Domestic Disturbance

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Cop learns about love.
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"I'm not going to say it again, I won't marry you, I don't want to talk about it any more."

"I thought you loved me."

"You know I love you, Christ almighty, I tell you every time I see you."

"Then why can't we get married?"

"FUCK! Donna we've been over this a thousand times, you know why." I said as I got out of the bed that Donna and I had just made love in minutes ago. I headed for the shower, my shift started in an hour.

It may not have been a thousand times, but we had gone over this every few days since Donna had moved in with me over two years ago. Donna knew very well why marriage was out of the question for me. I'm a cop, I see the aftermath of domestic violence everyday. Looking back at what just happened, I see why other couples try to kill each other.

The water felt good on my face, but Donna's hands felt better on my body. She knew she had pushed it a little too far today. I had already forgiven her though, she had a way of making the anger disappear without a word. God, I would do anything for her, well almost anything.

When Donna shares the shower with me before I go to work, I feel like royalty. Attending to all of my needs, She bathes my body so very lovingly, tenderly soaping every inch of my skin. Her hands moving over the muscles of my back like a skilled masseuse. She squats to lather my legs, cleaning away each drop of sweat.

As she turns and works her way up, I find she is facing my now hardening shaft. Spending more time on my midsection than necessary, Donna kisses the tip of my now fully erect cock before she moves to my chest. Once I am scrubbed, she squirts a glob of shampoo into the palm of her hands. I never get over the sensation of her erect nipples and silky skin rubbing on my chest as she massages the short hair on my head with both her small hands.

The way she carefully spreads the smooth shaving cream so seriously trying to get the application just perfect, then deftly removing all traces of my beard. Donna takes the time to rinse off every last bubble floating on my now sanitary body. She dries me with the tenderness given a newborn baby. No man on earth deserves the total devotion that is bestowed on me each day. My God, how I love this woman.

Role call 22:45 hours, the same each night, fifteen minutes of bullshit and start patrol at eleven. Tonight was no different, eight years on the job and I still hated the first fifteen minutes of work every night. Most of the guys enjoyed the grab ass crap before patrol, I just wanted to get to it. People are in need of our help and we were fucking around.

The other guys all say, "Will just don't have a sense of humor."

Well, Will does have, I just don't show it at role call. I can tell more dirty jokes than a standup comic can. But there is a time for jokes and a time to be serious. Ask Barton, Bart has been my partner for the last four years. I bet he's heard every joke I know ten times.

I threw Bart the keys to our cruiser, "You're driving."

He knew me well enough to know I wasn't having a good day by that gesture. I always drove, Bart rode shotgun, he could spot things going on from the passenger seat like radar. "You ok, Will?" I just nodded to him.

We went through to inspection list just like every night. We mounted up and headed out of the parking lot, Bart turned to the left. I always went right, that was the first time tonight I noticed things seemed different tonight. It was a feeling that started to grow as we completed the first hour of our tour. I was having a hard time concentrating on work, but my gut told me things would be different.

At midnight we hit the drive thru at the burger joint to get some coffee. We head down south main to check out the pros. Two or three girls were trolling the streets but they weren't causing any grief so we moved on. It was a slow watch so far, I had been thinking about what had happened with Donna earlier. The end was coming, I just don't know when. Sooner or later Donna would push for that thing I couldn't give her, and that would be the end of us. I feel so hollow inside.

02:15 hours, the radio made me flinch. "David 37, David 37, 10-16 at 619 Ridgecrest circle." I reached for the mike, "Central, David 37 we're 10-8 and 10-76" I noted the address. Fuck, domestic disturbance call, I don't need this shit tonight. Bart hit the lights and we rolled to the call.

Most every type of call is routine after a while, but a 10-16 domestic is never the same. This is one of the most dangerous situations you can walk into. With emotions so high, a small argument can turn violent in an instant. Both parties can be the aggressors, and the police are usually looked at as intruders instead of peace keepers.

"David 37 we're 10-23" I said into the mike letting the dispatcher know we were on scene. We were in an upscale neighborhood. A crowd was starting to gather out side of the house, there would be nothing normal about this call. As Bart and I approached the door we heard the screams that had prompted the 911 call. Without a word between us our side arms were unholstered. Bart had enough sense to try the knob before I kicked the door in. We cleared each room as we rapidly went to the source of the disturbance.

Before I tell you what we found, I must tell you that in police work you can run into the oddest most bizarre situations imaginable. Truth is always stranger than fiction, and if that was the case here we had uncovered reality personified. This without a doubt was one for the books.

