Domestic Decay Vacation


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"That show's basically just porn for girls." Will grabbed at her wrist, but she passed the remote to her left hand.

"It is not!" laughed Rue. "It's based on a book series. It's a tasteful romance."

"With a bunch of dudes running around in kilts dicking down the female main character."

"She only has sex with one of them!" Rue fell backward, holding the remote out of reach. "Well, at least in the season I'm up to."

"I'm not watching Outlander."

"I have the remote." Rue jutted her chin out defiantly. "You'll just have to suffer."

She started the first episode and Will winced at the sound of the confident, English accented, female main character lamenting her way through a monologue. He made another grab for the remote, getting a hand on it this time.

"Hey!" cried Rue.

"You said it yourself, this isn't a democracy! Might makes right."

Rue let out an exaggerated cry and yanked back hard, pulling the remote toward her. Will fell forward along with it, half pinning her to the bed as he tried to pry it from her fingers.

"I'm going to put on the episode with the first sex scene and make you watch it," said Rue, voice tinged with her effort to keep the remote from him. "I bet that would sell you on porn for girls. Perv."

"Yeah, I bet you watch that episode a lot, don't you?" growled Will. "Let go of it!"

"You let go!"

They shifted into full on wrestling, the two of them both more serious and into it than the situation at all warranted. Rue had changed into her pajamas upon arriving at the hotel, a massive baggy t-shirt that read "SEATTLE SUPER ACADEMY" across the front that she wore as a lazy nightgown.

She wrapped her legs around his waist in search of a stronger position to wrestle from, and Will felt both the fabric of her panties and the heat of her thighs rustling against his insubstantial nylon gym shorts.

"I'll just take the batteries out so you can't change it!" laughed Rue.

She started prying the battery compartment open. Will pinned her arms. Rue bucked her hips, trying to knock him sideways. He pressed down, and rocked back and forth, and he was still ostensibly reaching for the remote even as the moment rounded a corner.

Rue got that look on her face again, eyes and expressions screaming what have we done, or maybe what are we doing? There was a second layer to it this time, however. Flushed cheeks, lip curled ever so slightly, ever so lustfully.

"Quit... fiddling with the batteries," he muttered, grinding into her. He had an erection. Had that just arrived, or had he been hard for all of their earlier round of wrestling?

"Let me watch my show, you ass!" Rue's nightgown had ridden up far enough to expose the bottom of her bra. She was twisting her hips side to side, legs still in a tight, accidentally sexual grapple around his midriff.

"I'm not going to let you monopolize the TV with your... lady porn," he growled.

Their words were going in pointless circles, but their wrestling was a one-way street. Rue snapped the elastic of his shorts with her free hand and the tiny motion left room for his cock to shift out at a weird angle, still straining against his boxers, but otherwise free.

"Why? Afraid you might like it?" Rue kicked one leg up, almost putting it over his shoulder for whatever weird reason. She let out a feline growl and tried to roll again, one thigh dragging across his boxer clad boner.

The impossible happened — the head of his cock, ever resourceful, slipped out of the fly of his boxers. Will cringed, probably an orphaned impulse, but still real in the moment. He reacted without thinking, trying to hide his now exposed erection by pressing forward tighter against his sister.

Rue's eyes bulged as she felt his naked penis dabbing into her bare thighs, prodding against her panties. Her expression almost immediately hardened back into the guise of a bratty wrestler, but she'd definitely felt it. And it was still there.

"You can't even take a remote away from a girl," she said, smirk returning. "Bet you could learn a thing or two from the Scots in Outlander."

Will pinned her wrist again and started slowly prying the remote from her fingers. "You were saying?"

"No!" With a tremendous amount of hip strength, Rue started bucking upward, bouncing both of them on the bed a few times in the row. It did almost nothing to stop the siege of Will's fingers against the remote clenched in her fist, but their bodies slid together elsewhere.

He felt his cock jab along the crease of her panties, slipping past the edge of the fabric. Rue wiggled and giggled and tried to get her other hand on the remote, and then she bucked her hips again, and then...

Oh fuck!

