Dawn over Sun Valley Ch. 03


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Slowly, deliberately, Leanne laid back against his torso, pillowed her head on her arms, and opened her legs even further than before, hooking them over his knees, rendering herself utterly and completely open to his touch.

Joe's trotting pulse kicked into a crazy, thundering gallop. Who was this incredible woman? His arms came around her lithe, nimble body, one low over her hips, the other just under her breasts as he hugged her tight, trying to gather his runaway senses.

He needed to center himself, to somehow rein in his out-of-control desire that called for him to simply flip her over and bury himself balls-deep. Holding her tight kept him from making any immediate mistakes. It also kept the granite ridge of his dick squeezed between her firm ass cheeks, alleviating his acute need momentarily, just enough for him to take a few slow breaths.

Joe felt Leanne melt in his arms as he hugged her, and smiled. "All right, then. You ready for this, princess?"

He could feel her answering grin. "Oh, am I ever!"

He chuckled in delighted expectation. "Right. Here we go then, sweetheart."


Leanne held her breath as Joe tugged at her right arm, and then laced their fingers once more to move them lower, over her plump, fuzz-covered Venus hill, lower still along her outer labia, until her whole pussy was covered. Her own warm hand felt incredible against the sensitive, swollen tissues. Her middle finger slid along the damp middle slit, which seemed to peel back of its own accord under the light, gliding touch.

Joe paused, and she realized he was waiting for her to make the next move. What do I do now? She thought frantically, and as if reading her mind, Joe spoke quietly. "Your turn, princess. Do whatever feels good."

She realized what she really wanted to do was sink her finger into that utterly soft, wet heat below, to sample the sensation more deeply. So, with a shuddering sigh, she did.

Leanne kept her touch light, and was astonished at the overwhelming, all-encompassing response sweeping her body with every tiny, minute stroke.

How could she have missed this experience? He was right. It really was criminal not to do this.

She teasing herself, her fingers sliding easily along the cream-coated inner lips. At some point she became aware that Joe had withdrawn his own hand from between her thighs, and settled to gently hold her hips, while she became bolder in her moves. She dipped her middle finger deeper, trailed a circle along the tight rim of her entrance, even pushed just a little bit inside.

The sleek tightness around the tip of her finger felt incredible. She pressed it a little further in and stroked harder, and a wave of pleasure swamped her, making her breathe so hard she almost hyper-ventilated.

And then, true to his promise to teach her, Joe spoke again.

"Remember the first tip I gave you, princess? Try out different kinds of touches and learn what feels best for you. Some people like soft and gentle, others like hard and fast -" he reached down and flattened his fingers over the top of her slit and started rubbing quickly, working her clitoris through the protecting tissues surrounding it, and Leanne arched, her inner thighs trembling.

Joe kept rubbing her for a few achingly exquisite moments, but then withdrew his touch and she whined, the sound agonized and woeful. He chuckled quietly. "This is the beauty of doing it yourself, princess. You don't have to wait for me to give it to you. Don't be shy - try anything and everything that comes to mind. Maybe you'll learn you like some squeezing and pinching -" He took both outer labia together between thumb and forefinger and pinched firmly, rubbing the pinched folds against each other, knowing her clit was caught right in the middle.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my gawd!!"

Her head rolled from side to side, her stomach heaving with every sharp breath. Joe released her pussy and instead started tapping on it gently, making wet splotching sounds with each gentle smack.

"You may even want to try a little spanking and see how it feels..."

"Oh god yes, it all feels good... I just need... oh god please, please, please!"

As if oblivious to her desperate need - although there was no way he could have missed it - Joe kept talking. "The only other tip I have for you is this - always use lots and lots of lubrication. Make sure you don't chafe this delicate skin."

Deliberately, slowly, he caught her fingers and brought them to his mouth.


