Early Retirement


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You know the story about the best laid plans of mice and men, well, it's true. The problem with cams is getting the damn thing to communicate, first with a Wi-Fi signal then with the receiver, which in my case was my tablet computer. I worked for hours trying to establish a link but I was unable to make the connection. Wi-Fi in your own home is so much easier than in a hotel. I could not get the transmitter in the cam to connect to the hotel's Wi-Fi. Maybe the problem was the cam but I never got a connection.

I felt like a duck without water. I was in a room near Amy but had no clue about she was doing. So I called her and she answered straight away. "Ed, you never call this early, are you ok?"

"No I'm not ok. I was just taking a nap and dreamed of a strange man making out with you. It was so real, I had to call and hear your voice."

"You know you can trust me."

"Thanks, I feel better already, I just needed to hear you. I miss you so much."

"I'm going to change to go out to dinner and will call you as soon as I return to my room, I promise. I love you."

"OK, speak to you in a couple of hours. I love you so much. Don't go flashing your boobs on Bourbon Street!"

She just laughed.

I slipped into her room while she was gone and left a dozen red roses in a vase. I had placed a card so she would see it and it simply said "so you won't forget me."

She called me straight away after returning to her room. I answered immediately and asked her about dinner. She said it was good and had enjoyed the company of a couple of other female HR chiefs. She thanked me for the roses and I asked her to put her phone on facetime so I could see them. Amy was a little careless and I could see her blouse undone and asked her about it. She said she was getting ready for bed.

We finally said goodnight. How was I going to endure through two more days of this? I knew the bastard was with her at every opportunity. Had he already fucked her?

Friday afternoon when the conference ended I was hiding in the bar when they went up to her room. I gave them forty-five minutes and could not wait a second longer before opening the door and entering her room.

Amy still had her skirt on but it was pushed up to her waist exposing her thong and I could see he had two fingers vigorously working inside her cunt. David was sucking on her nipples and her eyes were closed. I could tell she was close to an orgasm. They were so heavily making out they were both oblivious of my presence. I took several photos and a short video with my cellphone.

Finally, tired of the show, I grunted and Amy immediately became aware of my presence so she pushed David from her and tried to sort out her clothes. I flat out told him to get the fuck out of the room before I beat him up. He wasn't threatened by me but feeling humiliated he left.

"Darling wife would you like to tell me what exactly is going on?"

"Oh Ed, I am so sorry I got into this mess. I've been so confused; I am not sure what to do. I love you but I crave the attention I get from David."

"What is his name and how long has this been going on?"

"David Becker and I started talking to him when I attended the first conference and our conversations have just continued at every conference since."

"Ok, except you no longer just talk do you?"

"No, we have started kissing and I have allowed him to fondle my breasts."

"I find it hard to believe that is all that's happened, however, are you aware that the next step will be full sex? I mean you were undressed and your cunt was full of his fingers when I entered the room."

"I did not intend to allow it to go that far."

"Doesn't kissing and fondling turn you on? How will you be able to resist him going further if he hasn't already? I bet you are wet as a drowned rat now."

Amy turned around on the bed and started crying, then she asked if I would stay the weekend with her. She didn't trust herself to be alone with the bastard. She laid there until she drifted off to sleep and I watched her for an hour before waking her. Her eyes were red and swollen.

I was extremely angry and hurt but I told her let's dress up and go out to dinner then dancing. Let's have a good time and try to put this mess behind us. If you want me to stay with you then I will. That bastard won't get near you again.

She had nothing but sexy clothes to wear, obviously all newly purchased. She was embarrassed as I watched her dress in her half bra with her nipples exposed followed by thong and thigh high stockings. Then she put on a figure hugging black dress with heels. I told her that I knew she had only brought sexy clothes and I was hurt because she was wearing clothing for David that she wouldn't wear for me. She apologized and said "I will wear whatever you ask in the future." I wondered what the future would hold.

