Darla's Games Day 10


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"You are not alone you stupid ..." She started crying. "I love you. Do you think it is easy for me? Do you think that somehow the school, my friends all think it is wonderful that I am a lesbian Carrie? Do you think that my sister or Rebecca ever stop giving me grief over it? NO!"

She was crying, but she was truly angry. "You are loved Carrie! Do you know how long I had to deal with being alone? To be alone with this... with being a lesbian. And now I met you and you ... you think of killing yourself? How dare you do this to me? To yourself?"

"I know, Julie hates you. She will come around. Rebecca did. She and I will never be best friends again, but we are friends Carrie. Just give her time."

I looked down and she shook my head again. "NO! You will look me in the eyes and swear you will never even think about this again!" Farin was within inches of my face, her eyes burning into my soul.

"I'm sorry Farin." I sobbed. "I love you, I do. It's just..." I trailed off and looked away.

Farin pulled me into her arms and held me tight. "I know Carrie." She whispered. "Just give it time. It is a hard thing for her to deal with. One day, she will come to grips with it. Remember how she had you go down on her in the bathroom last week? She has her own demons to battle. You brought them to the front. Just... give her time... let me be enough for now." She kissed my cheek.

"You're right." I sobbed. "I'm sorry Farin."

"Okay, now let's get that plug out of you okay?" She smiled and led me into the bathroom stall.

I bent over, with her guiding hand and lifted my skirt. Farin grasped the base and tugged softly. The lubricant had long passed and she was now tugging the widest part first through my formerly virgin asshole. It hurt, and it wasn't even making progress. I grunted and moaned aloud as she tugged, but she couldn't get the damned thing out.

"Shit!" Farin exclaimed. "I can't get it out."

I sobbed. "Just... leave it." I whimpered.

"I can't Carrie," Farin said in an exasperated tone. "It will just be worse. I have to get it out now. You need to push baby. Please, I know it seems, gross, but you have to push it."

"Oh god!" I cried out. Could this possibly be more humiliating?

Nevertheless, with a bit of coaxing, I pushed. It was like... I don't even want to think about what it was like, but embarrassing and painful pretty much cover it. When the mixed efforts between Farin's pulling and twisting and my pushing like I was expelling, we got the plug out of my ass with an audible pop and a light scream of pain.

Farin held it by the flange. "Well, I guess you should wash it off." She laughed, holding it out to me. I cringed and turned away.

"Carrie..." Farin began and I turned back to her, she still held it out to me. "Seriously, it wasn't up my ass, go clean it in the sink." She had a very stern voice, almost commanding. I looked into her eyes, waiting for her to laugh, but she didn't. In fact, her face lacked any mirth whatsoever.

"Fine!" I yelled at her and grabbed the vile thing, pushing my way past her to open the bathroom stall door. She moved out of my way and I nearly hit her with the door I swung it open so forcefully. I stomped over and threw the plug in the sink and turned the water on full hot. I was furious.

Farin came out and looked at me in the mirror. She was not smiling. "I think my sister was right." She said, frowning at me. "I am too close to you. Keep the plug with you and I will put it back in next class break." She walked out of the bathroom leaving me alone with the deviant device in the hot water.

I didn't really want to get caught alone with this thing, so I washed it off with some soap, rinsed it and wrapped it up in paper towels after drying it. I stuck it in my backpack, side pocket and headed off to my least favorite class.

The bell rang right about the time I entered the door. There, in the back row, sat the cheerleaders and I turned away from the evil glare on Rebecca's face at once. I sat down between her and Farin, not wanting to deal with Farin at the moment either, I busied myself with my books. Mr. Thatch had already begun the monotone roll call and I answered when he called out my name.

I glanced over to Farin and she smiled at me and mouthed, "I'm sorry." I smiled back, it helped tremendously.

I was looking forward to a nice relaxing class after the hell I had endured with Julie, but with Rebecca there, it was not meant to be. She scooted her chair right up next to mine so she could lean in and whisper in my ear.

"How's your asshole Carrie?" Came the first rhetorical question, at least I hoped it was rhetorical as I had no intention of answering it.

"Just wait until lunch, I can't wait to see how you handle it." She giggled. "Just think how far you have fallen... I'm almost disappointed, I thought you were a much more worthy adversary." I refused to be drawn up in her taunts. Yes, she was getting to me, pushing me to fight back, but I knew it would only result in more pain to me if I resisted.

