Diary of a Goth Princess Ch. 01


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"Just some girls sending me... it's just stupid kid stuff... you know how it goes. I told Principal Carpenter so I would be covered in case anything were to be misinterpreted, and hopefully no one's getting in any trouble," he said, trying to brush it off.

This was a good angle to attack from. Mocking shock, I said, "Mr. Beaumont! Have these girls been *sexting* you?"

"NO!" he declared, defensive. "Nothing like that; you're the only one in school who actually has my number. Just girls passing notes, stupid, harmless stuff. It's just..."

"It's just, what?" I asked.

Looking nervous, Mr. Beaumont licked his lips. "I'm not from around here, so I don't know how everything goes, but have you ever noticed something peculiar with the people of Regan Hills?"

"Define peculiar," I replied.

He sought out the best words to make his point, but I think that became a challenge when he was talking to a girl who wasn't his wife. "It's... is everyone here just a little... overexcited, sometimes? Particularly enthusiastic when it comes to... amorous affections?"

If he thought those words were going to beat around the bush with me, he was dead wrong.

I grinned, this time a little more devilishly. "Are you asking me if everyone's horny?"

He looked like I slapped him when I used that word, but didn't deny anything. I was pressing his buttons, and it was time to start applying more pressure.

"I won't lie to you, it's pretty fucking intense around here a lot of the time. We do live in a town of disproportionately beautiful and talented and excitable people, after all. No one knows why, though the popular theories are something being in the water, or a witch's curse. Or a witch cursing the water, who knows? You get used to it, eventually, and if you decide to go with the flow like a sane person, you can have a lot of fun. Life around here's a whole lot easier when you do," I said, lowering my voice and dropping much of the perkiness from my words. I wanted this to seem casual, even normal to him, so it would find a way of worming its way into his brain.

Again, Mr. Beaumont shuffled around in his seat on the couch. It was a look I knew on guys well, and I was pretty fucking sure he was trying to hide an erection. He didn't want it, but there wasn't anything he could do about it, and it let me circle around for the attack.

"I'm not sure I want to get used to living like that," he said.

"It's not that hard," I answered, quickly.

"For you, maybe, but I can't do it," Mr. Beaumont replied.

"Why?" I asked, inching closer to him.

"Because I just can't, alright?" he said, defensive, and almost scared. Not scared enough to kick me out, but I had him on the precipice of admitting some things he might not have wanted to admit.

"Why not?" I asked, losing more of the façade I'd put together with every passing word.

"Because I'm a married man," Mr. Beaumont replied, sliding a few inches away from me on the couch. "A *happily* married man, and if I'm going to have to be fending off these girls all the fucking time, Leslie's going to see something eventually, and that's... there will be a misunderstanding. Something bad could happen, and I don't want that. I love her. I love the life we've put together; I'm not going to throw that all away because... because some people think there's something in the water."

He said this with great passion and conviction, almost enough to sound absolutely certain of what he was doing.

This was bullshit, of course. He was trying to convince himself, and he had somehow deluded himself into thinking that I was a sympathetic ear and not just another one of the sluts of Regan Hills who wanted him pounding away at them.

I laughed, shaking my head slightly. "No offense, Mr. Beaumont, but I don't buy it."

If he'd been looking to me for sympathy, it looked like I'd slapped him again by turning it down. "Huh?"

"The whole goody-two-shoes act, how you wouldn't dare look at any of the girls throwing themselves at you because you love your wife who works so hard you barely even see her anymore. I don't buy it. Oh, sure, you love your wife, I believe that, and that's cool because we all deserve someone to love, but deep down you're just another guy; throw enough T&A his way, and he'll skip out on his principles to feast and fuck the night away without abandon because he's got needs," I said, all pretenses of kindness gone from my voice.

This seemed to surprise Mr. Beaumont more than anything else. "I am a *teacher*... I've made a sacred oath to my calling, I can't just fuck my stude-"

"Oh, please," I said, shaking my head again. "I can think of four teachers off the top of my head who've fucked one of the senior class this year. They've all got husbands, and they did it anyway, because it's fun. You wouldn't have to throw anything away to do this, because you wouldn't have to get caught if you were smart about it. And on top of all that, I don't think any of the girls at school would blame you for breaking down and having a little fun... and honestly, I think you want to."

