Darla's Games Day 10


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I guess I participated, but it wasn't an enthusiastic effort. Julie was her normal, graceful self on the gymnastic apparatus. I was clumsy and only made a half-hearted effort. A disinterest that did not go unnoticed by the teacher and I was running laps by the end of class. There was a comfort in this solitude activity. I could be alone, could let the numbness take my mind as my pain-stricken body went through the motions of laps.

Of course, I couldn't shower. Farin took my sweaty body into the bathroom again and changed me, wiping me down with a wet towel she had confiscated before putting my clothes back on. I walked blankly to last period and drew randomly during art class. I hadn't even registered what I was drawing until Miss King looked at my work and leaned in to whisper to me.

"Carrie, come with me." She said. I looked up at her concerned face, then down at the drawing I had made. It was a picture of me with a knife in one hand, a droplet of blood dangling off the tip. Apparently carved into my abdomen was the word LESBIAN. There were tears dripping down my eyes. In the picture I had drawn. My real eyes were drained.

I walked with her and vaguely heard her instruct the class to continue on and she would be back soon. I let her lead me downstairs to the office. She asked to see the counselor and was allowed in immediately. They talked about me for awhile and I stared off, not paying them a bit of attention. I was too lost in reliving my body being taken.

I was sitting. I wasn't sure when this happened, but Miss King had left me alone with a female counselor. She tried to talk to me, but I was busy blocking her out. She was part of a world for normal people. I didn't belong there anymore. I was something less, something different.

"Carrie!" The woman said loudly and my attention was finally drawn to her. She was very pretty, probably in her mid-thirties. Her short blonde hair was cut to mid-neck. Her blue eyes were soft and caring. I hated her already.

"Yes?" I asked. My voice was crackled. It was the first word I had spoken since my throat had been violated. It came out, thankfully, but it was accompanied by a searing pain in my throat and I gulped down a mouth full of saliva, which was equally painful.

"What is going on?" She said loudly, but with concern in her voice. "What is happening to you? Is there trouble at home?"

I nearly laughed. I came out of my funk just enough to answer her. "Don't waste your time. It will be disappointing." I said, each word coming out sounding just a little more like my own voice.

"My time is here for you Carrie." The woman said softly. "I am here for you. You can tell me anything and it will forever be just between us."

I looked into those soft, concerned eyes. I wondered for a moment if it would be nice to tell someone how the cheerleading squad had just fucked me in the ass and throat. It sounded unbelievable, even as I thought it. I just put on the most sincere smile I could manage. "I have nothing to say."

She sighed as I stared at her blankly. "Carrie?" She nearly whispered. "Did you just find out you are a lesbian? Is that what this is all about?"

I didn't respond, but I suppose a lift of an eye or a difference in my breathing hinted her to continue on this line of discussion.

"It's okay Carrie. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with being a lesbian." She continued her spiel with practiced precision. "I would like you to go to a counseling group. It is a group of teenage girls, like you, who have found that they prefer women to men. Will you go there Carrie? Nobody needs to ever know about it. Anything you say there, even that you show up there is guaranteed to be anonymous. There will be no judgment, only acceptance. Will you come with me there tomorrow evening?"

I looked at her well meaning face a moment. "Thanks, I'll work it out on my own." I croaked.

She let out a deep sigh. "Carrie... I can make you go."

I looked at her perhaps a bit hurt and surprised. She continued. "But I won't for now. However, if your teachers keep complaining about your behavior in school, I will have to insist. I know it is a hard time for you. Just know you aren't alone, you aren't the only one."

The bell thankfully rang to end the day and after an uncomfortable silence, she sighed again and excused me. I headed to my locker and got all my books I would need for homework tonight before walking in a stupor towards the gym to change for cheerleading practice. It was Monday, so we had the weight room.

I had the presence of mind to change in the bathroom on my own this time. Even though Julie nor any of the other girls were in my row, I knew someone could come in and see my tattoos anytime. I made my way to the weight room and everyone was already there giggling and laughing. I didn't want to know about what as I walked in silently.

"Oh God Carrie!" Karen screamed at me. "You have GOT to come to lunch with us tomorrow. You so missed out today!"

I looked away to hide the pain and quickly turned back with a smile. "Yeah, I heard. I wish I could have been there too." I managed without breaking down. The last thing I wanted was a recap of my abuse for the next hour.

