All Comments on 'Dealing with Jessie Pt. 09'

by carvohi

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

All's well that ends well.

Boyd Percy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I liked it

Thank you so very much.

tizwickytizwickyalmost 5 years ago
Forget That I Doubted You

I Loved it! Your denouement was semi-brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Surprising Reconciliation!

Well you sure kept me guessing on what was going to happen next. I kept thinking that Gary was finally going to divorce her! But instead he stands by her side and accepts dealing with her mental illness and forgives her and loves her knowing that she may never get well! It's a very well-written and emotionally impactful story!

One thing though that I really think was wrong was Gary being reminded of his vow of for better or worse when she had already violated forsaking all others multiple times with two different people!!! She commits adultery but he has to stand by his marriage any way because she is mentally I'll??? Talk about a double standard!!!

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 5 years ago

He should have divorced the psychotic bitch years before she whored herself out for her career. One of the most deeply unpleasant "loving wives" I've ever read about and that's saying a lot!

Torturing the family dog... really?

Dunny69Dunny69almost 5 years ago
glad its finished

Had to turn to end to see if it would end as crappily as it did. I know the author used depression as an excuse but it does change the facts that she was and is a horrible nasty fucked up slit. Him he was ust the usual wimpy doormat seen so many times on here. Lot of effort I appreciate but its been a long time since I've hared something so much.

penneydog55penneydog55almost 5 years ago

Fantastic Story! Thanks for The RAAC. and Thanks for the Heck of it!

5 Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WOOF!

richg780richg780almost 5 years ago
Loved it

WOW what a story. Don't let the BTB crowd you. They hate anything that doesn't end with everyone unhappy. A real life love story. Thanks so much

AgroundagainAgroundagainalmost 5 years ago
Amazing story- 5 big ones

Superb writing. This could be a movie plot. Almost drove me crazy with the ups and downs and lefts to rights but I was enthralled. Kept looking for the latest installment and I'm glad I finally reached the conclusion as it's 2am. Couldn't turn the computer off until I made it to the last period. Kudos Carvohi.Your story board had to be a sheet of plywood.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great and thank you

Everything is in the title

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

What a colossal waste of time! I know to NEVER read anything by this wannabe 'writer' again!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Started smeling like a shit..

Endedsmeling like a shit.. He is and will Be a doormat.. Passive.... She ca-n Dobrogea Anything and al ready has an Excuse.. She is Sick.. Whatever..

johntcookseyjohntcookseyalmost 5 years ago
Wild ride...

.... through poor Jessie’s minefield of psychotic episodes. What a love/hate roller coaster of emotions for a family to endure. You can hang the wings of sainthood on Gary’s back now. And order three sets for the girls. What at first appears as his acquiescence ultimately shows to be his (their) extraordinary fortitude. Although I’m sure you’ll be vilified by the angry BTB mob, you get my kudos on this outcome. A thoroughly compelling, sometimes comical, but deeply poignant tale. Many thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

A story leapt to the top of my favorites... Spouses who can hold on under those circumstances are the epitome of being faithful to the marriage vows. I understand that with good reason. Thank you for the story. Full rating of course. There will be naysayers, pay them no heed.

cybojicybojialmost 5 years ago
The payback

To church and snyder was minimal. Needed to go to next level....rambo level. Good story very complex. I wondered where it was going and you tied it all together nicely. Thank you, enjoyed it. 5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I was

Going to call this pablum. But it doesn't even rise to that. Insipid characters. Just a waste of time, written by someone who apparently doesn't get out much.

kmreaderkmreaderalmost 5 years ago

Yeah,....she’s crazy! But, for better or worse, sickness and health, and all that entails. Really enjoyed the story, through all the ups and downs.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 5 years ago

That was an impressive landing given the shitstorm our pilot flew us through. I’d expect half the girls to have issues later on. Makes you count your blessings. I have a friend whose wife has mental issues. Tough path.

Intrigued_byeIntrigued_byealmost 5 years ago
Great Idea / poor execution.....So many words so little said

In a stories series like this there needs to be some form of thread and tension which hold the story together. Unfortunately the events here are a pastiche of items cobbled into some ill formed set of shoes. Ultimately they do not fit and the long walk to the end only results in blisters and bunions. The entire tale could no should have been halved and written more tightly. The ambivalence theory creates a great base line but was ruined by a waste of words. Having read and enjoyed your other stories this effort clearly does not live up to those efforts. Wonderful idea, some interesting characters but all hidden in too many word and irrelevant additions. Consider a concision revision.

The_NexusThe_Nexusalmost 5 years ago
The end?

I read this story hoping for a good ending. It was very blah. And VERY rushed. You need another chapter for the end that you put into the last paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
LOL At My Nonny Compatriots

... Who wouldn't know a well told story if it kicked them in their one remaining ball...

