Darla's Games Day 02


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"I mean, when you are on a date and a guy has a rock hard cock from being with such a hot babe like you are, what do you do for him? Do you take care of him? Or do you just turn his balls blue and go home?" Jackie added. Her leading the conversation as opposed to Darla made it more like girl talk, than ordered responses from Darla. I didn't really want to get into my sex life, as dismal as it was, but I still felt compelled. I mean these girls were much older than me, probably like 25 or something. So, it wasn't like they hadn't done everything I had done and a lot more. On the other hand it was embarrassing to admit to my lack of experience.

"Well... I give them hand jobs." I mumbled. I was still quite flustered and just knew I was ten shades of red. "I tried to give a guy; you know... a blowjob a few times. But he always wanted to cum in my mouth, and I wouldn't let him, so he broke up with me."

Jackie smiled at me. Wow! These girls surprised me sometimes. I thought that the three of them would start in on me, teasing me for not having experience, but they didn't. They all seemed rather pleased at my lack of experience.

"Did they ever take care of you?" Jackie asked.

Take care of me? Oh! "Ummm, no, not really. I mean they felt me up and stuff, but after they, ummm, came, well, they didn't really ever get around to like making me cum."

"So did you just take care of yourself? Like after the date? OOO did you ever do it during the date?" Jackie was like really getting into this whole Q and A. Darla and Rachel let her keep the lead; I guess she was doing a good job for them.

"Never during the date." I started to sit up a little bit in my seat. This was almost okay. "Sometimes after. Sometimes I just let it cool down."

"So was Farin the first one to make you cum by someone else?" Jackie asked. Did she just lick her lip?

God it was hot in this car. "Umm, yeah, I guess so."

"So we were the first ones to ever see you cum?" She added.

"Yeah." I mumbled this time. The realization of those two facts was rather depressing. It burned me to my soul that my only sexual activities with other people had happened in the last 24 hours and was all attributable to these girls and was all against my will.

"That is... well, thank you Carrie. Thank you for sharing your first sexual experiences with us." Jackie smiled. She looked so sincere. Was that a tear in her eye?

I suddenly felt completely uncomfortable. They were thanking me? After they forced me into this? I felt confused.

Darla made a sharp turn which slammed us all to the right side of the car as she made a harsh left. "Sorry, I almost missed the turn." She chuckled to herself.

And there it was my salvation from the third degree about my sex life... The grocery store.

Darla pulled into a parking space and shouted, "Let's shop!"

We all got out of the car and walked into the store like a bunch of regular girlfriends going shopping. I still felt a twinge of humiliation at them all knowing my true virginal status, but everything seemed okay at the moment. We pulled a cart out and I offered to push it, but Darla had other plans.

"Rachel, you push." She pulled my hand into hers and led me into the produce section. I was instantly filled with apprehension. It was rightly placed.

Looking around the brightly lit grocery store, I noticed a number of people shopping. There were a lot of solo women, some couples, and some women with children, all milling about with their shopping carts, placing items inside and moving along.

Darla noticed a couple over by the bananas and tugged me along, pressing me between her and the guy of the couple. There wasn't a lot of room, so my side ended up brushing against his. He looked over and smiled. His girlfriend scowled at him and then at me.

"We need bananas for sure." Darla chimed in. "Grab a nice, thick, ripe bunch."

I reached over, brushing against the guy the whole time, until his girlfriend grabbed herself a bunch of bananas and tugged him away. Darla laughed.

The coldness of the refrigeration emanating from under the bananas instantly hardened my nipples. I noticed them point through the fabric of my tight shirt and felt instantly humiliated. I quickly grabbed a bunch and went to place them in the cart.

"Okay. Let's get some cucumbers next." She tugged me to the vegetables. "And carrots." She laughed.

I kind of saw where this was going, but I just rolled my eyes and picked out some cucumbers of varying sizes per Darla's instructions and then carrots per her further direction.

We walked and I tossed things into the cart as she instructed. Cheese, milk, sour cream, whipped cream, strawberries, chocolate syrup. Finally, out of the refrigerated aisle, and none too soon as my nipples threatened to poke clean through my shirt.

