Dream Vacation Pt. 07


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"It means that I'd like to get decked out in red and gold leather armor, the whole woman warrior thing, and sit on my throne to command my minions and slaves as I see fit. And they would serve me willingly, unquestioningly, and pleasurably."

True to my word, I didn't laugh. Trina did, however.

"Trina, don't you start," Julie warned.

"Oh, Julie, Julie," she chuckled, "it's just that you would make such a great Amazon Queen! You've got the body, the hair, the six-feet-tall, everything! It's almost a cliché, it's so perfect!"

Julie winked and blew a kiss at Trina. "Anyway, I've been trying to get the bosses to invest in the suit of armor since I got here, but leather's so damn expensive and it would have to be a custom fit in order to work right, so that means none of the other girls would be able to use it. One of these days I might just splurge for it myself."

"You would look so hot in red leather, baby," Trina growled.

"As hot as you did in the Catwoman suit?" Julie suggested.

"When was this?" I asked, interested.

"Last week, at the Copacabana," Trina replied with a grin. "I wore it to perform at the strip club party. Unfortunately, I don't have it with me now. It's a great outfit, though -- skintight vinyl, with removable cups around the tits, thigh-high boots, and nothing at all between the boots and right about here." She put her hands about two inches below her breasts to demonstrate. "Natalya played Wonder Woman, tied me up with her golden lasso… that was such a fun evening!"

"We should do a comic-book theme night sometime," Julie suggested. "Anyway, I think it's your turn again, X. And I want to know what you love so much about women fucking women."

"You really want to know?" I asked.

"Absolutely," Julie said, sipping her wine. "If you're like most people, you've never really been able to talk with someone in detail about your deepest sexual cravings. You can do that now, and we won't pass judgment or get freaked out."

"Quite the contrary, we'll probably get turned on," Trina smiled.

"Besides," Julie continued, "you've had a week's worth of bisexual pussy already, so if I want to make tonight special, I'll need some inside information on what you really want."

"Can't argue with that kind of logic," I said, trying to stay relaxed even though my stomach was tying in knots (I was glad we were in a French restaurant that served teeny portions). The idea of being totally honest and open about my sexuality, right down to things that I might barely admit to myself, was more than a little nerve-wracking. I looked around and saw that there was no one who could possibly overhear our conversation.

"Well," I began, "first of all, lesbian sex isn't actually the thing that turns me on most of all."

"What?" Trina responded, with raised eyebrows. "All this time I've been giving you the second item on your list? What's up with that?"

"No, you've been giving me the first one too," I insisted. "The thing I need most of all, the most absolutely essential ingredient, is the idea that the woman I'm with really wants to have sex. I'm sure I told you this?"

"Oh yes, come to think of it, you did," Trina nodded.

"The idea of a woman who desperately wants to fuck me is the most powerful aphrodisiac I can imagine. And, it goes without saying that the reverse of that -- a woman who has to be persuaded or coerced -- is something of a turn-off. I admit, I don't like having to seduce a woman; I like when she's just ready to go. Perhaps that's part of the problem between me and my wife. I'm lousy at the seduction game. I have no idea how to charm a woman into bed."

"I think you're a very charming and decent guy, Xavier," Trina assured me. "Really, all you have to do is just be yourself. I know it's cliché, but in your case it's also true."

"Well, be that as it may, I like it when a woman is excited about sex without my having to work for it. And I absolutely can't perform if I think my lover is actively disinterested. Believe me, I wouldn't have had the kind of week I have if the ladies here weren't doing a very, very good job of making me feel like they wanted it."

"We really haven't had to try that hard," Trina said, fluttering her eyelashes a bit and licking her lips.

"Enough about that," Julie said. "You're stalling. Tell me why you want to see me and Trina go tit-to-tit. You do want us to, don't you? Wouldn't you love to watch me slide my tongue between her lips, touch her swollen clit, make her beg to taste my sweet, sweet pussy?"

"Well, yes, not to put too fine a point on it," I replied, trying to sound casual.

