All Comments on 'Do For Love & Healing Ch. 02'

by TabooTeller

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Kanga40Kanga40about 20 years ago
It is truly the lowest scum bag trick imaginable

to deliberately "set-up" a spouse to attempt to get them to cheat.

The person arranging the "set-up" obviously has no love for their partner.

AND this arsehole has sent a message to Tony that she wants to contnue the affair. That is a shit thing to do.

Will this cretin still blame Darlina if Tony takes her by force?

Will it really be rape if Tony does force himself on her - he has a message telling him Darlina wants him.

I now find myself hoping Darlina will succumb to Tony and leave the arsehole who set her up.

Or better still resist Tony, then leave shit-for-brains when she finds out he arranged this stupid 'test'.

You have completely destroyed the original character you built up for Manty.

He was the 'injured party', with the high moral ground. Now he is a pathetic wimp who doesn't deserve Darlina.

And she is way too good for him, she doesn't deserve to be saddled with a worthless shit for the rest of her life.

Darlina is the only one who can now come out of this with any integrity at all.

Another sequel which should never have been started. Thoroughly destroys the original "Do for Lust" story, and that's a shame.

It should be the same man in both stories, not two completely different characters.

If you want characters as different as these two men, then write two different stories - don't try connecting two disparate characters like these two men.

Just my thoughts.

rpsuchrpsuchabout 20 years ago
Not so fast

Gee, what do you really think, Kanga? The guy loves her but doesn't trust her. It went on for a long time and only stopped because she was caught. She never said she was sorry for doing it. She says she still wants Tony, thinks of him and dreams of him. She gave no thought to Manty or her family while all of this was going on. Seems to me he has good reason. The kicker is he keeps having those dreams. So, while this is deceitful, maybe he is thinking he can slay the dragons by having proof that she can control her urges; that this is the only way to banish the dreams and bring them both to the state they want to be in. It's quick and definitive. If she resists this, maybe he can trust her and the dreams won't come back. It's desperate, but that's how he feels. Maybe he's not setting her up to cheat, but to show she can resist. It's a test, not a justification for dumping her on the assumption she will fail.

I think it is the same Manty (God, what an awful name). He is desperately looking for a way to reconcile. I think he believes she will pass the test.

I like the 75% on your comment. The story is thought-provoking.

esknresknrabout 20 years ago
Very disappointing

I gave you a one vote on this because of the terrible thing the husband did, depriving her of any sex for so long, then a total setup for both her and Tony. If he really did love her, they should have got back together on that trip and lived happily everafter.

ryu77ryu77about 20 years ago
Mixed feelings...

I just read again the original to get back on track. IMHO, the husband should have just divorced her. The way the confrontation went on, it just seemed she wasn't sorry for the sex she had with Tony.

Now on to the actual things, I think Manty is not a wimp. The man loves her so much she will not leave her, but will not forgive her yet. The next step to gain trust is a very difficult one, and this just proves how hard it can get.

My good concept of Manty lowered because of the test he put on his wife, but I have to agree with the ideas that rpsuch expressed.

noone269noone269about 20 years ago
Here is the problem with that logic....

rpsuch you make a good point about his needing to slay the dragons of his mistrust of her. Setting her up to cheat is not the answer, it makes for a good story, but it solves nothing. Let's assume that she resists Tony, and he has his proof. It won't be long before he will wonder how close she was to giving in. What if Tony touched her here, or kissed her there? Would she have given in? There is no way that a test like this can prove a spouse's fidelity 100%. There will always be that "What IF?" Noone automatically starts trusting a spouse who has cheated after they pass a fidelity test. There is no trust beetween them, period. No trust, no marriage. It will fall apart, all that is needed is time. Manty has to decide if she is worth trusting again, no tests, no following her, nothing like that. If he can't then he needs to let her go, and start over.

Personally I think that what Manty did is disgusting, even moreso than her affair. I hope he loses her.

rpsuchrpsuchabout 20 years ago
this and that

to ESKNR: I know there are no set criteria for votes but, in the future, I urge you not to vote 1 because you didn't like the ending. This was literate, a minimum of misspellings, low incidence of incorrect homonyms (wood vs would) and a fairly easy read. There is a plot and it's not irrational. All that ought to be worth at least a 3. You hate the ending, demote it to a 2. There are lots of stories out there where it's almost difficult to tell if they are written in English, that a 1 should indicate a truly dreadful effort. In my opinion.

