Disciples of Caine Ch. 02


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"Just come with me!" Mel begged her. "I can't do this by myself!"

"Yes you can. It's time to grow up, 'daughter'" she said with a playful lilt on the daughter part. "You're stronger than you think, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to play into my ruse. I'll stall them here for as long as I can so that they won't chase you," she then gave Mel a gentle shove in the right direction. "Now, GO!"

"Wait... what should I tell your husband should I see him?"

Andrea pulled her into a hard, passionate kiss and then looked her dead in the eyes. "Get me the hell out of here, Jon! They're taking me to Salt Lick Farm! Look for my signs!" She then smiled. "Got it?"

"Kiss him and then tell him that. Got it." Mel nodded. Then she hugged Amanda hard. "Thank you."

"Thank me when we both get back home. You don't have much time," Andrea urged her, pushing her again. "GO!" Andrea waited until Mel was out of sight before returning to the camp. Then she got to work. First, she started by rummaging around the truck for a hose. She stuck that into the gas tank and deep throated the hose to syphon the gas out, spitting and sputtering when it finally did come up. Andrea gagged at the bad taste but went back around to the truck cab where she took the ignition key off of the key ring, put it into the ignition, and turned just the battery on to drain it. She mentally thanked Jon for that little trick that he told her about that he did in Cinci one time to keep a target in place. Her next task was to take a tiny pebble from the forest floor and put it into the air valve of the front left tire that was positioned away from the camp. She did the same to the spare tire underneath of the chassis.

By that time, the fuel had finished syphoning out, so she coiled the hose back up and put it back into the cab, closing the door quietly. Then it was back out to the main road where she used a white rock to scrawl a note into the pavement next to a faded yellow line with an arrow. Andrea hoped and prayed that Jon would find it. She then crept back to Leader, putting the key ring back on the hook before going back over to her spot and relocking her chain back to her collar. Only then did she go to sleep.

It was morning when she woke up to the men all yelling at each other. They'd woken up to find Mel long since gone with no clue how long she'd been missing. They tried to launch an immediate search for her but taking Andrea's chain off of the truck so two of them could speed out of there, but they found that the battery was dead and it couldn't turn over. They fetched a spare battery out of their utility locker in the back, swapped it out, and tried again. Still dead. That's when they noticed that they didn't have any gas. Spare tanks were brought out as Leader berated them for leaving the key in the ignition and letting them run out of gas. They got the engine going an hour later and Andrea watched with amusement as they then tried to lurch forward on a flattened wheel. Sure enough, the spare came out and they found out that it too was flat.

"WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Leader thundered, brandishing his pistol and looking pretty pissed. "Can't you idiots do anything right???"

"Boss, we're exposed here," Brain cautioned. "That bitch's daughter did a number on us. We have GOT to get going or else we might get spotted by the Valley Guards. You know they'll be coming for us. It's only ten miles straight south..."

"WE ain't going until I get answers," Leader countered, glaring at him. "I want to know how one know-nothing girl got the jump on us!" he shouted, picking up Mel's discarded chastity belt and shaking it in the air. "Or did you let her go?" Leader demanded. "You always did have a soft spot. What's the matter? She wake you up with a BJ and give you a sob story. Only people on this crew know how to disable trucks like this."

"Now you're just being paranoid?" Brain sighed.

"Now yer just talking down to me like ya always do. I'm tired of it!" He shouted, slamming the chastity belt down into the fire ring, sending up a plume of ash when it hit, as he brought his gun up again.

Only this time, Brain was waiting for it. He had the drop on Leader, and he fired first. Andrea hit the ground and crawled for the safety of a nearby tree as Leader fell down dead beside her. Gunfire erupted as sides were taken in a heartbeat. It lasted only a minute with Brain and his three friends standing victorious. "Well, that solves that problem. Boys, our cut just increased," he said casually, walking over to Andrea's hiding spot and grabbing the chain to jerk her back out into the clearing. "Grab the backpacks. We walk from here."


CHAPTER 4: Day 7.

