Distractions Ch. 11


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All the fighting I did with myself, and I ended up right back where I started, hopelessly in love with my best friend, and no idea how he felt about me. My hands wrapped around the base of his neck as I tried to pull him closer not worrying about what would happen later, just focusing on the now.

His lips were frantic on mine as he pressed his lips hotly to mine. I didn't protest when his hands found my hips and slid securely around my thighs and lifted me. My legs fastened around his waist as he began walking us towards my bedroom. I tried to remember if I left my room presentable for him to see, but I couldn't concentrate with the feel of the bulge in his pants pressing into me.

His fingers fumbled with my shirt and I lifted my arms over my head to help him. He laid me down on the bed and tugged my pants off after I fumbled with the buckle. I didn't realize how much I missed the sight of Gavin's body until he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it behind him.

I didn't mean to let out the whimper I did as I watched his hair fall into his eyes and he struggled to undo his belt. Gavin looked at me with a question in his eyes, undoubtedly thinking I had changed my mind. I smiled shyly at him and motioned him closer. His eyes darkened and his smile widened as he climbed between my legs.

He brushed his fingers through my hair and gripped me possessively as he ground his body into me.

"Don't ever do that again, Gavin," I said as his face settled above mine.

His eyes continued to search mine as he tightened his arms around me. He nodded and pulled me closer. I don't think he realized he never got a chance to take his pants off before he was slipping into me over and over.


"Red?" I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to wake up just in case this was a dream.


"I gotta go, but I will be back as soon as I can." I shifted towards him as he drew lazy circles on my bareback. I raised my eyebrows at him in question. "I promised some people from work that I'd meet them to talk about a project we're doing." He looked at me like as if afraid I would be angry. Instead, I smiled and kissed him gently on the lips.

"I will be back as soon as I can."

I nodded again and settled my head in the crook of my arm. I was sated and didn't want him to leave, but I had to be real.

"Okay, see you later?" I tired to ask as nonchalantly as I could. What I really wanted to know was if he loved me the way, I loved him. I wanted to know if we'd be okay or where we stood, or if I'd ever see him pulling on his clothes after sex with me again, but I kept my mouth shut.


I smiled as I slid myself higher up in the bed. I watched as he moved about my room gathering his clothes. There was something so undeniably sexy in the way his muscles shifted under his lightly bronzed skin.

Gavin sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on his shoes. He looked at me shyly and tucked an errant stand of hair behind my ear. He leaned in close and kissed me deeply forgetting he had somewhere to be. When I finally pulled back, I asked him what time he was supposed to meet his coworkers, and he smiled against my lips. He kissed me briefly then told me he'd see me later as he rushed out the door.

I glanced at the clock curious to see exactly how much time had passed while I was with Gavin. Oh, shit! I didn't realize what time it was, and Gavin provided the perfect distraction. I jumped up and scrambled to throw on my clothes. It was too late to call Ben and cancel; he was probably already on his way to the coffee shop.

I cringed as I realized I would smell like Gavin as I hurriedly got dressed and ran out the door. I swept my hair up in a messy bun and prayed I didn't look as if I'd just been thoroughly fucked.


"Seriously?" I asked by way of hello when Ben finally stepped onto the curb. I'd gotten to the coffee shop first, and I was waiting for him outside when he pulled up.

"What?" He asked me innocently as his full lips revealed his shiny teeth. He glanced at his watch. I'm not late, you're early."

I tilted my head to the side and glared at him. "Who drives to a coffee shop in a $300,000 car?"

His smile widened. "So you know something about cars?"

"I know the Dean of Admissions makes good money, but not that good."

Ben nodded and shoved his hands in his pants. "Do you like it?"

I rolled my eyes at him tying to fight the urge to run up to the car and press my face to the glass. "The only person that wouldn't like that car, wouldn't know what kind of car it was."

"Yea well, I just bought it because I saw it in a movie."

I glared at Ben incredulously. I let out a heavy breath, mostly because I wanted to keep from squealing. "Quantum of Solace. That's James Bond's car. You're driving James Bond's car. The 2009 Ashton Martin DBS."

