Diane on Cam Ch. 02


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Honestly, I didn't. However I did remember waking up naked in the same bed with Ashley and Taylor. "Oh yeah," I said with a nod.

Ashley took a deep breath. "Hot-tub first?" she asked.

"Why not?" I smiled at her as I undid my robe and walked to the back door.

As we lounged in the hot-tub, I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. To her credit, Ashley sat there with her arms up on the edges of the hot-tub appearing as if all was normal.

"I have to admit," I said timidly. "I'm feeling a bit." I trailed off.

"Oh c'mon," she dismissed with a flick of her hand. She eased herself down into the water and smiled at me. "It's like I said," she added with a grin. "It's not like we haven't done it before."

I nodded at her, and recalled. So, naturally I grabbed my glass of wine and took a big sip.


"Okay," I sighed heavily as I fired up the shower. "I think I'm buzzed enough to do this!"

"Great," Ashley giggled at me. She ran her fingers through my long hair. "We're gonna hafta put it up in pigtails for later." She grinned at me.

"Got it," I smirked at her. I pulled the shower curtain back and beckoned her in.

After she stepped into the tub, I joined her. "No, no." she raised her hand to stop me from closing the shower-curtains. "He has to see us," she whispered.

I was trembling a bit but I nodded at her. She had her back to the front of the shower with her head under the water as I stood facing her. "What should we do?" I asked nervously.

She smiled at me. "First," she said in a soft voice. "You need to get wet," she giggled. She put her hands on my shoulders and shifted positions with me.

Now I was under the water with my back to the front of the shower and she was facing me. I relished feeling the warmth of the water over me as I ran my hands over my hair. Just as I was doing that Ashley put her hands on my tits.

I pulled back a bit, but not so much that I escaped her touch.

"Relax," she cooed to me. "Means to an end, remember?"

"Right," I nodded at her with a nervous smile on my face.

"Touch my tits," she whispered.

I nodded and took a deep breath. I reached out my hands and cupped Ashley's nice tits. WOW! I felt my pussy tingle the second I took them into my hands! Suddenly my nervousness was gone.

"Now kiss me," she cooed to me as we continued to feel each other up.

I didn't need to be told twice. I leaned in and locked lips with her. Our lips parted and our tongues intertwined with each others.

HOLY FUCK! My whole body was tingling with excitement! I continued to knead her tits with my hands, while she reached one hand down and cupped my ass.

When our lips parted I know I had pure lust in my eyes when I looked at her, but Ashley merely smiled at me and looked remarkably calm.

"Now," she whispered. "Get down on your knees," she gave me a slight nudge on my shoulder.

I didn't object, but as I started kneeling, I looked up to her. "Why?"

"Means to an end," she shrugged with a smile. "Remember," she added with a giggle. "We're on a cam right now. I want your dad to think I own you."

"Got it," I smiled up at her as I gripped her hips and stared at her bald pussy.

"By the way," she moaned as she reached down and put a hand on the back of my head. "Do a good job. I'm no good at faking."

"Yes ma'am," I smiled up at her.

I took a deep breath and dove my face into her pussy. WOW! What a sensation! As I worked my tongue up and down her slit I was amazed at the warmth I felt. The smell was so intoxicating too! I just knelt there trailing my tongue up and down her slit and enjoying the sensation.

"God damn." she moaned as she gripped the back of my head bit tighter. "Get in there already!"

I darted my tongue up between her lips and she immediately hissed her approval. I worked my tongue in and out of her for a bit and worked my way up to her clit.

It only took a few flicks of my tongue to make her cum. I felt Ashley's slick goo coat my chin as I continued pleasuring her.


"Now what?" I giggled to Ashley as we both toweled off.

"Next?" she smiled at me. "Your room. Remember we are on cam," she added with a wink.

"Got it," I smiled at her. "Would you like a fresh drink?" I said with a wink as I hung my towel up.

"Don't take to long," she cooed at me.

HOLY FUCK!!!! What a sensation! As I poured two more glasses of wine, I wondered to myself how screwed up I was.

I had to chuckle a bit. I was doing it with my girlfriend in the hopes of getting to fuck my father.

"Holy hell," I laughed as I scooped up both glasses of wine and hurried back upstairs. "I am SO fucking bad!"

When I got to my room I saw Ashley lying on my bed with a sash from one of my robes in her hand. "Hello lover," she giggled at me.

"You're not going to tie me up are you?" I smiled at her.

"Nope," she smiled as she got up onto her knees. "Means to and end. C'mere."