Andrea wound up having her period the day after the shootout and so the four remaining members of the gang left her alone as they made their slow, arduous journey southward. True to Brain's word, they stopped in Salt Lick and camped in an old, abandoned house. They took off her chastity belt and kept her locked in a basement apartment with no way out. All she had was a room with old, rotting furniture in it from the pre-Flare days, an adjoining bathroom for her to keep clean in with the water that they filled the toilet and bathtub with, and the stairs leading up. Brain gave her rags to take care of her 'woman problem'. As with all of her periods that she had once she stopped eating radroot, it was fast and heavy, with her cramping hard the entire time. Brain took note of this and noted when her last day of bleeding was, which was today. "Another week and you'll be fertile," he said as he wrote in his journal. "But, your monthly is over and we can continue going south. When we stop, you can resume servicing us the right way," he added, clearly meaning that they were going to fuck her pussy today. The past four days she'd been giving them blowjobs to get them off and they'd been sucking down her breast milk like it was going out of style after sucking on her tits the second night she was with them to satisfy their own curiosity.

"But..." Andrea paused. "I thought you were going to sell me to the Farm here?" she asked.

"We were, but someone has been in the town asking about you. Your husband, perhaps?" Brain said. "Besides, that plan was rendered obsolete the moment our illustrious leader came down with a fatal case of lead poisoning." He shook his head. "No, we're moving on. I know of people down in the tropical gulf that would pay four times what Salt Lick was going to pay for a lactating, fertile woman." Brain nodded to the bathroom. "Get cleaned up. We're moving out of here shortly." With that he was up the stairs.

Knowing she didn't have much time, she scrawled out a note on the bathroom wall before relieving herself and cleaning up as much as possible. Then she slipped on her shoes, made sure her nipple caps were on, and then walked up the stairs. Brain put the hood back on her, one of those flesh-colored latex things that kept her mouth and nose exposed and had her hair pulled out of the top in a ponytail. Then they cuffed her hands behind her back. With Leader dead, Brain was calling the shots and he said that the "aesthetics were pleasing" on this one rather than the black one that kept her hair bunched up around her head. The collar went back around her neck, she heard the click of the chain lead, and then they were off. They'd left the chastity belt behind because there was no longer any point to it since they were still intent on breeding her.

They walked south in silence down a quiet mountain road. She followed along behind Brian the entire way, totally helpless to do anything else. When they stopped for the night, it was inside of another long-abandoned home. They men set up their camp in the middle of an old living room that still had something resembling furniture along with four walls and a roof. Andrea was directed to kneel and stay while they worked their new nightly routine of establishing a watch post, making a fire, cooking dinner, and fetching water. When they were done, the four of them sat around the fire, eating and drinking and talking about their plans... the foremost was getting a vehicle for them. Every so often they'd give Andrea a morsel of food and plenty of water to drink. After all, she was the money maker here that was going to make this job worth it. They had to keep her healthy. Once they'd eaten their fill, someone uncuffed her hands, grabbed her by the head, and directed her to the floor. She found a plate beneath her mouth, and she started eating on impulse.

When Andrea had licked the plate clean, one of them took her by the leash and led her out back so that she could relieve and clean herself, pressing soft paper into her hands so that she could do the deed. She was then taken to a water pump and made to clean herself with the cold water. Then it was back inside to get dried off and placed onto the floor on all fours with her back arched to jut her tits out for them. She felt two of them take her breasts into their hands and take them out to her sides as far as they would go. "Ahhhhh..." she then opened her mouth and gasped as she then felt them pull her nipple caps off before they brought their lips to her nipples to start sucking on them. The moment her mouth was open, another one of them brought his cock to her lips to press it into her mouth. She started sucking on him reflexively. Then she felt the last raider's hands on her hips as he moved up behind her. His cock grazed her moistening slit, making her shudder with pleasure, a moment before it slid up inside of her, filling her up.

Andrea moaned deeply as they played with her body. She couldn't see who was who because they were keeping the hood on her, but she felt their hands, mouths, and cocks as they touched her and fucked her. As soon as whoever was fucking her pussy had come, they rotated positions. She noted that they weren't sucking her tits dry just yet as they were leaving a little of her sweet milk for the others. They moved clockwise around her as they came up inside of her and then went to another part of her body; they'd cum, then move to her left breast. That man went from her left breast to her mouth to get a blowjob and that man who'd previously was in her mouth went to suckle off of her right breast, and that man would then go and fuck her. By the time the third one was fucking her from behind, she was shuddering with her first orgasm.

