Des Moines


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"When you were scared to death something happened to me, did you call the cops?"

"Oh, well no, I guess I didn't think of that. Still, you're such a prick for not communicating with me."

"How about my boss, or my dad, or my brother, or any number of our friends? Who did you contact trying to track me down to make sure I was OK?"

"I reached out to several people. Don't try to put this on me Ty!" (Lie # 2)

"Name them"


"Name who you texted or called so I can verify."

"I won't be insulted by such an insensitive and uncaring ass like you!"

"Well Lyn, you may believe me to be a prick, and uncaring or insensitive, but I'm not a liar like you. If you were truly concerned for my well-being, you would have texted me, which we both know you didn't. Secondly, you would have reached out to one of our friends, co-workers, or family members, which we also know you didn't. What we don't know is where you were on Friday or Saturday nights. Care to elaborate on your whereabouts? Anything you need to confess to me dear wife?"

"You're just so insanely stubborn Ty, I'm really at my wits end with you right now."

"Well Lyn, I guess you're incapable of telling the truth or accepting responsibility for anything you've done or are doing... so just one more thing... fuck you!"

No response was forthcoming from the other end, just radio silence. Was she beginning to suspect he knew something? Was she feeling any shred of guilt for her actions of betrayal? Did she even consider what she was doing infidelity?

I realized my breathing was heavy and I was perspiring like I'd been working out for an hour. I composed myself, showered and headed out to the conference.

The rest of the week went fine considering my marriage was over and I was an emotional wreck. I did manage to make some good connections and attend a couple of informative break-out sessions. The weekend with my dad and brother was good but tough. Both sought to be understanding, but neither shared my experience. Mom had passed away about three years ago at the age of 63 from a rare form of cancer. She slipped away holding the hand of the man who had loved and cherished her for 41 uninterrupted years. Dad could relate to my sorrow, but not the pain of Lyn's duplicity. He thought she was stark raving mad.

My brother, Elliot had been married for 11 years to an amazing woman named Mary. They and their three kids seemed to be doing just fine even when dealing with some of the bumps in the road. Mary and Elliot still looked at each other with adoration and they settled their infrequent disputes quickly and without too much rancor. My brother seemed to be heading down the same marital pathway as dad. I was happy for him.

We played a couple rounds of golf, took in a National's game and had some great meals. I enjoyed reconnecting with my nephews. Sunday evening came way too quickly as I hugged dad on the curb of Reagan. He grabbed my face in his hands looking sternly into my eyes. "I know it hurts like hell son, but you'll pull through. Lyn turned out to be selfish and destructive, but don't you give up. You keep pushing forward, one day at a time. I know this much is true, the pain will subside." With that, he hugged me, hopped back into his Ford F-150 and headed back to Springfield, Virginia.

When I arrived at DSM it was almost noon. I headed into the office to catch up on some details and find out if the week I was gone began to move Jodi Meyer off the dime on our negotiations. Good news there, her latest proposal was much closer than the last. There was still a gap, but it was clear her nurses didn't want a prolonged work stoppage and they knew Unity would be reasonable at the bargaining table.

Before I left, I stuck my head in Connie's office. She looked up and gave me her normal, "What the fuck are you going to waste my time with now" look. I just stood there for a moment and smiled.


"Hey boss, just wanted to say thanks again for last week. It was a good seminar, well worth the investment and time with my family was just what the doctor ordered."

"Like I give a fuck Tyler, have you gotten anything useful done since you've been back?"

"Not much, just reviewed the nurses' latest proposal and thought I'd let you know we'll have a deal we can live with by the end of this week. No need to thank me."

"Get the hell out of my office Tyler and come back when you actually have something for me."

I always enjoyed this banter but today it struck me as more important than usual. Before I turned to leave, I paused. "Hey boss..."

Connie looked up, "What?"

"Love you too!" I bolted from the door before the pen she had in her hand was hurled in the general direction of my face. Sometimes normal life, working with people you care for and respect was some of the best medicine in the world. Maybe dad was right. Perhaps the pain would begin to ebb.

On my way home I phoned my attorney to get an update on where we stood. A minute later Eli Sharp was on the phone.