It was about then, as the air got a little warmer around the next aisle, that I realized just how naked I felt. Being cleanly waxed for the first time ever and having no panties to hide my sex from the air left me, well, excited. As much as I hated to admit it, I was getting aroused. I felt myself flushing from the feeling of nakedness on my pussy and ass.

Well, we got to the canned goods aisle and there was a soup she wanted on the bottom shelf. I bent at the knees to crouch down for it. The skirt demanded that I keep my knees close together to avoid flashing my lack of undergarments to the entire store. Darla tapped me on the shoulder and when I looked up; she shook her head at me and extended her index finger to direct me to stand up.

I stood up, confused and she leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Bend at the waist and spread your feet." She giggled like it was a naughty secret.

I flushed red with embarrassment. I had selected the longest skirt I could find amongst my shredded clothes and it only went mid thigh. So bending over was a frightening thing, particularly given my lack of panties.

I decided, with a glare from Darla, that there was really no choice in the matter and I spread my feet slightly. Darla placed a foot in between mine and kicked my right foot out so I stood with my feet nearly three feet apart. I sighed deeply. The games were starting again.

I looked around to see who else was in the aisle. There, up ahead, was the couple from the bananas. The girl was selecting some items from the shelf, but I noticed the boy was looking over at me. He turned every once in awhile to make sure his girlfriend didn't see him staring, but I definitely held his attention.

Darla leaned in again and whispered. "Face me."

I turned and faced her, placing my feet apart as she had directed without a word earlier. She smiled and just nodded downward.

I took a deep breath and bent at the waist. The can she pointed to was all the way on the bottom shelf, so I had to bend all the way over. I felt my skirt rising up in back as I did this. I felt cool air on my pussy immediately and flushed all over again. I picked up a can and stood up.

"Hmmm." Darla mumbled, looking at the can before I could put it in the cart. "This one is dented. Get another one, one from way in the back."

I rolled my eyes and grabbing the perfectly good can from her hand leaned again. I had to reach way down to angle for a can in the back. As a result, I felt my skirt rise up to the tip of my ass. This, of course, made certain that my bald pussy was completely on display should anyone be looking there. And I didn't even need to look back to know the guy was looking there. I could see it on Darla's face when I stood up with a can from the back of the stack.

I turned to place the can in the cart and made the mistake of looking at the guy. His eyes were right on me. I blushed and dropped my gaze as I leaned to lower the can inside the cart. "Get another one from the back." Darla whispered and giggled. Rachel and Jackie were giggling right along with her.

I fought back the tear that threatened to dampen my cheek and turned back, spread my feet and leaned over to fetch another can. My skirt came up to roughly the same place and I just knew he was staring at me. I shivered. I could feel the wetness of excitement between my lips and I hated myself for it. I stood and turned to see him look away as his girlfriend led him down around to the next aisle.

"Mmm." Darla smiled. "That was fun huh Carrie?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "Whee." I added sarcastically.

The three of them laughed out loud.

I grabbed more off the shelves per her instructions and we rounded the corner. She was moving me along rather quickly and I figured out why. She wanted to catch the guy again.

There he was in the cereal aisle. This time, I took more than a cursory look. He was pretty cute. He was definitely older than me, maybe around his mid to late twenties. His brown hair was cut short. He wore a nice red pullover with buttons at the top, but the top two buttons were left open to reveal a patch of hairy chest. His eyes were green, DAMN, stop making eye contact! I chastised myself.

I dropped my gaze to his tight jeans. I nearly giggled aloud. He was tenting his jeans. I looked at 'it' for awhile, then figured I was being rude so I looked down at his brown boots instead. Then, I gazed over at his girlfriend. She was walking and looking up and down the aisles for whatever cereal she wanted.

She looked pretty good to me. So, why the hell was this guy checking me out? She had long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a very beautiful face. She wore a sundress that clung to her ass as she leaned and searched. Her toenails were painted, as indicated by the cute sandals on her nearly bare feet. Was I checking her out?

I blushed and turned away. This all happened in like a matter of seconds as Darla pulled me closer to them. She stopped abruptly and turned me back towards the cart. "Oh, get those!" She exclaimed, pointing at a box of some sugar cereal on the bottom shelf. "But get one from the back; you know how they stock things."

