Drugged and Raped Ch. 05


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She finally looked up hopefully at her estranged husband. The look on his face wasn't reassuring. With a shrug of her shoulders she continued. "Then came Friday a week ago. I knew that Chuck had taken the day off work to work on the contract for the patent. When he called me and told me to get dressed to go out and celebrate I knew it had to be that night. The money was now guaranteed and I felt it would be the best ever time to get him under my thumb and have the life that I wanted.

When we got to the restaurant we ordered a wine and while it was being decanted and poured Chuck excused himself to go to the bathroom. He looked like the millions he was now worth. I was feeling empowered and sure of myself. I dropped the little pill into his wine and he never noticed a thing. About ten minutes after he drank his wine he was starting to slur his speech and weaving back and forth in his chair. I got the waiter to help get him into the car. The lack of food must have made the drug work faster than I had intended. I got him home and, with Darcy's help, got him into the house and upstairs into the bed. We kept him upright while we undressed him. Then we laid him on the bed.

Darcy and I went over our act again. It was kind of kinky to make love to her while Chuck was laying right there. When he was starting to come around I gave him one drop of the other medication. We didn't want him distracting us by moving around. He was limp but breathing regularly. We checked him often while I prepared Darcy. I had her lay next to him and then I proceeded to mark her. By the time I was done she looked as though she had been assaulted.

Then we needed one final thing. I wanted Chuck's sperm on her body. He might argue everything else but it would be hard to argue his sperm. I started to stroke his penis and he responded. When he was ready to shoot off we got him onto his side and let him cum on Darcy's hip and abdomen. It looked very convincing. I gave Darcy a final instruction to call out when he was awake and I went downstairs and waited by the front door.

After about ten minutes I heard her call out to leave her alone. I slammed the front door and came upstairs. Chuck was now awake but still not moving much. I don't know if he could speak yet as he didn't say a thing. I started in on him about attacking such a sweet and innocent young woman. I had a whole prepared rebuttal to any protestations of innocence that he might put out but he didn't say a word. He slowly sat up and then put on some of his clothes from earlier and made his way out of the house. I was yelling at him to come back as I needed him to know what he had to do to get by with this atrocity but he left. I didn't know until later that he had taken my phone that I had set up to video the whole scene. I was planning on editing it later to show what I wanted."

She paused again and took another drink of her tepid water. Her mother was crying again and now her dad looked shell shocked and speechless. She didn't dare look at Chuck.

"I figured Chuck would go somewhere like a motel and lick his wounds and then call me and beg for forgiveness. I totally did not think that he would go to our neighbors down the street who are cops and swear out a complaint against me. He must have given them the key to the house as they were suddenly in our bedroom and questioning Darcy and me about the events of the evening.

They took pictures of the bruises that I had inflicted on Darcy. They didn't believe me when I said that Chuck had done the damage to her wonderful skin. They even had a paper with Chuck's teeth marks on it to compare with the bite marks I had put on her. It was obvious that they were different. Pictures were taken of each mark. They took the medication into evidence and even gave me a receipt for it. They showed me that they had downloaded the video to their phone and that it was also evidence. Finally they read me my rights and told me I needed an attorney.

This shook Darcy up so badly that she wanted to bawl her head off. There was definitely no more sex that night. The next day I stayed home in case Chuck came back so I could talk to him. He didn't come by so I had someone try to track his car. Mr. Wilkes here came to the house with a legal paper and demanded some of Chuck's things. He also let me know that he was aware of everything that had happened and that I had better get on board with Chuck's demands or the divorce would be fast and nasty. His intention was that I would be standing in the middle of the street without any assets or a career before he was done with me. He also had a protection order that had been signed by a judge. He told me that the judge was so pissed off that he wanted to make it even more restrictive but that I would have had to move away from our city if he did so. I couldn't believe it at first. My husband, the man that I love, is afraid of me.

I have his paperwork and am going to sign it. If this can save my marriage and start the healing between Chuck and me then I will gladly agree even if, in the event we get a divorce, I will have nothing, not even my sons."