What he did was not smart and not admirable but, "she might be ready to start up the affair again. This time though he should not take what she said at first as the final answer. She would say yes after some persuasion" He used might, so Tony can't expect a sure thing. He should not take what she said "first" as the final answer. If she says no 5 times, that's pretty damn well no. She would say yes after "some persuasion". That's both some and persuasion. If he commits rape, it's not because of the note and 1) Tony should go to jail, 2) she is blameless and 3) Manty will go nuts on himself for setting it up. It's pretty clear from the setup that that he has surveillance on the office so he will know exactly what happened and he will know exactly how much he contributed to it. He will also know how close she came because he will see it.

As foolish as his action was, I see it as limited. Had he said, "Don't take no for an answer," without the "at first", he could be convicted of conspiracy to commit rape.

Finally, she seriously betrayed his trust. She has since barely given him a reason regain the trust. She never said she was sorry she did it. The admission that she still wants Tony just barely helps her because she is being honest in telling Manty that he has something to worry about. I'm hard pressed to see how these two can move towards each other enough to succeed.

dsidedsideabout 20 years ago
I don't know

if they should stay together or not. She still hasn't said that she is sorry for cheating with the two men. She had a long term affair that she still dreams about. The animal magnetism will get to her eventualy and she will cheat again. If she doesn't cheat this time with Tony she will be pissed when she finds out that she was set up, even though she is the cause of all the trouble.

As for Manty, he will never trust her again so he should just call it quits. This test will prove nothing, she is a cheating slut who cheated on him for a year and has put a very large set of horns on him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
You blew it

This story started off with a lot of promise in chapter 1. In chapter 2 you ran out of gas mid-way through. What are the motivations of the characters? And why should I care about either of them? Manty cannot come to grips with the adultery and Darlina cannot commit to the marriage; if she had she would have quit her job and removed herself from Tony's presence.

Frankly I don't get what you're doing...and yet you continue with this story that has simply lost all focus.

Please, no more chapters!

chezshirecatchezshirecatabout 20 years ago
Not that bad!

I have to agree, this is a very well-written story and deserves a better rating than most of the HOT stories I have seen on this site, at least as far as grammar and plot goes.

Until the ending is posted, I will reserve judgement on the characters and whether or not I think they should end up together. I too am bothered by the fact that she has never said she was sorry for cheating, and I have gotten the impression that she isn't, she's only sorry she got caught. So, the writer has a long way to go to make her redeemable in my eyes and to make me want them together. OK, being a bit of a romantic, of course I want them together, but only if it makes sense. If she cheats again, then no way. If he can't control his anger towards her, then no way.

As for the husband, I think it is easy to understand his motivation behind this test, although I don't like that he's doing it either. However, I would very much like to see more of this story posted. TabooTeller, don't let the negative feedback hold you back. Post the rest of the story soon, please. I need some resolution!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Awaiting Conclusion

Based on the comments to date, this chapter has certainly aroused a variety of feelings. Like many others I begin with some concerns about the "setup", but I am reserving my final judgment until we see the conclusion.

There are several questions that are left open, beside the obvious, "Will she succumb to Tony's advances?"

First, she has never stated that she is sorry for the affairs. Will she ever do so? She has repeatedly stated that she is sorry she hurt Manty, not that she is sorry for either affair. In fact, her biggest problem with the first affair seems to be that it wasn't very satisfying for her.

Second, and somewhat similar, will she ever really accept her own culpability for the affairs? The first affair she blamed on being away when her sex-drive returned after her miscarriage. The beginning of the affair with Tony she blamed on Manty for missing their long-planned special evening. I don't really remember her blaming herself. "It just happened", seems to be the type of response that comes out to answer the question, "why".

Third, will she and Manty ever delve into what is really causing these affairs? She knew the guilt and pain the first affair allegedly caused her, why risk that with a second affair and then carry it on long-term?

Fourth, and someone else mentioned this already, why has she not cut herself off from Tony entirely? If she is really committed to Manty and their marriage, why not change jobs, have someone else in the organization take over Tony's business, tell Tony to take his business elsewhere, whatever is necessary to avoid him. In DFLWDFL chapter 2 Manty has told her that she is not to be alone with him. Yet she has continued to put herself in situations where that is not only possible, but really unavoidable. It occurs to me that given this fact perhaps the "test" is legitimate. Darlina refuses to remove the temptation, Manty does Manty have a legitimate right to know if she can resist the temptation?

Fifth, why is the anal-sex with Manty different from the same act with her lover? Does TT wish us to infer any significance in this, or is it just the fact that the acts were in different settings?

Sixth, how devoted to Manty is she really? Let's look at the record. if she had it to do over, even with the knowledge of the pain it caused, she isn't sure that she would avoid the affair with Tony ---"If I could go back in time with the knowledge of how much this would hurt you I would and probably end this affair before it started." (DFLWDFL chapter 2). As noted above she has not cut off all contact with Tony thereby knowingly putting herself in difficult situations.