"Come by my office at seven tomorrow morning on your way to work Ty. I think we're ready to pull the trigger. Sad to say, Lyn kept at it with her idiot paramour over the weekend. I won't give you too many details although we have some explicit pictures of her in a very revealing schoolgirl outfit at their favorite hotel."

The house was dark, quiet, and empty when I arrived. It felt like Lyn and I were already over. We'd barely seen each other for the past three weeks and hadn't had one civil conversation since before I left for the conference in Kansas City over three weeks ago. I realized how much I missed her. Not the slut she'd turned into, but the Lyn I married. Fun-loving, curios, mischievous, beautiful, and strong-willed, she was the person with whom I thought I'd spend my entire life.

I dropped my bag in the laundry room, grabbed a beer, and settled on the back porch as the sun faded in the west and the stars began their nightly dance. For all my anger at her utter betrayal, I found myself in tears once again. I knew one day I would have no more tears for her or our marriage. I was never going to stand for her duplicity and infidelity. If I could figure a way to fuck over Justin, I would. My pride was bruised but still intact. But tonight, I would allow myself to grieve what was lost.

By 10 PM I was beyond exhaustion, so I headed upstairs had a quick shower and was asleep about twenty seconds after my head hit the pillow. Since we were sleeping in different beds, I didn't hear her come in. It could have been five minutes after I was asleep or three in the morning. I didn't know and I didn't care.

I was up and out the door around 5:30 AM wanting to get a quick workout in before meeting Silas and team at seven. Lyn's car was parked in the driveway and the door to the guestroom was closed. If I read her schedule correctly, she was in her first day of a three-day rotation. That was helpful. We wouldn't have to cross paths very much in the coming week.

"Ty, nice to see you, come on in and have a seat," Eli welcomed me upon arrival. Super private eye Molly was on hand as was one of Silas's assistants, an older woman, maybe in her late fifties named Peggy Simons. She went by Peg. Molly smiled and said hello, Peg asked if I wanted coffee. After a minute or two we got down to business. Sharp began.

"We'd like to serve Lyn at some point this week, Ty. Molly has gotten more than enough evidence to demonstrate a pattern of infidelity on the part of your wife. More of the same won't help our cause and you already owe Molly over six grand so I'd thank her but cut her loose to do her snooping somewhere else."

He smiled as he said the last line, it was clear they were good friends. For her part Molly just shot Eli the bird, got up to take her leave. "I hope you get this settled as quickly and painlessly as possible Tyler," she said as she shook my hand. I thanked her and told her I truly hoped I'd never need to employ her in the future but would be more than happy to tell anyone in need of her services where to find the best.

Eli and I knocked around several ideas about how, when, and where to have Lyn served. My hope was it could be done at work at a moment when she and piece of shit Justin were together in a room full of people. Perhaps late in the day on Thursday as that would be her last workday before three days off. Eli thought waiting that long only played to Lyn's advantage.

"To wait is to give her a chance to find out what is in the works. You've done an amazing job of keeping your composure over the last several weeks Ty, but you must be at a breaking point. Let me suggest we serve her today or at the latest tomorrow. One of Molly's guys has been on hospital surveillance, so he'll have a good idea of when to best spring our surprise on her."

I granted this was wise. Last night I cried all the tears the I would shed over the lying bitch. I was ready for the final confrontation. My mind drifted back to my favorite Clint Eastwood flick, "Outlaw Jose Wales" when Jose confronts three of his enemies. "Well, you boys gonna pull them pistols or just stand there and whistle Dixie?" The challenge was hurled, the fight was on.

Sharp also had found an obscure state law that allowed me to sue Justin Banks for a form of alienation of affection. Eli was certain it wouldn't go anywhere but the embarrassment of everyone at the hospital knowing may cause him some serious relational and career pain upon completion of med school. I was all in.

Finally, we agreed Eli would call and give me a heads up when the deed was done. I'd be at home on the back porch and talk with Lyn there. Sharp also wanted to have evidence of that conversation just in case things got out of hand. He asked Peg to make sure one of Molly's guys put some surveillance gear on our back porch and be in a car around the corner. If it got too heated or if Lyn became violent, he'd be able to call the police. I couldn't imagine Lyn going that nuts but then again, four weeks ago I would have called you crazy if you suggested my wife was banging a med student and playing Sally school girl with the sleaze ball.