Excellent and riveting story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Carvohi, I strongly urge you stop writing, seek a therapist, and take up something more useful to society (e.g., finger painting or thumb sucking)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Warm and fuzzy

As someone else noted -- a wild ride, but worth reading to end for the ending.

KalimaxosKalimaxosalmost 5 years ago
Well...its over

I hate to say it, but it was like pulling a scab off slowly, but now its off.

The story excused Jessie's cheating way...way...way too much for my taste. She knew she was doing the wrong thing. Not just the cheating, but giving her boss blowjobs for advancement? And why did she blow or whatever with Snyder again? That was not explained. Carvohi, you need to think the plot reasoning out in your stories. I had hoped for an explanation in the end, but it felt rushed.

While Garry didn't turn in to a jerking off cuck, he let his wife walk all over him after she cheated on him. He needed therapy as much as his wife did.

Marriages are complicated. I get it. Been there; done that. But there is a thing called going too far with a cheating spouse. And if that is left to stand, the marriage is just an arrangement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
It really took to long to get to a telegraphed ending

This story could have been told in a third of the time. I don't know why the author chose to drag it out. Hard to put a rating on this since the story is so well-written. In the end I have to go with 3 stars since that means "Keep writing." I wanted to go with 4 just because the writing is so good. I couldn't though, because sometimes less is more.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 5 years ago
Well Done!

Carvohi, this was well done.

Tough and go in some places but it had the ring of reality to it. This is an example of, while not rising to the level of perfection some people demand, I see al too infrequently here. Syrupy in places and the fact that Gary was in on things at the end seemed a little contrived but, all in all, good.

I can't wait to see your next submission. Now, I guess, I am going to have to make my next submission but it won't reach this level. :)

Cheers and best regards,


ribnitinribnitinalmost 5 years ago
First class

Thanks for writing this literature. great story, with real people. My only concern is that the segments were too short. I would have preferred fewer and longer installments

BuckeyebobBuckeyebobalmost 5 years ago
Loved the well written story

I found it interesting that nearly all of those who hated this story didn’t have the courage to identify themselves. Good job, great characters. The story had a great consistent flow to it. Thank you and keep writing.

abitshyoneabitshyonealmost 5 years ago
the end

I followed this all the way,, I was lost,, intrigued, mad, happy, sad, it was intense and jovial, it had just about everything a family with problems can have,, and I know, ive been there but my family fell apart, it was a good story, lots of emotion, lots of stress, how many men would have stuck by Jessie, a story of a family that loves,, thanks for sharing,, I realy enjoyed it,, 5 stars ,, easy,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
to go or stay

with out kids leave . with kids that's a hard one I raised three kids given his situation he did the right thing

dragonmann72dragonmann72almost 5 years ago
I'm a sucker for a happy ending but...

Jedd, I will say you kept me on the edge of my seat till the end and then like the old trick you pulled it out from under me causing me to hit the ground and come up cursing. I would have rather been laughing but you just pulled in the big fish and left it flopping on the deck gasping for air.

Yes you got rid of the bad guys and gave Jessie fireworks and flowers in the end but you forgot you were dealing with lawyers and there was no justice. Being sent to California where he can continue his shitty was was all the retribution for Snyder, being made to retire was the extent of Church's harassment. Oh wait they gave them a two week trip to Hawaii, the frigging party they were at probably cost more than that.

So in Carvohi World a man must put up with his wife being used as a cheep whore, be put through the pains of mental cruelty for the whole family and just keep smiling. Even a lawsuit against Church would have been better than nothing. I guess when you want to write a book you just run out of steam sometimes.

StreetdogStreetdogalmost 5 years ago
Just my thoughts

You are one of my favorite authors. This story was just too fragmented and disconnected for my taste. It seems to me that your longer works are that way, like you want to put a lot of twists and turns into them. Your shorter works are in my opinion much better. This story had episode after episode of the same issues and as such became boring to me.

christmas_apechristmas_apealmost 5 years ago
I suspected a brain tumor.

. . . mine.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago

I have to go back to my chapter 1 comment:

"You little man! You worthless little weasel! You limp dicked son-of-a-whore! You don't know! You don't know anything! You're nothing! You're nobody! A mouse! A squirrelly little arithmetic teacher at a middle school, a public school!"

I'm sorry, there's just no coming back from that, mental illness or no, because he should have been gone long before the mental illness came to light.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Everything about

the law firm and the practice of law was ridiculous. From experience, I can also say that it is beyond unlikely that the lawyers in a firm would disparage a colleague's spouse because of his being a teacher or having some other occupation (unless he's a drug dealer, and even then some of the lawyers would wonder if his prices are reasonable). All of that hurt the story. In addition, in real life someone as mentally ill as Jessie could NOT have functioned as even a utility grade lawyer. More important, the effect on the children of a mother as mentally ill as Jessie would have been far worse than depicted in the story, and even a "Gary" would have had to at least separate to protect the daughters from the profoundly toxic-as-a-mother "Jessie". I DO like the author's core idea of exploring how to deal with a wife with profound mental illness, but the execution here is annoyingly flawed

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Inspired ?

