All Comments on 'Deployment Pt. 02'

by javmor79

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Reality can be a real bitch. I'd still have to find this Mike and break every bone in his body.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

You should get an editor, you really need one and now that you have the bitch using the daughter that way you lost me.

zed0zed0about 10 years ago
Thats' IT????

I hope there's a chapter 3!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago

Will there be a chapter 3? I hope so. The hypocritical worthless cheating cunt needs to know how her military husband really feels. She needs to experience loss like he did. Nothing else to say.

No Rating

doberincadoberincaabout 10 years ago

Editor or not, the message is there. I can feel the anger, the hurt and frustration. Great! 5*

rojete15rojete15about 10 years ago
The daughter

Is the principal matter here.

The bond you have with a wife is consensual between you and her. She wants something different, she cheats, well it hurts, but you can go on separately. But a daughter, or a son, is the most important thing on a person's life.

And here the wife had an active hand in HURTING the relationship between FATHER and DAUGHTER. She presented her 8 yo daughter to her lover, when the husband was away, unable to defend himself, and made her form a bond with said lover. THAT is worse than anything else. And it hasn't been referred to in the story.

The story is very good in all other respects, imo, though. So keep on writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I wish you could fuse part1 and 2 together...too short.

Great plot!But i see a winner(The wife) and two losers(husband and daughter).The wife should taste some pain(i dont mean physical!) to grow up!A hint:make perfect Mike cheat on her!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
reality of being a soldier

why isn't the high road ever an option in every story on this site. if it happens, it's quite rare. everyone is wrong and at fault in this story. a person is capable of loving multiple people, but i don't think he could've of handle it when mike became number one in her life. mike would've been a constant and that is why i believe she would've been more in love with mike eventually. I believe that people can fall in love with multiple people, but i don't think love is limitless like poly people do. there is something called the cold equation. lets say that her husband and mike got into an accident and there is only one liver available, and she has to choose who to save. at that moment she would know who she will pick. luckily most don't have to make that decision in life. also she found out that she is not the devoted type either. if not mike, it would have been someone else. she conciously made the decision to sleep in their marital bed. she made it and seem like she never regretted it, only ashamed that he found out. even if he took her bak, she would've done it again,because she never really made an effort to go out there and find new friends, go to school again and learn something new, or find a hobby. in a year she only found one friend is so unlikely, unless she never put any effort into it. i also like the husband even less now in the second chapter. at least we know he is capable of emotional cruelty. i am not sure if he really loved her either. he was kind of obsessed with her beauty. everytime he sees her, its her beauty he constantly thinks about. not the times they shared, or how she is the mother of his daughter. it seems like he mostly loved her for her beauty. well there are more beautiful women out there. It seems like in every story written on here, that it would take years to recover, but the wife is ready to move on with her life. someone is always pining over the other in excessive amount of time. mike is no innocent in all this either. not sure whats all his role in this. he knew she was vulnerable and he constantly worked on her. he knew if he pursue her he might break up their marriage and he went and did it anyways. it's too bad that alicia never thought of this angle, but mike did not respect their marriage. maybe he is the one to win all of this. he got what he wants and he destroyed their marriage, got the girl, and the love of the daughter as well. in all of this he was pretty much unfazed. mike knowing she was married, seeing her ring, could]ve taken the high road and wait for the husband's return and ask alicia what she wanted with her life. really everyone in this story is selfish. but it is mostly human nature anyways.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 10 years ago
The wife is . . .

. . . very obviously the brains of the family. Hubby may have some but he uses what brains he may have on circuit boards and electronic parts and not trying to understand his family and keep it working.

Pretty fair story overall - good job.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 10 years ago

Chapter 2 was fine but. We need to see Mike get his. He has Skills and Friends with Skills use them to catch Mike having other Women and talking about Alicia and how easy she was. it would throw all of her Love for Mike in her Face.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
1 star

complete bullshit she is a whore and tries to rationalise it. the husband didn not cheat on her. he needs to kill Mike and make the body dissapear.

sugnasugnaabout 10 years ago

Death to anyone who fucks a service man's wife while he is on deployment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Mr. Mike wakes up in an alley half-beat to death with his nuts cut off.

There is a tattoo on his face that says “I fuck married women!”

How’s that for bonding with the daughter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
slime of writer

no respect for servicemen.

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistabout 10 years ago

The Loving Wives comment section might be the greatest and most willfull detachment from reality ever recorded.

This is a magnificent story. All too human. Feel no need to adjust because some people are angry about things that will and do happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Jason also made vows: to love, honor, cherish his wife and to forsake all others. He broke those vows

When he put his job over his family. I know people will give me flak for this but being in the service is not a free pass to be a lousy husband and father. And he was both. Yes, she broke her vows, so did Jason. Both deserve to be happy and Jason got what he wanted. He wanted the divorce. He wanted her to hurt. And now that he got his wish, Mike gets to be the husband and father Jason isn't. Jason gets to be the dedicated soldier staying on deployment as long as he wants. Win/win.

And before to you ask, I did my time in the armed forces; but I wanted a family and a career that didn't involve me getting shot at in some bass-akward country for their resources or just to prove we've got the bigger stick. Call me cynical, but I never fought to protect our country's freedoms, I fought because I was pointed in a direction by higher ups and told to kill or be killed.

hindsight2020hindsight2020about 10 years ago

Very solid story telling. Have not seen much of it in LW for quite a while.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
for the one saying he was a lousy father

You have apparently not served your country except to be an ass... You dont get a choice if you deploy or not and when a spouse enters that relationship they understand that. A woman bringing another man into her house, bed, and daughters life is a whore you dont make a friend by spreading your legs... If you think so then you are an IDIOT.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

no revenge, mike needs a beat down now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Javmor is a fine writer.