"Okay, let's really work out today." Rebecca broke up the party. "Court, why don't you take Carrie through the paces on the nautilus machine? The rest of us will do rotations on the other equipment."

Courtney smiled and took my hand and led me to one of the machines in the back. The first thing we did was presses. I couldn't press much, it wasn't something I did regularly, so the weight I could manage was negligible. Courtney kept talking to me, disappointed with my ability and I tried to push harder just to get her to shut up.

"I am so wet Carrie." Courtney whispered as she leaned down to change the weights. "I wish I could just straddle your face right here." I whimpered. Through the haze I realized I did not want her to let them all know I was the lesbian slut. "Please not here Courtney." I whispered in a fearful tone.

She looked around and I followed her gaze. Everyone was busy going through equipment. Nobody paid us a bit of attention. They were all working out and laughing about what a great time they had with my alter ego, the panty sniffing slut.

"I have an idea." Courtney whispered. She moved me to a free weight bench and put me into position so my chest was even with the bars that supported the weight bar in its up position. She got into position behind me and when I looked up, it was straight up between her spread legs as she spotted me. She looked down at me and giggled.

She then crouched down by my ear and whispered. "I will be quiet if you do a good job. After twenty-five reps, I want you to struggle with the bar on your chest and I will crouch down to help pick it up. If I haven't cum before then, I want your tongue in my ass. Got it slut?"

I felt a tear roll down either cheek and I just nodded affirmatively. While she was bent there, she was pretty well blocked from view and I heard her moving her clothing around. I looked, turning my head to the side and arching my neck to see what she was doing. She had pulled her panty leg down over her knee under her shorts and stretched it harshly to get it over her foot. Then she pushed it up into her shorts and pulled it down the other leg. She lifted my head and hid her panties under my head.

She smiled at me. "Don't let me forget them."

She stood back up and put her hands on the bar outside of my own and helped me lift it. I looked up and there, under the loose leg of her shorts, her pussy was staring right back at me. As I lowered the bar to my chest, she bent down and pressed her pussy right into my face. I was so worried someone would see.

I smelled her musky scent as she descended and then it was there, her wet pussy was pressed against my mouth. I pushed my tongue out as I knew she wanted me to and simultaneously pressed the bar up to do my first repetition. It was very hard to concentrate on lifting the weight with her pussy in my face. It was even harder to work my tongue at her pussy while I did it.

I blushed, so embarrassed that I was lying here, doing bench presses in a room filled with the cheerleading squad while eating Courtney's pussy. My breathing was becoming difficult. She stayed there, knees bent, crotch riding my face, while I continued to do my repetitions. The limited intake of oxygen made my lungs burn with need at each upwards thrust of the weight laden bar.

Each movement was a struggle. I managed somehow to get my first three repetitions off without dropping the weight on my chest, but I apparently was not doing a sufficiently enthusiastic job on her pussy because Courtney pressed her weight down on my face, blocking off all oxygen for a moment. I panicked and gasped, louder than I had intended. From my vantage point, that being Courtney's crotch, I couldn't tell if anyone had heard, but somehow I thought through the muffled effect of her thighs, I heard renewed giggling amongst my teammates.

I struggled to dislodge Courtney from my face, but with the weights in my hand, I had little choice but to do what I knew was my means of a reprieve. I thrust my tongue in and lashed wildly inside her pussy. She immediately lifted up and I dined on her. I would like to say I forgot about the weights, but it was quite impossible.

I fucked my tongue in and out of her hole and the resulting pool of vaginal fluids and saliva overflowed my mouth and streamed down my cheeks and chin. I could smell it, though Courtney didn't have a strong smell, it was definitely a smell that one would associate with the female sex.

I pressed again and again. Courtney counted each press of the weights and each time her voice changed to something more sultry and sexy. I feared discovery so badly I tried to press faster. The lack of oxygen as I breathed in the limited air around her pussy prohibited me from making a great deal of progress in that respect.

By the time Courtney breathed out fifteen, my face was coated in fluids and my arms were beginning to shake with the effort. When I struggled through the twentieth repetition, I felt like I would never make it through another five. Courtney's fluids and flowed into my nose and I had to repress the urge to throw her off me.