"So, what's the appeal?" Julie asked. "What do you get out of it? I can see why a guy would enjoy making love to two women at once; after all, the more the merrier. But what do you get from watching two women make love that you don't get from just, say, watching them touch themselves? I've asked some of my similarly interested clients before, but all they seem to be able to say is, 'It's just hot!' I know we haven't known each other that long, but you seeming like someone who might be able to give a more insightful answer, and I really do want to know."

"Well," I said, trying to think how to begin, "some of it is exactly what you said. If one woman is good, two must be twice as good. And when I watch two women making love, I can imagine myself joining them. There's also just the idea of seeing many women naked instead of just one, and if they're engaged in sexual acts then so much the better.

"The problem with guy-on-girl porn, for me, is that there's this DICK in the way," I continued, feeling more comfortable as I went on. "I don't want to see another man's penis, or hear him grunt and moan, or anything like that. It's not that I'm afraid of arousing homoerotic feelings, or anything; I'm very comfortable with my heterosexuality. It's just a major distraction. Besides, men are genetically programmed to compete with each other, and so seeing some other guy nailing a woman that I want is a turn-off. I've heard that some guys actually like seeing another man fuck their wife, or some such thing, but I've never been able to grasp the appeal myself."

Both women listened with rapt attention. I wondered if this was really new information for them, or if they were just going through the motions. I realized that they were making me feel like some kind of expert on sex, which was a new thing for me, and it was an enjoyable little fantasy.

"But that's all beside the point. The very idea of two women doing something as simple as kissing is intensely erotic to me. I think it's partly because of this idea that men have that women are capable of feeling a much more intense sexual high than men can, and when women do each other, it's multiplied. It's the idea that women instinctively know what other women want."

"Well, I think that's true, to a certain extent," Trina nodded. "I mean, if you really want to know how to lick pussy, ask a lesbian."

"So, by watching two women get each other off, really intensely, you get to live vicariously through them and feel the intense high yourself?" Julie asked.

"Sort of. And this is going to sound contradictory, but there's also the idea that once they've worked each other up, all they need is a man to make it complete. Then I come in and give them that final ingredient, and it leads to mind-blowing multiple orgasms."

"Mmm, I love the way you think!" Julie smiled. "Still, I notice you keep talking about how hot they feel, how they satisfy each other's needs, and how they have mind-blowing multiple orgasms. What's in it for you, except to watch them enjoy themselves, and get off at the end?"

"Well, to a certain extent, what's in it for me is frustration," I shrugged. "I can't be one of them. It's the ultimate tease, really. I've fantasized before about being a woman, a lesbian, so that I could experience it for myself, but it can't really happen. And before you ask, I don't want to pretend I'm a woman and do it that way. It wouldn't work; I'd feel too weird about it."

"And so, we have another impossible fantasy," Julie sighed.

"Well, I don't feel too sorry for myself," I shrugged. "In the end, there are plenty of reasons for me to enjoy and appreciate my own masculinity. I like the feeling of holding a woman and protecting her with my strength, and I love the feeling of thrusting into my lover and becoming a part of her. And, when I have the opportunity to have sex with multiple partners, there's something to be said for being the Man among women."

"How many?" Trina asked. "I think that your record this week is four at a given time, during the Strip Club party. How many women at once would you want to enjoy, if you could have as many as you wanted?"

"Truthfully? All of them," I said. "I would like to walk into a room filled exclusively with beautiful, sexy women, all willing and waiting to make love to me and each other. Essentially, to be the guest of honor at my own private sexual party with dozens or even hundreds of ladies to choose from. As a practical matter, I really don't see how I could enjoy the affections of more than six or seven at any given time, but just the idea that they were all there for me alone would be incredibly exciting."

"Don't ask for much, do you?" Julie observed.

"I think every man wants a harem, when it comes down to it," Trina said. "You know, I heard that there was this one time before I started working at the resort that some Hollywood star, they won't say who it was, came down and rented out the whole resort exclusively for himself for a whole week."

"That's true. I was there," Julie said. "His favorite thing was watching and directing multi-girl orgies. You know, I don't think he ever even fucked any of us; he just put us together, had us go at it under his supervision for a while, and then he would shoot his load into a sock. Apparently he hated the sight of his own cream. So it was a solid week of nothing but lesbian sex. Kind of educational, actually; he came up with positions and techniques that I'd never even heard of, and it was great learning about what the other girls liked. Did you know that Charla can orgasm just from having her nipples sucked?"