And as such he is able to craft a very realistic tale with real emotions. This is a situation with no heroes, as you often see in the real world. They're ALL way out of line.

What the hell is the guy doing, going on long term deployment with an 8 year old kid at home?

What the hell is the wife doing, allowing a lover to bond with her daughter?

What the hell is Mr. Mike doing, preying on a serviceman's wife?

In fact, of the three people in the love-drama, Mr. Mike is the one "the least" at fault. He is just playing the field like any guy, and the husband has his head so far up his own ass that he practically hands him his family on a silver platter. Even if the husband couldn't forgive his wife, he could have "pretended" to and stuck it out for another five years or so before dumping her. Then the daughter would be too old for any other man to insert himself as dad.

In either case I can't imagine a happy resolution to this story without straying away from the realism. Great work. Top marks.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 10 years ago
That's it?

I was expecting more. Realistic ending, I must admit.

There's a part of the story ""Look Jase. I fell in love with him. Yes. But I love you more. You are my first love, and I will always love you. If you could find it in your heart to fight for us....for me....I would give myself to doing the same"

If Jason's response at this point had been

"If there's going to be a fight, you have to fight the first battle. Show me that you're worth fighting for. When you can say you don't love him at all and make me believe you mean it, then I'll fight for you. I'll fight for a woman who loves me and only me. Why would I want to waste any effort on fighting for a woman to whom I'm only an "also loves" ?"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

CUCK soldier ... just like the writer of this story!

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago


She makes it sound like he went of on a little junket and had a ball.

He's in the service, he was following ORDERS!

Give us a sequel where Mike turns into an abusive, cheating slimeball.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

The wife is slime.

So if he was away a year and came back with stories of being with other women, she would "get over it".

This mike guy is the lowest of filth. Stealing a mans family when he is powerless while away. Revenge!

Needs a chapter 3.

bruce22bruce22about 10 years ago
Realistic Story

Well executed. Basically he knew what he was facing when he got off the ship. The superficial attitude of his wife and Savannah's blowing him off told there was a new man in his home. He really should have decided what he was going to do before getting home.

I believe that the guy below meant that if the guy wanted to get married he should have requested his discharge and not tried to make a career of the Navy.

This story has played out with a lot of service men and if you just look at the statistics on divorce, murder and suicide by returning servicemen it is shocking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
very realistic

Having spent 30 years as a Naval Officer I have been a father advisor to many enlisted personnel going through the same situation. Back door Jody's like Mike make my stomach turn. I have to say in any future chapters all the hell in the world should fall on him.

The funny part is when we got woman sailors on board the Missile Cruisers. The female officers would tell us stories in the ward room about their advising female enlisted personnel on their husbands cheating on them when they were on deployment. So the world changes and remains the same.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 10 years ago
I can't believe that he let the bastard off with no pain....

Mike wins because Jason is too chicken shit or cowardly to take matters in hand. So Jason might spend some time in jail if they found the body.................if?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
He is a wimp.

Why should he stand back and do nothing to this Mike and the whore, he should be suing him for alienation. He should get Mike's family jewels removed and his face rearranged.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
well at least the cunt whore was Open and Honest right ? The wife's SCHEME

This is so bad on so many levels it is hard to begin. NO she wasnt.. The wife' open admission that she also loves Mike the other guy is MANIPULATION !Think about it .

KNOWING the Pain she put her husband in WHY would she says "I am in Love with Mike" ? Did she think that this would stop the husband's pain? That it would help rebuild the marriage ?

By saying this the cunt whore wife is saying in effect the ONLY way for the marriage to work is if YOU husband.. accept that you are a cuckold. That is to say... since she does Love Mike .. even IF the Husband accepts what she has don. and tries to re- build the e marriage she WILL fuck Mike again.

If the husband cannot accept this.. she has Mike and no more complications.


SECOND what REALLY kills this story is that this fucking idiot of a loser never says what the KEY issue is. ** SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER MAN ** while he was out serving her and his country

Go back and RE- READ the story. In the PIZZA conversation the husband correctly thinks what the deal breaker is BUT.. he never says it out loud. WHY her doing so ruins everything .

THIRD in the pizza scene where the wife says "You need to fight for us ?" oh my god not that goddman fucking cliché again. Given the fact that husband WAS indeed in a very literal sense ACTUALLY fighting for all of us... for the husband to just take that line and lie and hate from the wife and NOT say anything in response...

wow what a fucking awful story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

the daughter will be a whore and pregnant by 16 since nearly all broken families the child learns from the parent mostly there. The wife's shown that her word means nothing and that a promise is just something you say. With savannah growing up in that environment she's just gonna become another cumbucket. Let the husband move on and away, because seriously she's already replaced him as a father nothing he can do will put him above that mike who hs already wormed his way into the family. Now the wife/whore is realistic since most im gonna say at least 70% of women who marry military are whores and she played her part perfectly. she's a sociopath and she'll cheat again. I hope no reconciliation but the way this is going he's gonna end up raising mikes kid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
To those wanting that sweet revenge

I foresee our protagonist taking what he knows and who he knows and putting mike through all hell one can with a couple of billion dollars of the US military at hand. I for see accidental targeting problems with that IFF, just saying you know


MickZimMickZimabout 10 years ago
Liked it.