I spent the day going back and forth with Jodi Meyer over the last sticking point in our contract negotiations. By three PM I was worn out, but we had a deal. Neither of us were 100% satisfied, so it was probably a fair agreement. The nurses got a decent bump in base pay, overtime and vacation days and the hospital got a five-year contract instead of the original three-year timeframe the INA was hoping for. Even Connie had to smile when I dropped the paperwork on her desk to take to the board.

I was five minutes out from the house when my phone beeped. It was Eli Sharp.

"Well, barrister, how are we fairing today?"

Sharp was chuckling, "I'm sorry Ty, I know this is tough for you and I'm not making light of your situation, but I just heard from Molly. She volunteered to serve Lyn and Banks. They'd just come out of a lengthy surgery and were in the staff lounge along with another nurse, the surgeon who operated and Mike Devlin, the head of surgery for all of Unity Health Care. He'd stopped in to observe since the main surgeon was Alex Greer, one of the best cutters anywhere. Devlin and Greer were at Yale together back in the day, so they connect often."

"Anyway, Molly pops in the staff lounge looking like, well looking like Molly, which would scare just about anyone, and apparently med student Banks was offended by a non-medical person in their private space. He stood up and asked her if she was lost. When she said no, he replied something along the lines of this area is off limits to anyone who isn't on medical staff, and she should leave."

"Now I'm quoting Molly, 'Can you believe that little pile of crap talking to me like that? So, I shoved him down back down in his chair and leaned in close. I'm pretty sure he began pissing himself at that point. I gave him my best Chi-town glare and said, 'Are you the married woman fucking piece of shit known as Justin Banks? He barely croaked out, 'yes." "Well then sonny boy, you've been served."

She continued, "It was damn silent in the room by now with the other four staring at me. When I turned my attention to cheating skank Lyn, I thought she would melt. I took a much nicer tone with her but I'm guessing everyone could hear the sarcasm in my voice. "And you sweetheart, are you Lyn Clinton, wife of Tyler Clinton?" She nodded her head in the affirmative and barely above a whisper replied, 'yes.' Well, in that case I assume you are VERY WELL acquainted with Mr. Banks here, and you too, my dear have been served."

Molly told me it was one of the best moments she's had in a couple years. She wanted to enjoy it while it lasted, so she hesitated to leave. Dr. Devlin addressed Banks, "Young man, if you've done what I think you've done, you'll never practice medicine in Iowa or anywhere else if I can help it." He also turned to Lyn as he put two and two together and spoke directly to her. "Please tell me you're not that completely stupid Lyn!" She hung her head and as Molly left, she heard Devlin say, "Lyn, it would be wise for you to go home and not return to work until one of your union reps speaks with you."

Sharp finally stopped giggling and composed himself. "So, Tyler, your wife has been served and she is on her way home. Molly's guy is about a block away and will be tuned in. Brace yourself son, I believe you're in for one of the worst moments of your life. Be firm, but don't scream or rant. If it gets to be too much just go for a walk or go to another room. You can do this Tyler; the toughest part is almost over."

We chatted for another moment talking about next steps. I got the impression Eli wanted to stay with me for as long as possible helping me prepare emotionally for the potential shit storm that was about to erupt. As we were wrapping up, I heard Lyn's car pull into the driveway. I thanked Sharp and told him I'd call him when we were done with an update.

Lyn came through the door and found me on the back porch. She looked a mess. Clearly, she had been crying her eyes out on the drive home. As I looked up it seemed to be a mixture of sorrow and rage looking back at me. She began.

"How long have you known?"

"Three fucking miserable weeks Lyn."

"How did you find out?"

"Not that it matters, but I came home early from the conference in KC to surprise my wife and spend some extra time with the woman I loved and cherished. When I arrived early Friday morning, you weren't here. I checked my Glympse app and saw you were somewhere near the airport. It went downhill quickly from there."

"The morning you called me about the pen?"


"You lied to me; you were setting me up."

"Well, I guess if anyone would know what a lie was, it would be you since you've taken it to an artform with me, but yes, I lied. I wasn't trying to set you up I was trying to determine if my world was truly crashing down around me. Sadly, it was."

