Dragons Breath Ch. 04


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I had just gotten them organized when she came down the hall, "Mr. O'Malley." And then turned to walk back to her office. And since she called me 'Mr. O'Malley' I reached into my pocket and flipped the recorder on.

Pretty bad when I now put it in my pocket out of habit.

When we got to her office, there was an older gentleman sitting to one side.

"Taylor," she said as she sat down gesturing me to the chair in front of her desk. "This is Tanner, he will be observing our meeting."

"From what department?" I asked.

"Tanner is with our legal department," she said a bit hesitantly.

I grinned to myself, glad I had turned the recorder on. I reached into my pocket and put the recorder on the edge of Connie's desk.

Her eyes went wide seeing me pull it from my pocket, Tanner on the other hand. "I'm afraid we can't allow any recording Mr. O'Malley."

"Well then I guess this meeting is over. Do you have any particular preference as to what TV station I contact to release this to the press?"

He bristled at my comment, "There's no need for that Mr. O'Malley. I'm sure we can come to some kind of understanding."

I looked at him a moment, then, "Here's what I know Tanner. For several weeks I have been harassed by MS. Mack, and the other day Kelli Hathaway threatened my job."

"I highly doubt that."

"You can doubt all you want. I have over two hours of audio and video to back it up."

"How can we trust it hasn't been altered?"

"You can't, but as far as that goes I don't trust you either. I trust Connie to a point," I turned to look at her hurt expression. "Connie, you have two lovely kids. I trust you right up to the point they do something that puts the future of your kids at stake, then I'd throw me under the bus too."

She seemed a bit relieved, but not much. I turned back to Tanner, "So do we continue this meeting or do I leave and find a TV station?"

He just raised his hands in surrender. "Is that a yes?" he nodded. "I need to hear it Tanner. Please state that you agree to this meeting being recorded."

He glared at me, "I agree to the meeting being recorded," he practically spat out. I saw a fleeting grin from Connie.

"So Taylor," Connie asked, "When did all this begin?"

"That's easy, the day I sent you the email on my schedule."

There was a noise from Tanner, but I just ignored it.

Connie turned to her computer and scanned back through her emails.

"The one where my days off Robert authorized mysteriously disappeared from my file."

"Ah yes, the one you Bcc'd me."

"And what about these recordings?"

I pulled out my tablet and began playing them. On the second one Tanner interrupted. "These sound like casual conversations. Did Ms. Mack give her permission to record them?"

"Yes and no."

He leaned forward and almost glared at me, "Did she give explicit agreement to be recorded, yes or no?"


"Then these recordings are irrelevant," he said with a smug grin.

"She signed a blanket agreement to them with every staff member."

"I doubt that."

"Tanner, try and get it through your head, everything I'm telling you I have something to back it up. She created new agreements that allowed either party to be recorded without the others permission, and then went and counter signed it in front of each of us."

He slumped back in his chair.

"Robert has seen the originals in our files, and we each have scans of them taken at the time of signing."

No response.

"So now can we continue? I'm sure Robert would appreciate me being on time to clock in today."

Connie barely covered her snicker.

For the next hour I skimmed over the incidents and recordings, with Tanner looking paler and paler as we went along. When we got to the point of Vern's and the Waffle House recordings he gave up. "So what do you want Mr. O'Malley?"


"This whole situation. You obviously have an agenda having recorded all this."

"Tanner, the only agenda, as you put it, I had was coving my ass. We were warned about what she did at other properties and we as a group took action to prevent it from happening to us."

He looked like someone had shoved a corn cob up his ass.

"I actually haven't given it much thought, but here's an idea. You drop her and her protector like a hot potato. No corporate back up, no references, no legal help, don't even validate her parking and I'll let it go on the company side."

"I don't know..."

"On the other hand, you feel the need to protect her and Kelli and this all goes to open court. And who knows, if there's enough other people she's done this to at other properties, there might even be enough people for a class action case."

Oh man that was a HUGE corn cob!

"I think you need to leave your evidence with us to evaluate."

The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. "I don't think I'll leave you anything, I'll email you a copy just to make sure you get it. Connie, could you drop me an email and include Tanner in the CC so I can reply to both of you?"

