All Comments on 'Decisions, Decisions'

by Badwolf123

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
three words

dump the bitch

if that's how she deals with suspicions, he doesn't need her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
You let some guy named Simon feel up your wife and you do nothing but

play some half assed games of trying to win her back. No wonder you wussies lost your whole empire. If you have to fight for your wife you've already lost her. Your wife was dating on you, she thought behind your back. She was playing little sex games when she said she was going to work or someplace else, in stead of being with you. She made you feel like shit for weeks no matter what you did, stand on your head and spit nickels, and she'd still pick being with Simon over you. And she shows no guilt! She said she only came back cause Simon wasn't good enough. She said she'd not REALLY been unfaithful. I guess she also said at some point she loved you and wanted to be married to you. So you now know you can tell if she's lying cause her lips will be moving. So when she starts dating around again, what happens when she finds someone more suitable who doesn't make her feel so tacky when he's pulling her panties off? You limeys are just doormats aren't you? You left out that when you see Simon you're going to give him a really mean look! LOL. That will fix him you wimp.

m48gunnerm48gunneralmost 13 years ago
Good Save

Good Save, she screwed up, but it's not a deal breaker. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Not bad. Not great either, but not bad. I can see this happening, this of course is not the torch the bitch ending most readers want and i'm sorry but the Doctor would fall down with a case of two broken legs and a busted jaw and a very sore prick which was caused by a size 10 boot stamping on it. And Sandie would have to watch me do it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

VERY unsatisfactory, no revenge on that Simon dude? Wow!!! Grow a pair or borrow for a while if you can.

Writer, just think, this dude is married with two kids, and he's toying with a woman, who's also married in a pub's parking lot? This Alan dude should have printed those emails and sent it to his wife and this Sandie is nothing but a slut wife in the making. Another reader said it correctly, what if Simon wasn't a tacky lover? What if she finds another dude with better skills? Well, make the husband eat his own shit and cry.

Write a sequeal were the wimp ass Alan gets a revenge on Simon dude and teaches a lesson to his wannabe slut of a wife.

Show why you are "Badwolf".

TNDRIVERTNDRIVERalmost 13 years ago
Well written

The stoy was a good one but I disagree with the ending and Sandie's idea of snogging or my more American way of saying it making g out, to me even dry humping, grinding, or outside the clothes masterbating is still cheating whether to completion or not doesn't matter, I'd would ha e take a photo or printed the emails and turned them over to Simon's wife, recardless of how I dealt with Sandie, I'd fucked up Simon's world just for attempting to infirnge on mine. Just from not on,y authors but those that respond and give public feedback, I do see on trend, most folks from the U.K. tend to more direct everything anger wise toward the spouse, while a larger contingent here in the states direct anger over straying at both parties and if something like in this case a more direct confrontation with Simon more or less letting him know back off or I will tell your wife and/or kick your ass my idea of him doing an abrupt end that crush Sandie's female ego that might look for future outside excitement. All that and still would have to decide Sandies method of setting the scales of justice back right. Point is I would ruin Simon as best I could no matter how I handled Sandie. I, and as my significate other reads the responses at times she needs to know this two, have a scrotched earth policy where the lover is concerned I will destroy any that threaten my home even if invited into the position to threaten it by the wife herself, and that is regardless of the colliderial damage to his family is done in the process, they will feel my pain.

BigJohn601BigJohn601almost 13 years ago
Let's see, Allan's wife is playing footsie with a Pratt named Simon....and

He let's it run its course and even decides to give his assistant a go but "bumps" into Sandie and they reconcile. No harm and no foul. Cute story that started strong but this "executive's" failure to act proactively is unbelieveable. Simon gets to snog with his wife and no punishment is forthcoming....unbelieveable!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Enjoyable, but incomplete

Jerry in Washington State, USA - I think this is the first time I've written feedback on a story that I rated less than a 5. I did like your story, as far as it went. I do like that Alan did use his business acumen to formulate a plan to try to save his marriage. But several things just don't work for me. One, I totally disagree with Sandie's statement that she was "never really unfaithful". Maybe she didn't go all the way but the sexual liberties she allowed Simon was DEFINITELY being unfaithful. Second, I may have misjudged Alan's personality as shown in this very short story, but I feel he would have also used his business acumen to get revenge on Simon. In a cheating wife story of this sort, Alan NEEDS to extract some measure of revenge on Simon. Simon can't just walk away free and clear. Plus, knowing the personality shown by Simon in this story, I suspect Simon hasn't accepted that he no longer has a chance to get Sandie into bed. Third, Alan and Sandie's reconciliation is just too quick ... too sudden. It feels to me that Alan should have at least some continuing hurt and doubts over Sandie's lying, sneaking out, and cheating on him. Such actions as the lying and sneaking out can destroy a marriage just as much as the actual cheating. I still enjoyed the story and will give your other stories a read.

skipperrskipperralmost 13 years ago

He finds out his wife is beginning an affair, and his first reaction is to try to win her back? I don't believe it. I knew I should have stopped reading right there, but still hoped for something more realistic and satisfactory to take place. Didn't happen, just like this plot didn't happen for me. Too bad, I thought the writing was good otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Bad wolf?

More like a little pussy cat, to repeat a previous comment grow some balls!

SKHPSKHPalmost 13 years ago
Much too easy for her come off the hook. Even if nothing really sexual happened: she was cheating on him despite her sister's admonitions. I would let her suffer a bit more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
The ending

The ending was not at all what i expected. Can you say WIMP, CUCKOLD,STUPID. I really expected him to get his revenge.Nope . She kisses him and all is forgiven . What a bunch of crap. A true man would never let it happen the way you ended the story. Voted a 2 for that reason.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Liked it, but...

I understand winning your love back. Though I would think she really did cross the line in a big way, I do get it. However, at first you portrayed a man who knew what he wanted and, while not ok with what his wife had done, was going to make certain he got her back, then he went to a weaker man, afraid of losing, and using a really stupid tactic to do so involving a co-worker.

I would also add, that winning the wife does not mean it is all good and over with. There are lots of issues that need to be delt with, and, for me, another man that would understand the fire he was playing with.

Close, but no cigar.

xtremeddxtremeddalmost 13 years ago
When Sandie saw him with her....... Alan had game, set & Match, he'd won.