"It's just as well really." Rebecca pushed. "By the time this is over you are going to lose everything you had. You may as well get used to being someone's bitch, hopefully Farin will still be around at the end. Then you two can go public with your lesbian love."

I turned and glared at her. She smiled widely. "How's Julie?" She laughed in my face.

I was hot, I was so angry I felt I could destroy her. I know she saw it, the danger there in my face, because for a moment, she dropped her smile and I noticed a tinge of concern in her eyes. I leaned into her and she shifted away slightly before realizing I was leaning to whisper to her.

"If you bring up Julie to me again, I will hurt you Rebecca. Darla, the bet, the favors, none of it will stop me. Leave her out of this or you will regret it." I whispered.

Rebecca leaned and whispered back. "Carrie, I would kick your ass, right now, but then I wouldn't get to see what happens to you at lunch. Not that I need to explain shit to you, but she called me to pick her up, not the other way around. She needs a new friend apparently and I like her. She isn't a bitch like you. Now, you can get as pissed as you like about it, but do you really think that she is going to be your friend again when you attack everyone she tries to be friends with that isn't you?"

"In fact, she and I are going to the mall this Saturday. In fact, Brad, Chad, Julie and I are doubling to the party this Friday night. So, don't think you own her, she is a big girl Carrie and she can decide who she wants to be her friends. Apparently she prefers straight friends." Rebecca laughed quietly.

"So, if I were you, I would stick close to Farin, by the time this whole thing is over, she will be the only friend you have left in the entire school."

I leaned back and glared at her. I was angry, but I was also devastated and hurt. It was true, Julie was going to become good friends with my hated rival Rebecca and there was nothing I could do about it. My best friend was slipping away quickly and I was watching it happen. I fought the tears that burned the ducts in my eyes, fighting for release. I shook my head. No, I would not let this happen.

"Screw you Rebecca." I huffed and pulled away from her.

She laughed at me.

I edged away from Rebecca and thought terrible thoughts the whole time. Julie, my best friend, gone? I wouldn't accept that, I couldn't accept that.

I decided I would force a confrontation today at some point, whether Julie liked it or not. I heard shuffling off to my right and glanced over to see Courtney, her nose in its bandages, trading seats with Rebecca. She smiled at me when I looked her way and I blushed before smiling back. She crooked her finger to tell me to lean towards her and I did.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I am going to put your plug in after class, so we can walk to the bathroom together." She said in her giggling, girlish way.

I blushed even redder, embarrassed, though I should have known that Courtney would be in on the knowledge since she was now a part of the group of torturers here at school. It seemed ages ago that I was on top. I had been popular. I was even a leader of sorts. Now, I had been reduced to this in about ten days, I was nothing but a lesbian slut. I shuddered and lowered my head into my hands, fighting the urge, the need to cry.

Farin placed her hand on my thigh and I looked up at her with blurred eyes, the tears wanting to fall, but I held them back. She smiled at me and leaned in and whispered, "Everything will be okay Carrie, just get through it, be true to your heart. Julie will come around."

It was as if she knew what I was thinking and I forced a smile in return. I slumped back in my seat and sighed, eyes closed, dreaming of better days. At length the bell rang and I got up and begrudgingly followed perky little Courtney to the bathroom. We entered the handicap stall, it is just much more convenient for having two people inside.

"Think we have time for a quicky?" Courtney giggled. I guess my eyes showed my lack of enthusiasm and she smiled. "Later then. Okay slut, bend over and lift the skirt." She laughed in her little sing song voice that mad you want to just hit her. But, been there, done that, have the T shirt.

I complied, lifting my skirt up over my ass and reaching behind as I bent over to display my anus, where I knew I would soon endure the pain of the insertion. I waited for it to come and Courtney just laughed lightly.

"I do love the view, don't get me wrong, but I was told you have the plug." She laughed.

I blushed at my own stupidity and reached for my backpack, pulling the plug from the side pocket. It occurred to me then, that I had no lubricant. "Umm, did they give you the lube?" I asked in a soft voice.

Courtney sighed softly. "No, I guess we will just have to get it wet another way, put it in your mouth and get lots of spit on it."