"I most certainly can," turning to her computer, her fingers flying across the keyboard.

"Thank you, I've got to be heading in to work. I'll send you the files later on my break."

"Okay, it's not like we're going to get much accomplished this late on a Friday. We'll be in touch," she said standing and reaching over her desk. I saw that fleeting grin on her face as she turned me to the door. She really was a mother hen at heart.

Cathleen was waiting for me as I stepped out of the office. I no more sat down in the passenger seat and we were off. "So how'd it go?"

I shrugged, "Who knows. I'm going to email them the recordings later."


I gave her the quick run down on the way over as I changed into my uniform.

So I got to walk my laps and Cathleen went shopping... AGAIN! She has been in this mall several times the last few weeks, and she can still go shopping!

She bought a few things, and showed me some. Bought a few more things, and only showed me the Victoria's Secret bag and grinned.

I got even with her, we hit the A&W stall in the food court on my supper break and I introduced her to Root Beer Floats. She's been in this country for what, five or six years, and she never had a Root Beer Float. She wasn't too sure about mixing a 'fizzy drink' and ice cream. But the wide eyed grin told me she liked it.

Is there going to be any room in the fridge for my food?

Later, around my late break, I got a kiss and a smile. She had a new DVD 'that's not for blokes'. She was headed up to the theater to get a big bucket of 'real popcorn' and kick back with her 'film'.

I chuckled when I came out after clocking out and leaving my notice on Robert's desk. Cathleen asleep on her side, the remote in her hand, curled up with my pillow. The flickers of the screen saver lighting her face.

But it was what was in the sink that made me chuckle. A jumbo Root Beer Float, empty. The giant bucket of popcorn, not much more than old maids in the bottom. And an empty container of ice cream so empty that if it hadn't been so small I would have thought she licked it clean.

I started the RV, and pulled out gently so as not to wake her. A gentle drive out to the festival, only the pot holed festival driveway waking her, and then just barely.

Seeing her little smile as I undressed. Taking the remote from her hand as I climbed in, her releasing my pillow and curling up behind me. I shut the TV off and tossed the remote on the floor.

No more downs -

Waking up to Cathleen half on my chest. Seeing her nipple RINGS in the morning sun instead of bars. Something similar to what she has in her pussy. Well the last time I checked anyway. Just big enough to slip your thumb in, bright shiny gold just glistening in the sun.

Taking in her face in the sun. The slight little bump in her nose, her tiny moles or 'beauty marks' on her upper lip and the side of her nose. The little diamond pierced earrings, then again they could be a nice crystal.

Brushing her hair out of her face, watching her smile and sigh without waking. Reaching down and lightly stroking the upper slope of her tit enthralled at the sight of her nipple hardening in the sun, her areola crinkling up enough to make the ridges cast shadows.

Evidentially I had been enjoying her tit and nipple a little too much and wasn't paying attention on to her. "Damn Yank," I heard her whisper.

I smiled to myself and rolled Cathleen to her back, scooting down in the process to put me next to those delicious mounds. Opening wide and leaning over to take as much of her tit in as I could, and then sucking much more of it in.

Cathleen groaned and arched trying to force more tit into my mouth. I rotated my arm under her back to keep her arched up into me as I played with her nipple and ring.

I released my suction, but put the tip of my tongue into her new ring. I had arms wrapped around my head as I enjoyed not only her hard nipple, but flicking that ring back and forth alternating with trying to lift her tit by that ring with my tongue.

And then I made the mistake of breathing deep...

Her scent took control of my body, my hand that was previously fondling the tit I wasn't suckling was drawn like a magnet to its source. Fingers delving between her wet lips, entering her velvet tunnel as my thumb sought her clit.

Her wetness on my fingers, and the sounds of my fingers playing in her juicy pussy sealed the transfer of control. My body turned to feast on her body. Diving between her legs and lifting them to give me better access. Driving my fingers in deeper, but replacing my thumb with my tongue and lips.

Mmmm, but the close proximity to nirvana had even more side effects. Getting my elbows behind her knees to give me even more access to her. Licking and slurping and gorging on her flowing juices. Total tunnel vision taking over my senses. Everything concentrating on her spread pussy.

