Disciples of Caine Ch. 02


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Jon opened his eyes and walked to the window. He could see the Farm from here on top of the hill. "Because the truck is now toast, I'm behind my original schedule. So I can't sell the woman to The Farm because it's now an obvious choice and I stay here to see that I am indeed being pursued..." Jon swore under his breath. They'd been watching him up here the entire fucking time he was looking around down in the towns. "Alright, so I'm going to slip out the back to avoid the guy looking for me. I'm going to continue walking south until I either get to where I'm going, or I find a ride... or I'm going to where I know I can get a ride at to hasten my journey... fuck..." There had to be half a million different paths heading south to the Gulf. There was no way to cover them all. He knew of some raider camps between here and there and he'd go in to question the locals, but his only hope lay in getting to the Gulf first and finding the buyer.

He tore out of the house, hopped in his truck, and went back to the Farm. Once he got one of the supervisors, he blurted out the question. "Who the hell down south, around the Gulf, would be able to pay four times the tabs for a fertile, pregnant woman matching the description of my wife?"

The supervisor mulled it over. "Houston Hab in the Republic of Texas comes to mind," he said as he thought about it. "They have an old, pre-Flare cannery down there where they can just print their own tabs to pay anyone who trades with them from the wastes. But I doubt that they have that great of need for breeding stock. They're like Des Moines Hab and the Colorado Collation; they take HuCows on a volunteer basis now. Naw... if it were me, and I was looking for the big score, I'd go even further south into either Cuba or Veracruz. They'd have the milk canneries as well, but they'd also have the need for someone who could pump a kid out since they're trying to rebuild their population still.

"I don't suppose you have any way of finding out for sure, do you?" Jon asked. The supervisor shook his head. Jon thanked him for his time and got back in his truck. There wasn't anything left for him to do here and there was no way he could possibly track all the different routes south. Despite his reservations for driving long distances at night, Jon headed back north to The Valley to sleep in his own home, give everyone updates, and plan his next move. Tomorrow or the next day, he'd start raising some Caine amongst the local raider groups. He'd shake the trees to see what fell out.


CHAPTER 5: Day 30.

Andrea didn't even need the traveling doctor from the States to do his tests to tell her what she already knew; she was pregnant. She knew it once her belly started to harden and the fact that her period was two days overdue. Nevertheless, Brain wanted it confirmed before they moved from the safehouse outside of the Nashville Hab where they'd been for the past few weeks after obtaining a truck from a raider camp they'd gone through. In exchange for some tabs and the entire gang putting her on her hands and knees to bang her, Brain was able to secure transportation for them so they didn't have to continue walking south. Not that she ever saw a single one of them, or even knew what the doctor looked like that was examining her, as Brain had kept her hooded ever since they left Salt Lick and only took her hood off when it was time for her to bathe or sleep. The only reason she knew the general area was because she listened to the guys talk.

"Yep," she heard the doctor confirm from where she lay at on the bed. "She's pregnant all right. Congratulations, I guess. Give her these prenatal pills, once a day. You'll be able to get refills from any Hab city you come to. Make sure you still milk her at least once a day to keep her breast production healthy and continuing."

"Thank you, Doctor," Brain said evenly. "Now please leave and remember; you never saw us."

"Whatever..." the doctor sighed. "I stopped worrying about who does what out here in the Wastes a long time ago," he said as he packed up his bag and left the room.

She heard Brain walk up to her. Being blinded by the flesh-colored hood all the time enhanced her hearing and sense of proximity. "Open your mouth," Brain commanded. She did and she felt his fingers plop a bitter pill into it. "Drink and swallow," he then said, pressing a canteen to her lips. She drank down the pill along with the water. "Don't think that this gets you out of servicing us every night," he told her. "In fact, now that we have succeeded in impregnating you, all of your holes will be open for our use now."

"Yes, Master," Andrea replied meekly as he took the canteen away.

"In fact," he said, trailing his hand up her body from her mound to her breasts, making him shiver under his touch, "you can start right now."