Reasons? This story brought up many conflicting feelings in me, something I haven't felt reading in the LW section for a long time. Very interesting story and I hope you continue.

Concritic123Concritic123about 10 years ago
A great second chapter....

She had Mike in the background as a fallback so ending her relationship with her husband wasn't such a big deal. Total fucking whore. Oh, she may not be fucking around but it isn't the number of times she fucks around that makes her a whore, it's all about timing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
re: Jason also made vows: to love, honor, cherish his wife and to forsake all others. He broke those vows

Are you retarded or did the best part of you run down the crack of your mother ass. The line is forsaking all others. IT's MORONS like you that kill me. I deal with navy wives on a regular bases. I want him to say home more, 40 hours a week should be enough. Why do they have to work so much. Then 2 months later, when does he get paid for the next pay grade. How does my husband get another job, we don't make enough. Do I get half of my husbands retirement if I get remarried. I earned my half.

I have to laugh at 80% of them because the guys were told, "you can't turn a whore in to a house wife".

carvohicarvohiabout 10 years ago
Back Door Jody...

When I was in the service there was a draft. A lot of guys got pulled away not by choice still...

In this last unnecessary fiasco in Iraq we had all the 'stop gap'. That's what seems to have happened here. Why didn't Alicia take Savannah and go back home till his deployment was complete?

Back Door Jody...they're real predators. A woman alone, lonely, man away, checks still coming in, and Alicia doesn't see Mike's complicity?

Mike needs to feel some pain here, but that's not easy to address. Jase is in pain; he can't function. Alicia needs to see Mike for the piece of shit he really is. But in the final analysis it won't matter; this marriage is over. Jase has to fight for his daughter now.

Excellent writing. Well done. Certainly a five. Let's see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
why not

just get dear old mike drunk and have him enlist also. maybe he can then fuck his ex wife while her new hubby is deployed lol Sounds like then everyone would be happy hed get pussy while the hubby is away hed get to see his daughter also and hed get to fuck the ex wife that loves two men while he fucks her and as many waves as possible not a good story yes it happens but in this story no one is happy including mike think hes going to be happy on deployment knowing his wife is getting other dick(s)

ken philipsken philipsabout 10 years ago
Your so-called hero was a pissweak ego-ridden self centred fucktard dipshit!!!

He drove his wife away. He deserves to, & WILL lose his daughter. She was sorry. She tried. Fucked up story all round. I give up on this shit.

looking4itlooking4itabout 10 years ago

Okay she cheated and she allowed someone to become a surrogate father (frankly, that part pisses me off even more than the adultery) so she takes some responsibility. However, assholes like Mike are out there. Whether it be to prey upon wives of corporate flunkies or service men/women (which is much worse since they can't be around to see or head it off) they are there for an easy score. And that is what it is! They are too weak willed and insecure to work to develop a real relationship with other singles. They prey upon people who are emotionally low. If Mike hadn't been there to be a "shoulder to lean on" then Alicia would not have the opportunity to slip away. Yes, she'd be lonely and angry but that is easier to overcome than adultery. I would really like to ask her point blank how she would feel if he had become so lonely on the ship AFTER the extension and had an affair to ease his loneliness. Then I'd have him ask how she would feel if he told her they had developed feelings for each other. I doubt that this character (Alicia) would be honest and really consider the question because she is a fairly selfish person, at least about their relationship. One thing that leads me to believe that she was not a strong part of this relationship in the first place, why Mike had an easy time and why I believe her to be selfish and shallow is the fact she expected Jason to "fight" for them. This attitude really angers me because it puts all the fight on Jason, where was her fight? Breaking it off one week before he came home is not fighting for her marriage. Realizing that the "friendship" was cruising out of control and stopping there would be fighting. Talking to Jason about the loneliness and anger openly would be fighting. Sitting there and expecting him to accept the affair because she is weak, lonely and angry is not fighting, it is adolescent. Now she gets her cake and eat it too. Sad tale. Better written than chapter one, probably more true than any of us would want to know, but still sad and disappointing. Reconcile or move on? Not sure I really care to tell you the truth. In any situation, Jason is hurt in multiple ways beyond belief, Mike gets away with it (regardless of retaliation) and Alicia comes out on top. Short of losing Savanna, what does Alicia have to lose? Nothing. I'm always in favor of consequences for actions but I don't see how any consequence could matter to Mike and Alicia now. Hard to care now...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
ken philips is a complete idiot...

...and what is wrong with humanity.

SHE CHEATED. Cheated while Jason was gone serving his country, something that he can't just radio for a plane to take him home. SHE CHEATED. She was "lonely". But was she really lonely? If it were just lonely, she could have found a fellow wife of another sailor and made a friend.

But no, she went out LOOKING FOR ANOTHER COCK. Jason shouldn't have to fight for a wife that is prowling for other cocks while he's at work. He should drown her.

But something tells me, ken Philips, you are just a military hater.

nonethewisernonethewiserabout 10 years ago
"I'm ready"

I hope that the entendre that Jason picked up on means that he is ready to deal with Mike.

This story got to me for some reason and I think it was that last conversation with Alicia when she basically threatened Jason that if he wasn't approving of her relationship with Mike that it would threaten Jason's relationship with his daughter. To me that is a call to arms.

