All Comments on 'Drugged and Raped Ch. 10 - Final Parts'

by Farmers_Son

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Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 6 years ago
Logic is not your strong suit

A story so lacking logic should not be submitted. This was really bad....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A flawed but fun read.

If I had any complaints beyond the vauge or not picky - it would be that the "natural death" of Bev and Darcy's relationship should have been gone into with a little more detail.. and this 6 pages together was MUCH better than reading through 1 page every couple days.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thanks for the End!

Out of the whole lot you made one mistake, but it is a big one:

You misspelled Chuck, it should be Chook, and than story would be OK.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Mercifully, this steaming pile of dog shit csm fimally be put to rest. Do the rest of us a favor, quit while you're behind.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
Bull Shit!

"Since the beginning of this whole disaster I just wanted to have her as my lover not my intended" - She never came to him and told him that she was bi and wanted Darcy to JOIN their marriage. She plotted to take control of their marriage and his money!

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1about 6 years ago
A festival for all the brain sick cuckolds out there!!!

What a bunch of crap!! More cuck/wimp wasnt possible. The pervert fans will applaud. But they are only here for wank material and not for real erotic and exciting pleasure!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
a modification of the battered spouse syndrome

1* nothing worthwhile here, he should have married Darcy and left the other in jail for her crimes

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I admit

i skimmed this story. But i think the author may give the Lite folks the idea of creating a new category: Totally Absurd.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
at least you tried

it wasn't revenge.

but you tried. he didn't rape, it was all consent. he didn't try to hurt, nor commit the same horrible psychological torture. nor did he make them both seek professional mental help, because they NEED it.

they over-reacted, because they are both pampered princesses that have a huge cognitive disconnect from their own reality and situation. but at least bev has no control over anything. that was good. i'm glad you provided a TINY bit of closure.

you have a real talent, but there was almost zero character development. it was strange. you did eventually try for some closure, so thank you. not all RAAC or BTB people are frothing mad like the majority of people on this site (degenerate cucks) seem to preach. so take w/e shitty comments you get with a grain of salt. it is the internet after-all. anon comments and "real name" users alike.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 6 years ago
I don't think I would have done it this way...

To me, what the wife did in the first chapter was pure evil. I think I would have either gone to the cops and put her in jail or moved out and kept contact with the boys until the money came in and then left with the boys (and settled somewhere else in the world) and found somebody else. In fairness to the author, hubby's method of reinactmrnt before reconcile did make some sense, but it sure was not erotic from my viewpoint. None of the characters were likable. Author did capture the angst among all parties very well.

kage440kage440about 6 years ago
Pretty Good

Giving it a 5. Not quite a BTB story, but sometimes its better off with her than without her. Different people need closure to whats happened and Chuck certainly got closure.

Also, keeping Bev on edge probably enhance the sex for a good long time. I thin they probably should have gotten psychological help for Bev after he got even with her to find out why she needed Darcy.

Other than that, very interesting plot and story line.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 6 years ago
Though I'm not an automatic fan of BTB stories

I think I might have expected a little more to happen to Bev and Darcy because they drugged and raped him.

Still, it was a good story, over all.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago

one and two need to go to jail and he gets the boys who don't see their mother again till they are grown. Fuck you for writing the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Illogical, POS story

Glad I didn't waste the time reading it; glancing over earlier comments & last few paragraphs confirms the idiocracy that this story devolved into.

Both women should be doing time for assault, rape, conspiracy, etc. Writing and thought processes like is why there is such an unbalance in the judicial system; if the genders we're switched you think the husband would be let off so easily???

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 6 years ago
You committed the cardinal sin for reconciliation.

In the first chapter, you painted the wife so evil there could never be reconciliation. She risked his life with illegal drugs, she had a lover, she raped him, and she conspired to blackmail him, to take his money and his kids away from him, or to at least have that option.

Then she became repentant when he escaped her evil clutches and forged a life without her? To make it even, they create rules for a pretend rape, drugging and illegal restraint? What rules did he have when she raped him with the strap-on? That part was just foolish. She was privy to the pretend rape, helped make the rules and had an out if the situation became too painful or disagreeable. She never experienced what he did, and what purpose would it serve if she did? Hopefully he would have more decency and honor than to rape, blackmail, and restrain someone against their will.

