Dream Vacation Pt. 07


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We reached the top with the sun a good two hours from the horizon, and found ourselves alone in a quiet stone ruin. The mission had only been abandoned for about fifty years, and the foliage hadn't yet really begun to creep in and crack the walls. The ceilings and wood-plank floors had been mostly torn up and presumably re-used, and there were some signs here and there of some overenthusiastic parties, but for the most part it was in very good shape.

"Wow, come look at this view!" Trina called as she approached a large stone archway that looked out over the ocean. Julie ran up by her side, and I came along as well. We truly could see for miles and miles, and it was pretty spectacular. I began to appreciate the difficult climb to the mission, because it probably kept the tourists away. We had the whole place to ourselves, and as there was no one else coming up the trail it would probably be that way for another hour at least.

We wandered around exploring the place for a while, and I found myself wishing that I had my camera. The mission made a terrific backdrop, and the girls were lovely models. Still, it would have been difficult to enjoy the pictures afterwards -- it's not like I could have actually shown them to anyone.

After about twenty minutes of aimless looking around, we came back to the stone arch. I had carried a small bag up to the top with us, and I revealed that it contained a bottle of champagne, no longer "chilled" but cool enough to enjoy. We fired the cork out into the ocean below us and passed the bottle around, as we had no glasses.

"I'm glad we came up here," Trina said. "It's not what I expected to do today, but it'll be a nice memory. You've been just about the best guest I've ever had, Xavier. It's good that I have something I've done only with you and no one else."

"What makes me so special?" I asked. "I mean, I know I'm not a champion in bed. I'm probably not the wealthiest or the heaviest tipper you've ever met. I don't think I'm an exceptional conversationalist, or a great dancer, or the world's foremost humorist. I don't have Hollywood looks or an Olympic physique. What's so great about me?"

"I think I know what Trina is talking about," Julie said. "We meet a lot of guys, of course. And we see sides of them that they don't show to the rest of the world. Most of the men who come here view us as fantasies, not real women, and so they figure they can let it all hang out and let the masks they wear fall off. In other words, we see men as they really are, with their guard completely down."

"Don't a lot of the guests make themselves out to be someone they're not?" I asked. "I mean, I'd imagine you get a lot of so-called CEOs and entertainment lawyers here who go back home and paint houses."

"True, but we usually don't get very good actors, if you catch my drift," Trina said. "None of them are really fooling us. Besides, when they pretend to be something they're not, that tells a lot about them too. It reeks of insecurity, you know? One of the reasons I like you is because you're being honest about yourself and your life."

"I haven't even told you my real name," I pointed out.

"Neither have we," Julie smiled. "That's not the point. We all need a certain anonymity in these situations."

"The point is," Trina continued, "Over the past week, I've seen the real you. In a lot of ways, I've gotten to know you better than your own wife probably has -- for one thing, if she knew you like I did, you wouldn't need to be here. You'd be getting more sex and affection at home than you could handle!"

I sighed, wishing it were true. "You still haven't really answered me."

"Don't you see, Xavier? I see you for who you are, once all the pretense and false fronts are stripped away. Everyone wears a mask, but in places like this, the masks tend to come off. I just happened to like the face I saw underneath yours. And that's really all there is."

"We won't lie to you," Julie said. "We appreciate generous men, and the fact that you've been one of them certainly leads us to enjoy your company a bit more. And no, you're not Mr. Universe, but you're certainly no slouch either. You're a smart, charming, good-looking man, and I can see why Trina's been going on about you. I like you too."

Trina nodded. "And incidentally, you're better in bed than you think you are."

"If that's true, then it's because I've never been so inspired," I said appreciatively.

Julie came over and sat by me, stroking her hand on my thigh. "You know," she said, "we haven't had a really good kiss yet."

"That's true, we haven't," I replied, feeling an inexplicable lump rise in my throat. It amazed me that I could still be nervous about simply kissing a beautiful woman after the week I'd had, but Julie was no ordinary woman.

Instead of moving straight in for the kiss, she reached over and unbuttoned my shirt, slowly and deliberately, keeping her smiling eyes on mine. Once I was bare-chested, she pushed the shirt off my shoulders, and then pulled her own top up and over her head. Beautiful globes of flesh bounced out, and she took a moment to gently rub her nipples to hardness.

