Dave Ch. 04


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"Well Freddy Spencer, one of my old chums from your naturist camp, is now the editor of H&E magazine."

Geri sounded really excited but I didn't know what she was talking about.

"H&E magazine is like the naturist bible, it's run for and by naturists."

"Ok and?"

"Well like me Freddy has some fond memories of coming down there with his parents, lovely, innocent, naked days,"

"That's great but how does that help us now?"

"Well Freddy would like to come and do an article about the place, promote it as a fun, welcoming place to be. He says he'll give us a four page spread and if we can make it look fun, with a good mixture of young and old, then it should do wonders for the camps image and bookings."

"Sounds great but how are we going to do it, there's very few people booked in for the next few weeks."

"They normally use professional, perfect models for their shoots, but I think we can make it more real, more natural."

"How so."

"I've volunteered myself, Mary, you and Suzi to be models, I'm was also thinking about Muriel, but with Jim passing away I don't know."

Whatever about me, Suzi or Geri, I could never see Mary agreeing. "What doe's Mary think of it?"

"I haven't told her yet."

I found myself shaking my head and laughing. "Good luck with that."

I told Muriel about it and she was over the moon her spirits immediately lifted, chattering away about where we could take to photo's and such.

There was a knock at the door and I said I'd get it. Mike Squires and his wife, Penny, were stood there along with two other neighbors come to show their condolences.

When we entered the living room Muriel seemed pleased as she stood to greet them.

"So good of you all to come over."

To make ourselves useful me and Suzi asked if anyone wanted tea,

"Maybe something a bit stronger?" Muriel said.

Everyone had a drink and they were having a good old natter, telling stories about Jim and 'the good old days'.

We just sat and enjoyed listening, keeping everyone's glasses topped up. The conversation eventually got around to Muriel's plans for the future and for the holiday camp.

"Well I hope to keep it running, although my bookings are way down on previous years. But these two lovely young people are going to help, so we might manage."

"Yes I met Dave and Suzi the other day and the place is already looking better." Mike said, smiling at Suzi.

Penny, Mikes wife said "It's the village fete in two weeks, you've never really been involved before but why don't you take a stall this year, handing out fliers and letting people know about the place, with these two good looking ones working here you're bound to get a good response." I think she was looking at me the same way Mike looked at Suzi, but I could be wrong.

"Hold on old girl, Muriel's probably got her hands full, what with making arrangements and such."

"I think it's a wonderful idea, give me something to look forward to and all publicity helps."

"Well if it's publicity you want then I have an idea." We all turned to look at Jill, another neighbor who had hardly said a word since she arrived, concentrating on drinking Gin instead.

Jill seemed happy with her audience and continued "Well this is a nudist camp isn't it?"

Muriel nodded. "Well then what you have to do is something involving nudity."

We were all just looking at her, waiting for her to continue. Once she managed to get her words straight in her head she said, "I was reading about a village somewhere that has a Lady Godiva festival, very popular as you can imagine, anyway, I was thinking that you could do something similar, maybe have someone ride nude through the village and into the fete. The press would love it, maybe even the nationals."

Mike was the first to say anything, "that's a bit much, I don't think the parish council would allow it."

"Well I'm on the parish council and I think it's a marvelous idea." Penny said.

We all looked at Muriel who was just sat smiling "I think it's wonderful."

We all smiled, as much at Muriels joy as anything else. The talk soon got around to practicalities, Mike staring at Suzi as he asked who could we get to play the lead role.

"I'll think of someone." Was all Muriel would say.

I wasn't saying much but an idea was staring to form in my head.

"Why don't we do something a bit different?"

Everyone looked at me.

"I know traditionally there was only one Lady Godiva, but why don't we have two, think up some silly reason for it. It'll definitely give us more bang for our money."

I actually had a fully formed plan in my head, but didn't want to give all the details. I could see peoples faces thinking about what I had said.

"It could be interesting." Muriel said

"I have two lovely mares we could use." Chipped in Mike.

When everyone had left the three of us were sat on the sofa.

"That was an interesting evening, what with H&E coming and now Lady Godiva, I'm quite dizzy from it all." Muriel said.

Suzi was looking at me and said, "I can see the cogs whirling,, what are you thinking?"