She cannot ever earn forgiveness for what she did to her husband. It simply cannot be done and this couple should never be reconciled.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

chuck got his revenge and proved his point and become the better individual by doing so much good, i would rather be like that than some bitter and twisted fucked up arsehole plus his kids got back their dad. what more could these miserable sad trolls on here want. took a bit to get there but the last chapter made it right

texaschucktexaschuckabout 6 years ago

Not the way I would have played it. But you know what it's your story so you can write however you feel like it. Overall not a bad story. It showed a lot of promise. Ignore the naysayers because you do have Talent. So what if the story does not go how others believe it should it comes back that it's your story. Just keep going.

Rw43Rw43about 6 years ago
Congratulations, Farmer's Son

You closed with a rush. That's an improvement. Instead of shoveling a small amount of manure with each posting, you dumped the rest of the truck all at once. You're denying me the chance to 2-bomb you 5 more times, but I'll give credit where it is due.

Good choice to close out the story.

Your concept of dialogue still sucks. It's nothing more than an endless string of alternating monologues. Your characters are stuck on having to explain all of their rationales to each other, which shows their total lack of empathy, love and trust. Now if they had these feelings prior to the occurrences in chapter one, my criticism would be a compliment ("See how the rape destroyed their relationship? "). Instead, I doubt any of these shallow characters were capable of any of those emotions at any time in a 15-chapter saga. (Yes, I know Chuck has told us many times that he used to trust Bev before the rape, but i would call his attitude 'assumed loyalty' far more than 'earned and developed trust'.)

But I will raise my score on this installment of your story to 4. Not because it was so good, but because I think you truly accomplished your purpose in telling this story. It's also why I congratulated you at the outset:

Incredible as it may be, you have spectacularly redefined for most of us what RAAC really means.

I had thought that I knew. Nope. Your portrait of a marriage in trouble but yet worth saving would be inspirational--if I thought they actually loved each other. So much of this reconciliation smacks of codependency, emotional inertia, and inadequacy--what parent seeks such unnatural affirmation from their four year-old?

Your continued criticisms of the flaws of the 'old' Chuck (poor lover, thinning hair, man boobs) can't help but tell us that he at least deserved a little of his wife's poor treatment, so he certainly doesn't deserve an upgrade, right?

I've always believed that love is the strongest positive motivation that we humans have, so I enjoy a well-done RAAC story. I don't find motivating love in this Reconciliation. I think Chuck just had an inability to move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
worst piece of trash i have ever read

you are fucked up in the head. she and the girl should be in jail for a long time.If a man had done what they did he would be in jail. you need a new hobby and give up writing

dragonmann72dragonmann72about 6 years ago
So I read the whole thing.

I like others complained that your story was taking to long way way you were doing it.As it was your story to end it any way you wanted I give you two thumbs up. I do feel that Chuck came out on the short end of the stick though. If money was Bev's only motivation I'm sure she could have cone out well no mater what. The fact that he started up his relationship with her would have negated his original misgivings.

If Chuck was as rich and powerful as you made him he could have just as easily forced her to except him having an extra partner, his being female also. If he was going to spend tons of cash to have her watched for the rest of their lives there was no love there anyway.

Please take the comments and grow from what you learn and your next story will be stellar. There is nothing wrong with a reconciliation story.

Lamson1Lamson1about 6 years ago

How people are digging this is absolutely beyond me. This whole story makes no sense and not one character acted as a real person would.

Chuck, of course, was an utter moron. Why he did not immediately file against Bev is nonsense.

And the most egregious and insulting bit was the bullshit that he thinks that no therapist would support him. EVERY SINGLE THERAPIST WOULD SUPPORT HIM AFTER WHAT HE ENDURED! Sure, maybe one or two new agey morons would have been in favour of Bev's desire to bring her side piece in...if it had been proposed in advance. Once she raped him - on fucking tape! - no one would have sided with Bev.

Honestly, Chuck deserves to live a miserable life for being as stupid as he is.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 6 years ago

Stories written by women have such an egotistical spin that they are difficult to read, "Oh whoa, poor me." I continued reading this one, waiting for some redeeming spin ; nope. This one's a "1". Appreciate the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I was hoping for everyone to die in a terrorist truck driving attack. So much for a happy ending.

FD45FD45about 6 years ago
You are Bev

By chapter 2, EVERYONE was howling about how short and inane these chapters were. You were told EVERY CHAPTER.

You didn't care.

And this chapter proves you had it all written out in advance. So it was stubborness and spite that kept you from maybe NOT spoon feeding us stupid chapters where all he did was wander around in the woods. A so called chapter.

Withering contempt for your readers is not going to win you any plaudits.

