Domestic Decay Vacation


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"Anything I can do to make this easier for you, Mom?" he asked, voice a flutter against her ear. His hands squeezed on her waist for a glorious instant, and she had to take a breath before replying.

"Oh, I can handle it, sweetie," she whispered.

Anything you throw at me, I can take it, she thought. Just hurry up. Show me how bad you are, you horny little brat.

She was anticipating it, imagining it, even. With no plans of swapping with Rue this time around, Jess was well aware that she'd be on his lap for the next four hours straight. If he got off to an early start, touching and groping and humping her, how the hell would she manage to endure it?

You're doing this for him, she thought. It's for his own good. Like touching a hot stove as a little boy and getting his finger burned. Come on, sweetie. Hurry up and burn those fingers.

Will held her waist again as they rounded another corner. His hand settled on one of her thighs as the car came to the straightaway afterward, and Jess forgot how to breathe. She wasn't wearing panties, goddammit. He would instantly discover that if he slid his hand a bit upward... and then what?

"We need snacks," said Avery. "And I need coffee."

She pulled into a gas station with the highway on ramp looming in the distance. Will let out a massive sigh and tapped Jess's knee.

"I have to... head in for a minute," he said.

"Okay hun," she said, voice sickly sweet. "Whatever you need."


Desperate times called for desperate measures. Will rushed into the gas station and made a beeline for the bathroom, fully intent on burning his unwelcome boner out of existence.

There was a line for the bathroom, unsurprising, given how busy the little fuel stop was. He groaned and leaned against one of the coolers. It was really cold, and in a stroke of brilliance, he opened and stood in a way that put his crotch and hips partially inside without being too conspicuous.

It took a solid minute, and it wasn't anything resembling a long-term solution, but he managed to make his first lieutenant chill out in a rather literal sense.

"Hanging in there?" Rue sidled up next to him, ostensibly browsing the cooler next to his. "I bet it's not as fun having mom on your lap, huh?"

"Of course not!" he snapped. "She's my mother!"

Rue held her hands up, seeming surprised by the intensity of his reply. "She seemed awfully determined to be the one sharing a seat with you for the ride back. Do you think she... maybe suspects something? You know, about—"

"About what?" he said, quietly.

"About nothing, since nothing happened." Rue shrugged. "Whatever. Enjoy your little mommy-son cuddle fest."

He tried to playfully slap her butt as she sauntered off, but she was a little too fast for him. Will took another minute to cool his loins, bought a Butterfinger, and headed back out to the car.

His mom was already waiting next to the backseat, still in her hero costume, still with that crafty smile on her face. He got the distinct sense that she was taunting him, flaunting herself, and couldn't help but wonder if it was some kind of game or test on her part.

You're being ridiculous, he thought. She's your mother. She probably just doesn't realize how awkward this is.

"Ready for me to be back on your lap, LP?" she asked him.

"I'm game if you are," he said.

She grinned back at him. "Oh, I am definitely game, mister! Let's try to enjoy the ride."

He blinked, shaking his head a little as he climbed into the car. Did she even realize how she sounded? Probably not, he decided, as she took her time sitting down, shifting this way and that, making sensual little noises. The work he'd done to contain his erection was seemingly being undone in double time.

She was still doing it even as the car started, and Avery got back onto the road. Who the hell takes that long to sit down? She was on his lap, he conceded, and did his best to be understanding as opposed to horny as his cock slowly and steadily began to harden against her like a cobra to a snake charmer's tune.

"You know you can talk to me, right Will?" she whispered.

He put his hands on her waist, groaning quietly as he felt his half-erect member growing against his mom's inner thigh. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything," she said. "Whatever is on your mind."

Your impossibly pillowy ass is on my mind, he thought. Along with the way your skirt keeps sliding up each time the car hits a bump.

"You haven't... spoken much about your time away," she continued.

"Not much to say about it." He could feel her voice vibrating each time they spoke, bodies pressed together like sardines.

"Can I ask you about it?"

She rubbed his knee and leaned back, her buttocks briefly squeezing as part of the motion. Intentional? He couldn't tell for sure, and wouldn't assume, but goddamn did it feel good against his cock. The cooling off he'd done at the gas station's freezer felt like a complete joke, almost irrelevant now with his cock stiffening up to and past previous proportions.

"You can ask me whatever you want," he said.


She weighed her question carefully, not wanted to make it sound like an accusation. She could sense that Will really was doing his best. He'd used the stop at the gas station as an opportunity to calm himself down. He was obviously making an effort to be mindful of his hands.

He might pass this test after all, she thought. Maybe we just need to communicate more?

"Will," she said. "How was prison?"

It all came back to that. Not just being deprived of social contact, with no women as far as the eye could see, but being around other unscrupulous supervillains with questionable morals and dark attitudes. She could feel her son's cock prodding into her, but she would still believe him, drop all of her silly tests and games, if he was simply honest with her.

"It sucked." One of his hands settled on her thigh, fingers digging in a bit. "It really sucked."

"I mean, you can be more specific than that, if you want?"

