Darla's Games Day 02


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Darla threw the belt over my head and told me. "Stay. Don't move a muscle."

I laid there, tears free falling, shoulders shaking. The pain was way beyond pride and I didn't care who saw right then.

It was about that time that the front door crashed open. I looked over, startled by the sound, but dared not to lift my body as Jill came in with an anger I hadn't dreamed possible on her face.

"Darla!" She screamed out and stomped through the living room toward the kitchen. I didn't dare to turn my head to see her, but I knew she must have had fear in her eyes from the vicious visage of Jill's face. Still, Jill barely gave me a glance. She didn't even acknowledge me. She stomped past me and the next thing I heard was her stomping down the hall with Darla behind her.

"You fucking bitch! You just don't get it do you?" Jill was yelling at her.

"What?!" Darla screamed back at her, but I could tell there was some fear there.

"Sue is mine, you had no right to do that shit and you damn well know it. Drop your fucking skirt right now cunt or we are going rounds."

Wow! What did she do to Sue? I couldn't imagine as I wept with my ass exposed. I didn't hear any more yelling for awhile, so I guess Darla did as she was told. I wished I could see her.

I did look up to see Rachel and Jackie and they looked like they were afraid for Darla. They just kept whispering to each other, "I told her." And "She just never listens."

For my part, I wasn't about to move. My ass was still on fire, and honestly, this was probably the best position to let it cool down. In long minutes that could have been an hour or more, Jill came back out of the room and I thought I heard Darla sobbing in the background.

Jill walked up to me, there was still anger on her face, but I knew it wasn't at me. "Clean this fucking house Carrie. I'm tired of looking at your ass." She smiled then for a moment, as if the last part was a kindness to let me cover my ass. But I was taken aback by her abrupt demeanor. She saw this and sat down and leaned in so her face was inches from my own, my eyes captured by hers again. I shuddered.

She smiled, more gently this time. "Hey." She caressed my cheek and pulled a strand of wet hair from my forehead. "I'm not mad at you. Don't worry about it, okay? Just clean up and things will be better. Work is distracting, trust me."

She smiled so softly, then went to stand up and turned to Jackie and Rachel. "Come with me." It was definitely not a request and the two of them looked almost scared as they followed Jill out of the house and shut the door to keep me from hearing.

I was nearly alone. I realized how silly it was I was laying there. I mean Jill told me to get up, and obviously, she overruled Darla. I got up and started by putting all the things that go in the refrigerator away. Then I pulled up a chair and used it like a step ladder to clean all the cupboards out before putting the rest of the food away.

Hours must have passed, but Darla never left the room in the back and Jill, Rachel and Jackie never returned. I just kept working. The burning in my ass was still poignant, but becoming less so by the minute. I was sweaty and dirty from the job. Climbing, spraying, wiping, and scrubbing. For some reason, I wanted to do a really good job for Jill. I finished the cupboards and then put all the remaining items away.

I then cleaned out the refrigerator, one disgusting shelf at a time. By the time I was finished it looked like an almost new refrigerator. I scrubbed the top and outside of it. I got on my hands and knees and cleaned the floor. I was kind of hungry, but dared not eat, even though there was now an abundance of food in the fridge and the cupboards.

When no one came to stop me, I made my way from the kitchen to the dining room. On hands and knees I scrubbed the floor. I cleaned the table to a dull shine. I cleaned the chairs. I climbed up and cleaned the chandelier that dangled from the ceiling.

Still, no one returned to stop me. So, I made my way to the living room. I scrubbed and scoured the floor here as well. I did my best to clean the mismatched couch and loveseat. I then cleaned all the windows in this side of the house. I never dared to venture past the living room towards the hall though. It was like an area not to be entered.

I noticed then, I really had to go to the bathroom badly. I knew the bathroom must be down the hall, but I was afraid to go down there. Finally, I just let my fear take a back seat to my urgency and headed down there and sure enough, on the right, was the bathroom. I went inside, closed the door and peed.

This far down the hall, I could hear whimpering from the bedroom at the end. In spite of my hatred for Darla, I felt bad for her suddenly. What could Jill have done to make such a brute of a girl whimper this long? I hadn't heard any belts hitting flesh. I hadn't heard any sounds actually. I dried with the toilet paper we had bought and flushed.