Now the story itself was almost Matt Moroeu-esque. He was for the most part pretty pathetic. For the most part.

I won't ding you on his mostly submissive qualities but it won't appeal to most readers here. There was a nice bit of revenge there. Trust me, she cared more about the money than the cock.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
not no, but HELL FUCKING NO

Saw that he was with Bev end of page 1, skipped to end saw they were now a couple again. Gave this a 1*, would give it lower if that was possible. Completely insane, illogical, brain dead conclusion. Complete was of electrons!

deadonedeadoneabout 6 years ago
I also vote for truck bomb also

can we have all of them in the truck when it goes, please!

FabGMxFabGMxabout 6 years ago
Sorry but this was a shipwreck since ch 1

This wull be the only review that make about this one. NO just NO, yourself killed this since ch 1, and yes it was obvious that youre trying to make this one a RAAC type story since Chuck doesnt present charges... this story was dead on water and whatever premise or character development that you were aiming was lost. RAACs are probably the most difficult story type to do right, so many aspects, so many angles... very few people here can pull one, and you certainly prove that are not capable. Bev its a psycho and a criminal, and Chuck well with the pass of the chapter any resolve or spine that he have was lost.

But my main grieve are your own words "As far as criticism goes, I don't care. You get what you pay for. I write what I dream up and this one took a life of its own. By the way it has eighteen chapters. I will post a couple of chapters each day." It is your story, and you do have the right to wrote it like you wanted... but the fact that youre unwilling to listen anybody that do have valid criticism for your story its proof of an inmature person, sorry farmerson, the moment that you choose to publish your story here, you open the door to critiscism of your work. And bitching about or ignoring that criticism paints you in a bad light.

I hope to be wrong, have a good day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Kinda of a fucked up ending to a good story

KeyDancerKeyDancerabout 6 years ago
Unbelievable reconciliation

After his rape & torture, there is NO conceivable way he could ever trust either of the two women, much less take food or water from them, or sleep anywhere near them. Completely implausible story, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
2*- 14 Chapters too long

I - unlike so many reviewers- know this is a story not real life.

I liked the plot beginning in chapter 1 until the friends / neighbors / police do not arrest or report the rape crime. Farmers_Son lost any chance for a credible plot. But it is his story. All chapters were grammatically / technically well written. The plot and drama of the husband recovering from the betrayal and rape had great potential. The author failed to capitalize and stretched the plot to the breaking point then broke it in the last chapter.

The chapters about what a great guy the husband was as he builds the house and community swimming pool / play ground were too long, too detailed and I didn’t care. I did not really understand that whole topic or why it was in the story.

I did not believe the husband would ever expose himself to his wife abusing him again. So he would not sleep with her.

I did not like the revenge or how it led to a RAAC ending. Wow a little sperm on Darcy and the psycho wife cannot love her. Revenge completed oh wait in the last paragraphs wife and Darcy are having sex like lesbian bunnies oh wait then their love has burned out and wife jokes about Darcy’s latest boyfriend lusting after hubby’s ass... so not funny and really out of left field.

This was well started then 14+ chapters of a mess.

Rw43Rw43about 6 years ago
BTW, Harddaysknight is exactly right

You killed your own story by portraying the wife as over-the-top evil back in chapter one. 15-17 chapters telling us why she did what she undeniably did doesn't change our perception of facts as YOU portrayed them.

Most stories for unaccomplished authors should be growth experiences. Because most of the discussion surrounding this story has focussed on the ridiculous rate of posting chapters or the unbelievable insistence on continuing a dead plot, I'm not sure you actually got to enjoy very much discussion about your storytelling style.

For that I'm sorry, because receiving well-thought feedback is your best means of improvement. Too bad we all felt we had to comment more on the crazy content than on the delivery, but uhmm, you chose the content.

Personally, I was glad to see you reserved some responsive actions for the later part of the story. Unlike some of your earlier work where ALL of the significant events occurred in the first chapter and the characters spent the remaining chapters dancing around those events and discussing their feelings regarding them, and then calling it reconciliation, in this story some retributive actions came near the ending and brought necessary resolution.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 6 years ago

I thought he would end up with Darcy. and leave the wife(bev) alone and Miserable. With the support of the In-Laws it wouldn't have taken much. But to let her live in his New House. Not happening.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing,I enjoyed the story. However, I didn’t find the husbands reactions to his predicament realistic in regards to character. Agreed he would want the best for his family, but to go so far as to support his nemesis to achieve that goal seemed out of character for him.

