Destined Hearts Ch. 04


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"Are you okay, mother?"

Emilia nodded and then resumed with her smile. "What I am trying to say to you is that you are a newlywed groom and it is normal to be missing your husband like that." If only she knew what he was thinking? "You shouldn't have allowed him to resume work because you two actually needed to bond."

"Well," He stuttered, taking a deep breath. "It's really fine, mother and...."

"No, it's not." She chuckled as she gave him the brightest grin ever. "In fact, I have a great idea that I am sure you are gonna love."

"What... what is it mother?" he was hoping it didn't involve Antonio because he definitely didn't want to talk or see him.

"Why don't you cook some food for him and then you can surprise him at his office. I am sure he is gonna love that."

Praveen's heart gave the sharpest pound he had ever felt in his entire life. His body felt cold as shivers ran down his spine, making him really scared. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped as he went down memory lane. Emilia's voice kept on repeating in his mind, scaring the hell out of him.

"What?" He stammered, shaking his head. He simply lost the smile on his face. "No!" He shook his head. "I am... I can't do that and besides...."

"What?" Emilia chuckled, trying to make eye contact with him. "He is your husband and he will love it. I know my son and I am sure he is thinking about you."

"No!" Praveen thought as he shook his head. "He is thinking about someone else." And he actually didn't wanna leave the mansion, especially to go to Antonio.

"I'm sorry, mother but you are truly misunderstanding me and I don't think...."

"He is your husband and you shouldn't feel shy." She laughed softly. "Now let's go to the kitchen and prepare him something that will make him fall deeper in love with you."

Praveen had never been so scared in his life before. How was he going to make her understand where he stood in her son's life? He knew that she wasn't gonna understand because he wasn't gonna tell her for the sake of everyone's happiness.

He had to come up with some excuse.

"I don't think he would want to see me now." He sighed, looking right at her. "He is probably busy and...."

"You will make him feel better by going to his office and surprising him."

"I don't even know where...."

"I will go with you if that will make you feel better." She smiled, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "Do this for my son and make him happy, Praveen? Please!"

Praveen felt really vulnerable especially when he looked into her eyes. It was as if he had suddenly become weak. He wanted to say no to her but he couldn't bring himself to opening his mouth and denying her.

"Okay," He smiled brightly. "I will do that for your happiness."

The moment Emilia heard that, she was filled with burgeoning excitement. Her heart started racing. She was just trying to bring the two of them closer so that they could fall deeper in love. The poor woman was just doing what any mother would do for her son but what she had no idea of was that the more she tried, the deeper she got Praveen into trouble. It wasn't her fault though because she was only doing what she knew was right. Besides, Praveen was the one that decided to not tell her in order to make her happy and everyone else.

"Thank you." She held his hand tightly. "Now let's go to the kitchen and make something really delicious for him."

Praveen nodded and he followed her to the kitchen. They started cooking while she entertained him with stories of when she came in the house as a daughter in law. Some of them were funny but there were moments when Praveen saw that she missed her husband although she didn't tell him that.

She told him about Antonio's childhood and how Praveen's mother saved his life. They bonded as they cooked but the food was ready and they packed it in a lunch box. It looked delicious but Praveen's nerves were getting the best of him. He was really scared. But he had some hope that since Emilia was gonna go with him, he wasn't gonna react.

The food they cooked was spiced rice with curried chicken legs in sauce and some vegetables which she told him Antonio loved like crazy. She told him to dress up quickly as she did a few final touches. Praveen agreed and he quickly went upstairs.

He dressed in just an ordinary black skinny jean, blue and white striped T-shirt and brown sandals on his feet. He fixed his hair into a ponytail and he was ready. He wasn't looking fancy but he knew he was ready. After all, he was just doing it for Emilia.

After getting dressed up, Praveen went and met with the beautiful looking Emilia who was dressed in a classy brown dress which had a small jacket. Her hair was let loose and her smile was gorgeous. The heels on her feet made her look tall but she was amazing.

"You look really beautiful," She commented, rubbing on his cheeks. "Let's go."