"I don't," he said, trying to sound decisive and final but sounding thoroughly unsure of himself.

"I'm pretty sure you do," I said, confident and sliding ever closer to him.

He looked at me, almost frightened. "What... what makes you say that?"

"Simple," I said, dropping any semblance of an act and giving him my normal, darker tone of voice. "Because you haven't been able to take your eyes off my tits since you walked into the room."

Mr. Beaumont's eyes went wide, and I could see him looking around, fearful. "I don't know what you're talking about-"

"I do," I said, standing up and looking down at him on the couch. "I'm saying you haven't been able to take your eyes off of your 18-year-old student and babysitter's big, soft, round tits."

He gulped, looking as unconfident as I had ever seen him as I had him against the ropes. "I... I... I..."

"You should let me do the talking, is what you should do," I said, enjoying the sight of him closing his mouth. "That's better. See, isn't that a lot better?"

I stepped in front of him, and though his eyes followed me for a moment, soon he was looking off to the side, ashamed.

"I shouldn't have looked... I'm sorry... it was wrong, I was weak, weak and stupid, and Leslie's been working so much lately and we haven't had the chance to be intimate in so long, and these girls have been throwing themselves at me, and I've been so amped up even when I didn't want to be... I'm sorry, Josie. I shouldn't have looked, it was wrong, and I am sorry... I'm so sorry, please forgive me..." he said, dropping his head to his hands in shame.

I don't know what he was expecting from me, but laughter probably wasn't it.

Mr. Beaumont looked up at me, confused. "What? Why?"

I grinned down at him. "You seem to think I have a problem with you looking at my tits. I just wanted to let you know, I don't. I wanted you to look at my tits. I've wanted you to look at them for a while, and was just waiting for you to come to your senses. It felt really, really good having you stare at my tits..."

I squeezed them through my top, pinching my prominent nipples through the thin fabric of my dark tank top.

"...they're really big, and I'm really fucking proud of them!" I declared, before spinning around and showing him my ass through my tight shorts. "Of course, I'm even prouder of my ass, but it's pretty obvious why, isn't it? I've got a pretty epic fucking ass, every guy and girl I've asked has said so. This is a pretty unforgettable ass, wouldn't you say?"

Before he could say anything, I reached back and spanked one of my cheeks through my shorts, before spinning around to face him again. Mr. Beaumont looked white as a sheet, but I could see a flush of red filling his face. Maybe it was lust, maybe it was anger, but it was something I could work with.

"Josie... I think you've got the wrong idea," Mr. Beaumont said, his voice shaky even though he'd regained a lot of his strength.

"No, I don't," I said, firmly, approaching him until my legs were pressed against his on the couch. "You've been staring at my tits all night, just like you've snuck glances at my tits and the tits of all the other girls in school who've been trying to get in your pants, because... well, you're not an old man, but I think deep down, you are still dirty as hell."

I leaned over slightly, smiling proudly. "Lucky for you, I'm a dirty little slut, and if you wanted to see my tits, all you had to do was ask."

I wasn't going to give him the chance to ask, because he would probably have tried to come up with some argument that would keep the inevitable at bay longer. I couldn't have that, not when I was so horny, right now... so I acted. I reached down for the hem of my tank top and pulled it up and over my head, leaving myself topless in front of Mr. Beaumont.

"Josie!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he took me in. "I, ummm..."

If his eyes had a hard time leaving my tits before, they were glued to them now. I couldn't blame him; I had nice tits. They were firm and full D-cups, with nice, thick, dark nipples that were very sensitive when you treated them right, with my left nipple pierced by a small silver bar piercing. I knew that I had bigger breasts than his wife, and that pretty much all guys were suckers for a nice pair of huge tits thrust in their face.

Though he struggled to fight it, Mr. Beaumont simply continued to stare.

"Pretty great, huh?" I said, reaching up to pinch my nipples and moaning. "I like it when I do it... but it's a lot more fun when somebody else plays with my tits. You want to touch them?"

As if a fog cleared, he said, "Josie, I-"

"You want to suck on them?" I interrupted.

"I can't-"

"You wanna fuck 'em?" I suggested, smiling devilishly.