The initial magnitude of trauma in combination with half a year of emasculation, should amalgamate into more mature reflection, regardless of how one try’s to rationalize his portrayed situation

Anyway, good luck & thanks again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I enjoyed it

Thanks for posting. Not sure why you're getting the hate, your story was pretty good. There's always those people who think it's a news report instead of fiction. Probably they were butt-raped too much.

Impo_64Impo_64about 6 years ago
I agree with @Harddaysknight comment...but

I agree with @Harddaysknight comment: "She cannot ever earn forgiveness for what she did to her husband. It simply cannot be done and this couple should never be reconciled."...She didn't derserved it, but in the end her hand had an Ace of trumps: the new love of his life, his daughter Angie...That was the only way to reconciliation...3*

DreissenDreissenabout 6 years ago

Thanks for the great story! I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to seeing what you create next.

bruce22bruce22about 6 years ago

I agree completely with HDK's comments,

Further there was no way to repeat the rape scene, first because the utter helplessness

could not be reproduced without the drugs and second because she knows what he is doing whereas he did not have the slightest.

juderboyjuderboyabout 6 years ago

for fucking up a good story

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 6 years ago

there is no way he could trust and take her back after what she did to him.

i was pleased to see more than 1 page to this chapter

can't really see them staying together though.

26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago

I enjoyed chapters 1 through 4. Still had hope for 5 through 7, but you completely lost me in chapter 8 to the end. No way he could reconcile with someone who treated him as Bev did. Leaving her out of his will was not punishment enough for her evil.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Could someone rewrite the story after chapter #1......

The first chapter had such promise then it went into the toilet!

I have liked the other stories by Farmers _Son till now.

This story cries out to have a well thought out BTB ending.

Not just with a bullet but a good mind fuck for Bev with a complete loss for her.

Farmers_Son please read these comments and learn form them!

notredame43notredame43about 6 years ago
wow that was pitiful

ive read stuff of yours before and its been a mixed bag, some good, some not. THIS started out as over the top messed up and you keep them together, How high did you get to come up with that ending, Rape be it a man or woman is horrific to put it mildly, In a mans case, his sense of strength, masculinity , and so forth would be in doubt to the Nth degree. And THIS is how you wrapped it up. Ive read HDK's stuff and some I like some not so much, HE NAILED this. sorry 1 star for the whole deal. This is as bad as the new star wars movie and that's not a good thing'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
It probably WAS all your fault. Don't call the cops, Grovel and pleasure your rapist!

That's what this sick story is trying to say. And this writer wants to pretend that such behavior is normal for an abused rape victim. I have enjoyed most Farmers_Son's stories but so much of this story, in fact everything after the first chapter makes so little sense (Scratch that, no sense at all) to ANY reasonably thinking person. This was his own personal Titanic.

"Knowing that I had set you up and did all those things to Darcy to make it look like you had been drunk and attacked her, why didn't you blow up right there? I don't know but I might have reacted positively and tried to mend things right there if you had."

- Wow, that's big of her.She even conspired to rape him again while he foolished slept at her house after tying one on. He was probably drugged then too.

"I thought about counseling but I don't know if we would get a therapist that would agree that I have been wronged." -This is beyond belief! If she'd been charged like he should have done, they'd believe it!

"Modern thinking might state that I am the wrong one here and should embrace a poly marriage." - WTF! He is wrong? Same old have your cake and eat it sort of misandrist BS that always crops up in any MODERN feminazi relationship. I think the writer may be projecting here. Even a "modern" man does not suddenly take all leave of his senses.

"What can I do to make you whole again? What kind of sex do you want? I will do anything that you demand. Do you want to tattoo me with some kind of obscene tattoo? Do you want me to get my cunt lips pierced and then we will tie it up to close it so that only you can access it? What?" - Its easy. Just fuck off and die. No one this calculatingly evil should be inflicted on anyone.

He settles for her experiencing the same right? But no - she gets some ground rules. Part of the horror was that there were no rules. She just spring it on him. And afterwards she prattles on about his revenge being meant to get them back together! It's revenge bitch! His DESIRE for revenge is the only realistic thing about this story and the immediate results of the revenge are pretty well reasoned. Bravo for that at least

But then after winning back some much needed kudos Farmers_Son pulls the dreaded RAAC that this has forshadowed from chapter 2 with all the horible fairytale cheese that describes the fantasy marriage.

