Ed! I Want You to Have an Affair


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Cathy looked in on us and said, "Dale Allan Britton left the District attorney's office four months ago because he could no longer work for him and started his own practice. I faxed his office everything we have so far, and he is waiting for you. You better get going."

"Ed, give Dale my love and best wishes," Cheryl said, "And tell him we still miss him."

I headed out the door to meet that man who was headed to the supreme court with the woman's right to life movement over Roe Versus Wade. The way he looked at the law and how to apply it was setting everything he got involved with upside down.

Things were becoming clearer. Grace and I started having problems in our marriage just after she started working for Luke Barrow. That was the same time that I got promoted to sales manager and had to begin my twenty-four hours turn around trips for sales meetings.

If they were still having an affair every Thursday night, I had been their unknowing cuckold for over fifteen years. They had to be laughing about me behind my back. Now the expensive Christmas presents and birthday gifts from Luke to her made sense.

Dale was waiting for me when I got out of the car. I learned that Cheryl had called him about our plans. Dale even provided me with the key needed to gain access to Luke Barrow's house and the code to override the alarm if it was set. He handed me a piece of paper with a phone number. That number he said will lead you to those who can provide a service for you at a reasonable cost. I have talked to them and they are expecting you to call.

He had explained that he had grown up on the streets and still had the connections to get a few things done. The codes for Barrow's home he said would be good until the end of next week and then Luke Barrow's would get his monthly reminder to change his access codes.

He was going to sue Barrow for child support from the day that April had been born. Things were going to get very costly for Luke Barrow. Under state law, it could not be wiped out by declaring bankruptcy.

If Dale got his way his former boss would be broke before he was done. He was going to sue my wife Grace for adulty, marital abandonment, and fraud for deliberately passing off Luke Barrow's daughter as mine. It was Dale that suggested we sign over my parental authority for April to my parents temporarily until the court case is settled. I asked him why?

Dale explained that this way they can't say your weaponizing April against them. I know Luke is going to come after you as dirty and as mean as he can get. He will treat you the same way he treated all bottom feeders. Giving them the maximum sentence for the littlest thing. Sometimes the best defense is one's greatest offense.

I offered to use my debit card to put a down payment for his services and he said no, your wife will see it instantly and may catch on to what you're doing. Write me a check and I will hold it till after they are served. As soon as I left, I knew by just how he was thinking that everything he was doing would be done to give me the advantage and time to find out things. Cathy indeed had found me the best.

I left with the impression that Dale had his own reason for going after Luke Barrow the way he was. Both Grace and Luke were about to be hit with a shit full of stuff they could never have thought of. Dale Britton had just created his own version of the divorce game.


I had signed all the paperwork needed so that as of Friday my parents would have parental rights over April and had given them a copy. After Dale and I had explained the whole situation to them they had agreed it made sense.

I was waiting for Cheryl to arrive in her Ford Taurus an old two thousand and two model. David was off on his first sales trip. Cheryl would leave her car with me and take David's home.

My oldest had told me their mother would not be home for supper as she was going to join the girls right after work. As soon as Cheryl arrived the switch was done, and I had thrown my suitcase in the trunk.

"Ed," Cheryl said. "Dispatch and all the boys are on board. All I need is to know where."

"Thanks," I said. "Dale said to call him if it's a go so he can serve them personally. I'd like to know why Dale wants to take Luke Barrow down."

"With Dale, it's a matter of principle," Cheryl said. "Luke has a problem standing behind what he says."

It was interesting to watch both Grace and Luke leave in their separate cars. Both drove over to Charlies Bar and Grill and shared a meal of prime steak. Then one went one way while the other went another. I just drove over near to Luke Barrow's residence and waited. Dale's friends now my team had everything ready. I was in a safe place with a direct view of Luke's house

Grace showed up first. After pushing the code into the box to turn the alarm off she used her own key to unlock the door. We filmed her just long enough to see her enter the house. It was ten minutes later that Luke drove in. Grace opened the door to greet him.