Her sweet taste exploded on his tongue, threatening to unman him, but he breathes through it. Layering a thick coat of saliva on her fingertips he then returned them to her pussy, and watched them slip between her open folds to glide right over her swollen clit, and then start rubbing it, gently but firmly, with quick, focused moves.

"Oh, fuck yeah, just like that. You know what feels good to you, princess. Do it. Make yourself come. Show me."

The tension in Leanne's body mounted with every passing moment, with every stroke across her clit until she seemed unbearably taut, every muscle straining and trembling, her face a mix of bliss and agony, her eyes squeezed shut. She whimpered and brought her fingers to her mouth to wet them even more and moaned deeply as she tasted herself, even as her fingers returned to her clit.

Joe groaned behind her, imagining how she felt tasting herself.

Her quick strokes glided smoothly, aided by her spit and her own girl juices. She arched again and whined, her head flipping across his chest from side to side until finally, finally, she shuddered hard, and came undone in his arms. He saw her pussy flood with a sudden gush of liquid heat, and she screamed her pleasure to the tranquil world around them.

Both their hearts seemed to beat too hard, too quick as aftershocks continued to rock Leanne's body. But after another minute had passed all tension left her muscles, and her limbs became limp as a rag doll's.

Joe kept holding her throughout her orgasm, as her high-pitched scream turned to moans, then small whimpers, until she eventually quietened in his arms, breathing softly, her body heavy with lethargy.

He, on the other hand, was anything but relaxed. His dick was hard as steel, his balls so full they must have turned purple, and his conscience so heavy it was going to bury him alive.

What the hell did he think he was doing?


"Oh. My. God." Leanne said when speech returned. She couldn't believe how good it felt, as if every cell in her body was singing hallelujah in joyful thanks to the earth-shattering experience.

Joe hugged her close, and then moved her gently until she was cradled sideways in his lap.

"You're welcome, princess." he murmured, kissing the crown of her head, but for some reason, she thought she heard regret in his tone. They both fell quiet for a while, and Leanne started drifting. But then Joe spoke again, sounding more like himself, more calm and collected, with a hint of humor warming his tone.

"So, now you see what the fuss is all about?"

Leanne nodded and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, languid and sleepy. "Mmm-hmm."

He gave her another quick squeeze and then relaxed his hold, leaning back against the tree - only to jerk away quickly.

Leanne opened her eyes to peek up at him. "What is it?"

He shook his head with a rueful grin, and slipped her gently off of him to sit on the rumpled, damp blanket below. "That tree bark is nasty." Her brow furrowed and he shrugged it off with a smile. "Sweetheart, right now, that's the least of my pains. I'll live."

Leanne's eyes widened as his meaning registered, dropped to find the prominent tent in his pants, and flew back up to meet his.

"Oh no, that doesn't seem fair at all," She pouted in mock concern, and batted her eyelashes cheekily at him, letting him see the glint of renewed awareness in her gaze.

Joe's jaw moved as if he was gritting his teeth. "As I said, princess, I'll live. Let's head back."

Leanne shook her head halfway through his protest. "No, no, you can't hike back like that! I know how painful it is, remember? I know. It's your turn now."

Joe was adamant. "I know how to take care of myself, princess. It's you who needs the practice."

She met his gaze head-on. "Then go ahead and do that. Take care of yourself. Show me how you do it."


Joe just stared at her. Could she really be asking him to - but then clearly she was. It was there, shining in her eyes, written all over on her flushed face which was growing redder by the second.

"What?! You want to watch me -" gulp. "M-masturbate?"

She smiled, and he'd be damned if it weren't excitement blazing in her eyes now. "Yes, please."

While his head was still reeling, trying to make sense of her request - of her - trying to remember why this was a mistake, his hands seemed to move of their own will. His fingers made quick work of his button and zip and pushed his pants and boxers down, fisted his throbbing shaft and started pumping with practiced ease, all without conscious thought. His flared cockhead was angry-red and sticky, but fresh precum oozed from his slit and he used his thumb to spread it all over, shuddering with every delicious glide, eyes closed to savor every sensation.

