Destined Hearts Ch. 04


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On the other hand, Praveen was really tired, bruised and extremely hurt. He just wanted for the party to end so that he could rest his head and forget about everything that had happened and probably wake up to find it was all a nightmare. Why was this happening?

Anyway, Antonio and Praveen walked to the front of the guests and did their best to smile. Antonio wanted to gesture to his friend to stop but it seemed he was not in luck because he was busy with what he was doing.

"Now that we have the grooms in front, I have a very special surprise for you."

Ethan moved his eyes to the other side where the DJ was seated and gestured to him. Immediately he did, music started playing and Antonio couldn't believe what happened next.

"Now that we have the song," He laughed. "Why don't the two grooms give us a really wonderful dance that will make us happy?'

Immediately he said those words, Praveen's eyes widened as his breaths seized and his heart stopped beating. Fear crept through his body and he felt really cold. He didn't know what to do because he had no idea what Antonio was gonna do to him. A cold shiver ran down his spine and he actually groaned, freezing where he stood.

"Come on," Ethan shouted through the mic.

The music started playing loudly and it wasn't a slow song at all. Antonio had sung that song and he could remember it very well. Its title was, "Move your body with the music."

Antonio wanted to say something but the fans started cheering, pleading for him to give them something memorable. Praveen had never been so scared in his life as he was at that time. He looked at everyone and he felt as if they were judging him. He was scared and he knew what he had to do.

Taking a deep breath and confidence, Praveen quickly turned to leave but something happened that surprised him and made him even more scared. As he was about to leave, Antonio pulled his arm and brought him closer to his body. He wrapped his arms around his waist tightly, slowly moving with the music.

Praveen was dumbfounded at what happened. He hadn't expected that to happen at all. He felt weak in the knees and he still wanted to run away but the problem was that he couldn't even move when Antonio moved slowly with the music. It was strange because he hadn't expected that from Antonio.

Antonio had a great plan and he knew he was gonna put it into action. Everyone was cheering for them but Praveen was feeling really uneasy. He had no idea if he wanted to dance at all because his mood was already ruined as it was.

Suddenly, Antonio held Praveen's hand tightly and started spinning him round with the music. Praveen was caught off guard and he knew at that moment that he had to do something. But before he even reacted, Antonio pulled him closer to himself and quickly spun him around. He wanted to keep up but he couldn't do it. At that moment he found out what Antonio was trying to do to him. He held on closer to him, staring at his face. From that smirk on his face, he could tell what was on his mind.

Meanwhile, Antonio was having fun with what he was doing. He knew Praveen couldn't keep up with him so he used that against him. The music was fast so he was moving Praveen from side to side, spinning him at every chance he got.

Praveen had never prayed for any song to finish faster than he did at that time. He was getting tired, dizzy and he was breathing faster. His hair was getting messy and there was no way to tell Antonio to stop. He couldn't do anything especially with the watching guests.

Finally the song started reaching its climax and Antonio knew what to do. He spun Praveen so fast that he simply lost his balance and started heading for the floor. Praveen was scared he was gonna get embarrassed but got surprised when Antonio caught him and pulled him back.

Unfortunately for him, his spectacles dropped and fell to the floor. Praveen was breathing fast, his heart racing miles away. He stood closer to Antonio, looking into his mocking face. He felt really angry, embarrassed and foolish because of the way Antonio had been moving him like a toy.

On the other hand, Antonio was looking right into Praveen's face, giving him that stupid smirk. He enjoyed the look the boy gave him. He wanted to laugh but he knew he had to control himself in front of his guests. He could see that Praveen's spectacles had dropped but he didn't care at all. He was even too excited to see how Praveen looked without his glasses.

With a chuckle, he slowly leaned down, picked up the spectacles and slowly moved them closer to Praveen's face. He made him wear them and then smiled softly, not that he now loved the boy but because he was really happy.

"You don't look good without the glasses." He whispered.

Praveen slowly adjusted his specs and got out of the dance floor, leaving Antonio all alone.

"Are you okay?" He heard granny ask with concern in her voice.

Praveen smiled at her, slowly nodding his head. He was totally not okay.

"Yes!" He lied, still giving her a fake smile. "I am fine. Don't worry."