The head of his cock had just pressed into somewhere wet. Wet, and tight, and glorious, and Rue's eyelids were fluttering, expression confused and dreamy.

"I'm... trying to watch my show," she muttered.

"It's... a dumb show." He sank his cock a little deeper, mouth hanging stupidly open, still in disbelief. Could she feel it? How could she not feel it? Was Rue a virgin? He didn't know, but even if she was, how could there be any question about what had just happened, any question about where half of his cock was currently buried.

"You're dumb." Rue's face was lewd, and her hips were rocking with small motions, whether she realized it or not. "Besides, I still have the..."

He pressed forward, snatching for the remote again. The motion sank his cock even deeper, nearly all the way in, and the fact that he managed to pull the remote from Rue's hand with little resistance barely even registered.

"Got it," he whispered.

"Oh!" Rue grabbed the remote's tip, arm moving with drunken clumsiness. "You... bastard. Give it back."

"No." He pumped forward, the pleasure of her tight, sweet little pussy stealing his attention and breath. "It's mine now."

"Give it to me!" cried Rue. "You jerk, LP! Give it to me right now!"

Oh, she was going to get it, alright. He pulled on both her and the remote, pumping forward, the motion made awkward by the tangle of their limbs and the clothing they still had on. Rue was looking right at him, but still working to keep her expression bratty and combative, playing as though what they both knew was happening was just a joke, just sibling wrestling.

"Got it!" Rue let out a panting laugh as she finally clawed the remote back. "There! Now you... have to watch it with me."

"You want me to watch your girl porn with you?" Will thrust into faster, the bed creaking in earnest now. "Now who's the perv?"

"It's... a romance!" She let out a little involuntary squeal, hips flapping forward in time with his thrusts. "Not like the porno skanks I bet you watch! With fake tits and fake moans and... oh, fuck!"

The show entered a battle scene with clashing swords and popping guns. Will wasn't even trying to be subtle with how he pumped into her anymore, fucking her like a prostitute with a tight schedule. The bed groaned beneath them, and Rue moaned underneath him, and he pounded into her with the intensity she deserved.

You little brat, he thought. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

She started making these sexy little noises, almost like a little bird chirping for its mother, or alternatively, an older bird crying out in response to an alluring mating call. Will was rougher than he probably needed to be, but within the bounds. She was his little sister. A brat, for sure, but one he loved. His cute little sister, all grown up now with those plump tits and dick sucking lips and that perfect butt.

She threw her head back, breathing out a silent scream of ecstasy as her body shuddered in orgasmic pleasure. He pressed his hand down on hers, their fingers threading together, and kissed her once on the neck, the first time he could remember kissing her in years, since they were little, even. He hugged her body tight against his, using it for a last few selfish, horny thrusts, and then squeezed her again as he came inside her with the force of a bomb.

He collapsed sideways on the bed, quickly fixing his junk as Rue did the same. Neither of them said anything, and he wasn't sure there was anything fitting that could really be said. Rue frowned and rubbed her foot at an obvious stain on the bed from where their juices had dripped onto the comforter.

"Who's that guy?" he asked, waving a hand at the TV.

"She thinks it's her husband, but it's really his ancestor," said Rue.


"She went back in time," said Rue. "The ancestor's evil. And that guy saves her from him. It's... kind of stupid, I guess."

"No," he said. "It makes sense. Kind of."


The convention was packed. Jess felt out of sorts as she touched down just outside the building but managed a smile and a wave for the flowing crowd cordoned off behind the fence surrounding the entryway.

Just smile and wave, she thought. Worry about being Relic for your fans and you can work through how to be a proper mother later on.

She checked in with Amanda, the convention director, who she'd known for a couple of years, and then with the other superheroes who she recognized. Most of the event was freeform, though she did have a stall where she needed to be for a half hour of official photo taking and autograph signing. The Crimson Five had once shared a team stall, her and Rue and Avery and Halberd and, of course, Will, all treating the day like a family outing.

"What's with the frown?" called a familiar voice. "Was the traffic that bad?"

Jess spun around, managing a genuine smile as she saw her oldest friend, Isabelle, or Invisibella, as the fans knew her. "Izzie! I was hoping you'd make it out for this one."

