Divine Intervention


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I exhaled long and hard till my lungs were empty. Now don't get me wrong, I've been a pretty good player in my time, a sometime hustler if the truth be known. But a one-off frame for such a huge stake? I'd be crazy to accept.

It was Saskia's fault. She'd been watching the developments in the grey corner of the pub with a keen eye. "Go on Ree-chee, be man not mouse," she goaded in that broken accent of hers.

* * *

Five minutes later I was sick to the very pit of my stomach as Ronnie addressed the black ball. A straight-ish shot, he could hardly miss. Lifting back the cue, he launched, the money ball fired into the dead centre of the pocket to retrieve a grand and a half I could really have put to good use. A relieved sigh slipped from Ronnie's lips.

Yet for some reason, unbeknown even to the man himself, he'd put some top on the white ball. We all watched, mouths agape, as the white began to travel down the baize, hot on the heels of the black. God knows where the momentum came from, but it rolled...and rolled...and rolled. Ker-plunk, it sunk in the same pocket as the black. Game over, I'd won by default, but won nonetheless. I took the bulging three grand wad and stuffed it firmly in my pocket, refusing the hopeful plea of 'double or quits'. No fucking way.

Drinks all round, Natalya, the other East European barmaid did the honours. Not as attractive as Saskia, she was a few years older, in her late twenties, with crow's feet around the eyes and a nose that was a little too long for my taste. Yet what appealed most about Natalya was an air of being a dirty-as-hell bitch, the sort of girl you could take out on a first date and guarantee getting in her knickers before the evening was out. She gave me a sly smile that had as much to do with my newfound wealth as any deep seated attraction.

With lunchtime pressing, the pub began to swell with office workers, arriving for the usual midday antics. A hush ascending, all attention focused on the stage at the far end, lined with garish silver tinsel. Saskia had taken up position and was gyrating sexily at a strategically placed pole, her outer clothing shed piece by piece.

Swinging around to face away from the audience, she thrust a pair of firm buttocks, separated by a black cheese-wire thong, in time to a funky disco beat. The staccato movements mesmerised the odd mix of grimy all-day drinkers and bespoke perverts. Whilst all this was going on, at ground level Malcolm the landlord moved among the herd, collecting the compulsory toll in a sturdy pint mug. Benevolently I treated the vanquished card players to a freebie, pressing a crushed fiver into the glass.

Up on stage, having lowered the thong down her thighs and calves, Saskia stepped out of it, naked now but for a pair of skyscraper heels. Palming her perky tits whilst licking her lips, Saskia's thighs were clamped tightly together to conceal her snatch from the heavy breathing audience. Tilting forward, she squeezed her breasts into a cleavage whilst pouting at the baying onlookers.

Taking to a chair at the centre of the stage the young stripper rocked back, kicking a pair of long slender legs high in the air. Slowly they parted to form a V-shape, revealing the knot of a puckered anus and the sheen of a baby smooth pussy. The crowd mumbled its approval and I felt the first stirrings in my groin.

Saskia issued a seductive smile through her legs, stroking a finger up the mound of her pussy whilst groaning. The fingers trailed up over her belly, between the cleavage and to her lips. Retrieving the micro thong and stretching it between each thumb, Saskia parted her legs and worked the slender length of nylon back and forth across the frictionless groove. She moaned as her pussy lips petalled. Jumping up, she curtseyed before disappearing amid a ripple of applause.

A tame show by East End standards, it nonetheless satiated those that couldn't get it elsewhere, and all for a pound. A few minutes later, the star of the show appeared back behind the bar, fully clothed once more, to count the spoils in the pint mug. A paltry share after Malcolm had taken his half-cut of the proceeds, discreetly I slipped a tenner into Saskia's hand, my generosity rewarded with a peck on the cheek.

A further five-minute recess and it was Natalya's turn to take to the stage. Less attention to the strip than Saskia, the older girl knew what the audience craved, positioning herself at the very front of the stage, legs spread and dangling over the edge. Blowing a kiss, she reached aside into a little handbag, extracting a smooth black dildo. An obligatory circulation of the breasts and nipples, marked by a fake groan of lust, Natalya trailed the toy down her stomach before teasing a pair of plump cunt lips.