Then she stood up and pulled her skirt up high, giving me a brief reminder that she wore no panties (and a confirmation that she was a natural redhead). I had only a glimpse before she climbed into my lap with her legs around my body, though she leaned back far enough to avoid touching me with her breasts just yet. "I want this," she said, "to be the best damn kiss you ever had."

"Good start," I said as best I could past the lump.

"Don't close your eyes," she whispered as she began to lean in. "Don't even blink. I want you to see me coming for you…"

Her strawberry-red lips were less than an inch away when her nipples touched my chest, and we both shivered with the thrill of the contact. I felt her warm breath as she quietly gasped, and then, a bare moment later, the wet touch of her tongue.

I opened my mouth slightly and her tongue slipped inside, slowly and deeply, and then her lips sealed against my mouth. Then she moaned, long and sensuously, pulling her body closer so that I felt more of the soft pressure of her beautifully large tits.

She was in total control; I felt helpless to move, partly because of her position on her lap which forced me to tilt my head back and submit to her, but mostly because her passion was simply overwhelming. Her hands found mine and guided them up into her skirt, encouraging me to stroke the bare skin of her bottom. Her tongue, wet and warm, probed and twisted inside my mouth and then over my lips as she pulled away just enough to take in a gasping breath and sigh softly with lust.

She sucked my tongue gently and then moved back in for just a moment to seal lips to lips before backing off again. Her body stayed close, and I could still feel her hot breath.

"You closed your eyes," she scolded softly.

I opened them, and saw her eyes inches away, sparkling but heavy with lust. Her lips were panting and wet.

I couldn't hold back; I kissed her again, and she welcomed the embrace. She allowed me to suck gently on her lower lip, and tickle the tip of her tongue outside her mouth, and rub our lips softly back and forth against each other. I had always loved the act of kissing and she let me indulge myself however I wished, responding instantly to me, letting me feel the different sensations as we brought our lips and tongues together in new ways. When I ran my tongue lightly up her cheek, she didn't question me or pull away; when I sealed our lips together and thrust my tongue deep inside her mouth, she accepted it, then responded in kind. She let me put my hands where I wanted, whether up into her skirt, caressing her breasts, or stroking into her beautiful red hair. All the while, she moaned and sighed softly as if lost in a world of pure pleasure.

When we finally stopped, it was because I felt I might climax right there if I didn't.

She pulled away slowly, breathing hard and fast, and arched her back with a long and loud moan of satisfaction. "Oh Fuck, that was hot," she whispered, and came back for a last tiny touch of her lips to mine. Then at last she stood up, and ran her hands once up and down her body as if she couldn't resist touching herself to sustain the high of sexual excitement.

I heard a soft moan to one side, and when I turned to look I saw that Trina was sitting back with one hand caressing her tit and the other stroking between her legs. The idea that she had been getting herself off while watching us excited me, and for a moment I felt like I should take both girls right there and fuck them up against the hard stones of the Mission.

Unfortunately, fate had other ideas. Julie's attention was caught by a movement below us on the hillside, and she sighed and reached for her top. "We've got company," she said sadly. "There's a small group coming up the trail."

"Mm, no fair," Trina pouted. "Couldn't we just roll one of these rocks down on them so we can stay up here and fuck each other?"

Julia leaned over and kissed Trina, briefly but with a deep tongue thrust that made Trina moan. "Come on, lover," she said, "There's a warm hot tub, a moonlit deck, and a soft bed waiting for us. Let's get our man back to the ship and show him how hot we can really get."

* * * * *

We made it back down the hillside just as the sun touched the ocean, and by the time we got back to the ship we found that we were all suffering from another insatiable physical desire; namely, we needed some food. I wanted to take my ladies someplace nice, and so I suggested we change into more elegant clothes. They were pleased with the idea, and we were hungry enough that we didn't even indulge in any quick hanky-panky; in fact, we actually changed in separate rooms.