She fell quiet and took another sip of her water. Her face was streaked from her tears and her nose was red from wiping with a tissue. She didn't look nearly as attractive as she normally did. Her 37 years also seemed wrong as she looked a lot older right now.

Thomas asked her if she wanted to admit to anything else. When she asked what he meant he gave her a few examples including previous extramarital affairs, desire to hurt Chuck in other ways, or wanting Chuck to be penniless.

She shook her head no. "I have never done anything like that before. I do not and did not want Chuck hurt in any way physically, I just wanted him in a position where he had to let me have Darcy. I threatened him with charges of rape and told him I would take him to the cleaners and would deny him access to Jeff and Jon but I didn't mean it. I just wanted him to agree to let me have what I wanted."

Chuck couldn't stand it any longer. He leaned across the table and stared her in the eyes. "Tell them the rest, Bitch. Tell them what else you did to me. Tell them how else you hurt me or, by God, I will have Thomas show them the video and they will get to see how you treat your loving husband in brilliant high definition color. What you didn't' know, Sweetheart, is that I was conscious the whole time. I just couldn't move. I couldn't scream in pain while you did what you did, only in my mind. It's a wonder I didn't go crazy while you were doing that thing to me. You are surprised that I am afraid of you? How can I not be after what you did to me? Now tell them or I will show them."

William and Gayle looked back and forth at their daughter and son-in-law. William finally spoke. "If you ever want to heal the relationship with us also you will do as he says. I don't want to see a video of what you did. The description was enough for me. I may lose my lunch and my supper if I have to view it. Your mother hasn't stopped crying for better than an hour. We are still trying to come to grips with the idea that our daughter could do something so heinous to someone she claims to love."

Bev looked at her mother and she just nodded her agreement with Chuck and William. Bev took a large drink of water and coughed a couple of times. "I am so sorry, Chuck. I knew I was wrong but I was so in control and full of lust at getting what I wanted that I went way too far."

She looked at her dad and continued. "I decided that while Chuck couldn't resist and I assumed sedated that I would do one more thing. We needed his sperm on Darcy so I stroked him until he was hard. I then lubed up my finger and massaged his prostate. His cock became very hard and I started to use more fingers on him. When he loosened up enough I got out a strap-on dildo and then I took his last virginity. I fucked him in the ass while Darcy stroked him off. He finally shot off a huge load of sperm and I thought he might have liked it. We then had everything we needed."

She stopped. The looks on her parents' faces were unreadable and damning at the same time. They actually looked like she was a stranger and someone they didn't want to know at all. She looked over at Chuck. "I am sorry that the medication wasn't also a sedative. I never thought to ask about whether you were able to be aware of what was happening. I thought that if you couldn't move a muscle that you would be unconscious also. I am so sorry for causing you such pain."

Chuck snorted. "I suppose now I should tell you what happened next." Bev slowly nodded. Maybe she didn't really want to know.

"I could barely walk. The drugs were still in my system and I wasn't very stable as I stood up. I bumped against the dresser and made your phone fall over. I grabbed it and hid it as I went down and out the door. I barely made it to my car. When I looked up the bedroom light was now dimmed and I knew that you were already back in bed with your new bitch. You didn't care a bit about how I was doing. My ass was hurting and later I found that I was bleeding. I barely made it to the Jenkins and went up and rang their doorbell. I knew that I was taking a risk so late at night. I wondered if I would get shot for waking them up.

They let me in and I told them the whole tale. At first they didn't believe me. Hell, I wouldn't believe me if I hadn't just gone through the whole ordeal wide awake, drugged by my loving wife and accused of raping a nice young girl. They believed me when I showed them the video. They immediately set out to investigate and are holding the evidence until I decide what to do. I can kill your career but at what harm to your parents, the kids and myself. It is still an option if I want it.

I then went to the nearest ER and checked in and had them perform a rape exam. That is where I discovered that you had torn my anus as you raped me. Funny that, you accuse me falsely of rape and then are guilty of the exact same crime. I sincerely hope you got an orgasm from that."

