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The thought that she was sitting naked across from me was enough to cause my cock to grow.

"Dad was worried you'd be upset if he had an erection."

I frowned at my son and he grinned at me in return. Little did he know that what I had feared had already happened.

Sumei giggled, "it's OK Mark, I wouldn't mind if that happens."

I nodded, "good because it already has."

Patrick looked surprised but Sumei laughed, "I don't believe it, you didn't even look at me!"

"The thought of you being naked and a glimpse of your perfect bottom were enough."

It was Patrick's turn to laugh, "I've told you many times how sexy you are Sumei."

She frowned and then looked me in the eye, "Show me!"

I gulped and glanced at Patrick. He smirked and gave me a shrug.

Now was as good a time as any so without further ado I stood up under the watchful eyes of my son and daughter-in-law.

Seeing Sumei's eyes grow wider as she stared at my rigid cock made it grow even harder. I gave her time to get a good look and then sat back down.

Patrick was grinning like a fool and then whispered something to Sumei. She bit her lower lip and then took a deep breath before slowly standing up.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as the water cascaded down her flawless skin. The top of her tiny breasts appeared first only to be followed by the most incredible nipples I had ever seen.

I couldn't suppress a gasp of surprise as her brown teats came into view. They were huge in relation to the tiny conical breasts they topped. Her areolas were puffy and standing in their centre were an inch and a half long and thumb-thick protrusions.

Sumei must have mistaken my reaction and quickly dropped back down into the water. Her hands covered her face in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry Sumei, I just had no idea you had such beautiful nipples!"

I heard a sharp intake of breath and saw her looking at me through her fingers.

"You mean you like them?" she asked in disbelief.

"They are incredible! I always thought Helen had the sexiest nipples but yours are in another league!"

She looked at Patrick and he smiled at her, "I told you."

She turned back to me, "Patrick always says they are sexy but I didn't believe him, I've always hated them."

"Well, he's been telling you the truth. I have to admit I have something of a nipple fetish and what I just saw are the best I've ever seen. I had no idea you were so blessed."

"It looks like I inherited another trait from you dad. I love nipples and Sumei's are the best. You wouldn't believe how many boners she's caused at the beach when she lets those babies free!"

"I can certainly believe it, your mum used to have a similar effect on men."

Sumei was looking from Patrick to me and then to my delight she once again began to rise.

I couldn't take my eyes off her tits when they emerged from the water. Her nipples were even bigger than before. I stared at them with unbridled lust as I watched droplets of water dripping from them.

My eyes remained focused on her nipples even as more of her body was revealed. When she was standing, I let my eyes drift lower. She was just perfect and her hairless pussy looked tiny but with a clitoris that was also larger than usual. It was another attribute she shared with Helen and something I also found very attractive.

My eyes roamed over her body and I was again struck by how beautiful she was. I never would have guessed that my son's wife would look so stunning when naked.

"So, what do you think dad?" Patrick asked.

Instead of answering, I stood up and faced his wife. My cock was harder and bigger than I could remember it ever being. It was jumping up and down in time with my pulse.

Sumei's eyes dropped to my cock and she stared at it lustily. I couldn't believe I was going to have the opportunity to have sex with this young goddess.

"It looks like your fears that dad wouldn't be able to get it up for you were unfounded."

Sumei was licking her lips and smiled as she heard Patrick's words. I was sorely tempted to step closer and take her into my arms before moving my mouth down her body and taking one of those nipples into my mouth.

My cock throbbed and I took a deep breath. I hadn't felt like this since Helen died and never thought I would again. A wave of guilt hit me and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I was betraying her memory and I couldn't handle it. My cock lost its rigidity and began to shrink.

Patrick noticed my distress, "What's wrong dad?"

I wiped my eyes, "I'm sorry. It's nothing to do with you Sumei. I just feel like I'm betraying Helen."

Sumei looked at me lovingly and then to my surprise she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me. I felt the hot smooth skin of her body press against mine especially the twin points of her rigid nipples.

Despite my feelings of guilt, my body responded to the intimate contact and my cock soon returned to its previous stiffness.