Judging by the range of comments you've certainly inspired a range of emotions in your readers . So I guess that makes this a well written piece ! ? ! !

He was right to stand by Jessie ..... at the very least until the kids were old enough and secure in their own environment . Jessie was ill and when you marry you usually declare something about ' in sickness and in health '.

Had Gary had a talk to his wife earlier in their marriage regarding her parents continually putting him down , I would imagine they would have been divorced ages ago . So no story there .

The partners in this law firm deserved more than they got . Sexual harassment , sexual favours , they got off way too light .

It was a long story , but I think it needed to be . Frustrating at times , and I think you were deliberately doing that , kind of winding us up while leading us down your road .

But when the end came in sight , it felt rushed .

Keep writing . There are plenty here who would miss you .

KRD19254KRD19254almost 5 years ago

Did I have a crystal ball seeing this story play out, no. But I've read enough of 'Carvo' to see where it would likely go, and I nearly nailed it. That is my game to these long ones with a writer that completes the story - sort of a Perry Mason thing, who dun it before the end (I watched my grandparents do that when I was young). I even saw Alford Hitchcock complexities.

If there is fault it would be in its length - sometimes rambling. But overall a solid 5* and life goes on. But putting it under L-LW was a miss as I see it more 'Erotic' or 'Romance' (would have gotten much higher scores). I still find that Snyder & Church got off way to easy, I'm sure there will a solution obtained in California!

Hooyah, Salute to another Master-of-the-Quill!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This is why I dont like this author

Dr - I know everything about the mysterious bet that is the key to everything wrong in the marriage, and to be frank it is fr more important that you had ever imagined

Cuck - do tell

Dr - Im sorry we are out of time, except for the ten minutes I will bather on about these three other things and give you a prescription so you can illegally drug your wife

Cuck - OK


I mean who seriously behaves this way in real life?

Also why keep reiterating the bet in every damn chapter and then end the story without ever once explaining what it was

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Please never consider taking or secretly giving someone Ecstay (MDMA) or any other drug for mental illness. Only a qualified medical doctor is qualified to prescribe drugs. Do not consider giving someone Ecstasy esecially without their knowlege. Not only is it very dangerous but illegal.


LalawmanLalawmanalmost 5 years ago
A really good read...

I admit when I found this site 3 years ago the sex in the stories was the focus for a short time. Now I see the sex as incidental to most of the really good stories. This story had so much about life, family, dealing with illness and just what marriage vows encompass. Had Gary just walked away in the first chapter I probably would not read further. This was another great read from one of the author's I follow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Compass Stopped

I also find that Snyder & Church got off way to easy and we got not the tiniest hint of collusion with Mrs Georgia Calligari! They even had both Church & Snyder over a barrel and let them get away with it - Why?

The effect her parents had on her upbringing was also neglected and deserved more attention & I'm not too impressed with their daughters actions either - quite some disrespect there and almost no help to Gary.

I suspect it was written too quickly and you didn't take sufficient time to develop finer detail in the dialogue.

But 5*


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
sbrooks103x coments

There are 2 types of people seen in these notes. Humanist and those attune to the spiritual (not necessarily religious). Those in tune with what they can see feel and reason like "Sbrooks103X" is very perceptive and has great intellect, but in this case he has missed the key because he lives in a different world. He lives in a world driven by what he can perceive and process in his mind. a world of thinking sensing and judging, while Carvohi lives in a world of intuition, feeling and perceiving, (thanks Mrs Briggs) in tune with a real but different world, one of spirit and mind. Both are wonderful contributors and the world would be poorer without them. Neither right, neither wrong. just different. I loved the story, but I am positive that many like sbrooks are driven in a different direction by their own personal makeup hence the binomial distribution of reply's.... but that is what makes the world such a wonderful place.

The 421 prophet

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Thank you for allowing anonymous comments. That's the only positive thing I can say about this weird attempt at dramatic literature.

If it weren't for the sentimentality and appreciation for your previous work, this story would have rated even lower.

You have a problem with reality, and the truth. "Jessie stayed in counseling." That's like saying a person undergoing radiation therapy continued to visit a tanning salon. Jessie is mentally ill, and prone to unexplained sudden outbursts of extreme, cruel, irrational thoughts and behavior. She is in psychiatric treatment that is reported to be of marginal success. Her husband is irresponsible and ignorant to allow this woman to have unconditional access to their children, motor vehicles, their finances, and firearms. Her law firm would immediately suspend or reassign her when they found out she was having mental issues. This list goes on and on.

It would be appropriate to accuse Jessie of being a whore, unethical, cruel, selfish, shallow, and completely unfit to be a wife and mother. But we can't, can we. She's just mentally ill, and all those words and actions are just symptoms of her disease. Not her fault. In fact the husband would be a bastard to hold it against her, right?