"Damn, I wish I'd been here for it!" Trina said with a smile.

"That's where we got all those matching white bikinis and wraps, because there was one night where he wanted everyone in identical outfits. Incidentally, that's also where we got the wedding dress and the bridesmaid gowns."

"The former came in handy earlier this week," Trina said, winking at me.

"Ooh, honeymoon fantasy!" Julie grinned. "Love it. Did you have bridesmaids?"

"Actually, we had a French Maid hiding in the closet."


"Of course."

"Mmm. Damn, I wish I could have been your maid of honor."

The girls giggled, then leaned together and kissed each other's lips briefly. I felt a rush of lust, and knew it was time to leave.

Fortunately, they quickly came to the same conclusion.

* * * * *

"This is the way you want it, right?" Trina said to me as we all arrived back in the VIP cabin and stood facing each other in the middle of the room. "No games, no fantasies played out, no costumes or props? Just sex between the three of us?"

"Tonight, that sounds perfect," I said.

"Are you going to tell us what to do, or should we just do what comes naturally?" Julie asked.

"Well, you have an idea now of what I like, and Trina's been with me all week so she definitely knows," I said. "So Trina, how about you begin?"

"With pleasure," she said with a smile. She approached me and kissed my lips, softly and gently, pulling away without giving me the tongue just yet. "Have a seat on the sofa, here," she invited. "I think it's best if you just watch and enjoy right at the start, and get in the proper mood. Besides, I want a few minutes with this pretty woman all to myself!"

A low, sensual music filled the air, and the lights dropped just enough to give the proper mood. Julie turned from the stereo and approached Trina, meeting her just in front of the sofa where I reclined. Seeing the two of them together enhanced their physical differences. Julie's hair was the obvious standout, long and wavy and free, as opposed to the dark, straight style favored by Trina. Trina's sun-darkened skin was also a marked contrast to Julie's fair and slightly freckled complexion. Julie had the larger breasts, Trina the more sensuous lips. And in spite of the platform heels that Trina had selected for the evening, Julie was still taller by at least an inch and a half.

They looked over each others' bodies just as I did, and I wondered what each saw in the other that excited them. While I knew that they were both professionals and that some of the heat and lust was for show, I was also convinced that they must have some lesbian tendencies, or they probably wouldn't be so enthusiastic about what they did. As I had told them in the restaurant, I loved the idea that they were turned on by each other, and that they were as eager as I was to feel a woman's kiss and touch.

The smiles on their faces faded as they began to run fingertips over their bodies, touching hips and breasts and necks and faces, their eyes growing hungry for more.

Trina's hands came to Julie's tits and began to massage them through her dress, squeezing and rubbing them in slow circles, while Julie let her head fall back and her eyes close, allowing the other woman to enjoy the feel of her body. I loved the way she offered herself for her lover's pleasure, freely and without inhibition or hesitation.

"Will you take her dress off for me, Xavier?" Trina asked me. "No, don't get up… I'll bring her to you."

Led by Trina's hand, Julie sat at the edge of the sofa and pulled her hair up to one side. I found the zipper down low on her back, as the dress was cut with a deep scoop that went down below where her bra strap would have been. There was also a hook up high on her neck, and I released it as well. The dress dropped off her shoulders, revealing satin lace straps that held up… whatever she was wearing underneath. I couldn't see it yet.

Trina helped her back up, holding the dress up on Julia's front as she turned her around to face me. "I want you to have a good view," she said with a smile, and let the dress go.

The straps were part of a violet bustier that held Julie's awesome tits up high on a satin shelf, pointing her uncovered nipples straight out from her chest and enhancing her gorgeous bust to its full potential. The bright purple color, an unusual choice for a redhead, served to draw attention to her body (as if she needed help with that) and kept one's eyes drawn to her physical assets. It was cut high over the hips, lengthening her legs even further than they already were, and then plunged down through her crotch and back up between her cheeks on the other side (she turned around to show me). It was probably the sexiest and most appealing bit of fabric I'd ever seen, on a woman who made it look as hot as it ever could.

