Dominique Ch. 08


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"Ugh," dominique protested softly.

"sshhh," said kate.

I smiled and waved her away.


When my Master called kate over i reminded myself of my promise. "This is what He wants. This is what i deserve."

i held onto the thought.

kate leaned into me as she applied the first clamp.

"i am loving this you know..."

"Do not speak privately to the stupid slut kate."

"Sorry Sir."

"Call her a stupid slut kate."

"you are a stupid slut dominique," she smiled at me.

i clenched my pussy... i was starting to feel hot.

Clamps on my nipples are one of my weaknesses. Andrew knows this. Even as a punishment, the lines readily blur.

i held my collar tightly in front of me. i looked at my knuckles. They were white. my nipples burned with pain. i remembered to breathe.

kate spat in my face.

i closed my eyes for a moment. i made a promise to myself... i would not complain. i would not hesitate. i would do anything. Take anything. i can do it... i want it... i need it...

"dominique..." my Master called to me.

Remembering i was to be silent i looked up at Him. kate was gone.

"dominique... I am going to teach you a lesson in humility now... do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

He turned to O/our guests.

"Paul... if You would come here please..."

i dropped my gaze to the floor once more. my god. Paul. What must He think of me?

i listened as Paul's footsteps approached. i didn't dare look at Him.

Andrew spoke.

"Paul... look down on My submissive... tell Me what you see..."

The silence roared. my nipples ached.

The warm timbre of Paul's voice soothed my ears. But not His words...

"I see a woman caught. Caught between being the slut she wants to be and the slut she is. I see a submissive woman certainly. I also see an attractive, sexy woman... I see ...a good fuck."

A good fuck.

Nothing more.

His words cut me to the core.

"You feel nothing more for dominique, Paul..."

"she is Your submissive Andrew. I care for her BECAUSE she is Yours My Friend."

"Thankyou Paul."

"You are welcome Andrew."

"Stay here."


"Look at Me dominique..."

i looked up at Him... i couldn't look at Paul...

"you understand Paul feels nothing for you." He continued to look at Me sternly.

"Yes Sir."

"There is nothing there. He enjoys fucking you. That is all."

"Yes Sir." Damn my stupid fucking imagination.

"Suck His cock."

i swallowed and moved forward on my knees.

i had seen this done before... no hands. In my hands i tightly held my collar and i was clearly only able to use my mouth to free Him from His jeans. my mind flooded with images of gigi doing this very same thing up at Dean's cabin. How i had envied her...

With my nose i pushed aside the flap of material covering His zip and with my tongue prised up the catch and took it between my teeth. i drew it down slowly and carefully. i also used my teeth to undo the button at His waist and was quite pleased with myself for being able to do it.

"I can't believe how slow you are," Andrew chastised.

i craned my neck around each side of Paul gripping the waist of His jeans in my teeth and dragging downwards. On my third tug His half-hard cock popped free and swayed before my eyes. i smiled in relief.

"I see you are looking forward to sucking Paul's cock pet. Well let's make a game of it then. kate come over here."

i heard kate's footsteps approaching once more. i continued to eye off Paul's cock while Andrew spoke. God i was hardly even listening. i licked my lips. i inhaled the heady male scent. i looked up into Paul's pale blue eyes. i couldn't help but smile.

"kate you will paddle dominique until she has Paul's cock fully sucked down, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," she replied.

"I will nod each time you are to swing the paddle. Go and get it from the wall."

kate left my view and Paul's beautiful cock twitched in front of me. my mouth was watering and i swallowed again.

"Stand there kate.. that's right like that... now swing the paddle back and forth..." i felt the air movement over my ass as kate practiced.

"...Yes that will be fine. Now dominique you may begin."

my Master must have nodded to kate at that very moment. i was reaching my open mouth forward to catch the end of Paul's cock between my lips when there was a CRACK! and i was pushed suddenly forward into His crotch.

"Uugghhh!!" i moaned.

"Suck His cock!"

i turned my face and quickly took the smooth hot spongy head of Paul's cock into my mouth and brought my head back and straightened myself to plunge onto it. I looked down the length of it and swallowed once. Paul's cock is very thick.


The paddle drove into my ass cheeks again and shoved me forward. i blinked and found myself half way down Paul's cock. i tried to relax my throat and...


Strange how i hardly even felt the first strike. It was more of a shock than anything else. The second one burned. The initial pain was similar to a needle, only it was a thousand needles all over my ass. Then my ass just burned hot and throbbed. i tried to concentrate on the warm and hard cock sliding back and forth in my mouth.

my Master had taken hold of one of my shoulders to stop me from impaling my face on Paul as kate paddled me again.



i sucked with all my strength. i was trying to push forward, choking and drawing back. Fighting my Master's strength.


my Master was drawing out the paddling. Drool was seeping from my mouth when i coughed.


i had to do this NOW! i shoved myself forward. my throat convulsing as Paul's cock embedded itself.

"Hold her there."

Paul's hands went around my head.

"Three for taking so long..."







"Alright that's enough."

