Dragons Breath Ch. 04


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"What about the mall management? Aren't they going to raise a fuss?"

"Don't know. Carlos said she had a protector somewhere in the company, but video evidence should negate that. At least in the real world any way. But like I said, it's just a matter of time for me there."

Cathleen pulled me tight for a nice kiss, "Well for as much as I'd like to haul ye back to the RV and shag your bum all night, me Aunt Flo has come to visit."

"Okayyy, so where is she going to sleep? I mean we only have the one bed. The only other place would be to sleep on the floor."

Cathleen snickered, "Damn Yank. No, me Aunt Flo..." I just looked at her. "Me monthly..." looking down at her belly.

It took it a minute to register, Aunt Flo... HER PERIOD! I just groaned and hung my head. Then looked at her smiling, "So that might be a part of my wild woman last night?"

She gasped and grinned, "Per'aps a wee bit."

And I did the rough math, "And maybe why you jumped to conclusions that first weekend when you saw my Tinkerbelle drawings?"

She didn't answer, well not really. All I got was, "Damn Yank," and a really, REALLY good kiss.

We indulged that night, we went out to Texas Road House. One for a good steak, and two for free wifi. We had some research to do.

So it turns out Cathleen had some options... maybe. New York had a five year limitation on annulment, but the grounds of impotency was iffy. He wasn't impotent with men, only women, would be her argument.

The next part for Cathleen was even more tenuous. Contacting the sister without getting herself in more hot water.

Cathleen's hands were trembling as she dialed.

"Wattney Enterprises, how may I direct your call?"

"Veronica Wattney please."

"One moment."

"Veronica Wattney's office, may I help you?"

"I'd like to speak to Veronica please."

"She's not available right now, is there something I can do for you?"

"It's a personal matter, I need to speak with her directly."

"I'm sorry miss, but Mrs. Wattney is a very busy woman. Unless you can give me something more I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you."

"Can you give her my name and number?"

"I'll put it on her desk, but unless you can tell me more..."

Cathleen looked at me, and I nodded in agreement. We had discussed this possibility. "Tell her Cathleen Fitzpatrick called and give her my number and... and ask her what happens if her brother is not legally married."

"I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?" Her PA had her curiosity up now.

"This is a very sensitive family matter. If you value your job give her the message. She will understand its meaning."

"Are you sure you can't tell me more?"

Cathleen looked at me again and sighed, this was part of the bluff. "Please just give her the message. I'd rather tell her personally now than for her to read it in a few weeks on the front page of the Times."

The PA suddenly had an urgency in her voice. "She's in a meeting right now. It will be a half an hour or better before she gets out."

"That will do. I should be available for most for the evening." Cathleen hung up and slumped against me. "God I hope we didn't just make a bloody cock up of this."

"One way or another we'll make this work," I said as I reached around and slid my hand inside her blouse and bra, catching her nipple between my fingertips, using the bar in the base to give it a nice tweak.

Cathleen cupped her tit outside her top and tried to hold my hand still inside. "Ye gods, I'm on the edge now and ye want to play more?"

"Mmmm, well after she calls back I'll see what I can do about that. You know back before I was actually shagging I was pretty good at getting a woman off with out actually doing it."

Cathleen snickered at my using some of her slang. Hands on her hips while grinning, "Don' you think you're the dog's bollocks."

Going to have to look that one up, but in the mean time I had my hand down her top and her neck available to nibble on. I cupped and played with her chest, one hand in and one out while I nibbled and lightly bit her neck and ears.

I had gotten her close a few times when her phone rang. I snickered as she jumped and pulled my hand from her dress like who ever was on the other end could see through the phone.

"Hello," she answered and put it on speaker as I was trying to put my hand down her top again. I was swatted and scowled at.

"Hello, Cathleen? This is Veronica Wattney. I'm calling in regards to the message you left me earlier."

"Ah yes, thank you for calling me back so promptly."

"Not a problem, you message definitely has my curiosity. Can you explain."

"Well yes and no."

"That isn't saying much."

"This is a rather sensitive matter. Did you understand the meaning of the message I left?"

"I think so, I've been thinking about it for half an hour now. I'd like you to elaborate a bit though."

"And there lies the rub. I need to have a conversation with someone, but anything I say to you isn't a privileged conversation."