For fucks sake, now the pregnancy makes sense, after all she still wants him for his money. But a normal guy would insist on a DNA test! Yuk. What a mess This story started shipping water in ch2 and I see now the smart readers abandoned ship then.

Not prosecuting? Calling off the order of protection? - Bad mistake!

TLDR: RAAC. Plausibility sank without a trace.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

One of the worst ever. A complete waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
1 star

I can't believe I read this whole waste of time. I thought he was gonna grow some balls not a pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A complete waste of effort

Perhaps the glimmer of something interesting in the beginning that rapidly fell away.

The worst story I have read in a while.

Shame on me for bothering with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I felt that some of the commenters were more angry than they needed to be. Then however, I flipped the genders in my mind and was appalled by what I found.

A wife is violently raped as part of a plot to force her to accept her husband's lover? A wife is threatened with a false accusation which would probably be believed and result in jail time for her? Kids held hostage? He tries to take control of all of the couple's assets to keep her dependent and powerless? Then he claims remorse so she leaves the shelter and returns to him as his wife? She doesn't mind when he jokes about her having enjoyed being sexually assaulted?


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
I admit to not reading...

this entire chapter (or many of the intermediate chapters for that matter!), but I'm puzzled by Darcy's boyfriend. Back in chapter one, she wanted nothing to do with men! Hell, if she was willing, maybe he would have been up for a threesome if he got some time with Darcy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
An addition to the story with the genders reversed

How about where the wife reports the attack and the police agree with her to shield her husband from the law because she asks them to?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great potential but failed to deliver

Not sure how things work on the USA but this side of the pond the cops would have had to report the fiasco to Children's Services in Chapter 1. A mother and her lover (it makes no difference as to gender) drugged and raped her husband and filmed it. There is a serious risk that she might do the same to her sons.

No sane person would take her back let alone allow her to continue having a side relationship with someone who participated in the assault.

With her breaching the order and attending his place of work so early the reality is he would have called the cops and she would have been removed.

Fact is here he would have had no choice in whether to prosecute and with video evidence she would have served time.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 6 years ago
Interesting concept

But in the end it didn't really work , the wife to do what she did was a cold bitch of a person and his reconciliation with her didn't add up, they ended up in a relationship where she never really understood how horrible a thing she did and ended up getting what she wanted despite what she did. Someone truly sorry would have broken off w Darcy and focused on chuck....and in the end whole they end up together it is a relationship based on mistrust and unsaid issues,other than sex bev might as well be a paid whore. It wasn't reconciliation,it was throw a coat of gold paint on a pile of rusty scrap and call it gold

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This should have been A BTB story. Oh now I get it he was the one that got burnt. Because she got what she wanted from the start.

ptolmetptolmetabout 6 years ago
Lover gets to stay?

She offers to never see Darcy again if he asks? It should have been the very first thing she did if she wanted her husband back and he should not have to ask for it. He was insane to allow Darcy to move in with them. Then she is upset because his sperm is on her lover? She should have been upset at her lover cheating on her as part of her “feeling what he felt”. Plus how can she process to love him and be disgusted by his sperm? Did not have to be BTB but come on! He needs to have some balls.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thanks for the effort. Really went off the rails, didn't it? Is this what you originally intended?

I get the impression this was conceived on the fly, not fully thought out and scripted. So a lot of it seemed disconnected or disjointed from previous chapters. She's so adverse to sperm that she is disgusted that his sperm was on Darcy, but then she later agrees to let him fuck her mouth and she swallows his sperm? Her original attraction to Darcy was emotional and intellectual, but later in the story Darcy is just a Lesbian sex object, as she needs her husband for conversation and solace. And the reconciliation is based on, what? There was no love, no respect, no compassion, and no trust.

So it was a good plot and dramatic beginning, but whimpered away into a puzzling pointless reconnection without basis or logic. Thanks for the effort. I hope your next story makes more sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
1* Looney Tunes Plot and Characters

Wimp Cuck Crap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Why can't I score this as a "ZERO" that it is . . .


fisheronefisheroneabout 6 years ago

Wife got to feel part pf the husbands grief

WiserbyageWiserbyageabout 6 years ago
Good Story

Hey Anonymous, life is better when you can comment w/o knowledge of your name and face, isn't it? Can you even perform with a woman? I doubt it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

As if anyone knows Wiserbyage's name and face. That was one of the most retarded comments I've ever had the misfortune of reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