"Lots of things, we need to decide who will be in the magazine pictures and I have a few ideas for Lady Godiva."

"I bet you do."

"Not what you're thinking. Things can't be too explicit, no worse than you might see on in some newspapers."


"Well, my idea would be to have a younger and an old Lady Godiva, hopefully you and Muriel." I stopped talking, letting my idea sink in and waiting for reactions.

Muriel was the first to respond, Suzi possibly a bit taken aback.

"Oh how exciting, there's a few in the village who have always disapproved of me, it'll give me a chance to rub their noses in it. What about you Suzi?"

"I don't know, I don't think I could and besides I can't ride a horse."

"Well we have two weeks to practice and I'm sure Mike would enjoy giving you lessons." Muriel said this with a glint in her eye and a small, knowing grin.

"Is there something we should know?" I asked, a smile on my face, knowing that whatever Muriel told us would be juicy.

"Well you'd never guess looking at them now but when Mike and Penny were younger they were wild, spending weekends over here getting stoned and shagging. I don't think they ever considered themselves hippies like the rest of us, they just enjoyed the drugs and the sex. Then Mike took over the farm and they got married, they became respectable."

I could sense there was more and urged her to carry on.

"Over the years Mike has been a frequent visitor, ostensibly on the pretense of being neighbourly, but really to see if there were any naked women he could stare at, I'm sure you made his day if not his year when he met you on Sunday."

Muriel for once looked a little sheepish, before continuing "he would often come in the mornings when I was out for my walks and over the years we've developed a little thing."

"A little thing?"

Muriel smiled, obviously wondering how much to tell us but then decided to change the subject.

"I think you'd make a wonderful Lady Godiva Suzi, and if you're very shy I'm sure we can do something with your hair."

"With my hair?"

"Yes, we can comb it so that it covers your boobs."

Suzi didn't look convinced.

"Right, come over here and I'll show you what I mean."

Both Muriel and Suzi stood up.

"Take your clothes off and we'll use this pouf as our pretend horse."

Suzi looked a little uncertain, but removed her jeans and t-shirt, hesitating before removing her bra and going to sit on the pouf.

"No no, knickers as well, I want you to see how little you'll be exposing."

I was enjoying the show, a raging boner in my pants and a smile on my face. When Suzi removed her knickers Muriel told her to sit astride the pouf facing me, which she did, spreading her legs as wide as possible, fully exposing her very moist looking pussy. She was enjoying this as much as me.

"Now David I want you to get that cushion and place it in front of Suzi, we'll pretend it's the horses head."

As I did this Muriel was playing with Suzi's hair, bringing it over her shoulder and laying it over her boobs, the back of her hand rubbing against her nipples and causing Suzi to gasp and Muriel to smile. I was entranced and very turned on by the Suzi's nakedness and Muriel fussing over her, my trance only broken by Muriel's voice.

"Now David come and have a look here."

I moved to the back of the pouf besides Muriel. "All we can see is a little bit of your crack and when you're high up on the horse no one will see that, now bounce up and down for us as if the horse is moving."

Suzi did as she was told and it was a lovely sight, her cheeks flexing and fleeting glimpses of her puckered hole. Both me and Muriel were admiring the sight when Suzi said, "my hair has fallen off of my boobs, we'll have to stick it down somehow."

It sounded like Suzi had decided she'd do it and me and Muriel smiled at each other. "I'm sure we'll find something to keep it in place." Muriel said, smiling some more as she watched Suzi continue to bounce up and down.

"You can stop now if you like."

"No, this feels nice."

Suzi was getting herself off on the pouf, her legs spread wide, grinding herself against it each time she landed. I felt my mouth going dry as I watched her, her bouncing speeding up as she worked herself into a frenzy. I felt Muriel rubbing my dick through my trousers and as I looked at her she moved her other hand around Suzi. From Suzi's immediate groans I guessed she was pinching her nipple. I moved closer, kneeling behind Suzi kissing her neck and putting my hand on her other boob, squeezing it roughly and pinching the nipple.

"Oh god, this feels sooo good, pinch harder, oh ah ah, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come." Suzi had stopped bouncing, instead just pushing down harder and grinding her pelvis slowly. She shuddered as her orgasm ripped through her.

I moved and was sat astride the pouf, holding Suzi and cuddling her from behind. Muriel was now in front, bending down and kissing her, Suzi returning her kisses with a passion.