There was a bit of silence, "So why contact me? You two have been separated for quite some time now."

"Not legally."

"Oh really!"

"Mrs. Wattney, let me be blunt. I have a situation that I believe if handled properly could be resolved with great benefit to both of us. But in order to do that I have a feeling I'm going to need a good solicitor, and I can't even afford a doggy one."

We heard a bit of a chuckle, "If you ask me I think they are all a bit dodgy, but I understand what you mean. So you would like my assistance in this matter?"


"Is there anything you can give me to go on?"

"One word, annulment."

There as a bit of silence, then a soft 'oh.' "I'll be in touch. Take care of your self." And the conversation was over.

Cathleen slumped against me, so I went back to molesting her making her snicker. "I'm gonna take me shower, you're next mister."

She got undressed on the other side of the open door, like I didn't know what it meant to be on the rag. Grinning at me when she came back out and pushed me to the shower. I stroked out a good one remembering her damp naked body as she toweled off.

UP! -

When I got out Cathleen was laying there... in her panties. but not her skimpy panties with just the string across her hips, but almost full blown granny panties. I had tried to convince her she could still wear the others, but while 'Aunt Flo' was visiting it was full panties.

Mmmm, but that didn't preclude me from nipping on those delicious firm nubs and slipping my fingers in so I could strum her clit like I was in a dueling banjo contest.


Nip a little harder, even tugged with my teeth a little.


Rolling over enough to inhale that nipple and bring the hand I was leaning on up to pinch her other nipple. Use two fingers on her clit.


And pinch her clit and bite her nipple, then an EXPLOSION!


Oh she makes the most sweetest sound when she orgasms. That lovely scream followed by a whole string of Irish in one long sound.

Down -

I was walking my beat Thursday. Making my rounds ogling the teen agers, grinning at the 'look' they try to put on. Stopping across from the jewelry store and grinning remembering me and Robert standing there leaning against the rail admiring Angela's 'form', watching it move and undulate trying to fight gravity inside her silky tops.

I had just turned away from admiring Angela's total lack of desire to fight gravity today with her bouncing chest and texture of fancy lace to make my way up around the North end when a nice woman in her business suit came up to me. "Taylor O'Malley?"

I bristled, only my last name was on my uniform, and very few called me by both first and last. I had no idea who she was, but I had serious doubts she was in the 'friend' category.

"Can I help you?"

She smiled that all too plastic smile made to win the cooperation of most men. "Kelli Hathaway, Northstar Properties. Could I trouble you for a few minutes of your time?"

"I need to check in at the north end. I can meet you in the lounge next to the escalators."

She merely nodded smiling.

I didn't really need to check in, but I did need to turn on my recorder, and I wanted her under one of the best cameras in the mall.

I flipped the recorder on as I came around the escalator. "So Miss Kelli Hathaway of Northstar Properties, what can I help you with today?"

"I'd like to talk to you about the recent incident with Ms. Mack."

"Well that's a fairly long list, what incident in particular are you referring to?"

"I seriously doubt that. The only one I'm aware of is what you started a few days ago."

"Mmmm," I said cradling my chin in my fingers. "A few days ago. Well let's see. Are you referring to the two times she tried to have my RV towed, or the time she vandalized my RV and punched out my tail light in rage?"

She crossed her arms and tipped her head back to look down her nose at me, "Are you sure that's the attitude you want to take on this?"

"It's not an attitude, it's a fact. As are all the other things she tried to pull around here."

She snorted, "Say's the lowly security guard. You really expect that to hold water?"

"There's always all the recordings," pointing to the overhead camera bubble.

She stood up and leaned toward me with venom in her eyes, her back to the camera. "You listen you little shit, and you listen good. You don't even want to cross me. You will have a miserable life if you do. Your payroll will get screwed up seven ways from Sunday, your direct deposits will go off into never-never land and take months to straighten out."

She stood back up with a shit eating grin. "You think about that before you go down that rabbit hole." She turned and stalked off, never giving me a chance to respond.

I just smiled, looked up at the camera and made a bit of a production of pulling the recorder from my pocket and hitting the stop button. Shouldn't have any problem syncing up the audio to the video.

Up -

"Boy, you really know how to screw up a good heart attack!"