First of all, rape is a crime of violence not sex. It is inconceivable that the criminal justice system (though there is scant justice to be found in it) would not become involved with this mess. Chuck would require counseling and treatment likely for a long period of time. However, in your story, none of that happens. Okay, you write it how you like. Not sure that you in any way, shape or form make a case for reconciliation. Psychotic ex-wife rapes him again but the orgasm is great so he allows a rapprochement. No way! This second rape would likely break down a few sanity fences and make Chuck either catatonic or homicidal. Finally, even those firmly in the tit for tat camp should agree that one rape doesn’t cancel another; it makes everyone and everything worse. I like a good reconciliation story- this just wasn’t good at all. Suggest you read some books on character arcs. Or writing in general. Ugh! I have to wash my mind out with soap.

WordcraftWordcraftabout 6 years ago

let's see . . . the wife tried to screw her husband over so she could have the house, her lover, the kids, and her husband. In the end that's what she got. So, what was the point of the story?? zero stars for an unrealistic, unbelievable story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Couldn't finish this awful story

I'll never know how it ends, couldn't stomach anything past page 1. Husband deserves to live with his psycho lesbian adulterous rapist wife. What kind of person writes a story where rape isn't a big deal and the victim moves in with perp? Sick.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Intriguing idea

Intriguing idea but becomes more and more unbelievable as the plot unfolds.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I cannot rate this

As a young man of eleven I suffered at the hands of my babysitter and her friends. Yes, my body spewed semen at their manipulation, and yes they penetrated me and yes I was emotionally and mentally screwed up for years! So no, while I lean towards the btb side I also enjoy reconciliation where feasible and possible WHICH IT WAS NOT HERE! Both of the females deserved to go to jail! Both deserved to be on the sexual registry as predators. If his wife wanted a lover, then she should have no problem letting him have as many as he could get! She wanted her lover to live with them? Is he completely insane? She obviously was, and since he had the video then he should have grabbed the boys and run. He owed her nothing, regardless of being the mother to his two sons, she was nuts! She couldn’t stand his semen on or in her lover, well boo hoo for her! Sometimes you just have to cut the cancer out of your life, and that’s what she is!

Not your finest hour....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Couldn't finish this awful story (reply)

Unfortunately this is a common occurrence many places (rapist marries a rape perpetrator). When I was working in the Oil fields in the Mideast, that was not uncommon. Man rapes girl, then the girl is forced to marry her rapist. Unfortunately the Mid-east is not the only place this happens.

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimalmost 6 years ago
I'm tired

I read this because it had an interesting premise. But between meandering into highly detailed real estate deals, and no discussion of a cure for lethally dangerous psychotic sociopaths, I now realise that there should be elves and fairies and dragons in it. It would be a whole lot more believable.

Sorry - I do try to be more positive in my comments, so... It was an interesting premise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
The bitch was crazy

And nothing in this story justified the reconciliation. Forget burning her I’d honestly divorce her to protect the kids. The way you wrote her I do not think she’s healthy mentally.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Biggest pile of SHIT I have ever skipped through on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Why Would He Have Not Just Called The Cops

Reading through all of your stories I find that there is something dramatically wrong. I am sorry that you have buried pain that you are carrying around inside you. No I do not think that this happened to you, but a form of unresolved pain still haunts you. Reread your stories and focus on the emotions you feel and the place in the story that they come to you. If you wish to use your writing to help release deeply held issues fine then do so. But own them, feel them and learn from them. And please do not let a desire for a fairy tale healing complete with a contrived happy ending delude you. Use your pain and it’s outcome to tells stories, not wishful thinking. Rationalizations may help get you through the day but will fail in helping you through life. You have skills use them to help yourself. Sorry if I sound preachy, all the best and keep on writing.

Thank You

BigDee44BigDee44almost 6 years ago

Bev clearly had to be mentally ill to do the things she did to Chuck. She should have been seeing a psychiatrist at the very least. And all the mistrust issues, as outlined at the end, again clearly show there should not have been a relationship going forward. And I clearly should not have accepted my fate in my marriage, either.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Sucked. Don't read. RAAC with a verified psychotic wife.....

Who raped, emasculated and intended to blackmail and extort her husband for money and access to their sons.

And he takes that vile excuse for a wife back? You gotta be kidding?

Fuck n. That's how he ended it folks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

If he took her back he should have made it conditional on her lover being his three holed slut when ever he wanted

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fucking worse ending ever!!!!!!

This pushes even Matt Moreau's pussy antagonists aside.