If you young lads had been married 20+ years.... you'd understand.


Good tale (tail). Quick easy and to the point. The "Point", win at all costs.

and... Alan's pound of flesh can still be extracted from, the "Good Doctor"

Thanks for sharing on Lit.


riskconsultantriskconsultantalmost 13 years ago
Good Read

I enjoyed the story and found it believable. A marriage can survive a fall from grace as long as it not to great a fall. Sandi realized what she had with Alan and compared it to what she could lose.

KennyWrightKennyWrightalmost 13 years ago
Nice and neat

All things considered, this story was well done. Alan's emotions and reactions were explored realistically, his decisions never felt forced. There was a little of the miscommunication trope going on with the last e-mail, but for the most part, you didn't attempt to actively deceive the reader. Sandie and Alan were ACTUALLY having an issue in their marriage, not a perceived on, and we got to see how that played out fully. As another commenter stated, there's more to the story here and not everything's hunky dory, but the rest of the story is kind of boring for an erotic story site, so I'm fine with the way it ended.

My one complaint is that it feels a bit softcore. We seem to be getting the late night cable cut of it. Usually, when a writer states at the front end that there's no action, it's because it's a revenge story and all of the sex happens off camera (i.e. between wife and lover). But this story actually had plenty of it, we just got the edited versions of it. To be able to experience the hot sex and intimate connections between these characters that you tell us is there would make the whole thing feel a little more authentic. Remember, showing is always better than telling.

Thank you for sharing, though!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
You don't understand, you dolts. It's a LOVE story.

Since when do you live in such a perfect world that a husband or wife never strays? You who are so judgemental, who belong to the cult that believes that all women must remain faithful, but it's okay for a guy to get something on the side...go play with yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You seem to thrive on pain and infidelity. Justifying a cheating wife to a guy who is in horror at losing her?

You write convincingly well but I would suggest you get more realistic about the outcomes.

In this story, he decided to make it difficult to see if she would give it up. He then decided he had to know...well, the heated windows - done/over.

I do like the way you maneuvered everything to a happy(?) ending but he still had to deal with the fact that she had chosen to take a lover, put a lock on her computer (deception-her decision made), had willingly necked and fondled with Simon and fully intended to take him on for full blown sex. Just the fact that he knew she had gone that far, after twenty years...horror!!!

If you think an honest man, married for twenty years, observed his wife this way would act as this guy - not a chance. She is no longer the psyche and character of the woman he loved and trusted, she can never give that back, whether she went all the way or not. This guy would be beyond distraught, never be the same and they would eventually part, her blaming him for his sudden and sullen and seemingly lack of self esteem and no longer showing any trust, love or respect for her.

Still a good story. Thanks.

ohioohioalmost 13 years ago
Emotionally powerful story.

What I thought was best about it was the way you successfully communicated Alan's pain and confusion at finding out what Sandie was up to.

For me the end sort of wrapped things up a bit too neatly--but then again as Harddaysknight has wisely observed, the endings of stories like these are by far the most difficult part.

I try hard not to judge a story by whether the characters behave just as I might want them to--those choices are up to the author. For me, the story as a whole was well-written and very emotionally involving--and therefore quite successful.

Thanks, ohio

bigguy323bigguy323almost 13 years ago
So, if lover boy had been just a bit more swave, she would have been in his bed?

That is the way I read the ending.

"....having someone trying to take off your underwear in a pub car park -- that's tacky. I was so grateful Dr Simon White had no style!"

Now all he has to do is to be sure she never meets a man with style.

She cheated in her mind and she liked it. Next time she'll be more selective and more careful.

Trust is fragile. I, for one, would never quite trust her like I had before and I would set up "traps" where I could find out what she was "up to".

size14shoesize14shoealmost 13 years ago
Looking for multiple points of view

It's tough to write a story about a husband and cheating or potentially cheating wife. You certainly can't please everyone and in the case of Lit, you can hardly please anyone. Even if you have experienced it, that is only one incident. There are so many ways this story could go and Badwolf123 took one of the many. There is no way in this life to know if the selected way is how Badwolf123 himself would have handled it.

Kicking her to the curb because a wife succumbed to the temptation of "being special" to a high profile man such as a PhD professor is not necessarily the best decision to make. Barroom philosophy and cute sayings such as "Once a cheater, always a cheater" is actually the dumbest possible way to make that kind of decision.

Alan choosing to try to win her back likely is a long term and possibly permanent solution. The result was to have his wife see that her husband was the "hot" choice, not Simon. I agree with those that say that it irks the hell out of them for that to even be a possibility.' My mind says, "Fuck her. Let the bitch go." However that would punish me as much as it would punish her. Not a wise choice. Cutting your dick off to spite your balls in not good. I do know that decisions made while in an emotional state are nearly always a disater waiting to happen.

For those who have not been in a loving, happy marriage for 15 or 20 years, you are pissing in the wind with your comments as to what you'd do to that 'cheating bitch/slut/whore.' Telling other people how to handle their personal problems doesn't take a lot of guts or courage. Calling authors wimps because they don't write their stories the way YOU think they should be written is the epitome of chicken-shit.

Every man reading this story would do something different from what Alan did. Were I on the path he chose, I would have jerked Simon out of his car and played soccer with his balls. He couldn't do shit about it or his wife would have found out. And she would have found out anyway. This would have been satisfying but not nearly the good result Alan got. My bitch with Alan's way was that it wasn't his intent. I really thought he would have taken Miss Fairfront to the same pub his wife was meeting Simon at. Let her see him and his "new woman" dancing and playing lovey-dovey.

As far as revenge is concerned, this was a reconcilliation story, not a revenge story. And we have no idea what Alan did later.

All and all a good read. I'll go back and read Badwolf's other stuff and keep an eye out for him in the future.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAalmost 13 years ago
I thought that it was a pretty good story!

This is the first of your stories that I have read. This one wasn't bad. On the other hand, the next time Sandie gets restless she may not be as much of a prude and give it all up. Making out with other men and letting them rub up her boobs, jacking them off, etc., that is cheating. In too many stories, the wife's cheating at this level is discounted as innocent fun, or "close to cheating but not real cheating" or whatever. I guess that it is easier to have a reconcilliation at the end if it is not "real cheating." Bull shit! It's cheating. It's okay to forgive it. It's okay to forgive full blown hardcore cheating. But don't ignore it and say everything is ok and move on. Sandie was unfaithful once. He was too. They both need counseling to protect their marriage.