I didn't even look back to see if her exclamation had gained both their attention as I am sure it was meant to do. I spread my feet, knowing that is what she wanted, and leaned over towards the floor. I had to lean pretty far to reach a box from the back and sure enough, I felt the tell tale sign that my lower ass cheeks and pussy were displayed to the couple. I never looked up to see if they were looking, but I could almost feel his cock getting harder, tenting his pants. I felt a hot stare at my charms and another, icier one.

Too ashamed to look back even after standing up and putting the box in the cart. I kept looking towards Rachel, who smiled at me. "She saw." Rachel whispered. "She dragged him around the corner. She was pissed." She laughed.

I guess at that point, I kind of realized that this time I wasn't the game. The customers were the game, I was just the board sort of. We didn't run into the couple again. I think she might have dragged him up a few aisles to avoid us.

Still, we played. We just changed players. Darla had enough sense not to play the game in front of any kids. Thank God for that. I didn't want anyone reporting us to a manager or something. Hell, I didn't want to do it at all, but given that it was going to happen anyway, I'm glad she wasn't too overt.

We made our way to the meat section. It was very open and very busy. I was hoping she wouldn't do anything here. Anyway, there wasn't really anything down at floor level, so I couldn't really bend that low here.

I did, however, spend a lot of time leaning over the refrigerated meats and felt my nipples poking harder and harder through my tight shirt. My pussy, meanwhile, was definitely moist from the feeling of nakedness. I guess you would have to shave it bald for the first time and then run around with a skirt and no underwear to fully understand how it feels.

I noticed, out of the corners of my eyes, some people looking at me. Guys stared with open mouths or just knowing sneers. Women stared with jealousy or disdain. I flushed terribly, partly from the heat between my legs and partly from the embarrassment of it all.

Next to the meats were the yogurts and another opportunity to lean way down to get some from the back of the bottom shelf. It was like time stood still. There must have been a dozen people, in addition to the three with me, and I felt like every eye was on my exposed sex as I leaned down to pick them out, one at a time, twenty times.

As I leaned for the last one, Darla did the unexpected. She snuck up behind me and blocking the view with her own ass behind mine, she slid a finger up my slit from clit to hole and poked the tip in. I gasped, louder than I should have and I froze in place. I wanted to scream! I wanted to get up and pull away. But somehow I just stood there, legs spread, bent at the waist as her finger slowly fucked in and out of my pussy.

My knees quivered as she slid deeper and deeper. I started feeling good... too good. I wondered if anyone realized what was happening from her stance behind me. I wondered if they could see her arm moving as she finger fucked me right there in the middle of the store. I wondered if she would keep this up until I came.

I couldn't do this. No way was I going to cum here. In spite of my fear of punishment, I sprang up... after about a minute, and put the last container in the cart. Her finger withdrew and I guess I was off the hook since she didn't admonish me.

Then, as if to correct my misperception, Darla leaned to me. "I have to use the bathroom, come on."

I followed her as we left Rachel and Jackie with the cart. Behind the double doors and into the Ladies Room we went. She closed and locked the door once we were inside. She turned on me at once.

"Little girl!" She raised her voice, but didn't yell so loud others would hear. "You knew I wanted you to stay down there didn't you?"

I looked up at those glaring eyes. Then down at my feet. "Yes."

"So, why did you stand up then?" Her voice was steady, but angry.

"I..." A single tear rolled down my cheek. I was in trouble and I hated her for that. "I didn't want to ... I couldn't... Please Darla." I whimpered.

"You didn't want to what little girl?"

"I didn't want to cum! I ... I ... Please don't make me do that." I pleaded.

"I think I have been too lenient. Apparently you think you get to choose. You are wrong. You are mine to play with as I please for the next fifty-four days. I am going to have to punish you so you will not do that again. Take off your skirt and give it to me.

I sighed. I thought I had played her little game very well. But any defiance on my part was instantly lost in a look at her eyes. I sadly dropped my gaze and opened my skirt and let it fall to the floor. I bent over and picked it up and handed it to her. She sat it on top of the paper towel dispenser.

"Now bend over just like before and grab your ankles." Darla commanded.