"What were you thinking?" Granny asked Antonio when she saw him coming. "You were moving so fast that Praveen couldn't keep up with you."

"Oh!" He chuckled softly. That was his plan and it worked. He looked at Praveen and the boy dropped his eyes. "I am truly sorry, granny. I just got lost in my song. Besides, I was there to hold him in case he had fallen."

"You should be careful next time." Emilia said as she came nearby. She went closer to Praveen and he smiled at her. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yes!" He smiled, assuring her that he was fine.

"Okay." She smiled, fixing his beautiful hair. "And now this crazy son of mine messed up your hair."

"I am sorry, mom...." Antonio apologized, still smirking at Praveen.

"It's fine." She smiled. "Just don't try that again. You know Praveen isn't used to that. I am sure he is also pretty tired."

Antonio looked at his mother and wrapped his arm around her, drawing chuckles from her. He loved her so much. He looked at Praveen and when their eyes met, he simply winked at him. Okay, Praveen had known Antonio was stupid but now he was actually wondering what was going on with him because he wasn't acting like himself.


Ethan was moving through the party, greeting everyone and smiling at the girls that looked as if they were eye fucking him. He was really happy because his friend and Praveen seemed really happy. There was nothing he wished for his best friend than happiness. He loved him so much and he truly deserved that.

Suddenly, he moved his eyes to the staircase and got the shock of his life. His heart stopped beating for a second... his eyes widened.... His heart started pounding deep in his chest and his body felt hot and cold at the same time. A cold shiver ran down and he groaned.

Ethan had thought the party was gonna get more interesting but at that moment, he started to rethink. Right there in front of him coming down the stairs was Andrea smiling brightly as she looked everywhere. But what shocked him the most was not Andrea but the guy she was with. It was Bruce and he too was smiling.

"Oh no!" He gulped, rushing towards the stairs.

When Bruce saw him coming up the stairs, he smiled brightly at him stopping in his tracks. It wasn't his lover but he was happy seeing his best friend.

"Hey Ethan , how....."

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asked harshly.

"What?" Bruce chucked, wondering what was going on. "Ethan, is there anything...."

"I asked you a question, Bruce." He asked rudely. "What are you doing in Antonio's house? He is a married man now and as you can see...."

"What are you talking about?" Andrea asked, folding her arms on her chest. "What's wrong with Bruce being here?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He had to keep his voice down because he didn't wanna attract any attention. "You know exactly the relationship Antonio and Bruce shared before...."

"And how's that related to that?" She asked. "Bruce is here as my best friend. Why do you have a problem with that?"

"And yet you invited him knowing exactly what was going on and...."

"And if Antonio has no problem with it why should you have a problem with it?" Andrea said rudely, giving Ethan a really cold look.

The moment Ethan heard that from Andrea, he stood still, staring at her as if he had just seen a ghost. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Wait! Antonio knows about this and he still allowed it?" He gasped as his eyes widened. He looked at Bruce and shook his head. "You shouldn't have come here."

With those words, he quickly turned and went down the stairs. He had no idea what Antonio had been thinking by bringing Bruce to the party. What if Praveen found out, he thought as he looked all around, trying to look for Antonio? He was scared because he knew it would cause trouble. He was just hoping Antonio wasn't doing anything with Bruce.

He started moving around the party and luckily he found Antonio talking to some guests. He slowly moved to him, coiled his arm and moved him away from where no one would hear them. He made sure that Praveen wasn't anywhere near them.

"Hey dude, what's with...."

"Are you stupid?" Ethan rasped, slightly hitting Antonio on the chest. He was really mad at him. "What were you thinking?"

"What?" Antonio couldn't explain how confused he was at that time. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to act smart with me, Antonio." Ethan warned, angrily pointing at him. "You and I know exactly what I am talking about and...."

"Seriously, dude, I....."

"Okay!" Ethan furiously dropped his arms. "Since you have decided to pretend then I will tell you but don't forget that you are now a married and you have a huge responsibility to make your marriage work and...."

"Really?" Antonio lost the smile on his face, totally losing his temper. "You brought me out here just to lecture me about marriage? What the fuck is wrong with you and...."