I turned my gaze back to him absolutely mystified. For the first time since I met him, he looked embarrassed. "Was it too much?"

"Too much?" I asked shaking my head. "Who the hell drives James Bond's car?"

Ben was looking at the car with a regretful look. "I brought it out to impress you."

My eyes flashed wide. "What?" Who was this guy? And why'd he come along after Gavin and I made up?

"Every woman judges a man by the car he drives. I was kind of an ass the other day and I kinda wanted to sugar coat things. Did it work?"

I shook my head at him, trying not to be distracted by the light bouncing off all the chrome on the car. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. "I have news for you, I'm not like other women. I judge a man based on what's in his wallet."

Ben looked at me like I was crazy until he saw the wide grin spread across my face, then he smiled too. "See, I knew we would get along."

We stepped up to the counter and ordered our coffee. The entire time, I was trying to steal glances at this handsome man. He was taller than I was with dark hair and dark sparkling eyes. He had a genuine smile and a lean body. He was a doctor and he was obviously rich, so there had to be something wrong with him.

He didn't have any body odor, no bald spot…he wasn't staring at my tits. Maybe he has a tail. Oh my god, he's married. The thought never crossed my mind before now. Holy shit, was I stupid. I tried to steal glances at his hand, but I couldn't see anything. I was still deep in my assessment when he pulled out a twenty and tried to pay for my coffee.

"Oh no you don't, you better save your money because you have to put gas in that thing. At twelve miles per gallon, you better save your quarters, unless no one told you the rest of the country is in a recession right now?"

He tilted his head back and let out a good solid laugh. "Already jumping to the jokes, are we?"

I smiled. "Yep, I can't resist when you leave yourself wide open like that."

"I will have to remember that," he said as he led me to an empty table near the window. I wasn't sure if it was so he could keep an eye on his car, or if he wanted to remind me, he was rich enough to have one.

We sipped coffee in silence as we watched the occasional pedestrian stop and gawk at his car. After the third person, I had to ask. "So, how does the Dean of Admission afford such a car, assuming its not rented? If you don't mind me asking."

He shook his head and smiled. "I'm a neurosurgeon too." I started at him. Now he was just yanking my chain. "I'm serious. I have a very demanding practice, but the school needed someone. It's a small school in a small town, so the Dean of Admissions doesn't have much to do. Lots of the older doctors in town just don't want to be bothered. I don't have a family, so I have no reason to want to spend all my free time at home."

I glanced down at his left hand. Nope. No ring.

"Oh." I was staring at his face trying to calculate his age. Four years of medical school, about two more as a surgical resident, and another lets just say three of specializing in neurosurgery. That put him somewhere in the range of 33 to 37, and that was being modest.

"I'm 36 and a half. I could see the wheels turning in your head. I graduated from medical school two years early. Apparently I'm wicked smart or something," he said with a grin.

I was starting to feel bad about being polite and not canceling on Ben when I had the chance. I should have said screw it and stayed home. I had to keep reminding myself Gavin was all I ever wanted.

"I shouldn't have called you," I said looking him in the eye. "I'm real sorry, especially because I want to get inside that awesome car."

"You still can, you know," he said holding my gaze and effectively ignoring the first part of my question. "Its not like I cant be your rich, handsome friend who just happens to be driving a DBS."

At least he's a good sport, I thought as I grinned widely. I sat staring at him for another minute. Wow.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked as he stared into his cup.


"I was surprised when you called…and it wasn't a professional surprise." I nodded. "What happened to the boyfriend you said you had? If I'm being too personal, you can tell me to shove it."

I smiled at him.

"So we're being honest, right?" He nodded. "He and I are," I paused because I wasn't sure what we were. "Working things out, which sort of happened right after I got off the phone with you. Apparently communicating feelings is a huge problem for us." I cringed a little because I know no guy wants to hear a girl talk about another dude.

"Go ahead," Ben encouraged as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Its different when someone was your best friend and then you decide to take things further. It's harder because you know everything about them. Sometimes it's not always good. I'm sorry," I said. "I don't mean to babble, its just I'm – we are still adjusting. Hopefully, I won't loose one of the two people closets to me. But I think things will be okay I guess," I said as I remembered how I spent the afternoon and how we left it.