Then the entire resolution, with the hidden cameras, the supposed blind siding of the predators, Jessie getting complete alleviation of her self-imposed office torment, it all just went away. The wimp cuck even turns out to be a hero (sigh!). And we can't point out how Jessie might have otherwise documented and prosecuted her sexual harassment because, well, she's not mentally competent. But she's a great lawyer. And she was a great wife and mother for years. Then, bingo, she's sucking cock and becomes the office slut. Oh, wait, those are just symptoms. Never mind.

I always thought Martian Slut Ray made a woman a slut. I think your iteration of that misfortune suggests the Slut Ray just makes women stupid, or crazy.

It was a long ride over a short plot. Good thing you spread it out over 9 chapters and more than that many days. We all could have saved ourselves a lot of time going right to chapter 9 and realizing that all the mush and meandering in between was irrelevant to the plot and the ending. Nuts.

At least you let me say so. That's worth an extra star. The story didn't rate it, but I almost always deduct one star from so-called authors who deny anonymous comments, so I'm giving it to you.

Please return to your better creativity. Thanks.

odogwuodogwualmost 5 years ago

I didn't like the ending, Jessie should have suffered a little more than that. She should have been humiliated too.

tennesseeredtennesseeredalmost 5 years ago
It's very difficult to edit your own work.

The lack of professional editing is probably the Achilles heel of the best Literotica authors, and carvohi is clearly in that category of author. Pro editing would have pruned the excess foliage, fixed the rough spots, toned down the wife's craziness in a few places, and corrected the occasional lapses in sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. Oddly enough, an author is the person least able to fix those problems; it's a sort of blindness.

This was a first class effort and a real departure from the usual thing on LW. Are the professions immune to stress-induced mental disorders? No. Do the professions harbor people with borderline personalities? Of course they do, and some professions are famous for it. Can a husband's great love for his wife overcome these things? The answer is yes, and ultimately that's what this story is about. The spouse persevered and the marriage survived. We should all be so lucky.

Thanks for a great read, carvohi.

tazz317tazz317almost 5 years ago

could life with its uncertainity being any EZer. But Thats Life no matter what people say, do or accomplish, TK U MLJ LV NV THANKS to some one who released by modified comments, can the same someone explain to me why, tk u mlj lv nv

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Is it finished?

Hope so

naxos65naxos65almost 5 years ago

I've read great stories on this equally great site , and I've read silly , boring trash . Sorry , don't give up the day job !

GrimmerGrimmeralmost 5 years ago
Did a compilation

Took all the chapters, dropped them into my editor and read them in one sitting.

Huh. Wow.

It's the whole family schizo? If not, they will be shortly. Keep it together for the kids and subject them to that toxic environment.

Final rating was a 3. Barely.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Hard to Rate

You attempted to write about a very difficult topic.....mental illness.....but still make it a loving wives story. That, in itself, is very ambitious and the main reason I gave the story three stars. But the execution of the story was quite difficult to get through.....more like a slog.

I guess it was the pressure of mom’s illness and the wild ups and downs she experienced, but the behavior of the three daughters seemed very inconsistent. Acting like angels, but then drugging their parents only to act like angels again. The most realistic daughter moment was Dorothy finally running away from home.

Korlov, the shrink, was ridiculous. I think he did more to deepen Jessie’s problems than he did to solve them. And his last prescription should, in fact, result in his license to practice being revoked.

Overall, I think the story had some good facets to it. But it was far too long and, in a number of places, pretty repetitive. And, ironically, I think the very subject matter was one of the things that bogged it down. Mental illness is just hard to write about and even harder to look at as entertainment.

I will say this and it mirrors something another Anon wrote. I, too, came here a year or so ago in search of erotic stories.....stroke stories, if you will. In that time and with some of the incredible authors we’re lucky to have here (carvohi being one of those authors), it took only a few months to forget about the stroke stories and look more for meatier, meaningful stories. I’ve read some incredibly deep, incredibly moving, incredibly funny stories, many in this category, that are amazing pieces of literature in their own right. That this particular story didn’t “send” me should not detract for the admiration I have for carvohi’s writing and his willingness to tackle a very, very difficult subject.

carvohicarvohialmost 5 years agoAuthor
Hi! It's me carvohi...

Well this is the end. Thanks for reading and commenting. I'd like to leave a few remarks...

Anonymous remarks are welcome of course, but even anonymous commentators could leave a pseudonym. Some pseudonym would enable people like me to address their remarks more directly.

Second, I know what I did wrong with Jessie. I had written the whole thing, and only afterward went back to break it into manageable parts. I made the parts too small. Of course it had to be broken up as we know too many readers would have skimmed the beginning and rushed directly to the end. That would have missed the point of the story.

I have another story almost finished, another loving wives; it will be s little different.

Last, I've been reading westerns. I'm going to write one. I think a western is where the writer can more forcefully levy justice on the evil doers.

