Donna from Day Care Ch. 02


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Kevin was thinking about the bed also. He was also quite inexperienced, but not as much as Donna. Even so, he believed that, once a man and woman had gotten to the point where they had gotten, sex was almost inevitable. He certainly hoped so, because his cock was so hard it seemed to be trying to rip through his pants. The thought of pants made him think of something else. Next to the right hand that was resting affectionately on Donna's voluptuous hip was the flap and button and zipper that were holding up her Bermuda shorts. Eagerly, but moving casually, he started fumbling with them, intending to loosen the garment.

When she felt him fumbling with the fastenings of her shorts, Donna was too wrapped up in the pleasure she was deriving from what Kevin's mouth was doing for her breasts to pay much attention to it. That changed when she felt his fingers sliding under her panties to caress the bare skin of her ass. Nobody had touched her skin there since her father had stopped pulling her panties down before spanking her, and Kevin's hand felt infinitely better than her father's had. She could feel a tingling there, in addition to the same feeling on both her breasts and the special place on her pussy, and she felt more of the warm liquid trickling onto her crotch.

She wanted more, and she knew how she wanted it, and she hoped those caresses would lead to much more. When she whispered into Kevin's ear earlier, she was unsure just how far she would want to go, but Donna was not at all unsure by that time.

"Do you want to lie down together?" she whispered.


Kevin thought she was asking if he wanted to lie closely together on the love seat and, when she got off the arm of the seat, he started to change his position. He was elated when Donna went in the direction of the Murphy bed, and he realized she meant lie down there together. What made him feel even better was when her loosened shorts started sliding down her legs, and she stopped, let them slide all the way down, and kicked them out of the way. Eagerly, he eyed Donna's succulent ass, clad only in her cotton panties, and followed her to the doors that led to her bed.

She had folded back the door by herself, and could have easily gotten the bed down alone too. Kevin was feeling a bit macho, though, so he took one corner, and unfolded that leg and set it firmly on the floor, while she did the same with the other corner. Donna ended up standing on the more narrow side, the one between the bed and the wall, but she walked around to the other side to join him. They embraced and kissed, until she leaned back, withdrawing her lips. Donna stepped back slightly, looked at Kevin's pants, and looked back at his face, a sly, wicked grin crossing her face.

She reached out and unbuckled his belt, unsnapped and unzipped his pants, and let them start toward the floor. Kevin gave them a little push to help them; they landed at his feet, and he stepped out of the pants and kicked them away. Donna looked at the hard cock bulging his boxer shorts. She had never actually seen one bare, but she had seen Daniel's erection inside his underwear during her supposedly fertile days, and she knew what it was and what a man would do with it. Still grinning, she reached inside Kevin's fly and gently fondled it. With no reservations whatsoever, she wanted Kevin's hard cock to be used for that purpose with her, on her bed, on that afternoon.

Donna pulled the top sheet and other bedding out of the way, and the two extremely enamored people climbed onto the bed, and lay down facing each other. It was warm, and they needed no covering. Although it was totally contrary to her religious upbringing, and he knew about that upbringing, neither of them had any doubt at all that what they were about to do was the right thing to do, and right then was the right time for them to do it. Kevin, however, was not at all certain that Donna felt the same way as he did, and he didn't want to rush her into doing anything she wasn't completely ready for.

He reached out with both hands, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Donna's cotton panties, and started to pull them down. Eager to help, she raised her hip from the bed, and Kevin pulled them all the way down, working them around her ankles and feet, finally dropping them at the foot of the bed. It was Donna's turn and, after Kevin lay back down, she unsnapped the waistband of his shorts and pulled them off the same way as he had removed her panties. She lay back down and they faced each other, admiring one another's nakedness.

When she reached out and fondled Kevin's cock again, Donna felt some trepidation. It was so big! She had never seen or touched Daniel's organ, but it used to hurt when he shoved it into her. Believing that a certain amount of pain was good for the soul, he never used any kind of artificial lubricant, and she had never had any natural lubrication, because there had never been any kind of foreplay. Her pussy was extremely juicy, after all the things that she and Kevin had done to each other and with each other, but she didn't realize what a difference that would make. Donna already knew the man in bed next to her to be gentle and patient, but she still didn't realize just how gentle and patient he would be with her.

Kevin had no fear, but he did have some nervousness, akin to performance anxiety. He was aware that he didn't have much experience with women, but Donna had even less with men. It was a foregone conclusion that they would be making love in a few minutes, unless she backed out, but what if he disappointed her? Worse, what if it was painful for her? He would be very careful to avoid that but, from what Donna had told him, she and the man she was married to never had sex except during what they believed were her fertile periods, so she would still be almost like a virgin. Nervous or not, he certainly wasn't going to back out.

But he would give her a chance to. Kevin moved in closer and raised himself on his elbow, so he was looking down at her lovely face. He kissed her gently, drew his face away, and put his hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to make love, Donna?" he asked her. I want to, but if you don't think it's right, we can stop, and wait for another time."

