Dirty Dawg: The Indian Intern Ch. 03


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"Is that right?"

"There's no prenuptial agreement on the table between us, but we have agreed to a multi-million dollar settlement in the distant future upon our imminent separation, and I'm under no obligation to bear any children for Raman." There was a filled table in front of us loaded with a mini buffet of sorts as I looked beyond the trio I'd been introduced to, finding an exotic looking woman also staring in my direction.

"Over at the end of the table there, you're familiar with my new personal assistant, Malaya Padilla, right?" Laila skipped right over the seemingly interested woman for her personal assistant who I recognized from my former office. She'd sent me to Mr. Kumar's office the day of the audit. I bristled at the memory of the con.

"Her associate is some loser she picked up in the lobby; I assume he's going to get a piece because the girl obviously needs a good fucking." Laughter erupted from the table, but Malaya didn't look particularly amused. My eye drifted back to the exotic looking woman still staring directly at me with a predatory smile. She was undeniably beautiful with darker skin than mine which made her eyes stand out in the dim light of the pub. We stared at one another for a few seconds before she looked away casually raising a glass of wine to her lips. She didn't look back as Laila filled a glass for me.

"Fancy a toast, for old times' sake, my friend?"


"Come now, I'm not particularly partial to foul play as it were; the offer was extended as a sign of good faith that we could perhaps, cease these hostilities." She offered the wine glass while filling her own. When I hesitated, Laila took a sip from both never taking her eyes from mine. My gaze drifted down to the hint of cleavage finding her fetching in a malevolent kind of way.

"I find that I am the picture of health; shall we, lover?" We toasted downing a succession of drinks with Laila repeating the wine testing actions each time. I still hadn't figured her game out yet, but I was definitely sitting in front of an opportunist in every sense of the word.

"Laila, what's this all about?"

"An opportunity I'd like to offer you' if you are willing, my friend? I understand the bind that my uncle has placed upon you and although it was not of my doing, 'd like to offer you the opportunity to make some recompense on the side while you search for other employment-besides the monies, discussed."

"What opportunity?"

"Think of it as a freelance position, clerical in nature solely for your benefit. It's not something you weren't already doing, my friend. Something to consider, instead of boorish extortion." Laila pushed an envelope across the table that was visibly filled with money. My mind instantly went to Uncle Billy's situation and his advice simultaneously. I didn't touch the envelope.

"Come now, the agreed amount is there; you have yet to conduct a proper audit." I didn't trust her one bit.

"Tell me about the freelance work."

"It's really quite simple, I give you work; you complete it and I pay you-elementary, right lover?" Uproarious laughter followed from the other members of her clique sans Malaya Padilla who was busy with her phone. I also noticed the dark skinned woman quietly drinking, not acknowledging what was going on around her.

"So, I take this money and the freelance job; what about extras?"


"Insurance-health insurance for me, and a family member of my choosing." More laughter erupted from Laila's associates making me feel foolish for the timid suggestion.

"Quite disappointing; I was sure you were requesting a vigorous shagging. I think I am very, very offended, my friend. This offer is a money for services offer, no insurance or other benefits are on the table. Perhaps you should get the Obama care, or is that even an issue these days?" I knew I was being trolled as Laila, Raman and his boyfriend leaned forward, amused. There was something at play here that I was unaware of and my gut was telling me not to touch that envelope.

"Fuck you, Laila."

I got up stalking away from the table already regretting not taking the envelope with me, despite some obvious evil intent on her part. I wandered slowly down the aisle to a bar area intent on having the first of many drinks that my budget would allow. The bartender placed a glass on the counter without me even ordering.

"I didn't order this drink."

"It was sent over from the table you were just sitting at." The bartender explained.

"Send it back." I was content to pay for my own drinks without Laila's acid charity. For all I knew, the trust fund babies were probably betting I'd drink it or something.

"Why throw away a good drink because you're angry?"

