Doing The Right Thing


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"Wow! Is that ever beautiful. What made you buy this?" asked Carmen.

I handed her a small package. "It goes with this." When she opened it, she cried. After she opened the box and saw the ring, I asked her to marry me.

She was crying and gave me a hug. "Why, Dan, why?"

"Because I love you and these last two months have been the best for me. I want you and the kids with me always. So, is the answer yes?"

"Dan, the answer's no.... please listen to me before jumping to conclusions. I love you with all my heart, I sincerely mean it. The answer is no for now."

"I don't understand. Is it my age?"

"Dan, please let me finish. No, it's not your age, it's us. We've only known each other for a couple of months. It's been a couple of the best months of my life. But, still it's only been a couple of months. You set out to help a family in need. You have done more for that family than you'll ever know. After the holidays, things will become normal again. People will be back being themselves. I have a proposition for you."

"Ok, I'm listening."

"I want to rent our rooms. I will give you two hundred dollars a week to help pay expenses. More if you say so. I want us to be a family and live as a family. If after... say, six months or before... you don't think it's working out just say the word and we'll make other arrangements. I just want you to be sure. It takes time to adjust to a woman in your house and three kids. I need to help pay my way and be productive. I need for your family to see that I'm not some fly by night hanger on that wants your money. I want you to realize that I really love you and it's not just words. Time, Dan, all I'm asking for is time. I won't be going anywhere unless you send me away."

She handed me the ring back and kissed me again. She asked if she could keep the nightgown. I think I understood what she was saying. We shouldn't just jump into marriage but make sure it's what we both really want. I figured I could live with that but I was hoping to get closer to her in a sexual and loving way.

Our day was busy with the kids playing with their toys. It was cold out but since there wasn't any snow the kids wanted to ride their bikes. Carmen and I both put on our coats and watched them as they rode their new bikes.

About mid-afternoon we got a collect call from England. It was Mandy; she had called to tell us that Ross had proposed to her and she accepted. He asked her in front of Big Ben, the clock. They would be getting married the following June. We told her how happy we were for her and we wished each other a Merry Christmas.

In the evening we watched the movie 'A Christmas Story' together and then the kids headed off to bed. They all came in and thanked me for the best Christmas ever. I was sitting on my bed listening to Carmen taking a shower. I knew that when she was finished, the wonderful smell would radiate throughout the hallway.

A few minutes later the lights went off in the bathroom and then the hallway. Carmen was at my door in her new sexy nightgown. "Can I come in?"

I didn't even answer as she came in and closed the door. "Dan, as I told you, I love you and we need to put off getting married until you get to know me better. I want that to start tonight. Will you make love to me?"

I was stunned, but she saw the smile on my face.

She came to the bed and I pulled my covers back as she slipped in and lay next to me. The only light in the room was the reading lamp that I was using. I left it on so I could see the woman that I've thought about for the last two months. We started out just holding each other. She smelled so good. She was lying on my arm so I kissed her gently on the forehead, than her cheek. She rolled over on her back as I gently, ever so gently, kissed her lips. I just looked in her eyes as I softly rubbed her mid-section through her satin nightgown. Nice even gentle circles, I moved my hand on her tummy. I brought my hand up and for the first time I touched her breast.

"Let me slip out of my new nightgown. I don't want to muss it up." Within seconds, she had it removed except for the matching red panties. Her breasts were totally uncovered as she laid back down.

I leaned over and sucked on her nipple. She was letting out some soft sounds as I began sucking harder. While sucking her breasts, I slid my hand slowly down her tummy and under her lace red panties and onto her mound. I rubbed and rubbed feeling the moisture of her sex around my fingers. I sank one then a second finger into her waiting vagina. She was making low moaning sounds as she pressed up against my fingers.

"Make love to me, Dan. All I ask is that you be gentle with me. It's been a long time."

I got up and went to the foot of the bed and slowly removed her red lace panties. I was going to climb up and sink my hard cock into her but the intoxicating smell of her made me put my mouth on her wet pussy. It surprised her almost as much as it surprised me. This wasn't something I did very often. I buried my face into her, licking, sucking, tonguing, even nibbling on her wet pussy. I could hear her moaning and having an orgasm. She took a pillow and covered her mouth so she could scream into it. I kept my face buried against her pussy till I felt her spasms lighten.

I rose up and guided my hard cock into her wet pussy. It went in with ease due to all her juices flowing. I leaned forward and was holding my weight on my hands when Carmen said, "Kiss me, Dan, kiss me now."