"What is Bruce doing here?" Ethan asked in a demanding voice. "Why did you invite him here when you very well...."

"Bruce came here to surprise me." He chuckled and then lost the smile on his face. "You and I both know that Bruce and I have been in this relationship for a really long time. I love Bruce and I will love him forever. Of all people I expected you to understand and...."

"You are a married man, Antonio." Ethan pointed out.

"And how's that supposed to change what I feel for Bruce?" He raged, clenching his fists. "Do you think it's easy...."

"Antonio, please, don't hurt that boy." Ethan breathed, pleading with his friend. "I am begging you to listen to me. That boy doesn't deserve this. He is married to you and...."

"Bruce and I are not doing anything wrong, okay." He said harshly. "And please, I don't wanna talk about this with you, okay?"

With those few words, Antonio angrily turned and went back to the party. His mood was completely ruined and he just wanted to get it over with soon. He was really mad that when he saw Praveen in the party, he simply hated him even more. He was the reason why everything was happening.

Meanwhile, Ethan came back to the party and the worry on his face couldn't be masked. He knew Bruce's presence was gonna breed trouble and hurt Praveen especially if he found out about everything. He moved his eyes and looked at the boy who seemed really happy. He was happy that Praveen was at least happy and he intended to keep it that way. He had no idea why he was concerned about him.

What he had no idea of was that Praveen was hurting deep inside. Behind that beautiful boy was a really broken boy who was suffering inside. He knew everything and even more but he chose to keep everyone happy.

The party went on without any problems and Ethan was happy it went that way.


Praveen was walking in the passage, feeling really tired after the long day he had just had. He was only thinking of sleep, nothing more. That was the only thing that was on his mind. He was just hoping he was gonna get enough sleep because it was already midnight.

He reached his room in no time and as soon as he opened the door, he froze in the door way and just stared in front of him. Antonio was in the room and he was hugging Bruce tightly like he wanted to make him a part of his body.

"I love you so much." Antonio said softly, taking a quick glance at the boy who looked puzzled.

"I love you too." Bruce replied, getting his head deeper into Antonio's chest.

With a sigh, Antonio pulled away from the hug and right there, he cupped Bruce's cheeks, brought his lips closer and locked them on his. He started kissing him deeply on the lips, tasting the sweetness of his essence.

Praveen felt as if a big load had just been dropped on his head. He quickly looked away and dropped his eyes to the floor. He couldn't bear to see Antonio kissing his lover in front of him. It was really, really painful.

Antonio on the other hand, sucked on Bruce's lips as if his life depended on it. He closed his eyes as the both of them kissed passionately, moaning in the kiss. That moan, the noises coming from both their lips made Praveen's heart to shatter. He wanted to move away from that place but he couldn't do it. He was frozen. A tear went down his cheek which he quickly rubbed.

After what felt like eternity, Antonio finally pulled away from those lips, yearning for more. Fuck! He had missed those wonderful and soft lips that made him horny! He wanted to make love to Bruce but he couldn't do it right there. It was too risky.

"I will see you tomorrow, baby." Antonio moaned as he rubbed on his lover's cheeks. "But I will miss you throughout the night."

"Yeah!" Bruce gave a sad sigh, staring into his lover's eyes. "I will miss you and it's been a long time since we had spent some quality time. How I wish I would have stayed for the night." He didn't even see that Praveen was standing at the door listening to everything he was saying.

"I know that but not tonight." He kissed him on the lips, drawing a smile from him. "Mom and the others could see us and...."

"I know that but promise me you will see me later."

"I will." Antonio smiled brightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Andrea is waiting for you. I love you."

With a final kiss, Bruce turned around and realized that Praveen was standing right behind him. Instead of freaking or acting like he was caught doing something, he actually smirked and walked right past him. He was feeling really happy because although Praveen was the one that was married to Antonio, he was the one that still owned his heart.

Meanwhile Praveen looked at the smiling man in front of him and he just didn't know what to think. But he was really hurt. He needed to rest because he was definitely tired. He took a deep breath, closed the door and slowly started moving to the bathroom. He was trying to avoid Antonio. He didn't want to talk to him and....