I know there were sound effects, I think she was thrashing under me. Hints of hands either pushing or pulling me to or from her, but I was wired for one purpose at that point, her orgasm.

And so my fingers got involved again. Thumb in one ring holding that lip over. Other thumb in her other ring, but fingers hunting for her g-spot while my pinkie fingernail was grazing her taint as I nibbled and nipped at her clit.

As I was rewarded with her orgasm I just planted my face in her thrashing pussy, sucking and slurping her offering like a starved man. Holding on as best I could to keep my lips planted on hers...

I rolled over breathing deep, Cathleen's juices all over my face and beginning to dribble down to my neck as I rolled over.

"Damn... Yank..." she panted as her fingers found my hard cock. She lifted me enough to wrap her fingers around me and give me the barest stroke.

She did get even with me though. The first thing she put on that morning was her C clip nipple jewelry. And the little side notches that held her bars now forced her rings to stand straight out just begging for me to reach out and give them a tug.

Doing her best to tease me while doing up her hair and light makeup. Slipping her gauzy top on and then grinning at me while she ran her fingertips across the edge of the rings standing out and kicking her head back groaning.

Leaning over to slip her crotchless baggy gauzy shorts on and letting me look down her loose top. Kicking her knee out to let me look at her shaved pussy and gold rings through the split crotch was torture.

Tying up this little roll thing around her waist just resting on her hips. Slipping her dress on, the one with the large built in cups making her look like a small C cup. Snickering at my hard on making it difficult to get my pants on properly as she got her cincher situated above that roll and below those hard cups giving the impression of an even trimmer waist below a nice pair of tits.

I was groped as I tried to put my lose shirt on, "You are pure evil sometimes woman."

"And that's bad how?" she asked with a little snicker and a BIG grin.

We walked arm in arm to Maybel's kitchen. Cathleen had been too busy this week molesting me to make up stuff ahead for us. There was some nice conversation as we ate, some in English between all of us, and a few 'interesting' comments from Maybel in Irish from the blush and looks Cathleen gave in return.

I took Cathleen's hand as we left, enjoying the intertwinement of our fingers, another Irish comment from Maybel and Cathleen kicking her head back groaning and rolling her eyes made me grin.

We opened her shop and I set up under the shade tree next door leaving the platform for pecan man. I had just gotten the last of my drawing clipped to the little rope when Cathleen came up behind me and pressed her body against me.

"You know," she whispered in my ear. "It's been a while since I've worn these. The way they tug when I step I'm going to be a dripping horny little bint by supper time."

I groaned, another word I was going to have to look up. But from the way she was grinding her mound into my ass I had a good idea what it meant. Only the steady stream of properly costumed guests today even came close to keeping my mind from her body hidden under that dress.

You see, as the festival progressed through the weekends, the locals costumes got closer and closer to ours. Especially the ladies. Neck lines got closer and closer to nipples, bras became thinner and thinner and eventually disappearing almost completely. Skirts became shorter and flimsier, flipping this way and that in a breeze showing plenty of leg.

I had a lovely morning of drawing ladies who were enjoying displaying themselves. Leaning forward to show maximum cleavage to the point of almost spilling out of their tops. Intersperse that with those that enjoyed leaning back to let the dark circle, and sometimes a nice dark lump of nipple, show through their thin cotton tops.

I heard Cathleen clearing her throat behind me as I was finishing up a drawing of two young ladies that were leaning back, turned a bit to the sun letting their nipples stand out nicely.

I crooked my finger to get Cathleen close as they left. "So which pose are you going to do first for me?"

She pulled back and looked at me with raised eyebrow.

I leaned close to her ear and speaking softly. "Leaning forward so I can look down your top, or leaning back to let your nipples stand out."

Cathleen's eyes went wide.

"Or better yet, topless with some of your jewelry showing off those delicious... chewy... nipples," I continued just before kissing the side of her neck.

"Damn Yank," she said almost under her breath as she went back into the shop.

I loved the way that ring around her waist below that cincher gave her hips and ass a wonderful wiggle as she waked away. Even more so when she was a bit agitated!

Just before afternoon parade one of the royal court messengers made a delivery to Cathleen's shop. As he left there was a strangled scream from Cathleen.