I confessed my love, even if it was by accident, then he had to go to a meeting. Does this mean Gavin and I were fuck buddies? Do fuck buddies confess their love for each other? I think not. I was more confused than before.

"And to think, I was gonna ask you to the Mayors Party." Bens voice pulled me from my thoughts that were starting to spiral out of control.

"Now you're just rubbing it in," I said with a grin. There had to be a catch with this guy because this was too easy. "What, no hot nurses lined up waiting to take your temperature?"

"Like I haven't heard that one before."

"Just thought I'd give it a try." Ben smiled and looked at me questioningly. "I would have gone with you, but only because of the whole car thing. That was a really good move."

"I'm glad you like it. Most women don't even know what the emblem is on the front."

"Like I said, Ben. I'm not like most women."

"Indeed," he said taking another sip of his coffee. "Indeed."


I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling in the darkness trying my hardest not to compare Ben to Gavin.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and when my door opened a crack, I noticed immediately. Bren was a sleep in his room; I could hear him snoring, so I knew it wasn't him.

"Are you awake?"

"What are you doing here?" I could see Gavin peeking his head around the door.

"I couldn't wait to see you," he said as he stepped into the room and pulled the door closed behind him.

I laughed because this was weird. "Oh really? What of mine did you lose? Or break," I asked with a smile.

"Nothing," he said as he slipped off his shoes and pulled off his shirt. "If this is all the time I have with you, I'm not going to spend it sleeping alone in my bed."


"Oh?" he asked as he smiled at me in the dark. He pulled on a lock of my hair as he climbed over me into my bed. "Lets talk about this Cali thing."

My smile widened as he pulled me into his arms and I molded to him. "What do you want to know?" Suddenly, I was giddy. This was just like old times.

"When do you leave?"

"Sunday, I think. I've put off thinking about it."

"Are you gonna miss me?"

"I'm not so sure." I turned my head in his chest knowing that I couldn't keep a straight face. "This sensitive and nice Gavin is kinda creeping me out."

Gavin pulled my hair, and I pinched his side. I closed my eyes and breathed in his fresh scent. He must have gone home after his meeting and showered, because he smelled amazing.

"Can I come visit you?" he asked quietly.

Was he serious? I hadn't even made the decision yet.

"I guess, I mean, if you want. But that would be kinda silly wouldn't it?" I felt his body stiffen under me.

"Yea, I guess four years is plenty of time for you to forget all about us as build yourself a whole new life, huh?"

"What are you talking about?" My voice full of irritation. "I'm going to California this time to see if I like it." I tilted my head up so I could see his eyes through the darkness. "Didn't Bren tell you?" I asked when I was met with his confused expression. "I wouldn't move all the way out there without first seeing if I liked it. I'm only going for a few days to look at the campus and stuff and check out the school."

Gavin's grip on me tightened. "So what happens if you like it?"

"Then I go there for four months. If I like it I can stay and finish."

"And if you don't like it?"

"Then I come home, wait four months and start my first semester here."

"Your brothers an asshole," Gavin said after a pause.

"I know," I whispered as I leaned up to touch his lips with mine. We didn't do much talking after that.


"You do realize that my brother is on the other side of that door, right?" The words came out in short gasps.

"Uh huh," Gavin grunted as he pushed himself deeper into me.

My fingers were white knuckling the edge of my dresser as I tried to maintain my grip on reality. Gavin had come into my room nearly twenty minutes ago to help me with the zipper on my dress. Instead, I ended up with the dress bunched around my hips as Gavin knelt on the floor in front of me and buried his face in my sex.

I came twice before he pushed his tuxedo pants to his ankles and shoved his hot throbbing length into me. He was pushing franticly into me from behind as I watched his head fall back in pleasure in the mirror.

Through the sounds of our panting, and the tingling that was starting in my toes, I could hear Brenden stomping around in the living room. In the past few days he had come to learn that it was better if he didn't come knocking when Gavin and I were behind closed doors.

An unexpected gasp escaped my lips as Gavin shifted his hips and changed the angle he was entering me from. He bent down and bit on my shoulder as be began to pump harder and faster. I could feel my pussy spasming around him trying to milk him for my salty prize.

