Diane on Cam Ch. 02


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"Oh my god!" he replied, exasperated.

"What? I'm just saying!" I said. "I mean hell, if you weren't my dad, I wouldn't mind having a go with you." OH WOW! I couldn't believe I'd just said that!

"Enough," he held up a hand to silence me. "From now on," he said sternly. "Ashley is not allowed over here by herself. Clear, young lady?"

"Got it," I said meekly. I picked up my drink and headed for the back door. "Y'know, in my defense," I couldn't resist getting the last word in. "It's not like she stole anything." I closed the door behind me and immediately broke into a wide smile as I surveyed the view of the lake. I raised my can in toast to myself and took a sip. "Nicely done, Diane," I said with pride.


"I don't know what you did," Ashley giggled to me excitedly when we met for coffee on Monday. "But it worked like a charm!"

"Oh," I said with pride as I sat down. "You'd have been proud of me."

"Trust me, babe," she grinned slyly at me as she slid her phone over to me. "I AM proud of you!"

I looked at her phone and saw the email from my dad. "Holy shit!" I whispered as I read it. "He knows it's you!"

The email said exactly that: 'I know it's you, Ashley. Stay the hell off my computer! Got it?'

"What did you say that tipped him off?" she smiled at me as she took a sip of her latte.

"Oh," I smirked as I recalled the conversation. "Well, he wasn't thrilled that you were naked," I explained. "And he said you weren't allowed over by yourself anymore."

"Oh," she winked at me. "We'll see about that."

I grinned at her. "After I played 'good daughter' and agreed, I added that it wasn't like you stole anything."

"Oh fuck!" she giggled at me in a whisper. "That was perfect!"

"Thanks," I nodded at her. "So what's next?"

"I'm gonna let him stew," she eased back in her chair, crossed her legs and played with her hair with one hand. "Maybe Wednesday or Thursday I'll be over at your place," she said as I saw the gears working in her head.

"And then?" I grinned at her.

"Then?" she grinned back. "I'll email him back."


"Hey dad," I said pleasantly from behind the island counter in the kitchen as he entered the house Thursday after work. "I hope you don't mind, but I invited Ashley over for dinner."

Standing next to me, Ashley gave my dad a playful wave.

"That's fine," he sighed as he moved inside.

"We're gonna hop into hot-tub if that's okay," I added in my same innocent tone.

"That's fine," he sighed again as he loosened his tie.

"Oh fuck," Ashley moaned with a roll of her eyes. "The tension here is thick enough to cut with a knife!" She made her way to the fridge and opened up the freezer and pulled the bottle of vodka out.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" my dad asked sternly.

"I'm making you a drink," she replied in a cool tone. "First off, because you look like you could use one, and," she nodded as she began fixing him a vodka-tonic. "As my way of apologizing for last Sunday."

"Listen," my dad held up a finger in her direction.

"Oh come on," I jumped into things. "I need you two to play nice," I playfully chided them both.

"Hey," Ashley giggled. "I'm always nice."

My dad glared at her.

"Dad? Please?" I implored him. "She's my best friend. And," I put a hand on his arm. "A good friend too."

He winced slightly and shook his head. "Fine," he finally sighed.

"Okay then," I nodded. "I'm gonna get into my bikini," I smiled at my dad, and then turned and gave Ashley a wink. "Can I trust you two to get along?"

"I'm fine," Ashley smiled.

"I think I can handle it," my dad nodded.

"Great," I smiled broadly and then headed for the stairs.


"So?" I asked Ashley nervously as we lounged in the hot-tub.

"Well," she grinned broadly as she worked her arms though the water. "When I gave him his drink I told him I was sorry for not emailing him back," she giggled.

"And then?" I whispered.

"He got snarky," she sighed. "As expected. But then I laid into him."

"Oh fuck," I giggled. "I think I'm gonna love this."

"Oh you are," she grinned at me again and switched her seat to the one next to me. "I told him," she began with giddy anticipation. "That he couldn't resist me forever," she paused as we both giggled. "Then," she said after a deep breath. "I told him since you were working on Sunday, he'd skip his usual golf game and be waiting for me naked in this very hot-tub."

"Wait a sec," I said with a furrowed brow. "I'm not working Sunday."

"I know," she smiled at me.

"Oh my god!" I put a hand to my mouth. "How did you get him to agree?"

"Oh that was easy," she sighed as she made her way opposite me again. "I just told him if he didn't, I'd send videos he has of you to a few select people," she gave me a knowing look. "Including a few at his work."