"Uuuuungh... Yes, Master..." Andrea let out a throaty breath as she felt him tug on her leash to get her to move. She rolled off of the bed and followed him to the middle of the room they were in, immediately dropping to her knees when they stopped. It'd become a habit for her for this past month. She felt Brain take her hand and guide her over his hips. He'd already taken his pants down... or had been naked to begin with, either/or... so she slid down onto his cock easily, gasping as he filled her up. He peeled the nipple cap off of her right breast and began to suck on her tit. His free hand sild up and around the back of her neck to pull her down to him.

Once she was horizontal over top of Brain, she felt one of the others press his cock up against her ass and press in. It had already been lubed up somehow and judging by how warm it was, she figured he'd spat on it. Either way, she grimaced and grunted as he pushed up into her ass until he was lodged inside balls deep. She moaned at the feeling of two cocks inside of her at once. She felt his hand snake around her body to grope her left breast, squeezing and kneading it as he started to fuck her hard and deep. Andrea's body bobbed up and down on Brain's cock and body as the guard up her ass controlled the fucking. Soon he stopped playing with her breast and instead rested his hands on her shoulders to slide them around the front of her neck. Ah... Choker... she thought. That was the name she'd given to the raider who liked putting his hands and arms around her neck as he fucked her... which was fine by her. She reveled in the feeling, and she knew that they weren't going to hurt her as she was worth valuable tabs to them alive and pregnant. Andrea let out a deep groan of pleasure, pushing back against them both, as she was being pounded with Choker's hands around her neck.

Choker came first, grunting with pleasure and thrusting his hips forward to jam his cock deep into Andrea's ass. She felt his warm cum gush up inside of her bottom with his cock throbbing and pulsating the entire time. A few seconds later, Brain followed suit with his cock doing the same inside of her pussy. Feeling both of their cocks coming inside of her made her orgasm quite easily. She arched her back and screamed in ecstasy as her body shuddered between theirs. Then she hung her head limp as she was spent, tiny erotic tremors coursing through her as they pulled out of her. She felt Brain replace the cap on her right nipple. Then the other two were on her with one of them making her ride him just as she'd done with Brain and his friend taking her up the ass. This time her left nipple was exposed and the raider underneath of her started suckling on her breast. Andrea moaned again as the fucking continued, both cocks pistoning in and out of her body until she was made to climax again.


Jon was on the warpath. To him it was now Raider Hunting Season and there was no bag limit.

He had started with the minor gangs around The Valley and worked his way south from there. Every stop was the same; he'd roll in, ask about his wife, ask where a gang could get a ride at, and who down south could or would pay an exuberant amount for a pregnant woman. When they were uncooperative, he then shot the place up and freed any captives that they might have. The liberated captives he took back to The Valley where they were integrated into the society there for the betterment of everyone.

With success came fame. With fame came problems. Word quickly spread what he was up to. Some gangs disbanded on sight and traded weapons, armor, medicine, fuel, and parts in exchange for their lives as well as answering questions to the best of their knowledge. His truck bed filled up quickly with supplies to take back home. Others... weren't as pliable. Like today, when he simply parked outside of their encampment in Bowling Green, or just BG to the locals, and they started shooting at him on sight. He'd rolled out of his driver's side door after sliding the truck to a stop, passenger side facing the raiders so that he could use his truck for cover. Jon grabbed a bolt action rifle with a scope that he'd taken from a gang leader who'd surrendered to him. Instead of popping up over the top of the truck, as was expected of him judging by all of the pings of bullets ricocheting off of his reinforced truck body, Jon dropped to his belly and sighted in on the first raider, aiming through the space under his truck instead.

Five shots later, he had five raiders down. He reloaded the rifle as he calmly got up and moved to another vantage point. Raiders were predictable in that regards as they figured out where he was firing from and started shooting underneath of his truck. He was already safely out of the way, hunkered by a nearby tree, popping off another five raiders before moving again. Jon zig-zagged his way closer to the raiders until he got close enough to start chucking grenades at them. By this time, they'd lost half of their number and were starting to scatter like roaches with the lights tuned on. He let out a snort of derision when he walked through the ramshackle gates like he owned the place; they'd been shooting at him with shotguns that had no hope of doing more than scratching him at the distance he'd parked at. Nowadays he wore a black bullet proof flak vest with a black helmet and bullet proof plexiglass faceplate inside of a black wire cage. Unless someone had a howitzer or got lucky to hit a vital vein or artery in his legs, then they weren't stopping him.