I bent over and grabbed them, balancing myself on the heels and balls of my feet. I figured she was going to make me cum. But nothing could prepare me for what happened next. Her hand smacked my ass so hard I had to release my ankles and grab the sink to stop from falling over. It stung like hell. I yelped out loud.

"That is none. You will count them. If you fail to do so, they won't count."

SMACK! As hard as the last one on my other cheek. "One." I sobbed.

Over the next two minutes, she smacked and I counted. She held nothing back. It was the hardest spanking I think I had ever gotten in my life. When we got to ten, she turned me around to face her and demanded I look in the mirror behind my back.

I leaned my head to the side and looked over my shoulder. My ass was so red. I wiped my tears and turned away, ashamed. "Sorry." I mumbled. And I meant it.

"Put your skirt on and let's go try it again." She ordered.

I shook all over. She was still going to do it. Even after that! I weakly reached up and put my skirt back on and followed her back out to the cart where Jackie and Rachel were giggling to each other. One look at my face and they knew what happened. They kind of looked sorry for me, their giggling ceased.

Darla tugged me over to the cheeses. "Bottom back."

I don't think she even cared what kind it was. I leaned, my pussy hung out again and she stepped behind me. I could feel the cool air on my heated lower ass cheeks, which felt good. Her finger went straight into my soaking hole. I could not help but feel her finger fucking in and out of my pussy and in spite of everything, it felt good. I just held there, trying to act normal, like I was just looking for the precisely right package of cheese while she finger fucked me.

My cheeks blushed. I looked up. There was an older lady, probably someone's grandmother, putting bread into her cart. There was another woman, probably someone's mom, laying a carton of juice into hers. Then, my eyes met those of another woman, around twenty-something I'd guess. She stood there with a loaf of bread in her hand and looked into my eyes. I averted mine back to the cheeses instantly, but feeling her stare on me, I had to look back to see if I was right.

She had short brown hair. Her tight jeans clung to her legs like a second skin. The shirt she wore was a half shirt and I saw her exposed belly quiver. But worst of all was her deep brown eyes, which I met again and couldn't tear away from. She was watching, pretty much never taking her eyes off me. He hand clinched around the loaf of bread, squeezing it as she stared.

I wanted to scream out to her to help me. I was here against my will. I didn't want to be doing this. But the fingering continued. I stood there, bent over and just watched her eyes as the pleasure hit me in waves. Darla's finger got more insistent, thrusting in and out and then her thumb moved to my clit. She started circling it round and round.

This woman couldn't possibly see this happening. She just saw me bent over; saw Darla's position and I'm sure figured it out. She watched intently and I saw here glance around really quick to see if anyone was watching her. Then she brushed her nipple through her shirt as her hand drifted down. I could tell because her nipple then poked out through her shirt and she seemed to be wearing a bra.

Then her hand slid lower. I followed it with my eyes, but then kept glancing back to the eye contact she made with me. Faster and faster Darla went with her finger and thumb. It was feeling so god damned good.

The woman then did something I never thought she would do. She turned her hips to face me and slid her hand between her legs and rubbed. She was slow and deliberate. Not trying to get off, just enjoying watching me receive what she imagined I was receiving. She glanced up the aisle now and then to ensure the privacy of her actions, but then her eyes would always return to my own.

Then it happened. I felt the tremor in my thighs, in my knees. I was about to cum. The heat was making me perspire. The woman's gaze was holding me captive. I felt my eyes rolling back and ...

Just as I was about to orgasm really hard, Darla pulled away. I stood there, still bent and exposed, waiting for her to finish me off, but it never came. Instead I saw her walk over in front of me and I realized my fingered open pussy was on display. I stayed like that as she walked over to the woman. The woman finally stopped looking at me to note Darla approaching her. Was I allowed to stand up yet? I wondered.

I returned to searching for the 'right' cheese while Darla spoke to the woman. They spoke awhile and nodded a bit. Her eyes kept darting back to me. Darla handed her the cell phone she had given me and the woman pulled out her own. They typed into each others phones and then the woman turned and left, giving me a bright smile as she did.

I blushed and continued desperately to look like I wasn't intentionally showing my excited pussy to the world behind me. Darla returned and looked at me. She laughed lightly. "Just grab one and get up."