Holding the dildo still, she thrust from the hips, pressing her pussy onto the tapered head, letting it penetrate her cunt. Those at the front edged closer it pushed up inch by inch up inside her welcoming snatch, accompanied by a practiced groan. With the other hand she licked a finger and played with her nipples.

The clink of tithes ringing out once more from the pub floor pre-empted another freebie for the card players, donated cheerily. With over three grand on me, I couldn't be more pleased with the way the day was going. That sort of money would go a long way until another job came along.

Working the dildo in and out purposefully, Natalya brought herself to a quasi-climax, writhing in mock ecstasy. Removing it with a squelch, Natalya lifted the streamlined black toy to her lips before issuing a loving lollypop suck. The crowd went wild, craving an encore. But that was all their £2 bought, the lunchtime show over for another day, the office workers returning to their desks content and the lowlifes back to their halves of cheap stout.

The card players issued farewells, threatening to return the following morning to win it all back. I didn't doubt it, my luck surely unable to sustain a new day. Sadly the pub thinned out to such an extent that only a handful remained, none of whom I was inclined to foist my newfound wealth upon with free drinks. Growing bored, I was about to sup up and head off to try my luck at the bookies when Natalya reappeared behind the bar, her modesty back intact. 'Enjoy the show, yah honey?' she purred in that East European brogue that seemed to get sexier by the pint.

I nodded enthusiastically, upon which she went into a private huddle with Saskia, giggles emanating from their inner sanctum. I glanced at my watch, electing to defer the horses for now. It was seven hours until Zara's party and I had a bad case of the horn.

It was Natalya that emerged, shuffling close to whisper in my ear: "Hey honey, we both finish soon, yah. We go to Saskia's flat for some fun...you care to join us, yah?"

My eyebrows elevated to touch my fringe. My luck, it seemed, was holding good. The only shame, given that Saskia's flat was half an hour's walk, was that my car had been pinched. Horny as hell, I could barely wait.

Neither, it seemed, could the girls, touching each other sensually as their high heels click-clicked on the pavement. Two strides behind, I had the perfect view of their gorgeous arses as they bobbed up and down snugly inside denim shorts. Hmmm, I'd sooner be behind the wheel of my sleek black XR3i. I issued a quick glance up to the fluffy and benign looking clouds that drifted by in a peaceful indigo sky. It was then that I was forced to do a double-take as my car, yes MY car, drove straight past us. "Oi," I hollered, not even giving a second thought to bolting off into the road in pursuit.

Spotting me bearing down, the little scumbag in the driver's seat went straight for the accelerator, only for a juggernaut to reverse out of a side road and block the way. I cringed as the brakes screeched like hungry babies and the car was swathed in a puff of white smoke. The joyrider contemplated swerving up and around on the pavement before thinking better of it. In that moment's hesitation, sprinting alongside I stretched for the door, tugging it open before he could activate the lock.

All I can say is that a red mist descended. Fists flew wildly as I hauled him outside, the poor scrawny kid taking it all. Somehow I managed to stop short of beating him to a pulp – it was his lucky day too, though I made sure to extract a humbling apology before he slunk away. Taking pity I tossed a pound coin for the bus fare home. He told me to go fuck myself so I started the engine. I'd never seen a guy run so fast, hurdling a wall to get away.

Saskia and Natalya caught up, gushing and evidently impressed by my pugilistic skills. As they climbed into the back, I adjusted the driver's seat back to my own specification, whilst checking that the toe-rag hadn't caused my pride and joy too much harm.

Clearly their extra-curricular activities on the stage of the grimy pub, coupled with my show of macho aggression had aroused the girls, for the journey had barely begun when I was treated to the kind of sideshow the regulars of The Crown would never get to witness.

Glancing up in the rear view, it was hard to concentrate on the road as the whimpers and moans began in earnest, oh-so-tenderly at first, lips barely touching. Yet that alone was sufficient to set my pulse racing and cock throbbing, such is the sheer eroticism of two women kissing. Those initial butterfly kisses became more urgent as arousal morphed into lust and hands came to rest upon waists, caressing gently. I exhaled hard, shifting in the seat for the sake of comfort, in the process taking my eyes off the road and narrowly avoiding a zigzagging cyclist.