Jon shouldered his rifle and picked up two shotguns from fallen raiders, taking the time to fully reload each from ammo retrieved from the bodies. Then he continued his inexorable advance into the raider compound. Whenever someone was brave enough to pop up at him, he shot them with the shotgun using only one hand. Then he'd flip the shotgun in his grip, hook the trigger guard with his thumb, put the slide in his armpit, and chamber another shell while keeping the other shotgun up and at the ready. It was a technique that he'd heard of Caine using and he'd been practicing it all month during his path of destruction to the south.

The last of the raiders took shelter in their command building in the middle of the compound. Firing wildly out of the only doorway in or out. Jon didn't waste his time trying to fight his way into the building that way. Instead, he put grenades into the corners of reinforced windows that had been closed off by plywood, or stuffed them into cracks in the walls here and there, blowing holes into the walls as he calmly walked around the building. That got the raiders inside panicked and agitated as they started firing blindly into the drywalls, making Jon's job easier. Then he popped some smoke grenades and tossed them into the breeches and through the front door to fill the place up with smoke. After that, all he had to do was hunker down next to the front door and wait, putting one of the shotguns down as a spare while he gripped the second one in both hands.

The first of the raiders came out with his automatic submachine gun, covering his eyes and coughing while firing blindly into the square. Jon dropped him with a single shot to his back. The next three followed suit and died the same way. The fourth raider paused, then threw out his weapon and came out with his hands up. The next few did the same thing. Jon barked out orders for them to get down on their knees with their hands over their heads with fingers interlaced and their ankles crossed. It was a crowd control technique that he'd read in an old manual at Andrea's library. Now properly pacified, Jon began his interrogation.

"Some guys came through here like you described them," one man said in a high-pitched, panicking voice. "They had some fat, curvy redheaded chick with them with a hood on... they got a truck from us in exchange for some tabs and some fuck with her."

Jon arched his eyebrow. "You all fucked her?"

"Yeah," another man said with a grin. "She was real good too; always calling us 'master' no matter who was fucking us with that sweet voice of her... with a pussy and ass that wouldn't quit, and that mouth that could suck a golf ball through a garden hose... And those titties? Man... milk as sweet as honey..."

Chambering a shell in the shotgun, Jon walked over to blabbermouth and blew his head clean off of his shoulders with one shot. He chambered another shell. "Anyone else wanna fucking brag about banging my wife?" He eyed them all. No one dared to say a word. It wasn't that he minded all these men having sex with Andrea, he just didn't like braggarts. He especially didn't like braggarts who tried to throw it in his face. Jon knew that he was on the right trail. If they had a truck now and were still heading south, they could make it to the coast soon. "Here's what I'm going to do," he said, walking back and forth in front of the line, eyeing each and every one of them. Maybe it was time to try a new tactic. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer with your lifetime being measured in seconds right now. You all work for me. The name is Ranger. In exchange for not killing you, you will all go south and start asking around for me for these four who have my wife. You will all tell everyone that you come across that Ranger is looking for them and that I will kill anyone who buys her as well as destroy their livelihood. If you happen to see them, you'll report their location to everyone at once to get the message to me. Got it?"

There were nods all up and down the line. One man piped up. "So... Uh... what are ya gonna do about the other slaves we got here?"

"Other... slaves?" Jon asked with an arched eyebrow. They led him to a small house that was boarded up save for the front door. Inside the living room was two curvy, busty women; one black and one white. Both were naked, blindfolded, and bound face down, spread eagle to a bed of their own that had holes cut into the mattresses and springs to allow their large breasts to dangle underneath. They had nameplates of 'Chloe' and 'Buffy', respectively. Suction hoses were attached to their nipples to continually milk them while two rods attached to the foot frame of the beds protruded into their pussies and asses, probably keeping them constantly on edge and to keep them in place. Jon glared at the raiders, who withered under his hard gaze.