And then she made a sound, a soft sigh, and his eyes snapped open. Leanne was watching, riveted, completely focused on his dick, on the way it pushed inside his tight fist.

"Gosh, that's so sexy!" she exclaimed, as she kneeled next to him, so close her breasts almost brushed against his moving arm. Joe groaned and quickened his pace, dizzy with desire now.

God, jerking off never felt so good before.

Then her voice sounded again, breathy and light - "Don't you need some lubrication, too?" - and he watched, transfixed, as she tugged at his hand to release his tight grip on his dick, and brought it to the apex of her thighs.

He was going to self-combust. "Are you trying to kill me, woman?!" he growled through clenched teeth, even as his fingers slid into her and then returned, coated with her slippery cream, to pump himself with renewed vigor.

Her delighted, breathy laughter tickled down his spine, from his hot, sweaty neck and down his spine to engulf his balls Joe knew he was done for.

Succumbing to the white-hot pleasure he let himself go, shouting his release and shooting his cum in thick ropes onto the packed dirt at the foot of the tree. When the last of his climax pulsed through and spilled to the ground below he relaxed his fist and slowed down, squeezing those last few drops out, until, finally, he dropped his hand.

Lightheaded now, Joe lowered his hips to rest on his heels as he leaned forward, holding onto the tree trunk for balance, fighting to regain his breath.

Not to mention his equilibrium.

"Wow." Leanne's soft voice seemed to come from another dimension, sifting through the red fog of lust still hanging thick in his brain. "That was..." she shook her head wonderingly, smiled wide, and said nothing else.

Now that some oxygen had finally found its way to his deprived brain, Joe was trying - struggling - to come to terms with what had just happened.

What the hell am I doing? Have I lost my mind?

He'd never done anything like that before. None of it.

He'd never been that intimate with a woman before - employee or otherwise. He'd never taught a woman how to masturbate. Had never watched her reach her first-ever orgasm - not that he was aware of, anyways - and he'd certainly never jerked off in front of anyone.

And in public, no less!

Sure, their spot was pretty secluded, and they haven't met any other hikers on the trail; still, it had been more than likely that someone would have stumbled upon them. Heck, the way they both shouted - it was a miracle the park rangers hadn't come running!

With his brow furrowed in a deep crease, Joe tucked himself in, and then sat down heavily, arms around his spread, upturned knees, leaning forward until he got his breath - and his emotions - firmly under control. Still, he couldn't bring himself to meet Leanne's eyes.

What must she think of him?

He wasn't just 'Joe from the bar in Santa Rosa', no matter how much they both wished he were. He was still her boss -

The soft touch of her hand on his bare shoulder stopped his mind in its trucks. I guess I'll know soon enough.

"Hey... you okay?"

With effort, he made himself meet her gaze, which stared curiously back at him. She was kneeling at his side, still buck naked and apparently comfortable in her indecent state, and looking at him with her head tilted to one side and questions in her eyes.

Questions he was not sure he knew how to answer.

"Leanne - I'm..." he was going to apologize, but then caught himself. Despite of everything, he wasn't sorry. Surprised, hell yes. Concerned and confused, sure, because he'd never been in a situation like this and wasn't sure how to handle it. But he wasn't sorry. He didn't regret any moment that he had her in his arms; nor any outrageous acts they'd just done together.

In fact, he hoped to do it all over again, and soon.

He felt a smile tugging his lips, and when he found her eyes, her wariness melted into relief that bubbled out in a little giggle as she leaned close to hug him. He pulled her onto his lap and her giggle turned into a delighted shriek - which quickly quietened when he kissed her soundly.

"You know, that's what got us in trouble in the first place", Leanne quipped when they finally came up for air, both flushed and panting, and Joe broke up laughing, the last of the tension leaving his shoulders. "Yes, we should definitely get you dressed, or I may just forget all my good intentions and ravish you on this very blanket, princess."

