Deepika the NRI Slut Ch. 11


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Exhausted the gang lie on the sandy beach and pass the lit joint. Like magic, her loins tingle yet again. She has to fight to not sooth her itch.

Even Madhavi is feeling the heat. It’s now or never.

Quietly she says, “I have dare. Deepika has to kiss one of the girls.”

“Even better, she has to flash her pussy!” Anuj butts in.

“Both are terrible!” Zakir shouts. “Lets just play cricket.”

The two scowl, after Zakir said it. Anuj was about talk back, but stops as he sees Zakir glare back.

“Someone’s having a mood,” Anuj mutters under his breath, ignorant of what happened.

Most play, but Deepika chooses to sunbathe and toke up. Abhinaya also decides not to play, and instead watches the waves. She’s relieved to have a break after a long semester, a part of her feels sad. Somehow this vacation feels incomplete. However something else catches her eyes, and turns her sadness into a tinge of fear.

“Rupesh,” she calls out. “How many people come here?”

“Hardly any. Why?”

She points at four men, walking near them. Each one is eyeing the girls, particular the one sunbathing in her underwear.

The men are passing comments in a language neither of the students know, but that does not mean they do not know what these men are saying. Everyone start to tense up, and slowly start picking up their things.

Only Anuj, and Deepika are not showing any concern. In Anuj’s mind if it were just him and the slut, he would just toss her towards them without hesitation. However, he knows he will get pulverized by everyone if he does something that reckless. Deepika is too stoned to even consider them a threat, and in her mind the worst they could do is fuck her, so where’s the problem?

One of rough looking men imitates a french kiss, by wiggling his tongue. Another rubs his brief covered groin. The girls get scared, and start holding on to the boys.

So far they seem to only talk big, but none of the students want to give them a chance to act. Even more frightening is that underneath the clothes they notice machetes sticking out.

“Let’s go now,” Aisha whispers.

The others slowly get up to pick up their belongings. Abhishek, however has other ideas.

“They may still follow us,” he warns. “Let’s give them Deepika. If we let them have their way with her, they may not bother us, and we can leave safely.”

“That is the stupidest thing I have heard,” Aisha rebukes. “We can just leave, and they won’t follow us.”

“Yeah man,” Rupesh adds. “I expect this from Anuj maybe, but you?”

Abhishek is stunned at Rupesh’s reply. They all know that Deepika would do anything to please them.

“Make it a dare, and she has to do it,” Anuj sneers.

“If that’s what it takes to help our girls, then I am daring Deepika to have a gang bang with some strangers.”

“Forget the dare, idiot,” Madhavi shrieks. “These guys look like they’ll kidnap her, or worse. We are not going to leave her behind.”

“Are you a moron, Abhishek?” Rupesh spits.

Instead of listening, Abhishek doubles down.

“We need to get those girls out safely. Deepika is a whore who likes to fuck people, so what’s the problem? She can be the distraction.”

Aisha then butts in, “I may not like Deepika’s choice of lifestyle, but there is no need to get her in trouble. We could just leave, and that will be the end.”

“They are not just regular perverts,” Zakir warns, his friend. “They are clearly gangsters. What if something terrible happens.”

“What’s going on?” Deepika ignorantly asks.

“Seriously Deepika, how high are you?” Aisha scolds.

Abhishek snatches Aisha’s notebook and writes down his dare.

Abhishek -- Do a gangbang on the beach, no matter the consequences

In Hindi, he then hisses,“It serves her right for treating her body like trash!”

Rupesh is shocked at his behaviour.

“Dude, what happened?” He asks. “You were not like this before.”

Ignoring him, Abhishek then turns to Deepika and says, “Think about it. You’re American, so it’s normal for you to have sex. We have decent girls with us, and we must protect them. You can’t be saved for succumbing to this sexist activity, but at least you can save them.”


“You what!?” everyone exclaim in disbelief.

“You’re just stoned,” Rupesh explains. “Let’s just get out of here.”

However she does not budge. Defiantly she says, “A dare is a dare. I have to fuck those guys, then that is what I’ll do.”

Dhilip is about to speak in protest, until Anuj grips him tightly.

“Don’t you say a fucking word,” he snarls.

Madhavi, and Aisha are holding on to her, but Zakir tells them to let her go.

Aisha looks up to Zakir angrily to ask him why.

“Trust me,” he whispers.