Dinner was good, in fact I ate too much and felt like a slug afterwards. We went back to the hotel bar. The dance floor was crowded and Amy wanted to dance. Because of my exercise program I was in much better shape and was able to dance without getting tired and we really had a good time. I excused myself to go the bathroom and when I returned Amy was not at our table.

I found her on the dance floor in the arms of David. I was having none of this so I interrupted them and advised him he to keep his hands off my wife. Not just now but also in the future and added that he was lucky I didn't trash him this afternoon. Amy tried to smooth things over and I just told her to be quiet.

Becker is about six inches taller than me and must weigh at least fifty pounds more and was not intimidated by me. He just laughed and asked how a wimp like me could back up that threat. Like a bully he took the first punch and caught me off-guard. I was on my back and momentarily saw stars. The side of my face felt like it was on fire.

I finally struggled to my feet and faced him. Despite such a mismatch in sizes he rushed me and I just side stepped and tripped him. He again came at me like a mad man and I landed four solid punches as I danced around him. My gym training was paying off. I am sure his pride was hurt but he kept coming and I kept punching, finally he slowed down and left himself open so I kicked him in the balls. Then I connected with a left and right combination which put him on the floor. For good measure I kicked him in the balls again. That felt good.

He said "enough." He was laying in the fetal position holding his balls obviously in pain.

I looked down at him and said "leave my wife alone or I won't be so kind next time."

I backed away looking for Amy and saw her rushing to David's side. That proved her loyalty and who she wanted to be with so I paid the bill and left. The barman saw everything and said he would smooth it with the police as the other guy threw the first punch. I left saying I didn't want to press charges, however, maybe in hindsight I should have.

I didn't see Amy again that night as I spent the night in my old room. I don't know if she spent the night in her room or not. The next morning, after removing the cam, I checked out and flew home.

The next day Amy was due to arrive back from New Orleans. I was in the kitchen drinking coffee with my suitcases packed when she arrived.

"Ed, why did you leave Friday night?"

"Amy, why should I stay? I didn't see us having much of a marriage left. You decided who you wanted to be with and it wasn't me."

"I'm sorry but you hurt David and I was concerned for his injuries."

"Have you forgotten who threw the first punch? Look at my eye, does it look normal to you?" My eye was totally black and still swollen, I could just barely see. "I know you spent Friday night with that bastard and most likely all day Saturday and that night too. You must be well fucked by now."

"I didn't have sex with him."

"I'm tired of your lies. I'm leaving and you will hear from my lawyer this week. We have had thirty years of happiness and now you have thrown it away for a weekend with some worthless piece of shit. Are you aware that he had been charged by the police three times for sexual harassment?"

"Ed, no I didn't know that."

"You have lied and deceived me for the past several months. I cannot tell you how much you have hurt me. I was on to your little game almost from the beginning."

"I'm so ashamed, I beg your forgiveness."

"So, Amy, did you fuck David after I left?"

"No, he pressured me terribly but I didn't."

I asked, "how can you prove it?"

"I can't you will just have to take my word for it."

"So, you are saying I can believe what you say and trust you? Why should I?"

"I'm telling the truth."

I pulled up her skirt and discovered she wasn't wearing panties and her pubic hair was very matted but I couldn't tell if it was cum or not. "What do you say to that and where are your panties? I assume that was from this morning just before you left."

"I'm sorry, it was only one time, please believe me. After the beating you gave him he couldn't get out of bed until this morning. He came to my room just as I was leaving for the airport and demanded we have sex. He bullied me until I finally consented."

I picked up my suitcases and said "my lawyer will be in touch, be prepared to be destroyed." And I left.

The fucking bitch had betrayed me despite all my efforts to save her. She had no intentions of staying faithful to me that weekend. She would have cheated regardless of what I had done. If not that weekend certainly the next time. I was finished.

Amy's Story:

A little over year ago I was promoted to Chief of HR. It is a very prestigious job and I was proud of my new position. Everybody, including my husband, Ed, could see that I had become a changed woman, but I never did.

Part of my job was to attend the quarterly meetings along with the other HR Chiefs. There at the first conference I met David. He was also an HR Chief but from another state.