RHinSCRHinSCalmost 13 years ago
No, not a bad wolf

There is no wolf in this character at all. He tries to cure a wayward wife by being husband of the year. He thinks of hitting his wife, but not the other man. Pussy. The thought of kicking the guys ass never comes to mind. These new age wimps certainly have a different way of handling things. Hey, maybe his Blackberry turns into a light sabre. The wolves in my backyard respond to a breech of territory with violence, but they aren't civilized like us right? They sure do get the point across though.

demantoiddemantoidalmost 13 years ago
Really fun and exciting read!

Loved the tension the author developed from start to finish. Very well written and plotted. Each step the protagonist took, I read with terrific empathy. Marvelous read. Thank you Badwolf!..a wonderful short story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
No matter what you can count on a DEMANTOID sucking up

this story is crap and anyone with god dam brain can see it.


Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
kennywright ... dude are you really this fucking stupid?

REALISITIC? even in the UK Most men would not react this way. Alan's reaction were absurd and well downright Moronic.

WHY is he trying to WIN his wife after 20-25 years?

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
Typical super wimp UK cuckold story

Allen's reaction is absurd on so many levels it is hard to keep track of them. Alan can handle his marriage crisis anyway he wants to. But the author CANNOT have Alan askk all these serious Legit questions about his wife...


The most important and deeply fundamental question that EVER gets answered (or even discussed) is why does Alan the super wimp think or feel that he HAS to fight for his marriage after 20+ years?

The fundamental premise of this entire campaign to win back his wife is flawed because Alan is ASSUMING that it is possible to win her back. The phone conversation he over heard does not prove conclusively anything.

FACT time after time when her husband asked or suggested they do something the wife either wiggled out of it and

/or tried to contact SIMON. Yet Alan who may be the dumbet man ever... stated "goal" is to try and bring back the old marriage.


But the worst thing about the story is that the whole thing clearly revolves around whether not the wife actually FUCKED Simon.

She says she did not. SO WHAT?

This is a major issue with all these cuckold /wimp writers

like JPB Murphy621 and Matt Moreau. As soon as the husband is TOLD... almost always without any proof mind you... that the wife did not actually have a cock in her pussy... BOOM everything is lovely doovey again.

FIRST....given all the Lies & deception on her part Alan at the very least should not accept his wife's assertions at face value......NO?!

SECOND... lets assume she is telling the truth and she did not have actual intercourse with Simon. What about all the rest of her actions and behavior?

Decision Decision is a shitty story because the author has Alan raise all these questions then never even ATTEMPTS to answer them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Harryin VA is right!!!

Harry is absolutely correct. And he asks a good question. Why should a man married 20+ years have to WIN his wife? That was supposed to have happened during their courtship. After marriage and the exchange of vows the competition for her affection is over. It is then time for them to develop a caring relationship that includes loyalty, fidelity, and respect, among other things. Obviously BADWOLF123 does not understand the essence of marriage, nor does he respect its requirements.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Fought the good fight

I can imagine your pain and confusion.

What do you do when you find out that your wife may have decided that it might be time to do something that doesn't fit into your idea of a good union.

The real question is what options do you have if she has already decided?

What do you do?

Good story


jasonnhjasonnhalmost 13 years ago

Several others also said he is playing too much with this. His wife is screwing around and he is playing out a business plan? That's all the emotion he has about his marriage? If so, he deserves to lose her to Simon. And Garfunkel too. Also to John, Paul, Ringo, and even George. He also has a great friend at work and he abuses their relationship to play his game and get even with his wife. He's not only wimpy, he's slimy. His wife is the typical caricature of "What my husband doesn't know about my "exciting" fling won't hurt him.". Then, after about a half hour of making out with his secretary everything is just OK. No silly problems with lack of respect or trust to worry about. And after all, according to Sandie "I was never really unfaithful.". Isn't that nice. Lying to your husband, keeping secrets from your husband, meeting other men secretly, making out with other men, having your tits rubbed by other men, none of that is being "unfaithful". How convenient for her. How pathetically spineless for him to accept her extremely self serving definition of faithfulness. Is what she did forgivable? Probably. But she deserves some big dope slaps first.

BriteaseBriteasealmost 13 years ago
Well I liked it.

Well written and got me involved. Realistic, despite what Hrry and crew think.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Trust me on this Simon would either be dead or in a wheelchair after I had a 'quiet' word with him. My wife? Sent to a really shitty horrible place for a long, long time. Her mother in laws place. My wife hates my mother my mother hates her! It would be HELL!

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmalmost 13 years ago

so glad BADWOLF did not follow through with his characters plan to win back his wife of twenty years - the thought was enough. In the end a measured response of showing weakness may achieve the sense of letting the bird fly free, and if love is sincere and deeply entrenched - the wandering bird will return to love in the nest established. It is tough and often not shared (even when it happens) when one mate compartmentalizes and has no way to relieve the guilt amassed.

maturemadness2maturemadness2almost 13 years ago
This could happen to anyone.

Good story, I think some of the anon trolls have this badwolf thing backwards,course you blooddy brits and most other ppl know nothing about wolves. A badwolf, sits around and does nothing a good wolf, goes after it's prey and tears the shit out of it and then eats it. How come most of the negative comments come from anons. Man up and register. Of course, then it just may be that you are anonymous in your own relationships and in life in general. Last but not least, read Romance, erotic coupling or whatever, stay out of the Loving Wives genre. This is what you get. Get over it. Oh and read some of my wife and my stuff if you really want to get pissed off.

Badwolf123Badwolf123almost 13 years agoAuthor
Thanks for all the comments ...

Where to start? Well ...

First off, a HUGE thank you to everyone that has commented. The fact that you have taken the time to read and then taken more time to actually say something means the story engaged you. Even if you thought it was crap!

Secondly, this is a STORY! Although it is (unusually for me) written in the first person, it's definitely not autobiographical. So if I conveyed the pain, confusion and anguish Alan felt - then maybe I did a half decent job.

