Dianne Forgot


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As laid upon him, Jackson held her tight. He would always treasure this moment. He felt like a man again. He didn't realize that Dianna had affected him that way, but it realized that it had affected him. He felt his dick slip from her pussy as it went flaccid, and felt his fluid leaking out of her down his abdomen and onto the sheets, but at this moment, he didn't care. He continued to hold her as they both drifted off to sleep.

Jackson woke first. He looked lovingly at Rebecca. His mind had reorganized her. Becks was Dianna's friend. Becks was a 'fungirl', but Rebecca was a mature woman that he thinks he might be in love with. He enjoyed spending time with her, and he enjoyed spending time with her boys. He hadn't realized how much he missed being someone's dad.

He kissed her as he woke her. "Rebecca," he said for the first time. "I don't know where this will go, but I don't want to see any other women but you. I don't want to presume that you feel the same but I would like it if you did."

She kissed him. "I would like nothing better."

Rebecca smiled until she saw the alarm clock. "Oh, shit. It's after one! The boys will be worried." Getting out of bed, Jackson saw her body for the first time, and he was pleased. She might think that she was overweight, but he thought she was perfect. "Can I use your shower?"

"Of course." He said, as he thought about joining her in the shower, but he knew that being mom was more important at that moment. He stayed out of her way as she got dressed, but he did walk her to her car, and give her a nice kiss.

"I would like you to bring the boys back in a couple of hours. I want to make sure that they are Okay with me dating their mom." he asked. She smiled, that's very thoughtful.

Rebecca returned with her sons to find that Jackson had burgers grilled, and a table set with potato salad, beans, and condiments. After they had eaten, Jackson took the boys aside while she cleaned up the table mess. They sat around the fire pit.

"Fellas, I want to have a man-to-man talk with you. I am very fond of your mother, and I would like to see her romantically if it's alright with you. It is important that you approve, because I have grown fond of you as well. May I date your mother?"

The three lads looked at each other. No man had ever asked such a question to them before. None of the boys said anything to each other. The younger two looked to the oldest brother, and nodded. The oldest son, the man-of-the-house, looked at Jackson. "Yes sir, we would like that."

Jackson stood up, and the boys stood up he gathered them into a group hug.

Jackson heard the youngest ask, "Are you going to be our new dad."

He hugged them tighter. "If that's what you want, I would be honored."

Rebecca teared up as she watched. Her boys needed a man in their life as much as she wanted one. A man that would set a good example to the young men as they grew up. She reached for a napkin to wipe her tears as she watched the youngest grab the basketball from the storage shed, and ran toward the basketball court while Jackson and his brothers waited to play the regular game of 2on2.

As she removed the trash bag filled with the trash from their meal, Rebecca heard the doorbell ring. "Jackson, someone's at your door."

Playing basketball, he didn't hear her. She wiped her hands on a kitchen towel, and went through the patio doors into the house, and toward the front door. The bell rang again, as she opened the door to face Di.

Rebecca fell backward onto her bottom when Di shoved her way into the house. "What are you doing in my house?" Di growled at her.

Rebecca stood up and shoved Di back a step. "It's not your house anymore, it's Jackson's. You live in a apartment on over Richards Street. Remember, you threw me out of it last night."

Brushing past Becks, Di was looking for Jackson. "Where's my husband? I've been in jail all night. He should have come and got me out."

Rebecca dashed in front of Di, and she went face to face with her. "Why do you think he would get you out of jail?"

"He's my husband. It's his responsibility."

"No, it's not his responsibility to get you out of the drunk tank. It's your responsibility to not get arrested for public in-tox. Take some responsibility for your life." Becks was fuming at her old friend.

Di rushed from room to room, but Rebecca stayed after her. "I know why you're here. But it's not going to work. You threw him away, and I tried to be there for him so he didn't go off into the dark place that my ex went to."

She put her hands on her hips, and looked Di in he eyes. "You are where I was three years ago, you screwed up and lost your husband because you were doing stupid things that a married woman shouldn't do, and you're going to pay the price. Loneliness is a hard price. Coming home every night to a cold quiet apartment, never again hearing the sweet gentle noises of a loving husband and children. I was lucky, I had my children, but your son is grown, and your husband is divorcing you. It's going to be tough, as you're going to be lonely and forty-five sitting at home weeknights, while you wait for Friday and Saturday nights when you can find some man, any man, to warm your bed."

Di stared at Becks.

Rebecca continued, "And some dating advice. You can find men with bigger dicks, but I found that most men with bigger dicks are so hung up on themselves and their dicks that they real don't have anything to offer a woman other than a fucking. They tend to have trouble keeping jobs or have issues at work because all they try to do fucks other women. Can't keep their stats up. You're good looking so you can find plenty of men to fuck you, but those guys are at the bar to fuck something, anything, or any woman. You're not going to find a new husband there. Besides at your age, most of those drunks suffer from spongy dick."

"Steph makes it sound like you have fucked dozens of guys over the last month, so I guess it's probably closer to ten or twelve. Since you're here, I am going to bet that none of them, including the big dick that started your mess, have been good lovers."