I shrugged and took a sip from one glass and then set them both down onto my dresser before crawling onto the bed with my best friend. "Now what?" I smiled at her.

"There's all kinds of shit," she giggled. "But we're on a mission here, so turn around."

"Why?" I asked.

"I need to blindfold you." she cooed at me. "Trust me," she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Means to an end, right?"

"If you say so," I smiled and shrugged as I turned around on the bed.

Ashley then began cinching the sash around my eyes. When she was done, she told me to lie on my back. "You can't see me, right?" she asked. "Even if you look down?"

"I can't see shit," I confessed.

"Good," Ashley cooed. I felt her hands work up and down my legs and then I felt her face close to my pussy.

OH MY GOD!!! I was tingling so much with excitement that the second I felt her tongue on my pussy, I came!

"Sorry," I giggled.

"Don't worry about," Ashley breathed to me.

She didn't' just work her tongue over my clit either! She dug a couple fingers up inside me and began to work on my g-spot.

GOD! I came SO many times! At one point - I swear - I even thought; 'Dad? What dad?' Part of me wanted to rip the blindfold off and ask Ashley to marry me on the spot.

Fortunately, before that happened, Ashley raised her head from in between my legs and laughed. "Wow!" she giggled. "You cum lots!"

"Thanks," I moaned my approval. "Can I take this off now?" I gestured to the blindfold.

"Oh," she sighed. "Hell yeah."

I undid the blindfold and then lay there for a moment, looking at Ashley as she ran her fingers through her long, blonde hair. I exhaled heavily as I got up onto my knees. "Holy fuck, Ash," I breathed to her.

She gave me a wink and then stood up and grabbed both wine glasses off my dresser. 'Think nothing of it," she smiled at me. "Besides you and I can do this anytime."

"I like the sound of that. I can't believe we didn't do it a long time ago.'

Ashley nodded at me and put a finger to her temple. "Trust me babe," she smiled at me. "After what you did in the shower, I have to agree."


A few days went by and I could pinpoint with a needle the exact moment my dad had seen the videos of me and Ashley together. His entire demeanor changed, and he was hardly able to maintain eye-contact with me whenever we were in the same room.

Ashley giggled as we grabbed our things in the staff room after we'd both worked a lunch shift at Earl's. "Gawd," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I feel a little sorry for the son of a bitch."

I nodded. What we're were doing was actually pretty mean, but I have to admit I kind of liked being mischievous like this. "What's the next step?" I asked Ashley as we left the restaurant.

"Did you copy the videos of you and me together like I asked?" she said as we strolled back to my place.

"Right here," I dug into my purse and pulled out the flash drive.

"Perfect," she grinned at me as she took the drive from my hand. "We'll send him a few more vid caps and see how that goes over. What I really want to see is how he reacts with me over at your place."

"Me too," I giggled.


Ashley and I sat anxiously in the hot-tub as we waited for my dad to get home. He hadn't replied to the latest email Ashley had fired off. She had included several caps of us on my bed, with the lines 'Whoops! Bet you didn't see THAT coming!' and 'the blonde is a tasty dish'. She also included a shot of us in the shower with my face between her legs tagged with 'Someone agrees with me'.

"His head is probably about to explode," Ashley giggled nervously. "God," she sighed. "I could use a glass of wine."

"No way," I chided her. "Trust me on this one," I gave her a knowing look. "This is the way to play it - best behavior."

"I know, I know," she huffed with a roll of her eyes. "It's a good call."

Some fifteen minutes later, we heard my dad's SUV pull up to the house. "Show time," I whispered. I glanced inside and the second I saw the front door open, I called out. "Hey dad!"

A moment later, he emerged out the back door looking very somber.

"How was your day?" I asked him cheerfully.

"I've had better," he muttered as he stood there looking down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," he sighed. He glanced up briefly. "Hello Ashley," he said in a monotone, with his gaze dropping once again.

"Ash is gonna stay for dinner, okay?" I quickly said - just making my poor dad squirm even more.

"Oh, um" he seemed taken aback, and more than just a little uncomfortable. "Okay, I guess," he shrugged, never once looking directly at us.

"Thanks," Ashley piped in pleasantly. "If you had a rough day, you should grab yourself a drink and join us in here. It's wonderful," she cooed.

He cleared his throat and sighed. "I don't think so," he mumbled with a shake of his head.

"Oh dad," I playfully chided him as I stood up. "We're wearing our suits," I beckoned Ashley to stand up as well. "And? No wine either," I giggled.