They took her two times in that manner. When they were done, they'd sucked her tits dry of milk to sate their tastes for 'dessert', as they put it, and to give her relief. She was trembling and moaning, still on all fours, from her second orgasm with she'd been fucked for the eighth time. Andrea always had a deep, dark, kinky fantasy of being taken like this, so it made it easier for her to cum. Knowing that they were trying to impregnate her made her cum even harder than normal. The man behind her pulled out of her and she felt him put her nipple caps back onto her breasts before leading her over to a bedroll where she was allowed to lay down. Andrea heard the clicking of a lock off to her left and figured that they'd anchored her chain leash down to something before her hands were cuffed in front of her body. It wasn't like she could get away. She had no idea where they were at now and so escape would be pointless. All she knew was that they were heading south and would be continuing south until they hit the ocean. Besides, she was exhausted from walking all day and fucking just now. Andrea soon fell asleep.

Throughout the night, they came for her. As they sported hard-ons, they woke her up, rolled her to her back, pinned her hands above her head, and took her. Andrea's dreams of being fucked and the events over the night with her actually being fucked made her perpetually wet. She moaned deeply when the first of them lifted her legs up into a V, spreading them wide and holding them up by her ankle, and then penetrating her deeply with their cock. "Oh yes... Oh yes... Oh yes..." she moaned softly as he quickly took her. She felt his cock swell within her, and she subconsciously clamped her pussy down upon it the moment he came. "OOoooohhh... Mmmmm..." she writhed and moaned as she felt his cum flow within her, fluttering her pussy around his cock to milk it for every drop. He pulled out, letting her legs fall, and she laid there, rubbing her thighs together and groaning with need. She slid her hands down between her legs and fingered herself to a quick orgasm before falling off to sleep.

The next man to take her didn't even bother rolling her to her back. He kept her on her side as she was rolled into a ball while she slept. Andrea didn't even wake up until he was already inside of her, pounding away. She licked her lips and moaned as he fucked her hard and fast before coming up inside of her. Again, she bore down on the cock as it shot its seed up into her womb. This time, however, she was too tired to finger herself again to get off. She fell back asleep, waking up again when she was rolled to her stomach and taken from behind. She'd tried raising up onto her knees for him, but he pushed her flat to her bedroll, and slid his long cock down between her ass cheeks and thighs, sliding up inside of her pussy in that manner. Unable to help herself, Andrea worked her cuffed hands under her body, placing them over her mound so that she could spread her labia a bit and finger her clit as she felt his cock slide in and out of her pussy. "Fuck me, Master, Fuck Me," she softly moaned as her lucid dreams blended with reality. She then let out a low, guttural groan as she came right along with the raider when he blew his cum deep up into her.


Jon had been surprised when Mel had recovered the day after he'd rescued her with the message that Andrea had given her to relay. The kiss shocked him but it was pleasurable nonetheless for him. Her husband, Sean, looked equally shocked but didn't press the issue since he knew that Jon could easily take him and dispose of his body in the Ohio River. Jon had waited half of the day, waiting for Mel to wake up, and took the time to spend with his kids and his slave, reassuring all of them that he was okay and that he was going to get Andrea back... come hell or high water.

Luci picked up on his worry and distress. Taking him by the hand, she led him to the guest bedroom that she was using within Wayne and Kasey's manor. There she laid him down on the bed and proceeded to give him a deep tissue massage from head to toe. "Mmmmngh..." Jon grunted as Luci worked the kinks out of his back and neck. "You are too good for me, Luci," he mused.

"It is Master who is too good for me as it was you who saved me, gave me a home, and gave me a baby," Luci replied happily as she worked to relax him, capping the session off by rolling him to his back, straddling his hips, and riding his cock into oblivion for them both.

The moment he had met Mel and had the message a couple of hours after that, along with the general location where the raiders had camped at, he was on the road heading south back to Pleming. It was midday when he got there and found the site. He parked alongside the road and crept into the woods just past the tree line to where he'd seen the hulk of the raider truck. One wheel was off and the spare that whoever was here had been in the process of replacing was flat. Gas canisters were strewn about and there were three bodies lying amongst the clearing where they'd fallen. Animals were already picking at the corpses. Jon's keen eye saw the bullet holes among the tree trunks surrounding the clearing along with dents and holes inside the truck itself. "Somebody obviously didn't play well with the rest of the gang..." Jon mused.

