Dilemmas of Love


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For the love of God Nikki! Holy Cow! God I love it when she does that! Fuck this is hot!

After a good couple of minutes on this treatment, Nikki pulled back to admire her handiwork. All of Lydia's crotch was glistening with fluids be them Nikki's saliva or lubrication overflow of her own. The respite lasted only briefly; soon Nikki repositioned her mouth smack on her clit whilst her hands disappeared out of view.

A signature squishing sound could be heard as Nikki applied lubed to the anal beads. Those sounds were soon followed by the gentle coating of her asshole by lube covered fingers.

Fuck that feels good! Oh...she's pulling out now...what is that? A toy? Fu...fucking hell!! Oh...fuck! These are...beads? Is it all in? It must be...But...she's stopped licking?

Nikki crept upwards until Lydia could feel her breathing down her neck.

"...and now listen carefully. You are going to concentrate, because my mouth and these beads..." Lydia could feel a tugging on her asshole, "...are not leaving unless you come at least twice more!"

"b...but Nikki? I've already come once...two more times?"

"I'll stay between your legs all day if I have to. You know I can and will do it."

Yeah, she probably will. So...let's close our eyes...and focus...Oh yes...yeah...swirl your tongue...there...that's it...and...and fingers yes...Ram them up my pussy...

Soon, Nikki had fallen in a rhythm of gently suckling on Lydia's clit whilst ramming her fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy. First it was one finger, then two, until finally, a whole three fingers were crammed tightly inside. Then, twisting her angle slightly and bending her fingers accordingly, Nikki started to massage the roof of Lydia's vagina sending exquisitely strong pleasure pulses throughout her body.

Orgasm number two was as inevitable as the rising of the sun every morning. Lydia could feel the walls of her pussy spasming and clamping with considerable force on the intruding fingers, whilst her asshole rhythmically contracted against the invading toy. By now she was totally drenched in sweat and she could feel all manners of liquids trickling down her ass and onto the towel.

Thinking about whether the said towel would be enough to keep the armchair from staining was the last sane thought she made as Nikki continued with her onslaught. But her third release was not going to be granted so easily to her. Nikki used feathery light licking, in a sense keeping her constantly revved at the red limit. All she needed was a tiny little push to help her edge over the line. She tried shifting her weight, thrusting her pussy harder onto Nikki's mouth. Perhaps she'd get the hint and suck a little bit harder on her. But Nikki sadistically kept a slow, low pressure tempo which was driving her nuts.

Lydia pleaded, whimpered, cursed even but to no avail. By now she felt like she was going to rip apart from the accumulated tension in her body. And then...

Oh...oh...oh...yes...come on...please...please...PLEASE!! There...a little bit to the left...yes...that's it! YES...A BIT HARDER!! Oh...what is that...Fuuuuuuck!

Nikki had just started retrieving the anal beads one by one and that was what, in all likelihood, pushed Lydia onto her third release. The first two contractions where mind-numbingly powerful and coincided with small forceful squirts of liquid from her pulsating pussy. Her orgasmic pulses kept going for a good solid minute, before finally she collapsed on the armchair in utter exhaustion.

I've just squirted? Is that even possible? And what are these black objects doing within my eyes...

Nikki couldn't help but smile at the image of her passed out lover. Lydia had been so thoroughly whipped that she had passed out with her legs on the arm rests, not the most comfortable of positions. After lowering down her legs and cleaning up the liquids as best as she could, she made her way to the bathroom to clean herself up.

When she returned back to the living room, Lydia had come to her senses, her eyes were as wide as saucers, but she hadn't moved from where she lay. Nikki strolled confidently towards her and sat right next to her on the arm rest.


"The sex was phenomenal, Nikki! Probably the best we've ever had..."

"Are you willing to give us a try once more?"

Lydia stayed silent for a few moments. "What do you have in mind?"

Nikki's smile genuinely widened. "How about we take that camping trip that we had planned? You know, the one to Kalamitsi?"

"That sounds like a good idea! Oh...but wait! I can't! I'll be hosting a girl from the states...she'll be coming by the start of July..."

Nikki's mood visibly darkened. "Oh? When did that happen? What does that mean anyways? Why can't she stay at a youth hostel or something? Or a university dorm?"

Oh-oh! Here we go again...