Jedd Clampett (carvohi)

Thanks everyone for reading and commenting.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

This one was hard to follow, so skimming was disabled and I had to read every word. It was a difficult thing to read, but I think I get it. Like sbrooks103x , I didn't think that they could make it back after her diatribe toward him the first night. But as Johnadp commented there were different ways of looking at their situation. I believe Gary was a smarter, stronger, more loving man than Carvohi let us see. He outsmarted, outloved, and outlasted everyone else to win. He kept his wife, sick as she was, his family, and his life. I believe this was a brilliant effort by one of our best authors. Thanks J.C.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Personality disorders

In real life it's very difficult to live with partners with personify disorders. They not diagnosed early and easily. Your story gave the insight into things that actually happen

How about a story on a case of narsicist personality disorder with two small children and a golden child and a emotionally neglected child.

Thanks again

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Don't waste your time. Love Raac and Btb, but this was down right rubbish. 9 chapters of blah blah blah. If you're going to write a story about mental illness get the facts straight. Because you have not. Not by a long shot. Gary. X

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

The weirdest part of this story isn't the weird story itself. It's the few people who consider this a happy ending and castigate those who disagree.

If there were ever a film adaptation, it would be a fucking horror movie. A clueless man trapped in an abusive relationship with a psychopath because of his medieval misunderstanding of marriage vows. Hint: They apply to both parties in the marriage, not just the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
9 Chapters?

You stretched this out for what? You could have done the whole thing in one paragraph ending with "Then she shit in his mouth and set him on fire, but he still hangs around."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Damn that’s a lot like my wif

Not to the total extent but a lot She has a lot of those tendencies. This was a good story. My wife and I have been married over 40 years and I can see through your story you got a lot right. You would not believe the shit I endure sometimes. Why still with her. For the same reasons the guy in the story did

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A Fool.....

The story 'A Fool Stumbles Into Love' is a far better read and so I feel you have let higher standards slip.

There's simply too much 'missing' from this story.


SkyKing7SkyKing7almost 5 years ago

First, five stars to Carvohi. His subject matter may make me nuts, but he does it like a pro. On to the subject matter.

She’s seriously ill and continues to operates from a position of power. He’s trying to pull an unremovable thorn from the paw of a pissed off tiger that thinks he put it there. I can almost understand all the manipulation to stay in the lives of the girls, but to get her pregnant again; O.M.G! If her illness means she was not culpable for her adultery, then the same illness means she is not competent to hold her partner position. Yet she does. Her financial dominance keeps any attempt at therapy from yielding much fruit. I could not walk in his shoes. Life is far too short.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 5 years ago
Well Told Story About A Very Uncomfortable Subject With Some Issues

Issues for me with the story:

1. In this very long tale there is hardly any background given on how Jessie was in the past. I totally get the daughters, even Gary, being there for her when she is so ill. However, when did she built up her credit with them for such devotion? No background given to a time when Jessie was loving and connected with the family. You could still portray her as alpha, and edgy, with some issues, but for the whole family to fight for her so hard even though she was being so "disagreeable" you had to show that she had built up some goodwill with them in the past.

2. When she is going through her psychosis how does Jessie hang on to her job? Family loves you and is forgiving. A place you worked at for a long time gives you some leeway, but this much?

3. Last a personal pet peeve. Carvohi, how fat are you, and how fat are the characters really? Maybe the teenage daughters can get away with eating like the characters do in this story, but not the adults and be anywhere sexually desirable by anyone. I've been into a Denny's less than a handful of times (road trips when there is no place else) in my whole life and I've never seen any customers in there that weren't at least obese, if not morbidly obese. Denny's was mentioned so much that I wonder if there is commercial plugs in Lit now.

Overall, definitely not a fun story, but one that needs telling. One family member got extremely ill and it was the struggle of a family through it. Serious mental illness, however, is one of the hardest ones to deal with. It's like having to deal with a stranger you really don't like, but have to constantly remember the times when you did like/love them to be able to do it.

5 stars, definitely for not the entertainment, but for dealing well with a tough and troubling subject (sans the Denny's part of course).

hotprof1973hotprof1973almost 5 years ago
Great ending

I was wrong about her diagnosis, which is fine, but it still was a great glimpse into mental illness. My only criticism is it would’ve been nice to have the exact terms of the bet. Obviously, Snyder won sexual favors, but what would she have won? Also what was in the videos that got the two fired? With all the detail, I was surprised those were left out.

FD45FD45almost 5 years ago
You have helped me develop a new editorial technique for my own writing

The ‘sentence per paragraph’ sin-opsis

Essentially every paragraph or group of paragraphs gets a 3 or 4 word descriptive sentence.

So that denouncement at the end of chapter one would be ‘Wife screams at hubby’

This was, I can see if I constantly hit the same tedious beats in the story.

For example, in ‘Reconcilliation’, Reg constantly avoided phone calls about 4 times.