As we entered the master bedroom ready to fire, it became clear very quickly that this was no 10-16. There were three people in the room, two were fucking doggy style with their backs to us still unaware of our presence. The third was bound to a chair off to the side, he was cuffed naked to the chair with a leather hood secured over his head.

Bart gave me that oh fuck look before he stopped the action.

"POLICE, FREEZE!" He barked.

All three quickly looked at us, The man behind the woman started to talk as I walked up behind him and told him to shut up as I cuffed him. I covered Bart as he secured the woman with his cuffs. Well this was a lovely little picture, the woman was crying and struggling to cover herself with her hands secured behind her.

The man in the chair was silent but obviously crying. This was going to be a real riot to sort out. Doggy man was trying to talk again as I told him to shut up for the last time. Bart had covered the woman with a robe by this time, I approached the man in the chair to remove the hood.

With the hood removed I could see his eyes were very swollen and red, he had been crying long before we had entered the room. I removed the ball gag and told him not to speak yet, he nodded in understanding and stayed silent.

"Where you gonna start, Will?"

"With the woman, she's the one making all of the noise. Call dispatch and tell them we won't need back up."

"I'm going to ask you a few questions please don't try to explain all this yet until I ask you. Do you understand?" she nodded in agreement.

"Ok, what's your name?"

"Marcy Shuman." Bart was taking this all down on his notepad.

"And the guy in the chair?"

"Mark Shuman."

"The other uh... gentleman?"

"He's Matt... something or other."

I looked at him. "Martin." He said.

"Ok Marcy, tell me what in Christ's name we are all doing here?"

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. Mark has this fantasy of watching some other man fuck me..."

"You filthy lying whore."

"That's enough out of you for now. This is not going to work very well Bart. You watch these two while I get her story. Marcy I want you to come with me into the other room." I helped her to her feet and her robe opened up exposing most of her charms. I uncuffed her and let her cover herself before I secured her again.

We ended up going into the kitchen, it seemed a little less compromising for some reason.

"Ok, Marcy lets try this again."

"Well, like I said, my husband has this fantasy..."

"Whoa, lets back up a little. Where did you come up with that idea?"

"I found a book in his coat pocket a couple of weeks ago. There were stories in there with some of the passages underlined. The stories were about women being screwed by other men in front of their husbands."

"Does this appeal to you?"

"Oh my heavens no, I wanted to do it for Mark."

"If you didn't want to do this uh... well... You seemed to be enjoying it."

"Not really, I was just making Mark believe that I liked it."

"I'm getting lost here. Why would you do that?"

"Oh I see, well, Mark works so very hard for us. He gives me anything I want. I love him so much that I wanted to give him what he wanted. We don't seem to, um... well, do it as much as we used to."

"But Marcy, Mark didn't really look like a man that was having a good time. Did you talk to him about this?"

"No, I just did what I read in the book." She was starting to see the light.

"So what was in the book?"

"Well, one of the pages had been bent like a book mark. I did it just like in the story, I put him in that chair and went to a bar and picked up a man."

"Marcy, you went to a bar and picked up a man that you know nothing about, you brought him into your home and had unprotected sex with him, all of this because Mark doesn't make love to you as often as when he was younger. Is that about the size of it?"

All of the color drained from her face as she realized exactly how badly flawed her plan had been.

"Oh my dear god, what have I done? I only wanted Mark to be happy...God I love him so much."

"Marcy, I'm going to let you loose from the hand cuffs. I want you to make a pot of strong coffee. Can you do that for me? I think we may all need it before it's over." She nodded as I returned to the others.

I pulled Bart to the side and filled him in. He shook his head and understood.

I went to doggy man and let him free.

"I want you dressed and out of here."

"But I'll need a ride. You don't think I'm going to walk back to the bar where my car is? That must be five miles from here."

"How about we give you a ride to the police station and have your wife come pick you up." I said, noticing his wedding ring.

"I see your point, I'll be glad to walk."

"I thought you might."

Bart had been busy letting Mark free of his bonds. I went get him some water while he dressed. I gave him the glass and he drank it down.

"Mark, I don't suppose you have a fantasy that involves Marcy getting screwed by strange men?"

"Hell no! Why would any body want that for their wife?"

"Well Mark, the world is full of all kinds."

"I'll tell you right now that's not for me, I love Marcy. Well I did before tonight anyway."

I could see that he was becoming agitated. I needed to get him under control before we did have a 10-16.

"Look Mark, I want you to calm down. We don't need to take this to the station now do we?"

"Oh god no, I'd be ruined if this ever got out."

"Ok then, Marcy has made a very bad mistake, she realizes that now. It all started with a book you brought home, can you tell me about it?"

"A book? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Ok, but she tells me she did all of this for you because of how much she loves you."