"My face is covered with your juices. I don't think...." I didn't get any more words out because she pulled me to her and open-mouth kissed me till I felt myself squirting a load up into her hot wet pussy.

We did it a couple of more times that night. When I woke up in the morning, she wasn't in my bed. I got up and glanced into her room and she and Molly were fast asleep. I went into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee.

After everyone woke up, we had breakfast and then had to get dressed because we were going to see Janice and her family. We all we're having our big Christmas dinner a day later. Brad and his family were there also. We exchanged gifts and I was surprised that they had bought Carmen and the kids something. Carmen had bought something for both Brad and Janice's kids. Mandy had told Carmen that we always buy for the kids but not usually for the adults. Brad just told her that Gail saw the sweater and thought it would look nice on Carmen.

Everyone talked about Christmas and all the gifts they all receive. Mandy had called them to let them know about her upcoming nuptials. Brad looked over at me. I knew he was wondering if I had asked Carmen to marry me.

Later he did come up to me and apologized again for his actions a couple of weeks before. "Dad, did you propose to Carmen?"

"As a matter of fact I did. She turned me down."

"What? I can't believe it. I really believe she loves you dad. What happened?"

"Time, Brad, she said it was too soon for me to just jump up and marry a woman with three kids. She wants to make sure that I know I'm doing the right thing. In fact, she wants to contribute money to the household. She doesn't want handouts. She wants a loving relationship. So that's what we are going to do, give ourselves time."

"Wow, Dad, I've never met a woman like that. Dad, I know this sounds stupid coming from me after all I've said, but don't lose her. She is one special woman."

"Time, Brad, we're just going to give it time."

Chapter 5 – Ever After?

Life went on and we became a family. Carmen and I took turns cooking. We set up a joint checking account where I put four hundred dollars a week into it and Carmen put in her two hundred. We paid the utilities and bought food out of that account. We decided that any major purchases we would talk over first. So far, there was nothing we really needed.

I would usually stop at Joe's for lunch but go when Carmen could sit with me for a few minutes. We were really like a married couple only we didn't argue and made love every chance we got. I remember our first time in the hot tub. It was a good thing we had a good filter. When it came to making love, Carmen was the greatest. It might be that I loved her so much and that definitely makes sex much better. The only time we had to watch it was when Mandy was home on some weekends. We would ask Mandy to watch the kids while we went elsewhere. We're pretty sure that Mandy caught on but never said anything.

Time was flying by and it was almost time for Mandy's wedding. She asked Carmen to be her maid-of -honor. It made Carmen cry; she said she never had such close friends and family. Mandy would have liked Molly to be her flower girl but she thought she should ask one of her nieces, which she did.

It was a very hectic time leading up to the wedding. Mandy had graduated from college and we were planning this wedding and my girlfriend was the maid of honor. At least the weather had warmed up and I was able to open the pool. Whenever Mandy and Carmen ran around doing wedding stuff, the kids and I just got into the pool. The pool was a great babysitter, and all I had to do was be there.

The closer to the wedding it got the more I thought about Carmen and me. I loved these kids and I knew they loved me. I was going to surprise Carmen at the wedding. I had to ask a couple of favors but I was hoping everything would work out. Carmen and I had not talked about getting married since Christmas Day.

The day of Mandy's wedding, I got into my tuxedo. Brad and Rob were both in the wedding party. Janice and Gail were also. Everyone was dressed up and the wedding would begin in a few minutes. Carmen had to run around as the maid of honor. I didn't have much to do but I talked to Carmen's kids. I told them that they could come up front and sit with me. Mike, Mark and Molly all sat in the front row. Of course, Molly sat next to where I'd be sitting. I told them they had to be quiet and just watch the wedding. I told them I had to leave and walk back and then walk Mandy down the aisle. I just hoped they would listen. Everyone in the family was in the wedding party.

The music started and Ross, Brad and Rob were standing up front with the minister. Janice was the first to walk down the aisle. When she got down to the front, the kids waved to her and said, "Hi, Aunt Janice," at least they said it low. Gail was next with the same result, "Hi, Aunt Gail," she said hi back to the kids softly. The kids were excited because their mom was coming down the aisle. "Hi, Mommy, you look pretty." They were a little louder when they said it. Carmen was smiling but held her finger to her mouth to hush them a little. The flower girl and ring bearer came next. They were Janice and Rob's kids so the kids kept waving to them. All the kids of both families were smiling.