This was too much repeat. The beats should drive the story FORWARD, not be endless reiterations of ‘I fixed the house’ or ‘The girls were troopers’

Instead, I would put such fluff in the background actions: ‘I was changing the switch plate when Harradeen vonKunt came in to yell at me again like the last 20 times.’

Saves long lists of irrelevancies clogging the arteries of stories.

So thank you by being an example I can learn from

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

A strange, quite complex family dynamic with a blue collar, honest and trustworthy husband, a family of girls and a wife who is suffering from a strange family background that scars her as she evolves into adulthood with the scarring.

You've written some better stories but nothing quite as complex as this. Snyder actually deserved to get his ass kicked literally but maybe professionally, it may be as damaging, maybe even more, but we didn't get that information.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I remembered a great little story you wrote ages ago and looked it up --

'My Life With Serena'

Guy meets and marries a basket case!

That little story puts this one in the shade and seems to indicate that you are letting high standards slip!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
As many have pointed out

what was the bet being mentions every other page and why was it never explained?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

"My Life with Serena" that's the story!!

I knew this was a bit like another story. But I couldn't remember.

Thank you commentor for bringing that up.

Yes, I agree that story was more emotional, insightful, and bigger pleasure to read.

Thank you for the work, a lot of work, Carvohi 👏.

I need to read a different story to become again...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The Bet!

The bet was would Jessie divorce her husband to get the partnership! That is why Jessie initiated the divorce and kicked out her husband. The alpha males wanted her divorced so she would become the company whore for them. Snyder screwed Jessie on the night of the gala and sold her panties to Greg so he would not fight the divorce. In this day in age with the “Me Too” movement both Churchill and Snyder would be fired with cause and be sued instead of what happened in this story (where they just left the firm).

carvohicarvohialmost 5 years agoAuthor
Comparing stories...

I wrote "My life with Serena" several years ago. There's a world of difference between Serena and Jessie. I grew deeply attached to Serena. I loved that character. Jessie was another story. Jessie wasn't supposed to be lovable, not even to Gary. I recall when writing Serena I was sure, even with its flaws, it would get high marks. I was disappointed. Regarding Jessie I expected a run of threes throughout the bulk of the chapters. Jessie just wasn't a very nice person. When I wrote Jessie I wanted people to think about what they were reading, and based on the public comments and private emails I believe I succeeded.

I'm in the middle of something right now I'll probably call "To Love a Fool". It's a loving wives story, but more fairytale than evil conniving bitchy woman and honest hardworking man. I have high hopes for it. Then I'm writing a western.

Meanwhile you've all go to read dtversion's "Greasy Grass". Richard Gerald has a couple really good, kind of dramatic stories. I especially like his "Bridge", but his "He Makes her Laugh" is a good one too.

Maybe someone should write a generalized review of the better authors and their stories; some of the very best things never get even close to the Hall of Fame.

Regardless, every one should keep reading, and especially in the Loving Wives genre. I think there's less gratuitous sex, more thought, and certainly the best commentary.

Jedd Clampett (carvohi)

etchiboyetchiboyover 4 years ago
The “surprise” knowledge of the video entrapment of the parters...

... is right up there with, though not quite as bad as, the classic “...what they didn’t know was I’m an ex-navy SEAL” trope.

Nonetheless, despite the many criticisms, some of which I agree with, I really like this story.

Not sure if I like or dislike the hiding until part 4 or 5, of her medical condition, DESPITE the title. Titles are often used as distractions/diversions to the actual plot in the story, so I often disregard the title OR try and figure out the complicated twist between the plot and title — expecting the exact opposite between the two, OR having nothing or just the vaguest hint of a tie in. The quickest example that comes to mind are many HDK titles.

I’m holding off scoring while I think on this.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

I enjoyed this from start to ending and quickly added it to my favorites. As a would be writer, this just shows me how much more studying I need to do to even come close to this level. Anyone can do a cucktail or BTB and post it, but this was writing. A lot of thought and hard work went into this and it showed in the result.

Rhsc1Rhsc1over 4 years ago
Three Words

Bat Shit Crazy!...but I still gave them all 5s...well written...held me to the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Back to Serena

When I read Serena, I felt I was inside the husbands head. I felt his anger, frustration, concern, worries, and his determination to standby a very troubled wife. His love for her is total, he will do anything to shelter her. A man of courage and conviction.

He is prepared to sacrifice all for her and his family!

Both are 5* stories, I just happen to feel 'Serena' is far better!

I wonder if you 'loved' Serena?