It also means that Alicia is probably lying. If she is to be believed, its been a year since she has had a relationship with Mike. Why was he waiting around? to get together with a cheater? Savannah is 9. if she hasn't seen Mike in a year, why does one assume she still "loves" him. this kid forgot her own dad in less than a year but we are supposed to believe that she is holding a candle for the boyfriend.

I usually do not care about revenge, but this calls for it. Alicia may wind up with somebody else, but Jason will never feel good about himself if he doesn't make Mike pay.

Tim413413Tim413413about 10 years ago

A very well-written story. 5 stars.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
Pathos as proof of life

You leave any healthy attractive woman alone for a year there's a high percentage of probability she will get frustrated and horny. Men being men will read the signs and may well act on it. It's nature. Nature is what it is; amoral and persistent. Nature abhors a void. You want to give your marriage, it's best chance. Stay away from military and extended tours of duty.

Frankly I've seen far worse then this wife. Fellow shipmates have gotten off boat and expected to see house or car that they were sending every spare penny of paycheck plus spousal living allowance only to see bupkas. The wife and boyfriend had partied it away on husband's dime. It's a personal choice but I would have tried to make relationship work.

She messed up but I've seen worse. Marriage is hard enough without extended separations. When it comes to being' a year apart- don't ask, don't tell' applies to heterosexual relationships and what husband did in Subic Bay ( closed now but not when I was in military ) .

Good story written in florid fashion. The husband acts like the whole thing fell out of sky. But the signs were there and when you combine that with Dear John letters and relationship scuttlebutt going on continuously with shipmates - his failure to recognize the situation earlier was nigh willful. She was weak and he was less then savvy. It's a pity.

IronDragonIronDragonabout 10 years ago
Great tale.

An average military man dealing with his wife having an affair will do exactly what he's done. Mr. Asshole came in and wormed his way into Wifey's bed and Daughter's heart while Hubby was off serving his country. Honor has no meaning to a predator like Mr. Asshole. I still hope that sack of shit pays for what he's done, though. I hate to see the bad guys win!

5 Solid Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Very Nice--so far . . .


I normally do not read stories until they are finished, but I have this one. I love the Pathos and the rising tension. Well done. You should let us readers know how long the story is intended to be. At any rate, well done. Five stars of course.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

more chapters please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Is this it?

Nothing new. Sailor at sea. Wife cheats. No remorse. Wifes a major bitch/heartless. Husband replaced. What's unique? Either stop here or do something a little different.

harbormaster1harbormaster1about 10 years ago
been there

It was the late 60's and I was LT jg in the Navy stationed at Pensacola. I had just returned from a 1 year tour in Nam. I was a line officer waiting to finish my 3 year obligation under the NROTC plan. I met a sassy young thing at the downtown Bob Snow bar. She said she was an elementary school teacher and lived in an apartment with two other teachers. We when out a couple of times and made out like HS sophomores. I was ready to finish the deed the next weekend when I pulled the duty desk.

A chief walked in to the duty room and said to be ready in a half hour I was to accompany a chaplain on his mission to inform a Navy Wife her husband was confirmed KIA.

Imagine the surprise when we rang the doorbell on the Navy housing unit and my sweet young thing answers the door. There is a crib, toddlers toys and a crestfallen sweet young thing. She says "Oh it's You". Yes and may I present Commander XXX.

You never know, but at least I did not wreck that home of that brave Navy hero.

cw159cw159about 10 years ago
I remember carrier quals

I remember carrier qualifications in Pensacola. At that time, the Lady Lex (Lexington) was the training carrier there. What I remember about it is the wives at the pier seeing the ship off and then seeing them again in the Acey-Duecey Club (club for 1st and 2nd class petty officers) that night. And that ship was going out for only a week.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Like your portrayal of an all to common reality for service people and overseas contracters. Look forward to the exposure and downfall of the weak wife and the deuscgbag mr Mike. Guys like that in real life are pond scum, should be exiled to Afganistan hill billy country.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
man or woman

i don't care if either did what the wife did and then threw him in my face by using my 8 year old daughter happiness as a threat i would want to be mike or the cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
True Evil

Damn. I think you succeeded in creating the most evil bitch on this site and i've read a lot of "Loving Wives" stories here. She makes Cruella deVille look like a card carrying member of PETA. She doesn't just cheat, I get that-a years a long time-she was weak-it sucks, reconcile-get a divorce, whatever. But this bitch has a full on affair-dating him-actually taking her daughter with them. Oh lord-way beyond bitch and slut. Then she turns her daughter away from him enough so that he has to just live with it. He can't even confront the asshole or they'll turn his daughter against him. Get out of the Navy, grab your daughter and run dude. That's his little girls only hope of not turning into a monster too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
the pain is palpable

This is incredibly painful and incredibly good. As many others have noted, what she did by introducing her lover into her daughter's life is literally unforgivable. She shows no signs of seeing this. She sees only what she has done to her husband--and that not fully. She must be made to understand. This is fiction, of course, but any form of believable reconciliation must involve her coming to grips with the objective evil she has done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Mikes still gotta die

I am so mad. In the restaurant he should have asked the waitress for a pen and had Alicia spell PREDATOR. Then asked: "What kind of man sees a vulnerable woman and child and proceeds to steal them from a man serving his country?". Savannah needs to be taught that too. Mikes gotta die.