Praveen nodded and he got into the car. It was a really fancy and beautiful car but his mind was elsewhere, thinking about all the insults Antonio was gonna rain down on him. He had no idea how long it was gonna take to reach the office but he was praying to the almighty to make the journey last forever just so that he wouldn't be able to see his husband's face.

But his prayers weren't answered as they soon arrived at the tallest building he had ever seen in his life. It must have been 20 or even 30 floors tall, really classy and almost magical. Praveen saw a lot of cars parked outside and he couldn't believe how fancy they were. People were moving in and out of the beautiful building which had tinted glass doors that were opening on their own. He was simply blown away, amazed by what he saw.

The outside looked really, he couldn't even find the right word to say. Everything he saw made him actually forget about what he had been worried about. He was truly now wondering just how rich the Gonzalez family was. He had never seen a building like that before.

"Welcome to the heart of the Gonzalez family," Emilia said with a beautiful smile. "This is the biggest company we own and it is the headquarters of all the other companies we own including Eduardo's hospital."

The moment Praveen heard that, he looked at her in awe, still wide eyed.

"You mean this large building is yours?"

Emilia laughed teasingly, holding Praveen's hands sweetly. "No! It is ours." She breathed in deeply. "You are a part of us now and whatever we have is also yours."

Praveen took a quick glance at Emilia and then outside again.

"You shouldn't worry about anything." She giggled. "Your husband will show you the entire building today. Now let's go meet him."

Praveen's heart started beating faster than usual as he slowly nodded and got out of the car. He was greeted by the most wonderful air he had ever breathed in his life. It looked like a really big paradise but all it gave him were creeps. He stood beside Emilia and she smiled at him and started heading inside the building.

Praveen was holding the bag in which the lunchbox was kept. Soon the door opened and Praveen saw just how beautiful the entire place was. It was really big and he moved his eyes everywhere. There were big glass chandeliers, gold ornaments and beautiful art on the walls. Praveen's eyes were almost popping out of his sockets.

The thing that made him amazed was the way the people that passed paid respect to Emilia. They were calling her, "ma'am," giving her all the respect and bowing their heads as they smiled. Praveen looked at the woman and she had the biggest smile on her face.

Everyone was dressed beautifully, gracefully and it somehow made him feel out of place. But he just tried to blend in.

"Is my son in his office?" Emilia asked the beautiful receptionists.

"Yes!" She nodded as she smiled at her. "He is in his office. Should I inform him that...."

"No!" Emilia gasped, shaking her head. "We came to give him a surprise so you shouldn't."

The receptionist looked at Praveen and gave him a smile. "I understand ma'am."


She gestured Praveen and the two of them started heading to the elevator. Reaching the elevator, Emilia pressed the button and the elevator door opened. Praveen felt like his entire heart had just opened up together with the elevator door. He stood still, staring at it until Emilia held his hand and took him inside.

The door closed and they started heading up. It looked like Antonio's office was located on the 23rd floor. Praveen closed his eyes and started praying in his heart for things to just to go well. He wasn't ready to get other insults from Antonio.

He was still praying when he heard Emilia's phone ringing.

"Hello," She answered and then waited for a moment. "Oh my God, I am truly sorry about that. I had totally forgotten that it was today."

She waited for another moment. "I will be right there." She quickly cut the call.

She moved her eyes to Praveen and pressed her hand on his shoulder, slightly squeezing it. Praveen opened his eyes and then smiled at her. She wasn't smiling anymore and he could sense that there was something really wrong.

"Praveen, son...." Emilia sighed softly, trying to pull up a smile. "...I have to go right now."

"What?" Praveen gaped, taking a deep breath. "But...."

"I know I promised we would see my son together." She took a deep breath. She felt terrible that she had to leave him alone. "But I had forgotten that I had to meet with some women for a really important charity meeting. I am the chair person and they are waiting for me."

Praveen's fears had totally come true. Why was that happening to him, he thought as he gripped harder on the bag he was holding, trying to hide his trembling hands.

"I understand." He took a really deep breath. "If you are needed then you have to go."

"Oh!" She moaned, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thanks so much for understanding."

The elevator opened and they both came out.

"Take your husband the food."