"Man, I didn't think they'd let you out of your cage so soon." I took Roberts hand pulling him to me. "So what are you doing back so soon?"

"Oh not much. You know, some young whipper snapper goes and gets my stand in arrested. Minor things like that."

"Hey, don't look at me. She started shit the day she got here, I just got fed up with it."

He kicked his head back eyeing me, "First I've heard of that."

I pulled the recorder from my pocket, "Got it all on tape."

"Doesn't mean anything with out her knowledge."

"Does with her new agreement."

"What new agreement."

"Look in my file."

Robert got up slowly and pulled my file. He looked at the new agreement, then back at me. And then he smiled.

So I laid it all out for him. What Carlos had told us, all the guys using the recorders after signing the new agreements. What she tried to pull with the new tow company. Everything from soup to nuts.

Well I started to. I was about three quarters of the way through, just getting up to the good part of Vern pissing her off the other day when the phone rang.

He answered it, then his eyebrows went up, "He's right here, hang on." And he put it on speaker.

"Hello Mr. O'Malley."


"You've created quite the stir Mr. O'Malley."

"That might not be entirely accurate Connie," Robert said.

"I'm sorry Robert, but Ms. Mack has some pretty damaging information."

"Just her word, no audio or video to back it up?"

"No," she said cautiously.

"Well Taylor has been playing me some audio tapes that totally contradict what she's been telling us."

"Tapes of her and Kelly both," I added.

"Kelly Hathaway... from accounting? What's she got to do with this?" she asked.

"She just threatened my job yesterday."

There was a bit of a pregnant pause, "Taylor, I think you need to stop by the office. What's your schedule like?"

"Last I knew I was on three to eleven tomorrow, then off for the weekend."

Robert just nodded to me to confirm.

"Could you stop by the office tomorrow before you clock in? You'll be compensated of course."

"Will do." I didn't tell them that putting this whole mess behind me would be compensation enough.

Up -

Coming back to the Festival grounds, almost midnight, chuckling at Cathleen doing her tent from the bottom side of her lift gate so she didn't have to pound in the poles.

I barely pulled in and the side door came open. I was being accosted by my little Leprechaun. Seems Veronica's lawyer called her, and they had a plan.

Monty would start having health problems and Veronica would begin taking over the company. He and Cathleen would stay married until she had either her citizenship or resident alien papers, then divorce some time after.

"That kinda lets Monty off easy doesn't it?"

She snickered at me, "Well with his ego, going from CEO to a glorified consultant should be punishment enough. And Veronica isn't going to let him forget it. According to her solicitor, Monty will either grow a conscience or lose his balls."


Of course all this was being said as Cathleen was relieving me of my clothes.

"Now take your shower and come to bed." It was almost one in the morning.

A quick shower, crawling under the cool sheets to snuggle up behind a warm soft woman that pulls your hand to her chest. Definitely UP!

Friday morning - UP IN THE CLOUDS!

I woke hearing the shower, kicking back wondering what I was going to run into when I went in to see Connie.

That thought process was cut short when Cathleen came out of the shower, just taking a quick rinse, as swift as she was.

My grinning Leprechaun crawling back onto bed on hands and knees. Dry hair, hard nipples, and damp landing strip. I was expecting her to curl up beside me, but was pleasantly surprised when she dipped her head and took me in her mouth.

"Mmmmm," watching her take me in, smiling around my cock as it hardened between her lips. A second stroke bumping against the back of her mouth before she released me with a pop and leaned down to drag her nipples across my belly as she slid up my body.

Cathleen coming to a stop on my chest for a nice kiss, her hot mound moving slightly against the cock she just had between her lips. "Mornin'," she said with a grin before resuming a nice long kiss. A little moan slipped out as I gripped her ass in the process.

Cathleen rolled up and snaked a hand between us to grip my hard cock. What I didn't expect was for her to shift her hips and sink her soaking pussy down on me.


Watching her sit up and shift around to get me as deep as she could. Bringing her hand to my chest, and I expected her to begin rocking on me.

I have GOT to quit expecting anything from my Leprechaun!

Cathleen was still sitting astride me, but she wasn't 'fucking' me. Her pussy was doing all sorts of wonderful things to my cock. I could feel her clamp and release. Her muscles working up and down my cock, but more like her hand for the grip she was getting on me.