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
The mother and her lover should be charged with treason

They provided aid and comfort to the enemy. The emotional turmoil the husband suffered when he realized what his wife was doing while he was deployed might have reduced his efficiency and resulted in a failure of the systems he was maintaining leading to casualties.

nonethewisernonethewiserabout 10 years ago
"pain is palpable" Anon

You talk about a believable reconciliation. What? Why would Jason want to reconcile with her? He had a full year to do that. She was -at least on surface- claiming she wanted reconciliation. He chose not to.

In fact, until her last diatribe in which she -unforgivably -threatened Jason's relationship with his daughter if he was hard on Mike, her behavior was -on surface- best you could hope for. She said she would do anything to work on her marriage and had cut it off with the boyfriend. But it was too late because what she had done was too much for Jason.

why would there be a reconciliation here. She no longer wants one, and Jason never really did. Not should he have.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Wonder where this story is going

Have a feeling there's another side to this Mike character....

Will he show his true colors? After all he was just taking advantage of a lonely wife. Was he just looking for a piece of a** while an honorable sailor was away? Now that she is "fair game" & will need a full time man; will Mike cut & run from REAL responsibility; as he is not the marrying type?

Will Jason find Mike in a dark alley and take care of business; old-fashion style? Mess with a service member's spouse you deserve to get your a** beat; even if they got a divorce. You rocked the boat, now you have to pay the captain of the ship...

RhomanovRhomanovabout 10 years ago
Great tale - Very poignant

Seen this too many times during my service.

Hope Mike is military - see an Article 134 in his future

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Shouldn't there be revenge?

This Mike is a real jerk and probably has more on the string. He methodically seduced her believing that he is a friend. What do we really know about him? I don't think he needs to die but be made to suffer substantially!!!! Looking forward to our author's plans!

IronDragonIronDragonabout 10 years ago


That would be perfect! Charge him with Adultery under the UCMJ and court-martial the sorry Asshole!

Something tells me that he isn't in the military, though. I still say a good old fashioned ass whooping is in order for Mr. Asshole, though. Wifey's veiled threat to turn Daughter against him if he goes after Mr. Asshole should be enough to get him thinking about how to out Mr. Asshole as the predator he is. Use a pocket recorder and getting Mr. Asshole to admit that he knowingly and willfully seduced Wifey away from a happy marriage to a proud member of our armed forces. Then get him to admit how he wormed his way in with Daughter, and that would be perfect. Then play the tape for Wifey and Daughter and show them just what kind of shit stain their "good guy" Mr. Asshole really is!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Alicia exercised to get in shape for her new man (Mike), inserted him into the family as the new dad for daughter and lost interest in her husband (she was there for sex when Jason got back but there was no longer the emotional connection). Lip service to loving Jason doesn't match her actions. Seems like a lot of details were given without being used, brought up, or explored later. Here's to hoping the "fulltime" dad Mike will end up being the "prince" Alicia thinks he is and Jason has to step back into their lives for the sake of his daughter to pick up the pieces (albeit with a new, understanding wife, that shows his daughter what a decent and loving mom and wife should really act like).

malizlatomalizlatoabout 10 years ago
well maybe

well maybe Jason should also think about leaving his family for such a long time unprotected. Even though I'm all for btb here, he's also to blame

nonethewisernonethewiserabout 10 years ago
Timing/Missing details

Its a fictional story, of course, and so scrutinizing every word is silly. But, having said that, I find that for a story that has a lot of detail, there are some large holes.

For instance, I continue to wonder why Alicia is so sure that Mike is going to around for her to "start a relationship" with. If she was telling the truth and had only had sex with Mike about five times, why would he wait a full year for her and not seek somebody else. Is she that naive, or is she lying?

Also, was the marriage between Jason and Alicia a "shotgun" wedding? In chapter one we learn that they were married for 8 years and that Savannah is 8 years old.

Also, why does Alicia assume that Jason will "wage a war" against Mike? We never heard anything about Mike and Jason never said a thing about going after him. So why does Alicia assume he will, after a year and after a divorce is final.

Anyway, I really like this story and do hope that Mike gets some pain.

Bd4554Bd4554about 10 years ago
Oh, dear.....

She began "dating" Mike only 2-3 months into her husband's initial 6-month deployment. Hardly enough time to get desperately lonely. Although one has to give her high marks for her attempt to protect the father-daughter relationship by warning her husband about her intentions to take up with Mike again, on balance she is probably a pretty weak, self-centered woman. I suspect we know how this will play out for her, but I'm still curious to know whether Mike is actually a predatory bad guy, or just a decent man who happened to meet a woman and little girl that he became very fond of. No matter what happens now, the one certainty is that Savannah will be scarred for life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
who shoul fight

He fought for her when he was asking questions and trying to get back into the family when he was home. She cheated, brought someone into the home and let her daughter be turned against her dad. If she loved him like she says she does it's up to her to fight for him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Missed Opportunity

If you think about it neither of them was really all that virtuous. He had basically no temptations for months and months, right? No women, no temptation, easy for him to stay virtuous. So for the few days he's in contact with a suitable woman (who hasn't had sex in a year?) he is sorely tempted, goes 90% of the way to adultery.. Meanwhile his wife is tempted everyday and at last gave in. He is so rigid, that there is no chance of reconciliation, so the story necessarily peters out to nothing


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Wonder how long it will take Jason to realize that he screwed up and decide that he wants Alicia back?