After I'd written the first 1,000 or so words of this story I gave it to a few friends and asked them if it worked, if they were engaged. The results were 100% "finish it quick, I want to know what happens" and almost exactly 50/50 - "Burn the bitch" vs "Get her back". To my mind Alan had several options:

1 Dragging Simon from the car and beating the living shit out of him. Well, that would have made him feel good and is fine if he thought the marriage was over. Not a great story though! (And there are plenty of those in LW already.)

2 Confronting Sandie. Again, very rational if he wants to save his marriage. They sit down on Saturday morning and discuss it, she breaks down and sobs, and asks for forgiveness, they book the dream holiday and - hmm, dull story! (That's unfair, you could make some good dialogue in that!)

3 In doing what he did, SHE came to realise what she had, that after 20 years maybe she (and Alan?) had started to take things for granted - we have all (well, some of us) have been there!! Doing what he did, and letting Sandie come to the conclusion herself, made the whole repair job a lot stronger (in my view). And also in my view made an interesting story. But I would say that, wouldn't I?

Now, Simon. A lot of you want revenge. Who's to say it didn't happen? My sister-in-law (retired English teacher) when criticising my stories (I write mainstream too) said I should try and leave some bits for the reader to fill in. Don't spoon feed them. The truth is we know very little about Simon. We don't know what his marriage is like, we don't know his personality, is he a regular philanderer or is this his first time? Has he fallen in love with Sandie? Maybe I should write Simon's view of the story. (Have a look at "That's What Friends Are For" - maybe Simon is Iain...?)

And finally, and I think most people on this site realise this: There are huge cultural differences between the UK and US, and I think that's reflected in our attitudes to infidelity. I think it has a lot do with the comparative strength of religious feeling in the two countries. I think there's a lot less of a "holier than thou" kind of feeling in the UK. Things are not black and white. I suspect that's an over simplification but there are definite differences - just look at the feedback to see that.

So, thank you all again for taking the time to read and comment. I don't mind people saying they don't like my stories - as long as they tell me why. But I do like it more when they say they like them - and tell me why!


RHinSCRHinSCalmost 13 years ago

Your comment may not have been directed at me, but I know a little. A large female Canis Lupus was using my foot as a pillow when I made the first comment. They are also sneaky and quiet, this guy couldn't pull that off either. He was caught during his first kiss and then everything was magically okay. It would take more time for a woman to get over that even if she had been doing the same thing. I would guess that the other woman had to stand there like a fool while the couple made up. She will never talk to him again. But hey, he reclaimed his stupid broad.

chytownchytownalmost 13 years ago
Great Story!!!!!

Something different and a damn good read this site needs all types of stories to balance it out.( Again Thanks for A Good Read.)

oldwayneoldwaynealmost 13 years ago

As far as the rest of the story is concerned, she was just a cheating slut who deserved to have her ass kicked to the curb. He was a simpering little wimp who wasn't any part of a man. Cheers!

bruce22bruce22almost 13 years ago

How can any married woman with two children prove that no cock entered her???? She could prove if he was quick about that had entered but the negative is logically impossible to prove!

Sorry Badwolf, I really enjoyed your story but could not resist pointing out the lack of logic in Harry's complaint.

Personally I would have called her when she said she was going out with girls dressed like that or walked into the Pub and asked for a beer.... Of course, that would probably have lead to at least a separation. Still, maybe he should have continue right on with his revenge and get a bit of excitement, too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
the first night ....

Watching them enter the pub... and his obvious envy over the car.... he should have torched the guy's BMW... you know... taken the tire iron out of his own car, popped the guy's hood, (bonnet to uk types) and yanked off the fuel line. Then hit the line with a flame.... blow torch city....

For the next step he should have called him on his cellphone in the pub and said... step out to see your car and consider if fucking with my wife is worth me raising the ante further....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago


katibkatibalmost 13 years ago
One of the best

Beautifully written; exceptional for its examination of Alan's mental misery; real and believable emotion, for once, is displayed on the LW screen.

Some perceptive comments by one or two "anons."

Ohio is right, as usual, as is "size14shoe. I do agree that the ending came a bit soon and easily and is, perhaps, a bit too sweet.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpetealmost 13 years ago
Fucking morons.....

...tell me when in human history a "make-up" played out like this? "Oh, you felt you made a mistake and have now come to your senses, great! No harm no foul!"- and they all lived happily ever after.- Bruce, I missed the hidden paragraph where HIV wrote that he should make her"prove" that nothing entered her pussy. I believe hiv simply said he shouldn't believe her. This had the potential to be insightful and complex. It was neither.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caalmost 13 years ago
Good stuff

Enjoyable tale of the sometimes frail human relationship... Aging, lifestresses, our egos... Excellent fodder for a story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
Bruce you MORON... I did NOT say that

are you like... drunk?

all I said was that her assertions should NOT be taken face value.

and second the author's solutuon of the wife saying she had not actually fucked anyone else.. even IF true... does NOT give the wife a get of jail card free.

katibkatibalmost 13 years ago
For Badwolf123

I enjoyed your story so much that I went back to your bio and found that you invite comments about grammar. I have a few, but I assure you they do nothing to detract from my enjoyment of your prose. Yours is probably the most fault-free story on LIT.

In your fifth para. you write: "Parking round the corner meant that she wouldn't have seen me coming." I suggest that in this context "could not have" would be better, as the implication is that she was not able to see him coming.

And also, your comparisons: "Is he better at it than me? Is he bigger than me?" In this construction, "better than I [am], and bigger than I [am] are correct. Of course, this is Alan's inner monologue so I supposed he can be excused for this minor, colloquial lapse.

"By this time she'd flung the flowers into the backseat she was holding my hand, just like she'd done for twenty years." "Like" is preposition. Use "as."

"But I just didn't want her near me, so I sent her off to make some tea while I crawled under the sheets." Some purists will argue that "so" is not a coordinating conjunction and will insist that a semi-colon be used after the "me."

"She turned to me with a smile the reeked of sympathy." -- a [rare] typo.

I laughed and mouthed "tease". In the US, the period is placed inside the quotation mark. British usage may differ. You have several instances of this.

Once again, a great story.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 13 years ago
I think a little English dry humor may have slipped into the author's story.

The story made me think of the hurt that the husband must have felt when he found out that his wife of 20 years may be having an affair.

With him thinking of all that could have happened between his wife and a younger man, thoughts of her getting laid, would have made him sick, as what the story stated.