Sumei obviously felt my arousal. "It's OK Mark, no one thinks badly of you and I know Helen would not want you to feel guilty. I have something I need to give you."

I had no idea what she was referring to and reluctantly released my hold on her. She moved back slightly and I was embarrassed to see a smear of pre cum across her tummy.

"Let's go inside."

Sumei didn't wait for Patrick to respond and climbed out of the tub. Her legs parted and her lower lips separated revealing her moist pink interior. When she turned away, I saw her arse properly and couldn't help but picture myself holding those firm and perfectly formed globes as I thrust into her.

I sensed movement behind me and turned to see Patrick rising. I wasn't surprised to see that his penis was as stiff as mine. I knew I would have reacted the same way had another man been watching Helen as intently as I'd been looking at his wife.

His erection was about the same length and girth as mine but stood almost parallel to his body. My penis was at ninety degrees to my body and had a slight downward curve.

We climbed out of the tub and Sumei handed us towels and watched as we dried ourselves. She took the lead and didn't bother covering up as she walked into the house. Patrick and I followed; our arousal undiminished.

Once inside, she went to a small desk and retrieved an envelope. Patrick seemed as clueless as I to what was going on. She extracted a letter and handed it to me.

I instantly recognised Helen's handwriting and my hands trembled as I read her words.

"Dear Sumei, I hope this letter finds you and Patrick well..."

Tears formed in my eyes as I continued to read. The letter had been written two months before her death. She'd had some kind of premonition that something bad would happen to her and was asking Sumei to ensure I would continue to live a full life. She went on to recount our experiences and admitted to having an exhibitionist streak that fitted perfectly with my desire to show her off. Sumei's knowing glances as I revealed these facts were now more understandable.

Helen wanted Sumei to encourage me to form new relationships and not just slide into loneliness.

"If ever Mark mentions he is feeling guilty about having feelings for or wanting a relationship with anyone you must encourage him to do what his heart tells him. I would never want him to use me as an excuse to hold back."

The letter ended with the request to keep it from Patrick and me until the time was right.

I was overwhelmed by what I had just read and needed to be by myself. I folded the paper and withdrew to my room. Patrick made to follow me but I heard Sumei tell him to give me some time.

After calming down somewhat I reread the letter and realised that I had been right in my initial feelings that Helen would be in favour of what I'd agreed to do. She would be furious about how I'd withdrawn from society since her death and would never forgive me if I let down our son and his wife in their time of need.

An hour had passed since I'd left them in the living room and I was still naked as I opened the door and ventured out.

I heard them talking softly and was relieved to see that they were also still undressed. They were on the sofa and hadn't noticed me yet. Sumei had one leg draped over Patrick and he was gently stroking her ass cheek as the spoke. It was an incredibly sexy sight and my cock quickly rose to the occasion.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. Sumei rolled onto her side, revealing her incredible nipples as well as Patrick's erection.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I was a fool and after reading Helen's letter I can now see that my initial thought was the correct one."

They smiled and Sumei jumped to her feet and rushed into an embrace. Her little body felt magnificent in my arms and I enjoyed the sensation of my penis rubbing against her soft skin.

"How about we kick things off tonight?"

We both looked at Patrick and then Sumei turned to me.

"There's no pressure."

I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"I'd love to."

Sumei gave a small squeal of joy and ran to pull Patrick off the sofa. Her eagerness was infectious and she took both of us by the hand and pulled us upstairs to their bedroom. A tiny sexy and naked Asian woman pulling two equally naked and aroused men up the stairs must have made quite a sight.

As we stepped into their bedroom, Sumei released our hands and rushed to their bed.

She turned to face us and then let herself fall onto her back. Patrick and I looked at each other and we both had huge grins.

"Come on boys, don't keep me waiting!"

We did as she asked and settled on either side of her. I waited for Patrick to take the lead and the first thing he did was latch onto one of Sumei's inviting nipples She closed her eyes and groaned as he sucked the seemingly sensitive teat into his mouth. It was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen and I was quick to emulate my son.