She sat for a moment in silence. I wasn't inclined to ask her anything. Now that it was out in the open, I just wanted to deal with whatever had to be done and get the hell away from her. Finally, she continued.

"I can't believe you had me served at work, in front of my colleagues. I was humiliated."

"Take a number and get in line Lyn."

"That was just cruel Ty. Your approach doesn't leave much room for us to work things out."

"Again, Lyn, if anyone would recognize cruel, I believe it would be you. Your betrayal is the cruelest thing anyone has ever done to me in my life. However long you've been fucking Justin Banks you've been heaping on cruelty after cruelty on someone you said you loved. Aside from that, let me be very, very clear. I have no desire to 'work things out' with you on any level. I'm divorcing you and not looking back. You must be delusional to think you could treat me this way and I'd want anything to do with you ever again."

She finally sat down on the other end of the sofa from me.

"But Ty, I do love you. I see what you're saying but I never intended hurt or cruelty. Justin was just a little fling. I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have done it, but I know we can work through this like adults and come out stronger for it."

"Lyn, I'm trying to keep my composure here, but did you wake up and take a stupid pill this morning? You and Banks playing 'doctor' and 'schoolgirl' and whatever other sex fantasy's you should only be enjoying with your husband has put an end to us. Any reasonable adult could see that. Yes, I've seen pictures and video of several of your romps at the airport Hampton Inn. You can't possibly be so childish as to think if you play the sorrowful wife, I'll just ignore the crushing hurt and pain you've brought into my life."

"I can't believe you spied on me and Justin Ty. Why didn't you just talk to me about it when you found out? I could have stopped it with him immediately. You've taken this to the extreme!"

"Lyn, I shouldn't have to spy on you. There should have been nothing hidden between us, especially infidelity. Why would I talk to you about anything? Nothing that comes out of your mouth will ever be believable to me again. Extreme is fucking around on your faithful husband Lyn. Take a look in a damn mirror for a moment and pray you can see the truth."

I had no clue if my suddenly idiotic wife was getting any of this or not. Nothing seemed to be sinking in. She was just looking for an easy way out to brush past her treachery. Every time she opened her mouth, more nonsense flowed.

"Ty, divorce is the last thing either of us should want. We not only live here, but we work at the same hospital. What will people think? It will be so awkward if we end up divorced, living and working at the same place. On top of that how humiliating for both of us for colleagues and friends to hear some of these details. Come on baby, surely you can see how bad it would be for both of us."

"Lyn, I've been living with awkward and humiliation ever since the Friday morning I saw you and fuckwad coming out of the Hampton Inn, right after you lied to me on the phone about where you were and what you were doing. Divorce will be a welcome relief for me as the attention will be directed to you as well when folks learn of your betrayal and slutting around."

"I'd ask you if baby boy Banks was your first and only extramarital affair but no matter what you say I wouldn't believe you. Thank goodness there are no children yet. The thought of parenting with you makes me want t throw up. Why the hell would you want to stay married to a man for whom you have no respect?"

"Ty what can I say to make you understand Justin was just a dalliance, a fling, nothing more. No emotion no love just a naughty sexual distraction. I see now that it was wrong of me to fool around, but surely you must know I love you and want to be only with you. I promise for this moment forward, I'll never even look at another man."

"Well Lyn if you put it that way, let me just say... you must be the most delusional fucking whore ever to walk the planet. You lied to me and deceived me for several months, then gave me an STD you contracted from your boy toy, and I'm supposed to just say, okee dokee, sweetheart, no worries, let's just pretend nothing happened and get back to the honeymoon?"

"Let me be crystal clear Lyn. I will never touch you again. I'm divorcing you ASAP even if I come out on the short end of the stick financially. I'd rather live in a shack destitute and alone than in a mansion with you. The pain I've experienced for the last month was almost more than I could bear. If it wasn't for the support of family and friends, I'm pretty sure I'd be face down in a ditch someplace. You did that to me Lyn. Your cheating, lying, callousness and absolute hateful behavior to me almost did me in. But you didn't Lyn. I'm still standing, and I intend to make my way as best as I can while putting you in my rearview mirror and never looking back."