Seventh, we know that Darlina has affection for Tony. Is that affection reciprocated, or does Tony just think of Darlina as an easy and enjoyable lay? Do we know if there are other "Darlina's" for Tony? If there are, the as yet ignored, health issues would certainly would become more important?

Finally, why has Manty let Tony off the hook entirely? He knows this schmuck is continuing to try to entice his wife. Why doesn't Manty take some action towards Tony, beat the living-daylights out of him, make sure Tony's wife is aware of his philandering ways, do something! Do we know if

If the Darlina/Manty relationship doesn't survive I hope Manty makes sure that Tony pays. I also hope that if the Darlina/Manty relationship doesn't last that the Darlina/Tony relationship crumbles as well. Manty was right originally, this guy's a "bastard". He is knowingly cheating with a married women, even comparing her to his wife, and so far he is getting off "scot-free". If he had accepted Darlina'a requests to end it and/or Darlina had not left herself in a situation where meeting with him was inevitable, the "test" would not be taking place.

I don't know if Darlina and Manty's relationship can survive this. I am glad that Manty did let her know that he has not wandered despite the appearance on his night out with the two sluttily attired co-workers.

I am sorry that there has been no mention of counseling or testing for STD's, etc. Both of these people would seem to be prime candidates for counseling. Especially if the want answers to some of the questions above.

Personally, I hope she passes the test and they are able to put it all back together. I am anxiously waiting the final chapter(s).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Looking forward

TT, I am enjoying this series starting with DFLWDFL. The first chapter of this was well constructed, but this one seems to go around in circles. Perhaps this is the intent as both parties are confused and unwilling to commit.(By the way, chapter two was much better from a spelling and grammar standpoint, thanks to you, or your editor or both.)

The ending of chapter two is very similar to the ending of chapter one, "Will she or won't she?". But as in the previous comment, it may not matter. I was certain, in the begining that you were going to have Manty and Darlina reconcile because of the title, "Do for love and healing". Now I don't see how that happens. I agree with most that Manty's test is probably inappropriate but understandable. The real issue is that even if she passes, it doesn't solve anything. As the others have pointed out, she has never said she was sorry, and in fact she has indicated the opposite. (She probably would do it again ..., MAY have ended it sooner .., etc. The only thing she is sorry for, is the pain she caused Manty.)Also, now she has confirmed to Manty that she has strong feelings for Tony. We had hints of that in the original series when she staunchly defended him to Manty, but now she has openly admitted that she wants to be with him, has dreams of him, shows tenderness and affection as after the lock-in, and has no desire to cut off contact as has been mentioned by others. With this, it's no wonder Manty is confused and is willing to perform a test.

The others who say she isn't willing to fully commit to the marriage are entirely correct. She wants her cake and eat it to. Perhaps Manty loves too much. A rational person would not tolerate the divided loyalties and perhaps, divided love.

We don't know a lot about Tony, but his current actions are not consistent with Darlina's portrayl of him as, mild, meek and sensitive. With Darlina's declaration that the affair is over, he certainly isn't taking no for an answer. In fact, he has never stopped pushing. This also confirms that Darlina's feelings are much stronger that she admits even to Manty. Darlina's protestations of love for Manty are fine, but she may have the same feelings for Tony.

In the original Manty came out as hurt, and maybe damaged, but still a strong person. Now you have him getting more and more indecisive, and weaker and weaker as an individual. Some day you must put him back together, even without Darlina. Without a total change of perspective and commitment from Darlina, coupled with lots of time, and I don't mean a few weeks, putting them back together will be inconsistent with what you have written so far. Please don't destroy a good story by jumping to an incongruous conclusion.

All in all, a very good series. Please keep writing.

TabooTellerTabooTellerabout 20 years agoAuthor
Some Answers

Various comments here, I will try to respond to each basic idea. And sorry this is later then I attended it to be.

First of all Kanga :

he isn't setting her up to cheat he is setting her up to be strong.

And He's Not a Wimp!

But I know you really loved it anyway :)


You are correct that he loves her and wants to trust her again.

And I wanted a different name, that one came to mind. :)

To esknr:

They were not having that much sex anyway.

To ryu77

I like happy endings if that isn't obvious. :)

and yes it shows Manty in a worse light but so does spanking her. I don't know recall if anyone made a comment about that. And I needed him to do something like this.