He recalled what Mel had told him that Andrea had said, "Look for my signs..." Andrea would've left a note for him somewhere. The camp wasn't ideal as she probably would've figured that they'd be moving in the truck, and anything scrawled in the dirt would've been trampled away. He looked amongst the trees and found nothing. "Something more... permanent..." he mumbled aloud as his gaze settled on his own truck and the road.

The road.

Jon dashed back to the road and started looking amongst the black pavement. He then found it; small white scrawls in jagged cursive writing that was now all but virtually extinct. The only way he knew cursive was because Andrea, in her capacity as a librarian and historian for their town, had taught him how to read it. All it had was three words and an arrow pointing to his left. "South; Salt Lick" was all it said. "Good Girl..." Jon said, "Clever Girl." He dashed for his truck and roared south, getting to the small town by the time night had fallen. Jon paid an innkeeper in the town for a room for the night and began his investigation the next morning.

He had no idea why Salt Lick had its name but the neighboring town just to the east, Farmers, was aptly named as it produced a majority of the fruit, vegetables, and milk for the region. It was at the dairy farm that Jon started at, showing them a picture of his wife and letting them know that she'd been abducted from The Valley. They'd been more than cooperative and even allowed Jon access to check their stock of women to see if Andrea was among them. She wasn't and the farmers assured him that they'd keep an eye out for her. Jon continued asking around.

It wasn't until the evening of the seventh day after Andrea had been abducted that he had his next lead. A man approached him telling him that he'd been coming up from the south when he saw three tough looking brutes escorting a smart looking man in glasses who was leading a very buxom and voluptuous and redhead out of a building. He didn't know what direction they went off to, but he was able to lead Jon to the house in question, an abandoned, run-down, two-story home with a basement on top of a hill that overlooked the Cave Run Lake and the Boone Farm. Jon thanked the man and paid him a hundred tabs for his tip before checking out the house.

Deducing that the raiders would've kept Andrea in the basement, he started there. Jon hit proverbial paydirt. He found strands of her red hair on the mattress that she'd used to sleep on and another note that she'd scrawled out into the drywall in cursive with an old nail. "Heading South, Tropical Gulf" was the first line. "4x Tabs being paid for me there than here" was the second line. "I am now fertile, they want me preg before sale" was the last line. Jon swore. They'd taken her off of radroot and were going to breed her before selling her off to someone down in the Gulf.

As bad as things were here in the former United States of America, things were worse down south of the Rio Grande. He'd heard stories that the gangs down there took over the government and were ruling things in a far more brutal feudal system than what had been going on in the wastes here. Someone must be putting up some serious tabs for them to pull a stunt like this, taking a couple of girls from The Valley and marching them all the way South. "But that doesn't make sense..." Jon said aloud, his mind racing as he walked through the house. He decided that he was going to hole up here for the night as he looked for more clues. "Unless that was the fallback plan..." he said, heading up to the first floor and looking around for anything that his quarry might have left behind.

He thought back to the chain of events. He then sat down in an old lounge chair where he figured one of the raiders would've sat at to get into the mindset. "I'm a raider who'd just did a bridenapping..." he said, closing his eyes and going through the mental exercise that he'd used many times before in previous investigations. I've nabbed two women and I was going to sell them to the Farm here in Salt Lick and Farmers for a quick score. I walk out of The Valley to my truck ten miles away because I don't want to be heard leaving the town by the guards... We camp there overnight but don't touch the youngest of the two women..." he thought back to what Mel had said about Andrea selling the raiders on the story that Andrea was the better choice for them to take. "We keep the fertile, lactating woman and don't pursue the one who got away..." He shook his head. "No... I'm unable to do that because the truck was sabotaged." He remembered Mel telling him that Andrea said that she was going to delay them using any means necessary. Good Girl... he thought. "We argue over the truck. But then there was a disagreement of some sorts, and we end up shooting each other, reducing our number of raiders from seven to four. I now have to walk it out of there with the only remaining woman and I know that pursuit is inevitably coming..."