"Well that's good," he nodded after casting a cursory glance at us. "Enjoy yourselves," he sighed as he turned to head back inside.

"Ash was right, dad," I called out. "Why don't you get yourself a drink and join us? It'll help melt away your bad day."

"I can't," he stammered. "I've got to get going."

"Oh?" I asked innocently. "Where?"

"I'm eating out tonight," he said slowly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I thought I told you about it this morning."

"No," I said non-judgmentally. "You didn't."

"Got a hot date?" Ashley giggled as she eased herself back into the water.

"No," he coughed. "It's work-related," he fidgeted nervously for a moment. "I just need to grab something from my den, and I'll be off." He disappeared back into the house.

I eased myself into the water and beamed a smile at Ashley. "Did you see how he BARELY looked at us?" I giggled.

"Totally," she giggled with me. "And you know he's up there right now checking to see if we got up to anything earlier."

"Oh absolutely," I smiled as I dipped my shoulders under the water.

"And kudos too," she pointed at me. "It was absolutely the right call for us to be in our suits and not drinking. There was nothing for him to get pissed at us about," she nodded.

"And," I added proudly. "The only thing going through his mind was us going down on each other."

"Can't blame him," she grinned at me. "That's pretty much the only thing going through my mind too."


"Oh fuck," Ashley hissed with pleasure as I brought another orgasm out of her.

I moaned loudly as I swallowed her thick goo and kept rubbing two fingers up inside her.

"That is just WAY too fucking hot," Mark laughed a few feet away from us. Taylor - on all fours in front of him - took her mouth off of his cock. "Um hello?" she grunted as Devon fucked her from behind. "Remember me? The girl about to suck you off to a mind-blowing orgasm?"

"Right," he nodded at her. "Sorry. Please proceed."

She winked up at him and smiled then swallowed his cock into her mouth.

"Y'know," I called out with my face resting against Ashley's thigh as she ran her fingers through my hair. "If you need some help Taylor, just ask," I giggled.

She muffled a negative and shook her head just as Devon pulled out and coated her backside with his jizz.

A few hours later, our group was packing up and preparing to leave our special spot. As Ashley and I got dressed, she gave me a nudge. "Hey," she said with a whisper as the others began heading to the path. "You should spring it on your dad when you get home."

"You think so?" I asked as I tied my hair up in a ponytail.

"Yeah," she nodded at me. "Tell him I wasn't here today, and that's what finally led you to ask."

"Good idea," I nodded.


"Hey dad," I called out as I walked in the front door. He was out back on the deck soaking up some sun, with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Hey honey," he replied. "How was your day at the beach?"

"Fine," I sighed as I joined him out back. I stood there just staring at him for a moment or two.

"What's up?" he asked when he noticed my gaze.

"I need to ask you something," I said tentatively. "And I don't," I intentionally stammered, as if I was really troubled. "I don't quite know how to ask," I finally finished.

He eyed me curiously for a moment. "What is it?" he asked in a calm voice.

"Well," I took a deep breath. "Are you fucking Ashley?"

"WHAT!?" he was absolutely stunned by the accusation. "Of course not! What would even make you ask such a question?"

"Well," I protested. "She's been acting really weird lately. Like," I added with a gesture. "Every time I ask her over, she wants to know if you're going to be here, and," I paused as if gathering my thoughts. "And let's face it," I continued with a nod. "You've been acting weird every time she's been over here. Like it's uncomfortable for you to be around her." I was loving my performance! Hell, I wish others were here to see it! I'd get an Oscar for it! "Plus," I kept going. "I know she has the hots for you, AND she bailed on us today. She wasn't at the beach with the rest of us!"

Case made, I stood there defiantly.

It took my dad a moment to process everything. "Okay," he finally said with a shake of his head. "None of that is even close to being proof of anything."

"I didn't say it was," I replied assertively. "That's why I asked."

"Well," he said in a condescending tone as he stood up. "You can rest assured: I am not having sex with your friend."

He had this smirk on his face and I KNEW he wanted to zing ME with the fact that he had video evidence of which of us actually WAS fucking Ashley.

"Okay then," I finally said with a nod. "Sorry," I shrugged. "I guess it's just a bunch of weird coincidences and it got me thinking. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything nefarious."

"Well," he sighed as he sat back down. "Despite jumping to the wrong conclusion," he huffed. "I guess I appreciate you asking me about it straight out."