Her blouse was completely open, and her bra was missing. Her full cleavage was in full view. Luke drew Grace into his arms and gave her a deep lovers kiss. As they were kissing, I caught his hands starting to play with her breasts. As soon as they closed the door, I stopped filming.

Six of the eight-room in Luke's house had been wired for video and sound. Luke Barrow's neighbor's son was doing major time. He had agreed to allow us to use his house as our base. Everything being caught inside Barrow's house was being streamed live on any Facebook page they were associated with.

We learned that they had a team following my car because Grace believed I would take the bait and I would start looking for a new love interest tonight. Since she knew my schedule they had the hooker they had hired planted because she knew my taste.

I texted Cheryl to inform her what I had just overheard. She called her husband David to let him know that he was being monitored. Being an ex-marine, he took direct protective action and deliberately drove the car safely off the road at ten at night. Then he had to call for a tow truck to pull him out.

He called his wife to report the accident. She texted me. I said it was a go and I gave the address. While waiting for things to happen I had slid over to Barrows's house and took the valves out of all the tire stems in their car tires because I did not them to have a chance to start to clean up the mess they were going to be in. The lovers would not be going anywhere for quite a while.

The police officers pulled in and banged on the door with their blue lights flashing looking for Grace Adams. Luke Barrows tried to deny she was there until the cops pointed out that her car was sitting in the driveway. Grace finally came to the door wrapped only in a bedsheet.

"Mrs. Grace Adams your husband Edward Paul's car was involved in a motor vehicle accident just outside Little Rock Arkansas. It was your parents who suggested we check for you here when you couldn't be located."

I took great pleasure in seeing Grace's face go white. The police officer had deliberately lied to her to cause them both some discomfort.

With that the police got into their cruiser and drove away I followed them not far behind. From the time the police arrived; to the moment they left it was all recorded and fed to Facebook as a live stream. We had the proof that the affair was still going on and so did the good citizens of Cape.

At midnight my oldest daughter Amy called saying, "Dad, Moms not home yet and my calls are going to her answer service. I'm getting worried she usually not this late. What should I do?"

"Call Luke Barrow's cell phone and ask him to put your mother on," I said as I texted her the number.

"What's her boss got to do with this," Amy said?"

"He's been her Thursday night girlfriend for over sixteen years, "I said.

I hung up and texted Amy part of the clip with Grace in a bed sheet talking to the cops with Luke Barrow wearing nothing but a pair of pajama bottoms from a burner phone.

Ten minutes later Amy called again and said, "Mom's phone is suddenly working again. She called me. She told me she was on lower East Broadway with four flat tires. I knew that she was lying and said that can't be true because it's nowhere near Luke Barrow's place. She said she was telling me the truth so I told her I saw the clip of her, and her lover talking to the cops. She said what clip so I sent it to her. Mom couldn't explain to me why she was clothed in a bedsheet."

"I wouldn't expect her home for hours, but you could do me a favor and open the front door," I said.

I was climbing out of the car when my daughter Amy saw me. She watched me get my suitcase from the trunk and walk towards her.

No sooner had I put the suitcase down when my cellphone rang. It was Dale Allan Britton. I answered and put the speaker on.

"Ed, I just served them both at his house," Dale said. "Your wife and her lover are now not allowed within 500 feet of you and any of your children. I shall inform the Cape police department before going back home."

"Do yourself a favor don't talk to her at all," Dale added. "If she shows up even to get clothing call the cops."

"Got it and so did my oldest daughter," I said. "Thanks, Dale."

"Amy, go open the garage so I can move Cheryl's car into it," I said. I'm supposed to be in Little Rock."

So that's what we did.

"Dad is that why the locksmith came just around six to change the locks?" Amy asked.

"Yes, it was a last-minute thing," I said. "I got Cathy to order it because it was becoming obvious that it would go down as we planned."