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 10 years ago
(1) scary but what Harry said, (2) this is how people get killed

Hubby could very easily end up shooting wifey-poo and Mike and going to jail for it. Hopefully he will keep a good relationship with his daughter and upgrade - first wife is indeed slime.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 10 years ago
Why jumping up and down...

when she said she's gonna "date" (fuck, too, of course.... just no in their marital bed no more, after the divorce) Mike AFTER the divorce?

as KanenE noted, I don't know why most of these fictional characters are not given sufficient brain power to saying simple things like:

"Well, yeah, babe, you know it an't all cake and flowers for me, over there.... I went because I am a soldier sent to war to help people, to protect our country, so on and so forth. I don't make that decision. Some guy named 'the president of the united states' does... and I am merely answering the call of duty...."

"Believe it or not, even in the battle field, I face loneliness, tragedies, and other human emotions and events you do, staying home and trying to hold our family together.... raising our daughter...

"If you feel like running around partying, dating, and fucking Mike or whoever that doesn't go to war... SIMPLY because I am not here doing those things with you... then it is obvious you have never been the woman I married or meant to marry..."

Why not something LIKE THAT?

But the wife's right. This idiot is gonna "make a ass" in front of the daughter and her lover, Mike, whenever they get together after the divorce... since the AUTHOR never gave the idiot more than two functional brain cells...

If the AUTHOR had given the idiot more than two functional brain cells, when she made that comment, he would have ---- instead of jumping up and down like a small boy with ADHD ---- stood up and said coldly and calculatedly:

"You had better NOT be fucking your lover in ways that our little daughter could see. I know you fucked him many times in our marital bed, when I was away; but if I should hear, just once, from my daughter that you and lover boy are fucking each other while our little daughter is present, you WILL RUE THE DAY YOU'RE BORN. Not a threat but a simple promise.

"But if you fuck your lover only away from our little daughter, then this may be one of the few times you'd ever hear from me, or see me. Because as far as I am concerned, and other than the tinny connection we have with our daughter, you are no more important to me than just another stranger. And, yes, I WOULD try to rescue you, if you're drowning in a river or lake, just like I would with a stranger... but it would be because I am a human being with thoughts and emotions and empathies, NOT because you are important to me, again, even though you happen to give birth to my daughter..."

Anyway, some shit like that would MAKE US BEILEVE this idiot has more than 2 functional brain cells...

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicabout 10 years ago
This cann't be the end!

Lets see what Chapter 3 brings

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This character is a fucking idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Won't vote now

I'll wait to see if this is the conclusion but on the basis of this chapter, the husband will regret losing his family for the rest of his life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Hope his daughter can visit him... jail, after he kills the other two fuckers...

funksofunksoabout 10 years ago
always surprised...

When people get upset that characters act like idiots.

People act like idiots every single day. But its somehow ridiculous that a character should.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I like the story and can't wait to see where you are taking it

This Mike character has got to pay , taking a lonely service mans wife and making her fall for you and having sex with her taking his child into this also . Make for pretty low type person who he needs some revenge on. Now divorced she is free do do what ever. Can he bounce back and keep his daughter in his life. He paints savannah as an easy lay but being away for a yr she was easy pickings , now she wanted him to fight for her . He didn't now what? How is she paying the rent and what kind of settlement did she get.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Hopefully after awhile she'll realized that this new guy isn't as good as her husband and regret her mistake and try to get him to forgive her

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Been there, done that....

I know exactly what he is going through. Half-way through a WestPac I got word from a friend that my now ex was running around with another swabby. Didn't let on until I got home and confronted her. Then I got the "I didn't mean to but I fell in love with him" line. BS! Same crap, let the guy get close to my kid as well only worse, I was never able to re-connect with my daughter, I had been replaced! Washed my hands of them both! Met someone 34 years ago who stayed true through a 30 year career and then some. We are still together and rock solid. If you haven't waked in the man's shoes you have no idea what it is like.

Many_MemoriesMany_Memoriesabout 10 years ago
Payback could still come...

Reminds me of one some time back... came home early from a short trip overseas. Walked in the front door and caught my then wife in the middle of the living room floor with her boyfriend in the saddle. The look on his face when I walked by (taking the axe that was behind my chair) headed for the bedroom - it was PRICELESS! I moved out during the next half-hour. BTB!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good tragic story

Not sure if this is well written or not. This story is very compelling, such that as for proper structure and diction, did not notice or care.

A very tragic tail that is likely too common in today's world, made all the more tragic given that Jason was away not by choice but by duty and oaths he took to serve and protect. Ironic that the same concept that kept Jason away from Alicia, that is oaths and vows , she was unable or unwilling to keep.

Troubling still was her complete lack of remorse, it's easy to say your sorry, another to mean it. As Jason came off the ship he was met by a peck on the lips, not a passionate kiss one would expect from a true loving wife. Interesting that she criticized Jason for not fighting for her, yet she did not fight for him, rather she blamed him and them in effect threatened him.

The phone call to a Savannah from Mike was interesting. If Mike really respected Alicia he would not have called Savannah, especially on the day her dad returned. Sounds like a calculated plan.

And in the end, who really get hurt? Savannah. Nice job mom.


Bev59Bev59about 10 years ago
Waiting to see

I'm giving you a 3 star because I'm not sure where you're going. I'm looking forward to next chapter to see.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Doesn't matter

It's over for him with her. He gets a world of pain til he recovers from her disrespect, contempt, and betrayal. She gets to be in a relationship now which has two people who have neither honor nor integrity. He gets to find a way to hold onto his daughter. No one wins here, but I'd way rather be him.