Thanks for all your efforts

VBR / 19pvc44

magenta9959magenta9959over 4 years ago
still perplexed

Sorry, Jed, just don't get this one, still. The resolution, by way of a 180 degree turn, to the problems in her firm was trite and too convenient by half. It was magical, not real. Clearly she had issues (she's schizo) long before Pt. 9, but at no point, for the sake of the daughters, did our hero seek to intervene in meaningful fashion. He just stood back and watched, reducing his role in the story to that of a bystander, which is grating when you consider the importance of the issues on the table for him. I think my second (lengthy) comment to Pt 2 still holds; seven more parts didn't save this tale for me. About the only person who made sense, or sounded real in all of this was -- Dr. Korlov. But he came in too late and couldn't hold this one together.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 4 years ago
Just can’t say enough

Incredible portrayal of life and mental illness that exists at so many levels job well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A grind.

Who could tolerate a wife that out of contact with reality?

Day after day of putting out fires trying to keep a family together because of his wife's mental illness.

And now she's been promoted to run the law firm with additional duties? Seriously?

Might as well have rainbows shooting out her ass for an ending. Makes about much sense.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 4 years ago
Very well done!

Well written, with believable characters. The portrayal of severe mental illness was excellent. It’s also not all that uncommon among highly intelligent people. Sometimes it runs in a family.

It’s extremely stressful to immediate family members, who need to be flexible and develop strong coping skills.

Why’d Gary stick it out? However badly she hurt him, they’d been together so long and endure so much, that he couldn’t stop caring. He had to be around enough to keep her from suicide, or from losing all sense of reality. As he learned more about his wife and her ‘issues’, he learned about himself.

The one thing Jessie got right: Gary is a nurturer. He needs people to care for. That’s probably part of his motivation to a career teaching.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Certainly the most...

...enjoyable story I have read within the Literotica realm. A note to the proofreader: "Segway" is that dumb riding machine that all the super-cool techies ride out there in microchip heaven. The word you're looking for is "segue". You owe me a coffee. Please, not a furschlugginer la-tté!

lee5456lee5456over 4 years ago
Good story

This was a very good story. The title should have been psycho bitch

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
some dead meat story

Who would say "you should go home son" to the son of a bitch that just drowned his daughter? Why didn't anyone pill her put rather than call for "daddy" (notice they didn't call the mother, yet were willing to prank the old man and blame him, so easily)

Pathetic sense of reality

This story has been nothing but a disappointment from the beginning.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Well done overall

I haven't seen a more creative, thoughtful story in the many I've read here. Those qualities are exceptionally rare in LW. The story obviously displeased the portion of the readers here who like formulaic, simple stories. Nevertheless, the character development was simply extraordinary.

I do wish writers would stop with the "woman lawyer/sex" trope. Women generally make mediocre lawyers, but they advance far beyond their contributions because of affirmative action, not so much by fucking around. In this case, the weakest part of the story is that the profoundly mentally ill Jessie is written as being functional at work, when in real life her level of illness would preclude that.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago
Good writing...

I really hate reconciliation stories... I'm more a scorched Earth BTB kind of reader. Jessie will probably cheat again under the right circumstances...

jsch1947jsch1947about 4 years ago

Very contrived and clumsy.

You're a much better writer than this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I would have been happier if Gary had kept and used the mugger's pistol instead. But that's just me, I suppose.

YouamiYouamiabout 4 years ago

After going through 9 chapters of this series, I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. I thought that Jessie knew exactly what she was doing with Snyder at the Gala and why. Her "breakdown" didn't explain all of her actions...why did she ignore her three daughters for example? Why did she dismiss her own parents? Mental health issues aside, there's that little matter of personal responsibility for one's actions. Gary was either a saint or a real dumb ass to put up with the humiliation and abuse from her. I'm not sure if I would have had the patience to keep coming back for more of Jessie's shit.

unMisTakenIdentityunMisTakenIdentityalmost 4 years ago
I didn't like all of it, but

In the end thought it was good.

I do not know many men who would have stuck with her to be honest with you. But he could see the mental health issues. And he cared about his family. I found it relatable. He left and stayed away after she cheated and she emasculated him. Then as time went on...he could see her behavior relating to the kids, her parents, the family home, and even the family dog was not right. He found drugs. Serious issues with her job and coworkers. She got help. And he stuck with her over the course of nearly a year.

Again...I wouldn't have been able to do it. I woulda stayed as far away from her as possible..and as her life and mental health crumbled...I would have taken the kids away and left her to figure it all out on her own. Thats what the majority of us would have done.

It did not happen overnight. And he went through plenty of times when he wanted to give up, but he didn't and it worked out. This author can write dialogue and has interesting ideas.. Even when I do not like his story lines. I liked this one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
There is something

Very very wrong with you jed, or whatever your name is.

Your hatred of men is perverse.

1* for the spiteful drivel you produce.

Even less of a score for you.

swedishreader1swedishreader1almost 4 years ago

I could pull this sorry excuse of a story apart bit by bit.

But this some it up.

The Author thought the Nazi's planned the holocaust in Swansea.

This was like a story from that Tiberius fella, except he has the excuse of not speaking English and running everything through Google translate.