He waved the barrel of his shotgun to get people moving. "Get them out of there and get them cleaned up," he ordered, having to back away from the reek of a mixture of bodily fluids inside. He now openly glowered at the other raiders who'd remained outside who were now all protesting their innocence. Jon fired a shot into the air with the shotgun to shut them all up. "And you people wonder why everyone fucking hates bandits like you?" he said sharply, pointing inside the house. "It's because you do fucked up shit like this! Now get going and do MY bidding before I decide to execute the lot of you while your girlfriends inside are cleaning the slaves up!" They didn't need to be told twice as they all scrambled for whatever vehicles they had left and started driving south. Inwardly, Jon sighed. Getting Andrea would have to wait as he'd be taking these two back home to The Valley and checking in with his family first.


CHAPTER 6: Day 35

"The rate you're going, you're going to have your own harem soon," Wayne remarked after Jon had arrived. "Two new milking slaves plus the one that you already have? You're on a roll."

"Not that I have room for them," Jon sighed as he collapsed into the couch inside of Wayne's office at his manor. It had been a day since he'd been back and he just got Chloe and Buffy squared away at his house under Luci's care for the time being. He had to move his kids to his in-laws house under Jenn's care until he figured out what to do. "Or time to care for them for that matter. Andrea gets further south from here with every day that goes by." He eyed Wayne. "What do you think about starting up a Dairy Farm of our own here? Those two are so far gone mentally that they're not much use for anything else other than milking and fucking. I just suggested that they live their own lives and they started bawling in fear."

Wayne pondered it. "Has merit. I'll make some calls while you're gone. Get some rest, spend time with your family, and don't worry about anything here. Just get your wife back. You're making a good name for us in the region here with your bandit clearing activity while you're looking for her. I think that we might end up rivaling Lincoln out west in terms of up and coming towns."

"Just don't start thinking of me as Caine," Jon quipped. "I don't need that kind of pressure or anything."

"Naw, I like calling you 'Ranger' instead," Wayne grinned. "Has a better ring to it and shows people that Caine isn't the only badass around here."


"Whadya mean you're not gonna buy her?!" Brain shouted, the first time Andrea had ever heard him slip from his normally formal speak to a more guttural, exasperated talk. "Fine! I know half a dozen other places that would buy her!" She felt her chain leash jerk and she fell into step behind Brain, who was muttering irritably under his breath. Over the past few days, they'd moved farther down, due south, going from the region of TenIsthsee down into 'Bama. The weather was growing warmer the further they went.

Rumors had gotten to them that someone named 'Ranger' was after her and that he'd been tearing up the area in his relentless pursuit. Andrea knew that had to be Jon. On the few occasions when they stopped to rest, and Andrea had a rare moment alone, she'd scrawl a quick note in cursive for him on the off chance that he found it. Deep in her heart she knew that it wasn't a matter of if he found her, it would be when. The rumor that they'd heard also said that if anyone bought her off of Brain, they'd be ruined. Brain was getting more and more desperate to get rid of her now before Jon caught him.

She was taken to the back of the truck where she was made to kneel down on the plush mattress in which two phalluses protruded from the center; one in her ass and one in her pussy. Her knees and ankles were buckled into place to keep her there in the middle of the dark box that made up the bed of the truck. It kept her out of the direct sunlight while they traveled. Right before the doors closed in on her, she heard something about Montgomery Hab being their next destination. Andrea's chest heaved as she let out a huff of air. She sorely wished that she had the ability to write that down somewhere before they left but being blinded by the hood and having her arms bound behind her back, still, left her very little options. The truck started up and she felt the phalluses inside of her vibrate with the engine. Soon she stopped caring as they drove on and she was having orgasms every ten to fifteen miles it seemed.

When they finally stopped, it was considerably cooler. Andrea couldn't feel the sun and so it had to be nighttime. She moaned as she was dragged from the bed of the truck and just like the many times before, she found the strength to still walk despite having endured multiple, limb shaking orgasms while her legs were asleep. She felt cool concrete under her feet and heard sounds of them walking into a house. Then it was down some stairs where the hood was ripped off of her. Andrea blinked to get her bearings and Brain pointed to the nearby bathroom. "Running hot water. So be sure to do your thing and clean up. You got ten minutes before our friends get here to fuck you.