Mr. Beaumont was silenced by that phrasing, and he looked up at me with a curious look in his eyes. There was a distinct flash of fear and intimidation to how he looked at me, but there was also a certain darkness.

I could work with that kind of darkness.

"This is wrong," he said, still fighting that internal battle, but his will breaking with every moment.

"Duh. That's what makes it so much fun!" I said, approaching him and quickly climbing over him. I straddled his lap, sitting down on what felt like a thick fucking cock, and ground against it.

Oh yes, this was going to be lots of fun.

My tits were only a few inches away from his face, and I had him nearly hypnotized.

"You can kiss them if you want... squeeze them... squeeze them real hard... I don't know how your wife likes it, but this little slut likes it rough, and hard, and I think you can deliver... because I know you think you're a nice guy, and you've tried to be a nice guy, but I can sense a beast in you just waiting to be let out... so why don't you let him? Live for the joy that beast will bring you as you sling this thick cock around school... all the girls will thank you... they'll all be happy to do so much more than thank you... just give in. You've already got a topless slut sitting on your lap... why not just lean forward and start sucking on my tits? I want it... I want it so bad, Mr. Beaumont..." I groaned, grinding on his lap.

I could see the struggle within him, but it was a losing battle. He was a big, strong guy, and if he wanted to get rid of me, he could have. He could have tossed me off of him so easily, but instead he was letting me grind up against his lap, and he began to grind against me. I don't know if it was something he was conscious of, or if it was simply instinct that came when he had such a hot bitch on top of him, but he was breaking.

I looked down at him, and it was as if a shadow passed over his face. The good Mr. Beaumont was no longer in the building, and all I saw was a hungry, angry man.

"You little bitch..." he groaned, licking his lips as he eyed my unpierced nipple.

"Guilty as charged," I said, leaning into his face.

Mr. Beaumont's open mouth caught my nipple, and without any hesitation whatsoever, he began to lick and suck at my nipple. Fuck, he was good... my body lit up with a dark pleasure as it had taken hardly any serious effort to bring him down to my level. I wasn't sure he'd even seen a pair of naked tits other than his wife's in god only knew how long, and he took to me like a starving man takes to his first meal in a long time. I moaned, rocking against him as he continued to feast, then reached down and grabbed his hands, planting them on my ass. He squeezed me without question or concern, roughly groping my ass as I ground against him.

"That's it, Mr. Beaumont, suck my tits... suck your student's tits... suck your babysitter's tits... like that, oh fuck, fuck, that feels good, yes..." I said, pulling my tit from his mouth and thrusting the other nipple into his lips. "Try this one, play with my piercing, like that... god yes... fuck! I knew you would be this good... I knew you were just another dirty teacher waiting for their potential to be unleashed..."

"Why..." he grunted, suckling at my nipple hard enough to ensure my panties would stay soaked for a while. "Why'd you do this... I was so good... and now you made me a monster..."

"Don't worry about that, just keep squeezing my ass and sucking my nipples... yes, like that... keep doing that and don't you worry about a thing... you've had a long day after all, and I'd love to take care of you..." I moaned, reaching down to unbutton his shirt.

As soon as I reached the bottom of his shirt, I pulled it open, then pushed away so I could get a look at his muscular chest and abs. Now, I've never been one to hunger for the really muscular guys (as my never-ending lust for Ryan might back up), but on some of them, the look worked.

Mr. Beaumont was one of those guys the look totally worked on, as Brooke would say.

I ran my fingers lightly down his chest and abs, shivering with anticipation as I reached lower.

While I wouldn't have wanted him to stop playing with my tits anytime soon, I needed to see what he was packing.

"I have to see this cock..." I said, licking my lips and climbing off of him, dropping down between his legs.

This seemed to bring him back to some sense of reality, and whatever decency remained inside of him struggled to raise its voice. "Josie... I don't think that's a very good idea, we've... we've already done too much, I should stop this... stop this here and never say anything, I..."

I knew this was a possibility, but this was why I was keeping some of my bigger weapons in reserve.

"Look, Mr. Beaumont, don't jump to any conclusions until you've got a better picture of what's going on, alright?" I said, turning around and reaching to undo the buttons on my shorts.

I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was watching as I dropped my shorts to the floor, revealing my panty-clad ass.

It had the desired effect.