He gets back with his wife?????

After she has a lesbian affair, drugs him, rapes him, frames him for rape, threatens to take away his kids, house and patent income??

Really? Show of hands please. Who here would do that.

I think the author and MM should suck and sosomize each other. But please stop writing.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 5 years ago
I Tried

The originality of the premise fascinated me. I was curious where the story would go since the wife was constructed as such an evil, psychotic bitch. Imagine my surprise when the author manipulated all sense of logic and avoided even the smallest iota of reality to come up a pathetically contrived ending. It's really badly thought out. The 1 page chapters were puzzling and annoying too. Maybe the author simply doesn't like readers. Who knows?

chytownchytownover 5 years ago
There Is A Old Saying**

Your story went from sugar to sh-t in one long dumb chapter. Sorry!!

Ocker51Ocker51over 5 years ago
Totally Absurd

I have waited until the end to comment, so please can anyone tell me what type of father would leave his two defenceless children in the care of a sexual predator? No courts anywhere would allow a sexual predator to get custody of there children. This story went from being a little silly to being totally absurd. An hour of my life I will never get back⭐️

xtchrxtchrover 5 years ago
If Ever...!

If ever there was a woman who deserved the ultimate of the true meaning of BTB, this is her. This should have been an 'over the top' BTB story. As a matter of fact for this evil woman, there could never be an 'over the top' BTB. She would deserve anything and everything that would happen to her. There are some things that just cannot be forgiven or forgotten.

Reconciliation- No Frigging Way!

Thanks for the story, that started out so well, but ended so horribly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The white male gets pathetically emasculated in the usual vanilla Literotica fashion

Raises his kids with a sociopath that very well might rape them at some point and becomes a rich man who rationalizes staying with his worst abusive enemy.

argeelogargeelogover 5 years ago
Way too tame

I agree with others that Bev should have experienced a true BTB ending. In the final analysis, she got what she wanted in the first place; her lesbian lover lived with them after all. Shitty outcome even though it was a well told tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

That any man could forgive the level of disrespect and inconsiderate treatment is just not plausible. How could he ever go to sleep with this person who tried to kill him?

This is just one of the worst pieces of shit RAAC I've ever seen.Why didn't he just send her ass to jai at the outset of this story and find himself someone to love? Someone who wasn't batshit crazy.

HikingThruHikingThruover 5 years ago
why tolerate a lover?

Why is a female lover so often accepted, compared to a male lover? Makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I know it's fictiion

But those women should be spending twenty to life not raising kids and being close to innocent citizenry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What bullshit!

He should of just fucked Darcy in all three holes so then he could have her any time he wanted her. Because of what his wife did to him, she didn’t deserve any kindness from him. Darcy was a better fuck since she hadn’t given birth to two kids so her pussy would still be tight!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This was a rubbish story. Nothing here for me. I wasted my time ploughing through it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What in the actual phuq?!?

How is it humanly possible for someone to phuq up a great story so completely?!? You took a great story 10 stars at the least, and changed that shit into a garbage story that deserves -100 stars! What the phuq is wrong with you?!?

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 5 years ago
Wow, what a complete waste of time this was

I really need to start reading the comments BEFORE I read the stories, especially long ones like this with multiple chapters.

I really thought he would at least lay a few loads down inside of Darcy's mouth and pussy. NOW THAT would have at least been some sort of revenge.

If my wife ever drugged me and did something with someone else, male or female, I don't think they would ever find the bodies. And then to get Pegged by her as well? C'mon, no one short of a pervert who likes that sort of thing would even entertain the possibility of going back with their wife, no matter how hot she is.

This story was a complete dud for me and as such, has turned me off on reading any other stories yet tonight. I'm not sure I will be able to ever read another of yours and I had already read 3 of them I thought were halfway decent, not great but halfway decent.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 5 years ago
Good Story, but the ending in the last 2 chapters was poor

I can't understand how he would even consider going back to his wife after she drugged him (could have killed him), raped him, and had planned to set him up for rape. There is no way he could have ever trusted her. He should have divorced her, and probably also ruined her - i.e. criminal prosecution for rape, loss of her job, etc... The ending just wasn't realistic given what she did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Damn, dude.