Lydia suddenly felt uneasy about being naked in front of Nikki. Defensively, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and sat upright on the chair.

"Well I could tell her that but I've already made a promise that she'd stay with us."

"So unmake the promise. It's not like you signed a contract with her!"

"You know, at times I really can't get you. What's your problem anyways?"

"My problem is that you're putting her above me!"

"Your problem" said Lydia as she stood, anger beginning to show in her tone "is that you're always being incessantly jealous! I'm not putting her above you. I've made a promise to the girl that she'd stay with us during the summer, just like a family hosted me when I went to the states last summer. There is nothing more to this!"

"Yeah, I remember only too well how you dumped me last summer to run off. To open your wings you said. More likely to open your legs I say, you hypocritical, cold hearted bitch!"

And just as the words were uttered, Nikki's hand flew towards her face. Lydia, who enjoyed a height advantage, managed to react and the blow only glanced her face. Still, she blinked hard as the stinging feeling colored her cheeks.

Suddenly her mind focused and she saw clearly. This was a very dangerous situation. Previously, Nikki may have called her names during their arguments but had never ever even lifted a finger against her. This...this was a game changer. Having sex with her was a huge mistake. Nikki always had an uncanny ability to sexually push all of her buttons at once and thus be able to manipulate her. She knew all her vulnerabilities and insecurities and used them to her advantage. This, coupled with what she suspected as a slightly submissive streak within her, plus the fact that Nikki had been her first, meant that the older girl could create these jealousy fueled conflicts and get away with it.

Well, no more! It ends here and now!

"Get out" said Lydia in a neutral, measured voice.

"Lydia...please...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to hit you...it's just that you mentioned that girl and I saw red!"

"Get out now please. Leave, or else I'm calling my parents."

"And telling them what? That I raped you? Let me see now...when did that happen, after the first or the second orgasm? Or was it when you said: God yes, harder, fuck me harder Nikki...I believe it was down there on the floor where you said it..."

Nikki had an unhealthy, almost manic smile on her face now. She had switched from angry shouts to coy, soft tones.

"...come on baby...I know you want it...Do you want me to make you come once more? You know I can baby..."

"Get out now! You've gotten your way with me for the last time. We're through! Finished! It's over! You're never going to see me again!"

"You know you can't live without me babe...once you're on your own that sweet pussy of yours will crave my touch. I bet you're still wet down there..."

Nikki made a move to grope the raven's pussy, but Lydia instantly walked away. Grabbing her shorts she quickly put them back on.

«Φύγε! Φύγε τώρα, αλλιώς θα καλέσω την αστυνομία!» (Get out! Get out now, or else I'll call the police) said Lydia, reverting to Nikki's native tongue in an effort to better get the message across.

An uncomprehensive and angry growl escaped Nikki's mouth. Her facial expressions contorted with ill-hidden rage. She made a threatening move to strike Lydia once more but at the last moment held back.

"You and I are not finished! You know that! You can't just leave! I won't let you ruin everything!"

"You are the one who's ruined everything Nikki. You were about to hit me a second time weren't you?"

"To knock some sense into that thick head of yours! Because you and I are meant to live together! Don't you see?"

Nikki had tears in her eyes now and her eyes were gleaming as if she was running a fever.

This is bad! She's completely lost it! She's crazy! Or bipolar! Or something! I have to make her leave...

"Nikki...I love you, I have feelings for you but only as a friend...I will cherish the good memories and forgive you for all the bad. Let's end this in a friendly way. I don't want to hurt you but I don't like it when you manipulate and hurt me. My heart grieves when I see you cry but I think that it's time for us to call it a day and seek some closure. I'd like to do this in a peaceful way. I'd like us to be friends."

Nikki's mouth twisted and her whole face reddened. Lydia took a step back, fearing that at any moment she would leap towards her. An ungodly shriek escaped her mouth. She lunged towards Lydia, successfully tackled her to the ground and pinned her there. Lydia vainly fought to free herself but these maneuvers where apparently Nikki's bread and butter from her wrestling training and she had no chance.

"Owwww...get off! You're hurting me!"

"Listen to me you bitch! Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Nikki was literally screaming in her ear now. Lydia, her resolve evaporating fast now, was very nearly whimpering. Part of it was physical pain, part of it was emotional pain but mostly it was stark naked fear. Nikki was deranged! She begun shivering uncontrollably.