All it took was a look, to convince Aisha to get the girls out. Zakir may have a plan. Rupesh stays behind, but Abhishek joins the girls. The coward who caused this mess, does not even bother to help.

Rupesh asks, “What’s the plan?”

“Follow me,” Zakir replies, as they move away from the waters.

As the two go on with their plan, the NRI is already in the water signalling the gruesome men to join her. The men are shocked that their catcalls worked. None will want to waste this chance.

They walk in to the water together, with the water reaching up to men’s knees and her thighs. They tower over her as they play in the water. It starts off innocent, with the water hitting the face and body. The water feels warm to her touch, but wind helps keep her cool under the sun. Soon, they start closing in. They still splash each other, but this time, they aim for her intimate areas. The touch of her cunt, makes her breathe heavily. Soon they have switched to simply raising their hands to brush against her covered privates. The brushes turn to strokes, and the strokes turn to full on groping. Much like her nudity, she will never get used to a stranger touching her skin, especially over her nether regions. It gives her enough discomfort and pleasure to keep wanting more, even if she says no.

She looks onto the shore, to find herself alone. Her ‘friends’ are nowhere to be seen. However none of that matters, the men take turns shoving their tongues into her mouths.

She does not notice the snap at the back of her bra, as they tear it and toss it into the ocean. They could have simply unhook it, but that would not be fun. They also rip her panties off. Unknown to her, any little modesty she had left has floated away with the tides.

Soon, the effect of the weed is starting to fade. She now understands the dire situation she is. She’s all alone, and the men do not look like the reasonable kind. What will she do?

“Excuse, but have you seen my clothes?”

“That is not my problem,”he grunts.“And those are not clothes, you whore.”

“Umm, I don’t speak Hindi.”

The men burst into laughter at her response.

“This cunt thinks we are speaking in Hindi? I am going to shut her up!”

Before she notices, her head gets dragged towards someone’s waist with one hand, the other hand pulls out a cock from a pair of briefs. There is no use in talking. It’s either do what they say or face the consequences. Before she would have trembled at this situation, but like second nature, she takes in his wet cock in her mouth, and dutifully suck on it.

“Ugghh,”he moans.“Her lips make me want to marry her!”

Her pussy stretch as another man stuffs his cock inside her. It slips in and out and she facilitates by gyrating against his waist. A cock that big is hard to notice. That man laughs at his friend’s statement.

“She is not close to being wife material. You know she is not decent, with the ease of going in her.”

“Too loose?”

“She is tight enough,”he moans. “It’s too wet. A decent girl would be screaming in pain with my cock. She is that last thing I want as a wife. The only thing she is good for is whoring.”

“Her friends are not here. I’m sure we can just take her with us. She will make us enough money.”

“Superb idea!”

The back of her head is warning her to get out. She knows these scoundrels are up to no good. But her body is telling her to stay.

Somehow, going through the outcomes, her fear had subsided. This is what she did anyways, and she doesn’t have to fear any consequences. If anyone asked, she was forced into it. They let her live as she does what she is told. They may treat her like trash, but somehow this is arousing. Her pussy is getting even more wet even thinking about it. Why stop this, when she could just enjoy it. Her sobriety disappears, and she is now drunk with hormones.

Her hands get busy as she rubs two cocks, and is sandwiched between two more. Soon she feels her pussy getting flooded, and she moans through the cock. On cue, even the other cocks explode, with streams of jizz landing on her back, and the other cocks flooding both her holes. She has came at the restaurant, but this felt different. Her legs start to wobble, and soon she loses balance.

After laughing at her misfortune, they pick her up. They plan on taking her into her jeep where she will be fucked nonstop on the way to a nearby brothel. Never have they felt happy at such a girl. Deepika is still convulsing from her orgasm, oblivious to her surroundings. It maybe a horrifying situation, but to her, she has never felt happier at her inevitable fate. However her sense gets knocked back in, as she falls back into the water. She looks up in confusion, as the four men start panicking when their stuff are missing. Their clothes are gone. But not only that, even their knives are missing. Who would dare steal from them?

“We would like her back, please.”

They turn to see Zakir holding his phone in his hand, recording everything.

The four stumble out of the water and one grabs Zakir by the neck. He laughs as he dangles in the air. Scared of his reaction, the large man drops him on to the ground. This is no ordinary boy. Something about him is unsettling.