"Marcy sure picked a funny way to prove her love."

"Well, I can agree with that, Mark. Lets just stay calm and go have some coffee and talk this out."

We went to the kitchen, Marcy had the coffee poured and ready. She was sitting at the table with her hands covering her eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing. Bart let the dispatch center know we were ok and would be awhile. We all sat at the table and Bart asked Marcy if she still had the book that Mark had brought home.

Marcy went for the book as the rest of us sat silently at the table. When she returned and handed it to Bart he passed it to me. I looked for the bent page and read the underlined part of the story. It was all there, just like Marcy described it to me.

I handed the book to Mark and asked him to read the underlined passage out loud.

"I want her to know pleasure, the pleasure of another hard cock. A strange man pounding her wet quivering pussy from behind. I get so hard just imagining my own woman giving herself over to the lust. My love only increases for her as she lets me watch him fuck her. Nothing could make me happier than to see her scream out her orgasm while I sit helplessly by, unable to speak. She is in control of..."

Mark couldn't go on, he was crying now along with Marcy.

"Mark, where did the book come from?"

He stared at for a full minute before it finally came to him.

"Oh shit, I found it on the train, it was on the seat next to me when I came home the other night. I noticed what kind of smut it was and put it in my pocket so some kid wouldn't find it. I was going to throw it away at the station but I forgot."

Marcy ran from the room in tears, and the pain was evident in Marks face as he sat slumped in his chair. We all sat in silence while he calmed down. He looked at me as he spoke.

"Officer, this may sound crazy, I hate what she did. But I love her so much for doing it. How can I turn away a woman that could love me enough to do such a thing only for me? It may not make any sense to you, but I love her more than I ever have."

Marcy must have been listening from the other room, she ran to Mark with her arms open wide to embrace him. I looked at Bart and saw a tear run down his cheek. We got up to leave and thanked them for the coffee. Marcy walked us to the door and kissed Bart on the cheek. She held me in her arms looking me in the eyes "Thank for saving my marriage." And she reached up and kissed me gently.

"Marcy, I don't want to spoil the mood, but you should see a doctor just in case."

She blushed as she got my meaning,

"I will call for an appointment first thing in the morning. You're such I wonderful man, I wish it had been you in the bar."

Now it was my turn to blush. Bart took the lead as we went out the door.

"Hey partner, I won't tell Donna about your new girlfriend if you don't say a word about the tears."

"Deal." I said as I popped him on the back of his head.

We rolled toward the station to do our reports before we called it day. It had been a good night for us, there is never a domestic call where every body goes away happy. This was a first for Bart and me.

"Hey Bart, Did you hear the one about the three old ladies sitting on the park bench?"

"Yeah, and I don't want to hear it again."

The reports were filed and the new shift was in Role call. I told Bart I'd see him tonight. I made a couple of stops before I got home. Donna was sleeping as crept into bed careful not to disturb her. I took her hand and held it As I thought what a lucky man Mark was.

His wife loved him beyond reason. She was willing to put every thing aside for what she had thought he wanted. Their problem last night was jus t a fluke. It wasn't done from malice or Marcy's needs, as screwed up as it sounds it was done as an act of love. She loved Mark so much, she was willing to break her wedding vows to fulfil his fantasy. I happily drifted off to sleep.

I was forced from my dream, Donna's scream had me on my feet and out the bedroom door before I was awake. She met me at full speed in the hallway. Donna was on me in a flash, her arms and legs wrapped around me. Her face was buried on my shoulder, tears streaming down her beautiful face. I turned and carried her to the bed falling on my back with Donna still straddling me.

She had sat up and was admiring the engagement ring I had slid on her finger while she was sleeping earlier. Tears were still streaming from her eyes, but I could tell from her smile that they were tears of joy.

"It's so beautiful, Will. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Donna."

"But what changed?"

"I'm a little slow Baby, I just realized I was more afraid of loosing you than scared of being married."

"Just like that? I know you Will, Something happened last night."

"Well, It's a long story. Let's just say I met a woman that loves her man more than you can imagine."

"Like the way I love you?"

"Oh god Donna, I pray that we never have to find out. Please never love me that much."

"I don't understand you, but I plan to love you so much before our wedding that I'll lose the ten pounds I need to lose to fit into mom's wedding dress."

"Well, that much love I can handle. This sounds like my kind of diet."

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strawboystrawboyabout 2 months ago

A nice twist on a Literotica staple.

Pussylover0286Pussylover02865 months ago

A true love story, brilliant let's have more like it

Richard1940Richard19406 months ago

Very different, very good. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Roll call.....

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker7 months ago


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