Our eyes met as we both feasted on his wife's nipples. Sumei moaned and her body squirmed about beneath us. I was surprised when she suddenly went rigid and then screamed almost deafening us in the process.

Helen's nipples had also been sensitive but I'd never known her to orgasm just from them being sucked. Sumei was whimpering and her body still twitched as she slowly came down from her high.

I let her nipple slide from between my lips, astonished to see it had grown even larger. Patrick did the same and we grinned at each other

He gently kissed her lips and then made his way down her body, covering her with small kisses as he went. I inhaled deeply and detected the scent of a woman in heat. Sumei was moaning as her husband arrived between her legs.

She spread them apart invitingly. I could see her smooth hairless skin glistening with her juices and licked my lips in anticipation. Patrick took the first taste by sliding his tongue between her lips, carefully avoiding her engorged and protruding clitoris.

Her moans increased in volume and she again began to squirm under his skilful teasing. I was content to watch but Sumei placed a hand behind my head and pulled me towards her breast once more.

I was more than happy to do as she indicated and this time took as much of her breast as I could into my mouth. Her nipple was so long I could feel it poking down my throat as I sucked and licked.

It wasn't long before I recognized the signs of another impending orgasm and moments later Sumei screamed again and bucked beneath us. I didn't release her breast until she quieted down.

I looked at Patrick and smiled as I saw his face covered in her abundant juices. Helen had gotten wet but never like this. My son licked his lips, enjoying the flavour of his wife as he positioned himself between her legs.

It was clear what would happen next and I watched the erotic scene with interest. I'd never seen anyone having sex apart from in the odd porno and I can tell you it is far more arousing in reality. My cock throbbed and I could feel a steady flow of pre-ejaculate dripping from its tip.

I saw Sumei watching as Patrick pushed down his cock and aligned it with her entrance. He flicked his engorged organ up and down her pussy making her groan each time it knocked against her clitoris.

With his foreskin retraced his glans was soon covered with her lubricants and glistened in the light. When Sumei groaned he slotted himself into her opening and pushed just his tip inside her.

It was incredible to watch the tiny opening accept him and as he continued pushing it stretched and accepted his girth. Soon his entire cock had disappeared and he paused to give her a moment to adjust.

Patrick slowly withdrew his penis which shone from its coating of juices. When just his tip remained within his wife, he thrust forwards forcefully, making her groan in delight.

He didn't rest and was soon vigorously pumping into Sumei. The room was filled with the wet squishy sounds of good sex as well as the moans and cries of a woman being satisfied.

I was content to observe but didn't complain when Sumei's hand took hold of my cock and squeezed it tightly each time Patrick bottomed out.

He increased the pace and when he lifted Sumei's legs over his shoulders he went even deeper. Soon they were hurtling towards an unstoppable peak and Sumei squeezed my cock almost painfully as her next orgasm hit. Patrick's grunts were drowned out by his wife's screams as he made a final thrust and held himself there, emptying his balls deep with her.

They were both panting from exertion and their skin had a sheen of sweat. It was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen and I just wished Helen was here with us. When their breathing normalized, Patrick gently withdrew his softening penis. It was still held tightly by Sumei's pussy and came free with a pop followed by a flood of their combined juices.

Viscous white fluids poured from her and I was impressed with the quantity. It was hard to believe that Patrick was infertile as I could not produce anywhere near the volume of semen he did.

Sumei's pussy was gaping and I loved the look of the dark wet tunnel. My thoughts were interrupted by Patrick.

"I hope you don't mind sloppy seconds dad?"

"I've never had the opportunity to try but it looks incredible."

"Well don't hang about, Sumei's ready, aren't you darling?"

We both looked at his wife. She was flushed and looked beautiful as she smiled and nodded her head.

I gulped and moved towards her, suddenly nervous that my performance wouldn't match that of my son.

Her musky scent hit me as I positioned myself between her legs and made me almost lightheaded. Her gaping pussy was red and still oozing Patrick's semen, within I could see more of his emissions pooled. Far from being put off, I was tempted to taste her. I'd often enjoyed sucking my semen from within Helen, but even in my fantasies, I'd never imagined wanting to do so after she'd been with another man.