"Look at me!"

Lydia slowly turned her head and realized that Nikki's face was inches away from her own.

"I'll leave...for now! But we're not through!"

And just like that she got up, picked up her bags and slammed the door behind her, leaving behind a sobbing Lydia on the floor.

Chapter 7 (Chloe)

There were just ten of them left now. The barbecue/party had been a brilliant success and Chloe had enjoyed herself immensely, despite the fact that she had been unable to engage with Sandra during the rest of the evening. Now, with the sun falling, the gathering had moved back inside. Everything was winding down nicely until Emma had the brilliant idea to produce a print-and-play version of Cards Against Humanity.

The game essentially required one person (the card czar) to pick a question from a pool of black cards and the rest of them had to offer the best answer out of a pool of white cards. The best possible answer won the point and the winner of most points would win the game. The girls however, were not necessarily playing for points. Emma had suggested, and the alcohol imbued crowd had agreed, that the winner either choose someone to strip an item of clothing, offer a morsel of steamy information or be forced to do something naughty.

And with such questions as "How did I lose my virginity?" or "Dear Abby, I'm having some trouble with _____ and would like your advice" the results were guaranteed to be hilarious. Especially if one considered the answers offered in the white cards which ranged from "Anal beads" to "The Clitoris" and from "menstrual rage" to "sexual peeping".

After drinking yet another shot of golden tequila "to mark the start of the game" as Emma put it, they begun in earnest. Abigail was given the role of "card czar" and ten white cards were dealt to each of the players. Chloe found herself seated next to Emma and opposite of Sandra and April.

"Sooooo...first question. An easy one fellas...Why can't I sleep at night?"

"Because Emma won't let you!"

"More likely, it's the other way round but I like the way you think!"

A raucous round of laughter ensued, followed by a few bawdy jabs at Emma. "So, you guys, the question is, why can't I sleep at night. Let's see what you've got."

The girls tried in vain to stifle their laughs as they tried to choose the most appropriate and outrageous reply to the question. Finally, all ten cards were collected and Abi first shuffled them and then started reading the answers.

"Right...let's see now...sexual tension...okay yes...that's viable...a stray pube? Inserting a mason jar into my anus? Ewwww...creative certainly, but no...peeing a little bit...nope not into that...yet...Dick Cheney? YUCK!! Hmmm...pictures of boobs...I'm more of a booty girl if you ask me. And baby girl over here takes the cake in that department..." said Abigail as she leaned over, planting a steamy kiss on the redhead's lips.

"Ughh guys? Yeah, you two? You can make out later if you want? Or find a bed?" said Sandra, barely able to control her laughter.

"Oh come on...It was just a tiny little kiss...it's not like I'm standing in front of the blessed order of St. Mary the meek now, am I? Anyways, were was I? Oh yes...A gentle caress of the inner thigh...Yep...that would definitely NOT be conductive to sleeping. Flying sex snakes? What the fuck is that? Anyways...I read no more...I'll go with a gentle caress of the inner thigh. Whose card was this?"

An eager April raised her hand. "It's mine!"

"Okay April! I declare you the winner! You can choose whomever you want and either strip her, make her share a raunchy tidbit or have your way with her!"

April all of a sudden had the I-ate-the-canary smug look on her face. "This is fun" she said rubbing her hands together. "I choose Sandra!"

"Oh no...can I call quits now? No? I thought so...Okay April...do your worst."

"Okay...I'll go with something easy, a vanilla question...how many times have you rubbed one off on your own on a single day?"

Sandra's cheeks registered some color as the sandy blonde hid her face in her palms. "Oh my God, can't believe you asked that..."

She can't believe she was asked that and I can't believe I'm getting wet over this...

"Come on Sandraaaa...out with it!"

"Well...ummm...okay...ummm...it was four..."

"FOUR! We have a winner here! Four O's for Sandra in one...was it a day or a session?"

"Abigail!!" Sandra was laughing now. "...session..."

Hilarious laughter followed at the expense of Sandra whose face had rapidly acquiring a nice red tint to it.

Why do I find you cute when you blush? And why am I suddenly all jealous of that April chick?

Meanwhile, Abigail had poured a new shot of golden tequila and slid it over to where Sandra was sitting. "What's this?"

"New rule. Whoever gets chosen gets a consolation drink."