"What brought all of this out?" Amy asked.

"The DNA test your grandfather sent into Ancestry.Com," I said. "They got a match for April. He told me about it at work on Monday. When I contacted the lady, it turns out your mother's boss is her son whom she had given up for adoption when she was fifteen."

Amy my daughter lost it. I held her tight until she calmed down. Then we turned down the light and went into the kitchen to quietly talk.

I turned on my voice recorder and let Amy listen to the conversation her mother and I had while driving back from Nashville. It was very enlightening to hear what her mother said from her own lips.

"Why would mom want you to have an affair, Dad, "Amy asked?

"To nullify the consequences of hers if it was ever found out," I said. "Sad that her suggesting that resulted in the truth coming out."

There was a quiet knock at the door. Since I was not supposed to be home Amy answered it. It was a police officer who informed us they had stopped a taxi with Grace in it and told her she would be in violation of a court order if she went any further.


My eldest daughter and I discussed it all for the rest of the night. We both concluded that Grace should have become a writer because she had always had a story to tell about her girl's night out.

"I still can't believe that mom has had an ongoing affair with the same man for over sixteen years," Amy said. "Why didn't we see it?"

"It was easy," I said. "You kids were young. I was the sales manager who had to travel regularly every week for a meeting to different states. Out of trust in us as a couple, I saw no reason not to give your mother my blessing to have a weekly night out with the girls."

"Trust we all trusted her," Amy said. "That's what made us to blind to see what was going on behind the scene."

I sat there stunned. Unless my daughter had said it. I would never have seen it. It was her using our trust in her that allowed her to get away with it for so long.

Amy saw the tears filling my eyes and said. "That's what hurts the most. It's not the affair or the lies, it's the realization that she used our beliefs about her deliberately as a tool to continue the only relationship that meant anything to her."

"If your mother did that to someone she claimed to love," I said. "Imagine what she going to do to us when she starts to hate us for what she is going to be going through."

Amy got up to make us both a fresh cup of coffee. That's when I realized the dawn was starting. I got a text notification from my cellphone.

"It's from your mother she would like to have the chance to talk to me as soon as possible," I said. "She says there's a home problem with our oldest we have to discuss before I get back from my trip."

"How are you going to respond to her," my daughter asked in concern.

"Don't worry, Be Happy, Luke and you can still laugh about the big dufus behind my back," I said as I wrote it. "You can still move to St. Louis with Luke Barrow which was your plan all along just not with our kids."

Amy looked at me in total shock.

"Your mother no longer needed me," I said. "My usefulness to her was done. She wanted me to start an affair so she could use it against me in divorce court. She did not consider for a moment that after all this time that she would be caught."

It must have really hurt Amy to hear the words I texted to her mother. Not many are able to face the raw truth about anything. Most will call the one revealing it every vile name ever known because the real truth hurts. With time their acceptance of it will come. I stood up and took my daughter into my arms as she started shedding tears again.

We had gotten her calmed down when we heard Eric and April stirring. I turned the kitchen tv on to Kvos 12 to watch the local morning news like I always did.

It wasn't long till they were down eating breakfast to start the day. They were surprised to see me at home.

We were all surprised to see my wife's image on the screen. My son turned up the volume out of curiosity. I felt sorry for my kids at that moment because Luke and she were discussing how stupid and dumb I was.

Grace said plainly, "The dufus is such a mornon that he is blind to everything going around him."

Their mother then made a sarcastic remark about me that caused them both to break out in laughter. Then the reporter spoke.

"I don't think they are laughing anymore," He said. "After five hours of live screening of the long term lovers conduct on Facebook. Their plan to set Edward Adams up with a professional hooker so she could divorce him and take him for everything he ever had has blown up in their faces."

The next scene shown was Dale serving them both with the lawsuits.