“Kill me, and this video will shared to the police,”he gasps, still struggling to speak.“I took photos of your driver’s license, and sent everything to my friends. If they don’t hear from me soon, then they will release everything. Leave me and that girl alone, and we won’t tell anyone.”

The man holding Zakir drops him onto the ground, as he screams in frustration.

“Where are our clothes?”one barks. He is about to lift him again, but this time Rupesh appears and flips the thug to ground. He struggles to get up, as he is pinned.

As Zakir slowly catches his breath, he points to a pack of dogs. The gangsters scream seeing some torn fabrics in their mouths, and run after them. They try to catch them, but the dogs are fast.

The three students laugh as the men run further away. Zakir walks into the water and helps NRI out of the water.

“I thought you all left,” she quietly speaks.

“I would not do that,” he smiles. “We dropped off the girls, and Abhishek at the restaurant.”

Rupesh does not say anything. Instead he walks towards the road, and near the bikes. This is not the same Rupesh that threatened her yesterday.

Deepika wants to tell Zakir how she felt. A part of her is relieved that they stayed to help her, but another part feels upset. That deep down she secretly wanted to be kidnapped. None of it makes sense, and if Zakir may have an answer why.

However, before she could speak, she felt a stream of urine hitting against her face. Zakir is relieving himself on her. She does not move and lets him drain the bladder as she touches herself. The urine runs down her legs and into the shallow waters. After he finishes, she splashes some water to clean herself.

He winks and says, “Consider this a clue for my dare.”

She doesn’t understand his obsession with pissing on people, but she couldn’t complain. Deep down, she is starting to enjoy it. Soon they walk on to the empty street nearby. Only now does it dawn on her that she has nothing to wear.

The two join Rupesh up on the road. The two have seen her in the buff many times, but she still sheepishly covers herself with her hands.

“Did you bring something for me to wear?”

Rupesh simply smiles, and says, “Where we are going, you don’t need clothes.”

Dare 3

Zakir and Deepika can not believe what they are seeing. It looks like a shack, but cleaner, and bigger. It is a large one secluded from the town, far from any buildings. Someone is guarding the door. After paying the cover, Deepika’s however was free, they enter into what looks like a heavily packed out door club. The crowd was unlike anything they have seen before. Everyone varying ages, shape and colour all laughing and dancing to the music. Be it sober, drunk, or high, everyone relaxes on the chairs or dance to the beat. However it is not the drugs that catches their attention. What they notice first hand are the number of people who appear undressed. Many are clad in only swimwear, but there are also few who are wearing nothing but their shoes and dancing. Deepika felt more welcome in this crowd. She still stands out as she was clearly the youngest naked one, but at least there was no look a judgement from the others.

Deepika and Zakir find the rest of the gang and join them. They all sit on a round table sharing a hookah with one another. Excitedly everyone hugs Deepika, and express their concerns about what happened. Even Rupesh looks relieved that she is safe. Abhishek however is seen sulking in the corner of the room. All of the girls gave him a hard time for making Deepika pull this task.

Zakir asks where Dhilip and Anuj were.

“Anuj got kicked out for harassing some of the girls here,” Rupesh answers. “Dhilip didn’t come yet.”

“What kind of place has no dress code?” Deepika asks.

“The best kind,” Rupesh smiles. “I love this place. You can do whatever you want as long you follow two basic rules. No fighting, and no sex.”

“No sex?”

“At least out in the open,” he explains. Nothing wrong with fucking in the bathrooms.”

“And if your caught doing either?”

“I don’t know” he shrugs. “I never seen it happen so far.”

Aisha pulls out the notepad and ticks a list.

She explains, “You’re flashing your genitals. That means you have done Anuj’s dare.”

“That means we need to see Anuj’s cock,” Madhavi shudders. “As if we want to that creep’s dick.”

Rupesh snatches the note and writes his dare.

“You know you could just ask before you take that from my hand,” Aisha says, annoyed.

“Sorry,” he replies. As he finishes, he reads it out loud.

Rupesh -- Buy drugs from a dealer

“I don’t have any money!” Deepika says.

“Don’t worry, I got the cash with me,” he says as he gives her 500Rs. “Just pick it up and come, and your dare is done.”

This is too simple. There has to be a trick.

“Do I have to ask each person if they have any and offer the money like some desperate weirdo?”

“Just go to this guy sitting on the other side of the room,” he says pointing to the man in question.

He is sipping on a cocktail, with his shirt wide open. His cut chest and abs can be seen across the room. Deepika tries hard to not stare at his green eyes and his sharp jawline.