Even though she never put out for her lover, she still cheated. He should find the cause of her wanting another man, and she should confess the fact, that she did violate their marriage vows.

A good story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

So your sis-in-law is a retired English teacher,huh.

Next time you ask for her feedback, and she says ---- "try and leave some bits for the reader to fill in. Don't spoon feed them."

REMIND your sis-in-law that readers are NOT STUDENTS.

Zeb40Zeb40almost 13 years ago
good story with few flaws

I found the story quite believable.

This was one man's reaction to a situation that he never should have had to face.

The eMails and the timing would indicate that Sandie actually didn't have intercourse-arriving home 10 minutes after Alan did, and showing up at Alan's date supposedly 10 minutes after her time with Simon doesn't give her a lot of time, unless Simon is the fastest lover on earth. Still, she did cheat, and that needs to be addressed.

I think she let infatuation get the better of her. She appeared to already regret it,and I think she would soon have confessed. Still, I think she needs to see someone to help her understand why this could happen, and how to keep it from happening again. Alan also needs help to see why he thought two wrongs would make a right. Confronting Sandie would have been inevitable eventually, and then he might have been justified in seeking revenge.

As for revenge on Simon, who's to say he did,'t get that later. He had his eMail, his address, and his cell phone no> More than enough ammunition for some sort of revenge. Good story overall. Thanks. Paul

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Simple Solution

Assess yourself: if you are a loser and have no realistic hope of finding another mate then do what this guy did and take her back. If you are confident and reasonably attractive send her packing and replace her with a younger model.

No need to overthink these situations: simple problems often have simple solutions - discern if you are you a hopeless loser or a virile man and react accordingly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Brilliant story.

But oooooo Brucie ya moron My Hairy did not say that! My Hairy NEVER gets it wrong! I wish I was as famous as My Hairy. Still, I can just tie myself into Hairy's ass by creeping on him every chance.


DrallDrallalmost 13 years ago
Thank You!

Very well done! A great story!

ParPlus10ParPlus10almost 13 years ago
Cultural differences alright!

I began reading Badwolf's comment about the culture differences; I thought he was going to be right-on; although maybe a little naive. But, then he included the "holier than thou" comment, I think he might be an idiot.

Badwolf, it’s not a matter of thinking one is superior. It’s a matter of integrity. While I am not a fan of Harry’s, I have to agree with him on the his basic view of fidelity. Either a promise is made or it is not. If someone blatantly breaks a marriage contract, it is no different than breaking any other contract. I won’t trust someone who maliciously cheats me financially and I won’t trust a malicious cheater either.

So, Harry don’t get upset at the UK authors for writing wimp stories where the husband always forgives the wife. Instead you need to take a more understanding view based on what Badwolf has told us. While I’m admittedly taking some license with what he said; in the UK, they do not demand or expect integrity and respect between parties. So we just need to understand that we have cultural differences.

Oh, and by the way. I have a friend who lives in France and it is the same there. He tells me that a minister will tell you that you’re unreasonable to not forgive dishonesty in a marriage. But if you cheat the church out of a tithe, you’re damned to hell.

ceoltoirceoltoiralmost 13 years ago
Cultural differences?

If this is an example of UK morality, no wonder Britain has become a third-world country . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
An Excellent Story, BW

Just think about it, if any one of the "shoot the bitch" critiquers had been our president or your PM during the last 60 years, every damn on of us would now be nuked toast. Besides which, nearly every one of those male retards has had their cock in some pussy where it shouldn't have been during their married years. Write on, Mr. Wolf!!!

SELSTIMSELSTIMalmost 13 years ago

I think that's the best way to describe this story. It was well written but Alan definately didn't believe in the direct approach. Maybe, that's why he didn't make Project Director until he was 40. Whenever he had to make a tough decision he took the easy way out and a director definately has to make the hard decisions. That's what was so frustrating. I kept reading thinking that this time he was going to act. Maybe, that's how you intended to keep your readers interested. Then there were no consequences for anybody except Alan but then all the worry was the consequence of his actions or inactions. At least, I thought that he could have identified with Simon's wife and felt it was his duty to inform her of what was going on. I don't know about this cultural difference stuff but the biggest question that comes to mind is if everybody in the UK thinks like this then why did they have to ban guns. Maybe, this is a side effect of banning guns. A more docile population. However, the reading was smooth when I wasn't ranting about his decisions. So, I'll try more of your stories and see if this frustrating theme persists. If so, I'll probably give the rest a pass. I don't view frustration as entertainment unless it leads to a satisfying conclusion. Thank you for submitting (that's what Simon said).

P.S Thanks Harry, now this is the Harry I know and love! I thought you were going soft on us.

zed0zed0almost 13 years ago
Normally I Hate Wimp Stories

But this one had a way cool, almost perfect ending. I liked the poetic justice of him being caught "red handed" by the slut wife, and shooting her down in mid-hypocrisy. A perfect ending would have him drive off with boss Jacky, and telling Sandie to have her shit out of the house by the time he gets back. It's pretty obvious why Sandie developed a wandering eye, dudes a total wuss, and besides after twenty years it's obvious they both need a change.

zed0zed0almost 13 years ago
OH YEAH. . .

. . .Simon definitely needs some pay back too!

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
another pussy ass husband story

I couldnt believe that yet another man hating fag is a writer.

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1almost 13 years ago
A Very Good Story

This is only one reader's opinion, but this was a hell of a good story. You've gotten a lot of hits and I know why. I've gotten enough response from readers over the past year to know that you violated the template for cheating wives stories. The hero has to beat the crap out of the wife's would be lover, has to humiliate or punish the cheating wife until she's destroyed or emotionally beaten to a pulp and crawling back to hubby, after which hubby kicks her ass out and either becomes a misanthrope or lands another woman. And by no means, ever ever forgive a woman who had the effrontery to actually fuck another man. Remember, cheaters will always cheat again. No one ever changes for the better. Except a cheating husband who can see the light and reform. Women seem to be constitutionally incapable of doing that little trick.

I know that's laying it on a little thick - just a little - and I know that everyone reads for emotional satisfaction. It's just that I sometimes feel real pity for a lot of male readers on this site because they have obviously been torn to pieces emotionally by some woman in their lives. I've gotten my share of lumps and there are a few that still cause me to wince decades later, but I don't have that kind of hatred in me.