"Holy shit," I whispered with a smile on my face. "You are pure evil!" I giggled.


"Have fun golfing dad," I said as I donned my high heels by the front door and cinched my purse over my shoulder on Sunday morning.

"Enjoy your day at work," he replied in a solemn tone.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I rested my hand on the door knob.

He seemed a bit startled. He did a bit of a double-take and then nodded at me and smiled. "Yeah," he assured me. "I'm fine."

"Okay," I smiled back at him. I opened up the door and headed out.

I walked down the street and around the corner and met Ashley as planned. She passed me a cup of coffee and smiled at me. "How's he doing?" she asked with a smile.

"I think he's a little freaked out," I smirked as I took a sip. "How long do we give him?"

Ashley looked at her watch. "Let's give him fifteen minutes or so," she said with a nod.


Ashley pulled her phone out and sent a message to my dad: Are you naked and in the hot-tub? I'm almost there.

It took a moment but the reply came back: Yes. Let's get this over with.

"It's show time," she grinned at me.

We walked back the short distance to my house. Ashley snuck up and took a peek through the window to make sure my dad hadn't been lying about being in the hot-tub. She then beckoned me forth with a wave of her hand.

"Should I just go up into my room and wait?" I asked her in a whisper as we approached the front door.

"Oh hell no," she smiled at me. "I want you to watch me at work," she continued with a giggle. "When I stand up and tell your dad to take me upstairs? That's your cue."

"Got it," I grinned at her.

We made our way inside quietly and both crept up to the kitchen window which was open just enough to hear the hum of the hot-tub motor. There was my dad in the hot-tub, just as Ashley had instructed.

"This is perfect," she giggled as she pulled her top off. "Pour me a glass of wine, would you?"

"Okay," I snickered as she continued getting undressed. "Do you want me to pour one for my dad too?" I asked.

"Oh no," she chided me playfully as she accepted the glass from me. "Wait and see his reaction when I step out there."

She made her way to the back door and gave me a wink before she slid it open. I glanced out the kitchen window and saw my dad look over as Ashley stepped outside totally naked.

"Hello lover," she cooed to him.

"Jesus," he moaned. "It's not even noon," he gestured to her wine glass.

"Hey," she shrugged as she seductively walked up to the hot-tub to join my dad. "There are people sober in India right now."

I began to bite at my lower lip as my pussy began to tingle. I watched as Ashley eased herself into the water and faced my dad. She purposely sat upright to keep her nice tits above the water-line.

"Why so glum?" she giggled at my dad after a sip of wine. "Do you have any idea how many guys in this town would give their eye-teeth to be in your position right now?"

"I suppose," my dad sighed. "Maybe I just don't like being blackmailed," he said tersely.

"In fairness," she pointed a finger at him. "You've got no one to blame for that but yourself."

I saw my dad's head and shoulders droop.

"Don't worry," Ashley giggled. She took another sip of wine and then grinned at my dad. "You know how hot I think Diane is myself," she had a SHIT-EATING grin on her face when she said that.

"About that," my dad sighed. "Are you just toying with her? You know, as a way to get to me?"

OH FUCK!!!! Did I ever love my dad at that moment. He was in a hot-tub, with a hot eighteen year old blonde, and he was STILL looking out for me!

"Of course not," she gave him a wave of her hand. "I care about her too much to do something that shitty."

"And you don't think this is equally shitty?" my dad challenged her. "Blackmailing me like this?"

"No," she replied curtly with a shake of her head. "I'm not doing this to HER. I'm doing it to YOU!"

Even though his back was to me, I could tell my dad was just shooting daggers with his eyes at her at that moment.

"Tell ya what," Ashley said with a sly grin on her face. She placed her wine glass onto the edge and then moved across the hot-tub, face to face with my dad. "Oh hello," she giggled. "You might be protesting," she added with a smile. "But HE isn't," she dropped her eyes down, and I knew she was referring to my dad's cock!

GOD! My pussy wasn't just tingling anymore. It was throbbing!

"Speak your piece," my dad breathed heavily to her.

"Let's go upstairs," she playfully ran her fingers over his chest hair. "And I'll blow you," she cooed. "If it doesn't meet with your approval," she said as she stood up. "I'll back off. Deal?"

That was my cue! Yet for some reason I stayed for another moment.

"Deal," my dad sighed as he stood up.

HOLY SHIT!!! I could see his semi-erect cock as he stood before Ashley. I didn't even touch myself, and yet I came a bit!

