Dayla and Will


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"Oh, one last thing. Just because you tried to record our little get together, I'm thinking of inviting a friend to join us. You'll like him."

Dayla couldn't stand it for another minute; she got up from the table and whispered, "I hope you got that."

George didn't realize the recorder in the purse was a subterfuge. It was real, but Ms. Carson knew there was a good chance George would find it, so the real bug was a high tech listening devise in the wire liner of Dayla's bra.

George paid the lunch tab and stood up with a big smile on his face. The smile turned into a smirk as he thought of cuckolding Dayla's precious husband, but then into a look of concern as he turned around to face two large men and a large woman. Both men were holding badges in their left hand.

"Mr. George Tinker; you are under arrest."

While George spent the weekend in jail, Donna Carson obtained a search warrant. It took the DA's computer expert twenty minutes to open George's PC and even less time to search the thumb drives Tinker hadn't password protected. The photos and videos of Dayla were found, along with those capturing dozens of other women. Some of the women were aware of the filming, but a majority obviously were not. There was evidence that at least two of these women were previous victims of George's blackmail. One of these eventually agreed to testify at Tinker's trial.

Things went downhill for George from here on out; it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Dayla's attorney was able to freeze George's assets while the lawsuit was being litigated. Unfortunately for George, with his assets frozen, George's high-powered law firm bailed on him, basically leaving him twisting in the wind. No one was surprised by this development; both the civil suit and criminal case against George were rock solid; the DA wasn't letting him off with a hand slap. George's law firm could read the writing on the wall and decided they didn't want to be on the short end of two losing cases, especially with the prospect of doing both pro bono.

George was left with piss poor representative. Will had to keep from laughing at times during the civil trial. Dayla ended up getting a two-million-dollar judgment. Of course, by the time George's assets were liquidated and after her attorney took his 40% cut, Dayla received a little less than a quarter million. Still, she considered it a windfall, especially after the bank also settled out of court and she netted another three hundred thousand.

George was going away for a long time. He received a five-year sentence with no possibility for parole until at least three years had been served. The DA made certain the sentence wasn't served in one of those country club prisons.

Six months after George's trial Will and Dayla were relaxing in the Wallis' backyard watching Ron grill chicken and prawns on the BBQ. Dayla's belly was swollen, they were expecting twins in two months. Billy was swimming in the above ground pool with the Wallis' teenage daughter and her boyfriend. Nobody let Will get near the BBQ because of his reputation for burning everything, so Will sat at the picnic table enjoying a Leinie longneck while rubbing his wife's tummy. Every couple of minutes one of the twins would kick, Will never tired of the feeling.

The screen door from the kitchen opened and Sally walked out of the house followed by Donna Carson and the largest man Will had ever seen in person. He reminded Will of an ex-Bear, William, the Refrigerator, Perry (in fact, he was a nose tackle at the University of Texas, but didn't go pro when Harvard Law School offered him a scholarship). Donna caught Will staring and broke out laughing.

"Will Conti, let me introduce my husband, David Carson. David, this is Will Conti and his lovely wife, Dayla."

Will shook David's hand, expecting a monster squeeze, but was pleased when David merely gave him a firm handshake before turning and taking Dayla's hand. Later Dayla told Will it felt like the big man was holding a delicate bird in his gentle grip.

The three couples fell into a relaxed mood. There was a rare air to the company, it was apparent that each couple's marriage was based on a deep love and mutual respect between the partners. Yet, a comfort that allowed for some good-natured razzing.

The light-hearted banter was interrupted for a few minutes discussing Dayla's case. Neither Sally nor David were privy to many of the details, but Sally did contribute one important observation. "You want to know what impressed me more than anything? Besides Dayla's strength in handling all this. Will never doubted her for a moment. It just proves how important trust is to a strong marriage."

Things lightened up again soon after. The kids got out of the pool, dried off and joined the adults at the table. The food was served; as the chicken and prawns were passed round, Will took some more verbal abuse for not being 'man' enough to know how to grill. Dayla kissed his cheek and secretly squeezed his cock under the picnic table while rubbing her belly with the other hand.

"That's all right," she laughed, "he's man enough for me."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sweet~ 5

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very nice - trying to mix in all the religious themes of these days like race mixing, feminism and all the other good stuff. Very classy.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

At least she did the sensible thing and talked with her husband after the threat was made. The all-too-often-seen alternative here in LW land is that she tells no-one, wanting to handle it herself, and ends up caving in, thus sealing her fate. Nice to see a sensible wife for once around these parts.

I still think George got off way too easy. Not only was he going to do terrible things to Dayla and ruin her marriage, but what about all his other victims, and possibly more when he's out? Cunts like that need to be put down. Permanently.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

40% on contingency? Woof! That was a rip off.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good story. Well written. It isn't rocket science that there is a reason that blackmail sex of most married women, especially by their boss or supervisor doesn't occur. Because there is a pretty standard textbook mechanism to foil the blackmail and, if desired, to get help to nab the perp.

Dayna didn't wait and told her husband that same day. Her husband got help and the two fo them worked with the authorities. Since the blackmail was based on evidence of sex and financial comcerns, it is relatively easy to overcome provided the victim is resolute and communicates with the spouse. If there is a real credible threat of physical violence or the blackmail is being pushed by powerful people in authority (e.g. corrupt police or judge, ultra wealthy predator, etc), then things get a lot more dicey.

While many commenters rightly praise Dayla for being true and bringing it to Will's attention, this is typically the norm on the real world, and is the reason that actual blackmail sex (which is rape) usually has other threats or demands besides sexual exposure.

Seriously, given Will knew she dated George previously and that Dayla dropped George for him and that she was left with a bad feeling when George started working there, Will would have to be a moron to think that any photos that arose were after they were exclusive, let alone after they were married. Will isn't a moron.

And posting revenge porn on the Internet of past sexual dalliances, regardless of circumstances, is largely toothless, unless the daliances would be considered perverted by society and extended family and/or the victim or their spouse has some important position that requires high reputation. Even that is debatable.

Revenge porn (sadly) works more when applied to young women who are terrified what their parents might think. Not what their husband thinks. Besides most people are clueless how to cover their trscjs or use a 3rd party to post revenge porn without getting hit with criminal.charges especially when there is motive. Clearly George has limited, if any, computer skills.

Refreshing to see a story that doesn't follow the all too common blackmail sex LW trope, where the victim accedes in secret and suffers being raped, but never gets help, leading to eventual discovery and all too often a divorce, for whatever contrived fictional reasons. Forget the garbage where the victim eventually enjoys the blackmail sex because the blackmailer is kinky or has a huge phallus. Sigh. Whatever.

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