As her breathing settled she gave a throaty laugh, "I think I've made a mess of your pouf." We all laughed.

"He's a lovely horse, would you like a go?"

Muriel smiled and began to undress and as we watched Suzi leant back into me and said, "take your clothes off."

I stripped rapidly, ripping off my t-shirt and jeans, Muriel took her time as we both watched her, the undoing of each button of her shirt drawn out exquisitely, her eyes alive and her smile teasing as she watched us staring at her. I wish I could've seen Suzi's face, I imagine she was as transfixed as me.

We were now both stood naked and as Suzi went to stand Muriel placed her hand gently on her shoulder, urging her to remain seated. Suzi looked around at me and nearly got poked in the eye, smiling and shaking her head as if 'trust you'.

Muriel moved in closer and pulled my head to hers, causing Suzi to be wedged between us. It was obvious where Suzi's head was and what Muriel was hoping she would do. I had to see. I broke our kiss and looked down at Suzi, her head bobbing slightly and her face buried in Muriel and my dick bobbing next to her ear 'WoW'.

Muriel's nipples were stood out long and hard and looked very inviting, I was going to suck them but then had the urge to bite. Muriel let out a yelp and grabbed my hair, pulling it hard but pulling me in closer as she did so. I applied more pressure and put my hand on her ass, my fingers between her cheeks searching for whatever hole they could find. I pushed against Suzi's head and pulled Muriel closer at the same time, before releasing. I repeated and the girls caught on straight away as we found a rhythm. Me humping Suzi's head as her face fucked Muriel.

I kissed Muriel again and she bit my lip viciously, drawing blood, sucking on it, this was so fucking hot. She stopped thrusting and started frigging herself on Suzi's face, screaming and yelping as she came, collapsing onto the sofa.

I helped poor Suzi stand up, her face bright red but smiling, "I think my nose is squashed."

The three of us slept together that night and it was horny, sexy and very loving, finally falling asleep with Muriel spooning Suzi and me spooning Muriel, my arm draped over both of them.

The next morning could have been awkward but wasn't, a naked Muriel bringing us both coffee in bed, kissing us both before jumping in the shower and heading out for her walk.

"I wonder if she'll meet Mike."

'I wonder." We both giggled.

We were in the kitchen fixing breakfast when Muriel returned, "Bit chilly this morning,"

Suzi looked at me and as if on the same page we both cuddled Muriel, a Muriel sandwich. She wiggled about, her cold soft skin and lovely ass rubbing against me causing an immediate boner.

"I'd love to help you with that David but we have far too much to do." We all laughed, Muriel made nudity and sexuality feel so nice and normal.

After breakfast we sat down and got ourselves organized, Muriel listing the jobs that needed doing.

The funeral was on Saturday and even though Jim wasn't religious it was taking place in the local church.

"After the funeral I've arranged some food and drink in the local pub, seems to be the done thing. David would you be able to come back here incase there's any issues for folks staying in the chalets, Suzi could you stay with me, for moral support?"

We both said of course we could, "After Saturday we can get on with this place, I think the magazine are coming Tuesday and we have the fete the week after, lot's to do."

We talked about the magazine and Muriel found an old copy from somewhere to show us. The pictures were of totally naked, very wholesome and healthy looking people, all happily smiling as they posed naked. Nothing salacious or crude. Looking at the two of us Muriel asked, "Do you think you could be in this type of picture?"

Suzi answered, "I think so, but I don't know how we'll hide Dave's boner."

"A hose full of cold water might do it. Anyway I have some other ideas for the shoot but I'll wait till after the funeral to tell you about them.

We worked hard the next day getting the place ready for the first guests of the season. They arrived Saturday morning and were return visitors so knew their way around. We explained about the funeral and that I'd be back in a couple of hours if there was any problems.

When we arrived at the funeral I was delighted to see that Mary and Geri were there along with Geri's parents who were old friends of Jim and Muriel. It was a lovely surprise and they said they'd only decided the day before, travelled down and taken the opportunity to introduce Mary to Geri's parents. This had gone very well and when we met them on Saturday everyone was in good spirits, given the occasion. I explained about having to go back and said I'd see them later, .