Now, I didn't wear my sluttiest underwear to school today for practical reasons, but I didn't need them to get this kind of reaction. I had an amazing ass, thick and round and so much fun. I bent over slightly, jutting it out at him, making sure he was properly mesmerized.

"This is my ass," I said, keeping my tone playful but seductive. "It might be my favorite thing about my body... it's kind of perfect, don't you think? I know it's a rounder, more impressive ass than you're probably used to, but I want you to know that you're going to get nice and familiar with it very soon."

For emphasis, I smacked my ass hard, before I turned around to face him. The impact was hard enough, and loud enough, that it would have sent most girls running in pain, but I was so used to this that I could turn toward him with a proud smile.

"So, weren't you going to say something?" I asked, smiling down at him and giving him a look at the barely-there front of my panties. They were already quite clearly soaked through, and tight enough to conform to my pussy lips.

"I was...?" he said, before shaking his head and looking at me with that darkened beast face again. Dropping his voice to a growl, he answered, "No... no, I wasn't."

"Good answer," I said, smirking and dropping down to my knees in front of him.

I crawled over to Mr. Beaumont and gripped his legs, parting them so I could get nice and close. His bulge didn't show too clearly through his jeans, but it was prominent enough that I quivered in anticipation.

"I bet you've got a really big fucking cock," I said, grunting as I tugged at undoing his belt, then opening up his pants. "I can tell... we're going to have a lot of fun together..."

I pulled the front of his pants open, and obligingly, Mr. Beaumont then arched his back just enough for me to pull his pants down. He wore a tight pair of briefs, all the tighter for how his huge erection tented the front of them. My mouth was watering. Come to think of it, that wasn't the only part of me that was getting pretty fucking wet at this point. I really had hit the jackpot here, and we hadn't even really gotten started yet.

With him still arching his back slightly, I tugged at his underwear, pulling them down around his knees, and freeing his cock.

"Holy fuck!" I exclaimed as I took it in, my mouth dropping open in surprise.

At about eight and a half inches, his cock wasn't as long as Ryan's, but it sure looked like it might have been thicker. I definitely couldn't get my hand around it, and the purple head, already quite excited and looking even thicker than the shaft... fuck, that was going to feel good inside of me... and his balls, his big, round balls, no doubt full of cum backed up from never getting it on with his wife, just ready and waiting to be unleashed inside of some tight little slut... yeah, I'd come here looking for my own fun, but it looked like he needed me just as much as I wanted him.

Mr. Beaumont looked down at me, and whatever reservations he might have had, the sheer image of a topless, big-titted, teenaged goth slut kneeling between his legs and looking so very impressed, it gave him a dark grin.

"Thanks," he growled.

I wet my black lipstick-coated lips in anticipation, then reached out to wrap one of my hands around the base of his cock. It was warm and firm in my hand, and as I'd predicted, I couldn't get my hand all the way around it. Mr. Beaumont eyed me with a little worry, almost as if he was afraid that the size of his cock might just scare me away.

I chose to calm him in the best way I knew how: by leaning in, and inhaling as much of his cock as I could in one go. This was easier said than done, as his thick shaft stretched even my talented lips to the limit. I rubbed my tongue along the bottom side of his cock as best I could, but it was a true challenge as his cock hit the back of my throat and was still only a little more than halfway gone.

I could do better than this; Ryan was much bigger than Mr. Beaumont, and I'd gotten really good at deepthroating him. I wanted to impress Mr. Beaumont, and though it was challenging, I wasn't going to let him down.

No, I relaxed my throat and pressed forward, fighting back my gag reflex as I let his wide cockhead into my throat, then slowly forced the last of his cock into my mouth, until my nose was buried in his pubes.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide as he took in the pleasure. "I've... fuck... no girl's ever been able to do that for me... oh god!"

I pulled myself off of his cock, coughing wetly as strands of drool fell down to my tits. I could still taste his salty, masculine taste on my lips... and I liked it. It brought out a heat deep inside of me that needed to be fed, and I wasn't going to be satisfied until I'd done some very dirty things.

"Yeah?" I asked, grabbing hold of his cockhead in both hands, massaging the tip with my thumbs and stimulating more precum out. "You never had a girl suck all your cock down at once? Mrs. Beaumont just doesn't know how to suck your cock?"