I looked up finding the strangely beautiful dark skinned woman at my side. This afforded me a better look at her entirely as I found the rest of her equally exotic and exciting visually. She was probably about five foot five and thick as all get out with a packed hourglass figure encased in a rich purple Etsuko dress that I noticed was somewhat the norm in a few of the other women lounging around the pub. A light beige colored belt attested to the cinched in nature of her waist as her hips flared out dramatically. I glanced down at the matching heels on her feet.

"What do you want?"

"Straight to the point; I appreciate that more than you know. I work with a lot of old fucking farts with mountains of cash to lavish upon their prurient interests. I've been the recipient of much generosity along with their wrinkled hands all over my full bum. It's irritating sometimes, but I put up with it for business and perks while leaving my own stash untouched."

"What do you want?" I reiterated again, pointedly.

"I want a fuck out of you; Laila has regaled all of us with the intimate details of your office fuck. I find that I'd like to receive a good shagging in that vein, as well. I want to be ravished for once and taken to the limit. I understand your misgivings about Laila, but it has nothing to do with me-dæn oyā oyāgē loku kaḷu kukuḷā ekka māva ravaṭannē nædda?" Her accent was deep, rich and coupled with the expression on her face, distinctly predatory.

"You said something nasty; in your native language, didn't you, uhm?"

"I am Pumidi; but everyone refers to me as Pum." She was standing between the bar stools invading my personal space intrusively with an elbow resting on the bar top. I couldn't take my eyes off her face wondering if it was because of her striking beauty or her dark complexion which was three shades darker than my own standard brown hue or something else. Her eyebrows were arched over eyes that one could almost liken to a serpent with the whites standing out in nearly luminous fashion. Her lips were big and plump curved into a knowing, smirk.

"Man, you spoiled rich Indian girls are all the same, aren't you?" I wasn't as drunk as I intentionally sounded. I guess I just wanted to act boorish and run her off by going for the low hanging fruit verbally speaking.

"I wouldn't know I'm Sri Lankan." She didn't seem offended in the least blowing right through my attempt with no acknowledgment what so ever. Pum motioned to the bartender who placed a drink before her.

"Uh, sorry." She just smiled dipping the tip of her finger into the drink before sucking on the tip of it still looking at me with that odd, predatory gaze. It made me feel small and anxious, almost like she were peering through my clothing.

"I tell you what; I want us to share a drink, but first my friend; I'm going to show you a magic trick." Pum backed away from the bar never taking her eyes off me before turning to an adjacent pool table where some patrons were engaged in a game. She spoke with the two suits playing before securing the eight ball walking back over to the bar placing it in front of me.

"What's this about?" I was kind of worried she might do something violent for a second. It was just a byproduct of her immediate unpredictable nature.

"I want to show you my trick; don't you want to see it?"

"Uhm, sure Pum." The suits at the pool table and some of my fellow drinkers at the bar in earshot seemed eager as well. Pum pushed into the limited space between us, facing the bar knowing all eyes were on her glanced side to side without turning her head. I didn't know what to expect as she placed her palms flat on the bar top on either side of the eight ball. The bartender leaned in wanting to see what she would do as a few others gathered around.

"Okay then." Pum replied.

Everybody leaned in watching as she soaked in the attention turning her hands vertical with the pool ball on the counter between them. She flattened one hand using the other in a circular waving motion over the eight ball while glancing around at all the interested parties. Her other hand quickly snatched the ball up pushing it between her lips in the blink of an eye. She looked at me with that same smirk showing no signs of having an entire pool ball in her mouth before raising the glass in a toast. I stared for a moment before raising the glass she'd purchased for me. We toasted setting our glasses down.

"How did you like my trick?" She asked as the other patrons and onlookers gasped.

"You swallowed it?"

"Of course not." Pum raised the ball in her hand showing it to me and the gathered crowd before plunking it down in the empty glass to some applause. She motioned for another drink as the crowd dispersed while we toasted again.

"I don't know if I should trust you; present company considered." I admitted.

"Have you ever been to Sri Lanka?"


"Would you like to?"