David always found me and never missed an opportunity to flirt. The first two conferences that I attended all we did was flirt and stay up late talking, drinking and then he started touching me. He always asked if I wore sexy underwear and if not would I buy some for him.

The third conference he started kissing me. I was flattered by his advances but I had to keep reminding him I was a happily married woman and didn't want to have an affair. That didn't stop the kissing and then he got his hand inside my blouse and fondled my breast. I kept my resolve and didn't allow David to do anything else although he certainly tried. I had purchased thongs and other sexy underwear but David didn't have an opportunity to see everything. I told myself he was harmless and just enjoyed his company. He was several years younger than me and I have to admit I was deeply flattered by all the attention from a younger man.

Then after returning from this conference I was too tired to do my own laundry and asked Ed to do it. He found a thong in my dirty dress pants. Ed had asked for years for me to wear them and now he found one in my dirty clothes after a business trip. I was so embarrassed but acted like I bought them for him.

He accused me of having an affair, which I simply told him I had not. That was somewhat of a half-truth. I had not had intercourse but I was deceiving Ed by having what I considered a platonic affair with David. I did feel that Ed knew more than he was disclosing but I denied everything.

I felt my husband watching me very closely as the next conference approached on the horizon. I had to pack my sexy clothes separately and hid them in the car as he kept checking my suitcase.

After arriving at the conference we had a meeting straight away and after that meeting ended David and I went to my room. He was kissing and pawing at me as soon as the door was closed. I allowed him to remove my blouse and my bra but stopped him going further. I have big nipples and loved having them sucked and he did a good job. His actions did arouse me and I was finding it more difficult to push him away. Suddenly, my cellphone rang and it was Ed. He said he wanted to hear my voice but it was enough of a distraction to send David on his way but I agreed to meet him for dinner.

Dinner was lovely and once again we returned to my room. I knew it was dangerous as David really wanted to have sex with me. Ed had sent roses and that reminded me of my vows so again I kicked David out of the room.

David would have had sex with me during lunch the next day but we ran out of time. He had gotten me down to my underwear and I was ready for it but our lunchtime was over and we had to return to the conference. We both told each other we would resume at the end of the day. How did I allow it to go that far?

The afternoon seemed to drag by but finally we were in my room again and this time David had pushed up my skirt and pushed my thong aside and fingered me. He stopped kissing me and started sucking on my big nipples and I was so close to an orgasm when I heard a grunt from someone else in the room. I don't know how long Ed had been in the room but I am sure he got an eyeful. He kicked David out and then laid into me. I was so ashamed. I tried to assure him that David and I had not had sex but he didn't believe me.

He said I was cheating by just kissing and fondling, illicit phone calls, and deception. Not to mention all the sexy underwear and clothes I had bought to wear for David. I had not thought of my situation that way but he was right. I told him I was ashamed and asked him to stay the weekend with me.

I could have stayed in bed the remainder of the weekend and cried but finally Ed said "let's go out to dinner and enjoy ourselves." I was completely embarrassed getting dressed in front of Ed in my racy underwear and clothes. I had never worn anything like that for him. That made me feel even more guilty.

We enjoyed dinner and then went dancing in the hotel. We danced several slow songs and were really having a good time till Ed went to the bathroom and David appeared. He forced me to have a slow dance with him knowing how Ed would react. He wanted to make my husband jealous.

David is a big man, much bigger than my husband but and was an excellent dancer for his size. Ed interrupted our dance and told him to stay away from me. David called Ed a wimp and tried to bully him, then he hit Ed in the side of the head and I thought he was knocked out, but he was only stunned and slowly got back to his feet.

David called Ed several more names and tried to hit him again but this time Ed was ready and hit him back, in fact several times and then David was on the floor. He looked hurt and so I went to his side to see if I could help him. Ed thought I was taking David's side and left the hotel.

I didn't think Ed would hurt a flea and here he just beat the shit out of a man much larger than himself. Where did this man that I was married to come from? He was overweight and out of shape yet he squared away against David like he fought every day. To the best of my knowledge Ed had never lifted a finger against anyone. This was so out of character.