"What?!" I shouted. "No way Courtney, it had been..." I trailed off. Obviously it had been in my ass. She would know that. And while I had cleaned it in the sink, the thought of putting something that had been there in my mouth was repulsive to me. "You know Carrie, if you had come to my house like you promised, maybe I would care." Courtney smiled. "But, under the circumstances, I would advise you to stick that plug in your mouth or I will take it and shove it in dry. I don't think you would like that at all."

I whimpered and tears flooded my cheeks as I held that horrid plug in my hand. I looked at it, remembered where it had been and then considered where it was going to be again soon. I opened my mouth, revolted by the idea of it, and pressed it against my tongue. Closing my lips, I let my saliva soak the deviant toy.

"That's a good girl." Courtney smiled. "Get it very wet, let your saliva bathe it. It will be much easier for both of us that way."

I hated it. The taste of rubber was really all there was. I had washed it in the sink and since I gave myself an enema every day, there wasn't really anything much to taint it anyway. Still, just the thought that it had been in my ass less than an hour ago was revolting to me. I sobbed as I worked my saliva glands to produce a thick coating on the foul toy.

"Okay, that should do it." Courtney giggled, taking the plug from my mouth. "Now bend over and let's get this where it belongs."

I let the tears fall and splatter into the toilet as I placed my hands on the seat and bent over. I cringed, forcing a loud plop of tears from both eyes as the tip of the wet plug touched my tight anus. Courtney began to hum to herself as she pushed and twisted. At first it didn't feel too bad, I guess the first time had loosened my ring a little, then at about halfway in, it started to burn as the wider part stretched my anus.

I groaned and winced as she continued to push the horrid thing inside me. "Damn this is tight." Courtney mused, sounding almost excited by the concept. "Good thing we are getting you loosened up a little." She giggled.

I squealed as she pushed harder until the widest part now had my asshole screaming for an end to the pain. I knew she had to be close to the relief that I would get when the bulb entered and my ass was permitted to close around the somewhat thinner shaft. I almost looked forward to it when the pressure stopped.

"Ask me to push it in the rest of the way nicely." Courtney grinned, I could tell by her voice, not that I was looking back. My eyes were fixed on the splashing of my tears in the toilet.

"C-Courtney," I stammered, "Please put it the rest of the way in." I didn't want to say it, to ask for this debasement, but it was really burning at that width. I pushed my ass back to try to get it in, but she moved her hand with me and held it there at the widest spot.

Courtney giggled. "I want you to come to my house to study after practice." I looked back over my shoulder, tears streaming down my cheeks at her smiling face. "I can't Courtney. Please just put it the rest of the way in, it hurts." I sobbed.

"You can, I cleared it with Darla." Courtney answered.

"Fine!" I yelled. "Just put the fucking thing in already." I was getting pissed now and tried to ram my ass back unexpectedly to trick her into getting the damned plug in.

She pulled it out all the way and laughed. "Now we have to start over again. Get in position and do not move at all. I will put it in without any help from you."

I turned and braced and cried. She took her time, toying with me, fucking my ass with the hated thing. She pushed in and out and in and out again. She twisted and pushed, getting deeper with each thrust and finally it popped into place.

"Mmmmm." Courtney hummed. "That was fun, we'll have to do that again." She slapped my ass and told me to clean up and get to class. She opened the stall door as I was pulling my skirt down. I went to the mirror and cleaned up and headed off to my next class.

When I arrived in Miss Simms class, I found that Julie was already sitting there. She refused to meet my eyes as I looked at her through my reddened orbs, still slightly sore from crying. The plug in my ass was very uncomfortable, a constant reminder that my life was no longer my own.

I sat a bit too hard in my chair and grunted as the plug drove deeper into me on impact. I told myself to be a bit more careful in the future. I was just setting my books on the desk when I felt the phone buzz. I looked down at it, a message from Rebecca.

I read:

Hey slut, how is your ass?

I typed back, Better than yours.

Okay, so not one of my brightest moves. Here I was taunting a girl who had a bit too much power and control over the outcome of my life. I hated her so much I could barely withhold my rage though.

HAHA Very funny bitch You will now get ten more of what I had planned Rebecca returned.

I didn't reply, my thoughts processed a hundred different responses and they would all just get me more of whatever she had planned.