"Hmm... is that a threat or a promise, my charming prince?" she asked, looking at him from under lowered lashes, but then laughed and rolled away as he growled and made a half-hearted move, as if to act on his words.

"Oh, that is most definitely a promise."

Already in her panties and in the process of hooking her bra behind her back, Leanne smiled back at Joe. "I think I'm going to hold you to it."

He grinned back. "I'll be counting on it."


When they were both dressed and turned around to collect the last of their discarded picnic Leanne stopped suddenly to stare down at the blanked with a horrified expression. Joe followed her gaze to see it fixed on the large wet spot still visible at the edge by the tree.

Her voice shook slightly when she forced the words out. "Have I - have I peed myself?!

Joe burst out laughing, but then he realized she was serious, and rushed to reassure her.

"No! Oh god no, sweetheart. You just came. Beautifully, if I may add." At her still-stricken expression he moved to take her in his arms, and then peered down at her. "Sex tends to get messy," he said gently. "Good sex, at least. It's all part of the fun, sweetheart. Don't ever be embarrassed about it, please."

When she still seemed unconvinced Joe bowed to mumble in her ear - "I loved how wet you got, princess. You taste and smell absolutely delicious, and seeing that wet spot, to me, feels like winning a trophy; like I just received a 'prize lover' ribbon or something. It means we did it right."

Leanne's cheeks flamed, but she nodded shyly as she looked into his eyes.



They finished packing and walked hand-in-hand back to the truck. Joe turned the radio on a country station and they both sang out loud along with the music, with him making up outrageous lyrics to replace those he didn't remember. Leanne laughed and soon tried to follow suit, although her imagination for all things naughty clearly needed some work to reach his level of creativity.

Too soon they went off the road and onto the gravel path winding between the fields, until they could see the Western gate a few hundred yards away. Joe slowed to a stop and then turned to face Leanne, taking her hand in his.

"Are you okay, Leanne? Are - are we okay?"

She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I am much more than okay, Joe. I'm - I'm grateful. You gave me an amazing experience. Thank you."

Joe nodded and returned her squeeze. "I'm glad. In many ways today was a first for me, too."

She nodded, looking down, and he reached to turn her face back up so that he could see her eyes. "Seriously though, you really do have some catching up to do. I meant what I said earlier."

The mischievous glint returned to her eyes. "Are you giving me homework, Joe?"

He chuckled and shook his head, but then gave her a serious look. "You know - yes, I guess I am. You really do need to learn your own body. Learn what feels good, what doesn't, what you like and don't like. So you should definitely do your homework, yes. Practice every day, until you get proficient in this new skill."

Leanne gasped. "Every day?!"

"Oh, yes. You should absolutely masturbate daily. Or nightly, whatever time works for you. Both, if you're an overachiever." He was fighting to keep his face straight, while deeply enjoying the red color flooding her cheeks, and the astonished excitement on her face. He went for the kill.

"You do your exercises, work on honing those new skills, and I'll quiz you on them next week."

She choked, unable to form words. He laughed and gathered her close, dropped a kiss on the top of her head, and drew back, only to quirk an eyebrow at her.

"Unless you don't want me to?"

Finally she was able to squeak - "Oh, I want you to. Absolutely. Yes, please!"

Stealing another quick kiss Joe straightened and turned to his wheel resolutely, easing the truck forward.



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Privates1stClassPrivates1stClass7 months ago

So naughty--but fun (and hot) for the both of them. Love your writing style.

AnAncientAnAncientover 2 years ago

Page 1

que ==> cue

quake ==> quack (I initially though that there had been an Earthquake!)

In other stories, I normally skip over the sexually explicit parts -- but here they are part of the plot, whereas in other stories the plot seems merely an excuse to have sexually explicit descriptions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really enjoying this sweet, sexy story. ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sexy hot, cute and funny: The trifecta of eroticism for me. Heck yeah!

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