"I want to. I think this is the right time, right now and right here." To emphasize how willing she was, and how much she wanted to make love with him, Donna rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Obviously ready, she smiled at Kevin, waiting for him to take his place on top of her.

He didn't make her wait very long. Kevin raised his upper body higher, so his weight was supported on his right hand, and swung his left leg over her left leg. Continuing to move over her, he put his other hand on the bed next to Donna's right side and leaned on it so he could bring his right knee in between her legs. Kneeling and leaning over her, he marveled again at how sweet and beautiful she was.

Calling on what little experience she had, Donna reached down and spread her pussy lips, shuddering slightly at how wet and yucky she was there. Kevin moved closer, supporting his weight on one hand and his knees, and held his cock in the other hand to aim it at the tiny hole she was holding open for him. He had no condom, but knew there would be no need for one. Neither of them could have AIDS or any kind of STD, and there was no chance of making her pregnant. Moving in closer, he marveled at how wet she was, and rubbed the tip of his cock in her plentiful moisture, to spread her lubricating fluids. While he held his cock pressed against her pussy, he looked down at her again. Donna smiled and nodded her head eagerly in answer to his unspoken question.

With a firm, yet gentle push, the head of Kevin's cock wedged into the very tight and very wet hole that wanted it so much. Donna breathed in sharply through her teeth at the sudden rush of dull pain from the unaccustomed stretching. When he saw and heard her, Kevin stopped, but didn't pull his cock back out.

"Does it hurt? If it hurts, I'll stop."

"No, it doesn't hurt. It did at first, but just a little bit. It feels good now. Don't stop." Donna was telling the truth about that. The pain was very brief, and had already evolved into pleasure, which was a new experience for her. Her previous acts of sexual intercourse, always intended to produce babies, had been a chore that she felt was incumbent on her as a woman. She very much wanted him to continue with the tremendous pleasure he had started giving her.

Kevin did continue, but moving very cautiously. He still held his cock to guide it, and Donna continued to hold her pussy lips open, while she smiled encouragement to him. The initial pain was nothing but a memory by that time, and her pussy felt better and better as his cock continued to plunge into her more deeply. With half its length inside, Kevin no longer had to guide it, and he placed his right hand next to her, and slid both his hands forward.

Donna still held her pussy open, and Kevin continued easing his cock into her, going slightly deeper with every stroke. He would stop any time she said to, but he hoped she would enjoy it so much that she would want to continue. Kevin could hardly believe his good fortune that somebody as beautiful and wonderful as Donna would want to make love with him. He briefly pondered that thought and realized that making love was exactly what he was doing, and what he wanted to continue to do, that day and every day for the foreseeable future.

Donna felt amazed that a man as sweet and handsome as Kevin would even have time for someone like her. She considered herself, that day at least, to be the luckiest person on Earth. This might be the only day they would have together; she hoped not, but she knew it was a possibility. It that was to be the case, she would enjoy it as much as she could, especially what he was doing to her pussy with his cock. The deeper it went inside her, the more bliss throbbed out through her body, and the more she wanted it to continue.

It continued until Kevin's entire cock was buried in Donna's tight pussy, and he moved forward to place his hands by her shoulders so he would be able to support his weight on his forearms, rather than squashing the lovely woman under him. Almost reflexively, she raised her arms in an unmistakable invitation. It was an offer he had no intention of refusing, and he kissed her with true tenderness, while leaving his cock buried in her pussy.

"I love you," he whispered the second his mouth was no longer plastered against hers.

Kevin was shocked at the profession of love he had just made. It was the absolute truth, and he knew it, but he expected to have a lot of trouble saying it, as truly sincere young men often do. "I really love you Donna," he added, finding it just as easy the second time, and even more satisfying.

Donna was ecstatic at hearing the words she so much wanted to hear. "I love you too, Kevin," she whispered back. The two lovers kissed again, leaving their lips pressed together for an even long time.

Still moving slowly, wanting what they were doing to last as long as possible, Kevin drew his cock back until just the head was inside Donna's pussy. He paused for two seconds, and began driving it back inside her, moving equally slowly. When she felt his cock surging into her pussy, Donna reflexively thrust her pussy back to meet it, and their bodies came together with a highly satisfying wet sound.

"Oh, Kevin, that was so good," Donna whispered.

Pride swelled his chest at the knowledge that he was doing something to bring pleasure to the most wonderful person in the world. Once again, still moving slowly, he drew his cock back and plunged it into her pussy. Donna responded as she had before, and their bodies made even more beautiful music when they met, this time to the accompaniment of their blissful moans. Over and over, the happy couple repeated the same stroke, feeling their carnal pleasure rising even while their love for each other expanded.