"I only came because I figured you'd be here." The silver hair woman smiled underneath her black mask, stepping forward to pull Jess into a hug. "How have you been? And what's going on?"

"Oh, jeez," said Jess. "Where to even begin?"

She regaled her friend, who was all but a sister to her and was still referred to as Aunt Izzie by the kids, with a sanitized version of their trip up. She admitted to the seat sharing fiasco, leaving out only how Will had basically humped and groped her, given that she was still unsure of how much of it had really happened, herself.

"Oh!" said Invisibella. "That's... definitely a lot to take. No pun intended."


"I'm just teasing you!" she laughed, playfully punching Jess's shoulder. "That must have been super weird."

"A little," said Jess, with a shrug. "I mean, it was definitely weird, but also... I don't know. I feel bad about blaming him for it."

"He did just get out of prison. Who says his body is on the same page as his mind?"

If it wasn't for that one little stolen thrust, that's exactly how I would have read the situation.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" asked Invisibella.

"What? No!" Jess frowned, in part at the way her own heart bucked at the suggestion. "Anyway, I was thinking I'd just... leave him be. Only bring it up if something else happened."

"That seems reasonable."

"I also figured I'd like, test him a little bit, maybe," said Jess. "Give him an opportunity to do something a little over the line and, if he took it, then I'd take action."

Invisibella let out a small laugh but shrugged. "It'll either work perfectly or blow up in your face. Definitely your style."

Jess was about to ask for an explanation as to exactly what she meant by that, but the convention's opening ceremony was underway, and she needed to be on stage. She flew her way up there, dropping down next to Amanda, the organizer, and accepting the microphone as various reporters began asking questions.

"This question is for Relic," said a female reporter with glasses. "Huge fan, by the way. We've all heard the reports of your son Lockpick, the infamous supervillain, being released from prison. Assuming that he is living with you, as rumored, do you have any concerns about his behavior? Or perhaps even your own safety?"

Jess scoffed but forced her tone back to something resembling level. "He's my son. I love him and any concerns I might have are between myself and my family."

"So, you do have some concerns, then?" asked the reporter. "Are any of them related to his rumored involvement with some of the superpowered gang members he was incarcerated with?"

The microphone's handle made a cracking noise as Jess closed her fist around it. She was about to snap out an angry, probably ill-advised retort when a scream came from the back of the convention center.

"It's Copperhead!" cried someone. "We're under attack!"

A malevolent cackle came from the far end of the building. Jess set the microphone back into its holder and took flight, beyond ready to kick some ass.

Will isn't a danger to anyone, she thought. And I'll test him to make sure. Either he'll pass, or I'll help him learn to be better.


The fight took only a few minutes, in no small part due to the number of superheroes gathered for the convention. Copperhead, the offending villain, was a fairly harmless super only out to make some noise and inflate his reputation.

Jess arrived back at the hotel after getting a ride through Montreal's beautiful night streets from Invisibella. She waved her friend up and headed up to the room, pausing outside the door. She'd left Will alone with his sisters. A worrying premonition stabbed into her as she settled her hand on the handle, remembering the car ride, Rue on his lap, a fair amount of bouncing around.

She unlocked the door with her card and threw it open, holding her breath. The room was pitch black, and she heard several groans of annoyance as she flicked the light on.

"People are trying to sleep," muttered Avery.

She and Rue, who hadn't woken up, were in one bed. Will was in the other, looking distinctly disappointed as he tossed a pillow to the floor and began gathering up the comforter.

He'd planned on sleeping down there, she remembered. No, this is perfect. Test number one.

"You don't have to do that," said Jess. "We can share the bed. It's more than big enough."

Will shrugged, turning his head sideways with a little smile. "Sure. I won't turn that down."

Jess smiled, executing the next stage of the trap as she rifled through her bag with exaggerated motions. "Oh, shoot. I forgot my pajamas. Is it alright with you if I just sleep in my underwear?"


"It's not that big of a deal, right?" She gave him a puppy dog eyed look that strode the line between pathetic and seductive.

"If you say so," said Will. "I suppose it'll be fine if we toss a pillow between us."