Di didn't reply, but Rebecca could tell everything from the silence.

"Di, I didn't plan this, but this morning, I made love to Jackson." She held up her hand. "You and I both know something. We share something. We both know that he is an incredible lover. So caring, so passionate." She smiles to herself. "That is something so rare."

Di began to cry. "I am so stupid. You're so right. He is wonderful, and he is the best lover that I have ever had. I forgot that. I thought that I could have an adventure that he'd never know about, and get a taste of something better. That once in a lifetime sex." She paused. "I'd already had that." Di whispered.

Becks walked to the patio door. "Jackson is outside with the boys. I can go get him."

Di stood beside her friend, and watched the basketball go through the hoop from Jackson's jumpshot. "He's a great dad. I'd forgotten how much I like to watch him play basketball." She looked at her friend. "Do you love him?"

"I do." Becks announced. "I want you to know that today was our first time. I don't know if he loves me like I love him, but if he chooses me, I will spend the rest of my life making him happy. We both have menopause in our near future, and I know that will change things, but Jackson seems like the man that will understand and find a way to make it work for us."

Dianna sniffled. "I did come here today to seduce him again. To be made love to, one last time. Even if it's a pity fuck, but if he made love to you then it's over, and he's moving on. I know how he does things. He wouldn't have done that if I had a chance."

Di turned and walked back toward the door. At the door, she stopped and turned. "Tell him that I'll get an attorney and sign the papers."

Rebecca told Jackson about Di's visit, and that her attorney would be in touch with his attorney. He packed her and the boys up, and before he sent them home. He kissed her softly, and closed the car door.

Seven months later, Di asked for a short meeting with Jackson and his attorney before they went before the judge. Jackson knew that Dianna would need some form of closure. She apologized for being selfish and resentful. That she had forgotten how incredible he was. How she wished that she had never started hanging our with the girls. She knew he never wanted her to, and had told her so.

"Dianna, I tried to tell you that married women can't go out and act like single girls. I knew that you weren't being faithful on Girls Nights. Someone always sees you that you don't notice. Over the years, I have gotten pictures and messages from people that saw you in the clubs and restaurants, but I chose to ignore it because I loved you, but enough is enough. When I came home that Saturday, and heard you talking about how you were going to screw this guy, I knew that it was over for me. If you didn't want me, then he could have you. I would not be disrespected any more."

He stood. "Have a good life, Dianna. You will always be a part of my life. We have a son, and there will times like birthdays and holidays when we will see each other. I will be civil and friendly. I will be available if it's an emergency, but we will never share a bed again. I have always been a one woman man, and that will never change."

He closed the door behind him, and Dianna wept.

Rebecca stood in front of Jackson as they faced the basketball court. It was their fifth anniversary, and she needed a quiet moment away from the others celebrating inside the house. Jackson's son had bonded quickly with his new step-brothers. He was married with a child on the way. He had returned home and joined his father in business. Her oldest son had graduated a few months before, and wanted to learn as much as he could before opening his own business. The middle son had gone to trade school and worked as a plumber, but even on this happy occasion, she was down because the youngest was ready to leave for his freshman year at State University.

She had spent nearly twenty four years as mom, and now she was going to be an empty-nester, and a newborn's grandmother. Jackson held her tightly. Giving his strength to her, Jackson understood that her 'baby' would be soon leaving the nest.

Jackson smiled at her, and released her. "Don't forget that I love you."

She bend down and picked up the basketball. "I won't ever forget."

She dribbled the basketball over to Jackson. "Think the boys want to play?"

He smiled at her, as they turned to watch their sons stream out the patio door toward them.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

woulda been a five except for terrible spellin, etc.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What man is so defectively wired that he would walk into a conversation like that and not immediately go on the offensive? Too many of these stories rely on the husband behaving in a way totally contrary to how a normal man would act or react. If nothing else, walk in and drop the divorce hammer on the nascent cheater. Depose the friends, and you find out quickly how many women will NOT lie under oath for a cheater. Dumb premise. 3 stars 'cuz I'm appreciative of effort if not results.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She destroyed her life in search of something, forgetting that she already had it to begin with. What an utterly pointless waste. And so many more people keep making this mistake on a daily basis. Sad. Let that be a lesson to you: never lose sight of what you have and don't be tempted by the old "grass is greener" bullshit, or you may very well lose everything you hold dear.

nixroxnixrox5 months ago

3 star for a decent BTB, but I also agree with a few commenters that it is way too convenient to have a ready-made rescue woman handy to jump on the guy's bones happily ever after. No way - it takes months and sometimes years to get past the anger, loss and pain.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am always dismayed at the stories where the husband finds out about his cheating wife, eventually divorces her, and either right after the divorce decree is final he immediately remarries or does so within a few months or year and we are expected to believe they live happily ever after... no period to reorient his life, no introspection or counseling, and no attempt at a long-term (over 1-year) relationship before getting back into another marriage... the quick jump back into a relationship after divorce is nothing more than a band-aid for the pain of the desolution of and the hidding from the short-comings of the past relationship... and, just another disaster waiting to happen again... romantic illusions are not the solutions.

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