Pum placed a room key in front of me, pressing it into my hand when I didn't immediately pick it up. I didn't take too kindly to her insistence on violating my personal space looking up into her face to find a pearly white, toothy grin that contrasted heavily with her dark skin and the rich, burgundy lipstick on her plump lips. I imagined my cock spreading those juicy lips to capacity. She rubbed my back encouragingly before walking off knowing my eyes left the bar with her. Her thick, shelf like butt bounced and swayed, each cheek moving independently denoting the thong she might be wearing underneath. I watched until she walked into the adjacent hotel lobby before glancing over at the table filled with Laila's wealthy clique. She was watching with that crazy smile on her face raising her own wineglass in a trolling toast.

"Bitch." I paid my tab walking by the jeering rich kids, hands stuffed in my pockets. Raman and Reyansh were making out; Laila could've cared less. Our eyes met for an instant before she downed her drink turning back to her table.

I walked out into the adjacent lobby looking around at all of the foot traffic knowing that I should hit the streets, but my gaze wandered to the other side of the corridor finding Pum waiting by the lift. She was just standing there holding her small purse in front of her body with both hands.

"I want to be totally honest with you about things." Pum said as she took the key from my hand opening the elevator.

"Things?" The elevator doors closed leaving us alone.

"I bet Laila a thousand that you would come to my room and fuck me to spite her. Now that I have you here in front of me, I want to make you another bet."

"Yeah, and what's that?"

"That for the time we're together you won't have one thought about her before I put you to sleep."

"You're mighty sure of yourself, Pum." She stood there still staring deep into my eyes almost statue like as she spoke. It felt like we were about to have a fist fight or something even though nothing was said.

"Confidence fuels success; how we go about it, how we achieve it; the method can my as myriad as the fingerprint. Laila walked into the office, evaluated and brought you over without giving anything in return other than her body. She knew the moment she walked your space that she would be taking over the department. Hell, she even knew that six months before you met."

"That's good to know."

"What will you do; what are your plans?"

"I think I'll keep that under the hat, if you don't mind." I didn't have any plans to speak of, other than finding a new job, but the way she spoke made me feel like I was still playing some game with Laila downstairs in the lobby.

"I don't mind at all, as long as you give me what you gave her in that office. Of particular interest to me is the manner in which you two began, in the elevator. That part of the story makes me wet like you wouldn't believe."

"Thanks." I replied acidly wondering if I shouldn't still leave, but my ego demanded satisfaction, even if it meant playing the game with this exotic beauty smugly standing in front of me. I just really needed a release and well, Pum was more than game.

"Perhaps you'd like to start now?" She raised the hem of her Etsuko dress revealing a pair of black panties that were lavishly embroidered, somewhat sheer resembling some bikini bottoms.

"No, I think we should save it instead of giving security a show." I motioned towards a security cam posted just over our heads.

"A bit of exhibitionism couldn't hurt; might even enhance the experience, don't you think?"

"I take the fifth." I retorted as the double doors opened.

A narrow, extended corridor faced us as we stepped out of the car onto what looked like the V.I.P floor of the hotel. There weren't that many rooms because of the larger floor plans with narrow tables in the corridor with ornate, Chinese flower pots atop their shiny surfaces. I didn't know what to make of this situation suddenly feeling anxious as Pum noticed.

"I can't say anything about the other rooms up here, but there is no one inside my suite. Nothing at all except my pull on suitcase and a really big bed. Here, take the room key and look for yourself in good faith." She handed me the key card, still smiling that predatory snake's smile on her face without another word.

"Any sideways shit, and I'm gone." I warned trying to control my voice.

"Sure, I accept your conditions, wholeheartedly."

Pum replied without hint of emotion. We exchanged glances for a few seconds as she gestured towards her room at the end of the corridor. I navigated the path walking to its end looking over at the four doors between the elevator and Pum's room half expecting someone to jump out at me. The automated lock made a metallic click unlocking the double doors which I pushed open. The executive suite I found on the other side was luxuriously expansive, a mini-apartment within the confines of the hotel, itself. There were large panoramic windows looking out over the city skyline. The bedroom door was ajar revealing the large circular bed mentioned by Pum.


She'd followed me inside closing the door as I turned to face her.