"Abigail! You're nuts! I'm going to be so trashed tomorrow!"

"Whatever...we all will. Stay here. Sleep with us...or don't sleep with us...sleep with Chloe..."


"What? I specifically used the word sleep you guys! I mean, isn't that what people usually do on a bed? I mean...usually...you know..."

"Someone's had a bit too much to drink..."

"Shut up Sandie...I'm fine...anyways, April is card czar next."

April took the top card from the black deck and read it aloud. "This is going to be a good one. Is this deck rigged?" Emma started innocently whistling causing yet another bout of crackling laughter. "...riiiight...so, what is a girl's best friend?"

"Her hand" shot out one of the other girls. "Hand is so overrated Michelle! I wouldn't trade my rampant rabbit for the world."

"Nothing beats a skilled tongue you guys!"

"Preach it sister!"

"Yeah, I hear you!"

"So, to the question at hand, what is a girl's best friend for you then?"

A new round of guffaws and giggling went on as the girls tried to select the best white card for the question at hand. April dutifully collected the cards and started reading them.

"Kay...let's see what we have here. An erection that lasts longer than four hours...would be perfectly legit for me if I was playing for the other side...let's see...A tribe of warrior women...not bad! Not bad at all...Spectacular abs...wiping her butt? Why just wipe when you can always stick a tongue down there...used panties??? Seriously? Oh...okay, we have a winner here...And the winner is...Ta-dah! My collection of high-tech sex toys!"

"Yeiii! I won! I won!" said Emma as she shot her hands high in the air.

"Oh really huh? High-tech sex toys? What, isn't Abigail enough for you?"

"No, my Abibabe is more than enough when it comes to that...but you know...a little spice in the bedroom..."

"Ohhhh...well you guys this perfectly explains it!" interjected Chloe. "That's why some times the lights flicker during the nights. It's because of all the high-end toys that they use!"

"Ha-ha Chloe, very funny!"

Chloe stuck her tongue out towards Emma and the redhead blew her a kiss in reply. "Well as far as I know, to the victor go the spoils...and since I'm the winner...I pick Chloe!"

Oh no! I don't like that smug smile on her face...

Abigail dutifully slid a shot glass full of golden tequila in front of the brunette.

"Okay...truth won't really cut it here, I already know all of Chloe's dirty little secrets...hmmm...I could either go with a piece of clothing or...yep...Chloe, I want you to kiss Sandra."

Both Sandra and Chloe turned towards the redhead not quite believing what they were hearing. "Oh my God! No! I...I can't do that!"

"Rules are rules Chloe! Don't be a spoilsport! We all know you CAN do it!"

Emma started chanting the brunette's name and soon everybody laughingly followed suit.

Please remind me to kill you sometime later in the day Emma!

The brunette hemmed and hawed and saw no way out of it. Chugging the shot for courage, she lunged towards a startled Sandra, grabbed her behind the head and planted one squarely on the lips. However, what started out as a forceful kiss melted into a more sensuous one. They both had their eyes closed and were totally lost in the moment, until the loud hooting from around them brought them back to reality.

Chloe broke the kiss and for a split second their eyes lingered.

So this is what a kiss should feel like! And why do I want to do this again? I am most probably gay, that's why!

The sound of rowdy clapping made the brunette blink her eyes and snap out of her reverie.

"Umm...yeah...you guys? Room is over there..."

There was yet another round of laughter at Chloe's and Sandra's expense. The game went on for a few more rounds until Michelle, one of Chloe's and Emma's classmates started feeling unwell. While Emma tended to their stricken comrade, Abigail, Sandra and Chloe undertook the monumental and unwelcome task of cleaning up. Abigail got the unenviable task of feeding the dishwasher while the other two armed themselves with garbage bags and worked outside.

They toiled in relative silence until at one point, Sandra collapsed on a deck chair. "Uffff...I need a break...some water would be nice too. Genie, genie of the lamp for the first of my three wishes, I wish for a jug of iced water..."

"You're easy to please, oh master. Yeah, I'm thirsty myself, I'll go get us some..."

"Oh and genie? Don't forget the glasses!"

"Your wish is my command!"

"Really? Well then, I've got to give some serious thought here, I've got another two wishes left. Need to make the most out of them."

"Who said I was granting you three wishes?"