"I think he likes it," Julie said.

"I love the way it shows off your tits," Trina said, cupping Julie's large melons with both hands. "Can I lick them? Please?"

"Mmm, I was hoping you would," Julie smiled, turning to the side and offering up her breasts to her lover.

Trina bent down slightly and licked boldly and firmly directly up and over Julie's left nipple, then blew gently over it to make it harden. Holding eye contact all the while, she did the same to the other breast and then pursed her lips around the little bud to suck and kiss. Julie smiled down at her, stroking Trina's hair with one hand and feeling her body through her dress with the other. When Trina moistened her lips and began to rub them over the nipples without sucking, Julie's smile faded and her eyelids grew heavy with lust.

"You like that, don't you?" Trina whispered.

"Yes…" Julie breathed, her own lips trembling.

Trina licked a wet tongue over Julie's pink nipple, leaving it shiny and glistening, and then stroked her panting mouth over the sensitive bud, back and forth, up and down, and in circles, letting her soft lips provide all the stimulation. Julie's knees began to go noticeably weak, and her eyelids fluttered closed.

I stood up and got behind her to help hold her up. Trina winked her approval at me and continued her gentle, sensual caress, while Julie moaned and relaxed her body back into me. I touched the sides of her breasts and began to gently stroke them in small circles as Trina stroked her warm and wet lips over one breast and then the other. Looking down over Julie's shoulder into Trina's eyes gave me the perfect view of a woman pleasuring another woman through her tits, and I could feel the soft warmth of Julie's breathy moans against my face.

With her hot red lips so close, I couldn't resist kissing them. Julie barely responded, and I actually enjoyed her passively soft lips; she seemed to be so turned on that she had lost all sense of what was happening to her. I wondered if she might enjoy the same kind of kiss that I found exciting, and so ran my tongue over her panting lips in circles, licking with a wet but feather-light touch.

She gasped, shuddered, and her legs buckled beneath her.

Trina and I squeezed her between us to keep her from falling. Another tongue touched Julia's lips as Trina rose to join our delicate kiss, and Julie shivered again, panting fast and hard, her hands clenching tightly in Trina's hair. After a long moment, Julie moaned a long sigh of pleasure and finally moved to return the kiss, extending her tongue to touch mine and Trina's, and putting a hand back to encircle my neck.

"I've never come like that before," she breathed when we parted slightly. "God, that was so hot… so good…"

"Did you really come?" Trina asked.

"Mmm-hm," Julie said, smiling with the sheer pleasure of the moment. "I didn't know I could do that, just from my tits. I think it was that tongue on my lips that put me over the edge, though… we have to do that again sometime!" She opened her sparkling eyes and looked up at me. "I hope you don't mind my coming so soon. I was just so excited, I couldn't help myself. Besides…" her smile faded, "my pussy will be so much wetter now for when you fuck me."

She kissed me again, this time deeply and passionately, with full tongue and eager lips. I felt Trina back away, and moved my hands up over Julie's breasts to feel them and enjoy their size and firmness. Her hands slipped over the top of mine to encourage me, and we massaged her tits together. I took my lead from her and found that she liked them squeezed, but not to hard, and she was most sensitive in the pink aureola just under her nipples. I imagined how it must have felt for her when Trina tickled her there with her moist, pouting lips. I knew her orgasm had been real; I had felt the goose bumps on her skin, and I had seen her cheeks flush and her body tremble. I vowed that I would see them both in such a state before the night was through, and that I would take them there.

Julie pulled away from the kiss and let her neck relax. "Well, would you look at that?" she said with a smirk as she faced forward again.

I looked as well, and saw that Trina had disrobed, though not entirely. Just as Julie had chosen an unusual color for her lingerie, violet against her pale skin and vivid copper hair, Trina had selected something that I had never thought would work for her; but it did. It was similar to Julie's, holding her breasts on a high shelf and plunging down between her legs in a v-shape that accentuated her legs. It was also a vivid electric blue, so bright that it seemed to glow in the dark.