To noone269:

Yes, no one automatically starts to trust a spouse again after a test but remember other things have happened already that shows he can trust her and time has pass. But I think this was a real test. If she can say no as aroused as she was then she can say no in the future. Of course its not a 100 percent for sure test but it is significant.

As to rather it would be rape if he didn't take no for an answer. A couple of others have defended Manty's note very well and I thank you but there is another point about the note you will see in chp 3 which hopefully be up in a day or so. Its anonymous.

To whoever wrote You blew it:

wait for chapter three

and thanks chezshirecat. I won't give up there's enough positive feedback to help me live with the bad.

As to her quitting her job, I hadn't thought of that but then again it would have made it harder to set up certain situations I wanted.

I ended each chapter in a cliffhanger on purpose and If you think Manty is shown as weaker then in Do For Lust he maybe but wait till chpt 3. I'm not sure if chpt 3 puts him back together but I think it has some nice relationship scenes.

I'm not sure if that answers everyone;s questions or comments but if you want more just say so. After cht 3 :)


ryu77ryu77about 20 years ago

Thanks for answering some of our questions. Will be waiting for the final chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Just one quibble

It's probably possible for a lock to jam as described. The problem is that office doors open inward. The hinges are on the inside. Not much point in locking a door if all it takes to open it is a screwdriver.

Darlina's whole excuse seems to be, "I just couldn't help myself?" Wouldn't most adults be embarassed to use that?

sexmatesexmateover 19 years ago

I hope every thing goes well in the next chapter! When will that bastard Tony get his due? My blood pressure is elevated!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Good story. However,

It does seem to go on and on without saying much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Still a scummy trick

I agree with Kanga 40 , sending that letter to Tony is a real scummy trick, that could easily lead Tony into raping Darlina based on the note indicating she was horny and needed sex. A lousy trick. Divorce her but don't torture her to death. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
TT your characters are straight from the funny

farm. He takes her back after all the lies...oh well when a little pricked wimp finds a woman that fucks him it's alright I suppose. But that doesn't mean that I forgive you for writing about them...I am going to have to think hard before i open another one of your stories...Is it worth it reading this story when TT has let me down so much

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Taboo, your alter-ego

s a very ill cuck. Perhaps he needs another cum-kiss?

size14shoesize14shoeabout 14 years ago
She loved her husband but not her lover? Right!

There are a few a few signs that Darline is lying about not loving Toney.

1. She screwed Tony the night before Manty was to leave for a 4 week trip and refused her husband. "It was only sex Manty, I only love you." Right.

2. I wanted to save my ass for you Manty. It was an accident. He had 2 fingers up her ass finger fucking her. She knew his dick was next. She admitted later on that she could have stopped it IF she had wanted to.

3. She went on trips with Tony but refused to go with husband.

4. She called a guy she had already fucked once to "go to dinner and a show" but she wasn't out to get laid. Right!

5. She couldn't bring herself to stop "seeing" Tony and in essence lied about it by not telling Manty.

IMO she only went with Manty to save her FAMILY. She regularly choose Tony over Manty. Frankly, the only person I'm sure she loved was herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
The stupidity of this so called "author" is staggering.

I mean if someone cannot write then why impose this crap to the public??

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 11 years ago

what a fucking whore. she tells her husband she dreams about this fuck. someone put a bullet in her. DNA the kids. first she breaks her vows because she is angry he missed a date and then still fucks around on him and has all these feelings and fuck dreams about him. in the meantime the husband is having nightmares. did a cunt write this garbage?

SigintSigintover 10 years ago
"Tony Received A Notice..."

From whom? Who could Tony have received a notice from that she wanted him back BUT he should ignore her initial refusals? It's that kind of oversight...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

boring, long, wimpy crap.

sinstalkersinstalkerabout 8 years ago

Just a mess just add whatever you think it doesn't need to be believable. Tony got a notice?? Lol unreal. He sneaks in to rub her clit? Jeez you got Manty playing stupid childish games. Utter ridiculousness. Gave it a one. Get an editor please.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 5 years ago
She daydreams of the guy?

If she was regretful she would only think with sadness at what she did.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 5 years ago
Subtle hint?

This seems a telling remark: "She said very determinately, "I have never felt that way about you. I have gotten very loud with Tony at times but I never ever said that I wanted him above you or that he was a better lover then you"

"I have gotten very loud with Tony..." is present tense. She should be thinking in past tense. As a husband, that would not make me very happy.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Set up

This set up may out the way he wants. Tony needs a hard lesson on messing with someone's wife. She's gone, just dump her and finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Couldnt finish this

Why is he still fighting for her? She is still tempted after her husband finds out and all the pain they went through? If she is still feeling that way, she will always be a cheating slut.

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