Double or Nothing Pt. 02


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The twin in the green skirt looked back at her car and frowned; the twin in the blue dress looked at me and responded.

"I'm Harmony, and this is my sister Melody; thank you Terry."

"Yes, thank you Terry," Melody said, "We got washed off the road, and I couldn't do anything as the water started pushing us backwards; when we got wedged against the tree, I tried to open my door, but the water against it wouldn't let me open it. When we went into the ditch, the car electrics stopped working, so we couldn't do anything. Harmony was trying to figure out how to smash a window when we saw your flashlight in our windows. You don't know right now how much you are our hero!"

I'm sure if we weren't standing in a storm in near twilight, you could have seen both of us blush; I was no hero; I just saw people in real trouble that I could help.

Melody continued. "As for help, there is no one we can call right now as this stretch of road has a weak phone signal at the best of times, and right now, I bet it's down to nothing. If it's alright, could we get a lift with you? We were on our way to our parent's house about fifteen minutes down the road when this happened?"

"Sure, that won't be a problem. Is there anything... Harmony NO!" I screamed, changing trains of thought mid-conversation. At that moment, everything kind of happened at once.

One of the things you learn very early on when using a snatch, a winch or any other towing device is that you never stand directly in line with the cable under tension whenever you can help it. If there is a lot of stress or pressure on the line and if it was to snap, it can release pounds of force in an instant, being caught by all that force suddenly released can cut a person in two at its worst. Harmony had moved behind the car to look at the cable, not understanding the danger she could be in. With running water against the car, there would be a lot of pressure on that cable. Add the potential for debris floating down; there was an increased risk to be managed.

In fact, that is pretty much what happened; as I yelled the danger at Harmony, Melody turned to look at her sister. Then, an almighty thunk could be heard as a large piece of debris washed downstream with the floodwaters hitting the car's front. From that point, it almost happened in slow motion as I could see the winch cable strain with the sudden horizontal movement of the car.

A massive amount of sheering force pushed the cable in a way it was not supposed to go. But, unfortunately, my rapid recovery point wasn't going to last, and I tried to run through the mud and water the half dozen paces needed to pull Harmony out of harm's way from the cable that was likely to snap in a couple of heartbeats.

We could all hear the twang and sound of metal giving way directly after the debris impact as I moved with everything I had. I literally dove the last few feet grabbing Harmony in a dive that would take her out of the path of the snapping cable and out of harm's way.

Alas, it wasn't quite the right move. Fortunately, the cable itself didn't sheer off; snapping back directly towards my truck, instead, it turned out that one of the D-shackles on the chain became too stressed with the force of the horizontal sheer against the land rovers recovery point and just gave out. It broke the link in the chain, and the entire cable retreated backwards at a slightly different angle bouncing off the cars recovery point and directly at the diving forms of Harmony and me.

Just like the last time I had dived to save a beautiful redhead from danger, I was rolling as I grabbed Harmony, trying to present myself as a shield for her body. I caught her around her waist, my arms going around her back, her chest held hard against me as we dove to get out of the way of the retreating cable.

The world had slowed down to a fraction of the pace that life moves typically. In an instant, I held Harmony tightly against me that I got to look into those amazing green eyes. I saw fear as to why a stranger was grabbing her and tackling her to the ground. I saw confusion as my yell a moment later began to register and then surprise as she looked back into my eyes and saw agony as the cable bit deeply into my left side.

Fortunately for me, it was the large chain that caught me in the side, and thanks to the relatively slow momentum of the cable, it didn't cut me in two. It did, however, catch my left side and bruised it pretty badly, then it continued to move across the back of my left arm, opening a large gash from almost my shoulder to my elbow. Finally, we hit the ground, and time resumed.

"Ehghusghtnjn ne," I had no idea what I was saying; the pain was blooming on my side.

In the next instant, Melody was by my side.

"Terry!" She screamed.

I groaned, and Harmony managed to get out of my grasp, then got a look at my side and gasped.

"Is he going to be ok?" A panicked Melody looked at her sister.