I was starting to loose my grip on the dresser as Gavin's thrusts were lifting my stillettoed feet off the floor. I could feel my climax steam rolling into me as Gavin continued to pound me. He slipped a stray finger under my dress and pressed my clit pushing me over the edge. He continued to slip into me as my orgasm roared through me.

Gavin still hadn't come yet as he slowed his thrusts and tilted my lips towards his.

"We are going to be late," I gasped out, vaguely thinking it would now take me another twenty minutes to look presentable.

"Come on!" I could hear the fury in my brother's voice. "We're going to be late!"

"I'm helping her with her dress," Gavin shouted back in a surprisingly steady voice with his dick still firmly lodged between my legs.

Well, that was practically the truth.

Gavin kissed my bare back as he pulled me to him and erupted deep inside me. My body gave a satisfied shudder as his lips settled on mine again. I whimpered when his softening cock slipped from me, but I knew we couldn't afford any more distractions, so I tried to keep my disappointment to myself.

"Don't worry, Red. I'm pretty sure you and I will have another private date tonight," he said as he slipped the fingers that had been toying in my juiced into his mouth. "You look absolutely edible in that dress."

My face heated, and I felt an immediate pulse in my sex.

I turned away from him and let my dress fall to the floor praying it wasn't too wrinkled. I fixed my hair as best I could in the mirror trying to avoid Gavin's predatory gaze. I smiled when I realized the back of my dress still wasn't zippered.

"Seriously," I said turning towards him, trying to keep a straight face. "Can you please just zipper the dress."

His smile widened and I had to remind him that it would be rude if we were late to the Mayor's party. He shrugged his shoulders innocently and planted another kiss on the back of my neck as he slowly slid the zipper into place.

I moved away from him before he could do anymore damage. This guy is hazardous to my health. The last few days had been a nonstop fuck fest, even if I was still emotionally clueless as to how Gavin really felt about me. This was undoubtedly going to make my move to Cali, if I moved, that much more unbearable. Maybe it was a good thing he hadn't said anything. If he told me he loved me, I probably wouldn't be able to get on the plane.

I stood in front of the door and turned back to make sure he was decent before I opened it. I wanted to run to the bathroom and clean myself up before Brenden would drag us out the door. I'm sure he's pissed we all agreed to go in one car.

"Don't even think of making a run for it. I want you sticky with my juices all night," he said in a husky voice as he shook the hair out of his eyes.

Jesus, I felt my pussy spasm again and prayed I could make it the entire night without dissolving into a puddle of oversexed hormones.

I smiled at him, so happy that he was finally mine, and straightened his bowtie. He slipped his hand in mine as he pulled my bedroom door open. The smile disappeared off his face when we were met with my brother's icy glare. He said nothing as he turned on his heel and stalked out the front door.

An embarrassed flush crept into my face as Gavin gently laid his hand on the small of my back and ushered me out behind my brother.


The car ride was tense, my brother refusing to acknowledge either of us. In truth, I did feel bad because we definitely could try harder to not be so in his face about our relationship. Eventually, he began to thaw as Gavin prodded him about all the single prospects that were going to be there. Suddenly my brother wasn't so pissed anymore.

The valet parked the car as we headed into the hotel. This hotel was one of the oldest standing structures in the town, and it was fitting that every year it was the site of the Mayor's Birthday Party. The floors were made of huge slabs of marble perfectly amplifying the sounds of footsteps stomping across them.

I felt Gavin's hand at the base of my spine as he and my brother led me into the main ballroom. My breath was nearly taken away as I took notice of the decorations. The chandeliers sparkled brightly as they hung from the cathedral ceilings and twinkled brilliantly against the starlight shining through the skylights.

We stepped into the ballroom where Gavin gave our names, and the hostess pointed us towards our table. He kissed my forehead and told me to stop blushing because I looked beautiful. I was about to pinch him in the side when an old friend from college walked up and put him in a headlock. Gavin shot me an apologetic look as he was dragged away. I laughed and set my bag down on the table looking around for familiar faces.