Perhaps it was her own desire to time her orgasm just so it would hit on repetition twenty-five or perhaps my involuntary coughing into her leaking vagina, but on that final lift, it hit her hard. She came and ground her sopping cunt onto my face, smothering me. I choked into her pussy and fortunately it muffled the sound.

She rested there, chest heaving, pussy pulsing against my lips for what seemed an eternity. I suffered her to be there, breathing through my nose and softly lapping her juices into my mouth. Finally, she got up and allowed me to do the same.

It was only as I was lifting my head that I remembered her panty, which I quickly grasped into my hand. She leaned over and whispered, "Put them inside your shorts and give them to me later."

I did as she instructed and looked around at everyone else working out and chatting and giggling. For perhaps the first time in my life I wished I were a normal cheerleader. I had to laugh, but couldn't on the dangerous possibility that any show of emotion would change into a fit of tears.

So, I swallowed the self-deprecating chuckle and went on with my work out with Courtney. The rest of the time was rather uneventful, if I could forget the constant reminder of the smell of her cum in my nostrils and the aftertaste of it on my tongue. I wondered how it was possible any of the other girls didn't smell it when I was close to them, but perhaps they only thought that I was in heat myself.

Whatever the case, practice was over and I retreated to the bathroom to change as everyone else took a much needed shower after the hours of working out. I felt dirty as I changed clothes, smelling my own sweaty odor rising from my body. There was nothing to be done about that now though. I finished changing and walked in my zombie like state back to my locker.

Farin and Courtney were there, toweling off and getting dressed. It was a bit odd since this wasn't where their lockers were. Julie was likewise wet, and when I turned the corner she quickly drew her towel around her body like I was some pervert trying for a peek.

"Farin decided to join us to go study at my house." Courtney chirped. Then she turned to Julie, "You want to come along too Julie?".

I cringed at the thought, but then as an afterthought considered that Courtney wouldn't dare to do anything with Julie there and hoped that she would join us after all.

"Thanks, perhaps another time." Julie smiled at her. "I have to get home." She looked at me briefly, catching my hopefulness dashed to disappointment and giggled to herself.

I waited, trying very hard not to watch them dry off and dress as I sat on the bench with my book bag in hand. It wasn't that there was anything sexy at all about the situation, it was more a lack of anything better to look at. Unfortunately, Julie caught my gaze fall to her ass and she quickly dressed and backpack on her shoulder, turned down the aisle and out of the locker room.

I hadn't really noticed it before now, but the locker room was very quiet aside from Courtney and Farin. Farin finished tying her boot lace and then half trotted down the corridor and around one corner, then a few seconds later past the aisle again. From the far corner of the locker room I heard her voice call out. "It's all clear."

I looked at Courtney, who was smiling at me. "Go shower, you stink." She laughed.

I stared at her, then exhaled heavily and mumbled a thank you. I did stink. I stunk like the sweat of gym and sex. I had probably lost five pounds in sweat today. Well, probably not, but it felt that way. I stripped quickly and half ran to the shower. I was far from comfortable with being naked in front of other people, no matter how much it was forced upon me to do so.

I turned on the water and waited for it to get nice and hot before jumping in and lathering my body. It felt good to be clean again. Water always did refresh me. Perhaps it was the hydration.

I had closed my eyes and relaxed under the soothing caress of the shower. The loud splatter of water bouncing against the floor of the large communal shower seemed to block any sound or even thought of a world outside the shower. I let it take over, washing me clean of every disgusting act that had been performed by me or on me in the previous week. It was a hope that this could happen, a fictitious, unrealistic hope.

Deep inside, I was still detached from my surroundings. The group rape of my, prior to today, virgin ass had assaulted my psyche in a way that far surpassed any physical damage that these girls and women could do to me. Not that I was so rational in the realization of this fact at the time, but in retrospect of the course of events that followed, it accounted for my ability to survive the ordeal without some kind of a mental episode.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Julie is a rapist, some best friend just cause she thinks she deserves it doesn't mean its not rape

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Incredible story 5 stars

artty67artty67over 5 years ago
Loved it

So much fun your detail is amazing. Thankyou

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

...if you're going to leave such a long negative comment, you should learn how to spell correctly. Too many misspelled words.

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