I had no idea what was happening, my side was on fire despite the rain pouring down on us, but I could hear Harmony trying to talk to me. Don't ask how I knew which one of the sisters it was, but I just knew.

"Terry, Thank you, you saved me!" And she bent down and kissed me on the cheek. "You're going to be okay. You're going into shock, and just to let you know, I'm a nurse, so we're going to look after you." I tried to focus.

Harmony asked, "Terry, I need to know if you have a first aid kit in your truck and where it is?"

"Drivers side, front toolbox, green first aid sticker." I managed to wheeze out.

She nodded and looked at Melody, "Mel, I am going to get the kit; it will be faster for me as I know what I am looking for; what I need you to do is keep him on his side and try to hold the wound together." Melody nodded.

"Will do, I will do what I can; come right back; he needs you!"

I felt movement and more pain; well, it was like fire down the back of my arm, but I tried to stay still, my eyes closed. Harmony moved up to my truck, and if I were looking, I would have seen the sexy Melody take off her shirt in the pouring rain and tear it up into strips to try and bind the massive wound on my left arm. Clad only in her wet, sheer white bra, I would have seen one of the most impressive sites that man had ever seen. A busty curvy redhead, biting her lip, trying to tear her shirt up to keep my wound from opening up too much.

A moment letter I felt her kiss me on the lips, causing my eyes to open, and in words that I almost missed, but to this day recall some of the most cherished words I have. "I hope you know that I don't do this for just any tall and handsome hero, just the ones that save my sister and me from certain doom in a drowning car."

Over the next few minutes, she used her torn-up shirt to build a basic bandage that stopped my wound from opening further. It's a good thing, too, as a few minutes later, Harmony got back, and she was upset. "I tripped, and the first aid kit fell open in the mud!"

She saw what Melody had done and calmed down. "Great thinking, Melody!" She looked at me for a moment, I was still sliding into shock, most likely from blood loss, but I had some clarity of mind for a few moments. "Help me get Terry up to his truck. I'll check the bandage, and we can figure out what to do next.

It took us a couple of minutes; on my right side, my good side, I had the scantly clad melody holding me up, and on my left side, Harmony was trying to lift me without aggravating my wound too much. It took some time, but they got me up into the headlights of my truck; I could stand but needed help. I was certainly feeling light-headed.'

"We need more bandaging; he's still bleeding too much," I heard Harmony complain as she looked at my wound. Then, in an instant, she followed her sister's example and had her shirt off, tearing it into strips to further use as a bandage. As a nurse, she did a top job, and within a few minutes, my wound was tightly bound with parts of both their shirts and though I was in screaming agony, it wasn't bleeding as badly as it was a few minutes before. I just wish I had the time to appreciate two largely undressed women helping me. But I was starting to fade.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Harmony asked, "We don't know when someone will come along that can get us to help?"

"I can drive; I'll get us out!" I said.

"NO!" Both girls turned and said to me in unison.

"I'll drive us out; this thing can't be any harder than the trucks at the factory," Melody said, looking at my F-truck.

If I wasn't feeling so out of it, I might have voiced an objection or two. However, it turned out I should not have worried; Melody, despite being a sexy mix clad only in a green skirt and sexy white bra, also had a heavy vehicle license. Go figure!

It took a few minutes; the girls propped me up in the driver's seat while they rearranged the back seat so both Harmony and I could sit in the back as Melody drove. Melody was almost at home in my truck; she wound the broken winch in and figured out the custom spotlights, managing to switch them off. I recall her easily manoeuvring the truck back onto the road and starting back on our journey, to where I had no idea, but she appeared to know where she was going.

The last thing I recall is a soft set of lips on mine; they felt so similar to the ones before but also different. I opened my eyes, a pair of beautiful green eyes looked into mine. "It's ok Terry, we've got you, and thank you. You saved both of us!" After that, things got hazy, and I must have passed out.

[:::: - ::::]

An indeterminate time later, I slowly woke up; I could hear the soft beeping of the typical hospital machines that you hear after waking up from a traumatic incident. There was no way this was a hospital bed, though. It was too soft. Slowly I opened my eyes, it took a little effort, but I looked at a ceiling that was at least twelve feet high with custom mouldings. The curtains were drawn, but I could see it was daylight outside, likely late morning if I had to guess.