Paul's hands gripped my hair and slid my throat and then my mouth right off Him. His cock shone proud and strong in front of me. It was throbbing and i could hardly tear my eyes from it. i felt dizzy and my ass felt like i would not be sitting on it for a week. i felt spit hanging from my chin.

"Hand Me your collar."

i gave it to Him. He swung it on the end of His finger.

"W/we shall see if you can earn this back."

i nodded. i can do this.


dominique had done well. she had taken a paddling that i would have been proud to administer. I doubt whether kate could have swung that paddle much harder. I thanked her and took the paddle from her hands. I pointed into a corner of the room for her to kneel and wait. I turned my attention back to dominique.

"Look at Paul," I said.

she did so.

"Tell Him you are nothing but a jealous little cocksucking slut."

her mouth opened and for a moment nothing came out.

"What's wrong dominique? Giving up already?"

her eyes teared up again but she didn't cry. she kept looking at Paul.

"This girl is nothing but a jealous little cocksucking slut Sir."

"I know dominique," He smiled. "...and how do you think I know?"

"she don't know Sir." she sniffed.

"Because Andrew and I noticed you had an unhealthy interest in Me some time ago. We have discussed it dominique."

dominique's gaze dropped. I chided her.

"Keep looking at Paul you stupid slut. you can't do anything right can you?"

she looked back up at Paul, brushing a tear from her cheek.

"No Sir. i am a terrible sub Sir."

I almost slapped her face to prove it.

"I will decide if you are a terrible sub dominique. Do not try to elicit sympathy, it will double your punishment." she gasped.

I continued, "tell her Paul..."

"dominique... I have no interest in you beyond Andrew's best interests. I enjoy using you and helping Him keep you, shall We say, in 'good condition'. Andrew is My best Friend dominique. We grew up Together and We discovered this Life Together. No sub will ever change that. I have no feelings for you beyond these."

dominique pouted and I reached out quickly and snatched a handful of her hair. I dragged her over to the training table. she didn't say a word. she may have whimpered, I didn't really notice.

"kate come over here."

kate stood and walked over from her corner of the room.

"Strap her down to the table."

"Yes Sir," she replied, eyes sparkling again.

she set about her task. I put My arm around Paul's shoulder and steered Him towards the margueritas. Or did He steer Me? I don't remember. But I remember what I said.

"Thankyou Paul."

"Don't mention it, Andrew."

I poured two margueritas and passed Him one.



kate was behind me. i was looking over my right shoulder and down the slope of my back at her. The training table surface is about eighteen inches off the floor. it is covered with soft plush black leather and had eight slots in its surface, through which eight sets of small leather straps and buckles emerge. kate had pulled it into the centre of the room before swatting my ass to get me up on it.

"Slide this onto her cunt," Andrew told kate.

i was positioned as i had been once before on this table. On hands and knees. Well... elbows and knees. kate had done a very good job strapping me down. she seemed to take particular delight in pushing my knees as widely apart as the slots would allow before locking them in place under the table. i could move forward and backward but all other movement was very limited.

The pain in my nipples had ebbed to a dull ache i could almost ignore. my throat felt a bit sore. Shamefully i was excited. kate kept running her fingertips and nails over my body and cooing in my ears as she strapped me down. she caressed my skin lightly in between tightening each strap. Once gently up and down the length of my left calf. And when both legs were strapped down very widely she smoothed over my ass with her soft warm palm and told me i looked beautiful.

i closed my eyes and bathed in the sensations.

Andrew's voice roused me from the delicious feelings.

"you don't have to be gentle. she is clearly very wet."

"Yes clearly Sir," answered kate, "shall i clean her up for you Sir?"

"Just insert the egg for now."

"Yes Sir."

I was looking over my shoulder at kate who was leaning with one knee on the edge of the table. she steadied her hand by resting it on the top of my ass. she teased the pucker of my asshole with her thumb. she did it on purpose. i shuddered a little. she pressed her fingertips to my lips and using her nails she parted them. It felt nice. i felt my body start to blush. I was looking at kate's face. she was rapt in what she was doing and was staring at my pussy.

she looked right at me and winked. i felt her push two fingers right up inside me.

i gasped and i ground back against her fingers!

I couldn't help it. i felt her fingers flex inside me and her gaze returned to my exposed pussy.

"God she is so wet i can hardly believe it Sir."

"you could have just pushed the egg in kate."

"But this is much more fun Sir, don't you agree?"

Paul chuckled from across the room. i turned around the other way to look at Him. He was sipping from His marguerita.

"she has a pretty cunt that is true," He offered, looking right at me.

i groaned and clenched as kate's slim fingers slid smoothly around in my pussy. my face felt like it was aflame. i was starting to get very worked up. T/they were talking about me like i was meat.

"she has a nice tight wet cunt Sir..."

i was starting to rock back and forth.

"That's enough kate..."

"Oh but Sirrr, i want to see her cummmmm..." she mock whined and kept sliding her fingers in and out of me.

i was starting to get sparkles down my spine shooting to my crotch and making me shake. If she didn't stop soon i was going to...