Bev shook her head in denial.

"No, well, someone should have gotten pleasure from that. Maybe your next cuckold will welcome your dildo loving. They also took a urine sample and blood samples to check for drugs. They were sent off to a large laboratory and I will know the results soon. They will also be added to the Jenkins stash of evidence. I am not extorting you in any way. I am not saying that you have to behave a certain way or I will destroy you. You now know that I can destroy you many ways both civilly and legally. You can explain why you are in prison if I so desire. I have not made my final decision.

The decision that I have made is that you will never profit from this whole ordeal. If you haven't noticed yet you are now the owner of the house and I hold the mortgage. Make one payment late and you are evicted. The patent was sold through a company and the money will never see American soil. You can get a judgment against me but you will never see the money. As far as you know it doesn't exist. After this next week I won't even have any assets and might even be unemployed. A south sea island is starting to look very good.

You and your lover can live together like you planned. You just have to figure out how to pay for it. Thomas was right when he said he could kill your career. Think long and hard before you say even one word to me ever again. Quit trying to find me and quit trying to get in touch with me. If and when I want to see or talk to you I will track your skanky ass down. Also, don't try to deny me my sons or they might even find themselves on a south sea island. They could learn how to surf.

You signed an agreement that Thomas provided. Honor it. There is some money for you. Anything the boys need will be immediately paid for. Their educations are guaranteed."

Chuck stood up. "William and Gayle, I am sorry that this happened. I believe she is a good mother and would never harm her children. Of course I will be watching very close as I never believed she could do something so heinous to me either. I wanted her to tell you the truth and would have allowed her to keep some of it private as I don't want someone's pity for what she did to me. But, she wouldn't tell you any facts about what she did so this had to happen. She will need your support if she doesn't comply with the agreement."

He turned back to his wife. "You and I will never know if getting butt fucked by your dildo might have actually turned me on. I will admit that I had a powerful orgasm but was it you or Darcy that accomplished that? I sincerely hope that she wakes up and figures out that she may be next if your desires change a little. You seemed to like inflicting pain on those you love. I hope she runs away from you and finds someone else."

He headed for the door. "Heed me or beware the consequences. I have the money to make your life a living hell."

With that he left. Thomas Wilkes went soon after. Bev sat in the chair for a while. Her father gave a disgusted snort and went to the back patio to smoke a cigar and try to decide what to do with such an evil offspring.

Gayle just sat there in complete shock. Her whole world was just about destroyed. If her husband walked out on her because she would support her daughter she didn't know what she would do. She looked at Bev.

Bev started to cry again when she saw the expression on her mother's face. She reached across the table and took her mother's hands in hers. Both were grieving. One for the loss of her daughter's innocence and the other for destroying her marriage and by default her life as she knew it.

Sometime later Gayle got up and went outside to inform her husband that she was driving their daughter home. He barely acknowledged her comments.

After she had dropped off Bev she returned home to find her husband in bed. He appeared to be sleeping but wasn't usually a back sleeper. She quickly changed into her nightwear and crawled into his embrace and cried herself to sleep. William didn't believe he even dozed a little.

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NitpicNitpic6 months ago

On the phone every night about the patent,rubbish.

mariverzmariverz12 months ago

Oye que historia tan mala.... Reiteró, no lo lean,ces horriblemente mala

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 1 year ago

There is no "Holding back" evidence of that type of crime. The hospital alone would report it. Whole lot of trouble for the two police officers and his lawyer.

CHUCK2468CHUCK2468over 1 year ago

And another thing. A good mother? Really? I know its fiction but are you on crack?

CHUCK2468CHUCK2468over 1 year ago

Don't know if iv3 commented on this trash before.

You have a talent for writing pages of drivel and utter rubbish. Glad I'm not the only one. Goes to show of this can pass for a story then anyone can write obvious this site.

Harsh? Yes. But then its easy. 0*

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