has seen his pack start in a positive direction. I think that's really the type of legacy we would all like to leave our families.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 9 years ago

I love your work but this chapter had way more errors then usual.

Littlecat76Littlecat76almost 9 years ago
I love your work

You have a great story line going on and I have read every story however I have to agree the grammatical errors take away from the story, at times to the point where I have to stop to try to figure out a word / point of view and the story loses it flow. Would love to edit a chapter for you, putting my money where my mouth is so to speak! Not that I am an official editor of any capacity

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good, but...

There are spelling and grammatical errors throughout, more so than normal for you. It gets to the point where I as a reader need to detach and try and figure out what is supposed to be there. "mars" instead of "arms" would be one instance.

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