My left side was sore, I could feel the wound on my side, and I was hesitant to move. I could also feel the bite of a cannula from a medical drip on my right side and the feel of medical pads on my torso. I tried to shift my weight a little and found that I was having difficulty. The reason was that across my waist, I had the sprawled body of Melody. Her hair was fanned out a little; her arm draped over me in that fashion that people do for people they love and are comfortable with. Turning my head to the left, I found Harmony there; she was gently holding my left hand, and until I moved, it looked like she had been dozing. As I looked at her, her deep emerald green eyes looked deep into mine, and I saw a smile light on her face that was backlit by her eyes.

"Hi!" She said to me simply.

"Hi," I croaked out a tried to smile back.

"He's awake?" Melody said as she lifted herself off my torso and looked at me.

"Yeah, our hero is with us again!" Harmony smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

There are a lot worse things than waking up after a significant accident with two gorgeous sisters fawning over you. Melody looked up at me and gave me the same bright smile that Harmony did a few moments ago. Harmony, however, had switched to nurse mode and started checking me over after a few minutes of taking my pulse, looking into my eyes with one of those lights and listening to my heartbeat with a stethoscope.

"Hang on; I thought only doctors had those?" I joked out.

She giggled back, "And it looks like our patient is not just an amazing hero that saves damsels in distress, but there might be a sense of humour underneath all of it." It wasn't really funny, but she got that I was trying; she held out the stethoscope, "I borrowed this from a friend of mine; he will be by later today to check up on you. First, however, I know the basics to check for following the trauma you went through a few days ago. She picked up the phone beside the bed and waited a moment, "He's awake." And put the phone down.

"Days?" The question in my eyes asked the same thing; Harmony nodded.

"You have been asleep for almost four days, Terry!"

The girls must have sensed the panic in my voice, "Four days, oh my goodness, I need call my new boss and let him know; I was supposed to let him know three days ago I had arrived!" I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with William and Martha by not communicating what was happening with me.

"It's okay, Terry," Melody grinned at me; it was not the grin of someone who was worried a new friend may be in trouble. Instead, it was the grin of someone who knew something I didn't. "We've taken care of it; your new employers know where you are and what happened, as well they have let your sister know. So it's all in hand."

The sudden tension I had disappeared, and I relaxed.

"Are they okay? William and Martha have been my rock along with Kim for the last few months. I would hate to disappoint them."

I didn't notice until the next voice joined our conversation. "I don't think we could be any prouder of you, Terry. You are one of the most amazing men that we have ever met!" a familiar female voice said.

Standing in the doorway of the enormous room was Martha, and close behind her was William. As they came into the room, Harmony moved over but never let go of my hand; Martha sat down beside her. For a moment, I was stunned; the similarities between Martha and the girls were astounding. While Melody and Harmony had slightly curvier builds, they had the same-coloured hair, though theirs had a wave to it that Martha's didn't. But the eyes, Martha and the girls had the same eyes. Martha leaned over and put a hand on me. William kept the smile.

"Terry, You saved our girls!" William told me in a tone that only the most grateful could give with genuine affection. I looked to Melody, then to Harmony, then over to Martha and last to William. Each of them was beaming at me, and it all connected!.

"These are your daughters?" I, of course, knew, but my mouth was not keeping in sync with my head right now.

"Of course we are silly," Melody giggled, "How many beautiful redhead twins do you know with amazing parents that hire stunningly handsome heroic men as their quality managers!" She said it like it was a matter of fact that everyone knew. We laughed, and I felt a twinge in my neck; I must be pretty drugged up on pain medication, though not much pain from my arm.

Harmony was instantly on me, "it's ok Terry, for the moment, just lay there and don't try to move. In a couple of hours, once Dr Hill has been to see you, we will get you up and moving." I nodded my head slightly.

"Uh, I guess I should ask what happened and where are we. This doesn't feel like a hospital?"