"About what?" he asked, with a hint of annoyance. "It felt like I had those two years stolen from me. It wasn't a fun time."

"What wasn't fun about it?" She rocked her hips without thinking, feeling so close to him, physically and emotionally. "Just being locked up, with nothing to do?"

"Yeah," he said, voice low in hear ear. "It was hard."

He rocked up to meet one of her motions and Jess almost gasped in triumph. She had him! Just a little more, enough to push them past the point of plausible deniability. God, his cock was like a granite pillar! It was poking right up into her thighs, seemingly sliding her skirt out of the way like an active intruder.

"It must have been so hard," she said. "Not having any control or... anyone to turn to for help."

"I had to help myself." One of his hands was rubbing her thigh now while the other slide a steady much up her side, toward her costume clad breast. He was rocking up, not quite humping her... but what other word was there for it?

"I'm sure you just did what you had to," she whispered. "Sometimes you have to just go with a situation. Let things play out."

"A lot of the other villains were put away by powerful heroines," he said, voice low. "Galaxy Maiden. Invisibella... You."

Jess giggled. "Is that right?"

"So many of the men in there were obsessed with those famous heroines," he said. "The guys with artistic talent would draw pictures to sell."

"...Pictures?" Jess was still bobbing her hips toward his dick with subtle little motions and his words took a second to register. "You mean like...?"

"Some were lewd," he growled. "Or pin up style. Playboy stuff."

"Hand drawn playboys?" Jess tried to laugh, but it came out as a fluttering moan. "Of me and Invisibella?"

"More than just that." Will's hand brushed her breast and speared up again. A full-on thrust, undeniable intent. "They'd draw you gals getting worked over."

"As in...?"

"Sex." He spoke the single syllable right in her ear, wrapping one arm around her stomach to hold her in place while he humped her. "Gang bangs. You, or Galaxy Maiden, or Invisibella, or Miss Mass, faces covered with... well, you know. As though you guys were pornstars."

"Oh." The car felt like a furnace, and Jess felt a familiar wetness between her thighs. How in God's name had she let things slip so far, so fast? She had her answer, didn't she? What was her plan for after Will had... failed the test?

"Do you guys mind if I turn the music up?" called Avery. "These road sounds are killing my ears."

"Turn it way up," said Will. She could almost hear the grin on his face, cocky and borderline evil. The type of grin, say, a twenty something supervillain might get while having fun after a prison sentence.

"Oh, sweetie," whispered Jess, hips still on a different page. "You... probably shouldn't be telling me this."

Then why did you ask him, you silly, meddling woman?

"I was no different from the rest of them," he muttered, fingers grazing her skirt. "I told myself I could separate it all out. They were just crude little prison pictures or comics. It was Invisibella I was looking at, not Aunt Izzie."

"Oh, God!" She moaned again as his fingers traced up her nude thigh. "Will! Sweetie!"

"It was Relic," he growled in her ear. "Not you. Not Jessica Sorling. Not my mother."

She felt his fingers glide across the lips of her wet pussy and understood how much of a mistake she'd made. Except... oh God, this was the bad kind of mistake. The good kind of mistake. The kind of mistake that took willpower to put an end to.

"I traded stuff for the ones of you." He nuzzled his cheek against her neck, still humping her, almost but not quite fingering her cunt. "Told myself at first that it was to keep them from the rest of the perverts. But... I looked at them. I used them."

He slid a finger into her. Jess felt her mouth fall open, felt her hips shift to give him more access.

"They were... just pictures," she managed, forcing motherly authority back into her voice. "This is different. LP, sweetie, what you're doing is bad. So bad."

"I know it is," he muttered. "Fuck, Mom. You're so hot. You're so much hotter than those stupid scribbles."

She felt him grab her waist roughly, urging her up. She heard the snap of elastic, the waistband of his gym shorts.

"Oh, baby," she muttered. "What are you doing?"

"You might want to sit down more, Mom," called Avery. "Road work. Looks like a bumpy ride ahead."

"Yeah, Mom," said Will, so loud it was almost rude. "Take a seat. I got you."

He brought her down, guiding her, not forcing her. His cock found its way under her skirt and pressed against her pussy. The angle was wrong at first, as though he'd underestimated how far leaned forward she was.

No, she realized. As though he forgot you weren't wearing panties!

He must have just thought that they were at a weird angle before, or perhaps refused to believe that his mother, the idolized heroine Relic, would run around like a bottomless skank.

"Fuuuuck," sighed Will.

"Oh, sweetie!"

She leaned back against him. Will held her hands and hugged her, sweet and sour tenderness against the debauchery of the moment. The spell was broken as he let out a rather villainous groan and started rocking her back and forth on his hard, thick cock.

This can't be happening!

"Will," she gasped. "Honey... you really shouldn't be... doing that!"

"You really should be wearing panties," he whispered huskily. "I thought... Well, I guess it doesn't matter now. Jesus, Mom. How are you so fucking tight?"

"Don't... talk about how tight I am." She cleared her throat, summoning her authority. "When we get home, young man, I... you..."

She was in a daze, struggling to even complete a simple thought.