I quickly snuck away from the window and hurried upstairs and into my room. I quickly got undressed and hopped onto my bed. I reached down and grabbed my pussy and I immediately exploded!

I writhed with pleasure as I heard Ashley and my dad make their way down the hall and into his bedroom. I got up off the bed and moved to my door and opened it slightly.

"Now you have to be fair," I heard Ashley say. "I don't want to gag on buckets of your cum and then have you tell me I was no good," she giggled.

"Fine," my dad replied in a resigned voice. "Let's get this over with."

"Jeez dude," she chided him. "Don't sound so enthused."

I snuck a peek around my door and saw my dad flop down onto his back on his bed.

"Listen," Ashley stood before him wiggling her hips a bit. "I've got an idea," she giggled. "Wait here."

I pulled back from the door as Ashley pushed it opened and stepped inside. "Oh my god!" she whispered to me giddily. "He's got a great cock!"

"Careful," I giggled to her as I passed her the sash from my robe that she'd used to blindfold me during our first session on my bed. "That is my dad you're talking about."

"I know," she giggled back to me as she accepted the sash. "Just giving you an update," she winked at me and headed out the door, back down the hall in into my dad's bedroom.

"What the hell is this?" I heard my dad ask.

"I did the same thing with Diane," Ashley giggled to him. "And," she cooed. "With your eyes covered you can pretend it's Diane blowing you if you want."

HOLY FUCK!!! I couldn't believe she said that. I was even more surprised when my dad didn't offer a word of protest.

"Okay," she called out. "Now just lay back and relax, and let me send you to heaven."

That was my cue again! I snuck a peek out of my door and looked up the hall. I saw Ashley beckon me into my dad's room.

I tiptoed up the hall and into my dad's room. Ashley smiled and beckoned me with my head towards my dad.

I licked my lips as I saw his semi-erect cock. One deep breath later I was crawling onto his bed and taking up position. I gazed lovingly at the cock that eighteen years earlier had spewed cum into my mother's pussy and led to my birth. I gently took it in my hand and slowly stroked it.

My dad moaned softly and shifted his position a bit.

I continued to breathe heavily as I watched my dad's cock grow under my touch. I saw a blob of pre-cum ooze out, and I leaned forward to lick it off. Then I took my dad's cock into my mouth.

OH MY GOD!!!! I came the second I felt his length inside my mouth! I moaned loudly as I began to bob my head up and down over his - now fully-erect - cock.

I was so lost in pure pleasure at having my dad's cock in my mouth that I barely noticed Ashley had left the room. It wasn't until she was back and kneeling next to the bed with her phone that I saw her.

She held her phone up and beamed a smile at me. I wrapped my lips tightly around my dad's cock and sucked for all I was worth! He continued to moan and writhe with pleasure while Ashley snapped pics.

My pussy was trembling and spewing bits of cum as I hungrily continued to suck away on my dad's cock. I SO wanted to feel his hands on me - to let him know that it was ME giving him this pleasure - but I knew that could blow things up. So I just happily continued enjoying the feel of my dad's cock in my mouth.

I LOVED the sensation of the thick veins on his shaft, and I really loved the fleshy feel of the head of his cock in the back of my mouth! Fuck I was in heaven! I didn't want this to end, but at the same time, I kinda did.

OH! When the first of his cum shot forth into my mouth and hit the back of my throat, I moaned loudly - AND I came again!

I greedily worked my mouth over my dad's cock and happily sucked down every ounce of cum he spewed forth. I finally lifted my head and exhaled heavily and ran my hands though my hair.

Ashley gave me a quizzical look and gestured with her head for me to head out. I licked my lips as I glanced back at my dad lying there naked, and moaning with pleasure. Pleasure that I had just given him!

I felt so proud as I eased off the bed and followed Ashley into my room.

"What the fuck?" she giggled at me. "I was hoping to get a shot of you with his cum in your mouth."

"Sorry," I smiled at her.

"Here," she giggled at me and passed me her phone.

She headed back down the hall and re-entered my dad's room. "I guess you can take that off now," she said to him.

I snuck a peek and saw her standing there with her hands on her hips at the foot of my dad's bed.

"So how was I?" she asked him.

"I guess I can't deny it," my dad replied as he pulled the blindfold off. "Pretty good," he exhaled heavily as he shifted on the bed and put his feet on the floor. "Why did you leave the room right after?"

"Oh hell dude," Ashley chuckled with a smile. "I'm not the one who swallows. That's your daughter."


The next day, Ashley and I giggled like mad as she sent my dad a picture of me with his cock in my mouth.