"But I really don't....."

"It's room 234 and it has the name President on it." She said as she gave him a quick hug. "I have to go."

Emilia quickly rushed into the elevator and it closed as she waved at him with a smile. As soon as she left, Praveen started panicking. His heart started pounding deep in his chest as his breaths came out harshly. A shiver ran down his spine and he felt as if someone really cold was holding him.

He looked all around the floor he was on and started slowly walking, checking out all the room. Finally he found himself standing in front of room 234, Antonio's office. It had a beautiful golden door and it was magnificent. The door wasn't open but Praveen felt a really cold wind coming out of it.

He was scared and he felt the need to turn away and just leave but he had promised Emilia he was gonna take the food and he was scared that if she asked, Antonio was gonna deny so he knew he had no choice in that situation. Besides, he was sure that Antonio was hungry and though he was such an ass, he deserved to eat.

"I have to do this." He took a deep breath as he slowly moved his hand forward to knock on the door.

But before he actually knocked, he withdrew his hand as his breaths came out harshly. He got really scared because behind that door was someone that he didn't wanna encounter for no good reason at all.

"Come on Praveen," He took a deep breath of confidence.

He quickly moved his hand and gave a loud knock that scared the shit out of him.

"Come in." He heard Antonio's voice from inside.

Praveen felt scared again as he slowly moved his hand to the knob. He slowly touched the cold knocb, feeling a terrible spark move all over his body. He pushed the door and found himself entering the office.

Praveen slowly entered the office without looking in front. He closed the door and started walking forward until he stopped in his tracks and stood still. He was frozen. His heart instantly pounded deep in his chest and he got really hurt again. He got scared and he regretted coming to the office. He should have stayed back home.

Antonio was seated on the beautiful comfy chair but he wasn't alone. He was with Bruce who was seated on the glass table with his eyes fixed on Antonio. He was dressed in a beautiful black skinny jean, pale white designer's shirt which were fitted on his body like a second skin. His shoulder length hair was tied by a beautiful golden band and although Praveen couldn't see his face, he knew it was him.

Antonio and Bruce were almost kissing. Their faces were close to each other, breathing in each other's aroma. What hurt the most was that they didn't even mind that someone had just entered the office. It was really painful for Praveen and he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Antonio had no idea who had come into his office. He smiled as he moved his eyes from his love, slowly moving them towards the door. That was when he saw him, Praveen. He was standing near the table and he was staring at them.

When Antonio saw him, he got really mad and he clenched his fists, furiously getting up. His breaths became harsh and he furiously started walking towards him.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing here?" He thundered, giving the scared boy a really angry look. "What are you doing in my company?"

Praveen tried to open his mouth but no word came out. He was frozen and looking at the angry man coming in front of him didn't help things.

Bruce on the other hand quickly turned and folded his arms on his chest, staring at the boy with a smirk on his face. He was gonna stand and watch the drama unfold. He loved the way his boyfriend acted towards the boy.

"Tell me!" Antonio furiously yelled, gripping Praveen's hand painfully. He winced in pain.

"Have you suddenly gone deaf and dumb?" he squeezed his hand painfully, getting a groan from him.

Praveen couldn't take the pain. It was just too much. "Antonio, please you are hurting me." He groaned in pain, trying to get his hand free but it was in vain.

"That doesn't answer my question, damn it!" He grunted, pulling the boy closer to him. "I left the house so just I could take a break from seeing your stupid ugly face and your four eyes. Did you have to follow me here so that...."

"Please!" Praveen felt tears building up in his eyes. "I just brought food for you. I didn't mean...."

"Ha ha..." Antonio laughed in mock, furiously letting go of the boy's hand. He moved away and stood at a distance.

"He brought food for me." Then his face got serious and his anger intensified. "What are you trying to achieve by coming here? Why would I want to eat food cooked by you? Are you trying to poison me so that you can take...."

"No!" Praveen felt a tear going down his cheek which he quickly rubbed. "Mother had asked me to...."

"Don't you dare bring my mother into this?" He warned, angrily pointing at the boy. "We both know that you are a scheming boy and you just came here so that you could see how this place is and...."