“He could be just a regular guy,” she insists.

Rolling his eyes, Rupesh gets out of chair, and starts talking to him. The two stare at the table, and talk even more. After shaking hands, Rupesh comes back, with a small bag.

This gave her some confidence to go up. There seems to be no trick. She just has to go up to him and buy it. This is would be a piece of cake. However the moment she reached, her mind goes blank. She should have checked how to ask for something like this. Surely simply asking for cannabis is too direct.

“Hello pretty,” the dealer smiles.

This sounds too cheesy. So cheesy she struggled to not smile. She struggles to tell him

“Come closer.”

The dealer directs her to sit on his lap. He chuckles at her timidness, as he caresses her breasts. He didn’t think that someone who is so bold to be in the buff would also be too shy to ask for something as simple as cannabis.

“Umm, can you do that here?”

“I can do what I please,” he smiles. “So you want some weed?”

“Umm, yes.”

She shows him the cash in her hands.

As he pockets it, he says, “That takes care of one baggie, but your friend still has to pay for the one he took, and he said you would take care of it.”

The bastard didn’t pay for it! She wants to punch him for that. What could this man want, she wonders. She was about to get up to take him to a bathroom, but he stops her.

“I’m not that kind of guy,” he smiles.

He drags her to his lap. His hand travels along her body. This isn’t the forceful groping she was used to. It felt different. Almost sensuous. He is not just squeezing them. He lightly touches them. Circling his fingers around her nipples. She squeezes his legs tightly as he continues. Soon his hand travels to her mound. The lack of hair gives complete skin contact. He sticks a pinky inside, and circles inside, as she starts panting heavily.

One pinky becomes two, and he fingers her increasing vigour. She shuts her eyes in anticipation for the climax. She is ready. However it never came. Instead he slows down and removes his hand completely.

“Thank you for spending 20 minutes with me.”

She looks at him with disbelief. That felt like only seconds. It couldn’t be that long. On the table lies her prize. She wanted more, but he rushed her off, telling he has more customers.

Under her breath she mutters, “More.”

He chuckles, saying, “I would have to charge you if we keep at it. Besides I like how you look now.”

Her face flustered. She has the look of desperation radiating all over. She wanted to beg, but seeing the crowd gather around the pair, she slunk back to the group with the other bag.

Humiliated she tries to resort to her means of escape. She was about to rub her lips with her hands, only to be stopped by Aisha.

“Don’t you dare do this here now.”

Annoyed, Deepika thought to herself, ‘how much of a bitch could Aisha be?’

Little did she know that the owner was passing by. If she was caught masturbating, they all would have been kicked out.

Dare 4

Soon they finished, and went out back to their bikes. Before Deepika could get on with Zakir, Rupesh approaches the NRI.

“Can I talk to you privately?”

Not sure what to expect, she hesitantly agrees. She never really cared for Rupesh, but yesterday did frighten her. On the other hand, he did save her from those thugs, but that could have been because Zakir made him.

They walk around the corner behind the trees. As unsettling as it is to stand naked in front of a clothed batch mate who likes controlling her, she would rather be alone with him than the Anuj and Abhishek. Not sure what to expect she stands quietly as he begins to speak.

“It’s hard to say this,” he trembles. “But the way I acted with you yesterday, was terrible. I want to say I’m sorry.”

This has caught her off guard. Not once has she expected this from him.

“Look, this whole slut school thing... it’s just us having fun and all. And well I’m sure you don’t mind it, otherwise you would have left. However I was talking to the girls, and after your outburst, and it got me thinking... we may have went too far with Prianka and you.”

She doesn’t know how to respond. Is he being sincere, or does he know about what Anuj told her?

“I got angry yesterday, because I was worried we might lose you. But you gotta understand, you’re not like the other girls. You’re cool. Everyone else are prudes, but you know how we guys are. And it’s cool that you don’t mind dealing with us. But I get it, someone else got in trouble and it’s not your fault.”

She does not trust his words. She can not trust his words. But they sound sincere. Could it be that he does feel remorse? He is not Anuj. Maybe the girls talked some sense to him. Perhaps what happened at the beach changed his mind. Maybe he knew she has quit, and is trying to get her back. She was so deep in thought, that she does not notice he has left her, until she heard the scooter drive off. Suddenly she is guessing that he only said that as a distraction for another dare.