Let's see how fine it really is!

As it turned out... it was totally fine. Jess fell asleep quickly and woke up the next morning fully rested and unmolested. It was fact which left her feeling surprised and... strangely disappointed. Maybe disappointed wasn't quite the right word, but it wasn't quite right the wrong one, either. She wanted to help Will be better, and to do that, she needed to ammo in the form of misbehavior.

They had breakfast in the hotel's lobby and talked about their plans for the day. Jess had another round of convention stuff ahead of her through into the afternoon, but Will, Avery, and Rue made a plan to walk through Montreal, get lunch, and see the sights.

On top of feeling annoyed about the failure of her test, she was also a little envious of them for getting to spend family time together. It stirred an odd sense of conflict within her, to be worried about Will's behavior and future while simultaneously craving the closeness of their family.

She met up with Invisibella, who'd hooked up with some French-Canadian guy the night before and was gushing out various unnecessary details. The convention was an uneventful stretch of smiling, signing autographs, and saying heroic things.

A little girl spilled her soda while sitting on Jess's lap for a photo. She was gentle with her, but while her skirt was water resistant, her panties were not, and the soda soaked straight through into them. She slipped them off in the bathroom and rifled through her bag for another pair, which she realized, unfortunately, she didn't have.

Good thing my skirt fits me as well as it does. I'll have to go commando until tonight.

Avery called her around three. One of her clients back home had been having issues and she was trying to figure out how to get home. They'd been planning on staying through Sunday, and Jess decided that it made sense to just cut their mini family vacation a day short.

"Alright," said Avery. "Are you done there? I can swing by and pick you up if you are."


Jess met them outside around the back of the convention center, still in costume. She saw Avery in the front seat as they pulled up in the car... and both Rue and Will in back, the former in the latter's lap. She couldn't be sure from the angle, but it looked like their hands were very much in the wrong places. Running over each other's bodies, touching, groping. Jess's mouth thinned into a pissed off-line.

"Rue," she snapped. "You're up front."

"What?" Rue climbed out of the car on shaky legs. "Why? I mean... I don't mind having to share a seat with LP. It's not that big of a deal."

"I just want to make sure that everyone is comfortable." It wasn't really an objection to what she'd just said, but Jess used her no-nonsense, motherly voice, and Rue could only shrug and take the front.

Still in Relic's costume and too annoyed to take the time to go and change, Jess marched to the backseat and narrowed her eyes at her son. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head, still smiling. "Maybe we could have an early dinner or go for a walk before we..."

Jess slid into the car, plopped down into his lap, and received all the confirmation she could ever need that something had been happening. God, he was even harder than he'd been last time around. It felt like it was too late to call him out there and then for what she'd seen him and Rue doing when the car had pulled in, assuming she even knew exactly what she'd seen.

You have to play this carefully, she thought. Confront him when you're both alone. He needs to learn his lesson, but not be humiliated in front of his sisters.

"Comfy?" asked Will, in an amused tone.

He thinks this is funny!

"I'll manage!" snapped Jess.

"Alright, seatbelts on, or whatever passes for them for you two back there," said Avery. "I need to get home ASAP. This guy Barnburner is a bit of a mess. He's supposed to be getting sober, but he sometimes falls off the wagon and uses his power in stupid ways."

"Drive as fast as you need to, sweetie," she said. "I'm so beat from the convention that I'll probably pass out as soon we're on the highway."

Test number two. No way he makes it the entire drive without giving me some evidence of bad behavior.

Avery started off. Jess felt rather pleased with herself, at least for the first minute of the drive. She realized, quite belatedly, that it was going to be incredibly hard to properly feign sleep. It was one thing to notice that her son had a full-blown erection, and another thing entirely to plop down on it for a four-hour drive.

With no panties, she realized. Shoot! I really should have just left on the sticky ones.

She tried to shift her skirt down further, but her efforts only wiggled her around on Will's cock, and she almost shuddered when she dropped her weight back down, feeling it prod into her like the tip of a heat seeking missile. The car went around a corner, and Will gently steadied her at the waist, a kind gesture that seemed to prove how easily he could move her around, bounce her around, if he wanted to.