I so wanted to look inside that room, but I didn't feel like dying so I just returned to the living room. I washed all the windows in the living room, dining room and kitchen from inside. Then, feeling I had done all I could without going down the hall, I went outside with a chair and cleaned the outside of all the windows.

I noticed the sun starting to dip. I was tired, filthy and so hungry and thirsty I thought I would collapse. I had spent the entire day cleaning. Then, like that ton of bricks, I remembered I was supposed to call my mom. Darla's car was still gone, apparently with Jill, Rachel and Jackie. That just left Darla. Oh God I didn't want to ask her anything.

No phone on the wall. I had the cell phone, but was afraid to use it without permission. I tiptoed to the edge of the hall and whispered her name. "Darla?"

I heard rustling from the room at the end of the hall. I heard a deep sniff. She must have been composing herself. "What is it little girl?" She barely sounded anything but her strong self. Maybe she hadn't been whimpering at all.

"I umm. I need to call my mom. I was supposed to come home for dinner and its getting kind of late. I promised I'd call if I couldn't be back." I said it with the kind of quiet respect you show when you really don't want to disrupt someone but you have to.

"Use the cell. Tell her you will be home whenever. What time do you usually have to go to bed?"

"I usually... umm, well like 9 or 10." I stammered.

"Tell her you'll be back home before 10 then." Darla replied. She never opened the door.

I used the cell to inform mom of my delayed arrival. She wanted details and I just told the truth, that I was cleaning a friend's house. I didn't specify that it wasn't Julie, but I figured that was best. She made some reference to me cleaning her house. I laughed and said sure. Then she dropped a bomb on my whole day.

"Julie came by looking for you. So what have you really been doing?" Mom was mad. Wow, she had hidden it really well earlier. I instantly cursed myself for not covering with Julie.

"I ... Mom, it's a new friend of mine. You haven't met her and I didn't want you to worry, so I said it was Julie."

"Is this a boy friend?" She thought I was fucking some guy, I was sure of it. I almost laughed.

"No Mom, it's a girl, her name is Darla. She just moved into a new house and I was helping them move in. We went shopping and I helped her clean all day."

I was so busted. This was not going to end well. "Let me talk to her then." Mom said.

"Okay, umm." I stammered. "Well, she can't come to the phone right now."

"Yeah right Carrie. Is there a boy next to you right now? If so, put him on the phone now." Mom replied, she wasn't buying it.

"Mom. I swear there are no boys here." I was struggling. That was when I heard the door open at the end of the hall. Darla was dressed and didn't look at all like she had been distressed in any way. She strode down the hall and put her hand out for the phone.

"Hi Miss... ummm Carrie's Mom." Darla put on a much younger voice that nearly made me giggle out loud. She smiled at me and turned up and eyebrow and stuck out her tongue, trying to make me laugh.

I couldn't hear my mom anymore, but figured what was said.

"This is Darla, I just moved in and Carrie was helping me all day. My mom says we can drop her off whenever you want, but I was hoping she could stay a little longer. We are becoming such good friends. And she is really helping us clean up this mess."

The voice Darla used had me cracking up as quietly as possible.

"Oh yes, well thanks Miss Carol. I'll tell Mom. Do you want to talk to Carrie again?"

"Okay, well nice talking to you. Thanks a bunch."

She closed the phone and made a funny face and I laughed. She looked around the room and then let the funny face drop. She looked in awe as she walked through the living room and to the kitchen and the dining room.

"God damn Carrie. You have been a busy little..." She looked at me and stopped. Something was very different. "You did a great job sweetie. Let's get something to eat, you must be starved."

Well, by 'lets' it meant me. I made us a big bowl of spaghetti, in case the other girls ever decided to come back and besides a glass of water, she gave me a half glass of wine to sip over dinner. I even heated up some bread to go with the meal.

I'd go into the conversation and details of the next hour, but they are kind of boring. We made small talk. I mean, things came up like my schedule, which I knew was prying for her game time, but for the most part, it was non-intrusive, pleasant conversation throughout dinner. I was starved, and she commented on how much I had eaten.