Bet you are wondering what is going to happen Want to know? Rebecca sent. I truly did want to know. The anticipation, the fear, the dread was all assaulting to my psyche, probably more than the actual punishment would be. Still, I didn't want any favors from that cunt. Whatever, not my wittiest comeback, but I hoped the indifference would diminish her sense of self importance in my life.

Fine You will find out soon enough anyway Rebecca returned.

I looked over to Julie and she was determinedly looking up at the boring discussion from our teacher. I sighed deeply and tried to concentrate myself. Between the ass plug and Julie and my dreaded upcoming lunch, it was impossible.

About ten minutes before the end of class, my phone buzzed again. I looked down, it was a message from Farin. Can't take your plug out You will have to do it yourself.

It was a relief I guess. Though I remembered how hard it was to get out with her help. How would I ever get the right angle to do it myself, I wondered. The phone vibrated.

Actually take it out now I will check in the hall

I shivered, blushed and coughed simultaneously. She couldn't possibly be serious. No way in hell was I going to be able to discreetly remove the plug without being seen in the middle of class.

NO WAY Was my response. The silence afterwards was rather annoying. I expected some sort of reply, something along the lines of trying to convince me or laughing at the joke it was intended to be.

Finally, the ten minutes clicked away and the bell rang and I got up from my seat and headed to the nearest bathroom to try to get the thing out of my ass. No sooner had I exited the door, noticing that Julie had purposely exited through the other door to the classroom, I saw Farin walking straight towards me with a pissed off look on her face.

I lowered my eyes and sighed loudly. She walked right up to me and grabbed my arm and ushered me into the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Julie looking on in bewilderment. I had hoped she would never know who my lesbian love was and that thought was even more prominent than the pending confrontation with Farin in the bathroom.

She practically threw me into the stall and closed the door. Thankfully, she kept her voice hushed through gritted, angry teeth. "Carrie, it was not a request. You are costing me my position as part of Darla's team. I love you and now you are using that against me. When I tell you to do something, you need to do it. Don't ask questions, don't tell me no, just do it. We will have our time together as lovers, but when I am doing something for Darla, it comes from her and every time you disobey, she takes me out of the picture more and more. Do you want that? Do you want it to just be Rebecca and Courtney ordering you around for my bitch sister?" I had my head down and stared at the floor the whole time she berated me. I felt bad, realizing the position Farin was in as my lover and Darla's henchman. I looked up through tear filled eyes and apologized. "Farin, I'm sorry, I know it is hard for you too. I just couldn't do that. I wouldn't have done it for Rebecca or Courtney or even Darla. I am not supposed to be found out. This is temporary. It's a secret. I will not come out in front of the whole school as a joke."

She looked into my eyes and her anger faded somewhat. I reached forward and we embraced. I sobbed into her shoulder. She rubbed my back. "It's going to be okay Carrie. I'm sorry I told you to do that. I should have known it was too risky."

"Thank you." I sobbed, squeezing her tightly. We kissed. I wanted to make love to her right here in the stall of the girl's bathroom, but obviously it was not permitted or advisable with class looming over our heads. We broke and she helped me to remove the dreaded plug from my ass.

"Carrie?" She asked me as I held the thing and prepared to clean it in the sink.

I smiled at her, wiping away a tear from the pain of the plug's removal. "Yes Farin?"

"Clean it with your mouth and put it in your bag." She smiled so sweetly and it was nearly sounding more like a request than a command.

I laughed, she must have been joking. But, she just stood there, smiling expectantly. Seconds that seemed like hours passed and she was still standing there blocking the door. I let a tear escape down my cheek. I flushed red with embarrassment, knowing I could do this for her, though I didn't want to.

I stared at the repulsive piece of rubber. It wasn't like it was dirty or anything. I was very clean back there after over a week of daily enemas. Still, it was repulsive and I fought the urge to vomit. I looked up at her with pleading eyes, and her face lost its smile and she looked ... disappointed.

I clinched my eyes and did the most depraved thing, I placed it in my open mouth and sucked it clean. It tasted bitter, but not horrid. It was more the concept that repulsed me than the actual taste, but I did fight back bile in my throat as I held it there and swirled it with my tongue. Holding the base I turned it in my mouth and cleaned the entire thing. Tears splashed on the tile floor until I felt I had done enough and took it out of my mouth and tucked it into the side pocket of my backpack.