The news reporter explained what the lawsuits were for. Alice just ran to me and sat on my lap bawling. It was a hell of a way for a sixteen-year-old to learn that her father was not her biological father her mother's long term lover was.

Eric summed it up well when he said, "If your nothing but a piece of shit in Mom's eye's what does it make the rest of us?"

Once April had calmed down Amy helped me explain what had taken place since their mother and I started our return from Nashville. I called their school and got them excused from classes for Friday and Monday to give them time to adjust and get most of their emotions worked out.

We were about to start breakfast when April said, "Dad, the Police Chief is coming on."

That got our attention, so we turned the volume back up. It was now publicly being announced that both Grace Adams and Luke Barrow our current district attorney were now under a criminal inquiry. A special team from across the county was being gathered to lead the investigation."

I thought to myself that when one's conduct becomes public knowledge the masses can't accept publicly what they do privately. Hypocrisy rules our society every day.

After breakfast and cleaning up I had my three children sit down at the table. I showed each of them a copy of the letter my dad had received.

I then said "April my parents are picking you up to take you to meet your bio dad's mother. She is dying of cancer and has asked to see you. There is a very big reason why, but I feel its best that the lady you're going to meet explain it to you. As far as I am concerned you are my daughter and always will be. Other than that, if you have any questions ask your grandparents."

"Amy, will you help your sister to pack for the weekend while I call my parents," I asked?

As soon as the girls went off my son said, "How are you handling it Dad?"

"I'm not," I replied. "I'm finding myself in a constant battle just to keep myself in control. Remember son if this ever happens to you. As a father, you have to remain strong for all the others in your life."

With that said I called my parents and explained where I was. They said they would be right over as soon as they finished loading their car. They still had an hour before they had to catch the plane.

I didn't realize that it was that moment my son's and my relationship had changed forever for the better.

The three of us watched the daughter I had raised leave with my parents to see her biological grandmother for the first time. I was praying first of all that it went well and that she would return feeling the same about me.

At the local District Attorney's office is was like a morgue. Grace Adams had gone out to purchase new clothes after having her car towed and her four tires stem's replaced. Luke Barrow was reading the suit against him. Although they did not have a direct DNA sample, they had it linked biologically in such a way there was no way he could deny parentage.

Everyone on staff now knew the truth about their relationship and long term affair. It and the fact that they had hidden the true parentage of April Adams was becoming a political nightmare. Under the law, Fraud has been expanded over time to include failure to disclose every pertinent fact concerning a situation. Dale was suing both Grace and him jointly because of that in a civil suit. It was looking more and more that they as a couple had been scamming her husband Ed for years.

Every lawyer he had called had said that Ed Adams and Dale Britton would be successful. Those same lawyers he had contacted so far wanted nothing to do with it. Most had already heard what Dale had done the last time as a defendant. It was pointed out that most defenses were based on an assumption that a pattern of certain facts would be presented in such a way that they could be argued. With Dale when he presented arguments in court most had found they had no defense by the time he was done.

The Facebook exposure of their conduct and the clear admittance by the two of them that they were trying to destroy an honest man so they could shack up together with as much of his assets as possible would not mean much but because of his position in society, it was front-page news.

Grace had just left the store she had shopped in for years because of the quality and uniqueness of the clothing lines. The last thing she had expected was to be faced with a lady asking if she was insane because she had to have known it was going to end badly.

When Grace asked what the lady was talking about that was when she learned as the lady put it she had been a fucking porno star on Facebook for at least five hours.

She had returned to Luke's house around one pm to discover a company was just finishing a service call. They had assumed she was the lady of the house and suggested that her husband and she reset all the security codes in the house. It wasn't until they had left that she realized that she was not asked to verify with an electronic signature that they had been there.

She called Luke and asked him who wanted to make sure that he did not get to assume the new position in St Louis. When he had asked why she told him what she had come back to. That was when they started to believe that there was more to this then just Ed protecting himself because both of them knew that his new job was a political appointment from the deep state.