Melody jumped in, "We're all at mum and dad's house; I doubt you remember much you pretty much passed out once we started driving. As for what happened, we got on the road, and once we got a bit further, your phone got service, so we pulled over and called mum and dad from your truck." She paused, "Sorry we used your phone without asking, we lost ours in the car, and we couldn't ask you." She looked a little embarrassed.

"It's ok, Melody, you did the right thing. What happened next."

She beamed at me like I had just praised a new puppy for a new trick, but Harmony jumped into the story.

"Melody managed to get dad on the phone, and we let him know that we had been in an accident but that a man had stopped and rescued us and had been seriously hurt in the process. We wanted to take you to the hospital; however, it turns out one of the main bridges into town had been flooded; it was going to take hours to get you there, so dad told us to bring you here."

William jumped in, "I must admit I was quite distraught when they called me, there was a lot of emotion in the air, and they keep telling me how Terry saved them, and he's hurt. I had no idea they were talking about you until they pulled up the driveway in your truck and had me help you out!"

Melody laughed, "Dad almost threw you back in the truck when we got out without our shirts on, then he saw it was you, that you had passed out, and his entire demeanour changed."

I grinned, "William, I had pretty much no idea what was going on once that cable hit me, so I can tell you, as delightful as it would have been, your girl's honour is very much intact!"

William looked at me a moment with the serious dad expression and then laughed; Harmony leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. Then, a moment later, she whispered in my ear. "If it's a case of honour, we will have to make it up to you later!" I blushed, and I am sure William, Martha and even Harmony had some idea of what she said as they all laughed.

Once the laughter at my embarrassment subsided, Melody continued. "We managed to carry you up here; Harmony redressed your wound while we waited for Dr Hill to get here. The Hills are friends that live a few houses away, so, fortunately, he was able to get here quickly."

I looked at William and Martha, "Dr Hill, is that any relation to Marge?"

"Yes, Simon is her husband; after that evening where we met, I managed to persuade them to move here to Bathurst, and they have been good friends ever since!" William noted.

Martha chimed in, "For a while, we were worried that we might have to get you airlifted; you had lost a lot of blood and had a fever from when you saved our girls. However, Simon was able to stitch you up and get some A+ blood from local sources thanks to you having your donor card in your wallet, and we have just been waiting for you to wake up."

There was silence for a few minutes as we all digested the various parts of the story from everyone's points of view, and I realised that I was not the only hero here.

"Melody, Harmony, I know you think I saved you, but I have to let you know that both of you are also now my heroes, both of you also saved my life! Harmony, if you had not been there to treat Melody or me, if you had not been able to drive, I might not be here!"

The girls had the beginning of tears in their eyes and big smiles on their faces; I could tell William approved of the praise on his daughters. But surprisingly, for someone who had been asleep for almost four days, I was starting to feel tired again.

Harmony noticed, "Okay everyone, I think Terry needs some more rest; he's out of danger, so let's let him get a few more hours sleep before Simon gets here." So she turned to me, "Terry, you're to get some more sleep for now, and once Simon has gotten you checked out, we are going to get you showered and up and about."

The way she said 'showered', I could see a hunger in her eyes that felt like she would like to help me personally. After my past six months with no sex and a beautiful woman hinting at possibilities, my manhood was suddenly hard despite my blood loss.

But a few minutes later, fall asleep I did, feeling a peace I had not felt in months. My eyes closed, and I thought first of Melody as I opened the car door, helping her out of the car; then I thought of Harmony and how she felt as I grabbed her in the dive that had me unconscious for four days. Yes, both of the girls were beautiful identical twins, and I could understand how I could quickly develop feelings for either one.

I slept well for the next few hours and was woken up when Dr Simon Hill arrived. Apparently, a few days asleep in bed had done wonders for my arm; I had a dozen stitches running up the back of my arm but was told that it was healing well. Aside from my arm, the left side of my back was also black and yellow from bruising, and when Simon touched it during the examination, it was a lot more painful than when I first woke up as the pain meds began to wear off. After a complete check-up, I was pronounced healthy enough to get up, which was good as nature's call became pressing after days in bed. Simon left to speak with William and Martha, and Melody closed my bedroom door.