As she gave herself over completely to the immense pleasure she was feeling, Donna noticed her movements under Kevin becoming more erratic, and she seemed to feel something wonderful building deep inside her body. She rocked from side to side while moving under him, and her hands massaged his back, moving in time to his thrusts into her and her responses to him. With every movement, her pleasure multiplied, until it seemed to be on the verge of an explosion. It was like nothing she had ever felt.

"Kevin! Kevin! What's happening? It's so wonderful!" Donna's legs squeezed those of the man who was doing the incredible things to her, and her finger tips dug into his shoulders. Her movements became even more strenuous and erratic as she thrashed around on the bed. Donna was cumming, but she didn't know it. It had never happened to her before.

He wasn't sure, because her actions and the things she was saying were new to him too. He had never experienced a woman being at the point where Donna was, but he had heard about such things in bull sessions. Some of his buddies had described women behaving the way Donna was, and he had seen it in porno movies, so he thought she was cumming. He certainly hoped she was. Very definitely, he was going to do so, and soon.

Those bull sessions and those movies couldn't have prepared him for the gyrations, physical and verbal, Donna was going through. "Oh! Oh!" she cried out, joyfully, and her arms and legs clamped so tightly onto Kevin that she rode with him as he raised his body to stroke his cock into her. When he did thrust forward again, he drove Donna into the mattress, giving her even more of an ecstatic thrill. She continued clinging to him, and her body still rocked from side to side, carrying him with her.

"Oh! Oh!" she exclaimed over and over, for the entire time she was cumming. Abruptly, she climaxed, all her muscles clenching, before relaxing, just as completely, and almost melting onto the bed.

With a few more strokes into her dripping, acquiescent pussy, and it was Kevin's turn to start cumming. He had done it before, but nothing as thrilling or immensely pleasurable as that climax with Donna. His cock throbbed and jerked, and ejaculated a big gob of semen into her pussy. He couldn't seem to stop, and kept driving his cock into her, as fast as he could move, and three more times he pumped the viscous fluid, before the gushing stopped. Even then, he continued thrusting his cock into her beloved pussy, until he knew he was done. For a long time, tired and supremely happy, he lay on top of her, until his cock softened, and he carefully pulled it out of her pussy and lay beside her, feeling his love for her saturating his entire body.

After their great love-making and their memorable climaxes, the first one that Donna had ever experienced, the two lovers lay in bed, blissfully happy with each other and at ease in their nakedness. They would have liked very much to stay there forever, but they knew that would not be possible. Kevin turned to Donna, kissed her lovingly on her warm lips and told her some good news and some bad news.

"That was wonderful, Donna. That was the first time I have ever made love, instead of just having sex. Much as I want to stay here longer with you, maybe even all night, we really have to go back to my apartment. Fred and Wilma thought we were going to a movie, or something like that, and I don't think we should tell them anything different. I don't think they'll ask anyhow."

Donna agreed, and she also agreed that she should ride back with Kevin, so his neighbors would not be aware they had been at her apartment. She didn't feel any shame at having gone to bed with Kevin, and believed absolutely in the rightness of it, but didn't want to shock the pleasant older couple. For one thing, she really liked them and, for another, she had hopes of more time alone with Kevin, including future meetings in her apartment while the older couple babysat with Katie and Kerry. Although it was really too early to say, they both believed, with all their hearts, that they had found their rightful soul mates.


Thank you for reading this story. I hope you had as much fun as I did writing it, and as good a time as Kevin and Donna did, and hope and expect to have for the rest of their lives. I like writing stories on Literotica, but I like it a lot more when I know that people are reading and enjoying them, and I appreciate it when readers take the time to express their opinions by voting. Like most authors on Literotica, I practically live for feedback from readers, either public comments or email to me. Such feedback, whether praise or criticism, helps me to write more and better stories, and I respond to it whenever I can.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Sign of skilled writer and compelling story -- I wish it would continue.

Others have already brought out the great features of this story. So all that's left is for me to say I agree. A lot of great story packed into two short chapters.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Hit everything I love in a romance story. When I need to put my own troubles aside for awhile, these are the kind of stories I seek on this site.

HansTrimbleHansTrimbleover 12 years ago
Very tender and satisfying

Really a beautiful story. I tried to give it a five, but couldn't get the website to cooperate. So I'll just tell you instead. In fact, you deserve a five for this chapter and a five for the other one, so on a scale from one to five, you got a ten!

Well written. You conveyed the timidity of the two lovers very clearly, and their delight in finding each other was equally apparent. The lovemaking was as satisfying a conclusion for me as it was for them. Nice job.

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 16 years ago
More Please

I would love to read more about these characters. Great job.

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago
A Miracle for Donna

I wonder if you ever thought about inserting a miracle for Donna where she would ask God to let her have children with Kevin ? I think it would be a nice addition at the end of the storie I know Kevin said he didnt want any more children because the two he has were more of a hand full and he loves them so much and Donna loved them also what do you think about that idea Boxlicker101?


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