I was also filthy and she recommended a bath. I commented about not having a change of clothes so I may as well just do it at home and she offered up her washer and dryer. She was being so nice; I figured I may as well. I tossed my skirt and shirt in the washing machine and turned it on. Looking down on my naked body, I could see the lines where the dirt had gotten on my bare skin. I gladly drew a bath and jumped in, luxuriating in the hot water.

I washed my hair and body and lay back in the tub. Relaxation overtook me and I drifted off to sleep.

I dreamt. There I was in a garden. People were walking around, talking to each other. I was naked, but no one took any notice of me. My chest heaved in the exhilaration of being so wonderfully naked. I looked out at the crowd, a sea of unfamiliar faces. I wondered where I was. The sound of a fountain splashed softly in the background.

Then, through the den of unknown faces, I caught a glimpse of her. It seemed the fountain had stopped splashing for the moment she raised her eyes to mine. Jill was dressed in a beautiful flowing gown. She walked so smoothly it was as if she floated towards me.

I felt so needy, I touched myself in ways most private. My left hand caressed my breast. My right hand slid between my legs and felt the moistness that her eyes had created. She came closer and closer. I was rubbing harder now. She was right in front of me. She closed her eyes and leaned in and our lips were so close. I felt her breath on my face as the distance turned to nothing. The damned fountain started again. How rude!

My eyes snapped open and I looked down. Sure enough, my hands were occupied as they had been in my dream, but with my waking, they had stopped moving. I was awake now, the water was cold. Why was the fountain still flowing? I looked toward the sound and screamed.

There was a man there peeing in the toilet. He was looking at me over his shoulder and jumped when I screamed.

"Sorry. Almost done." He stammered. "I didn't mean to look. Sorry but you were apparently... Nevermind." He shook his hips and I heard him zip up as he turned away and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

I sat bolt upright. I looked at the unlocked door. I looked around at the lack of shower curtain, which I had just noticed for the first time. I stood up and ran to the door, water dripping to puddle on the floor as I did so. I turned the lock on the door and slammed my back against it to bar the man from coming back.

Outside I heard a commotion. People were chatting out there, a lot of them. Then I heard loud sounds of laughter. I screamed again. I heard muffled voices mixed with the laughter and then Darla's voice at the door.

"I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful there. Open the door and I'll give you a towel."

I opened the door and she handed me a towel. "Do you have another one for my hair?" I asked.

"Sure" And she handed me a second. I wrapped my hair in one towel and quickly dried and wrapped the other around my body, tucking it inside at my breasts. The larger towel, which I had of course used for my body, barely could stretch the distance between my ass and breasts. I opened the door. Darla was standing there.

"Who was that guy!?" I practically screamed.

"A friend." She answered. "His name is Matt; I'll introduce you if you want."

I shook my head no. "Where are my clothes?" I whispered.

"In the washer I guess." She whispered back.

"Oh. Well, could you switch them to the dryer for me?" I asked.

She laughed and I knew that kind streak was over. My eyes went from bright and hopeful to dejected and scared in a second. I held the towel firmly at my breasts and walked across the hall to the laundry closet. I caught images of people to the end of the hall and I blocked them out. I opened the lid and there were my clothes, soaking wet in the washing machine. I tossed them into the dryer and started it up.

I turned to look at Darla. "I don't suppose you have anything I could wear meanwhile?"

I knew the answer, no need to wait for it. "Nope. Come on, I want you to meet some friends of ours." Darla grabbed my hand and I knew better than to bother with resisting.

I walked out into the living room and all eyes turned to see me. There were at least five guys and fifteen girls. I blushed in my towel. They all had clothes of course. Jackie ran up with a glass of wine in her hand and gave me a hug. "Hey Carrie. You did an awesome job cleaning this place up. We saw it and all thought 'party' at the same time!"

I felt my towel slip a bit as she hugged me and as the hug broke, quickly went to tighten the towel with my left hand. "Carrie!" Rachel yelled and ran over to hug me too. I rolled my eyes; she actually teasingly tugged on the towel. "Great job!" She laughed as she lost a half-hearted tug of war for the towel and went back to the party.

The next thing I knew, I was being introduced one by one to the guests. I was too freaked out to focus on anyone other than who Darla was introducing me to at the time. I never wanted to go home so bad in my life. Here I was, in a towel that barely contained my breasts and ass, meeting this guy and that girl and they all wanted to talk and steal glances at my cleavage.