They all arrived back around eight, Muriel explaining that it gone better than she could ever had wished, the day turning into a celebration of Jim's life rather than a somber wake. There were seven of us in the living room and after everyone had got a drink the conversation got round to the future of the campsite, Geri having filled her parents in on the problems Muriel was having. Belinda, her mum, looked and spoke just like Geri, albeit twenty five years older. She was petite with short hair and looked very fit and active, full of energy and with a seemingly permanent smile on her face. Her father Alan was much quieter but friendly and seemed easy going.

Belinda spoke for a while about her fondness for the campsite and finished with, "if there's anything me and Alan can do to help, just ask."

"Thank you, that's so kind, I did have one favour I wanted to ask you."

"Anything, what is it."

"Well you know H&E magazine are coming to do a shoot on Tuesday." Belinda nodded "Well I was wondering if you and Alan would mind being in the pictures, along with myself and David and Suzi."

Belinda looked over at Alan and they both nodded , "we'd be delighted too, it'll be quite exciting."

"Woohoo that makes seven of us." Geri said.

Both me and Suzi looked at Mary busily doing the calculations in her head, as the realization hit her and she saw us all staring at her she said, "no bloody way, it's alright for you lot, you enjoy showing your bits off, I don't."

Suzi was the first to say anything, "Oh come on Mary, we're all a bit flat chested, we need someone with big tits and anyway you have a fab figure."

After much cajoling and a few more beers Mary eventually agreed.

Thankfully Tuesday was a sunny day and the shoot went really well. Belinda had a lovely tight body just like Geri and I got to do a shoot with me and her playing table tennis which was a delight because she wasn't very good and spent a lot of time bent over picking up the ball, a lovely sight. Ironically once Mary had relaxed a bit she became the star of the show, the cameraman and director enamored of her wholesome, healthy looks and of course, her big tits.

We travelled over to Mikes and Penny's on the Wednesday, Muriel very excited saying she hadn't ridden in years but looking forward to it, Suzi not so much. Muriel had the proper riding gear, delighted that it still fitted her. She looked very hot in her tight jodhpurs and me and Suzi told her so.

"Thank you, although I can't imagine my bum looks as nice as Suzi's does." She ran her hand over Suzi's bottom, covered by her tight leggings, before giving a little pat. I took my opportunity and complimented both their sexy bums before having a little squeeze of each.

It was decided that they would mount up and Mike would just lead them around, get them use to it.

We went out to the stables and I was immediately surprised at the size of the horses, they seemed massive. I could fully appreciate Suzi's nervousness. Mike explained they were big horses as he used them for hunting, but he said they were very good natured and that the girls would be fine.

He asked me and Penny to hold one horse each whilst he helped the ladies mount. When I've seen Jockeys do it on the tv it looks easy but it evidently wasn't. Muriel was first and I think she played it up a bit, requesting that Mike give her bum a shove. This he happily did. Penny didn't seem worried, joining in the laughter.

Not to be outdone Suzi said, "I think I need the same help." Putting one foot in the stirrup and sticking her ass out for Mike to grab. He placed a massive hand on each cheek and then rubbed them around as if to get a good grip, before easily hurtling her upwards.

"Thanks Mike, ooh it's very wide, this could be fun in the nude." We all laughed, looking at Suzi, he legs splayed either side of the big beast.

As Mike lead them off I said, "when are the undress rehearsals." This got me a few laughs and a blown kiss from Suzi.

"Would you like to come back to the house for a drink, they'll be an hour or so."

I walked with Penny back to the house, her telling about the upcoming fete and how she envisaged Lady Godiva fitting in.

"In fact it's not fitting in, it's taking over." "I told the local newspaper and he's phoned me about four times wanting to know who'll be Godiva and could he get any pictures beforehand. I've even had one of the fleet street rags phone me for details. This could be bigger than we thought."

"Do we need to stop it now, before it gets out of hand?"

"No, no I think it's marvelous, just what the village and Muriel needs, it'll just take some managing."

We arrived at their lovely old farmhouse and Penny asked did I want tea or something stronger.

"A beer would be nice." She went to the kitchen and came back with two, "I'll think I'll join you, cheers."

"I don't think there's any way Suzi or Muriel will be able to ride those horses themselves, what with crowds and noise it would take a good horseman to do it, Mike agrees."