I entered the shop to see her staring at the ceiling, a rolled up scroll clenched in her hand.

"What's wrong?" I feared some kind of trickery from Monty.

"Damn Maybel's gone barmy. She got the Queen to invite us to the Harvest Festival dinner.


"As a couple!"

"Ohhh," I grinned.

"Aaaaand, she volunteered us to help fill out the scenery at the big weddin' on Sunday."

"The what?"

Cathleen rolled her eyes at me. "Saturday evening is the Harvest Festival dinner, like the Queens Supper we went to a few weeks back for the locals. Late Sunday afternoon is the mass wedding. Couples gettin' married or renewin' their vows. They need a few of us in proper costume to fill it out enough to look good."

I grinned looking at her exasperated expression, "Well personally I think you look better out of your dresses than in them."

"I... you... ARGHHH!" and I was being strangled like that first weekend, but this time with her tongue trying to ravage mine. I won the battle when I got a good grip on her ass and lifted her mound even with my hard on. She just groaned as she pivoted against my hard cock.

About an hour later I was kidnapped. Seems Cathleen was not going to another formal dinner with me 'wearing a bed sheet'. She had the blacksmiths daughter watching her shop, and I was hauled up to a few of the clothing shops.

Damn these women don't play fair! Cathleen and the shop keeper were both holding various kilts up in front of me, and groping me when ever they could. I think I got groped more that hour than the whole weekend with Cris and Rene!

Eventually I was properly 'fitted' for my kilt and jacket, but not allowed to wear it until Saturday evening. 'In case I got it dirty'. Like I was a little kid or something. Just because I wanted to sneak around back of the clothiers shop and bend Cathleen over, I mean hey fair is fair...

I did finally get her back, when we closed up her shop, I dragged her back in and lifted her to the table.

"And what do ye think ye are doing'?

"Finishing what you started kilt shopping," I said as I put my hands under her thighs to shift her dress up behind her butt.

"Oh really!" she grinned as I dropped my pants and stepped to her. "Bloody Damn Yank," she hissed as I sunk balls deep in her wet pussy in one stroke.

My hands under her dress on her hips driving into her pussy, making her legs wobble and flop. Little grunts and groans but trying to be quiet knowing there were still people walking along the path on the other side of that closed door to get to the participants gate. The lovely little screech as I lightly nipped at the upper slope of her tit and doubled my pace.

Being glad I had left my shirt on when Cathleen tried to bite my shoulder and just got my shirt when she came and needed to muffle her scream. Her heels started trembling and still trying to hold me deep in her pussy as I came just seconds behind her.

Pulling back a bit and slowing sliding in and out of her dribbling pussy. Not hard, but not going completely soft. Still firm enough to enjoy being deep in her pussy.

Stepping back and pulling up my pants when I could no longer stay hard enough to remain in her pussy. Cathleen's little squeak when she hopped from the table. "Well so much for wearin' these another day," she grinned.

For as much of a wild woman she had been this morning, and even this afternoon, she was a bit subdued when we got back to the RV. Merely wiping off before I took my quick shower while she grilled our steaks. Idle chit chat with plenty of quiet time during the meal.

I came up behind her as she was drying her hair after her shower and wrapped my arms around her belly letting my hands creep towards her tits. "You okay?"

"Yeah... why?" she replied softly, making no attempt to impede my hands sliding up under her tits. Unable to stop myself from giving them a light squeeze.

"You're a bit quiet."

"Mmmm... thinkin'..."

"About?" as I let one hand settle toward her landing strip, watching the reflection of her face in the glass of the microwave.

"How much things 'ave changed in the last five weeks." She drew a deep breath, "I've been on my own for a few years. I mean I've had lots of friends on the circuit, but it's been pretty much just me."

"Friends?" running my finger up and down the edge of her landing strip.

Cathleen snickered, "Aye, a few special friends, but nothing serious." She pulled my hands from her body and turned to wrap her arms around my neck. "But this feels different... more... comfortable... more... right... Does that make sense?"

I held her close, skin to skin. "Yeah it does. I've always been drawing to one extent or another. And even when I was living out of the Navigator I was still hunting for something, I just didn't realize it."

"And now?"