I pushed the thought from my mind and shuffled closer, my penis bobbing as it approached its target. I glanced at Patrick and saw him staring at it intently as his hand stroked his renewed erection. He looked as excited as I would have had I been watching Helen about to take another man.

"Are you sure about this?"

I asked, giving them one last chance to back out.

"Yes!" they said simultaneously.

I nudged my penis forwards and both Sumei and I gasped at the first contact. Her pussy was like a furnace and I could feel the heat envelop me even before I penetrated her.

I sank in slowly and it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. Helen always got wet quickly but this was on another level. My cock was surrounded by hot slimy goo and despite her being extremely tight I was able to slide in without too much difficulty.

Sumei was moaning in what I hoped was pleasure as I took my time. My curved cock was not ideal for every position and missionary was one of them. Helen would complain that I stretched her too much.

When I was balls deep I paused and enjoyed the sensation of her internal muscles clenching and unclenching my penis.

"Is it OK?"

She nodded but I could tell she wasn't comfortable.

"Helen never liked this position as my curved stretched her too much."

"Yes, you feel huge and I'm not used to it."

"Maybe we should try something else? I don't want to hurt you."

She nodded and despite every instinct telling me to stay where I was, I carefully extracted my penis. It emerged, coated in a thick layer of her and Patrick's combined fluids and I immediately missed her heat and tightness.

"What was mum's favourite position?"

This was not a question I ever thought I'd hear from my son about his mother but I suppose nothing about this situation was normal.

"Um, she liked lots of things but her favourite was from behind, doggy or just lying on her front."

"I have an idea!" Sumei exclaimed and quickly straddled Patrick. She was on all fours, her nipples just grazing his chest and her pussy at the perfect height.

I shuffled over and once again moved into position. It was a view I'd never encountered before. Below Sumei's stunning arse and dripping pussy I could see Patrick's balls and the root of his rigid penis. Luckily his cock didn't stand vertically like mine when I was on my back or it would have been in the way.

I moved forwards, eager to be inside her once more. This time it felt even better and my curve helped me hit all her hotspots.

When I was balls deep once more Sumei groaned, "Oh yes, this is perfect!"

I smiled as I recalled Helen saying something similar the first time we'd tried this position.

I missed seeing Sumei's nipples but her arse and winking rosebud more than made up for it. As I placed my hands on her hips, admiring the dimples on her lower back, I briefly wondered if she and Patrick engaged in anal sex. It was something I'd always wanted to try but Helen steadfastly refused.

I took a deep breath and began to thrust. The sounds, scents and sensations were amazing and I closed my eyes as I let myself enjoy the moment.

Sumei was making all the right noises and her pussy gripped me with a strength I'd never experienced before. Luckily the copious amounts of lubricant made it extremely pleasurable. She especially seemed to enjoy my balls slapping against her clit each time I bottomed out and I picked up the pace to intensify the impact.

I could feel myself getting closer to the point of no return and was desperate for her to hit her peak before I reached mine. Having been abstinent for over a year was not working in my favour and I was doing everything I could to delay.

Thankfully, Patrick decided to take a more active role and he slid lower and began to suck on one of Sumei's nipples

This did the trick and she screamed in delight as her orgasm hit. Her body reared up and she clamped down on my cock, effectively trapping me inside her. I'd never felt pressure like this on my cock and it was almost painful. At the same time, she began to squirt.

The clear liquid forced its way past my penis and sprayed all over me before dripping down and drenching Patrick's lower half.

I'd never experienced anything like this and despite my best efforts, I couldn't hold back anymore. I grunted as I felt my cock swelling within its tight confines before the first high-pressure blast of semen erupted from its tip.

Each additional shot was punctuated by another grunt and my hips thrusting as I instinctively tried to bury myself even deeper. I don't know how much ejaculate I produced but it felt like a significant quantity and I was breathless by the time it stopped.

I gently caressed the smooth orbs of her arse and began to withdraw my spent cock slowly.

"Wait Mark, keep it inside for a bit to give your sperm the best chance of impregnating me!"