Pum locked the door having already removed her dress as she traversed the corridor placing it along with her purse on a small table. Her body was jaw dropping covered sparsely in a lacy, sheer shelf brassiere that matched the panties she'd revealed in the elevator. Pum was an exotic vision with an hourglass figure made for the expensive undergarments. I was staggered as she closed the distance between us undoing the buttons on my dress shirt. Her perfume was pungent and fragrant, some oddly enticing odor that radiated from her person. She'd undid at least three buttons before glancing up into my face.

"I must know why you stare at me so; isn't everything as I've said?" The last button on my shirt came undone as she opened it staring at my chest.

"I don't want to offend you."

"Oh really; now you must tell me what troubles you." Her hands were already inside my shirt caressing my bare torso, her thumbs teasing my nipples.

"I know it sounds crazy but-uhm, you look like you want to eat me up." I replied sheepishly, somewhat intimidated by the exotic woman before me. Pum stripped away my shirt and suit jacket simultaneously dropping them to the floor as she took a nipple on my peck between her lips.

"I'll share a story with you for telling the truth."


"Yes, many years ago I was assigned to an acquisitions firm in Shanghai where one of the senior partners took a liking to me. He was thin and slight of build with the eyes of a rat; those beady eyes always following me about the office. I suppose it was my build or something in my nature, but as the internship progressed, he was driven to distraction. One afternoon, he took it upon himself to corner me in the firm's records archives placing his claw like hand on my bum."

"What happened?" Pum methodically undid the metal buckle on my belt, drawing it from my pants folding it around her fist before looking into my eyes.

"I was bent over looking through a box of legal briefs when he desperately grasped at my bottom. I registered the intrusion on my person turning to face him and you know what happened next?"


"The reprobate actually tried to run away from me; I was of course younger and faster reaching the door before him and locking it."

"Locking it?"

"Yes, they told me afterwards, he was still lying there naked for a few hours after I was done "taking" him where he thought he wanted to go. A week later, I was already a junior partner after being transferred abroad. It was certainly an adventurous way to make a name for myself and get my foot in the door." She measured the belt in her hand giving me the impression she was thinking of using it, finally hanging it around my neck.

"Are you gonna take me; is that what you're trying to tell me, Pum?" She simply smiled with that predatory glint in her eye as it became a toothy grin.

"I wanted to confirm your assertion; admit that I am indeed going to, as you say- "EAT YOU UP" my handsome friend."

I mumbled as my slacks hit the floor covering my shoes. Pum reached back relieving herself of the skimpy brassiere letting it fall away from her body. Her breast were large and spongy looking capped with medium sized extremely dark areolas. Her erect nipples were hard and prominent making my mouth water. This woman was older than me, but you wouldn't know it looking at her body, her mid-section defined with a flat bikini stomach over hips that defined a perfect semi-circle on each side over shapely, muscular legs that looked longer than they were. Pum's hands were on those wide hips as she leaned to the side staring, actually posing. Her bikini cut panties that I'd glimpsed earlier, were held in place by two silky bows at her hips which she suddenly pulled releasing the last scrap of clothing to the waiting floor.

"Oh shit, fuck me."

"No handsome; I'm going to EAT YOU UP and do exactly what I've already said I'm going to do." Pum replied with a toothy grin, revealing her mound which was covered in a perfectly trimmed triangle of thick fur that matched the hair on her head in richness and texture.

It looked like she was going in for a kiss but nibbled on my peck again perhaps showing a hidden proclivity before slowly tracing a line down my abdomen until she was kneeling in front of me. I barely realized she'd slid my underwear off as she went as Pum worked the remaining clothing away from body, even my socks and shoes which were tossed over her shoulder near the door.

"Would you like to see my magic trick, again?"

Before I could answer, Pum's lips engulfed the head of my cock slowly following up with the shaft moving steadily along until she was pressed against my mound. This was no big deal; I'd been deep throated on other occasions, but she stared up from her knees into my eyes seemingly waiting for something. I went to palm her head, but she gently pushed my hands away before lowering them to her sides. It felt heavenly, even sitting there in her mouth.