"God," she exhaled heavily. "I wish I could see his face right now!"

"He's probably the same shade of fuchsia as when you were naked in the hot-tub," I giggled back.


I was standing in the kitchen wearing my skimpiest bikini when my dad came through the front door. "Hey dad. How was you day?"

He loosened his tie as he kept his gaze away from me. "I've had better," he muttered.

"Oh, again?" I groaned. "Do you want me to make you a drink?"

"Diane," he sighed. "I think we need to talk," he said with his eyes still fixed on the floor.

"Uh oh," I replied with a chuckle. "Maybe we both need a drink."

"Don't be smart with me, young lady!" he barked.

"Okay," I replied as I held my hands up. "What's up?"

He finally fixed his gaze on me. But it was only for a moment. His eyes went back to the floor as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's about your friend Ashley," he said flatly.

"Oh," I said knowingly. "Don't worry about it. She told me."

"She told you WHAT?" my dad's gaze met my eyes again.

"That she sucked you off yesterday," I giggled as I opened the freezer and pulled out the bottle of vodka.

"Oh did she?" my dad's tone was mocking.

"Yeah," I replied as I mixed two drinks and then walked up to my dad and handed him one. "I told you," I shrugged as I toasted him with my glass. "I'm okay with it."

My dad just glared at me. "And what about yourself, young lady?" he snorted at me. "And your so-called friend."

"Don't be an ass, dad!" I shot back at him as I turned and walked back into the kitchen. "Ash is my friend!"

"Is she?" he fired back. "She blackmails me into sex," he growled. "And she has no problem putting YOU out there for all to see!"

Under normal circumstances, it probably would have been the latter part of his comment that I would've replied to. However, since I was abreast of everything, I focused on the former part.

"Wait," I said. "How did she blackmail you?"

My dad's eyes bugged out the moment he realized he'd revealed too much. "That's," he stammered. "Not the issue," he finally spat out.

"Well," I bobbed my head in a mocking gesture. "What IS the issue?"

My dad took a deep breath with his eyes closed. "You told me you were careful," he finally exhaled.

"I am," I shrugged.

"Oh okay," his voice was thick with sarcasm. "And Ashley is a GOOD friend!"

"She is!" I shot back.

My dad stiffened in front of me. He placed his drink down onto the island counter and dug into his suit pocket. "Then why would your good friend send THIS to me?" he growled as he pushed the phone into my face.

I saw the picture of me with my dad's cock in my mouth. "Oh that?" I grinned at him. "She thought you might like it," I shrugged and took a sip of my drink. "I did too." I added with a wink.

"What the hell are you talking about?" my dad asked in bewilderment.

"Dad! Have you taken a good look at that?" I asked him coyly.

My dad furrowed his brow as he turned the phone back and looked at the image of me again. "What?" he asked sharply.

"Does the bedding look a bit familiar?" I asked with a sly grin.

He looked back down at the image and his eyes bugged out of his skull. "Holy shit!" he whispered as it finally hit him.

I smiled at him as I saw all the color drain from his face. "Fuck dad," I giggled at him. "Have a sip of your drink before you pass out."


I'd been sitting across from my dad in the living room for about fifteen minutes in TOTAL silence. I sort of wanted to press the issue, but I could tell he was more than a little freaked out by everything.

"How long have you known?" he finally said in a soft tone.

"Weeks," I replied with a grin and a shrug. "After those pics of me hit the internet."

"Oh god," he groaned and rubbed his temple with one hand, while the other nervously guided his drink up to his mouth. "I am SO sorry about that. I only sent them to one other person," he sighed heavily. "I knew that was a mistake."

I nodded at him, recalling the anger that had gripped when I first found out I was being peeped on, and THEN when I found out my own father was behind it.

"So for weeks" he sighed again - still not making eye-contact with me. "And your first reaction was to concoct this master-plan with Ashley?" he shook his head in disbelief.

"Not my first reaction," I said calmly.

He finally glanced up at me. He looked SO sheepish and helpless at the moment, and I felt SO sorry for him. After all, it's not everyday that a father gets outted for peeping his daughter.

THAT'S when it hit me! He was going through the same sense of shock and awe that I was after I first found out.

"Look," I nodded at him as I stood up. I gave him a warm smile as I stood before him. "I know this is a lot to deal with," I couldn't help but giggle. "A LOT," I added for effect. "And yes," I gave him a knowing look. "Part of this was all about making you squirm for spying on me," I said flatly.

He winced and his gaze dropped to the floor again.