The next day at work, I met Ashley in the staff room. She was done after working the lunch shift and I was about to go on for the early dinner shift. "Here ya go," I grinned at her as I passed her my house keys.

"Perfect," she grinned back at me. "What time will his golf game be over?"

I glanced at the clock on the wall. "Half hour or so," I said as I hung my purse up.

"Then I'd better get going," she gave me a quick hug and headed out.


Several hours later, I walked out of the restaurant and found Ashley waiting for me. "How'd it go?" I asked her with a smile as she walked up to me.

"Only fucking perfect," she grinned as she passed my keys to me. "I was in the hot-tub starkers when he got home." she explained as we slowly walked along. "He goes totally bat-shit, okay," she continued with a giggle. "So," she stopped walking and beamed with pride. "I just stood up and said 'why am I so bad too look at?'"

"What did he do then?" I laughed.

"Well," she smiled as we started walking again. "His face went the most lovely shade of fuchsia," she giggled. "But then he just walked back into the house."

"Ouch," I smirked at her. "That must have been a hit to your ego."

"Nah," she chided me. "I totally get it," she shrugged. "He was probably scared shitless that right in the middle of things, I'd nail him with 'you know, your daughter is much better at this'."

I laughed. "Oh fuck," I sighed. "I gotta tell ya," I said with a deep breath. "I was bit worried about you doing this today."

"How come, babe?" she asked.

"Well," I shrugged. "How did you know he wouldn't go totally OFF on you?"

"Easy," she replied with a shrug. "After you told me about his reaction to your accusations about him and me, AND his smirk."

I furrowed my brow. "What does that have to do with it?"

"We've got him over a barrel, babe," she giggled as she locked her arm in mine. "He knows about us," she playfully walked her fingers up my arm. "But he can't say anything lest his voyeur activities come to light."

"Ah," I nodded at her. "Very smart."

"Well," she chuckled. "I'm not just another pretty face."

"I know that," I giggled. "You've got a pretty hot pussy too!"


"Hey dad," I called out as I got inside. "How was golf?"

"Fine," he replied shortly as he stood up in the living room. "So," he said in a very dad-tone. "Ashley was over here this afternoon."

"Yeah, I know," I said without looking at him as I went to the fridge and grabbed myself a soda. "She wanted to take a hot-tub," I continued as I opened the can and took a sip. "Problem?" I asked with a shrug.

"I just find it interesting," he said in a snarky tone as he folded his arms over his chest. "That a day after you accuse me of an untoward relationship with her, that you'd let her come over here while you're at work."

"Oh jeez," I rolled my eyes at him. "You said nothing was going on between the two of you. What?" I gaped at him. "Am I being faulted for taking my father at his word?"

"Don't try and turn this around on me," he fired back, albeit still in a calm tone.

"She's been here plenty of times when I'm not around," I said in protest. "It's never been an issue."

"Well," he mocked me with his tone. "Now it is."

"Why?" I asked, stunned.

"Jesus Christ, Diane," he scoffed at me. "I get home and there's a naked eighteen year old in the hot-tub! What if one of my friends had been with me?"

"They'd probably think you were 'the man'," I chuckled. "So did you fuck her?" I asked with a big grin.

"This isn't a joke, young lady," he glared at me.

"What is the big deal, dad?" I said with a heavy sigh as I set my soda down. "You've seen Ash naked before."

"Well let me ask you," he replied in a very condescending tone. "How many times has her father seen YOU naked?"

"Well, none," I confessed.

"And how long do you think I'd have left to live if he ever found out how many times I've seen HIS daughter naked?" his sarcasm was THICK. "And," his glare intensified as he continued. "I would just like to point out that you told me only yesterday that she has a crush on me!"

"I didn't say 'crush'," it was my turn to be sarcastic. "I said she had the 'hots' for you. There IS a difference, y'know."

"Lose the attitude, young lady," he scolded me.

"Yes sir," I sighed. "However," I took a deep breath. "It wouldn't be a big deal to me if you did fuck her."

"Oh come ON, Diane!" he rolled his eyes at me. "Enough!"

"What's the big deal?" I asked with a shrug. "She sure as hell wouldn't mind it!"

"That's not the point," he protested, with his glare intensifying.

I just realized this was the most eye-contact my father had maintained with me in over a week! "I don't get it dad," I continued in protest. "Yes, I ASKED you if you were fucking her yesterday - ASKED," I stressed. "Not accused!" I pointed a finger at him for emphasis. "And most dads would be happy to have their daughters give them carte blanche to have a run at their hot friends!"