He was about to bang on the roof in admonishment when he caught sight of the two girls in the rear locked in a steamy embrace. By now tongues were lashing and a symphony of slurping had arisen. Such was the intensity of the embrace that it seriously looked as if each girl was trying to suck the other's tongue out of her mouth. I grinned at the open-mouthed cyclist before accelerating away in a cloud of smoke, denying him any further chance to share my action.

And action it was, of the highest order, played out to the roar of the injection under the bonnet. I wasn't sure what was hotter: the frenzied girl-on-girl exploits or the tiger in my tank. As I angled away from town, Saskia offered flustered directions to her flat, punctuated by bouts of panting and groaning.

I glanced up to see Natalya had rolled her friend's t-shirt up her flat belly and over Saskia's perky tits in a concertina at her neck. The older girl issued a delighted purr before busily kissing all over and around Saskia's boobs. Her tongue circled the areolae, her pursed lips suckling each nipple. "Mmmmmmm, turn left, baby, oh fuck yahhhhhhh, turn right," Saskia moaned in genuine ecstasy.

I looked down at the tent in my jeans then back to the road and up to the rear view. This was one hell of a tortuous ride. As Natalya's head dipped out of view, I had to adjust the mirror to see, observing her eagerly kissing down Saskia's flat tummy and wrestling with her jeans.

Things would go no further – at least for now – given our arrival at Saskia's flat, the journey's end marked with a cry of "stop".

The three of us alighted, sprinting up the stairs, items of clothes falling away like late night skinny dippers. In the melee of limbs and discarded clothing, I burst through the door in just a single sock and boxers, marvelling at Saskia in just a thong and Natalya wearing nothing more than a lustful smile. I clean forgot there was three grand in the trouser pocket.

Wasting no time, Saskia placed her hands on my chest and pushed me back on the sofa. Before I'd time to get comfortable she straddled me, knees either side of my thighs, hips grinding as she lapdanced seductively. As her jaunty tits rubbed my face, I reached behind to grope her arse cheeks, pulling the girl closer. The hot little student stripper purred as my cock came to life, poking its eager head through the slit in the boxers.

Meanwhile, Natalya had taken up a position beside me and was busily feasting upon my neck whilst rubbing a palm across my chest, twisting the fine weave of hair through her slender fingers whenever a gap appeared between Saskia and I. Oh this was every man's dream.

The lapdance ending, Saskia clambered aside, leaving me in the middle. A desperate dive for my cock ensued, their skulls bashing. Quickly they kissed each other better before reaching concord in their own language. Evidently trading on her seniority, Natalya shook an index finger indignantly. I was in heaven, two hot sluts fighting over my cock. Natalya moved in to claim the prize, lips pursed to receive the shiny tip, tongue flicking eagerly at the eye.

Saskia ducked down lower, hands rested upon my thighs, soft lips kissing the base of the shaft and letting my balls rest on her soft velveteen tongue. This went on for about a minute before, reaching a silent agreement, they swapped places, Saskia's warm mouth enveloping the bulbous tip and cleaning Natalya's saliva.

Eager to impress, the enthusiastic girl plunged up and down like she was bobbing for an apple on Halloween. My cock nudged the back of her throat as she worked her jaw with purpose. Natalya went one step further by licking the puckered knot of my arse, sending a shiver through me.

Then their faces came together, near the eye, abandoning my cock and anus momentarily to kiss one other long and hard. Returning to the inflated manhood that stood out obscenely from my midriff, they took it in turns, resembling woodpeckers hammering at a tree. Saliva ran down the shaft and pooled in my pubes. It wasn't long before I had hold of both crowns, gripping clumps of hair and pushing one head down and raising it, then alternating.