I came out first, having put on a stylishly loose-fitting jacket with a black shirt and pants, and headed down to the main deck to wait for my ladies. Nikita immediately offered me a drink, but I didn't feel like I needed it. I joined her at the bar, though, and sipped on some ice water.

'What did you do today?" she asked me.

"Shopping, and a trip up to the Mission."

"Mm, it's beautiful up there. Say, did you happen to meet Monique, back at the resort?"

"We did more than meet," I smiled.

Nikita smiled back. "I'll bet she was hot for you. Anyway, I once did a promotional photo spread with her at the Mission. Here, want to see?"

She pulled a photo album out from behind the bar, and opened it to a pair of 8x10 shots of her and Monique holding each other's naked bodies and smiling. The next page had them kissing, and then there was one of Monique licking Nikita's tits. It was an interesting experience, checking out porn shots of a woman who was standing right there with me.

"These are really hot," I said.

"Thank you!" she replied, seeming genuinely pleased by the compliment. 'We had a lot of fun doing them. Look at this one," she said as she turned to a new page, "she made me come right here, just as this shot was taken. See how she's behind me, rubbing my tits and licking my neck while she slides her finger in my pussy? I mean, how could I hold back?"

I smiled, and was about to say something to the effect that I would love to do the same thing, when I caught something out of the corner of my eye that made my heart fall into my shoes. It was a flashing blue and red light, of the sort one generally sees on police cars. I stood up and looked again, and sure enough, it was.

"What's that about?" I asked, trying not to panic. I felt certain that they had come to raid the boat, or something.

"I'm not sure," Nikita said, sounding more relaxed. She looked at me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Xavier. I'm sure it's got nothing to do with us."

"How sure?" I asked.

"Look, unless you've got a stash of drugs in your luggage or you're planning to overthrow the local government, you've got nothing to worry about. There's nothing illegal about our business, not here. We're a fully licensed erotic resort and everything we do is strictly above-board -- we don't even cheat on our taxes. Seriously, you go and have a good dinner tonight and don't give it another thought."

I tried to relax. Nikita's words made sense; prostitution was perfectly legal here, and I certainly wasn't smuggling anything. I had my passport and I hadn't broken any local laws. In any event, the fact that she seemed perfectly calm was reason enough not to panic.

"What's all this about?" asked a voice behind me. I turned and saw Julie in a stunning dark-green evening gown, cut high in the front and low in the back, sequined and sparkling. The gown was tight enough to show off her ample bosom even though it showed no skin in the front, and long enough to enhance her height.

"Probably just a random paper check," Nikita shrugged. "Got your passport?"

Julie nodded. "Hey, X-man. Nice jacket. You look like a million bucks."

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "You look like a million bucks in emeralds," I replied. "Absolutely lovely."

"Thank you," she said sweetly, tossing her long, wavy red hair. "Trina's right behind me."

She turned, and Trina came around the corner. She was decked out in red, a shorter dress than Julie's but just as elegant, her hair pulled over one shoulder in a way that had always appealed to me. She kissed me as well, and then Julie.

"You look so beautiful tonight," she said, running her fingers through Julie's hair.

"Mm, thank you. So do you," Julie replied, holding Trina's hands and looking her appreciatively up and down. The girls kissed again, holding each other close, and then turned and gently pulled me in for a brief three-way.

"Don't get too excited," Trina warned. "I'd like this makeup to last a little while."

We left the ship together, walking right past the police on the pier. I noticed our captain talking with them, and couldn't help but think that something was going on. The girls seemed unconcerned, though, so I tried to put it out of my mind and concentrate on enjoying the evening.

* * * * *

"Seriously, X, don't worry about it," Julie insisted. "If it had been a real problem, the captain wouldn't have let us leave the ship."

"And besides, I'm wearing a cell phone, so they'll call if there's anything to get concerned about," Trina added. "There's nothing wrong. Trust us, all right?"

We were at the restaurant, waiting for our entrees to arrive. The girls had been trying for the past half hour to get me to forget about the ill-timed visit by the local police, and it had been an exercise in futility.

"Believe me ladies, I wish I could relax," I replied. "It's just that, as you well know, I'm not exactly here with my wife's blessing, and trouble with the law down here means my marriage is burnt toast."