In fact the gibberish he posts is like peak Hemingway compared to the mindless drivel contained in this "story".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Technically A Well Written Story

BUT, other than two dogs, one cat and sometimes one or more of four daughters there wasn't one character in the story worth any investment in. Instead of the song the 'doctor' quoted I have one better that Dumbass should have listened to; Roger Miller's 'I've Been A Long Time Leaving (But I'll Be A Long Time Gone)'. But I guess at least one time it did pay off becoming the company whore, maybe she can cum up with a morals clause for employees? One good thing, I did get the answer to what happened to the other Lab. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Read the whole thing, glad you aren't writing more like this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Their's only one way to look at this story.........

With all of the BS thrown in this story...Gary and Jessie are a pair...this is a love story.........

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 4 years ago
Complicated love story.

Carvohi's story is a brilliant tale of a husband's struggle with a spouse that has 'real' mental health issues.

Bottom line: This story pushes the limits of those promises made of, "for better or for worst, and in sickness and health".

Imho, the reason this story is not rated higher is some readers may mistake the 'regular crazy' a spouse demonstrates in some LW's stories with the crazy Jessie demonstrated in this well crafted story.

*This is not a sex story.

*It is a character driven story about a husband deeply in love with his wife who is a brilliant, no nonsense lawyer whose brain chemistry is truly messed up.

5 stars for a very clever, complicated love story between a woman and the 'only' man that can save her from self-destruction.

Intrigued_byeIntrigued_byeover 3 years ago

The story, though well written and an exploration of a character mental state falls apart. It is overly long, has elements that wander off wo feeding the central them, and diverges enough from reality to make the characters caricatures and unbelievable and then ends with a weak ending as if the author was too tired to really close with the mental states of his characters after 9 chapters. The main protagonist in the story is a teacher, and educated and caring individual who when faced with the abuse from his spouse and her abuse of the kids does nothing. Really, first step would be social services, talks with corporate HR and counselling. Frick, he's a teacher. He watches and deals with this everyday in his classroom. Unbelievable and thus a significantly deleterious element to the underlying theme of how two individuals and a family deal with a mentally unhinged individual.

Of course it's all it's all for the story telling. Unfortunately, it interferes with the basically very strong plot that underlies this telling.

Perhaps it would be a more difficult tale to tell if the author had made use of more reality but it would have grounded his explorations of individuals mental and emotion states. This is normally the strength in these stories (unless you are only after a recitation of actions without understand). This author makes great use of this in other tales but in this drawn out and repetitious affair, he flails and ultimately fails. A more concise and compact telling based in reality would make this a far stronger telling.

While i enjoyed many elements, at the end i felt worn out and abused.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Although virtually everything about legal practice, the law firm, etc. were simply out of touch with reality, and despite the simple-minded wokeness that crept in, the character development was brilliant. Where the idea for this came from I have no idea, but the execution of "Jessie" and her "husband" as characters was outstanding. As little insight as the author has into law and law firms, his insight into mental illness and how it can affect a marriage and a spouse's obligations to an ill spouse was brilliant. I wish more stories here were this psychologically complex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Thanks for a fascinating read.

012Say012Sayover 3 years ago
Five Star

A very long story, I read it all. Automatic 5. The beginning extraordinary, middle and end good, did not match well, in my opinion. Middle is long and painful, and painful is required. But, she is so ill and her work suffers. In part, it is taken from her, but given the end, a clue to the reader that her time at work was saner than she was would have helped me. My last improvement suggestion is to condense things after the doctor visit. The nice ending could be bolstered with an explanation of some cost of the senior lawyer had exacted by removing Jessie from her expertise. Very hard to take on a topic like this and very well done.

DoublespotDoublespotover 3 years ago

Excellent. Could not put this story down!!!

5 stars, no 10 stars.

illjoyilljoyover 3 years ago
Do we get a vote?

Can we vote Gary for sainthood? Saint Gary may his jello made spine forever be tasteful, amen. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Mental disorder as a plot device. It ended with Jessie still sick and still having her "moments". Jessie stayed in counseling with Dr. Korlov but apparently the good doctor never actually diagnosed her with any particular disorder and besides "counseling" no other sort of treatment plan was presented or followed. Her illness just seemed to be used to excuse her shity behavior toward her husband and family through out the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The backyard

You are quite an author , not many people could make a short story , such as this , so compelling and poignant. Flawless character development , controversial dialect and insightful knowledge , all combined in a white knuckle page turner ! And all on a free erotic site , too boot ! The blame was always placed at someone else’s feet and she never faced the music , then the back porch light finally came on and she looked in her own backyard and she saw and she accepted her role . As a result she awoke from slumber and seclusion , and once again , as always , the truth sat her free ! Wonderfully crafted tale of woe ! Top notch writing , the controversy it generated is all the proof you need !!!

carvohicarvohiover 3 years agoAuthor

I'd like to thank the anonymous writer whose subtopic was "Backyard". I consider it high praise indeed.


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