I hope this didn't happen often.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
The author of this 5 star story left a big hole here.

His wife said she has not dated mike or been with him in a year. So now after the divorce she is going to date him again. Even thou he is a predator why would he wait a year for this bimbo . Not feasible , no contact or just lies .and the daughters feeling are left out. If mike is still around they should both have some payback . Use some other friends to inflict some justice here if he does he will be in the brig. Planning is the key . He loses big time I bet he still pays the rent and while out to sea his daughter will eventually disconnect .being a sailor sucks when you have a family at home,!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Pretty good

But why didn't the husband point out at the end that obviously the wife never really broke it off with Mike, if they are still together (or even in a position to get back together)? He should have pointed to this as evidence that he was right to not take her back. On the other hand, I can't really blame the wife too much. I wouldn't want to be married to someone who was gone for months at a time. Why didn't the husband offer to quit the service? The military is not a place for a married person, IMO.

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 10 years ago
What a freaking idiot....

She was lonely after him being away a whole year and yes she did mess things up by cheating but she wants him not Mike! He is going to mess his whole life and his family's life up because of his pride?

He WILL NOT BE A CUCKOLD if he forgives her!

I hope you do a chapter 3 where he tries to get his family back, if he even can!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Bev 59 has a point

it is hard to rate parts of a story. The problem is, we know the issue, but not the answer. The authors are unpaid, and should be free to share any way they like. [BTW, 5* on both javmor] I am not a programmer (any more), but it seems like we should have a mechanism to give a rating to the entire store.

vazkor13vazkor13about 10 years ago
completly agrre

with ramonbrook.

Beside people CAN change and learn from their mistake.

Really, just for his daughter he should at least TRY to save what can be save from this wreck.

Simpleman9029Simpleman9029about 10 years ago
Felt sorry for the guy

A man is stripped off two most important things fatherhood and manhood. He has got the child's love back. No reason to take back his wife. At first she loved only him which did not stop her from cheating and now he is not the only one she loves. Would that stop her from cheating. Mike is a clever bastard he has won the heart of a 8 yr old by buying her gifts taking her to disneyland etc.he is widow as u mentioned he thought to all of it like icecream a family pack and set out to conquer it.But he cannot love her like jason which in the long run the small girl would realise. Mike the bastard would realise that having a girl home is no easy job like buying gifts. Also alicia would realise that mike the asshole got closer to her daughter so that he could go closer to her panties. Jason i hope has a strong heart to accept the tragedy that life has brought to him . I hope he realises that EVEN ON THE ROAD TO HELL A FLOWER CAN MAKE U SMILE. And the Flower is HIS LITTLE DAUGHTER.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Any man who pursues a deployed military man's wife and family needs to have his balls cut off and shoved up his ass. And his slut wife deserves the same for bringing him into Jason's home and fucking "Mr. Mike" in Jason's bed. But I'm sure this author will continue to be a wimp and continue to portray Jason as the same. Now all you people that think women should get off scot free no matter what they do can start your whining like the little bitches you are. Semper Fi Assholes!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I hope your not going to make this another innocent text story with the husband taking the brunt of the blame for the wifes misdeeds . If you get them reconciled, how are you going to get him past the knowledge that the wife admitted she loved another man .How could any normal man live with knowing that, even for the sake of his child he couldn't ,it would drive him crazy. And what kind of wife brings her lover into her home and lets her child develop a relationship with him, while the child knows that her father is away ,to have them reconcile would be a travesty, she does not deserve him, her expression of her love for him was shallow at best, because she already had mr. mike waiting in the wings. Let the husband go on with his life, and develop a relationship with his daughter if possible, and eventually maybe find true love and not with a cheating slut like his first wife. In may opinions in this forum this marriage is finished kaput , dun like dinner.

nonethewisernonethewiserabout 10 years ago
Love at 1st sight theory

Know it's different story, but in his last work, Javmor explained theory of a predator. I bet "Mr. mike" is same way. If so, Alicia is gonna be very disappointed and hopefully Mike is gonna be in lot of pain.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
seen this happen more then once

It being I a retired military, the Man in this story has my complete understanding! Fling on the side, may be excusedable, but letting the mf into the daughter's life?

I don't know what I would done if it happened to me.

Frankly, I think mr. mike would have some real bad shit happen to himself...his dick and balls would go missing at the very least.

Police found a guy back in the 1980's where I was stationed that it happened too...come to find out he was targeting Soldier's wives ...he was big name in the civilian community..he lost everything. Nobody felt sorry for him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
So where is part 3 it's been 3 days

You usually do not have big intervals between chapters . So how are you going. To resolve this mess. Most men get trashed by our wonderful court system of no fault divorces. And him being just an average sailor doesn't make for a very good ending for Jason.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Ass in front of his daughter the wife says

How many of u believe a predictor as mike would wait a year for savannah after she said she had no contact with him after he filed for divorce. Am I missing something here!

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 10 years ago

Eventhough Mike is the bad guy but why is he getting more comments of threats then Alicia? Alicia had more to lose then Mike so I'm more mad at her then him. As a military wife she knew the downsides of deployments but knowing and actually experiencing it is a difference for which I understand her pain. But she selfishly put her daughter in an odd position. Of course any kid would be happy to have some kind of father figure when they are missing their parent that is why she behaved as she did.

