Divorce Can Be Good for You


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"Okay, where's Uncle Rob."

"In Europe -- he's been gone three and a half weeks with another two and a half weeks to go."

"Er, perhaps I should stay at a hotel?"

"Why? You never look at me. What have I to fear?"

Nigel said, scratching his butt, "Uncle Rob has been away three and a half weeks you say. You may be getting horny."

"Me horny -- what's that?"

That convinced him it was safe to stay. Messing with Aunt Milly... his mother would kill him!

During dinner and clearing away afterwards they acted like they always had, friendly with Aunt Milly doing most of the talking. She prepared to go to bed early and he thought he would as well. She kissed him goodnight and said it was wonderful having his company. Nigel was put at ease even more, decided the kiss had been so light he'd almost described it as fragile.

In bed, holding on to his rising dick for comfort, he switched off his light and lay back to think of the mess his life was in, just as he'd thought it had been coming right.

"Nigel?" came the whisper.

"Yes?" he croaked.

Aunt Milly turned on the light and padded over to him. Her hand snaked under the light bed cover and encircled his erection... his hand and the free one had shot rapidly to rest behind his head to masquerade with the innocence of a monk.

"Oh good," she said, licking her lips lasciviously. She smiled at him and the smile disappeared as she stood back to pull her nightdress over her head. The nipples on the tiny tits were big, her reddish bush was left to go wild and her smile was huge.

"I'm so happy you've come here Nigel."

Nigel's heart lifted: someone wanted him. So when she climbed up and straddled him he guided in the seven inches she hungered for, a smile coming to his face although he saw no personal enjoyment in this for himself.

Then he thought hello -- when getting your rocks off didn't bring joy?

Aunt Milly puffed away and threw her head back when her nephew begin to participate and reached up to tweak both nipples. That contact made him thicken and she groaned and that encouraged him to buck. She leaned on to him and rammed her tongue into his mouth. Aunt Milly knew to do that?

Now Nigel groaned.

She moaned and said she was coming and squeezed her knees against him and Nigel shot more than a goodly amount into her, gasping and believing his face had turned purple.

She staggered out of bed and leaning over him said. "Thank you darling boy" and kissed him, her mouth was so slack it was like being kissed by an oversize tit.

"Go and have a pee and come back and I'll hug you through the night."

The joy on her face satisfied him hugely. Nigel was aware his depression was dissipating and that sent a surge of blood to his dick. As Aunt Milly back into against him in the dark and felt it she said happily, "Are we ready to go again?"

They fucked twice more after dawn and rising late Nigel smacked her ass and yawned, saying he could eat a horse.

"We can walk down to the diner...but I'll only want coffee and a piece of toast," she said. But hit by the fresh air and keeping up with the faster pace of her nephew Aunt Milly ended up having ham and eggs, two pieces of toast and coffee and a refill, quite astonishing herself.

"I feel rejuvenated."

Carving his way through a steak, Nigel said, "What you want to do is to divorce Uncle Robert and find yourself a toy boy. You fuck really well."

Aunt Milly turned beetroot when the waitress, around her age and arriving with the coffee pot, said to Nigel, "What a lovely thing to say to an older woman."

A day later Aunt Milly announced she couldn't stand the pace so they reduced to sex once a night and once some mornings. Nigel had already been shifted to her bed. They went out every day to lunch and out again for dinner, often after going to a movie. They went to the city art gallery and the museum, where Aunt Milly had never visited, and went for drives away from the city.

When Nigel left for home after a week, Aunt Milly hugged him, cried a little, and said although she'd been living at home she fancied it had been like being on a wonderful vacation with an illicit lover. "Thank you, thank you Nigel, you wonderful young man."

"It's been good for me too Aunt Milly and I truly mean that. Please don't kill Uncle Robert with your rejuvenated sexual demands."

She laughed and kissed him modestly, just like any aunt would do to a departing favorite nephew. Her son was at boarding school and her daughter was a freshman at college.

Cruising along at a comfortable speed Nigel accepted it had been good messing around with Aunt Milly. She'd needed company and being needed had helped him. It was as if she'd helped to fine tune his emotions, getting them assembly in correct order again. It was as if a page in his life had turned.


Just as Nigel was turning into his driveway he spotted Mrs Williams from across the road waving.

"I collected your mail from you," she said. "I'll pop over with it."

He waved and garaged the car. It had been a mistake keeping the house -- it had too many memories with his ex wife.

"Here you are love," Mrs Williams puffed. "Mainly commercial circulars I'm afraid."

"I really don't need a mailbox."

She laughed and he said, "Are you still selling real estate?"


"Well would you like to see this house for me? I own it outright."

"Yes of course. I'll give you a call Monday about the appraisal. We can fix a time."

"Any time Monday would do, but phone first."

"I really appreciate this opportunity, thank you Nigel."

She walked away and Nigel scratched the back of his head. Did he really want to leave here? Of course he did! "You are the new Nigel -- don't falter now that you have found yourself again."