"She means a lot to you, doesn't she?" Julie asked gently.

I nodded. "It might not seem that way, what with the cavalier manner in which I'm treating my marriage vows, but I do love her desperately. I think about how she would feel to know what I've been up to, and I hate myself… but then I think about the constant heartbreak and rejection that I deal with every time she refuses to be intimate with me, and…" I shrugged.

"Don't worry, we won't make you say it," Trina said sympathetically.

"No, I don't hate my wife. I never have. But I do hate the way she makes me feel, and what that makes me want to do. I'm not self-centered enough to think that it's her fault that I'm down here doing this, but it is true enough that I wouldn't be if she would love me the way a wife is supposed to love her husband. When I make love to her, on those few occasions when it actually happens, I always feel like I could forget every other fantasy I've ever had, and give up this sideline of sex-for-hire. That feeling lasts for about a week."

"A week?" Trina exclaimed, incredulous. "Damn, what's her secret? We've been fucking you blind three or four times a day and you don't ever seem to be satisfied! You know, I'm starting to think that I wouldn't want her to be here with you even if she were into it; she'd make me feel totally inadequate!"

I couldn't help but chuckle, thinking of how my wife would view this Sexual Goddess of a woman, with her huge gravity-defying tits, her long and wavy brunette hair, and her firm and toned body -- who in spite of all that, felt that she didn't stack up. My wife is really quite beautiful, don't get me wrong; it's just that she suffers from the same ailment as 98% of the women on Earth, which is that she completely underestimates her own good looks. If she compared herself to any of the women I'd seen at the resort or on the ship, doubtless she would consider herself in a very minor league by contrast.

If she only knew that I would rather have her than any or all of them.

Fortunately, the waiter came by to deliver our entrees, which broke the somewhat awkward silence. Trina and Julie proved very good at talking the way back out of an uncomfortable pause (it was part of their job, after all) and we had the conversation going again soon enough. We were fortunate in that we had a very private table, on the edge of the deck and next to a large fountain, such that it was impossible for someone at the next table to hear anything we were saying.

"So, let's talk about something that I know sparks your interest," Trina said. "I'd kind of like to know more about this fascination you have with lesbians. What is it about girls with girls that gets you so fired up?"

"It's a pretty common fetish, isn't it?" I shrugged.

"Sure it is," Julie replied. "But I imagine that you're not into it just because it's popular. Come on, tell us about it. How many times do you get the chance to tell a woman all about your favorite sexual fantasies in intimate detail, knowing that she won't judge or condemn?"

"Not only that, but that she'll help make them real," Trina added, sipping her wine.

"Let's take turns," I said. "I want the two of you to tell me about your fantasies first."

Trina nodded. "Sounds fair. Well, I think I mentioned before, it's a little different with us. Anyone who works at the resort for more than a year can pretty much rest assured that she'll eventually play out every fantasy she has; that is, all of them that are possible. For myself, there's not much left but the impossible."

"Such as?"

Trina leaned forward and spoke in a lower voice. "I've always wanted to really fuck another woman," she said. "Not with one of those ridiculous strap-on cocks or even with my fingers, but by myself, the way it's meant to be done. It's hard to explain, because it's impossible. It's not that I want to be a man, either; I love being female, I love the grace and beauty of women, and I wouldn't give it up for the world. But… I'd like to experience that one impossible act."

I pondered briefly. "So, you'd like to grow your clit, or something?"

"Yeah, something like that. At least that's the best way to describe it. And clit-to-clit contact definitely gets me hot. Didn't I tell you about this already?"

"I think so," I nodded. "Is there anything else you like?"

"Oh, a million other things," she grinned. "I didn't go into this line of work because I hated sex, you know. But I don't think it's my turn anymore. Julie?"

Julie shot Trina a playful glare, and then focused back on me. "Well, like she said, we get a lot of experience around here. Most of my fantasies have been pretty well fulfilled, too. But there are one or two left, I suppose."

"Like what?"

"Promise you won't laugh?"

I shrugged. "I'll do the best I can."

She leaned forward, just as Trina had. "I'd like to be Queen of the Amazons," she whispered.

I blinked. "Okay. What does that mean, exactly?"