Alicia was only concerned about her needs. Jason was just as lonely and horny. He was on a ship with a bunch of other people but he still missed his family and stayed faithful. He did right by divorcing her. Alicia would've gone back to Mike the moment Jason left on another deployment. She wasn't and isn't strong enough to be a wife of someone that has to travel for extended periods.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Oh hell NO...... That would've never went down like that in real life.

Oh Mikey boy would learn a valuable lesson that would live with him for years to come.....

Dear wifey let's just say every guy has a masters degree from Choke A Bitch University ..

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 10 years ago
Military Life !

I am sure in the real world there are a large number of wifes who cheat on there husband's while they are deployed.

If there is no family around to keep them company and give the wife a sense of belonging. Then it is human nature to seek comfort with others. I suspect she was vulnerable, knew she was just did not want to lose the friendship, company and someone to talk to on a dark cold evening.

Personally I think the husband should have fought for his wife and as a way to make it up to him she finds him a hot female lover. So while the lover gets sex from her husband wife gets no sex, but works on building the emotional barrier she has caused.

Stories were the husband gets completely screwed over are plenty on here !

it is harder to write a believable story of reconciliation than pathetic husband or BTB story.

john288john288about 10 years ago

Just a thought, There is an article in the UMCJ put in special for troops deployed to protect the sailor from a wife who strays. Mike could be court marshaled out of the service or busted in rank and maybe spend time in the brig without pay for 3 to 6 months.

From a east coast sailor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
This story is missing important detail and too much extra stuff

You are a talented writer and, like the other newbie to LW Vanadorn, you put a lot of descriptive stuff in your stories. Vanadorn learned his lesson and made his chapters longer so that each one moved the story along. I guess this chapter covered about a year leading up to the imminent divorce. You only had the couple have three substantive conversations. First when he was packing up after hearing from his daughter that Mr. Mike was a better father, all his wife says is "you don't have to go." Not please stay, lets get counseling, OMG how could she say that Mike is not her father. The wife is the cheater but she does nothing to try to heal their relationship.

In the second conversation, he was living on the ship and seeing his daughter daily without anything from her. You had the husband only ask how many times they fucked and if they did it in their bed. WTF? I'd be asking who is Mike? How did you meet him? How did daughter end up meeting him and talking to him on the phone when husband was home? Husband has not really been with his wife since he returned, if she was so lonely, how likely is it that she has not been staying in contact with Mike? In that second meeting, wife says she loves Mike. Is that just to make her feel that she isn't a whore? He says that in that case, divorce is the only option and she does not disagree.

In the third conversation nearly a year later, wife says that if he doesn't stop the divorce, she is going to resume her relationship with Mike. This implies that she knows he will still be available (who ever Mike is). She doesn't beg him to drop the divorce and waits till it was nearly final before she tell him this. Who is his wife? Does she have a job? Is Mike her personal trainer and stylist? Is that why husband observed a new and improved model when he returned? What did he love about her except for her looks and the fact that she is his baby's moma? Service members usually hang out together after work. The wives get to know each other and often hang out together, did she? If she was so lonely, why didn't she take her daughter back home while husband was deployed?

When husband returned to the ship right after they got back, someone would have asked him why. I would hope the military would have counseling in place or would encourage him and his wife to get counseling. Suicide and domestic violence is so common now. This fact pattern would seem to suggest it would happen. Despite the shouting, the husband has shown great restraint; more than I would have shown. I respect your work. I kind of wish it didn't first come out on memorial day weekend. It is a reminder however of the sacrifices that members of the military make. Too bad the wife doesn't seem to understand that. Her exposing their daughter to Mr. Mike as another daddy makes it clear that she is not the right woman for the husband. I hope that you will finish this story soon.

Reasonable man

amyyumamyyumabout 10 years ago
Raises many issues

This story raises many issues for me:

1) Why is the score so low? For someone like me, who likes concise stories without a lot of bullshit, this story should have a composite rating of 4.4 (4.6 or higher if there was some explicit sex). It makes you THINK, and is very well written. I personally rate it 5.

2) It makes you think because you HAVE to say "What would I do?" It doesn't make any difference whether you agree with the author's conclusion, or not, because you have to think just as hard either way. There are many factors for staying together, and for doing what he did. I personally think that her admission, her expressed willingness to do anything necessary to work it out, and his 8 year old daughter should have caused him to stick it out -- but that is not a criticism of the story, just an expression of how it makes you think.

3) The ending is OMINOUS; I don't know how it could be more ominous than what the mother said at the end of it. Holy shit -- it is scary. This story will stick with me a while!

PultoyPultoyabout 10 years ago
I think that the Natives...

...are restless and calling for Mike's head, and the wife's ovaries.

So far, the average male reader feels pretty helpless, pretty humiliated and full of venom and rage. Some don't of course, but I know I was up looking for my Springfield .40 S&W and thinking about the sweet taste of revenge.

So, you managed to stir lots of emotions. Good for you. Now, what?


nonethewisernonethewiserabout 10 years ago
Amyyum is exactly right

That's how I felt. But I can't disagree with Jason's decision without knowing more. If the wife was honest, I think he couldn't have asked for a lot else. But I am not sure she was. Her actions ( closed mouth kiss hello, lack of enthusiasm, not being more offended at daughters remarks) suggest that he statements are more what she thinks she should do than what she feels. But I totally agree it deserves higher score. It was very thought provoking.

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...