What part of being drugged and raped did you forget? Or, maybe you decided you kinda liked it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
An absolute vomit story

How you could have them get back together is beyond me. There's simply no way any man would sleep under the same roof, let alone in the same bed, as the bitch. A few of the low lites. You don't "adjust" a restraining order. You got the legal things with his so-called Company so wrong I don't know where to start or stop. You've got the planning commission stuff and his house so wrong I just laughed. When you had him fuck his ex-wife I threw up my dinner. When you had him go back to her and let her keep Darcy, I threw up my other lung. This is, without a doubt, the worst story I've read on Literotica. And you dragged it out over 10 chapters. BARF!

YouamiYouamiabout 5 years ago
Christ on a stick! How to ruin a potentially great story


Man, I enjoyed your multi-chapter tale....until I came to Chapter 9 and worst of all Chapter 10. You had developed a great plot with well drawn characters....only to have succumbed to a brain fart that was translated to a RAAC. When I got to this part of the story, I lost any sympathy for Chuck. The reenactment of that hideous night of anal rape was not a true reenactment, and therefore whatever purpose it was supposed to have served was rendered impotent. And to top it off, Darcy gets the mystical sperm bath which turns her into a straight, and the cruel and entitled Bev into .....well what? As I read the last couple of paragraphs, I wasn't sure whether Chucky, Bev and Darcy had learnt anything from their experiences. Chuck gets to enjoy his megabucks, but will forevermore wonder if Bev is going to screw his ass sometime in the future. I acknowledge the effort it took for you to construct this story, but I would encourage you to have folks you trust read and assess your draft before hitting the Submit button.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Should have separated Darcy from Bev first thing.

Darcy goes back to her parents never see nor communicate with Bev again, Chuck's lawyer gets two restraining orders on day 1, Bev from Chuck and Darcy from Bev. Otherwise charges get filed.

Damn RAAC.

You turned your characters inside out to get it, and you ignored all their inner turmoil. By Ch 4 or 5 you threw away what would have been a great story if you had stayed true to the initial conditions.

Chuck would NEVER build a house for the two of them plus Bev's lover. This was totally opposite to his expressed desire at the the beginning -- "wanting Bev on the street before she could ever benefit from the money".

mark73107mark73107almost 5 years ago
He should have destroyed both of them...

But no your fag mind wouldn't let him be strong enough to do it.

And you mister author, you are no better than pond scum that clings to dead things sitting in rancid water.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
No way.

Two stars. Not a story that will go anywhere. Normally if this type of thing was done to a husband or wife for that matter, it would only be until the injured person got away. Ruining the guilty spouse's life and reputation would be a given. I would also suspect the injured person could look forward to many years of being looked after by a good councilor.

justwetwojustwetwoalmost 5 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for writing this. I admit I don't care for the storyline or the resolution but it was well written technically.

The primary sticking point for me is that Bev, the antagonist, never paid for her choices. The second one is that Chuck, the protagonist, is a schmuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Wow this ended poorly. How often does rape work out so well in real life?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This ish had to be either written by a phuqing woman or a phuqing wimpy cuck!🤢

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
O stars

Wow, this was just rubbish. How he could even take her back and then let her continue sleeping with her lover, ultimate wimp. Just 10 chapeters of rubbish.

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 5 years ago
Um... how exactly does that work...

"You bastard, you knew that I would never be able to kiss her or lick her pussy again if there was any chance that sperm might have been deposited there."

So, she's so *repulsed* by sperm that even having it touch her lover once will turn her off or her? So how exactly does she manage to touch herself after he's cum in or on her own body...?

"You came in me! Now I have to kill myself!?" Or he sprayed a circle of cum on the floor and now she's stuck in the circle forever? Sheesh...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Bad ending

It was an ok story right up to the last chapter, then it just became ridiculous. The only way you could be in a room with that woman was if you had a couple of bodyguards. Either keep away from her or destroy her. Reconcile NEVER!!!!

meucimeucialmost 5 years ago
narcissistic bitch and absolutely stupid man

I know this is fiction, but what kind of man would even consider taking her back. She wouldn't wonder if i screwed her little girlfriend for that last thing i would have taken the bitches mask off and give her eyes time to adjust. Then I would have committed the ultimate disrespect. Not only would I have fucked her when I finished I would have wiped my dick under her nose so she could have smelled it. Then I would have scooped some cum out of Darcy and scooped some in her mouth on her lips and lubed her ass with it to only Use the biggest dildo they had in her ass. Then I would have got dressed and left . You heard in one of the last few paragraphs that now she wasn't going to be satisfied until she got to see him really go down on another guy. I think it was a good story but the last part I felt was really rushed. she has already proved by drugging him that if she wanted it bad enough she would do anything to get it.

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