I must have had quite the expression on my face for the grin she had on hers, biting the edge of her lip.

Running my hands up to her little tits in an effort to get some semblance of control.

Cathleen hissed as my fingers touched her nipples, her eyes flashed wide, and she grabbed my shoulders to roll us over to her on her back. Her heels hooking my ass to keep me deep in her pussy.

"Bang me fanny!" she growled. A 'nudge' of her heel in my ass just to make sure I knew what she meant. Now I know what a horse felt like when the rider uses his spurs. Giddy up indeed.

I pushed up, my hands still covering her tits and just roared pulling back and driving in deep. Again and again as we both turned to animals. Me gripping her tits and nipples to drive in, Cathleen with her heels in my ass and her hands on my waist to pull me in deep.

This was short but oh so sweet not having been in her lovely pussy in several days. Falling forward on her hard nipples as I gripped her shoulders, I exploded forward to drive my cum as deep in her pussy as I could.

Panting in each others ears and her legs flopped out, her heels dropping to my knees. "Damn... Yank..."

I just managed to turn my head enough to nibble on her ear lobe. I really didn't want to go to work this afternoon. I wanted to just lay here buried in Cathleen's pussy. But as much as I would like that, it was physically impossible.

"Nuuuuuuu..." Cathleen moaned as I lifted from her.

I pulled the shower out looking at her sprawled legs and dribbling pussy, then had to push it back in momentarily to lift the pan cover I forgot to remove before pulling out the shower walls. I heard Cathleen snicker.

I snickered as I wetted down, just a hint of pink in the water. Seems 'Aunt Flo' wasn't quite out the door yet. I had barely pushed the shower back when Cathleen pushed me out of the way and pulled it right back out to start her quick rinse down.

I really wish there was a way to install a bigger shower!

Putting on my uniform, wondering just how long I was going to be doing this. Well actually I knew how long I was going to be doing this. I had made the commitment to Cathleen. So I had three more weekends here and then we would be on the road. Two weeks of making the rounds and then it was the big change.

Mmmmmm, waking up like this every morning. Spending the days with Cathleen one way or another was a heavenly prospect.

I had hands coming around from behind as I felt Cathleen's nipples in my back. "What ye thinkin' about?"

"You... me... the future..."

She laid her head on my shoulder, "I like the sound of that."

I put my hand over hers on my chest, "Me too."

"Two more weeks," I said softly.

"Ye really goin' to do it...?" she breathed into my neck.

"Right after the meeting, I'll give them notice."

"Damn Yank," I barely heard. More like felt her breath against my neck than heard the words.

I pulled her hands from my chest and turned to her. One hand behind her head, the other in the small of her back heading for her naked ass. "Damn Leprechaun," I whispered just before our lips met for a long soft kiss.

"Are you coming in with me today?" still holding her close.

"Mmm Hmmmm, have to stock up on ice cream."

I just kicked my head back laughing. Dropping my other hand to her ass and leaning back to pick her up. "Before or after you get dressed?"


I stepped out to make a quick round on the RV to make sure everything was buttoned up, checking the generator cover that liked to work loose and flap in the wind driving down the road.

I came back in to see my lovely Leprechaun, curly red hair just so across the shoulders of a light top, the outline of one of her more 'prominent' bras nicely hinting her visible bits, but not blatantly so. A pleated skirt, well above her knees, but not quite mid thigh. Her toned legs just drawing your eyes.

Cathleen dropped me at the office, she had grocery shopping to do. Seems my giving notice was cause for celebration. Steak and potatoes made with her 'special marinade'.

I stepped up to the desk, "Hey Francesca, Connie is expecting me."

She had a concerned look on her face. "She mentioned you were coming in. Everything okay?"

I just smiled and shrugged, "Everything's good on my end. Just here to clear a few things up."

"Oh," sounding like she wasn't quite buying it. "I'll see if she is available." She was on the phone to Connie's secretary from the sounds of it. "She'll be with you in a few minutes," she said hanging up the phone.

I just sat in one of the chairs and fired up my tablet. Making a new folder and putting a copy of all my recordings in it, adding the copies of Vern's video and the one from the Waffle House. I didn't have the video from the mall of the last recording, but they can get that internally and sync it with my recording.