He grinned and went to the study and checked the calls on his cell phone that he'd left behind. There were fifteen calls over five days -- all from Debra Nixon. And then nothing. He grinned, the bitch was desperate to say sorry, calling three times a day, hoping to avoid being kicked in the butt by her father who'd snarled -- "Get him back or else!"

Just on dark the front door bell went. Ah, it would be Debra. She'd cry and plead and they'd end up fucking... er, he and Aunt Milly had hit it hard again last night, their last night together, and really he was feeling less than keen.

Nigel opened the door. Cliff Nixon thrust a bottle of whisky at him and he brushed by and said, "Let's have a drink. I could have been more diplomatic when we last talked. I'm sorry. I knew I should have been more sensitive, knowing you felt kicked in the ass by the divorce and then kicked again with Debra throwing an emotional wobbly at you."

"It's okay. I think all that shook the cobwebs and now a week away has cleaned my mind. I honestly think my life has turned to a new page."

Cliff said he hoped it had. "Um glasses and ice -- water if you need it."

"Oh yeah. So you put Debra to work to find me and she failed and now you attempted to do it for her."

"What are you talking about? Debra and I have scarcely spoken about you. When I told her you had resigned she shrieked and screamed as you expect women to do and then sent for Owen Fordyce with my consent and after taking to him we jointly announced him as the incoming COO."

"Then what about all these calls she's made to me?"

"What calls?"

"Fifteen calls over five days."

Cliff said he knew nothing about that. She was going around like a sick calf all week, bawling out people and crashed her car and had gotten offside with her mother.

"Bad time of the month?"

They laughed.

"You could say that," Cliff said. "Her mother thinks Debra has found someone good enough to care about but too late."

"Have you struck you head on something?"

"God you know how to give lip. Listen, I'm staying right out of this. I've just called here the last three nights hoping to find you to say sorry and to ask for your advice."

Nigel grinned. "Cliff Nixon wants advice from me? You have hit your head."

"Listen to this asshole. We now have taken twenty-one clients off Allied Management Services and have had job applications from eleven of their field consultants."


"What do you make of that?"

Nigel didn't hesitate. "Other clients that originally screwed up my letter have heard about the drift across, and are now joining it. As Allied looses clients it is terminating the contracts of its field consultants handing those clients."

Cliff nodded. "Exactly."

"Your business is ticking over, your daughter if proving more competent that you expected and you're bored. So you want me to kick-start you. Okay you pay me ten grand to work by day and half the nights preparing a takeover plan and an integration plan to present to your bank showing how your company can succeed in running an enlarged business if given loan money to present Allied an offer it can't refuse. Your payment includes me accompanying you for talks with your bank and then, should that succeed, to sit down with you and your team to negotiate with the Allied team."

"What about price?"

"You get that for us. Tomorrow you invite Cyril Banks of Allied to lunch and ask him if he's interested in selling. I can get update info on his current financials from an insider sympathizer and from that we'll see just how much Cyril has added for goodwill. Then we make our calculations, knowing that his goodwill is deflating but that he can't yet accept that."

"So, how long will this take?"

"Make an appointment for us to meet bank officials on Monday week. Have you done anything about accommodating all those extra people?"

"Yes, I spoke to my landlord this morning. He has another building three months away from completion. They are about to start leasing space so I said I could take the lot or almost all of it provided he didn't penalize me for canceling my current contact."

"How could he refuse that reasonable request?"

"That almost the exact words he used."

"Good. Well Cliff. I'll start working on this in the morning so this is enough whisky for me. Brief your finance director to give me any info I request. I also need to be back onside with your daughter. Please request her to invite me to dinner tomorrow night."

"She won't do that."

"Debra wants to apologize."

"Oh yeah," Cliff smiled.

"Um for extra bait just mention your takeover proposal and say I'll brief her fully tomorrow night."

"Yeah, that's the carrot I need. It means I won't get my head bitten off."

"Fucking women can be so cruel when they get over-emotional."

Cliff snorted and said, "You can say that again."

"Fucking women can be so cruel..."

Cliff slapped Nigel on the back and they laughed like good buddies.

Next morning Debra's PA passed on the dinner invitation to Nigel and gave the address of Debra's apartment.

* * *

Debra was dressed as if going to the opera; she was in full regalia. She'd opened the door and neither of them had yet said anything. They just stood still, staring. Tension was building. Nigel fancied he knew how to break the impasse without either of them bleeding.

"Kiss me and say you're sorry and allow me to hug you."

For a few seconds he thought he'd screwed up but then again she might be fighting herself.

Debra suddenly whimpered, launched himself at him screaming she was so sorry and they locked into a kiss and he threw his arms around her and she went "Hmmmmmm."

Game over.

Debra led Nigel into the room smiling and saying she couldn't believe she's miss a person so much in just a week's separation... "Not even my father."

"Well your father doesn't fuck you, at least I hope not."

A horrified look gripped Debra until he hastily smiled and said easily, "Just joking."

"Christ Nigel, go easy with me on that kind of joke."

Actually it seemed to relax her.