The girls seemed to adored having their mouths used like hot little pussy holes as I fucked their faces. That was until Saskia moaned that her dripping cunt needed attention. Both climbing clear of the couch, Saskia knelt down between my legs to allow her pretty mouth to continue plunging up and down my stiff appendage, whilst Natalya assumed a position at her friend's hindquarters. Gazing down Saskia's smooth back I was able to see Natalya rip off her friend's sopping wet thong and get to work, slurping hungrily at the elevated cunt.

That drove Saskia absolutely fucking crazy and I winced as my cock was almost sucked from my balls. Saskia reached to wank the shaft, driving me closer and closer to orgasm as my cock tip nudged her tonsils. Her moans of lust were muffled in thick manhood. This went on for five minutes as I fought desperately to prolong the moment. Natalya seemed to sense my impending orgasm, for she ceased her fervent licking, emerging from between her friend's buttocks. Lips sticky with cunt honey, she pressed her face to mine, letting me savour the taste of Saskia. That tipped me over the edge.

Lowering so that their cheeks were pressed together as if trying to squeeze into a photo, they waited expectantly, mouths open wide like baby birds at feeding time. Finishing off solo, my fist blurred around the unerring shaft. Fuck yesssssss, I wasgoing to cum so damn hard, finally jerking and spraying a hose of thick cum. Each girl took an equal amount with more than enough to go around, their lips and chins splattered, some errant seed even finding its way up their noses. Both chomped hungrily on the bounty and then turned to lick each other's faces clean.

Cunts dripping, they assumed the 69 position on the carpet beneath me, hands at each other's butts, fingernails raking. They fitted together perfectly like Russian nesting dolls, rolling around and tonguing each other frenziedly, whilst I offered encouragement, calling them every bitch-slut-whore name under the sun. The tongue-lashing continued for five hungry minutes, neither girl seeming to want to come up for air, intoxicated by pussy fumes. It was Saskia that came first, her toes curling and legs kicking, a shriek of pleasure that could crack glass ejected from her lips. Unselfishly she kept lapping away until Natalya too writhed in pleasure and screamed her release.

After a brief moment's respite, the pair uncoupled and rose to their knees before me, lips and chins glistening with pussy juice. Each pushed up on haunches, presenting her face in turn and I kissed, licked and sucked until the skin was clean, gulping the heady cocktail to the back of my throat. Both smiled warmly, issuing whimsical sighs as, eyelids heavy, they tilted their heads, resting flushed cheeks on each of my thighs. The satisfied sound of snoozing soon sent me to a similar place.

* * *

With Saskia's clock chiming three o'clock, I awoke with a start. Looking down on the two strippers, I appraised the unbelievable day so far. And what a day it had been, wiping away the woes of the previous day with stroke after stroke of good fortune. It was almost perfect. Almost. The question remained: could it possibly get any better?

The time had arrived to up the ante, for me to take control of my own destiny, a plan formulating in my head. The two girls at my feet roused from their slumbers, gazing up through lustful glazed eyes. Simultaneously, two pairs of hands reached out to my still sleeping cock and it was all I could do to brush them off with a stern warning. They cowered back, lips pouting. "Natalya, I need your help," I said. "Get dressed quickly."

Her eyes looked back inquisitively and, slow to react, I took hold of her wrist, leading her out of the flat and to the car, discarded clothes from the hall and stairs retrieved on the way. It was only then that I realised there was three grand in the pocket any opportunist could have availed himself of. Oh yes, this was my lucky day all right, and things were just going to get better and better. I could feel it.

From the window Saskia waved bye-bye with sad panda eyes. It was a tough call leaving her, but the day wasn't getting any younger. And whilst pussy tasted sweet, revenge could taste even sweeter.


A follow-up is in the offing but a little encouragement, constructive criticism and feedback is always gratefully received.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Where is this pub

Good story but not great. Needs a little more character development but could turn into several good stories with a combination of the female characters and male lead. Liked the pub descriptions, erminded me of growing up in Newcastle

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Its decent enough, i know i will be looking for a follow up


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Reads like the worst of 50s Pulp


My caption says it all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Good Start to a great day

I thought it was fairly exciting. I always enjoy a story that gives the down-and-out a chance at the good life. Keep writing; I'll read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
"aroused beyond relief"?

that sounds painful

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