I managed to get David back to his room and stayed with him. He was hurting bad and was in pain. He was a little better on Saturday but still remained in bed. We ordered room service and I kept ice packs on his face and chest. I said goodbye to him Saturday night. He looked better but was still not functioning as normal. We did not have sex or even cuddle.

Sunday morning, I was running late and rushing to pack in order to make my early morning flight when David knocked on the door. I opened the door and he burst in and was all over me demanding we have sex before I left. He was acting like a bully and finally he pushed me face down on the bed and pulled my dress up around my waist. He removed my thong and was preparing to enter me when I said "the only way you are going to fuck me is with a condom." I was trying to put him off by saying that knowing neither of us had one. He came prepared and pulled one out of his pocket and I watched as he pulled it on. Then he just rammed his huge dick into me from the rear. He was brutal and didn't care about anyone but himself. I was used to a less robust fucking and this was just the opposite. I couldn't help myself but I got aroused and before I knew it I felt wave after wave came over me as I orgasmed. Maybe it was the newness of a such a different cock or the brutality of the way he fucked me but he pushed all my buttons. David continued his assault until he finally came as well. Even though I was physically and emotionally shattered I got up and tried to clean myself but I just smeared my juices across my pubic hair causing it to matt. I didn't have time to find my thong or properly clean myself so I just grabbed my bags and left while still leaking pussy juice.

I was so ashamed that I just sat in shock on the way home. I didn't even go to the bathroom and properly clean-up which turned out to be a big mistake. I was pleased to be home but found Ed's face a mess where David had hit him. We argued back and forth until I finally confessed to being fucked that morning but Ed never gave me a chance to explain. After arguing he left and I just collapsed in shock as I realized my marriage had just collapsed.

In retrospect, I guess I had teased David all weekend and did give him the impression we were going to have sex so his reaction should not have been totally unexpected. I should have been able to put him off and I regret even opening the door. Never the less, the sex was consensual and I had cheated and with Ed leaving and the looming divorce I got what I deserved.

Ed's story:

I checked into the Hilton and realized I needed to speak to my children and let them know what was going on. Using the conference call function of my phone I talked to them and explained my plans for a divorce from their mom. They were both shattered that their mom would do such a thing. We were all crying when we hung up.

Within minutes Amy was calling and now I was the bastard. "How could you tell our children and turn them against me?"

I said, "wait a minute, are you now saying I betrayed you, hid a relationship from you for months and then fucked a sexual predator? I'm confused, I thought you were the one who deceived me and then cheated?"

Amy just hung up the phone.

That night in the hotel I sent several screenshots to David's wife. The screenshots showed him in all the photos first with him kissing Amy then with her topless in bed and finally several with David sucking Amy's breasts and fingering her. I might be an angry husband but I wanted my pint of blood and someone else should share my pain.

The next morning, I called my lawyer who referred me to an excellent divorce lawyer. I went to the bank and split the money 50/50 including my severance pay and 401K. That was more than the bitch deserved. I canceled all the credit cards and then got one in just my name. Amy's cellphone belonged to the hospital.

I saw the divorce lawyer that afternoon and instructed him to go for the jugular. I was tired of being the nice guy. Also, he was instructed to serve Amy at his earliest convenience.

I finally thought I was thinking rationally and called the hospital CEO, who's office was in Atlanta. He is a busy man but I managed to beg five minutes of his time. I explained about how David Becker had serially seduced my wife at the HR conferences. Also, I had copies of all the emails to back up my story. I asked why the hospital would hire an administrator who had been charged with but not convicted of several cases of sexual harassment? Surely anyone having more than one charge against them should raise red flags. Didn't they do background investigations? He was stunned and didn't have an answer but promised he would investigate. I asked for his fax number so I could send a copy of the emails. I told him I also would email further photographic evidence if he wanted it. Finally, he wanted to know what I wanted. I wanted Becker fired. I told him that my wife had been hunted down and seduced by a sexual predator and she shouldn't be disciplined because of this mess. There was no reason for Amy to lose her job.