"Have you been staying at hotels and fucking the barmaids working the late shift?"

Nigel said as if stunned, "You've made a joke."

She looked at him seriously and said, "No, that was conversation."

Not knowing how to reply Nigel simply said (carefully), "I stayed at my aunt and uncle's home in Stillwater."

"Weren't they there?"

"Yes," he lied or was that only a half lie? Not that it mattered because she asked, "Enjoy yourself?"

"If was a big of a grind -- all activity but I feel I've come home feeling more like my old self."

"Dad said you described it as feeling a new page had opened for you."

"Yes, that's how it feels."

"Depression is so difficult to manage, even with best medical treatment."

"I thought fucking you helped me."

"You did? Oh god and then I treated you like that, acting like a crazy woman because I'd figured it would take at least four dates before you considered me worthy of seducing, that you'd have to get your mind right first."

"I thought all women knew what men were like."

"Well I don't about that. And I am rather protective about who gets to have a piece of me so it all just seem to come to a head for me emotionally on the boat, beginning with you having a finger into me so easily at unbelievable speed. I-I was just not ready for it."

"So I was to blame."

"Oh Nigel, I'm sorry. I didn't want to make it sound that way. Could you please just accept that I was tentatively aligning up with you and you swept me off my feet and I became emotionally over-charged."

"Sure, I find that acceptable and you've apologized and it's all behind us and no hard feelings. Just let me know when you are ready to fuck me again."

"Oh Nigel, I've been telling you I'm one of those women who needs the softly, softly approach."

"I understand. Just tell me when you want a piece of me again."

Debra sighed. "Dad's told me he's thinking about a takeover and that you'll fill me in...er... you'll elaborate."

Nigel grinned and the nature of his grin colored her cheeks.

"I'll get drinks and we'll sit and you can spell it all out. I understand he's engaged you to be planner/facilitator."

"Yeah, if that's okay with you?"

"God yes, business politics is not my forte. I just enjoy managing a smooth-running show."

"Then I'll have to be kept on to manage the integration?"

"May I just say I've spoken to dad about that?"

Later as Nigel stood at the door ready to leave, Debra, weaving a bit, smooched him and whispered, "I won't object if you decide to stay the night."

Nigel patted her ass affectionately and he said some other time when he felt she truly was ready.

* * *

Twelve weeks later the takeover was completed with those in the two workforces chosen to stay on integrated in the one building. Everything ticking over reasonably well, although it would be months before people would be ticking over smoothly because in a takeover that's how people react.

Debra was fucking the ass off Nigel by then, although Nigel had to admit he could have been confused about that. He only had to blow into her right ear and she'd roll over for him, legs apart. It even worked in a movie theater the once he'd tried it and that had been embarrassing because they'd been thrown out. He was under the impression she loved him because she kept telling him that. As far as he was concerned he paced around the apartment they were leasing whenever she wasn't at home.

Debra and he were ready to have a quiet wedding as soon as his marriage was dissolved. According to Debra that time couldn't come fast enough because she wanted the title Mrs Summers.

God, there was no accounting for some women's tastes. But then again perhaps not. He'd thought Debra could have done much better than taking up with him but her mom told him confidentially that Debra simply 'fell to pieces' when Nigel wasn't around. "I think she loves you more than she even loved her dolls, and that saying something."

That sort of talk gets to a guy's ego. It really does. He told Debra that the night her mom had told him that, "I want you to have our baby." Even that was embarrassing. They were in a restaurant and Debra gurgled and rolled over, pulling up her dress for him. They go to that restaurant a lot these days and they have their own table -- in an alcove where other diners can't see them.

Oh,there's been a development. Debra is pregnant and is waiting for the right moment to inform Nigel he's in full working order.


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sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

Admittedly minor point - If you're doing your job, you're not going top be fired for being "too sad-faced and depressing his team." THEY'RE going to be told to mind their own business and do their job!

"Have one what?" - Is he brain dead? A coffee of course!

Sorry, couldn't make it halfway through page 1. As dull as watching paint dry. If not an editor, at least a Beta reader would have helped.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Divorce was good for Nigel.

A fresh start, the best way.

ThelvynerThelvynerover 7 years ago
Completely muffing character names...

Is not just a simple typo. It completely interrupts the story flow, a lot of times causes the reader to have stop and reread something over again because the name and context don't match. A spelling error could be overlooked, derailing the story, not so much.

The story was ok but I felt could have been much better with better editing. It felt really rushed and although the characters seemed true to themselves, there wasn't any depth to any of the relationships. This is in the romance catagory but reads like an emotionless string of erotic couplings with no substance.

There was quite a bit of humor thrown in but much of it fell flat for me due to the shallowness of the main male character.

RhomanovRhomanovalmost 11 years ago

I laughed my way through this one.

Well done!!


digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 15 years ago
A good story, humorous and erotic

I like the light off of the wall humor that the author uses to describe the turmoil that the character went through throughout the story. It is a change of pace to what has been posted lately. Thanks........Rich

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