The music changed and down the aisle came Mandy on my arm. We both had tears of joy running down our cheeks. As Mandy and I got to the front of the church, I heard Molly say rather loudly, "Wow! Aunt Mandy looks like a princess."

You could hear a few chuckles from the crowd and I saw a smile on Mandy's face. You don't get a much better compliment than that. I backed up and sat down. I looked up and there was my family. My daughter Janice, my daughter-in-law Gail whom I treated as a daughter, and then my beautiful girlfriend whom I truly loved. There stood my baby girl getting married and my future son-in-law, off to his right was my son Brad and my son-in-law Rob. It was rounded off by two of my grandchildren as ring bearer and flower girl. My other two grandchildren were seated with their other grandparents.

I thought about what a truly blessed man I was. To have such wonderful family around me. I loved each and every one of them.

At the reception all the kids were pretty much together. Everyone kind of kept an eye on them. We ate and then the dancing began. I looked up and on the first number, there was my Carmen coming to dance with me.

"I love you, Carmen."

"I love you too, Dan."

"Do you mean it, Carmen? Do you truly in your heart mean it?"

"Dan, I truly in my heart mean it," and she kissed me in front of everyone. That was something she usually didn't do. Our kissing was usually done privately.

The night went on and it was time to throw the bouquet. All the single gals got out there and Brad told Carmen to get out there since she was single. She was feeling embarrassed so she went out on the floor. On the count of three, Mandy threw the bouquet right to Carmen. Some of the other girls booed in jest. Next Mandy sat down as Ross removed her garter. All the guys were cheering as they saw some of Mandy's thigh. Next, all the single guys were supposed to go out and catch the garter and then slip it on the leg of the girl who caught the bouquet, which of course was Carmen.

I was one of those guys. I was standing there and Ross looked at me. "Sorry, guys, this belongs to my father-in-law," as he handed me the garter.

Of course everyone was wondering what was going on including Carmen. She was asked to sit down as I was supposed to slide the garter on her leg. I was on one knee as my hand was sliding the garter up her leg. When I got to her thigh, I stopped and reached in my pocket and pulled out the wedding ring. I was already kneeling.

"Carmen, I've waited an extra six months. In front of all my family and friends, I am asking you, 'Will you marry me?'"

Everyone was standing in complete silence waiting for her reply. Then out of the crowd of people came Molly. She looked at her mother who had tears in her eyes and said, "Say yes, Mommy."

"Dan, I love you with all my heart. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. Yes, I'll marry you."

Everyone started yelling. Mandy went to Carmen and they were both crying. I doubt there was a dry eye in the place, I knew mine weren't as I went forward and kissed my future bride.


We are happily married now. Carmen quit working at Joe's diner and now helps run the gas station/store. Everyone likes her and said it's nice working in a place that is so family oriented. We're deciding whether I should adopt the kids. I told Carmen I wanted to and she said to just give it a little time. Molly already calls me dad and the boys call me dad sometimes, and Uncle Dan at others. I think they do it to confuse some of their new friends.

I look back on my life and wonder what would have happened to my family if I had known about Harvey Kittle so many years ago. I also wonder what would have happened to my family if Annie hadn't died in that accident. Life is a very fragile thing. One mistake early in life can change the future forever. It's really something to think about.

I'm sitting back on the couch with my new wife. We cuddle while my new family play on the floor and we watch TV together. Tonight we get to watch a love story. Mark bought his mother 'Titanic' for Christmas and we are going to watch it together. All but Molly, she'll be asleep about half way through.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Liked the story. But there was a pretty big plot hole in it 😎


When Dan told his kids that 2 of them were not biologically his, he presented them with the DNA report proving it. But along with that, he lied about WHEN he found out to protect the reputation of their mother, saying he found out not long after birth of her second kid by her lover. But — when Brad asks about the kidney match checkup just a couple years ago…why didn’t Brad ask about WHY his Dad had a DNA test done AT THAT TIME? Surely Brad would have connected those obvious dots??


A quibble…..the author could have made Carmen a few years older to reduce the angst that Dan’s kids got from tne 20 year age difference.


4 ****

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman3 months ago

heart warming story even if a little simplistic.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I enjoyed the sentimental aspect of the story. Sometimes a happy ending is nice.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The phony affair/ true parentage reveal was weak as fuck, why would he soften her deception and betrayal? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Also gotta love Janice and Brad showing their true parentage by being disproportionately immature as ~30 year olds.

RIP Annie.. (Rest in piss) that is.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19695 months ago

I loved the DNA reveal but was disappointed in the car crash. Enjoyed the romance but I was in the mood for justice.

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