As to your story, maybe a lot of men wouldn't have handled it the way your hero did, but a hell of a lot would have if they'd had the sense and the balls to try to fight for their wife. Maybe you can save your marriage by beating the crap out of a guy moving in on your wife, but a lot of guys have wound up broke or in jail doing that and if your wife wants to cheat, short of locking her up somewhere, she's going to. Your hero is hurting, but has the courage to try to win his wife back the only way that can work - by winning her love or lust over again...wooing her.

There were comments that a man shouldn't have to win his wife back. She's his wife, for God's sake. And a man who's put in twenty years and done a good job for his company shouldn't have to fight against younger guys to keep his job. After all, he's got the job, right?

Well, life doesnt' work that way. People marry in love and lust and time wears it down and guys come along that are younger and hotter and they may hit your wife at just the time she's vulnerable and she may wind up spreading her legs for them. and you can throw her away, and years of your life for the chance that you'll find somebody as good when you're 20 or 30 years older, or you can fight to hold onto what is yours.

I think you wrote a very good story of a guy who does just that. His wife does a bad thing, and the unsaid part of any happy ending in a story like this is that here is a loss of trust...there has to be. And maybe there are problems facing them in the future. But you live your life day by day.

Anyway, this is the first story of yours I've read, and it's a good one in my point of view.

bartolobartoloalmost 13 years ago
Very good story

I enjoyed your story and the manner in which you organize your writing in it, in segments (decision segments). I hope you write more stories of this type containing interesting situations as with this one.

Sidney43Sidney43almost 13 years ago
Good one

I was going to comment on those commentators who seem to think it is unreasonable to fight for your Wife and marriage after twenty years. I was, but DQS said it far better than I could, so I will just agree with him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great Story

I'm glad that he chose to fight for his marriage and that they love each other enough to forgive the mistakes. Thanks for writing. 5/5

And if anyone says he should have kicked her to the don't get married to divorce as soon as the shit hits the fan. You promised to love, cherish and obey and if you can't keep those promises, then it's not your partners fault.

Scorpio44Scorpio44almost 13 years ago
Well done and creative, IMHO

I enjoyed the struggle and the resolution. The writing was good in that I didn't find any errors. I wasn't reading to find them either. Well done! Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Huedog is correct and DQS's comments are full of shit........

This wimp ass fag took the manipulative slut back with no consequences as usual. Seriously, it is inferred that only fags like shoe-no-IQ are capable of such delusional revelations. So, DQS - get your head out of your ass and finish your fucked version of wimp husband/super slut-saint ex-wife in a timely manner. Frankly, DQS's creditability standings are similar to that asshole in the executive branch - in the toilet and should be flushed accordingly. Author - this dick less idiot deserves to spend the rest of his pathetic life sucking the cream-pies from this grievous slut wife. Do everyone a favor and quit writing. JPB & MattM furnish enough disgusting wimp/slut material to last forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Let me get this straight...

the wife allows another man to start a love affair with her. The husband accidentally finds out and decides to "fight" for her and his marriage. Later, he gives up and seeks revenge with a willing co-worker which is averted by accident. They both confess their wrongdoing and live happy ever all. If Simon had been a deceiver or manipulator I could understand the husband fighting for his marriage but like most cheaters she wanted both her lover and her husband. She confesses that Simon would have been able to fuck her if he had not tried to do it in a car. You write very well but there were no decisions rather a series of impulsive actions. The husband works his ass off but the wife yearns for "excitement". She dresses up for her lover while lying to her husband. I really did not like either character. Many spouses fight to save their marriages but usually based on correcting themselves or situations not competing with others. It is said that a married person cannot compete with an single attractive lover because the spouse has to deal with day-to-day reality whereas dating is often "ideal." Even though I did not like this story please keep writing. Thanks!


IrfonIrfonalmost 13 years ago

She's tasted the forbidden fruit,how long before she gets 'bored' and in need for 'excitement' again ???

The way she made love to him - then - an hour or so later,popping out to meet the 'girls'....(Simon)

The steamed up BMW means - SEX - NOT a fumble or two....

Nah - she's a cheater,but more importantly - she LIED with a straight face looking into his eyes - says it all for me - I couldn't believe or trust a woman like that ever again,one would always be wondering where is she now / this time / is it another affair ??

Very well written,you really got me going - Thank You.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good read

Good story, and well written. Easy to feel the pain coming through the words. You have to wonder if he set up the last meeting. Hard on his assistant, of course.

Many thanks for your hard work.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago

I gotta say sometimes the comments ARE more fun to read than the story itself.

What is it with America and Britain? It's funny to read about such "cultural differences", when there aren't any significant ones. Maybe if a commenter were from deepest Africa, or the jungles of the Amazon, but America and Britain? Hilarious. Where do you categorize people who aren't from America or Britain (GASP!)?

Aside from that, I'm seriously tempted to write a gender-reversed story of this (and many others). Where the husband flirts with every pretty lady in sight, the wife gets angry, but he says nothing is going on (although he's having dinners and goes to clubs with other women, coming home late), and then she catches him cheating.

She gets angry, but he says it meant nothing, and she's the only one he loves, that it was just a silly mistake and he wants them to get past this.

When the wife doesn't want to hear about it and complains about her husband's cheating, her friends, her family, his family, her children all scold her for not forgiving him, because he's TRULY remorseful, and to give him a chance, not throw away all those years together, and that they KNOW that SHE still loves him.

The wife has to fight for him! She can't give up! She has to prove to him that she's better than those tramps!

If she gives up fighting for him, she's a loser and her children will never talk to her again.

And ofcourse, true love prevails, she wins him back after much effort. It'd make a fantastic story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good Story

I liked this story - Thanks to the author! One thing that bothers me though is that we didn't hear about what happened to the 3rd party perpetrator. Obviously he at least lost a few teeth over his bad DECISION to mess with a married woman. Surely the husband educated him about over his folly.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago
DQS's comments make me laugh

"There were comments that a man shouldn't have to win his wife back. She's his wife, for God's sake. And a man who's put in twenty years and done a good job for his company shouldn't have to fight against younger guys to keep his job. After all, he's got the job, right?"