"What are you going to do, Mom?" he said, almost tauntingly. "What's my punishment?"

"Grounded!" she finally managed. He was rocking her by the hips, and fuck... it felt unbelievable. She was moving with him, unable to stop herself.

"Extra chores, too?" he asked smugly.

"I'll work you to the bone!" she hissed. "Cleaning. Mowing the lawn."

"Oh, I'll mow the lawn alright." He groped her tits and planted a wet kiss on her neck. "I can't wait."

"I hope you're enjoying yourself!"

"Mom." He hugged her, still thrusting amidst the gesture. "This is like a dream."

Oh, sweetie!

That strange mixture of pride and fury she'd first felt on the ride up came back with renewed intensity. He was such a greedy little brat... but hadn't she teased him? Hadn't she tested him, and all but led him to this point? She would give him extra chores and a stern talking to when they got home, but until then...

"I thought it would take forever to get laid again on the outside back when I was in prison," he whispered.

"This... isn't you getting laid," she hissed.

"Of course not. This is so much better!"

He bounced her faster as though to prove the point. Jess felt her eyes bulging outward and had to steady herself on Avery's seat. Avery glanced back for a second as Jess's hand brushed her shoulder but didn't seem to notice what was going on. At least, she hoped her daughter didn't.

"You're so fucking hot in your costume," he whispered.

She was bouncing fast now, her nude thighs connecting with his body with lewd little claps. It was like he was indulging in a round of slow applause, among other things, the little cocky bastard.

"I was hoping that I'd end up with some groupies, like some supervillains do," he said. "Never thought my own mother would be at the front of the line."

"Don't... say things like that!"

"Right." He kissed her earlobe. "How about I focus on making you come instead?"

He reached underneath her skirt and brushed her clit. It was like he'd pressed the red button, even just that small contact setting off an avalanche of pleasure through her. It instantly built into a full-blown orgasm, and her eyes fluttered as the pleasure pulsed through her like electricity. She threw her head back and let out a little whimper as she came on her son's cock.

He kept bouncing her, but slowly, in complete understanding of her current pleasurable plight. "I love you so much, Mom."

"I love you even more, sweetie, but when we get home." She cleared her throat and started rocking her hips again in a daze. "Consequences."

"Consequences. Lay it on me."

"You little brat."

The backseat reeked of sweat and cum and sex. Jess found it hard to care as much as she knew she should have, as much as she knew she probably would tomorrow, or had before the start of the ride. Three hours left, at the very least.

He'll come soon, she thought. Things will calm down after that.

Will kept moving her, rocking and bouncing her with his strong arms. When had he gotten so strong? Jess felt another orgasm building, delirious from the pleasure. She tried to match him with her own movements. The game was now to make him come so she could have even just a small interlude of relief from this mind-breaking pleasure. Sex wasn't supposed to feel like this, like an addictive drug with real world consequences, habit forming from the first hit.

"Oh, shit!" he groaned. "Yeah. Just like that."

"You like that, sweetie?" She rested her hands on his knees, twerking her hips.

"That angle... and that squeeze!" He grunted and hugged her again, humping forward, forcing her against Avery's seat. "Oh, Mom!"

She found one of his hands and squeezed it. "It's alright, sweetie! Just... for now?"

He grabbed her waist and took nearly all of her weight as he started leading again, forcing her up and down hard on his shaft. Tiny and not so tiny noises of breathless pleasure escaped Jess's lips. Rue sighed loudly from the passenger seat.

"Pretty bouncy back there, isn't it, Mom?" she said knowingly.

"It's... a rough ride." Jess swallowed and tried to sound like a mother. "We're managing as well as we can."

"Mom!" Will hugged her to him again, hips bucking wildly as he finally blew his load with the force of a gun.

"Oh, Will, sweetie..." She leaned back against him, rubbing his need. She was more than a little glad that he'd come when he did. It would be hard to reassert parental authority if she'd come twice before he'd even gotten off once, she figured.

"Everyone in this car is going to need therapy after this weekend," muttered Avery. "Including me. Especially me."

"Hey!" cried Rue. "That's mean."

Jess let out an embarrassed laugh and snuggled back against her son. "Will."


"Remember to bring your laundry to the washer when we get back."

"I did before we left," he said, annoyed.

"I mean the stuff on the floor, not just the stuff in your hamper."

He sighed, but she felt him nod behind her. "I'll get it done."

He hugged her again, and she closed her eyes. It took almost no time at all to fall asleep within his strong, loving arms.

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RandyashellRandyashell7 months ago

Yes really like this story a part 2

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrden9 months ago

Gonna look into this story but gonna immediately lose all interest if it's something gross 🤮 like being unrelated and/or some step bs and nothing ever happens

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrden9 months ago

Ending was too quick compared to the rest

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Will wasn't even trying to be subtle with how he pumped into her anymore, fucking her like a prostitute with a tight schedule."


Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this. While a sequel would be great, I'd als like to read a prequel before will left with his father. Seeing his relationship with his mom and sister's then, especially rue, would really had some emotional weight to the story. Seeing Rue and Will's close relationship, spending days together and falling asleep together would be really nice.

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