"Falling in love feels so good doesn't it?" Antonio asked, directing the question at him.

Praveen stopped in his tracks when he heard Antonio's question. It sent a terrible pain to his heart and he slowly raised his face and stared into his husband's face. The smirk on his face just made things worse.

He tried to go away but....

"Being in love is the best thing that can ever happen to someone." He said happily, rubbing seductively on his lips. "But why am I telling you all this when all you care about his money? You only know how to destroy relationships and manipulate people."

Praveen closed his eyes as those words pierced his heart like a sharp sword.

"I love Bruce so fucking much and right now I cannot be with him because...." He paused and lost the smile on his face. He was getting angry once again. "...because of you and your four eyes. You destroyed my plans to be with the man I love, to hold him and to sleep with him in my arms. I was supposed to be with him tonight but thanks to you, I cannot do that." He yelled in his face.

To say Praveen was surprised would be an understatement. Tears started building in his eyes and his breaths changed. They were really harsh.

"But.... But what have I done. I...."

"But you will pay for this, mark my words." He warned. "I will make you suffer in this marriage until you give up. I promise you this,"

With a groan, Antonio furiously turned and went to the bathroom leaving the poor boy all alone. Praveen stood still, remembering all the blames Antonio was putting on him. It had supposed to be a good night for him but it turned out to be a nightmare. It wasn't fair at all.


It was another day and Praveen was slowly coming down the stairs, looking all around the house. He was lost deep in his thoughts, thinking about what had happened the previous day and how his life had turned out to be.

He was dressed in a bright blue T-shirt which covered his bruises, the ones Antonio had inflicted on him the previous night on his arm. He had a black designer's skinny jean on him and he was holding his phone tightly. His hair was tied in a curled ponytail and his mood wasn't bright at all. He didn't know what to do.

Bruce's sudden appearance in his life had brought more pain upon him. Antonio wasn't in the house because he had already gone to work and somehow, Praveen just wished he wouldn't be back until later in the day because he didn't want trouble.

Meanwhile, Emilia was coming from the kitchen rubbing her wet hands when she saw her beautiful son in law coming down the stairs. She wanted to scream his name in excitement but when she saw how lost he was, she went to the edge of the staircase and waited for him there. It wasn't long before Praveen made it downstairs.

He was so lost deep in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that she was standing right in front of him.

"Praveen!" She slowly touched his shoulder, getting him out of his thoughts.

Praveen took a deep breath and felt really scared when he saw her. He quickly smiled, trying to show her that he was fine. But it wasn't a genuine smile.

"Mother!" He quickly leaned down and touched her feet.

She touched his head, giving him her blessings. She was happy. The boy was well cultured and mannered. He was the best.

"Are you okay, son?" She asked when he raised his eyes, still giving her a fake smile.

"Err...." He paused and wondered if she knew what was going on? Did she know Antonio had a boyfriend before she married him to him, he thought as he looked at her? There were so many questions he wanted to ask her but he also didn't wanna provoke her because she was his mother in law. He was honestly really confused.

"Son!" She shook him again.

"I.... I'm fine." He lied, shaking his head softly. "....I was actually just looking at how beautiful you are."

"Oh come on," Emilia laughed, slowly pinching his cheeks which made him feel embarrassed. "Stop fluttering me because we both know that's a lie."

Yes! It was a total lie but she was beautiful. He couldn't just tell her what was going on.

"I'm telling the truth and...."

"You should stop lying because I can see through you." She took his hands and slowly started walking with him.

"What do you mean?"

"I know what I am saying." She breathed in deeply, feeling really excited. "In fact, I know what's on your mind."

She quickly turned and faced him. Then she gave him the brightest smile she had ever given anyone. "You are missing your husband right now and you cannot wait for him to come back."

The moment she said that, Praveen felt really cold and his heart started pounding deep in his chest. He quickly gulped, still trying to get what she had just said to him.

"What?"H e gasped, shaking his head in disagreement. "Mother, I.... I am not thinking of...."

"There is no need to be shy?" She held his hands tightly, rubbing on them sweetly. "I have been in your situation before and I really...." She paused as she remembered the first time she had come to the house with her husband. Those were the wonderful memories she wasn't gonna forget ever.