Oohh, let's get into this. So his wife is his employer, and if he doesn't keep his employer happy, someone else gets the job? You do realize that works both ways?

The wife is not only slacking off at her job, she is actively working for a rival company during company time, lying about it, works harder there, AND for free.

Why should her employer have to convince her to actually not work for a rival company, why would her employer keep such a shitty employee, who has broken her contract? Any employer worth his salt would fire such a bad employee.

"It's just that I sometimes feel real pity for a lot of male readers on this site because they have obviously been torn to pieces emotionally by some woman in their lives. I've gotten my share of lumps and there are a few that still cause me to wince decades later, but I don't have that kind of hatred in me."

But are you still married to the people who still cause you to wince decades later? You don't have that kind of hatred in you, I know, you've accepted your place as cuckold to a cheating wife. I feel real pity for you. Maybe your stories are autobiographical? Still pining over a Debbie in your life?

I wonder what you would say if it's the husband who cheats. Clearly, that means the wife wasn't working hard to keep him, and it was only a matter of time before he cheats, and rightfully so!

"Your hero is hurting, but has the courage to try to win his wife back the only way that can work - by winning her love or lust over again...wooing her."

I question the reason WHY you'd want to. If she doesn't want you, and you have to win her (back), she only does so reluctantly. "Oh, alright, stop whining, I'll get back with you for the moment. Until the next time at least." Wow, love is dripping from that...

"Well, life doesnt' work that way. People marry in love and lust and time wears it down and women come along that are younger and hotter and they may hit the husband at just the time he's vulnerable and he may wind up going to bed with them. and you can throw him away, and years of your life for the chance that you'll find somebody as good when you're 20 or 30 years older, or you can fight to hold onto what is yours."

KyuzioKyuzioalmost 13 years ago
I really liked the story....

Good story, BadWolf123. I liked the emotion and angst that the main character was going through.

The only problem I had, and I have this problem with most stories on Literotica where the straying wife returns to the husband - even though they didn't "really" cheat on them (no sex, vaginal, oral, or anal - even no fingering) - the problem I have is that going out with another man and necking (in the US) or snogging (in the UK) like teenagers with that man is still cheating to me. My wife should not be out there with another man, let along playing tonsil hockey with them!. Perhaps I'm just a jealous man and insecure in myself and in my relationship with my wife (but then aren't most men?). My wife would be pissed at me if I was lip-locked with some younger woman and groping her tits, and I would be just as pissed if she was doing it with some younger guy.

However, I would get over it...eventually. And I would still get pissed off whenever I think about it in the future.

And to those who say you shouldn't have to "win" your wife back...bullshit! You should be fighting for her every single day. And she should be fighting for you. Making a marriage work is just that - WORK. It is a partnership. You have to work at it everyday, both of you, because if only one person works on it, it won't succeed. You loved her enough to woo her and marry her, you should love her enough to woo her every chance you get. It isn't hard and it isn't onerous. It is quite long a both of you work at it.

chootkabhootchootkabhootalmost 13 years ago
a dormant slut

when somebody with a little more style comes along she will fuck for sure. the husband should keep his lines of communication open with Jackie!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

... why has it not been done?? Like you, I'm tired of seeing the "wife" break the rules and the husband become the villain because he did not take the cheating slut back!

"Aside from that, I'm seriously tempted to write a gender-reversed story of this (and many others). Where the husband flirts with every pretty lady in sight, the wife gets angry, but he says nothing is going on (although he's having dinners and goes to clubs with other women, coming home late), and then she catches him cheating.

She gets angry, but he says it meant nothing, and she's the only one he loves, that it was just a silly mistake and he wants them to get past this.

When the wife doesn't want to hear about it and complains about her husband's cheating, her friends, her family, his family, her children all scold her for not forgiving him, because he's TRULY remorseful, and to give him a chance, not throw away all those years together, and that they KNOW that SHE still loves him.

The wife has to fight for him! She can't give up! She has to prove to him that she's better than those tramps!

If she gives up fighting for him, she's a loser and her children will never talk to her again.

And ofcourse, true love prevails, she wins him back after much effort. It'd make a fantastic story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Just a really good story

This was a really well-written enjoyable story to read, with genuinely well-drawn characters.

I don't understand the people who comment on these stories as if they're real. I'm not remotely interested in discussing what the husband should have done, what he should do next, etc. It's a story.

Thank you for the fabulous read, and a very good example of how you don't need detailed, mechanical descriptions of sex to make a story sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just another wimpy Pom's mind excrement !

Ready to slurp another creampie ! Those gutless Brit "writers" seems to thrive on being wimps. This pathetic effort is a good example!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Decisions, Decisions...

Should I yank the steamed-up car door open and beat the living shit out of lover-boy, or just take a picture with my cell and go home, bag up the slut's clothes and leave them outside the front door? Or both? What to do, what to do....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
cock vs cuck

Good writing; however, what crashes the story is the early business analogy. The 'fighting for the contract' analogy is the dating/courtship period; the infidelity changes the analogy to 'biz partner embezzles and defrauds' but wants to continue partnership.

Make this guy a mid-level manager at an NGO or non-profit - the story would be easier to swallow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Good Effort

Please keep writing, We need more Loving Wives Stories.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

dont fight for a losing cause. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
"And I was never really unfaithful."

Really! But your husband just kissing someone makes you angry. Obviously, what she was doing wouldn't pass the significant other test. Makes you wonder if Simon had a little more class, where this would have ended. Good writing. Thanks, Tim

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
I like this story a lot.

First, I appreciate the quality of the writing. It's always nice to read a well-written, well-editted short story. Crap writing, even with a good story, hurts the experience.

Second, I got a real sense of who the hubby was, and, to a lesser extent, who the wife and assistant were. Therefore, I was able to empathize with them.

Third, there was a lot of tension. It just kept building and buildiing. You let the reader go through hubby's emotional experience. I felt the highs and lows of his discovery, and his struggle to "win."

Fourth, the story was concise, while still giving us a full picture. Unlike many readers, I don't need, or want, a prolongued epilogue. Also, you avoided the tedious backstory-you gave us just enough to put the relationship in context.

Fifth, your use of dialogue to tell the story was great. My limited experiences with creative writing have demonstrated how hard a task that is. A story is so much more 'real' when dialogue, rather than narrative, tells a significant part of the tale.