"I didn't." Praveen's voice was weak. "I swear that...."

"I don't wanna hear it." He warned. "Let this be the first and last time you are gonna come to this place. Know your limits and stay within your boundaries. You are just embarrassing me by...." He paused and gave the boy a long look. "...Just look at yourself and look at me. You look like a beggar dressed in those lugs and you had the nerves to come to my office, my company to show your stupid self in here."

Praveen closed his eyes as his pain intensified. He wanted to cry but he suppressed his tears and just stood still.

"What are you trying to achieve by coming here? Who told you I needed to eat your stupid food?" He yelled, making Praveen taking a step back. "I am filthy rich. I can buy the entire food in the world. Why in the hell would I want to eat what you've cooked? I am not that desperate you know."

Praveen opened his eyes slowly, trying to hide his tears. "I am sorry."

"You better be and please...."

"Baby," Bruce came closer, wrapping his arm around him. "You don't have to be so angry. You will just ruin your beautiful mood. Remember you and I have to go out for lunch, right?"

Antonio gave Praveen an angry look and then wrapped one arm around Bruce's waist. "I'm sorry, baby but I can't help myself. This four eyed boy just makes me angry and I hate him so much."

"I understand," Bruce smiled brightly. "But I am right here and you are scaring me with your mood. Let's just forget this entire thing happened."


"I will handle it." He kissed Antonio on the lips and rubbed on them softly. Antonio smiled and gave him another kiss.

Bruce pulled away from Antonio and then slowly walked to Praveen. He smiled at the boy and held his hand.

"Please, come with me." He said in the sweetest voice ever.

Without even getting a thing from the boy, Bruce started leading Praveen out of the office. Once they reached outside he closed the door and then let go of the boy's hand.

"You heard what Antonio said," He said with a smirk on his face. "Leave him alone and I don't want you to try and seduce my boyfriend because I know exactly what you are trying to do." He warned. "First you manipulated his mother, stole him away from me and now you are trying to seduce him."

"Look, Bruce.... I...."

"Oh so you know me," Bruce laughed manically, dropping his hands to his hips. "It's a good thing you know me because that means I don't need to introduce myself. Stay away from my boyfriend or you are gonna regret it."

"I didn't steal him away." Praveen said softly, trying to make Bruce understand. "I had no idea that he was in love with...."

"And now you know." Bruce lost the smile on his face, furiously dropping his hands. "So stay away from him. We are happy. I don't care about what you do or where you go but stay away from him."

"Why would he?" Praveen heard a familiar voice behind him.

He didn't need to ask who it was. He knew it was Andrea and he also knew that trouble had just doubled. He was now really scared and he knew that she was gonna insult. She came in front of him, looking hot in office wear and black high heeled shoes.

"He is always looking for every chance to get closer to...."

"You know that's not true." Praveen defended. "You know exactly the relationship your brother and I share. He doesn't...."

"But all of us know that you are always trying to seduce him." She raged, pointing at him. "Just look at yourself and everyone in this place. You are the only who looks like a peasant but you chose to come here and embarrass all of us. First you were after my brother and now you are after our company and...."

"I have never ever thought of becoming rich, Andrea." Praveen was really hurt. "I came here because mother had asked me to bring something for Antonio and...."

"Mother wouldn't do that because she knows there are a lot of restaurants around that he can buy food from." She laughed as she moved closer to Bruce. "Bruce here is the only man that should act like that. You might be married to my brother but you will never play that role in his life."

Andrea might have been right but Praveen was definitely hurt. He was getting hurt and it was all because of people's happiness. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't even say anything because he felt he didn't have any right to talk to them.

To avoid trouble, Praveen simply turned and slowly walked to the elevator as his eyes watered. He was really hurt and his heart was bleeding terribly. He felt as if someone was trying to rip his fucking heart out.

"You might be married to Antonio but you will never play that role in his life."

He reached the elevator and slowly pressed the button. He could hear Andrea's laughs and they just pierced him even more. After what felt like hours of waiting, the door opening and Praveen quickly went inside. He pressed the ground floor button and as soon as the door closed, a billion tears poured down his face and he started crying.