"I told you to stop that you stupid little slut!"

kate's fingers pulled suddenly free and i looked around at my Master. He was bending over, holding kate by the hair. He was speaking right into her face

"you'll do what I tell you, when I tell you, won't you?!"

"Ooowww yes alright yesss!" i opened my mouth in surprise and watched aghast as my Master struck kate across the face.

"Just like dominique aren't you!"

Paul laughed nervously. i quickly looked around at Him. His eyes met mine and He shrugged and turned His attention back to Andrew and kate. so did i.

Andrew dragged kate by the hair the two steps over to the toy-box and told her not to move. He rummaged a moment and pulled out the cock gag, holding it up in front of kate's eyes.

"For you, potty mouth!"

Andrew held kate by the hair on the top of her head and forced her head back making her cry out. He roughly pushed the cockgag into her mouth all the way. she gurgled and the gag made a glick glick sound as it was pushed into her throat. her eyes blazed with... what was it? Excitement? Andrew buckled the strap behind her head.

"Go and get rid of that dress before I rip it off you, potty mouth."

kate's eyes told the story as she stood and walked over to Paul. i had to swing my head around the other way again to see what she was doing. Paul took the hem of the dress in His hands and drew it up her body. kate stood there squeezing her breasts in her clenched fists and almost doubled over trying to rub her thighs together.

"Paul come over here My Friend..."

"Sure Andrew."

Paul put down His glass and came over to stand behind me next to Andrew. At that very moment a well lubed butt plug was pushed up my ass. i groaned and trembled with the pain. i gradually adjusted to the fullness and my breath whooshed out of me. i didn't realise i had been holding it..

i knew i was about to get more.

"Paul... bring kate over here."

"kate come here."

she scrambled over on her knees.

"Stand up and make her eat your cunt pet."

she nodded, eyes positively bugging out.

she was just taking hold of my hair when i felt that damned egg-shaped thing getting pushed back up my pussy. No hesitation, it was turned on immediately and kate pulled my mouth into her musky wetness. she too was shaved and my face slid deliciously all over her slightly sweaty abdomen, my mouth being dragged all over her wet pussy.

"Turn her head to Me kate."

she pulled me free of her and steered my head around by my hair.

i looked at my Master and He held the clicker in His hand. He clicked it and laughed and sat back looking at me, drinking His marguerita. i groaned and was cut off by kate's cunt mashing into my face again. Pressing hard against my lips. God. she was fucking my face! my pussy was ablaze with vibrations as my Master pressed and released a turbo button or something on the clicker. It sent waves of shakes and shivers through my body only to rebound and head straight back to my crotch.

Just when i thought i might cum i heard Andrew's voice.

"Now Paul NOW!"

A muffled thump hit my ass as Paul's first half-hearted swing of a flogger hit me. But in a moment He had His rhythm. Oh god yes. Swish swish went the flogger in the air, the most delicious of feelings... warming me to the core, flicking against my most tender of flesh... minute explosions of pleasurable pain... Up and down my ass, flicking the lips of my pussy... Andrew turning up the clicker... flashes of tiny lights behind my closed eyelids... kate riding her clit up and down my nose... her juices running down my chin.

she held my hair so tight i felt i wasn't going anywhere. i was where i wanted to be. i was being enjoyed. And enjoying every moment of it. i was home. i came so so hard.

Author's Note:

Again thankyou to dawn for her editing expertise.

Please vote! W/we both love seeing what you think.

And thank you for your generous votes for preceding chapters. With them I know you are enjoying 'dominique'. Without them, I for one would lose the motivation to submit My stories.

Thankyou also for the inspiring emails I sometimes receive. They are truly appreciated.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No safewords

Well hasn’t he just got what he wanted a mindless drone?

Punishment with lots of alcohol - stupid and dangerous

Any scene punishment or otherwise without a safe Word? How about “RED I’m leaving you bastard.” Because it really isn’t all right to let other people spit on the person you love, slap them across the face and treat them like shit. As a one to one in a scene I can understand that some will find it erotic but that’s because a trust has been built up between Dom and sub that just isn’t there with a third party.

Finally he’s punishing her for being interested in a fellow Dom, one who is “not as mean” boo-fucking-hoo he was the shortsighted fucktard who wanted her to answer to other Dom’s and fuck them. Yeah she does come across as bratty at times what a fucking surprise that is because they NEVER discuss issues.

I can’t find any redeeming qualities in this man despite seeing his reasoning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
One major problem

This severe treatment should not be done with a few drinks on board and definitely not with one in hand. Nothing safe or sane about that. -- shemar

TsubasaCatTsubasaCatabout 11 years ago
great work!

i am loving this story. The mindfucks!! I was crying along with dominique, at a few parts. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I always considered myself a submissive but after reading this I wouldn't say I'm a dom but I would be a pretty bad 'slave'. I'm more non-submissive masochistic and if I was in Dominique's position. I would've fucked up Kate, dissed Paul, and left Andrew with a little "go fuck yourself" letter on the table.

tatbtatbalmost 12 years ago

Sir Nathan, You make my heart hurt and swell all in a sentence. What a gift You have.

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