Sixth, it was creative. Hubby discovers that wife is involved, or getting involved, with a new man outside their marriage. He takes a reasonable approach (not necessarily the one I would take, but whatever). He decides to investigate, get a handle on the situation, and then attempt to 'win' the wife back. His strategy is, while perhaps not novel amongst the multitude of stories on this site, at least a rare one; offering a lot of originality to the routes the story can go.

Seventh, the story has a happy reconciliation.

Some commentors have bitched because the hubby was passive, he didn't kick the other guy's ass or confront the wife, etc. Others argue that a hubby should have to fight for his wife. I experienced these same sentiments on some level. But, if all we had were Burn the Bitch stories on this site, the LW genre would be a boring one to read. I got the impression that hubby wouldn't engage in a long fight-he says as much (and, he only engaged in his campaign for less than a week; the indiscretions were on only 2 occasions and happened within a few days). After learning that the "affair" was very new, and not yet consumated, he took a considered approach. He wanted her to give it up before it went too far. He wanted her to recommit to the marriage on her own (with a little attention and TLC from home, etc.). His thought process was legitimate: if she would break it off on her own before it got too far, then he could be happy that she was over her little selfish fixation. If she ended it only because he confronts her, or the other guy, or whatever, then there would be the constant fear and suspicion that she might do it again the next time she was flattered by a charming, intelligent man. Only, she might be more careful the next time.

After 20 years of marriage, and given that he heard wife say she was only going on about with Simon for a little excitement (she still loved hubby very much, etc.), and knowing that it only occurred 2 times, both involving a little snogging and feeling up above the waist in a car, I think it would be fairly easy to get past it, given that she broke it off on her own. I also liked that he got a little fun with his hot co-worker, and that his wife got to witness it.

It is a very good, original, and ultimately happy tale.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 12 years ago
just one comment

why would you want to keep a cheating whore? 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
admitted cuck huecuck asks good question

huecuck, who admits to being a cuck, raises a vapid point. just one question, "how many cucks could a huecuck chuck if huecuck could chuck cucks?"

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
once again out of the mouths of morons

Anon, Anon, Anon....dude get a fucking life. You keep running around behind me like a stalker. I almost feel famous, you run behind me like I'm Tom Cruise. It must be hard living life thru someone else.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

Bullshit. Unrealistic. She was unfaithful. Two stars only because it was well written.

IrfonIrfonover 11 years ago
Great Story !!

Well done - please keep writing - there's always someone who'll diss your efforts - Ignore & and write on !! Got it ? :-)

Your observational skills regarding women & the casual,sly way they question & fluff their answers in reply to a direct question was just perfect - you have evidently been involved in that type of scenario have I.

Well written - I look forwards to more of your efforts.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
why keep her?

Why would he want to stay with someone who cheated? Not acceptable.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 11 years ago
why keep her? Because he loves her!

Cutting his wife off would be like cutting his leg off. He'd hobble himself, or bleed to death. And yeah, that rings true. (Been there, done that, got the t-shirt...)

Badwolf, thanks for the story. Brought back some bad memories, but 5* and faved, all the same. Excellent writing style.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well I thinkn they need help to put their marriage back on track

but saying thyat, revenge on the good doctor is a must! And she needs to be punshed as well. She should NOT get off free.

norcal62norcal62over 11 years ago
Reviewers are correct. Next non-tacky guy will get to her.

Not a satisfying conclusion for the angst of the hubby. Well written, though.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

who stands the best chance for atoning. TK U MLJ LV NV

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanover 11 years ago
This statement is pure bullshit

"You didn't know about Simon, and it would only hurt you. And I was never really unfaithful."

Actually it would hurt him and she was unfaithful. I have read your stories and while they are well written they lack an understanding of basic human nature and as the statement above shows, an understanding of being faithful. So you get a ***.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

In your comment you wrote, "Cutting his wife off would be like cutting his leg off. He'd hobble himself, or bleed to death." Yeah, cutting your leg off is bad, but it is generally considered preferable to dying of gangrene. Frankly, I'd rather be hobbled than dead. I noticed that Simon only lost out because he was too "tacky" not because our Loving Wife came to her senses. Yeah, Hubby loves her. Big deal. She obviously isn't that into him, so him loving her means less than nothing.

phil2213phil2213about 11 years ago
good story

Sandie was a cheating slut/skank and deserved to be punished. When Alan overheard the conversation why didn't he confront head on and ask her "WHO THE FUCK IS SIMON"??? This is the normal response of a real man nit a sneak around faggot. Man up to your woman and ask her what the fuck is up if you don't want to be with me fuck off. Allowing Sandie to fall into the arms of another is bullshit story sucked Alan is not a man.

solotorosolotoroabout 11 years ago

She didn't go through with it because he was tacky. What was left unsaid is that she will now look for someone who isn't tacky. What a shmuck. He should get it on with his assistant and if she doesn't like it fuck her. He probably won't. If he can so easily buy the "never really unfaithful" crap then he deserves to be made a cum-slurping cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A shame that Sandy couldn't be completely honest when confronted

Sandy forgot to tell her husband about all the places on her body that she allowed Simon to explore and because of this fact their long term relationship has a large crack in it going forward.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

I gave it five stars despite the glaring unreasonableness of his wife's explanation:

"You didn't know about Simon, and it would only hurt you. And I was never really unfaithful."

Does the author truly believe that her actions did not constitute unfaithfulness? It was well written. I had rather hoped that Simon had simply turned out to be some misunderstanding. Given her comments on the phone actually did refer to her having an affair, this couple has some deep issues to deal with. Her thinking is fucked up and a weekend of romancing by the hubby is unlikely to have changed that significantly.

I do enjoy the fact that he fought for her, and the fact that changed her mind before ultimately consummating the affair with intercourse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
If they cheat once....

It is better to cut your losses. What I can't understand is how MBUK or anyone else can or would want to be close to her ever again. Hobble yourself? Only if you remain with her!

Otherwise how the hell do you look yourself in the mirror everyday? Or do you even know what I am talking about???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
big fucking deal

nuke the bitch

she lied, snuck around, and proved she can't be trusted

that's enough to kick her ass to the curb for me

that is after I've crushed her heart, destroyed her reputation, and made goddamn good and sure she'll never be happy again


because you do that to me, the revenge is for life

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