I met Matt of course, and blushed brightest red at this guy, who had seen me not only naked, but fondling myself. He, fortunately, seemed a little embarrassed as well, so it was even more uncomfortable. About seven guests in, I saw Farin in the dining room, chatting and laughing with Rebecca. There, next to them was Brad, he looked up at me and smiled, then poked Rebecca to get her attention.

She and Farin looked at me and laughed. "Nice outfit!" Farin yelled across the room.

I turned to Darla. "I want to go home."

Darla smiled and said, "No."

"Can I just go wait in the other room for my clothes to dry then?" I pleaded.

"Oh get off it Carrie. They all saw you naked in the tub. We snuck them all in to see you. Don't be modest. From what Matt told us, you were enjoying yourself quite a bit in there." She snickered.

I hung my head and blushed. "It... was a dream." I muttered.

"Yeah, quite a good one I'll bet." Darla quipped. "Let's go meet Diane and Roger; they are dying to see you."

I didn't bother to ask who Diane and Roger were, after all, I was about to find out. I gasped when I saw her. Diane was the woman from the grocery store and Roger was her boyfriend. After about twenty minutes of grasping my towel for dear life and meeting everyone in the house, Darla pulled me with her to chat with her in the corner of the dining room where Farin, Rebecca and Brad were standing.

"Excuse us Brad." Darla said to him. "Girl talk."

He frowned and reluctantly left Rebecca's side and headed into the kitchen.

"So Carrie," Darla started. Rebecca and Farin hung on every word though they looked at me the whole time. "Tomorrow you have school and I won't be able to be there." She faked a pouting face. "So, you will be on your best behavior and listen to whatever Farin and Rebecca tell you to do. Anything they say is as good as from me and you know what will happen if you disobey me."

Rebecca's eyes lighted up like she had just gotten the best Christmas present of her life. Farin smiled at me mischievously. "In fact, why don't we go in the back room and flush out the details. There are rules." She looked up at Farin and Rebecca with a rather stern face and Rebecca's glee lowered just a little bit.

We walked through the crowd and back to the back bedroom. I hadn't noticed at the moment, but Jill followed and came in with us. Rebecca and Farin playfully jumped onto the bed and sat up. Darla stood off to the right facing them. I stood by the door and Jill made her way across from me, behind the bed.

"Farin, Rebecca." I could tell Darla was put out by Jill's presence, but she hid it well enough. "First off, Carrie is a virgin."

The two of them cackled. I hung my head in my hands. I'd never live this down.

"She is to stay that way. You cannot make her have sex with any guys. You may not break her hymen." The two of them kept giggling.

"I mean it!" Darla snapped at them. They stopped giggling at once. "You do anything to change that I will fuck you up so bad, you will think what Carrie has to put up is fantasy camp. Don't fuck with me and stop the stupid giggling."

Even that bitch Farin kept her mouth shut. Maybe Jill controlled Darla, but it was obvious that Farin would listen to her sister.

"She will not be your little servant or any bullshit like that. If you want her to do something out of the rules, you both have my cell and you better fucking call me first. If you can't reach me, then use your judgment, but you know what I want Farin, so don't act stupid and make sure Rebecca understands the same. You do a damned thing I don't like without my permission, ditto that last threat.

The girls frowned, but they both agreed.

"If you can't follow my rules, get the fuck out now and give me your cell on the way out. Rebecca, the only reason you have those pictures is because I know how much you hate Carrie and I figured that disdain would help me to keep an eye on her. I mean it though, any of those pics go out from your phone, I will find out and I will be on your ass like white on rice, you got me?"

Rebecca didn't look so sure of herself anymore. She nodded.

Darla stepped up beside me and grabbed the towel and ripped it off before I could stop her. "There is not a fucking mark on her body." She grabbed my shoulder and made me turn around to show my back too before turning fully around to face them again. I knew I wasn't to cover up so I didn't. "Keep it that way. I find out either of you so much as bruise her knee playing your games with her, I will fuck you up so bad, you will feel the pain for months."

She held the towel away and I knew better than to interrupt her to ask for it back. I stretched my left forearm across my breasts and held my right hand over my bald pubic area. I kept my legs tight together.

Darla rolled her eyes at me. "Move your fucking hands down Carrie."